import csv import string import json import gensim.downloader as api import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import nltk import numpy as np import pandas as pd import gradio as gr import readability import seaborn as sns import torch from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from transformers import DistilBertTokenizer from transformers import pipeline'wordnet')'omw-1.4')'cmudict')'stopwords')'punkt') glove_vectors = api.load('glove-wiki-gigaword-100') tokenizer = DistilBertTokenizer.from_pretrained('distilbert-base-uncased') device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available else 'cpu') # loading model PATH = 'pytorchBERTmodel' model = torch.load(PATH, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) model.eval()'cpu') p = pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition") def wn_syns(word): synonyms = [] for syn in wn.synsets(word): for lm in syn.lemmas(): synonyms.append( return set(synonyms) w2v = dict({}) for idx, key in enumerate(glove_vectors.key_to_index.keys()): w2v[key] = glove_vectors.get_vector(key) def calculate_diversity(text): stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) for i in string.punctuation: stop_words.add(i) tokenized_text = word_tokenize(text) tokenized_text = list(map(lambda word: word.lower(), tokenized_text)) global sim_words sim_words = {} if len(tokenized_text) <= 1: return 1, "More Text Required" for idx, anc in enumerate(tokenized_text): if anc in stop_words or not anc in w2v or anc.isdigit(): sim_words[idx] = '@' continue vocab = [anc] for pos, comp in enumerate(tokenized_text): if pos == idx: continue if comp in stop_words: continue if not comp.isalpha(): continue try: if cosine_similarity(w2v[anc].reshape(1, -1), w2v[comp].reshape(1, -1)) > .75 or comp in wn_syns(anc): vocab.append(comp) except KeyError: continue sim_words[idx] = vocab print(sim_words) scores = {} for key, value in sim_words.items(): if len(value) == 1: scores[key] = -1 continue t_sim = len(value) t_rep = (len(value)) - (len(set(value))) score = ((t_sim - t_rep) / t_sim) ** 2 scores[key] = score mean_score = 0 total = 0 for value in scores.values(): if value == -1: continue mean_score += value total += 1 words = word_tokenize(text) interpret_values = [('', 0.0)] for key, value in scores.items(): interpret_values.append((words[key], value)) interpret_values.append(('', 0.0)) print(interpret_values) int_vals = {'original': text, 'interpretation': interpret_values} try: return int_vals, {"Diversity Score": mean_score / total} except ZeroDivisionError: return int_vals, {"Dviersity Score": "Not Enough Data"} def get_sim_words(text, word): word = word.strip() index = 0 text = word_tokenize(text) print(sim_words) for idx, i in enumerate(text): if word == i: index = idx break return ', '.join(sim_words[index]) def dict_to_list(dictionary, max_size=10): outer_list = [] inner_list = [] for key, value in dictionary.items(): inner_list.append(value) if len(inner_list) == max_size: outer_list.append(inner_list) inner_list = [] if len(inner_list) > 0: outer_list.append(inner_list) return outer_list def heatmap(scores, df): total = 0 loops = 0 for ratio in scores.values(): # conditional to visualize the difference between no ratio and a 0 ratio score if ratio != -.3: total += ratio loops += 1 diversity_average = total / loops return sns.heatmap(df, cmap='gist_gray_r', vmin=-.3).set( title='Word Diversity Score Heatmap (Average Score: ' + str(diversity_average) + ')') def stats(text): results = readability.getmeasures(text, lang='en') return results def predict(text, tokenizer=tokenizer): model.eval()'cpu') def prepare_data(text, tokenizer): input_ids = [] attention_masks = [] encoded_text = tokenizer.encode_plus( text, truncation=True, add_special_tokens=True, max_length=315, pad_to_max_length=True, return_attention_mask=True, return_tensors='pt' ) input_ids.append(encoded_text['input_ids']) attention_masks.append(encoded_text['attention_mask']) input_ids =, dim=0) attention_masks =, dim=0) return {'input_ids': input_ids, 'attention_masks': attention_masks} tokenized_example_text = prepare_data(text, tokenizer) with torch.no_grad(): result = model( tokenized_example_text['input_ids'].to('cpu'), attention_mask=tokenized_example_text['attention_masks'].to('cpu'), return_dict=True ).logits return result def level(score): if score <= 3: return "n Elementary School" elif 3 <= score <= 6: return " Middle School" elif 6 <= score <= 8: return " High School" else: return " College" def reading_difficulty(excerpt): if len(excerpt) == 0: return "No Text Provided" windows = [] words = tokenizer.tokenize(excerpt) if len(words) > 301: for idx, text in enumerate(words): if idx % 300 == 0: if idx <= len(words) - 301: x = ' '.join(words[idx: idx + 299]) windows.append(x) win_preds = [] for text in windows: win_preds.append(predict(text, tokenizer).item()) result = np.mean(win_preds) score = -(result * 1.786 + 6.4) + 10 return "Difficulty Level: " + str(round(score, 2)) + '/10' + ' | A' + str( level(score)) + " student could understand this" else: result = predict(excerpt).item() score = -(result * 1.786 + 6.4) + 10 return 'Difficulty Level: ' + str(round(score, 2)) + '/10' + ' | A' + str( level(score)) + " student could understand this" def calculate_stats(file_name, data_index): # unicode escape only for essays with open(file_name, encoding='unicode_escape') as f: information = {'lines': 0, 'words_per_sentence': 0, 'words': 0, 'syll_per_word': 0, 'characters_per_word': 0, 'reading_difficulty': 0} reader = csv.reader(f) for line in reader: if len(line[data_index]) < 100: continue # if detect(line[data_index][len(line[data_index]) -400: len(line[data_index])-1]) == 'en': try: stat = stats(line[data_index]) except ValueError: continue information['lines'] += 1 information['words_per_sentence'] += stat['sentence info']['words_per_sentence'] information['words'] += stat['sentence info']['words'] information['syll_per_word'] += stat['sentence info']['syll_per_word'] information['characters_per_word'] += stat['sentence info']['characters_per_word'] information['reading_difficulty'] += reading_difficulty(line[data_index]) for i in information: if i != 'lines' and i != 'words': information[i] /= information['lines'] return information def transcribe(audio): # speech to text using pipeline text = p(audio)["text"] return text def compute_score(target, actual): print(target) target = target.lower() actual = actual.lower() return fuzz.ratio(target, actual) def phon(text): alph = nltk.corpus.cmudict.dict() text = word_tokenize(text) pronun = [] for word in text: try: pronun.append(alph[word][0]) except Exception as e: pronun.append(word) def remove_digits(lists): for lst in lists: for idx, word in enumerate(lst): lst[idx] = ''.join([letter for letter in word if not letter.isdigit()]) return lists output = [] for i in remove_digits(pronun): output.append('-'.join(i).lower()) return ' '.join(output) def plot(): diversity = calculate_diversity(text)[0] print(diversity) df = pd.DataFrame(dict_to_list(diversity)) return heatmap(diversity, df) def sliding_window(text): words = word_tokenize(text) improved_window = [] improved_wind_preds = [] for idx, text in enumerate(words): if idx <= len(words) - 26: x = ' '.join(words[idx: idx + 25]) throw_away = [] score = 0 for idx, i in enumerate(range(idx, idx + 25)): if idx == 0: better_prediction = -(predict(x).item() * 1.786 + 6.4) + 10 score = better_prediction throw_away.append((better_prediction, i)) else: throw_away.append((score, i)) improved_window.append(throw_away) average_scores = {k: 0 for k in range(len(words) - 1)} total_windows = {k: 0 for k in range(len(words) - 1)} for idx, i in enumerate(improved_window): for score, idx in i: average_scores[idx] += score total_windows[idx] += 1 for k, v in total_windows.items(): if v != 0: average_scores[k] /= v inter_scores = [v for v in average_scores.values()] copy_list = inter_scores.copy() print(inter_scores) while len(inter_scores) <= len(words) - 1: inter_scores.append(copy_list[-1]) x = list(range(len(inter_scores))) y = inter_scores fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x, y, color='orange', linewidth=2) ax.grid(False) plt.xlabel('Word Number', fontweight='bold') plt.ylabel('Difficulty Score', fontweight='bold') plt.suptitle('Difficulty Score Across Text', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')'ggplot') ax.set_facecolor('w') fig = plt.gcf() mapd = [('', 0)] maxy = max(inter_scores) miny = min(inter_scores) spread = maxy - miny for idx, i in enumerate(words): mapd.append((i, (inter_scores[idx] - miny) / spread)) mapd.append(('', 0)) return fig, {'original': text, 'interpretation': mapd} def speech_to_text(speech, target): text = p(speech)["text"] return text.lower(), {'Pronunciation Score': compute_score(text, target) / 100}, phon(target) def speech_to_score(speech): text = p(speech)["text"] return reading_difficulty(text), text def my_i_func(text): return {"original": "", "interpretation": [('', 0.0), ('what', -0.2), ('great', 0.3), ('day', 0.5), ('', 0.0)]} def gen_syns(word, level): with open('balanced_synonym_data.json') as f: word = word.strip(" ") data = json.loads( school_to_level = {"Elementary Level":'1', "Middle School Level":'2', "High School Level":'3', "College Level":'4'} pins = wn_syns(word) reko = [] for i in pins: if i in data[school_to_level[level]]: reko.append(i) str_reko = "" for idx, i in enumerate(reko): if idx != len(reko) -1: str_reko+= i + ' | ' else: str_reko+= i return str_reko with gr.Blocks(title="Automatic Literacy and Speech Assesmen") as demo: gr.HTML("""
Automatic Literacy and Speech Assesment
""") with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): with gr.Box(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Group(): with gr.Tabs(): with gr.TabItem("Text"): in_text = gr.Textbox(label="Input Text Or Speech For Analysis") grade = gr.Button("Grade Your Text") with gr.TabItem("Speech"): audio_file = gr.Audio(source="microphone",type="filepath") grade1 = gr.Button("Grade Your Speech") with gr.Group(): gr.Markdown("Reading Level Based Synonyms | Enter only one word at a time") words = gr.Textbox(label="Word For Synonyms") lvl = gr.Dropdown(choices=["Elementary Level", "Middle School Level", "High School Level", "College Level" ], label="Intended Reading Level For Synonym") get_syns = gr.Button("Get Synonyms") reccos = gr.Label() with gr.Box(): diff_output = gr.Label(label='Difficulty Level',show_label=True) gr.Markdown("Difficulty Score Across Text") plotter = gr.Plot() with gr.Row(): with gr.Box(): div_output = gr.Label(label='Diversity Score', show_label=False) gr.Markdown("Diversity Heatmap | Blue cells are omitted from score | Darker = More Diverse") interpretation = gr.components.Interpretation(in_text, label="Diversity Heatmap") gr.Markdown("Find Similar Words | Word must be part of analysis text | Enter only one word at a time") words1 = gr.Textbox(label="Word For Similarity") find_sim = gr.Button("Find Similar Words") sims = gr.Label() with gr.Box(): gr.Markdown("Relative Difficulty Heatmap- How confusing the text is in that area") interpretation2 = gr.components.Interpretation(in_text, label="Difficulty Heatmap") with gr.Row(): with gr.Box(): with gr.Group(): target = gr.Textbox(label="Target Text") with gr.Group(): audio_file1 = gr.Audio(source="microphone",type="filepath") b1 = gr.Button("Grade Your Pronunciation") with gr.Box(): some_val = gr.Label() text = gr.Textbox() phones = gr.Textbox() gr.Markdown("""**Reading Difficulty**- Automatically determining how difficult something is to read is a difficult task as underlying semantics are relevant. To efficiently compute text difficulty, a Distil-Bert pre-trained model is fine-tuned for regression using The CommonLit Ease of Readability (CLEAR) Corpus. This model scores the text on how difficult it would be for a student to understand. """) gr.Markdown("""**Lexical Diversity**- The lexical diversity score is computed by taking the ratio of unique similar words to total similar words squared. The similarity is computed as if the cosine similarity of the word2vec embeddings is greater than .75. It is bad writing/speech practice to repeat the same words when it's possible not to. Vocabulary diversity is generally computed by taking the ratio of unique strings/ total strings. This does not give an indication if the person has a large vocabulary or if the topic does not require a diverse vocabulary to express it. This algorithm only scores the text based on how many times a unique word was chosen for a semantic idea, e.g., "Forest" and "Woods" are 2 words to represent one semantic idea, so this would receive a 100% lexical diversity score, vs using the word "Forest" twice would yield you a 25% diversity score, (1 unique word/ 2 total words)^2 """) gr.Markdown("""**Speech Pronunciation Scoring-**- The Wave2Vec 2.0 model is utilized to convert audio into text in real-time. The model predicts words or phonemes (smallest unit of speech distinguishing one word (or word element) from another) from the input audio from the user. Due to the nature of the model, users with poor pronunciation get inaccurate results. This project attempts to score pronunciation by asking a user to read a target excerpt into the microphone. We then pass this audio through Wave2Vec to get the inferred intended words. We measure the loss as the Levenshtein distance between the target and actual transcripts- the Levenshtein distance between two words is the minimum number of single-character edits required to change one word into the other. """), inputs=in_text, outputs=diff_output), inputs=in_text, outputs=[interpretation, div_output]), inputs=in_text, outputs=[plotter, interpretation2]), inputs=audio_file, outputs=diff_output), inputs=[audio_file1, target], outputs=[text, some_val, phones]), inputs=[words, lvl], outputs=reccos), inputs=[in_text, words1], outputs=sims) demo.launch(debug=True)