import os import torch import h5py import math import random from import DataLoader from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Callable, Tuple from tqdm import tqdm from PIL import Image from waifuset.classes import Dataset, ImageInfo from waifuset.utils import log_utils from .utils import encode_images, load_clip_models, quality_rating class LaionImageInfo: def __init__( self, img_path=None, im_emb_arr=None, rating=None, im_emb_arr_flipped=None, num_repeats=1, ): self.img_path = img_path self.im_emb_arr = im_emb_arr self.rating = rating self.im_emb_arr_flipped = im_emb_arr_flipped self.num_repeats = num_repeats class LaionDataset: def __init__( self, source, cache_to_disk=True, cache_path=None, batch_size=1, clip_batch_size=4, model2=None, preprocess=None, input_size=768, rating_func: Callable = quality_rating, repeating_func: Callable = None, shuffle=True, flip_aug: bool = True, device='cuda' ): if model2 is None or preprocess is None: model2, preprocess = load_clip_models(device) # RN50x64 if cache_to_disk and cache_path is None: raise ValueError("cache_path must be specified when cache_to_disk is True.") self.source = source self.cache_to_disk = cache_to_disk self.cache_path = Path(cache_path) self.model2, self.preprocess = model2, preprocess self.input_size = input_size self.rating_func = rating_func self.batch_size = batch_size self.encoder_batch_size = clip_batch_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.flip_aug = flip_aug self.device = device dataset: Dataset = Dataset(source, verbose=True) self.image_data = [] for img_key, img_info in tqdm(dataset.items(), desc='prepare dataset'): img_path = img_info.image_path rating = self.rating_func(img_info) laion_image_info = LaionImageInfo( img_path=img_path, rating=rating, ) self.register_image_info(laion_image_info) rating_counter = {} for laion_img_info in tqdm(self.image_data, desc='calculating num repeats (1/2)'): # to list rating: torch.Tensor = laion_img_info.rating rating_counter.setdefault(rating, 0) rating_counter[rating] += 1 for laion_img_info in tqdm(self.image_data, desc='calculating num repeats (2/2)'): benchmark = 30000 num_repeats = benchmark / rating_counter[laion_img_info.rating] prob = num_repeats - math.floor(num_repeats) num_repeats = math.floor(num_repeats) if random.random() < prob else math.ceil(num_repeats) laion_img_info.num_repeats = max(1, num_repeats) self.cache_embs() self.batches = self.make_batches() def register_image_info(self, image_info: LaionImageInfo): self.image_data.append(image_info) def cache_embs(self): self.cache_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) not_cached = [] # list of (image_info, flipped) num_cached = 0 # load cache if self.cache_to_disk: pbar = tqdm(total=len(self.image_data), desc='loading cache') def load_cached_emb(h5, image_info: LaionImageInfo, flipped=False): nonlocal num_cached image_key = image_info.img_path.stem if flipped: image_key = image_key + '_flipped' if image_key in h5: im_emb_arr = torch.from_numpy(f[image_key][:]) if im_emb_arr.shape[-1] != self.input_size: raise ValueError(f"Input size mismatched. Except {self.input_size} dim, but got {im_emb_arr.shape[-1]} dim loaded. Please check your cache file.") assert im_emb_arr.device == torch.device('cpu'), "flipped image emb should be on cpu" if flipped: image_info.im_emb_arr_flipped = im_emb_arr else: image_info.im_emb_arr = im_emb_arr num_cached += 1 else: not_cached.append((image_info, flipped)) if not is_h5_file(self.cache_path): # create cache"cache file not found, creating new cache file: {self.cache_path}") with h5py.File(self.cache_path, 'w') as f: pass else:"loading cache file: {self.cache_path}") with h5py.File(self.cache_path, 'r') as f: for image_info in self.image_data: load_cached_emb(f, image_info, flipped=False) if self.flip_aug: load_cached_emb(f, image_info, flipped=True) pbar.update() pbar.close() else: not_cached = [(image_info, False) for image_info in self.image_data] if self.flip_aug: not_cached += [(image_info, True) for image_info in self.image_data] # encode not-cached images if len(not_cached) == 0:"all images are cached.") else:"number of cached instances: {num_cached}")"number of not cached instances: {len(not_cached)}") batches = [not_cached[i:i + self.encoder_batch_size] for i in range(0, len(not_cached), self.encoder_batch_size)] pbar = tqdm(total=len(batches), desc='encoding images') def cache_batch_embs(h5, batch: List[Tuple[LaionImageInfo, bool]]): try: images = [ if not flipped else for image_info, flipped in batch] except: log_utils.error(f"Error occurred when loading one of the images: {[image_info.img_path for image_info, flipped in batch]}") raise im_emb_arrs = encode_images(images, self.model2, self.preprocess, device=self.device) # shape: [batch_size, input_size] for i, item in enumerate(batch): image_info, flipped = item im_emb_arr = im_emb_arrs[i] shape_size = len(im_emb_arr.shape) if shape_size == 1: im_emb_arr = im_emb_arr.unsqueeze(0) elif shape_size == 3: im_emb_arr = im_emb_arr.squeeze(1) image_key = image_info.img_path.stem assert im_emb_arr.device == torch.device('cpu'), "flipped image emb should be on cpu" if flipped: image_key = image_key + '_flipped' image_info.im_emb_arr_flipped = im_emb_arr else: image_info.im_emb_arr = im_emb_arr if self.cache_to_disk: if image_key in h5: continue h5.create_dataset(image_key, data=im_emb_arr.cpu().numpy()) try: h5 = h5py.File(self.cache_path, 'a') if self.cache_to_disk else None for batch in batches: cache_batch_embs(h5, batch) pbar.update() finally: if h5: h5.close() pbar.close() def make_batches(self): batches = [] repeated_image_data = [] for image_info in self.image_data: repeated_image_data += [image_info] * image_info.num_repeats"number of instances (repeated): {len(repeated_image_data)}") for i in range(0, len(repeated_image_data), self.batch_size): batch = repeated_image_data[i:i + self.batch_size] batches.append(batch) if self.shuffle: random.shuffle(batches) return batches def __getitem__(self, index): batch = self.batches[index] im_emb_arrs = [] ratings = [] for image_info in batch: flip = self.flip_aug and random.random() > 0.5 if not flip: im_emb_arr = image_info.im_emb_arr else: im_emb_arr = image_info.im_emb_arr_flipped rating = image_info.rating im_emb_arrs.append(im_emb_arr) ratings.append(rating) im_emb_arrs =, dim=0) ratings = torch.tensor(ratings).unsqueeze(-1) sample = dict( im_emb_arrs=im_emb_arrs, ratings=ratings, ) return sample def __len__(self): return len(self.batches) def collate_fn(batch): return batch[0] def get_rating_func(rating_func_type: str): if rating_func_type == 'quality': from .utils import quality_rating rating_func = quality_rating else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid rating type: {rating_func_type}") return rating_func def prepare_dataloader( dataset_source, cache_to_disk=True, cache_path=None, batch_size=1, clip_batch_size=4, model2=None, preprocess=None, input_size=768, rating_func: Callable = quality_rating, shuffle=True, flip_aug: bool = True, device='cuda', persistent_workers=False, max_data_loader_n_workers=0, ): dataset = LaionDataset( dataset_source, cache_to_disk=cache_to_disk, cache_path=cache_path, batch_size=batch_size, clip_batch_size=clip_batch_size, model2=model2, preprocess=preprocess, input_size=input_size, rating_func=rating_func, shuffle=shuffle, flip_aug=flip_aug, device=device, ) dataloader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=1, # fix to 1 shuffle=shuffle, num_workers=max_data_loader_n_workers, persistent_workers=persistent_workers, collate_fn=collate_fn, ) return dataset, dataloader def is_h5_file(cache_path): if not cache_path or not h5py.is_hdf5(cache_path): return False return True # def make_train_data( # dataset_source, # rating_func: Callable = quality_rating, # batch_size=1, # flip_aug: bool = True, # device='cuda' # ): # model2, preprocess = clip.load("ViT-L/14", device=device) # RN50x64 # dataset = Dataset.from_source(dataset_source, verbose=True) # x_train = [] # y_train = [] # batches = [dataset[i:i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(dataset), batch_size)] # for batch in tqdm(batches, desc='encoding images', smoothing=1): # im_emb_arr = encode_images([d.pil_img for d in batch], model2, preprocess, device=device) # shape: [batch_size, 768] # ratings = torch.tensor([rating_func(data) for data in batch]).unsqueeze(-1).to(device) # shape: [batch_size, 1] # x_train.append(im_emb_arr) # y_train.append(ratings) # x_train =, dim=0) # y_train =, dim=0) # return x_train, y_train def prepare_dtype(mixed_precision: str): weight_dtype = torch.float32 if mixed_precision == "fp16": weight_dtype = torch.float16 elif mixed_precision == "bf16": weight_dtype = torch.bfloat16 return weight_dtype def save_model(model, save_path, epoch=None): save_path = str(save_path) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_path), exist_ok=True) if epoch is not None: save_path = save_path.replace('.pth', f'_ep{epoch}.pth'), save_path) return save_path