import os import shutil from datetime import datetime from dotenv import load_dotenv from deepgram import DeepgramClient, PrerecordedOptions load_dotenv() API_KEY = os.getenv('DEEPGRAM_API_KEY') deepgram = DeepgramClient(API_KEY) def ensure_dir(directory): """Ensure the specified directory exists; if not, create it.""" if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) def transcribe_audio(audio_path): """Transcribes audio using Deepgram's API and saves the audio file with a unique timestamp.""" try: audio_storage_dir = "permanent_audio_files" ensure_dir(audio_storage_dir) # Generate a unique filename with a timestamp timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") filename = f"audio_{timestamp}.wav" permanent_audio_path = os.path.join(audio_storage_dir, filename) shutil.copy(audio_path, permanent_audio_path) print(f"Saved audio file to: {permanent_audio_path}") # Debug: Confirm file save options = PrerecordedOptions(model="nova-2", smart_format=True, language="en-AU") # Open the permanently stored audio file for transcription with open(permanent_audio_path, 'rb') as audio: source = {'buffer': audio} response = deepgram.listen.prerecorded.v("1").transcribe_file(source, options) transcript = response['results']['channels'][0]['alternatives'][0]['transcript'] return transcript except Exception as e: print("Error during transcription:", e) raise e return str(e)