# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import json import os import os.path as osp import torch import yaml import annotator.uniformer.mmcv as mmcv from ....parallel.utils import is_module_wrapper from ...dist_utils import master_only from ..hook import HOOKS from .base import LoggerHook @HOOKS.register_module() class PaviLoggerHook(LoggerHook): def __init__(self, init_kwargs=None, add_graph=False, add_last_ckpt=False, interval=10, ignore_last=True, reset_flag=False, by_epoch=True, img_key='img_info'): super(PaviLoggerHook, self).__init__(interval, ignore_last, reset_flag, by_epoch) self.init_kwargs = init_kwargs self.add_graph = add_graph self.add_last_ckpt = add_last_ckpt self.img_key = img_key @master_only def before_run(self, runner): super(PaviLoggerHook, self).before_run(runner) try: from pavi import SummaryWriter except ImportError: raise ImportError('Please run "pip install pavi" to install pavi.') self.run_name = runner.work_dir.split('/')[-1] if not self.init_kwargs: self.init_kwargs = dict() self.init_kwargs['name'] = self.run_name self.init_kwargs['model'] = runner._model_name if runner.meta is not None: if 'config_dict' in runner.meta: config_dict = runner.meta['config_dict'] assert isinstance( config_dict, dict), ('meta["config_dict"] has to be of a dict, ' f'but got {type(config_dict)}') elif 'config_file' in runner.meta: config_file = runner.meta['config_file'] config_dict = dict(mmcv.Config.fromfile(config_file)) else: config_dict = None if config_dict is not None: # 'max_.*iter' is parsed in pavi sdk as the maximum iterations # to properly set up the progress bar. config_dict = config_dict.copy() config_dict.setdefault('max_iter', runner.max_iters) # non-serializable values are first converted in # mmcv.dump to json config_dict = json.loads( mmcv.dump(config_dict, file_format='json')) session_text = yaml.dump(config_dict) self.init_kwargs['session_text'] = session_text self.writer = SummaryWriter(**self.init_kwargs) def get_step(self, runner): """Get the total training step/epoch.""" if self.get_mode(runner) == 'val' and self.by_epoch: return self.get_epoch(runner) else: return self.get_iter(runner) @master_only def log(self, runner): tags = self.get_loggable_tags(runner, add_mode=False) if tags: self.writer.add_scalars( self.get_mode(runner), tags, self.get_step(runner)) @master_only def after_run(self, runner): if self.add_last_ckpt: ckpt_path = osp.join(runner.work_dir, 'latest.pth') if osp.islink(ckpt_path): ckpt_path = osp.join(runner.work_dir, os.readlink(ckpt_path)) if osp.isfile(ckpt_path): # runner.epoch += 1 has been done before `after_run`. iteration = runner.epoch if self.by_epoch else runner.iter return self.writer.add_snapshot_file( tag=self.run_name, snapshot_file_path=ckpt_path, iteration=iteration) # flush the buffer and send a task ending signal to Pavi self.writer.close() @master_only def before_epoch(self, runner): if runner.epoch == 0 and self.add_graph: if is_module_wrapper(runner.model): _model = runner.model.module else: _model = runner.model device = next(_model.parameters()).device data = next(iter(runner.data_loader)) image = data[self.img_key][0:1].to(device) with torch.no_grad(): self.writer.add_graph(_model, image)