from mmcv.cnn.bricks import build_plugin_layer from mmcv.runner import force_fp32 from mmdet.models.builder import ROI_EXTRACTORS from .base_roi_extractor import BaseRoIExtractor @ROI_EXTRACTORS.register_module() class GenericRoIExtractor(BaseRoIExtractor): """Extract RoI features from all level feature maps levels. This is the implementation of `A novel Region of Interest Extraction Layer for Instance Segmentation `_. Args: aggregation (str): The method to aggregate multiple feature maps. Options are 'sum', 'concat'. Default: 'sum'. pre_cfg (dict | None): Specify pre-processing modules. Default: None. post_cfg (dict | None): Specify post-processing modules. Default: None. kwargs (keyword arguments): Arguments that are the same as :class:`BaseRoIExtractor`. """ def __init__(self, aggregation='sum', pre_cfg=None, post_cfg=None, **kwargs): super(GenericRoIExtractor, self).__init__(**kwargs) assert aggregation in ['sum', 'concat'] self.aggregation = aggregation self.with_post = post_cfg is not None self.with_pre = pre_cfg is not None # build pre/post processing modules if self.with_post: self.post_module = build_plugin_layer(post_cfg, '_post_module')[1] if self.with_pre: self.pre_module = build_plugin_layer(pre_cfg, '_pre_module')[1] @force_fp32(apply_to=('feats', ), out_fp16=True) def forward(self, feats, rois, roi_scale_factor=None): """Forward function.""" if len(feats) == 1: return self.roi_layers[0](feats[0], rois) out_size = self.roi_layers[0].output_size num_levels = len(feats) roi_feats = feats[0].new_zeros( rois.size(0), self.out_channels, *out_size) # some times rois is an empty tensor if roi_feats.shape[0] == 0: return roi_feats if roi_scale_factor is not None: rois = self.roi_rescale(rois, roi_scale_factor) # mark the starting channels for concat mode start_channels = 0 for i in range(num_levels): roi_feats_t = self.roi_layers[i](feats[i], rois) end_channels = start_channels + roi_feats_t.size(1) if self.with_pre: # apply pre-processing to a RoI extracted from each layer roi_feats_t = self.pre_module(roi_feats_t) if self.aggregation == 'sum': # and sum them all roi_feats += roi_feats_t else: # and concat them along channel dimension roi_feats[:, start_channels:end_channels] = roi_feats_t # update channels starting position start_channels = end_channels # check if concat channels match at the end if self.aggregation == 'concat': assert start_channels == self.out_channels if self.with_post: # apply post-processing before return the result roi_feats = self.post_module(roi_feats) return roi_feats