import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mmcv import numpy as np import pycocotools.mask as mask_util from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from ..utils import mask2ndarray EPS = 1e-2 def color_val_matplotlib(color): """Convert various input in BGR order to normalized RGB matplotlib color tuples, Args: color (:obj:`Color`/str/tuple/int/ndarray): Color inputs Returns: tuple[float]: A tuple of 3 normalized floats indicating RGB channels. """ color = mmcv.color_val(color) color = [color / 255 for color in color[::-1]] return tuple(color) def imshow_det_bboxes(img, bboxes, labels, segms=None, class_names=None, score_thr=0, bbox_color='green', text_color='green', mask_color=None, thickness=2, font_size=13, win_name='', show=True, wait_time=0, out_file=None): """Draw bboxes and class labels (with scores) on an image. Args: img (str or ndarray): The image to be displayed. bboxes (ndarray): Bounding boxes (with scores), shaped (n, 4) or (n, 5). labels (ndarray): Labels of bboxes. segms (ndarray or None): Masks, shaped (n,h,w) or None class_names (list[str]): Names of each classes. score_thr (float): Minimum score of bboxes to be shown. Default: 0 bbox_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`):Color of bbox lines. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: 'green' text_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`):Color of texts. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: 'green' mask_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`, optional): Color of masks. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: None thickness (int): Thickness of lines. Default: 2 font_size (int): Font size of texts. Default: 13 show (bool): Whether to show the image. Default: True win_name (str): The window name. Default: '' wait_time (float): Value of waitKey param. Default: 0. out_file (str, optional): The filename to write the image. Default: None Returns: ndarray: The image with bboxes drawn on it. """ assert bboxes.ndim == 2, \ f' bboxes ndim should be 2, but its ndim is {bboxes.ndim}.' assert labels.ndim == 1, \ f' labels ndim should be 1, but its ndim is {labels.ndim}.' assert bboxes.shape[0] == labels.shape[0], \ 'bboxes.shape[0] and labels.shape[0] should have the same length.' assert bboxes.shape[1] == 4 or bboxes.shape[1] == 5, \ f' bboxes.shape[1] should be 4 or 5, but its {bboxes.shape[1]}.' img = mmcv.imread(img).astype(np.uint8) if score_thr > 0: assert bboxes.shape[1] == 5 scores = bboxes[:, -1] inds = scores > score_thr bboxes = bboxes[inds, :] labels = labels[inds] if segms is not None: segms = segms[inds, ...] mask_colors = [] if labels.shape[0] > 0: if mask_color is None: # random color np.random.seed(42) mask_colors = [ np.random.randint(0, 256, (1, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for _ in range(max(labels) + 1) ] else: # specify color mask_colors = [ np.array(mmcv.color_val(mask_color)[::-1], dtype=np.uint8) ] * ( max(labels) + 1) bbox_color = color_val_matplotlib(bbox_color) text_color = color_val_matplotlib(text_color) img = mmcv.bgr2rgb(img) width, height = img.shape[1], img.shape[0] img = np.ascontiguousarray(img) fig = plt.figure(win_name, frameon=False) plt.title(win_name) canvas = fig.canvas dpi = fig.get_dpi() # add a small EPS to avoid precision lost due to matplotlib's truncation # ( fig.set_size_inches((width + EPS) / dpi, (height + EPS) / dpi) # remove white edges by set subplot margin plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) ax = plt.gca() ax.axis('off') polygons = [] color = [] for i, (bbox, label) in enumerate(zip(bboxes, labels)): bbox_int = bbox.astype(np.int32) poly = [[bbox_int[0], bbox_int[1]], [bbox_int[0], bbox_int[3]], [bbox_int[2], bbox_int[3]], [bbox_int[2], bbox_int[1]]] np_poly = np.array(poly).reshape((4, 2)) polygons.append(Polygon(np_poly)) color.append(bbox_color) label_text = class_names[ label] if class_names is not None else f'class {label}' if len(bbox) > 4: label_text += f'|{bbox[-1]:.02f}' ax.text( bbox_int[0], bbox_int[1], f'{label_text}', bbox={ 'facecolor': 'black', 'alpha': 0.8, 'pad': 0.7, 'edgecolor': 'none' }, color=text_color, fontsize=font_size, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left') if segms is not None: color_mask = mask_colors[labels[i]] mask = segms[i].astype(bool) img[mask] = img[mask] * 0.5 + color_mask * 0.5 plt.imshow(img) p = PatchCollection( polygons, facecolor='none', edgecolors=color, linewidths=thickness) ax.add_collection(p) stream, _ = canvas.print_to_buffer() buffer = np.frombuffer(stream, dtype='uint8') img_rgba = buffer.reshape(height, width, 4) rgb, alpha = np.split(img_rgba, [3], axis=2) img = rgb.astype('uint8') img = mmcv.rgb2bgr(img) if show: # We do not use cv2 for display because in some cases, opencv will # conflict with Qt, it will output a warning: Current thread # is not the object's thread. You can refer to # for details if wait_time == 0: else: plt.pause(wait_time) if out_file is not None: mmcv.imwrite(img, out_file) plt.close() return img def imshow_gt_det_bboxes(img, annotation, result, class_names=None, score_thr=0, gt_bbox_color=(255, 102, 61), gt_text_color=(255, 102, 61), gt_mask_color=(255, 102, 61), det_bbox_color=(72, 101, 241), det_text_color=(72, 101, 241), det_mask_color=(72, 101, 241), thickness=2, font_size=13, win_name='', show=True, wait_time=0, out_file=None): """General visualization GT and result function. Args: img (str or ndarray): The image to be displayed.) annotation (dict): Ground truth annotations where contain keys of 'gt_bboxes' and 'gt_labels' or 'gt_masks' result (tuple[list] or list): The detection result, can be either (bbox, segm) or just bbox. class_names (list[str]): Names of each classes. score_thr (float): Minimum score of bboxes to be shown. Default: 0 gt_bbox_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`):Color of bbox lines. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: (255, 102, 61) gt_text_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`):Color of texts. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: (255, 102, 61) gt_mask_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`, optional): Color of masks. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: (255, 102, 61) det_bbox_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`):Color of bbox lines. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: (72, 101, 241) det_text_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`):Color of texts. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: (72, 101, 241) det_mask_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`, optional): Color of masks. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: (72, 101, 241) thickness (int): Thickness of lines. Default: 2 font_size (int): Font size of texts. Default: 13 win_name (str): The window name. Default: '' show (bool): Whether to show the image. Default: True wait_time (float): Value of waitKey param. Default: 0. out_file (str, optional): The filename to write the image. Default: None Returns: ndarray: The image with bboxes or masks drawn on it. """ assert 'gt_bboxes' in annotation assert 'gt_labels' in annotation assert isinstance( result, (tuple, list)), f'Expected tuple or list, but get {type(result)}' gt_masks = annotation.get('gt_masks', None) if gt_masks is not None: gt_masks = mask2ndarray(gt_masks) img = mmcv.imread(img) img = imshow_det_bboxes( img, annotation['gt_bboxes'], annotation['gt_labels'], gt_masks, class_names=class_names, bbox_color=gt_bbox_color, text_color=gt_text_color, mask_color=gt_mask_color, thickness=thickness, font_size=font_size, win_name=win_name, show=False) if isinstance(result, tuple): bbox_result, segm_result = result if isinstance(segm_result, tuple): segm_result = segm_result[0] # ms rcnn else: bbox_result, segm_result = result, None bboxes = np.vstack(bbox_result) labels = [ np.full(bbox.shape[0], i, dtype=np.int32) for i, bbox in enumerate(bbox_result) ] labels = np.concatenate(labels) segms = None if segm_result is not None and len(labels) > 0: # non empty segms = mmcv.concat_list(segm_result) segms = mask_util.decode(segms) segms = segms.transpose(2, 0, 1) img = imshow_det_bboxes( img, bboxes, labels, segms=segms, class_names=class_names, score_thr=score_thr, bbox_color=det_bbox_color, text_color=det_text_color, mask_color=det_mask_color, thickness=thickness, font_size=font_size, win_name=win_name, show=show, wait_time=wait_time, out_file=out_file) return img