import streamlit as st import yfinance as yf import numpy as np import pandas as pd import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots from scipy.stats import skew, kurtosis from scipy.stats import linregress from collections import defaultdict import requests from io import StringIO from datetime import datetime import re from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util import openai import talib import math import torch from datetime import datetime, timedelta from datetime import date import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objects as go from scipy.signal import find_peaks import json import ast import itertools # Sidebar for inputs st.sidebar.title("Trading Dashboard") capital_per_trade = st.sidebar.number_input("Capital Per Trade", value=2000, min_value=100) selected_strategy = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Strategy", ['Momentum', 'Reversal', 'Breakout']) # Initialize session state values if they don't exist if 'xsrf_token' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.xsrf_token = "" if 'laravel_token' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.laravel_token = "" if 'xsrf_cookie' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.xsrf_cookie = "" if 'laravel_session' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.laravel_session = "" if 'predicted_trend' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.predicted_trend = "" # Initialize session state for chat history if 'history' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.history = [] # Section 1: Stock and Volume Profile Inputs st.title("Real-time Volume Profile with Market Shape Detection") ticker = st.text_input("Enter Stock Ticker", value="AAPL") # Main interface with tab selection tab = st.selectbox("Select Tab", ["Chat Interface", "Headers and Cookies","Volume Footprint Upload"]) if tab == "Volume Footprint Upload": # Title of the app st.title("File Upload and Timeframe Selection") # File uploader uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a text file") # Dropdown for timeframe selection timeframe_options = ["5 seconds", "5 minutes", "1 day"] timeframe = st.selectbox("Select Timeframe", timeframe_options, index=1) # Default to "5 minutes" # Date and time picker for base timestamp # base_date = st.date_input("Select Base Date", datetime(2024, 6, 14).date()) base_date = st.date_input("Select Base Date", base_time = st.time_input("Select Base Time", datetime.strptime("15:55:00", "%H:%M:%S").time()) # Combine date and time into a single datetime object base_timestamp = datetime.combine(base_date, base_time) # Date picker for subsetting the data # subset_date = st.date_input("Select Subset Date", datetime(2024, 6, 1).date()) subset_date = st.date_input("Select Subset Date", marker = st.text_input("Enter Marker", value="~m~98~m~") st_input = st.text_input("Enter st_input", value="st23") default_date = input_date = st.date_input("Start Date", value=default_date) # Fetch stock data in real-time def fetch_stock_data(ticker, start, interval='1m'): stock_data =, start=start, interval=interval) return stock_data data = fetch_stock_data(ticker, input_date) temp_data = data.copy() # Ensure the DataFrame index is a DatetimeIndex for VWAP calculations temp_data.reset_index(inplace=True) # Reset index for column access temp_data.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(temp_data["Datetime"]), inplace=True) # Use 'Datetime' as the index # Function to calculate Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD) def calculate_cvd(data): """ Calculate the Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD) and additional metrics. """ data['delta'] = data['Close'] - data['Open'] # Price delta data['buy_volume'] = data['Volume'] * (data['delta'] > 0).astype(int) data['sell_volume'] = data['Volume'] * (data['delta'] < 0).astype(int) data['cvd'] = (data['buy_volume'] - data['sell_volume']).cumsum() return data # Function to identify support and resistance levels def identify_support_resistance(data, start_time, end_time): """ Identify support (most selling) and resistance (most buying) levels for a given time range. """ time_frame = data.between_time(start_time, end_time).copy() time_frame = calculate_cvd(time_frame) if time_frame.empty: return {} # Support: Price level with most selling (most negative CVD) support_idx = time_frame['cvd'].idxmin() support_level = time_frame.loc[support_idx, 'Close'] support_time = support_idx # Resistance: Price level with most buying (most positive CVD) resistance_idx = time_frame['cvd'].idxmax() resistance_level = time_frame.loc[resistance_idx, 'Close'] resistance_time = resistance_idx return { "support_level": round(support_level, 2), "support_time": support_time.tz_localize(None).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "resistance_level": round(resistance_level, 2), "resistance_time": resistance_time.tz_localize(None).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), } # Calculate CVD for the 09:30-16:00 timeframe cvd_data = temp_data.between_time("09:30", "16:00").copy() cvd_data = calculate_cvd(cvd_data) # Identify support and resistance for the 09:30-10:30 timeframe support_resistance_stats = identify_support_resistance(temp_data, "09:30", "10:30") support_level = support_resistance_stats["support_level"] support_time = support_resistance_stats["support_time"] resistance_level = support_resistance_stats["resistance_level"] resistance_time = support_resistance_stats["resistance_time"] # # Adding Buy/Sell signals to the data # cvd_data['signal'] = None # cvd_data['signal_type'] = None # # Logic for Buy/Sell signals # cvd_data['signal'] = cvd_data.apply( # lambda row: row['Close'] if (row['Close'] > resistance_level and row['cvd'] > cvd_data.loc[resistance_time, 'cvd']) else ( # row['Close'] if (row['Close'] < support_level and row['cvd'] < cvd_data.loc[support_time, 'cvd']) else None), # axis=1 # ) # cvd_data['signal_type'] = cvd_data.apply( # lambda row: 'Buy' if (row['Close'] > resistance_level and row['cvd'] > cvd_data.loc[resistance_time, 'cvd']) else ( # 'Sell' if (row['Close'] < support_level and row['cvd'] < cvd_data.loc[support_time, 'cvd']) else None), # axis=1 # ) # Identify the first Buy signal first_buy_signal = cvd_data[(cvd_data['Close'] > resistance_level) & (cvd_data['cvd'] > cvd_data.loc[resistance_time, 'cvd'])].iloc[:1] # Identify the first Sell signal first_sell_signal = cvd_data[(cvd_data['Close'] < support_level) & (cvd_data['cvd'] < cvd_data.loc[support_time, 'cvd'])].iloc[:1] # Add first Buy and Sell timestamps if available first_buy_time = first_buy_signal.index[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if not first_buy_signal.empty else "N/A" first_sell_time = first_sell_signal.index[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if not first_sell_signal.empty else "N/A" st.write("Buy Time: ", first_buy_time) st.write("Sell Time: ", first_sell_time) # Update hovertext to include first Buy/Sell timestamps cvd_data['hovertext'] = ( "Time: " + cvd_data.index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + "
Open: " + round(cvd_data['Open'], 2).astype(str) + "
High: " + round(cvd_data['High'], 2).astype(str) + "
Low: " + round(cvd_data['Low'], 2).astype(str) + "
Close: " + round(cvd_data['Close'], 2).astype(str) + "
CVD: " + round(cvd_data['cvd'], 2).astype(str) + f"
Support Level: {support_level}" + f"
Support Time: {support_time}" + f"
Resistance Level: {resistance_level}" + f"
Resistance Time: {resistance_time}" + f"
First Buy Time: {first_buy_time}" + f"
First Sell Time: {first_sell_time}" ) # Create the candlestick chart with CVD fig = go.Figure() # Add candlestick trace fig.add_trace(go.Candlestick( x=cvd_data.index, open=cvd_data['Open'], high=cvd_data['High'], low=cvd_data['Low'], close=cvd_data['Close'], name='Candlestick', hovertext=cvd_data['hovertext'], hoverinfo='text' )) # Add CVD as a line trace on a secondary y-axis fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=cvd_data.index, y=cvd_data['cvd'], mode='lines', name='Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD)', line=dict(color='orange'), yaxis='y2', # Use secondary y-axis )) # Add support line fig.add_shape( type="line", x0=cvd_data.index.min(), x1=cvd_data.index.max(), y0=support_level, y1=support_level, line=dict(color="blue", dash="dot"), name="Support Level", ) # Add resistance line fig.add_shape( type="line", x0=cvd_data.index.min(), x1=cvd_data.index.max(), y0=resistance_level, y1=resistance_level, line=dict(color="red", dash="dot"), name="Resistance Level", ) # # # Update layout to include a secondary y-axis for CVD # # fig.update_layout( # # title="Candlestick Chart with CVD (09:30-16:00) and Support/Resistance (09:30-10:30)", # # xaxis_title="Time", # # yaxis_title="Price", # # yaxis2=dict( # # title="CVD", # # overlaying='y', # # side='right' # # ), # # template="plotly_dark", # # hovermode="x unified" # # ) # # Adding Buy signals (triangle-up) # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( # x=cvd_data[cvd_data['signal_type'] == 'Buy'].index, # y=cvd_data[cvd_data['signal_type'] == 'Buy']['signal'], # mode='markers', # name='Buy Signal', # marker=dict(symbol='triangle-up', color='green', size=10), # hoverinfo='text', # hovertext="Buy Signal" # )) # # Adding Sell signals (triangle-down) # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( # x=cvd_data[cvd_data['signal_type'] == 'Sell'].index, # y=cvd_data[cvd_data['signal_type'] == 'Sell']['signal'], # mode='markers', # name='Sell Signal', # marker=dict(symbol='triangle-down', color='red', size=10), # hoverinfo='text', # hovertext="Sell Signal" # )) # # Update layout to include the signals # fig.update_layout( # title="Candlestick Chart with CVD and Buy/Sell Signals", # xaxis_title="Time", # yaxis_title="Price", # yaxis2=dict( # title="CVD", # overlaying='y', # side='right' # ), # template="plotly_dark", # hovermode="x unified" # ) # Add Buy signal (triangle-up) to the chart if not first_buy_signal.empty: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=first_buy_signal.index, y=first_buy_signal['Close'], mode='markers', name='First Buy Signal', marker=dict(symbol='triangle-up', color='green', size=10), hoverinfo='text', hovertext="First Buy Signal" )) # Add Sell signal (triangle-down) to the chart if not first_sell_signal.empty: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=first_sell_signal.index, y=first_sell_signal['Close'], mode='markers', name='First Sell Signal', marker=dict(symbol='triangle-down', color='red', size=10), hoverinfo='text', hovertext="First Sell Signal" )) # Update layout to include the filtered signals fig.update_layout( title="Candlestick Chart with CVD and First Buy/Sell Signals", xaxis_title="Time", yaxis_title="Price", yaxis2=dict( title="CVD", overlaying='y', side='right' ), template="plotly_dark", hovermode="x unified" ) # Display the chart in Streamlit st.plotly_chart(fig) # Submit button if st.button("Submit"): if uploaded_file is not None: # Read and process the uploaded file file_content ="utf-8") # # Strip everything after the ~m~98~m~ marker # marker = '~m~98~m~' file_content = file_content.split(marker)[0] try: # Load the JSON data from the file content main_data = json.loads(file_content) data_section = main_data['p'][1][st_input]['ns']['d'] # data_section = main_data['p'][1]['st2']['ns']['d'] nested_data = json.loads(data_section) footprint_levels = nested_data['graphicsCmds']['create']['footprintLevels'] df = pd.DataFrame(footprint_levels[0]['data']) footprints = nested_data['graphicsCmds']['create']['footprints'] df1 = pd.DataFrame(footprints[0]['data']) # Display the resulting DataFrame st.write("Footprint Levels DataFrame:") st.dataframe(df) st.write("Footprints DataFrame:") st.dataframe(df1) # Define the trading holidays trading_holidays = [ datetime(2024, 1, 1), # Monday, January 1 - New Year's Day datetime(2024, 1, 15), # Monday, January 15 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day datetime(2024, 2, 19), # Monday, February 19 - Presidents' Day datetime(2024, 3, 29), # Friday, March 29 - Good Friday datetime(2024, 5, 27), # Monday, May 27 - Memorial Day datetime(2024, 6, 19), # Wednesday, June 19 - Juneteenth National Independence Day datetime(2024, 7, 4), # Thursday, July 4 - Independence Day datetime(2024, 9, 2), # Monday, September 2 - Labor Day datetime(2024, 11, 28), # Thursday, November 28 - Thanksgiving Day datetime(2024, 12, 25), # Wednesday, December 25 - Christmas Day datetime(2025, 1, 1), # Wednesday, January 1 - New Year's Day datetime(2025, 1, 20), # Monday, January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day datetime(2025, 2, 17), # Monday, February 17 - Presidents' Day datetime(2025, 4, 18), # Friday, April 18 - Good Friday datetime(2025, 5, 26), # Monday, May 26 - Memorial Day datetime(2025, 6, 19), # Thursday, June 19 - Juneteenth National Independence Day datetime(2025, 7, 4), # Friday, July 4 - Independence Day datetime(2025, 9, 1), # Monday, September 1 - Labor Day datetime(2025, 11, 27), # Thursday, November 27 - Thanksgiving Day datetime(2025, 12, 25) # Thursday, December 25 - Christmas Day ] # Initialize the base timestamp for index 2245 # base_timestamp = datetime.strptime('2024-12-06 15:55:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # current_timestamp = base_timestamp current_timestamp = base_timestamp # Initialize a dictionary to store timestamps for each index # index_to_timestamp = {2245: current_timestamp} index_to_timestamp = {max(df1['index']): current_timestamp} # Market hours market_open = timedelta(hours=9, minutes=30) market_close = timedelta(hours=15, minutes=55) special_close = { datetime(2024, 11, 29).date(): timedelta(hours=12, minutes=55) # Special close time on 2024-11-29 } day_increment = timedelta(days=1) weekend_days = [5, 6] # Saturday and Sunday # Calculate the timestamps backward in 5-minute intervals, excluding weekends and outside market hours # for index in range(2244, -1, -1): for index in range(max(df1['index'])-1, -1, -1): # Subtract 5 minutes current_timestamp -= timedelta(minutes=5) # Check if current timestamp is before market open while (current_timestamp.time() < (datetime.min + market_open).time() or current_timestamp.time() > (datetime.min + special_close.get(, market_close)).time() or current_timestamp.weekday() in weekend_days or in [ for holiday in trading_holidays]): # Move to previous trading day if before market open if current_timestamp.time() < (datetime.min + market_open).time(): current_timestamp = datetime.combine( - day_increment, (datetime.min + special_close.get( - day_increment, market_close)).time()) else: # Otherwise, just subtract 5 minutes current_timestamp -= timedelta(minutes=5) # Skip weekends and trading holidays while current_timestamp.weekday() in weekend_days or in [ for holiday in trading_holidays]: current_timestamp -= day_increment current_timestamp = datetime.combine(, (datetime.min + special_close.get(, market_close)).time()) # Assign the calculated timestamp to the index index_to_timestamp[index] = current_timestamp # Create a list to hold the time series data time_series_data = [] # Iterate over df1 and extract levels data for i, row in df1.iterrows(): timestamp = index_to_timestamp.get(row['index']) if timestamp: levels = row['levels'] for level in levels: time_series_data.append({ 'timestamp': timestamp, 'price': level['price'], 'buyVolume': level['buyVolume'], 'sellVolume': level['sellVolume'], 'imbalance': level['imbalance'], 'index': row['index'] }) # Create the dataframe from the time series data series_df = pd.DataFrame(time_series_data) series_df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(series_df['timestamp']) series_df['date'] = series_df['timestamp'] # Subset the data based on the selected subset date subset_df = series_df[series_df['date'] == subset_date] filtered_df = subset_df.copy() # Sort by timestamp and price ascending filtered_df = filtered_df.sort_values(by=['timestamp', 'price']).reset_index(drop=True) # Calculate total volume at each price level filtered_df['totalVolume'] = filtered_df['buyVolume'] + filtered_df['sellVolume'] # Group by timestamp and identify the Point of Control (POC) for each 5-minute interval def calculate_poc(group): poc_price = group.loc[group['totalVolume'].idxmax(), 'price'] group['poc'] = poc_price # Calculate highest bid stacked imbalance and ask stacked imbalance group['highest_bid_stacked_imbalance'] = group['buyVolume'].max() group['highest_ask_stacked_imbalance'] = group['sellVolume'].max() # Calculate highest ask imbalance stack price (consider imbalance as 'sell' or 'both') ask_imbalance_filter = group[(group['imbalance'] == 'sell') | (group['imbalance'] == 'both')] if not ask_imbalance_filter.empty: highest_ask_imbalance_stack_price = ask_imbalance_filter.loc[ask_imbalance_filter['sellVolume'].idxmax(), 'price'] else: highest_ask_imbalance_stack_price = None group['highest_ask_imbalance_stack_price'] = highest_ask_imbalance_stack_price # Calculate highest bid imbalance stack price (consider imbalance as 'buy' or 'both') bid_imbalance_filter = group[(group['imbalance'] == 'buy') | (group['imbalance'] == 'both')] if not bid_imbalance_filter.empty: highest_bid_imbalance_stack_price = bid_imbalance_filter.loc[bid_imbalance_filter['buyVolume'].idxmax(), 'price'] else: highest_bid_imbalance_stack_price = None group['highest_bid_imbalance_stack_price'] = highest_bid_imbalance_stack_price # Calculate lowest ask imbalance price (consider imbalance as 'sell' or 'both') if not ask_imbalance_filter.empty: lowest_ask_imbalance_price = ask_imbalance_filter['price'].min() else: lowest_ask_imbalance_price = None group['lowest_ask_imbalance_price'] = lowest_ask_imbalance_price # Calculate highest bid imbalance price (consider imbalance as 'buy' or 'both') if not bid_imbalance_filter.empty: highest_bid_imbalance_price = bid_imbalance_filter['price'].max() else: highest_bid_imbalance_price = None group['highest_bid_imbalance_price'] = highest_bid_imbalance_price return group filtered_df = filtered_df.groupby('timestamp', group_keys=False).apply(calculate_poc) # Calculate delta (buyVolume - sellVolume) filtered_df['delta'] = filtered_df['buyVolume'] - filtered_df['sellVolume'] # Calculate total ask imbalance count and highest stacked imbalance count def calculate_imbalances(group): # Total ask imbalance count (where imbalance is 'sell' or 'both') ask_imbalance_count = ((group['imbalance'] == 'sell') | (group['imbalance'] == 'both')).sum() group['total_ask_imbalance_count'] = ask_imbalance_count # Highest stacked ask imbalance count (consecutive 'sell' or 'both' imbalance) max_stacked_ask_imbalance = ((group['imbalance'] == 'sell') | (group['imbalance'] == 'both')).astype(int).groupby(((group['imbalance'] != 'sell') & (group['imbalance'] != 'both')).cumsum()).cumsum().max() group['highest_stacked_ask_imbalance'] = max_stacked_ask_imbalance # Total bid imbalance count (where imbalance is 'buy' or 'both') bid_imbalance_count = ((group['imbalance'] == 'buy') | (group['imbalance'] == 'both')).sum() group['total_bid_imbalance_count'] = bid_imbalance_count # Highest stacked bid imbalance count (consecutive 'buy' or 'both' imbalance) max_stacked_bid_imbalance = ((group['imbalance'] == 'buy') | (group['imbalance'] == 'both')).astype(int).groupby(((group['imbalance'] != 'buy') & (group['imbalance'] != 'both')).cumsum()).cumsum().max() group['highest_stacked_bid_imbalance'] = max_stacked_bid_imbalance return group filtered_df = filtered_df.groupby('timestamp', group_keys=False).apply(calculate_imbalances) # Calculate total delta def calculate_delta(group): group['candle_delta'] = group['buyVolume'].sum() - group['sellVolume'].sum() return group filtered_df = filtered_df.groupby('timestamp', group_keys=False).apply(calculate_delta) filtered_df = filtered_df.sort_values(by=['timestamp', 'price']).reset_index(drop=True) def add_support_resistance_by_timestamp(df): # Initialize lists for final results support_levels_per_timestamp = [] resistance_levels_per_timestamp = [] # Group by timestamp grouped = df.groupby('timestamp') for timestamp, group in grouped: support_levels = [] resistance_levels = [] # Group consecutive rows with the same imbalance for _, sub_group in group.groupby((group['imbalance'] != group['imbalance'].shift()).cumsum()): if len(sub_group) >= 3: # Ensure the sub-group has at least 3 rows prices = sub_group['price'].tolist() imbalance_type = sub_group['imbalance'].iloc[0] # Identify support and resistance levels based on imbalance type if all(sub_group['imbalance'].isin(['buy', 'both'])): support_levels.append([round(p, 2) for p in prices]) elif all(sub_group['imbalance'].isin(['sell', 'both'])): resistance_levels.append([round(p, 2) for p in prices]) # Store levels for the current timestamp support_levels_per_timestamp.append((timestamp, support_levels)) resistance_levels_per_timestamp.append((timestamp, resistance_levels)) # Create new DataFrame columns df['support_imbalance'] = df['timestamp'].map( dict((timestamp, levels) for timestamp, levels in support_levels_per_timestamp) ) df['resistance_imbalance'] = df['timestamp'].map( dict((timestamp, levels) for timestamp, levels in resistance_levels_per_timestamp) ) return df # Apply the function to the filtered DataFrame filtered_df = add_support_resistance_by_timestamp(filtered_df) # Sort by timestamp and price filtered_df = filtered_df.sort_values(by=['timestamp', 'price']).reset_index(drop=True) # Group by timestamp and check for unfinished bid and ask auctions def check_auctions(group): min_price_row = group.loc[group['price'].idxmin()] max_price_row = group.loc[group['price'].idxmax()] buy_auction_status = 'incomplete' if min_price_row['buyVolume'] > 0 and min_price_row['sellVolume'] > 0 else 'complete' sell_auction_status = 'incomplete' if max_price_row['buyVolume'] > 0 and max_price_row['sellVolume'] > 0 else 'complete' group['buy_auction_status'] = buy_auction_status group['sell_auction_status'] = sell_auction_status return group # Apply the auction check function to each group filtered_df = filtered_df.groupby('timestamp').apply(check_auctions).reset_index(drop=True) # Define a function that converts the value to a list if needed def safe_literal_eval(val): if isinstance(val, str): try: return ast.literal_eval(val) except ValueError: print(f"Error in evaluating: {val}") return val # Optionally handle bad strings gracefully return val # Apply to the columns filtered_df['support_imbalance'] = filtered_df['support_imbalance'].apply(safe_literal_eval) filtered_df['resistance_imbalance'] = filtered_df['resistance_imbalance'].apply(safe_literal_eval) # Flatten the nested list and then take the set of unique elements filtered_df['support_imbalance_count'] = filtered_df['support_imbalance'].apply( lambda x: len(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(x))) if isinstance(x, list) else 0 ) filtered_df['resistance_imbalance_count'] = filtered_df['resistance_imbalance'].apply( lambda x: len(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(x))) if isinstance(x, list) else 0 ) # Initialize active support and resistance levels active_support_levels = [item for sublist in filtered_df.loc[0, 'support_imbalance'] for item in sublist] active_resistance_levels = [item for sublist in filtered_df.loc[0, 'resistance_imbalance'] for item in sublist] # Function to update active support and resistance levels def update_active_levels(active_levels, traded_price): # Remove levels that have been breached return [level for level in active_levels if level != traded_price] # Group by timestamp and update active levels active_levels_df = [] for timestamp, group in filtered_df.groupby('timestamp'): # print(timestamp) # print(active_support_levels) for idx, row in group.iterrows(): traded_price = round(row['price'],2) # print(traded_price) # Add new support and resistance levels from the current row new_support_levels = [item for sublist in row['support_imbalance'] for item in sublist] new_resistance_levels = [item for sublist in row['resistance_imbalance'] for item in sublist] # Update active support and resistance levels with new levels active_support_levels = list(set(active_support_levels + new_support_levels)) active_resistance_levels = list(set(active_resistance_levels + new_resistance_levels)) # Update support levels active_support_levels = update_active_levels(active_support_levels, traded_price) # Update resistance levels active_resistance_levels = update_active_levels(active_resistance_levels, traded_price) # Sort the active support and resistance levels active_support_levels = sorted(active_support_levels) active_resistance_levels = sorted(active_resistance_levels) # Append the updated levels to the dataframe active_levels_df.append({ 'timestamp': timestamp, 'active_support_levels': active_support_levels, 'active_resistance_levels': active_resistance_levels }) # Create a DataFrame for active levels active_levels_df = pd.DataFrame(active_levels_df) temp_df = active_levels_df temp_df['active_support_levels'] = temp_df['active_support_levels'].apply(str) temp_df['active_resistance_levels'] = temp_df['active_resistance_levels'].apply(str) temp_df = temp_df.drop_duplicates().reset_index() # Convert 'support_imbalance' and 'resistance_imbalance' columns to strings filtered_df['support_imbalance'] = filtered_df['support_imbalance'].apply(str) filtered_df['resistance_imbalance'] = filtered_df['resistance_imbalance'].apply(str) # Reset index and filter required columns temp_filter_df = filtered_df[['timestamp','poc','highest_bid_stacked_imbalance','highest_ask_stacked_imbalance','highest_ask_imbalance_stack_price','highest_bid_imbalance_stack_price', 'lowest_ask_imbalance_price','highest_bid_imbalance_price', 'total_ask_imbalance_count','highest_stacked_ask_imbalance', 'total_bid_imbalance_count','highest_stacked_bid_imbalance', # 'active_support_levels','active_resistance_levels', 'support_imbalance_count','resistance_imbalance_count', 'support_imbalance', 'resistance_imbalance','candle_delta']].drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True) # Create consecutive POC flag and count highest consecutive POC temp_filter_df['consecutive_poc_flag'] = temp_filter_df['poc'].eq(temp_filter_df['poc'].shift()) # Calculate the highest consecutive POC count temp_filter_df['highest_consecutive_poc_count'] = temp_filter_df['poc'].groupby((temp_filter_df['poc'] != temp_filter_df['poc'].shift()).cumsum()).transform('count') st.dataframe(temp_filter_df) # ticker = 'WMT' temp_filter_df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(temp_filter_df['timestamp']) # Downloading NKE data from yfinance in 5-minute intervals (only available for the last 60 days) stock_data =, interval='5m', period='5d', progress=False) # Resetting the index of downloaded NKE data and renaming columns stock_data.reset_index(inplace=True) stock_data['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(stock_data['Datetime']).dt.tz_localize(None) # Rounding Open, High, Low, Close, and Adj Close columns to two decimals stock_data[['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Adj Close']] = stock_data[['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Adj Close']].round(2) # Adding a new column to indicate the trend as Bullish or Bearish stock_data['Candle_Trend'] = stock_data.apply(lambda row: 'Bullish' if row['Adj Close'] > row['Open'] else 'Bearish', axis=1) # Left join the existing dataframe with NKE data merged_df = pd.merge(temp_filter_df, stock_data, how='left', on='timestamp') # Adding a new column 'poc_direction' merged_df['poc_direction'] = merged_df.apply(lambda row: 'bullish' if row['Adj Close'] >= row['poc'] else 'bearish', axis=1) merged_df['highest_ask_imbalance_price_direction'] = merged_df.apply( lambda row: '' if np.isnan(row['highest_ask_imbalance_stack_price']) else ('bullish' if row['Adj Close'] >= row['highest_ask_imbalance_stack_price'] else 'bearish'), axis=1 ) merged_df['highest_bid_imbalance_price_direction'] = merged_df.apply( lambda row: '' if np.isnan(row['highest_bid_imbalance_stack_price']) else ('bullish' if row['Adj Close'] >= row['highest_bid_imbalance_stack_price'] else 'bearish'), axis=1 ) merged_df['total_bid_ask_count_direction'] = merged_df.apply( lambda row: 'bearish' if row['total_ask_imbalance_count'] > row['total_bid_imbalance_count'] else ('neutral' if row['total_ask_imbalance_count'] == row['total_bid_imbalance_count'] else 'bullish'), axis=1 ) merged_df['imbalance_support_resistance_direction'] = merged_df.apply( lambda row: 'bearish' if row['resistance_imbalance_count'] > row['support_imbalance_count'] else ('neutral' if row['resistance_imbalance_count'] == row['support_imbalance_count'] else 'bullish'), axis=1 ) # Add 'selling_activity' column merged_df['selling_activity'] = merged_df.apply( lambda row: 'selling absorption' if row['Adj Close'] > row['lowest_ask_imbalance_price'] else ('selling initiation' if row['Adj Close'] <= row['lowest_ask_imbalance_price'] else 'neutral'), axis=1 ) # Add 'buying_activity' column merged_df['buying_activity'] = merged_df.apply( lambda row: 'buying absorption' if row['Adj Close'] < row['highest_bid_imbalance_price'] else ('buying initiation' if row['Adj Close'] >= row['highest_bid_imbalance_price'] else 'neutral'), axis=1 ) # Adding a new column called 'activity_type' def determine_activity_type(row): if row['Candle_Trend'] == 'Bullish' and row['candle_delta'] < 0: return 'absorption' elif row['Candle_Trend'] == 'Bearish' and row['candle_delta'] > 0: return 'absorption' else: return 'neutral' merged_df['candle_delta_divergence_type'] = merged_df.apply(determine_activity_type, axis=1) st.dataframe(merged_df[['timestamp','poc','Adj Close','poc_direction','highest_ask_imbalance_price_direction','highest_bid_imbalance_price_direction','total_bid_ask_count_direction','imbalance_support_resistance_direction','buying_activity','selling_activity','candle_delta_divergence_type','Candle_Trend','candle_delta','support_imbalance_count','resistance_imbalance_count','highest_ask_imbalance_stack_price','highest_bid_imbalance_stack_price']]) # st.dataframe(merged_df) st.write("Time Series DataFrame (last 20 entries):") st.dataframe(series_df.tail(20)) st.write(f"Subset DataFrame (entries on {subset_date}):") st.dataframe(subset_df) # Group by timestamp and sum the buyVolume and sellVolume grouped_df = subset_df.groupby('timestamp').agg({ 'buyVolume': 'sum', 'sellVolume': 'sum', 'price': ['min', 'max'] }).reset_index() # Rename columns for clarity grouped_df.columns = ['timestamp', 'total_buy_volume', 'total_sell_volume', 'min_price', 'max_price'] # Sort values by timestamp grouped_df = grouped_df.sort_values(by='timestamp', ascending=True) # Calculate VWAP def calculate_vwap(df): df['cum_volume'] = df['total_buy_volume'] + df['total_sell_volume'] df['cum_vwap'] = (df['min_price'] * df['total_buy_volume'] + df['max_price'] * df['total_sell_volume']).cumsum() / df['cum_volume'].cumsum() return df['cum_vwap'] # Calculate Support and Resistance Levels def calc_support_resistance(df, window_size=5): support_levels = [] resistance_levels = [] for i in range(len(df)): if i < window_size: support_levels.append(np.nan) resistance_levels.append(np.nan) continue window = df.iloc[i-window_size:i] # Identify support and resistance based on volume peaks and price reversals buy_peak = window.loc[window['total_buy_volume'].idxmax()] sell_peak = window.loc[window['total_sell_volume'].idxmax()] support = buy_peak['min_price'] if buy_peak['min_price'] < df['min_price'].iloc[i] else np.nan resistance = sell_peak['max_price'] if sell_peak['max_price'] > df['max_price'].iloc[i] else np.nan support_levels.append(support) resistance_levels.append(resistance) return support_levels, resistance_levels # Calculate VWAP grouped_df['VWAP'] = calculate_vwap(grouped_df) # Calculate support and resistance levels grouped_df['Support'], grouped_df['Resistance'] = calc_support_resistance(grouped_df) # Plotting with Plotly fig = go.Figure() # Add price line fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=grouped_df['timestamp'], y=(grouped_df['min_price'] + grouped_df['max_price'])/2, mode='lines', name='Price')) # Add VWAP line fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=grouped_df['timestamp'], y=grouped_df['VWAP'], mode='lines', name='VWAP', line=dict(dash='dash'))) # Add support levels fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=grouped_df['timestamp'], y=grouped_df['Support'], mode='markers', name='Support', marker=dict(color='green', size=5, symbol='triangle-up'))) # Add resistance levels fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=grouped_df['timestamp'], y=grouped_df['Resistance'], mode='markers', name='Resistance', marker=dict(color='red', size=5, symbol='triangle-down'))) # Add buy imbalance markers buy_imbalance = subset_df[subset_df['imbalance'] == 'buy'] fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=buy_imbalance['timestamp'], y=buy_imbalance['price'], mode='markers', name='Buy Imbalance', marker=dict(color='blue', size=5, symbol='circle'))) # Add sell imbalance markers sell_imbalance = subset_df[subset_df['imbalance'] == 'sell'] fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=sell_imbalance['timestamp'], y=sell_imbalance['price'], mode='markers', name='Sell Imbalance', marker=dict(color='orange', size=5, symbol='circle'))) # Update layout fig.update_layout( title='Price with Support and Resistance Levels based on Volume and Imbalance', xaxis_title='Time', yaxis_title='Price', xaxis=dict( tickformat='%H:%M\n%b %d', tickmode='linear', dtick=300000 # 5 minutes in milliseconds ), template='plotly_dark' ) # Show the plot st.plotly_chart(fig) # Additional chart for buy and sell volumes at each price point # Sum up the buy and sell volumes at each price point volume_df = subset_df.groupby(['timestamp', 'price']).agg({ 'buyVolume': 'sum', 'sellVolume': 'sum' }).reset_index() # Calculate the sum of buy and sell volumes at each timestamp volume_sum_df = subset_df.groupby('timestamp').agg({ 'buyVolume': 'sum', 'sellVolume': 'sum' }).reset_index() # Create the figure fig2 = go.Figure() # Add the price line fig2.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=volume_df['timestamp'], y=volume_df['price'], mode='lines', name='Price', line=dict(color='blue'))) # Add buy volumes as green markers fig2.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=volume_df['timestamp'], y=volume_df['price'], mode='markers', name='Buy Volume', marker=dict(color='green', size=volume_df['buyVolume'] / 1000, symbol='circle'), opacity=0.6)) # Add sell volumes as red markers fig2.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=volume_df['timestamp'], y=volume_df['price'], mode='markers', name='Sell Volume', marker=dict(color='red', size=volume_df['sellVolume'] / 1000, symbol='circle'), opacity=0.6)) # Add secondary y-axis for volume sums fig2.add_trace(go.Bar(x=volume_sum_df['timestamp'], y=volume_sum_df['buyVolume'], name='Total Buy Volume', marker=dict(color='green'), yaxis='y2')) fig2.add_trace(go.Bar(x=volume_sum_df['timestamp'], y=volume_sum_df['sellVolume'], name='Total Sell Volume', marker=dict(color='red'), yaxis='y2')) # Update layout for secondary y-axis fig2.update_layout( title='Buy and Sell Volumes at Each Price Point', xaxis_title='Time', yaxis_title='Price', yaxis2=dict(title='Volume', overlaying='y', side='right'), template='plotly_dark', barmode='stack', bargap=0.2 ) # Show the plot st.plotly_chart(fig2) # Third chart: Candlestick with highlighted candles # Sum up the buy and sell volumes at each price point volume_df = subset_df.groupby(['timestamp', 'price']).agg({ 'buyVolume': 'sum', 'sellVolume': 'sum' }).reset_index() # Calculate the sum of buy and sell volumes at each timestamp volume_sum_df = subset_df.groupby('timestamp').agg({ 'buyVolume': 'sum', 'sellVolume': 'sum' }).reset_index() temp_volume_df = volume_df temp_volume_df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(temp_volume_df['timestamp']) # Group by timestamp and calculate the min and max price for each timestamp grouped_prices = temp_volume_df.groupby('timestamp').agg( maxprice=('price', 'max'), minprice=('price', 'min') ).reset_index() # Merge the grouped prices back into the original dataframe temp_volume_df = temp_volume_df.merge(grouped_prices, on='timestamp', how='left') # Function to calculate volumes at min and max prices for each timestamp def calculate_volumes(group): min_price = group['minprice'].iloc[0] max_price = group['maxprice'].iloc[0] min_price_data = group[group['price'] == min_price] max_price_data = group[group['price'] == max_price] min_buy_volume = min_price_data['buyVolume'].sum() min_sell_volume = min_price_data['sellVolume'].sum() max_buy_volume = max_price_data['buyVolume'].sum() max_sell_volume = max_price_data['sellVolume'].sum() group['minPricebuyVolume'] = min_buy_volume group['minPricesellVolume'] = min_sell_volume group['maxPricebuyVolume'] = max_buy_volume group['maxPricesellVolume'] = max_sell_volume return group # Apply the function to calculate volumes for each group temp_volume_df = temp_volume_df.groupby('timestamp').apply(calculate_volumes).reset_index(drop=True) # Calculate the min and max price for each timestamp and the total buy/sell volume candlestick_data = temp_volume_df.groupby('timestamp').agg({ 'price': ['min', 'max'], 'buyVolume': 'sum', 'sellVolume': 'sum', 'minPricebuyVolume': 'first', 'minPricesellVolume': 'first', 'maxPricebuyVolume': 'first', 'maxPricesellVolume': 'first' }) candlestick_data.columns = [ 'low', 'high', 'totalBuyVolume', 'totalSellVolume', 'MinPricebuyVolume', 'MinPricesellVolume', 'MaxPricebuyVolume', 'MaxPricesellVolume' ] candlestick_data.reset_index(inplace=True) # Create the candlestick chart fig3 = go.Figure() for i, row in candlestick_data.iterrows(): color = 'red' if (row['MinPricebuyVolume'] != 0) else 'blue' color = 'green' if (row['MaxPricesellVolume'] != 0) else 'blue' fig3.add_trace(go.Candlestick( x=[row['timestamp']], open=[row['low']], high=[row['high']], low=[row['low']], close=[row['high']], increasing_line_color=color, decreasing_line_color=color, showlegend=False )) fig3.update_layout( title='Candlestick Chart with Highlighted Candles', xaxis_title='Timestamp', yaxis_title='Price' ) st.plotly_chart(fig3) # Fourth chart: Volume Clusters volume_df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(volume_df['timestamp']) # Group by price to calculate total buy and sell volumes at each price level volume_by_price = volume_df.groupby('price').agg( totalBuyVolume=('buyVolume', 'sum'), totalSellVolume=('sellVolume', 'sum') ).reset_index() # Calculate the min and max price for each timestamp for the candlestick chart candlestick_data = volume_df.groupby('timestamp').agg( open=('price', 'first'), high=('price', 'max'), low=('price', 'min'), close=('price', 'last') ).reset_index() # Plot the candlestick chart fig4 = go.Figure(data=[go.Candlestick( x=candlestick_data['timestamp'], open=candlestick_data['open'], high=candlestick_data['high'], low=candlestick_data['low'], close=candlestick_data['close'] )]) # Add buy volume clusters fig4.add_trace(go.Bar( x=volume_by_price['totalBuyVolume'], y=volume_by_price['price'], orientation='h', marker=dict(color='green', opacity=0.5), name='Buy Volume', xaxis='x2' )) # Add sell volume clusters fig4.add_trace(go.Bar( x=volume_by_price['totalSellVolume'], y=volume_by_price['price'], orientation='h', marker=dict(color='red', opacity=0.5), name='Sell Volume', xaxis='x2' )) # Update layout to include secondary x-axis and adjust the size fig4.update_layout( title='Candlestick Chart with Volume Clusters', xaxis_title='Timestamp', yaxis_title='Price', xaxis2=dict(title='Volume', overlaying='x', side='top'), barmode='overlay', width=1200, height=800 ) st.plotly_chart(fig4) # Fifth chart: Candlestick with HVNs and LVNs volume_df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(volume_df['timestamp']) # Group by price to calculate total buy and sell volumes at each price level volume_by_price = volume_df.groupby('price').agg( totalBuyVolume=('buyVolume', 'sum'), totalSellVolume=('sellVolume', 'sum') ).reset_index() # Identify High Volume Nodes (HVNs) and Low Volume Nodes (LVNs) threshold_high = volume_by_price['totalBuyVolume'].quantile(0.75) threshold_low = volume_by_price['totalBuyVolume'].quantile(0.25) hvns = volume_by_price[volume_by_price['totalBuyVolume'] >= threshold_high] lvns = volume_by_price[volume_by_price['totalBuyVolume'] <= threshold_low] # Calculate the min and max price for each timestamp for the candlestick chart candlestick_data = volume_df.groupby('timestamp').agg( open=('price', 'first'), high=('price', 'max'), low=('price', 'min'), close=('price', 'last') ).reset_index() # Plot the candlestick chart fig5 = go.Figure(data=[go.Candlestick( x=candlestick_data['timestamp'], open=candlestick_data['open'], high=candlestick_data['high'], low=candlestick_data['low'], close=candlestick_data['close'] )]) # Add HVNs fig5.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=hvns['totalBuyVolume'], y=hvns['price'], mode='markers', marker=dict(color='blue', size=10), name='High Volume Nodes (HVNs)', xaxis='x2' )) # Add LVNs fig5.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=lvns['totalBuyVolume'], y=lvns['price'], mode='markers', marker=dict(color='yellow', size=10), name='Low Volume Nodes (LVNs)', xaxis='x2' )) # Add support and resistance lines based on HVNs for price in hvns['price']: fig5.add_hline(y=price, line=dict(color='green', dash='dash'), name=f'Resistance {price}') # Add potential breakout/breakdown zones based on LVNs for price in lvns['price']: fig5.add_hline(y=price, line=dict(color='red', dash='dash'), name=f'Breakout/Breakdown {price}') # Update layout to include secondary x-axis and adjust the size fig5.update_layout( title='Candlestick Chart with HVNs, LVNs, Support and Resistance', xaxis_title='Timestamp', yaxis_title='Price', xaxis2=dict(title='Volume', overlaying='x', side='top'), barmode='overlay', width=1200, height=800 ) st.plotly_chart(fig5) # Sixth chart: Delta (Buy Volume - Sell Volume) by Price and Timestamp volume_df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(volume_df['timestamp']) # Calculate delta (buy volume - sell volume) for each price level volume_df['delta'] = volume_df['buyVolume'] - volume_df['sellVolume'] # Group by timestamp and price to calculate total delta at each price level delta_by_price = volume_df.groupby(['timestamp', 'price']).agg( totalDelta=('delta', 'sum') ).reset_index() # Plot delta with x axis as timestamp, y axis as price and delta at those prices fig6 = go.Figure(data=go.Heatmap( x=delta_by_price['timestamp'], y=delta_by_price['price'], z=delta_by_price['totalDelta'], colorscale='RdYlGn', colorbar=dict(title='Delta') )) # Update layout to adjust the size fig6.update_layout( title='Delta (Buy Volume - Sell Volume) by Price and Timestamp', xaxis_title='Timestamp', yaxis_title='Price', width=1200, height=800 ) st.plotly_chart(fig6) # Seventh chart: Candlestick Chart with Top 5 Market Absorptions volume_df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(volume_df['timestamp']) # Calculate the min and max price for each timestamp candlestick_data = volume_df.groupby('timestamp').agg({'price': ['min', 'max']}) candlestick_data.columns = ['low', 'high'] candlestick_data.reset_index(inplace=True) # Calculate total volume (buyVolume + sellVolume) for each price level volume_df['totalVolume'] = volume_df['buyVolume'] + volume_df['sellVolume'] # Identify the top 5 prices with the highest market absorption (totalVolume) for the entire day top_absorptions = volume_df.nlargest(5, 'totalVolume') # Create the candlestick chart fig7 = go.Figure(data=[go.Candlestick( x=candlestick_data['timestamp'], low=candlestick_data['low'], high=candlestick_data['high'], open=candlestick_data['low'], close=candlestick_data['high'] )]) # Plot top 5 market absorptions as lines for _, row in top_absorptions.iterrows(): fig7.add_shape( type="line", x0=row['timestamp'], y0=row['price'], x1=row['timestamp'] + pd.Timedelta(minutes=30), # Adjust the end point as needed y1=row['price'], line=dict(color="Purple", width=2), name='Top Market Absorption' ) fig7.update_layout( title='Candlestick Chart with Top 5 Market Absorptions', xaxis_title='Timestamp', yaxis_title='Price', width=1200, height=800 ) st.plotly_chart(fig7) # Eighth chart: Aggressive Orders + Delta Setup volume_df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(volume_df['timestamp']) volume_df['delta'] = volume_df['buyVolume'] - volume_df['sellVolume'] # Step 1: Identify strong Support/Resistance zones (for simplicity, we'll set static S/R zones) support_zone = 250.59 resistance_zone = 253.40 # Step 2: Analyze Order Flow data to identify aggressive orders near S/R zones aggressive_orders = volume_df[ ((volume_df['price'] <= support_zone) & (volume_df['buyVolume'] > volume_df['sellVolume'])) | ((volume_df['price'] >= resistance_zone) & (volume_df['sellVolume'] > volume_df['buyVolume'])) ] # Step 3: Confirm trades with Delta values trades = [] for _, row in aggressive_orders.iterrows(): if row['price'] <= support_zone and row['delta'] > 0: trades.append((row['timestamp'], row['price'], 'Long')) elif row['price'] >= resistance_zone and row['delta'] < 0: trades.append((row['timestamp'], row['price'], 'Short')) trades_df = pd.DataFrame(trades, columns=['timestamp', 'price', 'direction']) # Create the candlestick chart candlestick_data = volume_df.groupby('timestamp').agg({'price': ['min', 'max']}) candlestick_data.columns = ['low', 'high'] candlestick_data.reset_index(inplace=True) fig8 = go.Figure(data=[go.Candlestick( x=candlestick_data['timestamp'], low=candlestick_data['low'], high=candlestick_data['high'], open=candlestick_data['low'], close=candlestick_data['high'] )]) # Add Support/Resistance zones fig8.add_shape( type="rect", x0=volume_df['timestamp'].min(), y0=support_zone - 0.05, x1=volume_df['timestamp'].max(), y1=support_zone + 0.05, fillcolor="Green", opacity=0.2, line_width=0, name='Support Zone' ) fig8.add_shape( type="rect", x0=volume_df['timestamp'].min(), y0=resistance_zone - 0.05, x1=volume_df['timestamp'].max(), y1=resistance_zone + 0.05, fillcolor="Red", opacity=0.2, line_width=0, name='Resistance Zone' ) # Add trades to the chart for _, trade in trades_df.iterrows(): color = 'green' if trade['direction'] == 'Long' else 'red' fig8.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[trade['timestamp']], y=[trade['price']], mode='markers+text', marker=dict(color=color, size=10), text=trade['direction'], textposition='top center', name=trade['direction'] )) fig8.update_layout( title='Aggressive Orders + Delta Setup', xaxis_title='Timestamp', yaxis_title='Price', width=1200, height=800 ) st.plotly_chart(fig8) # Ninth chart: Cumulative Delta Confirmation Setup volume_df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(volume_df['timestamp']) volume_df['delta'] = volume_df['buyVolume'] - volume_df['sellVolume'] volume_df['cumDelta'] = volume_df['delta'].cumsum() # Step 1: Identify strong Support/Resistance zones (for simplicity, we'll set static S/R zones) support_zone = 253.10 resistance_zone = 253.50 # Step 2: Create a Cumulative Delta line chart cum_delta_trace = go.Scatter( x=volume_df['timestamp'], y=volume_df['cumDelta'], mode='lines', name='Cumulative Delta', line=dict(color='blue') ) # Step 3: Identify divergences between Price and Cum. Delta divergences = [] for i in range(1, len(volume_df)): if volume_df['price'].iloc[i] > volume_df['price'].iloc[i-1] and volume_df['cumDelta'].iloc[i] < volume_df['cumDelta'].iloc[i-1]: divergences.append((volume_df['timestamp'].iloc[i], volume_df['price'].iloc[i], 'Short')) elif volume_df['price'].iloc[i] < volume_df['price'].iloc[i-1] and volume_df['cumDelta'].iloc[i] > volume_df['cumDelta'].iloc[i-1]: divergences.append((volume_df['timestamp'].iloc[i], volume_df['price'].iloc[i], 'Long')) divergences_df = pd.DataFrame(divergences, columns=['timestamp', 'price', 'direction']) # Create the candlestick chart candlestick_data = volume_df.groupby('timestamp').agg({'price': ['min', 'max']}) candlestick_data.columns = ['low', 'high'] candlestick_data.reset_index(inplace=True) fig9 = go.Figure(data=[go.Candlestick( x=candlestick_data['timestamp'], low=candlestick_data['low'], high=candlestick_data['high'], open=candlestick_data['low'], close=candlestick_data['high'], name='Price' )]) # Add Cumulative Delta line chart fig9.add_trace(cum_delta_trace) # Add Support/Resistance zones fig9.add_shape( type="rect", x0=volume_df['timestamp'].min(), y0=support_zone - 0.05, x1=volume_df['timestamp'].max(), y1=support_zone + 0.05, fillcolor="Green", opacity=0.2, line_width=0, name='Support Zone' ) fig9.add_shape( type="rect", x0=volume_df['timestamp'].min(), y0=resistance_zone - 0.05, x1=volume_df['timestamp'].max(), y1=resistance_zone + 0.05, fillcolor="Red", opacity=0.2, line_width=0, name='Resistance Zone' ) # Add divergences to the chart for _, divergence in divergences_df.iterrows(): color = 'green' if divergence['direction'] == 'Long' else 'red' fig9.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[divergence['timestamp']], y=[divergence['price']], mode='markers+text', marker=dict(color=color, size=10), text=divergence['direction'], textposition='top center', name=divergence['direction'] )) fig9.update_layout( title='Cumulative Delta Confirmation Setup', xaxis_title='Timestamp', yaxis_title='Price', width=1200, height=800 ) st.plotly_chart(fig9) # Tenth chart: Volume Profile Shape Identification volume_df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(volume_df['timestamp']) volume_df['totalVolume'] = volume_df['buyVolume'] + volume_df['sellVolume'] # Group by price to get the total volume for each price level volume_profile = volume_df.groupby('price').agg(totalVolume=('totalVolume', 'sum')).reset_index() # Identify peaks in the volume profile volumes = volume_profile['totalVolume'].values prices = volume_profile['price'].values peaks, _ = find_peaks(volumes, distance=1) # Determine the shape shape = "" if len(peaks) == 1: shape = "I-shape" elif len(peaks) == 2: shape = "B-shape" else: if peaks[0] < len(volumes) / 3: shape = "P-shape" elif peaks[-1] > 2 * len(volumes) / 3: shape = "B-shape" else: shape = "D-shape" # Create the volume profile bar chart fig10 = go.Figure() fig10.add_trace(go.Bar( x=volume_profile['totalVolume'], y=volume_profile['price'], orientation='h', marker=dict(color='blue'), name='Volume Profile' )) # Add peaks to the chart fig10.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=volumes[peaks], y=prices[peaks], mode='markers', marker=dict(color='red', size=10), name='Peaks' )) fig10.update_layout( title=f'Volume Profile Shape: {shape}', xaxis_title='Volume', yaxis_title='Price', width=800, height=600 ) st.plotly_chart(fig10) except json.JSONDecodeError: st.write("Error: The uploaded file does not contain valid JSON data.") except KeyError as e: st.write(f"Error: Key {e} not found in the JSON data.") else: st.write("Please upload a file before submitting.") elif tab == "Headers and Cookies": # Input boxes for the headers and cookies xsrf_token = st.text_input("Enter X-Xsrf-Token:", st.session_state.xsrf_token) laravel_token = st.text_input("Enter laravel_token:", st.session_state.laravel_token) xsrf_cookie = st.text_input("Enter XSRF-TOKEN:", st.session_state.xsrf_cookie) laravel_session = st.text_input("Enter laravel_session:", st.session_state.laravel_session) # Button to update the headers and cookies if st.button("Update Headers and Cookies"): st.session_state.xsrf_token = xsrf_token st.session_state.laravel_token = laravel_token st.session_state.xsrf_cookie = xsrf_cookie st.session_state.laravel_session = laravel_session elif tab == "Chat Interface": default_date = input_date = st.date_input("Start Date", value=default_date) # Fetch stock data in real-time def fetch_stock_data(ticker, start, interval='1m'): stock_data =, start=start, interval=interval) return stock_data data = fetch_stock_data(ticker, input_date) temp_data = data.copy() # Ensure the DataFrame index is a DatetimeIndex for VWAP calculations temp_data.reset_index(inplace=True) # Reset index for column access temp_data.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(temp_data["Datetime"]), inplace=True) # Use 'Datetime' as the index # Function to calculate Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD) def calculate_cvd(data): """ Calculate the Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD) and additional metrics. """ data['delta'] = data['Close'] - data['Open'] # Price delta data['buy_volume'] = data['Volume'] * (data['delta'] > 0).astype(int) data['sell_volume'] = data['Volume'] * (data['delta'] < 0).astype(int) data['cvd'] = (data['buy_volume'] - data['sell_volume']).cumsum() return data # Function to identify support and resistance levels def identify_support_resistance(data, start_time, end_time): """ Identify support (most selling) and resistance (most buying) levels for a given time range. """ time_frame = data.between_time(start_time, end_time).copy() time_frame = calculate_cvd(time_frame) if time_frame.empty: return {} # Support: Price level with most selling (most negative CVD) support_idx = time_frame['cvd'].idxmin() support_level = time_frame.loc[support_idx, 'Close'] support_time = support_idx # Resistance: Price level with most buying (most positive CVD) resistance_idx = time_frame['cvd'].idxmax() resistance_level = time_frame.loc[resistance_idx, 'Close'] resistance_time = resistance_idx return { "support_level": round(support_level, 2), "support_time": support_time.tz_localize(None).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "resistance_level": round(resistance_level, 2), "resistance_time": resistance_time.tz_localize(None).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), } # Calculate CVD for the 09:30-16:00 timeframe cvd_data = temp_data.between_time("09:30", "16:00").copy() cvd_data = calculate_cvd(cvd_data) # Identify support and resistance for the 09:30-10:30 timeframe support_resistance_stats = identify_support_resistance(temp_data, "09:30", "10:30") support_level = support_resistance_stats["support_level"] support_time = support_resistance_stats["support_time"] resistance_level = support_resistance_stats["resistance_level"] resistance_time = support_resistance_stats["resistance_time"] # # Adding Buy/Sell signals to the data # cvd_data['signal'] = None # cvd_data['signal_type'] = None # # Logic for Buy/Sell signals # cvd_data['signal'] = cvd_data.apply( # lambda row: row['Close'] if (row['Close'] > resistance_level and row['cvd'] > cvd_data.loc[resistance_time, 'cvd']) else ( # row['Close'] if (row['Close'] < support_level and row['cvd'] < cvd_data.loc[support_time, 'cvd']) else None), # axis=1 # ) # cvd_data['signal_type'] = cvd_data.apply( # lambda row: 'Buy' if (row['Close'] > resistance_level and row['cvd'] > cvd_data.loc[resistance_time, 'cvd']) else ( # 'Sell' if (row['Close'] < support_level and row['cvd'] < cvd_data.loc[support_time, 'cvd']) else None), # axis=1 # ) # Identify the first Buy signal first_buy_signal = cvd_data[(cvd_data['Close'] > resistance_level) & (cvd_data['cvd'] > cvd_data.loc[resistance_time, 'cvd'])].iloc[:1] # Identify the first Sell signal first_sell_signal = cvd_data[(cvd_data['Close'] < support_level) & (cvd_data['cvd'] < cvd_data.loc[support_time, 'cvd'])].iloc[:1] # Add first Buy and Sell timestamps if available first_buy_time = first_buy_signal.index[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if not first_buy_signal.empty else "N/A" first_sell_time = first_sell_signal.index[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if not first_sell_signal.empty else "N/A" st.write("Buy Time: ", first_buy_time) st.write("Sell Time: ", first_sell_time) # Update hovertext to include first Buy/Sell timestamps cvd_data['hovertext'] = ( "Time: " + cvd_data.index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + "
Open: " + round(cvd_data['Open'], 2).astype(str) + "
High: " + round(cvd_data['High'], 2).astype(str) + "
Low: " + round(cvd_data['Low'], 2).astype(str) + "
Close: " + round(cvd_data['Close'], 2).astype(str) + "
CVD: " + round(cvd_data['cvd'], 2).astype(str) + f"
Support Level: {support_level}" + f"
Support Time: {support_time}" + f"
Resistance Level: {resistance_level}" + f"
Resistance Time: {resistance_time}" + f"
First Buy Time: {first_buy_time}" + f"
First Sell Time: {first_sell_time}" ) # Create the candlestick chart with CVD fig = go.Figure() # Add candlestick trace fig.add_trace(go.Candlestick( x=cvd_data.index, open=cvd_data['Open'], high=cvd_data['High'], low=cvd_data['Low'], close=cvd_data['Close'], name='Candlestick', hovertext=cvd_data['hovertext'], hoverinfo='text' )) # Add CVD as a line trace on a secondary y-axis fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=cvd_data.index, y=cvd_data['cvd'], mode='lines', name='Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD)', line=dict(color='orange'), yaxis='y2', # Use secondary y-axis )) # Add support line fig.add_shape( type="line", x0=cvd_data.index.min(), x1=cvd_data.index.max(), y0=support_level, y1=support_level, line=dict(color="blue", dash="dot"), name="Support Level", ) # Add resistance line fig.add_shape( type="line", x0=cvd_data.index.min(), x1=cvd_data.index.max(), y0=resistance_level, y1=resistance_level, line=dict(color="red", dash="dot"), name="Resistance Level", ) # # # Update layout to include a secondary y-axis for CVD # # fig.update_layout( # # title="Candlestick Chart with CVD (09:30-16:00) and Support/Resistance (09:30-10:30)", # # xaxis_title="Time", # # yaxis_title="Price", # # yaxis2=dict( # # title="CVD", # # overlaying='y', # # side='right' # # ), # # template="plotly_dark", # # hovermode="x unified" # # ) # # Adding Buy signals (triangle-up) # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( # x=cvd_data[cvd_data['signal_type'] == 'Buy'].index, # y=cvd_data[cvd_data['signal_type'] == 'Buy']['signal'], # mode='markers', # name='Buy Signal', # marker=dict(symbol='triangle-up', color='green', size=10), # hoverinfo='text', # hovertext="Buy Signal" # )) # # Adding Sell signals (triangle-down) # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( # x=cvd_data[cvd_data['signal_type'] == 'Sell'].index, # y=cvd_data[cvd_data['signal_type'] == 'Sell']['signal'], # mode='markers', # name='Sell Signal', # marker=dict(symbol='triangle-down', color='red', size=10), # hoverinfo='text', # hovertext="Sell Signal" # )) # # Update layout to include the signals # fig.update_layout( # title="Candlestick Chart with CVD and Buy/Sell Signals", # xaxis_title="Time", # yaxis_title="Price", # yaxis2=dict( # title="CVD", # overlaying='y', # side='right' # ), # template="plotly_dark", # hovermode="x unified" # ) # Add Buy signal (triangle-up) to the chart if not first_buy_signal.empty: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=first_buy_signal.index, y=first_buy_signal['Close'], mode='markers', name='First Buy Signal', marker=dict(symbol='triangle-up', color='green', size=10), hoverinfo='text', hovertext="First Buy Signal" )) # Add Sell signal (triangle-down) to the chart if not first_sell_signal.empty: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=first_sell_signal.index, y=first_sell_signal['Close'], mode='markers', name='First Sell Signal', marker=dict(symbol='triangle-down', color='red', size=10), hoverinfo='text', hovertext="First Sell Signal" )) # Update layout to include the filtered signals fig.update_layout( title="Candlestick Chart with CVD and First Buy/Sell Signals", xaxis_title="Time", yaxis_title="Price", yaxis2=dict( title="CVD", overlaying='y', side='right' ), template="plotly_dark", hovermode="x unified" ) # Display the chart in Streamlit st.plotly_chart(fig) # Calculate the volume profile with buy and sell volumes def calculate_volume_profile(data, row_layout): price_min = data['Low'].min() price_max = data['High'].max() bins = row_layout bin_edges = np.linspace(price_min, price_max, bins) volume_profile = pd.DataFrame(index=bin_edges[:-1], columns=['Total Volume']) volume_profile['Total Volume'] = 0 for index, row in data.iterrows(): bin_indices = np.digitize([row['Low'], row['High']], bin_edges) - 1 bin_indices = [max(0, min(bins-2, b)) for b in bin_indices] volume_profile.iloc[bin_indices[0]:bin_indices[1] + 1, volume_profile.columns.get_loc('Total Volume')] += row['Volume'] return volume_profile # Function to calculate VAH, VAL, POC def calculate_vah_val_poc(volume_profile): total_volume = volume_profile['Total Volume'].sum() cumulative_volume = volume_profile['Total Volume'].cumsum() poc = volume_profile['Total Volume'].idxmax() # Price level with highest volume (POC) vah_threshold = 0.7 * total_volume val_threshold = 0.3 * total_volume vah = volume_profile.index[cumulative_volume >= vah_threshold].min() val = volume_profile.index[cumulative_volume <= val_threshold].max() return vah, val, poc # Initial quick identification of market profile shape based on POC, VAH, and VAL def quick_identify_profile_shape(vah, val, poc): if poc > vah: return "P-shape (Bullish Accumulation)" elif poc < val: return "b-shape (Bearish Accumulation)" elif vah > poc > val: return "D-shape (Balanced Market)" else: return "B-shape (Double Distribution)" # Refine the initial guess with skewness and kurtosis def refine_with_skew_kurtosis(volume_profile, shape_guess): volumes = volume_profile['Total Volume'].values skewness = skew(volumes) kurt = kurtosis(volumes) if shape_guess == "P-shape" and skewness < 0: return "b-shape (Bearish Accumulation)" if shape_guess == "b-shape" and skewness > 0: return "P-shape (Bullish Accumulation)" if shape_guess == "D-shape" and abs(skewness) > 0.5 and kurt > 0: return "B-shape (Double Distribution)" return shape_guess # Calculate the volume profile volume_profile = calculate_volume_profile(data, row_layout=24) vah, val, poc = calculate_vah_val_poc(volume_profile) # Initial shape identification initial_shape = quick_identify_profile_shape(vah, val, poc) # Refined shape identification refined_shape = refine_with_skew_kurtosis(volume_profile, initial_shape) # Display the initial and refined market shapes st.write(f"Initial Market Profile Shape: {initial_shape}") st.write(f"Refined Market Profile Shape: {refined_shape}") # Plot the volume profile and VAH def plot_volume_profile(volume_profile, vah, val, poc): fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Bar( y=volume_profile.index, x=volume_profile['Total Volume'], orientation='h', name='Total Volume', marker=dict(color='blue', opacity=0.6) )) # Highlight VAH, VAL, and POC fig.add_shape(type="line", y0=vah, y1=vah, x0=0, x1=1, line=dict(color="green", dash="dash")) fig.add_shape(type="line", y0=val, y1=val, x0=0, x1=1, line=dict(color="red", dash="dash")) fig.add_shape(type="line", y0=poc, y1=poc, x0=0, x1=1, line=dict(color="orange", dash="dash")) # Add annotations for VAH, VAL, and POC fig.add_annotation(xref="paper", yref="y", x=1, y=vah, text=f"VAH at {vah:.2f}", showarrow=False) fig.add_annotation(xref="paper", yref="y", x=1, y=val, text=f"VAL at {val:.2f}", showarrow=False) fig.add_annotation(xref="paper", yref="y", x=1, y=poc, text=f"POC at {poc:.2f}", showarrow=False) fig.update_layout(title='Volume Profile with Initial and Refined Market Shape Detection', xaxis_title='Volume', yaxis_title='Price') st.plotly_chart(fig) plot_volume_profile(volume_profile, vah, val, poc) # # Section 2: 5-Minute Stock Prices for the selected date # st.title("5-Minute Stock Price Data for Selected Date") # def fetch_five_minute_data(ticker, selected_date): # start_date_str = selected_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # data =, start=start_date_str, end=start_date_str, interval="5m") # return data # five_min_data = fetch_five_minute_data(ticker, start_date) # if not five_min_data.empty: # five_min_data = five_min_data.reset_index() # st.write("5-Minute Interval Data", five_min_data) # else: # st.write("No 5-minute data available for the selected date.") # # Section 3: 30-Minute Data Table for the selected date # st.title("30-Minute Data Table for Selected Date") # def fetch_thirty_minute_data(ticker, selected_date): # start_date_str = selected_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # data =, start=start_date_str, end=start_date_str, interval="30m") # return data # thirty_min_data = fetch_thirty_minute_data(ticker, start_date) # if not thirty_min_data.empty: # thirty_min_data = thirty_min_data.reset_index() # st.write("30-Minute Interval Data", thirty_min_data) # else: # st.write("No 30-minute data available for the selected date.") # # Section 4: IB Range Signal and Last Day VAL Signal # st.title("IB Range and Last Day's VAL Signal") # # Generate a signal for IB Range for today based on mock conditions # ib_range_signal = "IB Range Signal: Small" if thirty_min_data['High'].iloc[0] - thirty_min_data['Low'].iloc[0] < 2 else "IB Range Signal: Large" # st.write(ib_range_signal) # # Mock signal based on the previous day's VAL # val_signal = "Last Day's VAL Signal: Bullish" if vah > val else "Last Day's VAL Signal: Bearish" # st.write(val_signal) # Section 1: Fetch stock data in real-time # @st.cache_data def fetch_stock_data(ticker, interval='30m'): try: data =, period="60d", interval=interval) if data.empty: st.warning(f"No data found for {ticker} with {interval} interval. Please try a different date.") return data.reset_index() except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error fetching data for {ticker}: {e}") return pd.DataFrame() data = fetch_stock_data(ticker) dji_data = fetch_stock_data('^DJI') nasdaq_data = fetch_stock_data('^IXIC') s_and_p_500_data = fetch_stock_data('^GSPC') # Calculate percentage changes in 'Close' prices data['pct_change'] = data['Close'].pct_change() dji_data['DJI_pct_change'] = dji_data['Close'].pct_change() nasdaq_data['NASDAQ_pct_change'] = nasdaq_data['Close'].pct_change() s_and_p_500_data['S_AND_P_500_pct_change'] = s_and_p_500_data['Close'].pct_change() # Align all dataframes to match by timestamp merged_data = pd.merge(data[['Datetime', 'pct_change']], dji_data[['Datetime', 'DJI_pct_change']], on='Datetime', how='inner') merged_data = pd.merge(merged_data, nasdaq_data[['Datetime', 'NASDAQ_pct_change']], on='Datetime', how='inner') merged_data = pd.merge(merged_data, s_and_p_500_data[['Datetime', 'S_AND_P_500_pct_change']], on='Datetime', how='inner') # Drop NaN values resulting from the percentage change calculation merged_data.dropna(inplace=True) # Calculate correlations correlation_dji = merged_data['pct_change'].corr(merged_data['DJI_pct_change']) correlation_nasdaq = merged_data['pct_change'].corr(merged_data['NASDAQ_pct_change']) correlation_s_and_p_500 = merged_data['pct_change'].corr(merged_data['S_AND_P_500_pct_change']) # Display correlations using Streamlit st.write(f"Correlation between {ticker} and DJI movements: {correlation_dji:.2f}") st.write(f"Correlation between {ticker} and NASDAQ movements: {correlation_nasdaq:.2f}") st.write(f"Correlation between {ticker} and S&P 500 movements: {correlation_s_and_p_500:.2f}") temp_data = data.copy() # Define the main function def calculate_indicators_and_scores(temp_data): # Helper Functions def interpolate(value, value_high, value_low, range_high, range_low): """Interpolate a value to a new range.""" return range_low + (value - value_low) * (range_high - range_low) / (value_high - value_low) def calculate_bbp_score(bbp, upper, lower): if bbp > upper: if bbp > 1.5 * upper: return 100 return interpolate(bbp, 1.5 * upper, upper, 100, 75) elif bbp > 0: return interpolate(bbp, upper, 0, 75, 50) elif bbp < lower: if bbp < 1.5 * lower: return 0 return interpolate(bbp, lower, 1.5 * lower, 25, 0) elif bbp < 0: return interpolate(bbp, 0, lower, 50, 25) else: return 50 def normalize(buy, sell, smooth, close_values): os = 0 max_val = None min_val = None normalized_values = [] for i in range(len(close_values)): previous_os = os if buy[i]: os = 1 elif sell[i]: os = -1 if os > previous_os: max_val = close_values[i] elif os < previous_os: pass else: max_val = max(close_values[i], max_val) if max_val is not None else close_values[i] if os < previous_os: min_val = close_values[i] elif os > previous_os: pass else: min_val = min(close_values[i], min_val) if min_val is not None else close_values[i] if max_val is not None and min_val is not None and max_val != min_val: normalized_value = (close_values[i] - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) * 100 else: normalized_value = 0 normalized_values.append(normalized_value) normalized_values_np = np.array(normalized_values, dtype=float) smoothed_values = talib.SMA(normalized_values_np, timeperiod=smooth) return smoothed_values.tolist() def moving_average_value(source, length, ma_type): if ma_type == "SMA": return talib.SMA(source, timeperiod=length) elif ma_type == "EMA": return talib.EMA(source, timeperiod=length) elif ma_type == "HMA": half_length = int(length / 2) sqrt_length = int(np.sqrt(length)) return talib.WMA(2 * talib.WMA(source, timeperiod=half_length) - talib.WMA(source, timeperiod=length), timeperiod=sqrt_length) elif ma_type == "WMA": return talib.WMA(source, timeperiod=length) elif ma_type == "VWMA": return (source * temp_data["Volume"]).rolling(window=length).sum() / temp_data["Volume"].rolling(window=length).sum() else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported MA type: {ma_type}") def linear_regression_score(close_values, lr_length): lr_scores = [] for i in range(len(close_values)): if i < lr_length: lr_scores.append(np.nan) else: y = close_values[i - lr_length + 1 : i + 1] x = np.arange(len(y)) slope, intercept, r_value, _, _ = linregress(x, y) lr_scores.append(50 * r_value + 50) return lr_scores # Indicator Calculations # 1. RSI rsi_length = 14 temp_data["RSI"] = talib.RSI(temp_data["Close"], timeperiod=rsi_length) temp_data["RSI_Score"] = temp_data["RSI"].apply(lambda x: interpolate(x, 100, 70, 100, 75) if x > 70 else interpolate(x, 70, 50, 75, 50) if x > 50 else interpolate(x, 50, 30, 50, 25) if x > 30 else interpolate(x, 30, 0, 25, 0)) # 2. Stochastic Oscillator (%K) stoch_length_k = 14 stoch_smoothing_k = 3 temp_data["%K"], _ = talib.STOCH( temp_data["High"], temp_data["Low"], temp_data["Close"], fastk_period=stoch_length_k, slowk_period=stoch_smoothing_k, slowk_matype=0, slowd_period=stoch_smoothing_k, slowd_matype=0 ) temp_data["%K_Score"] = temp_data["%K"].apply(lambda x: interpolate(x, 100, 80, 100, 75) if x > 80 else interpolate(x, 80, 50, 75, 50) if x > 50 else interpolate(x, 50, 20, 50, 25) if x > 20 else interpolate(x, 20, 0, 25, 0)) # 3. Stochastic RSI stoch_rsi_length = 14 stoch_rsi_smoothing_k = 3 rsi_values = talib.RSI(temp_data["Close"], timeperiod=stoch_rsi_length) stoch_rsi_high = rsi_values.rolling(window=stoch_rsi_length).max() stoch_rsi_low = rsi_values.rolling(window=stoch_rsi_length).min() temp_data["Stoch_RSI_K"] = 100 * (rsi_values - stoch_rsi_low) / (stoch_rsi_high - stoch_rsi_low) temp_data["Stoch_RSI_K"] = temp_data["Stoch_RSI_K"].rolling(window=stoch_rsi_smoothing_k, min_periods=1).mean() temp_data["Stoch_RSI_Score"] = temp_data["Stoch_RSI_K"].apply(lambda x: interpolate(x, 100, 80, 100, 75) if x > 80 else interpolate(x, 80, 50, 75, 50) if x > 50 else interpolate(x, 50, 20, 50, 25) if x > 20 else interpolate(x, 20, 0, 25, 0)) # 4. Commodity Channel Index (CCI) cci_length = 20 temp_data["CCI"] = talib.CCI(temp_data["High"], temp_data["Low"], temp_data["Close"], timeperiod=cci_length) temp_data["CCI_Score"] = temp_data["CCI"].apply(lambda x: interpolate(x, 300, 100, 100, 75) if x > 100 else interpolate(x, 100, 0, 75, 50) if x >= 0 else interpolate(x, -100, -300, 25, 0) if x < -100 else interpolate(x, 0, -100, 50, 25)) # 5. Bull-Bear Power (BBP) sma_length = 13 sma_13 = talib.SMA(temp_data["Close"], timeperiod=sma_length) temp_data["BBP"] = (temp_data["High"] + temp_data["Low"]) - 2 * sma_13 bbp_std = temp_data["BBP"].rolling(window=sma_length).std() bbp_sma = temp_data["BBP"].rolling(window=sma_length).mean() temp_data["BBP_Upper"] = bbp_sma + 2 * bbp_std temp_data["BBP_Lower"] = bbp_sma - 2 * bbp_std temp_data["BBP_Score"] = temp_data.apply( lambda row: calculate_bbp_score(row["BBP"], row["BBP_Upper"], row["BBP_Lower"]), axis=1 ) # 6. Moving Average ma_length = 20 ma_type = "SMA" norm_smooth = 3 temp_data["MA"] = moving_average_value(temp_data["Close"], ma_length, ma_type) buy_signal = temp_data["Close"] > temp_data["MA"] sell_signal = temp_data["Close"] < temp_data["MA"] temp_data["MA_Score"] = normalize(buy_signal, sell_signal, norm_smooth, temp_data["Close"]) # 7. VWAP stdev_multiplier = 1.5 temp_data["Typical Price"] = (temp_data["High"] + temp_data["Low"] + temp_data["Close"]) / 3 temp_data["Cumulative TPxVolume"] = (temp_data["Typical Price"] * temp_data["Volume"]).cumsum() temp_data["Cumulative Volume"] = temp_data["Volume"].cumsum() temp_data["VWAP"] = temp_data["Cumulative TPxVolume"] / temp_data["Cumulative Volume"] rolling_std = temp_data["Typical Price"].rolling(window=len(temp_data)).std() temp_data["VWAP Upper"] = temp_data["VWAP"] + (rolling_std * stdev_multiplier) temp_data["VWAP Lower"] = temp_data["VWAP"] - (rolling_std * stdev_multiplier) buy_signals = temp_data["Close"] > temp_data["VWAP Upper"] sell_signals = temp_data["Close"] < temp_data["VWAP Lower"] temp_data["VWAP_Score"] = normalize(buy_signals, sell_signals, norm_smooth, temp_data["Close"].tolist()) # 8. Bollinger Bands bb_length = 20 bb_mult = 2.0 temp_data["BB_Middle"], temp_data["BB_Upper"], temp_data["BB_Lower"] = talib.BBANDS( temp_data["Close"], timeperiod=bb_length, nbdevup=bb_mult, nbdevdn=bb_mult, matype=0 ) buy_signals = temp_data["Close"] > temp_data["BB_Upper"] sell_signals = temp_data["Close"] < temp_data["BB_Lower"] temp_data["BB_Score"] = normalize(buy_signals, sell_signals, norm_smooth, temp_data["Close"].tolist()) # 9. Supertrend atr_length = 10 st_factor = 3 atr = talib.ATR(temp_data["High"], temp_data["Low"], temp_data["Close"], timeperiod=atr_length) hl2 = (temp_data["High"] + temp_data["Low"]) / 2 temp_data["Supertrend_Upper"] = hl2 + (st_factor * atr) temp_data["Supertrend_Lower"] = hl2 - (st_factor * atr) supertrend = [0] * len(temp_data) direction = [0] * len(temp_data) for i in range(len(temp_data)): if i == 0: supertrend[i] = temp_data["Supertrend_Upper"][i] direction[i] = 1 else: if direction[i - 1] == 1: if temp_data["Close"][i] < temp_data["Supertrend_Lower"][i]: direction[i] = -1 supertrend[i] = temp_data["Supertrend_Lower"][i] else: direction[i] = 1 supertrend[i] = min(temp_data["Supertrend_Upper"][i], supertrend[i - 1]) elif direction[i - 1] == -1: if temp_data["Close"][i] > temp_data["Supertrend_Upper"][i]: direction[i] = 1 supertrend[i] = temp_data["Supertrend_Upper"][i] else: direction[i] = -1 supertrend[i] = max(temp_data["Supertrend_Lower"][i], supertrend[i - 1]) temp_data["Supertrend"] = supertrend temp_data["Direction"] = direction temp_data["Buy_Signal"] = temp_data["Close"] > temp_data["Supertrend"] temp_data["Sell_Signal"] = temp_data["Close"] < temp_data["Supertrend"] temp_data["Supertrend_Score"] = normalize( buy=temp_data["Buy_Signal"], sell=temp_data["Sell_Signal"], smooth=norm_smooth, close_values=temp_data["Close"].tolist(), ) # 10. Linear Regression lr_length = 25 temp_data["Linear_Regression_Score"] = linear_regression_score(temp_data["Close"].values, lr_length) # --- Overall Sentiment --- pivot_length = 5 norm_smooth = 3 def pivot_high(prices, length): return prices.rolling(window=length, center=True).apply(lambda x: x.argmax() == length // 2, raw=False) def pivot_low(prices, length): return prices.rolling(window=length, center=True).apply(lambda x: x.argmin() == length // 2, raw=False) temp_data["Pivot_High"] = pivot_high(temp_data["Close"], pivot_length) temp_data["Pivot_Low"] = pivot_low(temp_data["Close"], pivot_length) ph_y = np.nan pl_y = np.nan ph_cross = False pl_cross = False bullish = [] bearish = [] for i in range(len(temp_data)): bull = False bear = False if temp_data["Pivot_High"][i]: ph_y = temp_data["Close"][i] ph_cross = False if temp_data["Pivot_Low"][i]: pl_y = temp_data["Close"][i] pl_cross = False if temp_data["Close"][i] > ph_y and not ph_cross: ph_cross = True bull = True if temp_data["Close"][i] < pl_y and not pl_cross: pl_cross = True bear = True bullish.append(bull) bearish.append(bear) temp_data["Bullish"] = bullish temp_data["Bearish"] = bearish temp_data["Sentiment"] = normalize(temp_data["Bullish"], temp_data["Bearish"], norm_smooth, temp_data["Close"]) return temp_data temp_data = calculate_indicators_and_scores(temp_data) dji_data = calculate_indicators_and_scores(dji_data) nasdaq_data = calculate_indicators_and_scores(nasdaq_data) s_and_p_500_data = calculate_indicators_and_scores(s_and_p_500_data) # # Display final sentiment scores # st.write(temp_data[["Datetime", "RSI_Score", "%K_Score", "Stoch_RSI_Score", "CCI_Score", "BBP_Score", # "MA_Score", "VWAP_Score", "BB_Score", "Supertrend_Score", "Linear_Regression_Score", "Sentiment"]].tail(21)) st.write("Below is the Market sentiment with the latest time on 30 mins") temp_data_summary = { "RSI_Score": temp_data.iloc[-1]['RSI_Score'], "%K_Score": temp_data.iloc[-1]['%K_Score'], "Stoch_RSI_Score": temp_data.iloc[-1]['Stoch_RSI_Score'], "CCI_Score": temp_data.iloc[-1]['CCI_Score'], "BBP_Score": temp_data.iloc[-1]['BBP_Score'], "MA_Score": temp_data.iloc[-1]['MA_Score'], "VWAP_Score": temp_data.iloc[-1]['VWAP_Score'], "BB_Score": temp_data.iloc[-1]['BB_Score'], "Supertrend_Score": temp_data.iloc[-1]['Supertrend_Score'], "Linear_Regression_Score": temp_data.iloc[-1]['Linear_Regression_Score'], "Sentiment": temp_data.iloc[-1]['Sentiment'], } # Extract scalar values directly bar_labels = [ 'RSI', '%K', 'Stoch RSI', 'CCI', 'BBP', 'MA', 'VWAP', 'BB', 'ST', 'REG' ] bar_values = [ temp_data_summary["RSI_Score"], temp_data_summary["%K_Score"], temp_data_summary["Stoch_RSI_Score"], temp_data_summary["CCI_Score"], temp_data_summary["BBP_Score"], temp_data_summary["MA_Score"], temp_data_summary["VWAP_Score"], temp_data_summary["BB_Score"], temp_data_summary["Supertrend_Score"], temp_data_summary["Linear_Regression_Score"] ] sentiment_value = temp_data_summary["Sentiment"] # Create the bar chart figure fig = go.Figure() # Bar chart for indicators fig.add_trace(go.Bar( x=bar_labels, y=bar_values, marker_color=[ 'red' if v < 50 else 'blue' if v > 50 else 'gray' for v in bar_values ], name='Indicators' )) # Adding threshold lines fig.add_hline(y=75, line_dash='dash', line_color='blue', annotation_text="Overbought (75)", annotation_position="top left") fig.add_hline(y=50, line_dash='dash', line_color='gray', annotation_text="Neutral (50)", annotation_position="bottom right") fig.add_hline(y=25, line_dash='dash', line_color='red', annotation_text="Oversold (25)", annotation_position="bottom left") # Adding text labels for each bar for i, v in enumerate(bar_values): fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[bar_labels[i]], y=[v + 2], # Position slightly above the bar text=[f"{v:.1f}"], mode='text', showlegend=False )) # Update layout for the bar chart fig.update_layout( title_text='Market Sentiment Indicators', yaxis_title='Scores', height=400, width=1200, bargap=0.2, template="plotly_dark" ) # Display the bar chart in Streamlit st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) # Create the sentiment gauge figure gauge_fig = go.Figure() # Sentiment gauge gauge_fig.add_trace(go.Indicator( mode="gauge+number", value=sentiment_value, title={'text': "Market Sentiment"}, gauge={ 'axis': {'range': [-90, 90]}, 'bar': {'color': "blue" if sentiment_value > 50 else "red"}, 'steps': [ {'range': [-90, -30], 'color': "red"}, {'range': [-30, 30], 'color': "gray"}, {'range': [30, 90], 'color': "blue"} ], 'threshold': { 'line': {'color': "black", 'width': 4}, 'thickness': 0.75, 'value': sentiment_value } } )) # Update layout for the sentiment gauge gauge_fig.update_layout( height=400, width=600, template="plotly_dark", title_text="Market Sentiment Gauge" ) # Display the sentiment gauge in Streamlit st.plotly_chart(gauge_fig, use_container_width=True) # st.write(data) # # Section 2: True Range and ATR Calculations # def calculate_atr(data, atr_period=14): # data['H-L'] = data['High'] - data['Low'] # data['H-PC'] = np.abs(data['High'] - data['Adj Close'].shift(1)) # data['L-PC'] = np.abs(data['Low'] - data['Adj Close'].shift(1)) # data['TR'] = data[['H-L', 'H-PC', 'L-PC']].max(axis=1) # data['ATR_14'] = data['TR'].ewm(alpha=1/atr_period, adjust=False).mean() # return data # data = calculate_atr(data) # The above code snippet is written in Python and it appears to be fetching daily data using the # `` function to calculate the Average True Range (ATR) for daily intervals. The # `ticker` variable is likely representing the stock symbol or financial instrument for which the # data is being fetched. The data is being fetched for a period of 60 days with a daily interval # of 1 day. The fetched data is then reset to have a clean index. # Fetch daily data to calculate ATR for daily intervals daily_data =, period="60d", interval="1d").reset_index() # daily_data['H-L'] = daily_data['High'] - daily_data['Low'] # daily_data['H-PC'] = np.abs(daily_data['High'] - daily_data['Adj Close'].shift(1)) # daily_data['L-PC'] = np.abs(daily_data['Low'] - daily_data['Adj Close'].shift(1)) # daily_data['TR'] = daily_data[['H-L', 'H-PC', 'L-PC']].max(axis=1) # daily_data['ATR_14_1_day'] = daily_data['TR'].ewm(alpha=1/14, adjust=False).mean() # daily_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] = daily_data['ATR_14_1_day'].shift(1) # daily_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(daily_data['Date']) # st.write(data) data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Datetime']) # # Convert 'Date' column in both dataframes to datetime format data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Date']) daily_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(daily_data['Date']) # Calculate ATR for 30-minute and daily intervals using TA-Lib atr_period = 14 # ATR for daily data using TA-Lib daily_data['ATR_14_1_day'] = talib.ATR(daily_data['High'], daily_data['Low'], daily_data['Close'], timeperiod=atr_period) daily_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] = daily_data['ATR_14_1_day'].shift(1) # Merge ATR from daily data into 30-minute data final_data = pd.merge(data, daily_data[['Date', 'ATR_14_1_day', 'Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day']], on='Date', how='left') # Calculate ATR for 30-minute data using TA-Lib final_data['ATR_14_30_mins'] = talib.ATR(final_data['High'], final_data['Low'], final_data['Close'], timeperiod=atr_period) final_data['ATR'] = final_data['ATR_14_30_mins'] # Drop unnecessary columns from earlier calculations final_data = final_data.drop(['H-L', 'H-PC', 'L-PC', 'TR'], axis=1, errors='ignore') # Merge ATR into 30-minute data final_data = pd.merge(data, daily_data[['Date', 'ATR_14_1_day', 'Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day']], on='Date', how='left') # st.write(final_data) # Ensure 'Datetime' is in datetime format final_data['Datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(final_data['Datetime']) final_data = final_data.sort_values('Datetime',ascending=True) final_data['Close'] = pd.to_numeric(final_data['Close'], errors='coerce') # # Convert 'Close' to NumPy array of floats # close_prices = final_data['Close'].astype(float).values # # Calculate SMA using TA-Lib # final_data['MA_20'] = talib.SMA(close_prices, timeperiod=20) # Calculate Moving Average (MA) final_data['MA_20'] = final_data['Close'].rolling(window=20).mean() # # Calculate Moving Average (MA) using TA-Lib # final_data['MA_20'] = talib.SMA(final_data['Close'], timeperiod=20) # # Calculate Relative Strength Index (RSI) # delta = final_data['Close'].diff() # gain = (delta.where(delta > 0, 0)).rolling(window=14).mean() # loss = (-delta.where(delta < 0, 0)).rolling(window=14).mean() # final_data['RSI'] = 100 - (100 / (1 + gain / loss)) # Calculate RSI using TA-Lib with a 14-day period final_data['RSI'] = talib.RSI(final_data['Close'], timeperiod=14) # # Calculate Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) # short_ema = final_data['Close'].ewm(span=12, adjust=False).mean() # long_ema = final_data['Close'].ewm(span=26, adjust=False).mean() # final_data['MACD'] = short_ema - long_ema # final_data['Signal Line'] = final_data['MACD'].ewm(span=9, adjust=False).mean() # # Calculate Bollinger Bands # final_data['MA_20'] = final_data['Close'].rolling(window=20).mean() # final_data['Bollinger_Upper'] = final_data['MA_20'] + (final_data['Close'].rolling(window=20).std() * 2) # final_data['Bollinger_Lower'] = final_data['MA_20'] - (final_data['Close'].rolling(window=20).std() * 2) # Calculate Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) using TA-Lib final_data['MACD'], final_data['Signal Line'], _ = talib.MACD(final_data['Close'], fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9) # Calculate Bollinger Bands using TA-Lib final_data['MA_20_BB'], final_data['Bollinger_Upper'], final_data['Bollinger_Lower'] = talib.BBANDS( final_data['Close'], timeperiod=20, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0 ) final_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(final_data['Date']) # # Calculate Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) # final_data['VWAP'] = (final_data['Volume'] * (final_data['High'] + final_data['Low'] + final_data['Close']) / 3).cumsum() / final_data['Volume'].cumsum() # # Calculate Fibonacci Retracement Levels (use high and low from a specific range if applicable) # highest = final_data['High'].max() # lowest = final_data['Low'].min() # final_data['Fib_38.2'] = highest - (highest - lowest) * 0.382 # final_data['Fib_50'] = (highest + lowest) / 2 # final_data['Fib_61.8'] = highest - (highest - lowest) * 0.618 # Define a function to calculate VWAP for each group def calculate_vwap(df): typical_price = (df['High'] + df['Low'] + df['Close']) / 3 vwap = (typical_price * df['Volume']).cumsum() / df['Volume'].cumsum() return vwap grouped = final_data.groupby(final_data['Date'] # Apply the VWAP calculation for each group final_data['VWAP'] = grouped.apply(lambda x: calculate_vwap(x)).reset_index(level=0, drop=True) # Extract the date part to group the data by day final_data['Only_Date'] = final_data['Date'] # Calculate daily high and low values from the 30-minute data daily_high_low = final_data.groupby('Only_Date').agg({'High': 'max', 'Low': 'min'}).reset_index() # Add the previous day's high and low to the 30-minute data daily_high_low['Previous_High'] = daily_high_low['High'].shift(1) daily_high_low['Previous_Low'] = daily_high_low['Low'].shift(1) # Merge the previous high and low values into the original 30-minute data final_data = final_data.merge(daily_high_low[['Only_Date', 'Previous_High', 'Previous_Low']], left_on='Only_Date', right_on='Only_Date', how='left') # Calculate Fibonacci retracement levels for each 30-minute interval based on the previous day's high and low final_data['Fib_38.2'] = final_data['Previous_High'] - (final_data['Previous_High'] - final_data['Previous_Low']) * 0.382 final_data['Fib_50'] = (final_data['Previous_High'] + final_data['Previous_Low']) / 2 final_data['Fib_61.8'] = final_data['Previous_High'] - (final_data['Previous_High'] - final_data['Previous_Low']) * 0.618 # Drop unnecessary columns final_data.drop(['Previous_High', 'Previous_Low'], axis=1, inplace=True) # Calculate Average True Range (ATR) using TA-Lib (already done above) # final_poc_data['ATR'] is equivalent to 'ATR_14_30_mins' # Calculate Average True Range (ATR) high_low = final_data['High'] - final_data['Low'] high_close = np.abs(final_data['High'] - final_data['Close'].shift()) low_close = np.abs(final_data['Low'] - final_data['Close'].shift()) true_range = pd.concat([high_low, high_close, low_close], axis=1).max(axis=1) final_data['ATR'] = true_range.rolling(window=14).mean() # Calculate Stochastic Oscillator final_data['14-high'] = final_data['High'].rolling(window=14).max() final_data['14-low'] = final_data['Low'].rolling(window=14).min() # final_data['%K'] = (final_data['Close'] - final_data['14-low']) * 100 / (final_data['14-high'] - final_data['14-low']) # final_data['%D'] = final_data['%K'].rolling(window=3).mean() # # Calculate Parabolic SAR (for simplicity, this example uses a fixed acceleration factor) # final_data['PSAR'] = final_data['Close'].shift() + (0.02 * (final_data['High'] - final_data['Low'])) # Calculate Stochastic Oscillator using TA-Lib final_data['%K'], final_data['%D'] = talib.STOCH( final_data['High'], final_data['Low'], final_data['Close'], fastk_period=14, slowk_period=3, slowk_matype=0, slowd_period=3, slowd_matype=0 ) # Calculate Parabolic SAR using TA-Lib final_data['PSAR'] = talib.SAR(final_data['High'], final_data['Low'], acceleration=0.02, maximum=0.2) # st.write(final_data) # Section 3: TPO Profile Calculation def calculate_tpo(data, tick_size=0.01, value_area_percent=70): price_levels = np.arange(data['Low'].min(), data['High'].max(), tick_size) tpo_counts = defaultdict(list) letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' letter_idx = 0 for _, row in data.iterrows(): current_letter = letters[letter_idx % len(letters)] for price in price_levels: if row['Low'] <= price <= row['High']: tpo_counts[price].append(current_letter) letter_idx += 1 total_tpo = sum(len(counts) for counts in tpo_counts.values()) value_area_target = total_tpo * value_area_percent / 100 sorted_tpo = sorted(tpo_counts.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True) value_area_tpo = 0 vah = 0 val = float('inf') for price, counts in sorted_tpo: if value_area_tpo + len(counts) <= value_area_target: value_area_tpo += len(counts) vah = max(vah, price) val = min(val, price) else: break poc = sorted_tpo[0][0] # Price with highest TPO count return tpo_counts, poc, vah, val # Section 4: IB Range, Market Classification, and Signals def calculate_market_profile(data): daily_tpo_profiles = [] value_area_percent = 70 tick_size = 0.01 for date, group in data.groupby('Date'): tpo_counts, poc, vah, val = calculate_tpo(group, tick_size, value_area_percent) initial_balance_high = group['High'].iloc[:2].max() initial_balance_low = group['Low'].iloc[:2].min() initial_balance_range = initial_balance_high - initial_balance_low day_range = group['High'].max() - group['Low'].min() range_extension = day_range - initial_balance_range last_row = group.iloc[-1] last_row_close = last_row['Close'] last_row_open = last_row['Open'] # st.write(last_row) if day_range <= initial_balance_range * 1.15: day_type = 'Normal Day' elif initial_balance_range < day_range <= initial_balance_range * 2: if last_row_open >= last_row_close: day_type = 'Negative Normal Variation Day' elif last_row_open <= last_row_close: day_type = 'Positive Normal Variation Day' else: day_type = 'Normal Variation Day' elif day_range > initial_balance_range * 2: day_type = 'Trend Day' else: day_type = 'Neutral Day' if last_row['Close'] >= initial_balance_high: close_type = 'Closed above Initial High' elif last_row['Close'] <= initial_balance_low: close_type = 'Closed below Initial Low' else: close_type = 'Closed between Initial High and Low' # if last_row['Close'] >= vah: # close_type_va = 'Closed above VAH' # elif last_row['Close'] <= initial_balance_low: # close_type_va = 'Closed below VAL' # else: # close_type_va = 'Closed between VAH and VAL' tpo_profile = { 'Date': date, 'POC': round(poc, 2), 'VAH': round(vah, 2), 'VAL': round(val, 2), 'Initial Balance High': round(initial_balance_high, 2), 'Initial Balance Low': round(initial_balance_low, 2), 'Initial Balance Range': round(initial_balance_range, 2), 'Day Range': round(day_range, 2), 'Range Extension': round(range_extension, 2), 'Day Type': day_type, 'Close Type' : close_type # , # 'Close Type VA':close_type_va } daily_tpo_profiles.append(tpo_profile) return pd.DataFrame(daily_tpo_profiles) market_profile_df = calculate_market_profile(final_data) # Merge TPO profile data into final_data based on the 'Date' final_data = pd.merge(final_data, market_profile_df, on='Date', how='left') # st.write(market_profile_df) # Section 5: Generate Signals based on Market Profile def generate_signals(market_profile_df): trends = [] for i in range(1, len(market_profile_df)): prev_day = market_profile_df.iloc[i - 1] curr_day = market_profile_df.iloc[i] if curr_day['Initial Balance High'] > prev_day['VAH']: trend = 'Bullish' elif curr_day['Initial Balance Low'] < prev_day['VAL']: trend = 'Bearish' else: trend = 'Neutral' trends.append({ 'Date': curr_day['Date'], 'Trend': trend, 'Previous Day VAH': prev_day['VAH'], 'Previous Day VAL': prev_day['VAL'], 'Previous Day POC': prev_day['POC'], }) return pd.DataFrame(trends) signals_df = generate_signals(market_profile_df) # Merge trend data into final_data final_data = pd.merge(final_data, signals_df, on='Date', how='left') # st.write(final_data) # Define the conditions for Initial Balance Range classification conditions = [ final_data['Initial Balance Range'] < final_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] / 3, (final_data['Initial Balance Range'] >= final_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] / 3) & (final_data['Initial Balance Range'] <= final_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day']), final_data['Initial Balance Range'] > final_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] ] # Define the corresponding values for each condition choices = ['Small', 'Medium', 'Large'] # Create the IB Range column using final_data['IB Range'] =, choices, default='Unknown') # Round all values in final_data to 2 decimals final_data = final_data.round(2) # Display the final merged DataFrame # st.write(final_data) # Get the unique dates and sort them sorted_dates = sorted(set(final_data['Date'])) final_data['2 Day VAH and VAL'] = '' # final_data['Previous Initial Market Profile Shape'] = '' # final_data['Previous Refined Market Profile Shape'] = '' # Use a for loop with range() to iterate over the sorted dates by index for i in range(2, len(sorted_dates)): date = sorted_dates[i] previous_date = sorted_dates[i - 1] # print(f"Current Date: {date}") # print(f"Previous Date: {previous_date}") # Extract data for the previous date previous_data = final_data[final_data['Date'] == previous_date] day_high = previous_data['High'].max() day_low = previous_data['Low'].max() # Initialize an empty list for actions actions = [] # actions.append(date) # Ensure previous_data has rows before accessing if not previous_data.empty: # Get the last row of the previous day's data last_row = previous_data.iloc[-1] # Compare 'Close' with 'VAH' and 'VAL' if last_row['Close'] >= last_row['VAH']: actions.append('Previous Day Close Above VAH') actions.append('Previous Day Close Bullish') elif last_row['Close'] <= last_row['VAL']: actions.append('Previous Day Close Below VAL') actions.append('Previous Day Close Bearish') else: actions.append('Previous Day Close Neutral') if last_row['Previous Day VAH'] >= last_row['VAH'] and last_row['Previous Day VAL'] <= last_row['VAL']: actions.append('Insider Neutral') elif last_row['Previous Day VAH'] <= last_row['VAH'] and last_row['Previous Day VAL'] >= last_row['VAL']: actions.append('Outsider Neutral') if last_row['IB Range'] == 'Large' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['Initial Balance High']: final_day_type = 'Large Range Normal Day' elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Medium' and day_high >= last_row['Initial Balance High'] and day_low <= last_row['Initial Balance Low']: final_day_type = 'Medium Range Neutral Day' elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Medium' and last_row['Close'] >= last_row['Initial Balance High']: final_day_type = 'Medium Range +ve Normal Variation Day' elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Medium' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['Initial Balance Low']: final_day_type = 'Medium Range -ve Normal Variation Day' elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Small' and last_row['Close'] >= last_row['Initial Balance High']: final_day_type = 'Small Range +ve Trend Variation Day' elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Small' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['Initial Balance Low']: final_day_type = 'Small Range -ve Trend Variation Day' elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Small' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['Initial Balance High'] and last_row['Close'] >= last_row['Initial Balance Low']: final_day_type = 'Small Range Non Trend Variation Day' else: final_day_type = '' # if last_row['POC'] > last_row['VAH']: # previous_day_shape = "P-shape (Bullish Accumulation)" # elif last_row['POC'] < last_row['VAL']: # previous_day_shape = "b-shape (Bearish Accumulation)" # elif last_row['VAH'] > last_row['POC'] > last_row['VAL']: # previous_day_shape = "D-shape (Balanced Market)" # else: # previous_day_shape = "B-shape (Double Distribution)" # # Print or perform further operations with actions # print(actions) final_data.loc[final_data['Date'] == previous_date, '2 Day VAH and VAL'] = str(actions) final_data.loc[final_data['Date'] == previous_date, 'Adjusted Day Type'] = str(final_day_type) # final_data.loc[final_data['Date'] == previous_date, 'Previous Initial Market Profile Shape'] = str(previous_day_shape) st.write("final_data") # st.write(dji_data.columns) dji_data = dji_data[['Datetime','Open','High','Low','Close','Volume','RSI_Score','%K_Score','Stoch_RSI_Score','CCI_Score','BBP_Score','MA_Score','VWAP_Score','BB_Score','Supertrend_Score','Linear_Regression_Score','Sentiment']] nasdaq_data = nasdaq_data[['Datetime','Open','High','Low','Close','Volume','RSI_Score','%K_Score','Stoch_RSI_Score','CCI_Score','BBP_Score','MA_Score','VWAP_Score','BB_Score','Supertrend_Score','Linear_Regression_Score','Sentiment']] s_and_p_500_data = s_and_p_500_data[['Datetime','Open','High','Low','Close','Volume','RSI_Score','%K_Score','Stoch_RSI_Score','CCI_Score','BBP_Score','MA_Score','VWAP_Score','BB_Score','Supertrend_Score','Linear_Regression_Score','Sentiment']] # Rename columns in dji_data to add '_dji' suffix except for the 'Datetime' column dji_data = dji_data.rename(columns={col: f"{col}_dji" for col in dji_data.columns if col != 'Datetime'}) nasdaq_data = nasdaq_data.rename(columns={col: f"{col}_nasdaq" for col in nasdaq_data.columns if col != 'Datetime'}) s_and_p_500_data = s_and_p_500_data.rename(columns={col: f"{col}_s_and_p_500" for col in s_and_p_500_data.columns if col != 'Datetime'}) # Merge both dataframes on the "Datetime" column merged_data = pd.merge(final_data, dji_data, on='Datetime') merged_data = pd.merge(merged_data, nasdaq_data, on='Datetime') merged_data = pd.merge(merged_data, s_and_p_500_data, on='Datetime') final_data = merged_data.copy() st.write(final_data) # # Initial quick identification of market profile shape based on POC, VAH, and VAL # def quick_identify_profile_shape(vah, val, poc): # if poc > vah: # return "P-shape (Bullish Accumulation)" # elif poc < val: # return "b-shape (Bearish Accumulation)" # elif vah > poc > val: # return "D-shape (Balanced Market)" # else: # return "B-shape (Double Distribution)" # # Refine the initial guess with skewness and kurtosis # def refine_with_skew_kurtosis(volume_profile, shape_guess): # volumes = volume_profile['Total Volume'].values # skewness = skew(volumes) # kurt = kurtosis(volumes) # if shape_guess == "P-shape" and skewness < 0: # return "b-shape (Bearish Accumulation)" # if shape_guess == "b-shape" and skewness > 0: # return "P-shape (Bullish Accumulation)" # if shape_guess == "D-shape" and abs(skewness) > 0.5 and kurt > 0: # return "B-shape (Double Distribution)" # return shape_guess # # Calculate the volume profile # volume_profile = calculate_volume_profile(data, row_layout=24) # vah, val, poc = calculate_vah_val_poc(volume_profile) # # Initial shape identification # initial_shape = quick_identify_profile_shape(vah, val, poc) # # Refined shape identification # refined_shape = refine_with_skew_kurtosis(volume_profile, initial_shape) # Create a 'casted_date' column to only capture the date part of the Datetime final_data['casted_date'] = final_data['Date'] # Sort by casted_date to ensure correct order final_data = final_data.sort_values(by='Datetime') # Create a 'casted_date' column to only capture the date part of the Datetime final_data['casted_date'] = final_data['Date'] final_data['casted_date'] = final_data['casted_date'] # Get a sorted list of unique dates sorted_dates = sorted(final_data['casted_date'].unique()) # Find the index of the selected date in the sorted list current_date_index = sorted_dates.index(input_date) if input_date in sorted_dates else None # Determine the previous date if it exists previous_date = sorted_dates[current_date_index - 1] if current_date_index and current_date_index > 0 else None # st.write(input_date) # Filter based on the input date (input_date) from the sidebar filtered_data = final_data[final_data['casted_date'] == input_date] # st.write(final_data.tail()) # st.write(len(filtered_data)) # Filter based on the input date (input_date) from the sidebar previous_filtered_data = final_data[final_data['casted_date'] == previous_date] # st.write(previous_date) # st.write(len(previous_filtered_data)) # st.write(filtered_data.columns) # Section 7: Display the Data for Selected Date if not filtered_data.empty: st.title(f"Market Profile for {input_date}") st.write(f"Previous Day Type: {previous_filtered_data['Day Type'].values[0]}") st.write(f"Previous Adjusted Day Type: {previous_filtered_data['Adjusted Day Type'].values[0]}") st.write(f"Previous Close Type: {previous_filtered_data['Close Type'].values[0]}") # st.write(f"Close Type VA: {filtered_data['Close Type VA'].values[0]}") st.write(f"Previous 2 Day VAH and VAL:{previous_filtered_data['2 Day VAH and VAL'].values[0]}") st.write(f"IB Range: {filtered_data['Initial Balance Range'].values[0]}") st.write(f"2 Day VAH and VAL: VAH - {filtered_data['VAH'].values[0]}, VAL - {signals_df['Previous Day VAL'].values[-1]}") st.write(filtered_data) # st.write(filtered_data.columns) # Calculate the opening price and difference from the previous close opening_price = filtered_data.iloc[0]['Open'] previous_close = previous_filtered_data.iloc[-1]['Close'] open_point_diff = round(opening_price - previous_close, 2) if previous_close else None open_percent_diff = round((open_point_diff / previous_close) * 100, 2) if previous_close else None open_above_below = "above" if open_point_diff > 0 else "below" if open_point_diff < 0 else "no change" current_row = filtered_data.iloc[0] last_row = previous_filtered_data.iloc[-1] input_text = ( f"Today’s profile on {input_date} for {ticker} with IB Range Type {current_row['IB Range']} Range. The market opened at {opening_price}, " f"Opening_Gap_Percentage is {open_percent_diff}% ( Opening_Gap_Points {abs(open_point_diff)} points) {open_above_below} the previous day's close. " f"The Initial Balance High is {current_row['Initial Balance High']} and Initial Balance Low is {current_row['Initial Balance Low']}, " f"giving an Initial Balance Range of {current_row['Initial Balance Range']}. " f"Yesterday's VAH was {last_row['VAH']} and Yesterday's VAL was {last_row['VAL']}. " f"Day before yesterday's VAH was {last_row['Previous Day VAH']} and Day before yesterday's VAL was {last_row['Previous Day VAL']}. " f"Previous day Type: {last_row['Day Type']}.\n" f"Previous Adjusted Day Type: {final_day_type}.\n" f"Previous Close Type: {last_row['Close Type']}.\n" f"Previous 2 Day VAH and VAL: {actions}.\n" # Adding indicators f"MA_20_Day is {last_row['MA_20']}. " f"RSI is {last_row['RSI']}. " f"MACD is {last_row['MACD']} with Signal Line at {last_row['Signal Line']}. " f"Bollinger Bands Upper at {last_row['Bollinger_Upper']} and Bollinger Bands Lower at {last_row['Bollinger_Lower']}. " f"VWAP is {last_row['VWAP']}. " f"Fibonacci Levels: 38.2% at {last_row['Fib_38.2']}, 50% at {last_row['Fib_50']}, 61.8% at {last_row['Fib_61.8']}. " f"ATR is {last_row['ATR']}. " f"Stochastic Oscillator %K is {last_row['%K']} and %D is {last_row['%D']}. " f"Parabolic SAR is at {last_row['PSAR']}. " f"Given these indicators, what is the expected market direction for today?" ) st.write(input_text) # Segments dictionary segments = { "IB_High": {"numeric_value": "Initial Balance High"}, "IB_Low": {"numeric_value": "Initial Balance Low"}, "Range_Type": {"text": "IB Range Type"}, "Previous_Day_Type": {"text": "Previous day Type:"}, "Previous_Adjusted_Day_Type": {"text": "Previous Adjusted Day Type:"}, "Previous_Close_Type": {"text": "Previous Close Type:"}, "Previous_2_D_VAH_VAL": {"text": "Previous 2 Day VAH and VAL:"}, "IB_Range": {"numeric_value": "Initial Balance Range"}, "VAH_Yesterday": {"numeric_value": "Yesterday's VAH"}, "VAL_Yesterday": {"numeric_value": "Yesterday's VAL"}, "VAH_DayBefore": {"numeric_value": "Day before yesterday's VAH"}, "VAL_DayBefore": {"numeric_value": "Day before yesterday's VAL"}, "Moving_Avg_20": {"numeric_value": "MA_20_Day"}, "RSI": {"numeric_value": "RSI"}, "MACD": {"numeric_value": "MACD"}, "Signal_Line": {"numeric_value": "Signal Line"}, "Bollinger_Upper": {"numeric_value": "Bollinger Bands Upper"}, "Bollinger_Lower": {"numeric_value": "Bollinger Bands Lower"}, "VWAP": {"numeric_value": "VWAP"}, "ATR": {"numeric_value": "ATR"}, "Market_Open": {"numeric_value": "market opened at"}, "Opening_Gap_Percentage": {"numeric_value": "Opening_Gap_Percentage"}, "Opening_Gap_Points": {"numeric_value": "Opening_Gap_Points"}, "Fibonacci_38.2%": {"numeric_value": "38.2% at"}, "Fibonacci_50%": {"numeric_value": "50% at"}, "Fibonacci_61.8%": {"numeric_value": "61.8% at"}, "Stochastic_Oscillator_%K": {"numeric_value": "Stochastic Oscillator %K"}, "Stochastic_Oscillator_%D": {"numeric_value": "%D"}, "Parabolic_SAR": {"numeric_value": "Parabolic SAR"}, } # Function to extract values def extract_values(input_text, segments): extracted_data = {} for key, details in segments.items(): # text_marker = details["text"] text_marker = details.get("text", details.get("numeric_value")) # Extract numeric value following the text_marker match ="{text_marker}[^0-9\.\-]*([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)", input_text) if match: extracted_data[key] = float( else: # Extract categories or other types if present match ="{text_marker}\s*([A-Za-z\s]+)", input_text) if match: extracted_data[key] = else: extracted_data[key] = None # Mark as None if not found return extracted_data # Extract values extracted_data = extract_values(input_text, segments) st.write(extracted_data) # Display the input text for reference st.write("Paste the input details below:") # # Input boxes for the headers and cookies # xsrf_token = st.text_input("Enter X-Xsrf-Token:", st.session_state.xsrf_token) # laravel_token = st.text_input("Enter laravel_token:", st.session_state.laravel_token) # xsrf_cookie = st.text_input("Enter XSRF-TOKEN:", st.session_state.xsrf_cookie) # laravel_session = st.text_input("Enter laravel_session:", st.session_state.laravel_session) st.write(st.session_state.xsrf_token) # Button to update the headers and cookies if st.session_state.xsrf_token != "": # Store the input values in session state xsrf_token = st.session_state.xsrf_token laravel_token = st.session_state.laravel_token xsrf_cookie = st.session_state.xsrf_cookie laravel_session = st.session_state.laravel_session headers = { "Accept": "*/*", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br, zstd", "Accept-Language": "en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Pragma": "no-cache", "Referer": f"{ticker}/interactive-chart/new", "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "empty", "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors", "Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36", "X-Xsrf-Token": xsrf_token } cookies = { "market": "eyJpdiI6IndEcWdvUFdXTTA3eFZ1YUZYQUVEWGc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiZjZxVmw3eXVOTFNNTloycHQyT0Qwdy81aHJpTE1EbjJudVpLNGJqR2hVblB6cmtQK0RkL2JCWUkyTnlLSXVBMSIsIm1hYyI6ImM1NzM1Nzc5YWRiNDE2MjJkMmNjMjc1NWM1OTI5YmI5MTI0OTFhNWQ3ZjU5N2VkZWU0MGM5YzRmYTgxNDEwMjAiLCJ0YWciOiIifQ==", "ic_tagmanager": "AY", "bcFreeUserPageView": "0", "OTGPPConsent": "DBABLA~BAQCAAAACZA.QA", "_cc_id": "37bbd3b5e25518f363099731bc6b4c8e", "panoramaId": "f2e101d6354a4fa589dba4a814894945a7021e82bf1f4b9c260e5fab92281dc6", "panoramaIdType": "panoIndiv", "_gcl_au": "1.1.1896302454.1730073368", "_au_1d": "AU1D-0100-001713575418-U5TFIBZP-SOZJ", "_gid": "GA1.2.1151398600.1730073386", "cnx_userId": "29b1d83be06e472baaefcb22d3ae3611", "_li_dcdm_c": "", "_lc2_fpi": "0963eb871108--01hvwgn5ebegbbt56a5xrs0n3k", "panoramaId_expiry": "1730678237798", "webinarClosed": "216", "cto_bundle": "WhAAXF9XVHlwJTJCV2pkT3dvRklBM0ZuVGFNaXRYeTZGRXpINXBpVWxkWUExNHhFcjkxYWRtJTJCdkhrR2s4cjNyVG9odEtFRU53eGdEOFc0ZVpmOElUMWdjSjRsZlRqQzA0WTVxJTJCY25QeW5YMzl3ZGJwSW9DJTJCZDJYYUdHWEQyMyUyQm5tMkZpMVJpRm82JTJGcXNqYUJIZVVaOVpvSVZFJTJCNzZ3M1diZEt1eGJtSnozOWExY3A3NUxHQUQ3Ynp1Q1klMkJqR1YlMkJEWms5eWxvSHRaNUZrbkg1U1JWVkFvVTNuWEJ3JTNEJTNE", "_awl": "2.1730074105.5-9a5fb48ce841a53bb7cbf467fc09fe58-6763652d75732d6561737431-0", "cto_bundle": "rGPslV9XVHlwJTJCV2pkT3dvRklBM0ZuVGFNaXUxck1uZGE3TW96Q0Q2Yjh6YlY1dzV4ZyUyQlhzQndLMDhVb2lQTW5xRDVGTyUyRjBaOVlpRCUyQmpJSHRlM2hmWTVNNmdiMXZ0V1JRJTJGQlVLMmUyWnIwZDdpVkElMkZuVms1VzlYUDJKVk1xbWFuNlNSTzA1YTklMkJXVzRkNSUyRmFRd1RBVVBsOWdlaGRuNWsxVWdlSG9OSDROdlZrM0RmOWRxaGQlMkZJNnlBdzFXNTlTMGtxdU5KTDN4bzduWGJhaDBESDh6OVE3S0hRJTNEJTNE", "cto_bidid": "HPdoC19temNLenppZCUyRlV6MlZ6TkF1U2ZBazJRMXVmeURScXQxJTJCdXpabzV6U1l1S2hveHJ6V2czMENDSDBNWVVOZUt2Nlc5aUt0aW1QQmNteWJvRnVHbU8zWVBISiUyRlFYcUY5aW9qTWJmSmJ5T0NZSSUzRA", "__gads": "ID=d422c3d1f37af320:T=1730073271:RT=1730074598:S=ALNI_MYPfcjnFlb26OY3jDa8lh6eQhttjg", "__gpi": "UID=00000f3b329b8d6b:T=1730073271:RT=1730074598:S=ALNI_MbX0tq_KDBj7JRUe566svZ4KsL5Uw", "__eoi": "ID=dbbbc4dd293f08d5:T=1730073271:RT=1730074598:S=AA-AfjZK3mqLQsYEwNslTXbY1AnC", "OptanonAlertBoxClosed": "2024-10-28T00:18:33.274Z", "_gat_UA-2009749-51": "1", "_ga": "GA1.1.134986912.1730073384", "_ga_FVWZ0RM4DH": "GS1.1.1730073947.1.0.1730074720.40.0.0", "": "4", "laravel_token": laravel_token, "XSRF-TOKEN": xsrf_cookie, "laravel_session": laravel_session } st.write("Headers and Cookies updated successfully.") # st.write("Headers:", headers) # st.write("Cookies:", cookies) # Base URL and parameters BASE_URL = f"{ticker}&interval=30&maxrecords=640&volume=contract&order=asc÷nds=false&backadjust=false&daystoexpiration=1&contractroll=combined" response = requests.get(BASE_URL, headers=headers, cookies=cookies) st.write(response.status_code) if response.status_code == 200: try: # Read the response text into a DataFrame with proper headers data = StringIO(response.text) df = pd.read_csv(data, header=None, names=["Datetime", "Unknown", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume"]) df = df.drop(columns=["Unknown"]) # Drop any unnecessary columns df['Datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Datetime']) # Convert to datetime format except pd.errors.ParserError: print("Failed to parse response as CSV.") else: print(f"Failed to fetch data. Status Code: {response.status_code}") min_timestamp = df['Datetime'].min() # Format min_timestamp for the next URL formatted_min_timestamp = min_timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') # Generate the new URL with the min timestamp as the end parameter next_url = f"{ticker}&interval=30&maxrecords=640&end={formatted_min_timestamp}&volume=contract&order=asc÷nds=false&backadjust=false&daystoexpiration=1&contractroll=combined" # Define the recursive data fetching function def fetch_data_until_start_date(start_date='2024-01-01'): all_data = pd.DataFrame() # Initialize an empty DataFrame to store all data next_url = BASE_URL # Start with the base URL # print(next_url) while True: # Fetch data from the API response = requests.get(next_url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies) if response.status_code == 200: try: # Convert response text to DataFrame data = StringIO(response.text) df = pd.read_csv(data, header=None, names=["Datetime", "Unknown", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume"]) df = df.drop(columns=["Unknown"]) # Drop any unnecessary columns df['Datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Datetime']) # Convert to datetime format # Append new data to the cumulative DataFrame all_data = pd.concat([all_data, df], ignore_index=True) # Check if the earliest date in the data meets the start date min_timestamp = df['Datetime'].min() if min_timestamp <= pd.to_datetime(start_date): break # Stop the loop if we have reached or passed the start date # Format the min_timestamp for the next URL formatted_min_timestamp = min_timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') # Generate the next URL with the new end parameter next_url = f"{BASE_URL}&end={formatted_min_timestamp}" except pd.errors.ParserError: print("Failed to parse response as CSV.") break # Exit if parsing fails else: print(f"Failed to fetch data. Status Code: {response.status_code}") break # Exit if fetching fails st.write(all_data.head()) # Filter the data to only include dates after the start date all_data = all_data[all_data['Datetime'] >= pd.to_datetime(start_date)] return all_data.reset_index(drop=True) # Add a date input widget for selecting the start date start_date = st.date_input("Select the Start Date", value=datetime(2024, 1, 1).date()) # Convert Streamlit date input to string format suitable for the function start_date_str = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # Run the function to fetch data temp_final_data = fetch_data_until_start_date(start_date=start_date_str) # Assuming 'df' is the initial dataset and 'final_data' contains the recursively fetched data merged_data = pd.concat([df, temp_final_data], ignore_index=True) # Remove any duplicate rows if necessary, based on 'Datetime' and other columns merged_data = merged_data.drop_duplicates(subset=['Datetime'], keep='first') # Sort by 'Datetime' in ascending order to maintain chronological order merged_data = merged_data.sort_values(by='Datetime').reset_index(drop=True) # merged_data = merged_data[merged_data['Datetime'] < pd.to_datetime(input_date)] st.write("Merged Data") # Display the first few rows of the combined data st.write(merged_data.head()) st.write(merged_data.tail()) # # List of tickers to fetch data for # tickers = ['$SPX', 'DOW', '$NDXT'] # # # Add a date input widget for selecting the start date # # start_date = st.date_input("Select the Start Date", value=datetime(2024, 1, 1).date()) # # # Convert Streamlit date input to string format suitable for the function # # start_date_str = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # # Create dataframes for each ticker # dataframes = {} # for ticker in tickers: # dataframes[ticker] = fetch_stock_data(ticker, start_date=start_date_str, headers=headers, cookies=cookies) # st.write(f"Data for {ticker}:") # st.dataframe(dataframes[ticker]) import time # # Fetch data for major indices # dji_data = fetch_stock_data('DOW') # time.sleep(5) # nasdaq_data = fetch_stock_data('$NDXT') # time.sleep(5) # s_and_p_500_data = fetch_stock_data('$SPX') # # List of tickers to fetch data for # tickers = ['$SPX', 'DOW', '$NDXT'] # # # Add a date input widget for selecting the start date # # start_date = st.date_input("Select the Start Date", value=datetime(2024, 1, 1).date()) # # # Convert Streamlit date input to string format suitable for the function # # start_date_str = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # # Create dataframes for each ticker with a delay between fetches # dataframes = {} # for ticker in tickers: # dataframes[ticker] = fetch_stock_data(ticker, start_date=start_date_str, headers=headers, cookies=cookies) # st.write(f"Data for {ticker}:") # st.dataframe(dataframes[ticker]) # time.sleep(5) # List of tickers to fetch data for tickers = ['$SPX', '$DOWI', '$NDXT'] # tickers = ['AAPL'] # # Add a date input widget for selecting the start date # start_date = st.date_input("Select the Start Date", value=datetime(2024, 1, 1).date()) # # Convert Streamlit date input to string format suitable for the function # start_date_str = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # Convert Streamlit date input to string format suitable for the function start_date_str = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # Create dataframes for each ticker dataframes = {} for ind_ticker in tickers: time.sleep(5) st.write(ind_ticker) # Base URL and parameters BASE_URL = f"{ind_ticker}&interval=30&maxrecords=640&volume=contract&order=asc÷nds=false&backadjust=false&daystoexpiration=1&contractroll=combined" response = requests.get(BASE_URL, headers=headers, cookies=cookies) st.write(response.status_code) if response.status_code == 200: try: # Read the response text into a DataFrame with proper headers data = StringIO(response.text) df = pd.read_csv(data, header=None, names=["Datetime", "Unknown", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume"]) df = df.drop(columns=["Unknown"]) # Drop any unnecessary columns df['Datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Datetime']) # Convert to datetime format except pd.errors.ParserError: print("Failed to parse response as CSV.") else: print(f"Failed to fetch data. Status Code: {response.status_code}") min_timestamp = df['Datetime'].min() st.write(min_timestamp) # Format min_timestamp for the next URL formatted_min_timestamp = min_timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') # Generate the new URL with the min timestamp as the end parameter next_url = f"{ind_ticker}&interval=30&maxrecords=640&end={formatted_min_timestamp}&volume=contract&order=asc÷nds=false&backadjust=false&daystoexpiration=1&contractroll=combined" # Run the function to fetch data temp_final_data = fetch_data_until_start_date(start_date=start_date_str) # Assuming 'df' is the initial dataset and 'final_data' contains the recursively fetched data complete_data = pd.concat([df, temp_final_data], ignore_index=True) # Remove any duplicate rows if necessary, based on 'Datetime' and other columns complete_data = complete_data.drop_duplicates(subset=['Datetime'], keep='first') # Sort by 'Datetime' in ascending order to maintain chronological order complete_data = complete_data.sort_values(by='Datetime').reset_index(drop=True) # complete_data = complete_data[complete_data['Datetime'] < pd.to_datetime(input_date)] dataframes[ind_ticker] = complete_data st.write(complete_data) # dataframes[ticker] = fetch_stock_data_barchart(ticker, start_date=start_date_str) # st.write(f"Data for {ticker}:") # # time.sleep(25) # st.dataframe(dataframes[ticker]) spx_data = dataframes['$SPX'] dji_data = dataframes['$DOWI'] nasdaq_data = dataframes['$NDXT'] st.write("First few rows of ticker") st.write(merged_data.head()) st.write("First few rows of S&P 500 Data:") st.dataframe(spx_data.head()) st.write("First few rows of Dow Jones Industrial Data:") st.dataframe(dji_data.head()) st.write("First few rows of NASDAQ Data:") st.dataframe(nasdaq_data.head()) # # Ensure 'Datetime' column is present and in datetime format # for df in [data, dji_data, nasdaq_data, s_and_p_500_data]: # if 'Datetime' in df.columns: # df['Datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Datetime']) # else: # st.error(f"The dataframe for {df} is missing the 'Datetime' column.") # # return # Calculate percentage changes in 'Close' prices merged_data['pct_change'] = merged_data['Close'].pct_change() dji_data['DJI_pct_change'] = dji_data['Close'].pct_change() nasdaq_data['NASDAQ_pct_change'] = nasdaq_data['Close'].pct_change() spx_data['S_AND_P_500_pct_change'] = spx_data['Close'].pct_change() # Align all dataframes to match by timestamp merged_data = pd.merge(merged_data[['Datetime', 'Open', 'High', 'Low','Close','Volume','pct_change']], dji_data[['Datetime', 'DJI_pct_change']], on='Datetime', how='inner') merged_data = pd.merge(merged_data, nasdaq_data[['Datetime', 'NASDAQ_pct_change']], on='Datetime', how='inner') merged_data = pd.merge(merged_data, spx_data[['Datetime', 'S_AND_P_500_pct_change']], on='Datetime', how='inner') # Drop NaN values resulting from the percentage change calculation merged_data.dropna(inplace=True) # Calculate correlations correlation_dji = merged_data['pct_change'].corr(merged_data['DJI_pct_change']) correlation_nasdaq = merged_data['pct_change'].corr(merged_data['NASDAQ_pct_change']) correlation_s_and_p_500 = merged_data['pct_change'].corr(merged_data['S_AND_P_500_pct_change']) # Display correlations using Streamlit st.write(f"Correlation between {tickers[0]} and DJI movements: {correlation_dji:.2f}") st.write(f"Correlation between {tickers[0]} and NASDAQ movements: {correlation_nasdaq:.2f}") st.write(f"Correlation between {tickers[0]} and SPX movements: {correlation_s_and_p_500:.2f}") st.write(dji_data.head()) dji_data = calculate_indicators_and_scores(dji_data) nasdaq_data = calculate_indicators_and_scores(nasdaq_data) spx_data = calculate_indicators_and_scores(spx_data) dji_data = dji_data[['Datetime','Open','High','Low','Close','Volume','RSI_Score','%K_Score','Stoch_RSI_Score','CCI_Score','BBP_Score','MA_Score','VWAP_Score','BB_Score','Supertrend_Score','Linear_Regression_Score','Sentiment']] nasdaq_data = nasdaq_data[['Datetime','Open','High','Low','Close','Volume','RSI_Score','%K_Score','Stoch_RSI_Score','CCI_Score','BBP_Score','MA_Score','VWAP_Score','BB_Score','Supertrend_Score','Linear_Regression_Score','Sentiment']] spx_data = spx_data[['Datetime','Open','High','Low','Close','Volume','RSI_Score','%K_Score','Stoch_RSI_Score','CCI_Score','BBP_Score','MA_Score','VWAP_Score','BB_Score','Supertrend_Score','Linear_Regression_Score','Sentiment']] # Rename columns in dji_data to add '_dji' suffix except for the 'Datetime' column dji_data = dji_data.rename(columns={col: f"{col}_dji" for col in dji_data.columns if col != 'Datetime'}) nasdaq_data = nasdaq_data.rename(columns={col: f"{col}_nasdaq" for col in nasdaq_data.columns if col != 'Datetime'}) spx_data = spx_data.rename(columns={col: f"{col}_s_and_p_500" for col in spx_data.columns if col != 'Datetime'}) index_data = dji_data.copy() # Merge both dataframes on the "Datetime" column index_data = pd.merge(index_data, nasdaq_data, on='Datetime') index_data = pd.merge(index_data, spx_data, on='Datetime') final_data = merged_data.copy() # st.write(final_data) # # Parameters for TPO calculation # value_area_percent = 70 # tick_size = 0.01 # Tick size as per the image # # Calculate ATR for 30-minute and daily intervals # atr_period = 14 # # True Range Calculation for 30-minute data # data['H-L'] = data['High'] - data['Low'] # data['H-PC'] = np.abs(data['High'] - data['Close'].shift(1)) # data['L-PC'] = np.abs(data['Low'] - data['Close'].shift(1)) # data['TR'] = data[['H-L', 'H-PC', 'L-PC']].max(axis=1) # # ATR for 30-minute data # data['ATR_14_30_mins'] = data['TR'].ewm(alpha=1/atr_period, adjust=False).mean() # # # Fetch daily data for Apple to calculate daily ATR # # daily_data =, period="60d", interval="1d") # start_date = start_date_str # end_date ='%Y-%m-%d') # # Download data from start_date until today # daily_data =, start=start_date, end=end_date, interval="1d") # # Reset index to ensure 'Date' is a column, not an index # daily_data = daily_data.reset_index() # # True Range Calculation for daily data # daily_data['H-L'] = daily_data['High'] - daily_data['Low'] # daily_data['H-PC'] = np.abs(daily_data['High'] - daily_data['Close'].shift(1)) # daily_data['L-PC'] = np.abs(daily_data['Low'] - daily_data['Close'].shift(1)) # daily_data['TR'] = daily_data[['H-L', 'H-PC', 'L-PC']].max(axis=1) # daily_data['ATR_14_1_day'] = daily_data['TR'].ewm(alpha=1/atr_period, adjust=False).mean() # # Shift the ATR to get the previous day's ATR # daily_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] = daily_data['ATR_14_1_day'].shift(1) # # Ensure consistent date format # data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Datetime']) # daily_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(daily_data['Date']) # # Merge ATR from daily data into 30-minute data # final_data = pd.merge(data, daily_data[['Date', 'ATR_14_1_day','Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day']], on='Date', how='left') # final_data = final_data.drop(['H-L', 'H-PC','L-PC','TR'], axis=1) # # Round all columns to 2 decimal places # final_data = final_data.round(2) # # TPO Profile Calculation # def calculate_tpo(data, tick_size, value_area_percent): # price_levels = np.arange(data['Low'].min(), data['High'].max(), tick_size) # tpo_counts = defaultdict(list) # letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' # letter_idx = 0 # for _, row in data.iterrows(): # current_letter = letters[letter_idx % len(letters)] # for price in price_levels: # if row['Low'] <= price <= row['High']: # tpo_counts[price].append(current_letter) # letter_idx += 1 # total_tpo = sum(len(counts) for counts in tpo_counts.values()) # value_area_target = total_tpo * value_area_percent / 100 # sorted_tpo = sorted(tpo_counts.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True) # value_area_tpo = 0 # value_area_high = 0 # value_area_low = float('inf') # for price, counts in sorted_tpo: # if value_area_tpo + len(counts) <= value_area_target: # value_area_tpo += len(counts) # value_area_high = max(value_area_high, price) # value_area_low = min(value_area_low, price) # else: # break # poc = sorted_tpo[0][0] # Price with highest TPO count # vah = value_area_high # val = value_area_low # return tpo_counts, poc, vah, val # # Group by date and calculate TPO profile for each day # daily_tpo_profiles = [] # for date, group in final_data.groupby('Date'): # tpo_counts, poc, vah, val = calculate_tpo(group, tick_size, value_area_percent) # # Calculate Initial Balance Range (IBR) # initial_balance_high = group['High'].iloc[:2].max() # First 2 half-hour periods (1 hour) # initial_balance_low = group['Low'].iloc[:2].min() # initial_balance_range = initial_balance_high - initial_balance_low # # Calculate day's total range # day_range = group['High'].max() - group['Low'].min() # range_extension = day_range - initial_balance_range # # Identify Single Prints # single_prints = [round(price, 2) for price, counts in tpo_counts.items() if len(counts) == 1] # # Identify Poor Highs and Poor Lows # high_price = group['High'].max() # low_price = group['Low'].min() # poor_high = len(tpo_counts[high_price]) > 1 # poor_low = len(tpo_counts[low_price]) > 1 # # Classify the day # if day_range <= initial_balance_range * 1.15: # day_type = 'Normal Day' # elif initial_balance_range < day_range <= initial_balance_range * 2: # day_type = 'Normal Variation Day' # elif day_range > initial_balance_range * 2: # day_type = 'Trend Day' # else: # day_type = 'Neutral Day' # if last_row['Close'] >= initial_balance_high: # close_type = 'Closed above Initial High' # elif last_row['Close'] <= initial_balance_low: # close_type = 'Closed below Initial Low' # else: # close_type = 'Closed between Initial High and Low' # # Store the results in a dictionary # tpo_profile = { # 'Date': date, # 'POC': round(poc, 2), # 'VAH': round(vah, 2), # 'VAL': round(val, 2), # 'Initial Balance High': round(initial_balance_high, 2), # 'Initial Balance Low': round(initial_balance_low, 2), # 'Initial Balance Range': round(initial_balance_range, 2), # 'Day Range': round(day_range, 2), # 'Range Extension': round(range_extension, 2), # 'Day Type': day_type, # 'Single Prints': single_prints, # 'Poor High': poor_high, # 'Poor Low': poor_low, # 'Close Type' : close_type # } # daily_tpo_profiles.append(tpo_profile) # # Convert the list of dictionaries to a DataFrame # tpo_profiles_df = pd.DataFrame(daily_tpo_profiles) # # Merge TPO profile data into final_data based on the 'Date' # final_data = pd.merge(final_data, tpo_profiles_df, on='Date', how='left') # # Calculate Moving Average (MA) # final_data['MA_20'] = final_data['Close'].rolling(window=20).mean() # # Calculate Relative Strength Index (RSI) # delta = final_data['Close'].diff() # gain = (delta.where(delta > 0, 0)).rolling(window=14).mean() # loss = (-delta.where(delta < 0, 0)).rolling(window=14).mean() # final_data['RSI'] = 100 - (100 / (1 + gain / loss)) # # Calculate Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) # short_ema = final_data['Close'].ewm(span=12, adjust=False).mean() # long_ema = final_data['Close'].ewm(span=26, adjust=False).mean() # final_data['MACD'] = short_ema - long_ema # final_data['Signal Line'] = final_data['MACD'].ewm(span=9, adjust=False).mean() # # Calculate Bollinger Bands # final_data['MA_20'] = final_data['Close'].rolling(window=20).mean() # final_data['Bollinger_Upper'] = final_data['MA_20'] + (final_data['Close'].rolling(window=20).std() * 2) # final_data['Bollinger_Lower'] = final_data['MA_20'] - (final_data['Close'].rolling(window=20).std() * 2) # # Calculate Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) # final_data['VWAP'] = (final_data['Volume'] * (final_data['High'] + final_data['Low'] + final_data['Close']) / 3).cumsum() / final_data['Volume'].cumsum() # # Calculate Fibonacci Retracement Levels (use high and low from a specific range if applicable) # highest = final_data['High'].max() # lowest = final_data['Low'].min() # final_data['Fib_38.2'] = highest - (highest - lowest) * 0.382 # final_data['Fib_50'] = (highest + lowest) / 2 # final_data['Fib_61.8'] = highest - (highest - lowest) * 0.618 # # Calculate Average True Range (ATR) # high_low = final_data['High'] - final_data['Low'] # high_close = np.abs(final_data['High'] - final_data['Close'].shift()) # low_close = np.abs(final_data['Low'] - final_data['Close'].shift()) # true_range = pd.concat([high_low, high_close, low_close], axis=1).max(axis=1) # final_data['ATR'] = true_range.rolling(window=14).mean() # # Calculate Stochastic Oscillator # final_data['14-high'] = final_data['High'].rolling(window=14).max() # final_data['14-low'] = final_data['Low'].rolling(window=14).min() # final_data['%K'] = (final_data['Close'] - final_data['14-low']) * 100 / (final_data['14-high'] - final_data['14-low']) # final_data['%D'] = final_data['%K'].rolling(window=3).mean() # # Calculate Parabolic SAR (for simplicity, this example uses a fixed acceleration factor) # final_data['PSAR'] = final_data['Close'].shift() + (0.02 * (final_data['High'] - final_data['Low'])) # # Determine the trend for each day based on the previous day's levels # trends = [] # for i in range(1, len(tpo_profiles_df)): # previous_day = tpo_profiles_df.iloc[i - 1] # current_day = tpo_profiles_df.iloc[i] # if current_day['Initial Balance High'] > previous_day['VAH']: # trend = 'Bullish' # elif current_day['Initial Balance Low'] < previous_day['VAL']: # trend = 'Bearish' # else: # trend = 'Neutral' # trend_entry = { # 'Date': current_day['Date'], # 'Trend': trend, # 'Previous Day VAH': round(previous_day['VAH'], 2), # 'Previous Day VAL': round(previous_day['VAL'], 2), # 'Previous Day POC': round(previous_day['POC'], 2), # } # trends.append(trend_entry) # # Convert the trends list to a DataFrame # trends_df = pd.DataFrame(trends) # # Merge trend data into final_data # final_data = pd.merge(final_data, trends_df, on='Date', how='left') # # Define the conditions for Initial Balance Range classification # conditions = [ # final_data['Initial Balance Range'] < final_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] / 3, # (final_data['Initial Balance Range'] >= final_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] / 3) & # (final_data['Initial Balance Range'] <= final_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day']), # final_data['Initial Balance Range'] > final_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] # ] # # Define the corresponding values for each condition # choices = ['Small', 'Medium', 'Large'] # # Create the IB Range column using # final_data['IB Range'] =, choices, default='Unknown') # # Round all values in final_data to 2 decimals # final_data = final_data.round(2) # # Initialize an empty list to store each day's input text and trend # training_data = [] # final_data = final_data.sort_values(by='Datetime') # # Get the unique dates and sort them # sorted_dates = sorted(set(final_data['Date'])) # final_data['2 Day VAH and VAL'] = '' # # final_data['Previous Initial Market Profile Shape'] = '' # # final_data['Previous Refined Market Profile Shape'] = '' # # Iterate over the sorted dates by index, starting from the third day to have data for previous two days # for i in range(2, len(sorted_dates)): # date = sorted_dates[i] # previous_date = sorted_dates[i - 1] # two_days_ago = sorted_dates[i - 2] # # Extract data for the current date and previous dates # current_data = final_data[final_data['Date'] == date] # previous_data = final_data[final_data['Date'] == previous_date] # two_days_ago_data = final_data[final_data['Date'] == two_days_ago] # # Calculate the maximum high and minimum low for the previous day # day_high = previous_data['High'].max() # day_low = previous_data['Low'].min() # # Initialize an empty list for actions based on previous day's close and VAH/VAL comparisons # actions = [] # if not previous_data.empty: # last_row = previous_data.iloc[-1] # # Determine close position relative to VAH and VAL # if last_row['Close'] >= last_row['VAH']: # actions.append('Previous Day Close Above VAH') # actions.append('Previous Day Close Bullish') # elif last_row['Close'] <= last_row['VAL']: # actions.append('Previous Day Close Below VAL') # actions.append('Previous Day Close Bearish') # else: # actions.append('Previous Day Close Neutral') # # Insider/Outsider neutral positioning based on VAH/VAL ranges # if last_row['Previous Day VAH'] >= last_row['VAH'] and last_row['Previous Day VAL'] <= last_row['VAL']: # actions.append('Insider Neutral') # elif last_row['Previous Day VAH'] <= last_row['VAH'] and last_row['Previous Day VAL'] >= last_row['VAL']: # actions.append('Outsider Neutral') # # Determine day type based on Initial Balance range and close # if last_row['IB Range'] == 'Large' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['Initial Balance High']: # final_day_type = 'Large Range Normal Day' # elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Medium' and day_high >= last_row['Initial Balance High'] and day_low <= last_row['Initial Balance Low']: # final_day_type = 'Medium Range Neutral Day' # elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Medium' and last_row['Close'] >= last_row['Initial Balance High']: # final_day_type = 'Medium Range +ve Normal Variation Day' # elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Medium' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['Initial Balance Low']: # final_day_type = 'Medium Range -ve Normal Variation Day' # elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Small' and last_row['Close'] >= last_row['Initial Balance High']: # final_day_type = 'Small Range +ve Trend Variation Day' # elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Small' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['Initial Balance Low']: # final_day_type = 'Small Range -ve Trend Variation Day' # elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Small' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['Initial Balance High'] and last_row['Close'] >= last_row['Initial Balance Low']: # final_day_type = 'Small Range Non Trend Variation Day' # else: # final_day_type = '' # # Calculate the opening price and difference from the previous close # opening_price = current_data.iloc[0]['Open'] # previous_close = previous_data.iloc[-1]['Close'] # open_point_diff = round(opening_price - previous_close, 2) if previous_close else None # open_percent_diff = round((open_point_diff / previous_close) * 100, 2) if previous_close else None # open_above_below = "above" if open_point_diff > 0 else "below" if open_point_diff < 0 else "no change" # current_row = current_data.iloc[0] # # # Generate the LLM input text # # input_text = ( # # f"Today’s profile on {date} for {ticker} indicates an {current_row['IB Range']} Range. The market opened at {opening_price}, " # # f"which is {open_percent_diff}% ({abs(open_point_diff)} points) {open_above_below} the previous day's close. " # # f"The Initial Balance High is {current_row['Initial Balance High']} and Low is {current_row['Initial Balance Low']}, " # # f"giving an Initial Balance Range of {current_row['Initial Balance Range']}. " # # f"Yesterday's VAH was {last_row['VAH']} and VAL was {last_row['VAL']}. " # # f"Day before yesterday's VAH was {last_row['Previous Day VAH']} and VAL was {last_row['Previous Day VAL']}. " # # f"Previous day Type : {last_row['Day Type']}\n" # # f"Previous Adjusted Day Type : {final_day_type}\n" # # f"Previous Close Type : {last_row['Close Type']}\n" # # f"Previous 2 Day VAH and VAL : {actions}. " # # f"Given these indicators, what is the expected market direction for tomorrow?" # # ) # # Generate the LLM input text with added indicators # input_text = ( # f"Today’s profile on {date} for {ticker} with IB Range Type {current_row['IB Range']} Range. The market opened at {opening_price}, " # f"Opening_Gap_Percentage is {open_percent_diff}% ( Opening_Gap_Points {abs(open_point_diff)} points) {open_above_below} the previous day's close. " # f"The Initial Balance High is {current_row['Initial Balance High']} and Initial Balance Low is {current_row['Initial Balance Low']}, " # f"giving an Initial Balance Range of {current_row['Initial Balance Range']}. " # f"Yesterday's VAH was {last_row['VAH']} and Yesterday's VAL was {last_row['VAL']}. " # f"Day before yesterday's VAH was {last_row['Previous Day VAH']} and Day before yesterday's VAL was {last_row['Previous Day VAL']}. " # f"Previous day Type: {last_row['Day Type']}.\n" # f"Previous Adjusted Day Type: {final_day_type}.\n" # f"Previous Close Type: {last_row['Close Type']}.\n" # f"Previous 2 Day VAH and VAL: {actions}.\n" # # Adding indicators # f"MA_20_Day is {last_row['MA_20']}. " # f"RSI is {last_row['RSI']}. " # f"MACD is {last_row['MACD']} with Signal Line at {last_row['Signal Line']}. " # f"Bollinger Bands Upper at {last_row['Bollinger_Upper']} and Bollinger Bands Lower at {last_row['Bollinger_Lower']}. " # f"VWAP is {last_row['VWAP']}. " # f"Fibonacci Levels: 38.2% at {last_row['Fib_38.2']}, 50% at {last_row['Fib_50']}, 61.8% at {last_row['Fib_61.8']}. " # f"ATR is {last_row['ATR']}. " # f"Stochastic Oscillator %K is {last_row['%K']} and %D is {last_row['%D']}. " # f"Parabolic SAR is at {last_row['PSAR']}. " # f"Given these indicators, what is the expected market direction for today?" # ) # print(input_text) # current_day_close = current_data.iloc[-1]['Close'] # previous_day_high = previous_data['High'].max() # previous_day_low = previous_data['Low'].max() # result = '' # if current_day_close >= previous_close: # result += 'The stock closed above yesterday close \n' # else: # result += 'The stock closed below yesterday close \n' # if current_day_close >= previous_day_high: # result += 'The stock closed above Previous Day High \n' # else: # result += 'The stock closed below Previous Day High \n' # if current_day_close >= previous_day_low: # result += 'The stock closed above Previous Day Low \n' # else: # result += 'The stock closed below Previous Day Low \n' # if current_day_close >= current_row['Initial Balance High']: # result += 'The stock closed above Initial Balance High \n' # else: # result += 'The stock closed below Initial Balance High \n' # if current_day_close >= current_row['Initial Balance Low']: # result += 'The stock closed above Initial Balance Low \n' # else: # result += 'The stock closed below Initial Balance Low \n' # # Get the trend (output) for the current date # trend = current_data.iloc[-1]['Trend'] if 'Trend' in current_data.columns else None # # Append the input-output pair to the training data list # training_data.append({ # 'Date': date, # 'Input Text': input_text, # 'Trend': trend, # 'Result': result # }) # # Convert the training data list to a DataFrame # training_data_df = pd.DataFrame(training_data) st.write(final_data) def get_price_distribution_for_date_updated(data): last_300_candles = data.tail(300) high_300 = last_300_candles['High'].max() low_300 = last_300_candles['Low'].min() return { 'data': data, 'high_300': high_300, 'low_300': low_300 } distribution = get_price_distribution_for_date_updated(final_data) HighValue = distribution['high_300'] LowValue = distribution['low_300'] MinimumTick = 0.01 RowsRequired = 80 MinTickRange = (HighValue - LowValue) / MinimumTick RowTicks = MinTickRange / RowsRequired if 1 <= RowTicks <= 100: increment = 5 elif 100 <= RowTicks <= 1000: increment = 50 elif 1000 <= RowTicks <= 10000: increment = 500 elif 10000 <= RowTicks <= 100000: increment = 5000 else: increment = 50000 ticks_per_row = round(RowTicks / increment) * increment tick_size = ticks_per_row * MinimumTick # Function to calculate ticks and determine adjusted high and low def calculate_ticks(high, low, tick_size): high_floor = math.floor(high / tick_size) * tick_size high_ceil = math.ceil(high / tick_size) * tick_size low_floor = math.floor(low / tick_size) * tick_size low_ceil = math.ceil(low / tick_size) * tick_size adjusted_high = high_ceil adjusted_low = low_floor return { "adjusted_high": adjusted_high, "adjusted_low": adjusted_low, } # Adjust high and low values in the data distribution['data']['adjusted_high'] = distribution['data'].apply(lambda row: calculate_ticks(row['High'], row['Low'], tick_size)['adjusted_high'], axis=1) distribution['data']['adjusted_low'] = distribution['data'].apply(lambda row: calculate_ticks(row['High'], row['Low'], tick_size)['adjusted_low'], axis=1) # Calculate TPO based on adjusted high and low def calculate_tpo(data, tick_size): data['Date'] = data['Datetime'] grouped = data.groupby('Date') tpo_counts = defaultdict(list) letter_counts = defaultdict(lambda: {'count': 0, 'letters': set(),'range_low':[],'range_high':[]}) for date, group in grouped: letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' letter_idx = 0 for index, row in group.iterrows(): current_letter = letters[letter_idx % len(letters)] letter_idx += 1 # Generate price levels within the adjusted range and round to avoid floating-point precision issues price_levels = np.arange(row['adjusted_low'], row['adjusted_high'] + tick_size, tick_size) price_levels = np.round(price_levels, 2) # Round to two decimal places # Filter to include only prices within the specified range price_levels = price_levels[(price_levels >= row['adjusted_low'] - 0.00001) & (price_levels <= row['adjusted_high'] + 0.00001)] for i in range(len(price_levels)): if i == len(price_levels) - 1: continue else: price = price_levels[i] tpo_counts[(date, price)].append(current_letter) letter_counts[(date, price)]['count'] += 1 letter_counts[(date, price)]['letters'].add(current_letter) letter_counts[(date, price)]['range_low'].append(price) letter_counts[(date, price)]['range_high'].append(price_levels[i+1]) return tpo_counts, letter_counts tpo_counts, letter_counts = calculate_tpo(distribution['data'], tick_size) # Create DataFrame with TPO counts and letters ranges = [] for date, group in distribution['data'].groupby('Date'): sorted_prices = sorted([key for key in letter_counts.keys() if key[0] == date], key=lambda x: x[1]) for i in range(len(sorted_prices)): price = sorted_prices[i][1] filter_tpo = letter_counts[(date, price)] next_price = filter_tpo['range_high'][0] if filter_tpo['range_high'] else price ranges.append({ 'Date': date, 'Range_Low': price, 'Range_High': next_price, 'Letter_Count': filter_tpo['count'], 'Letters': ''.join(sorted(filter_tpo['letters'])) }) range_df = pd.DataFrame(ranges) # Identify Single Footprint Rows range_df['Single_Footprint'] = range_df['Letter_Count'] == 1 # Calculate Initial Balance (IB) High, Low, and Range using the first two rows of each day ib_data = distribution['data'].groupby('Date').head(2) # Create IB High, Low, and Range based on first two rows ib_high_low = ib_data.groupby('Date').agg( IB_High=('High', 'max'), IB_Low=('Low', 'min') ) # Assign the IB values to the ib_data DataFrame ib_data = distribution['data'].groupby('Date').first() ib_data['IB_High'] = ib_high_low['IB_High'] ib_data['IB_Low'] = ib_high_low['IB_Low'] ib_data['IB_Range'] = ib_data['IB_High'] - ib_data['IB_Low'] # Merge IB data with TPO ranges final_df = pd.merge(range_df, ib_data[['IB_High', 'IB_Low', 'IB_Range']], left_on='Date', right_index=True, how='left') # Calculate the POC (Point of Control) poc_list = [] for date, group in range_df.groupby('Date'): max_tpo_count = group['Letter_Count'].max() max_tpo_rows = group[group['Letter_Count'] == max_tpo_count] if len(max_tpo_rows) > 1: middle_index = len(group) // 2 max_tpo_rows['Distance_From_Middle'] = abs(max_tpo_rows.index - middle_index) closest_row = max_tpo_rows.sort_values(by=['Distance_From_Middle', 'Range_Low']).iloc[0] else: closest_row = max_tpo_rows.iloc[0] poc = round((closest_row['Range_Low'] + closest_row['Range_High']) / 2, 2) poc_list.append({'Date': date, 'POC': poc}) poc_df = pd.DataFrame(poc_list) # Merge POC data with range data final_df = pd.merge(final_df, poc_df, on='Date', how='left') # Decide which boundary to use for VAH and VAL use_low = False # Calculate VAH and VAL vah_val_list = [] for date, group in final_df.groupby('Date'): group = group.sort_values(by='Range_Low').reset_index(drop=True) total_tpos = group['Letter_Count'].sum() value_area_threshold = total_tpos * 0.7 poc_row = group.loc[(group['Range_Low'] <= group['POC']) & (group['Range_High'] >= group['POC'])] if poc_row.empty: continue poc_index = poc_row.index[0] included_tpos = group.loc[poc_index, 'Letter_Count'] vah_index, val_index = poc_index, poc_index while included_tpos < value_area_threshold: up_index = vah_index + 1 if vah_index + 1 < len(group) else None down_index = val_index - 1 if val_index - 1 >= 0 else None if up_index is not None and down_index is not None: if group.loc[up_index, 'Letter_Count'] > group.loc[down_index, 'Letter_Count']: included_tpos += group.loc[up_index, 'Letter_Count'] vah_index = up_index elif group.loc[up_index, 'Letter_Count'] < group.loc[down_index, 'Letter_Count']: included_tpos += group.loc[down_index, 'Letter_Count'] val_index = down_index else: included_tpos += group.loc[up_index, 'Letter_Count'] included_tpos += group.loc[down_index, 'Letter_Count'] vah_index = up_index val_index = down_index elif up_index is not None: included_tpos += group.loc[up_index, 'Letter_Count'] vah_index = up_index elif down_index is not None: included_tpos += group.loc[down_index, 'Letter_Count'] val_index = down_index else: break if use_low: vah = group.loc[vah_index, 'Range_Low'] val = group.loc[val_index, 'Range_Low'] else: vah = group.loc[vah_index, 'Range_High'] val = group.loc[val_index, 'Range_High'] vah_val_list.append({'Date': date, 'VAH': vah, 'VAL': val}) vah_val_df = pd.DataFrame(vah_val_list) vah_val_df.rename(columns={'VAH': 'Predicted_VAH', 'VAL': 'Predicted_VAL'}, inplace=True) # Merge with the original DataFrame to get all columns final_df = pd.merge(final_df, vah_val_df, on='Date', how='left') # final_df = pd.merge(final_df, distribution['data'][['Datetime', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'adjusted_high', 'adjusted_low']], left_on='Date', right_on=distribution['data']['Datetime'], how='left') # # Display final DataFrame # print(final_df) # Sort the dataframe by Date and Range_Low filtered_final_df = final_df[final_df['Single_Footprint'] == True] filtered_final_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(filtered_final_df['Date']) filtered_final_df = filtered_final_df.sort_values(by=['Date', 'Range_Low']) # Function to group continuous ranges def group_continuous_ranges(df): grouped_rows = [] # Iterate through each group by date for date, group in df.groupby('Date'): group = group.sort_values(by='Range_Low') ranges = [] start = group.iloc[0]['Range_Low'] end = group.iloc[0]['Range_High'] for i in range(1, len(group)): current_low = group.iloc[i]['Range_Low'] current_high = group.iloc[i]['Range_High'] if current_low == end: end = current_high else: ranges.append(f"[{start} - {end}]") start = current_low end = current_high ranges.append(f"[{start} - {end}]") grouped_rows.append([date, ', '.join(ranges)]) return pd.DataFrame(grouped_rows, columns=['Date', 'Single_Footprint_Ranges']) # Apply the grouping function grouped_df = group_continuous_ranges(filtered_final_df) # st.write("grouped_df") # st.write(grouped_df) # # Display the grouped dataframe # print(grouped_df) # Create an empty list to store rows for the new dataframe poc_data_list = [] # st.write(final_df) distribution['data']['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(distribution['data']['Date']) grouped_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(grouped_df['Date']) final_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(final_df['Date']) # Iterate through each date's group in distribution['data'] for date, group in distribution['data'].groupby('Date'): poor_low = False poor_high = False # Convert the current date to datetime format to match the final_df format # date = pd.to_datetime(date) # st.write(date) # Filter the final_df by the current date filtered_date_df = final_df[final_df['Date'] == date] filtered_grouped_single_fp_df = grouped_df[grouped_df['Date'] == date] # st.write(filtered_date_df) # st.write(filtered_grouped_single_fp_df) # Check if the condition is True for any row in the filtered dataframe if (filtered_date_df[filtered_date_df['Range_Low'] == filtered_date_df['Range_Low'].min()]['Letter_Count'] > 1).any(): poor_low = True if (filtered_date_df[filtered_date_df['Range_High'] == filtered_date_df['Range_High'].max()]['Letter_Count'] > 1).any(): poor_high = True # print(filtered_date_df) # print(filtered_grouped_single_fp_df) # Extract unique values of IB_High and IB_Low for the current date IB_High_unique_values = filtered_date_df['IB_High'].unique() if 'IB_High' in filtered_date_df.columns else [] IB_Low_unique_values = filtered_date_df['IB_Low'].unique() if 'IB_Low' in filtered_date_df.columns else [] IB_Range_unique_values = filtered_date_df['IB_Range'].unique() if 'IB_Range' in filtered_date_df.columns else [] POC_values = filtered_date_df['POC'].unique() if 'POC' in filtered_date_df.columns else [] VAH_values = filtered_date_df['Predicted_VAH'].unique() if 'Predicted_VAH' in filtered_date_df.columns else [] VAL_values = filtered_date_df['Predicted_VAL'].unique() if 'Predicted_VAL' in filtered_date_df.columns else [] Single_Foot_Print_values = filtered_grouped_single_fp_df['Single_Footprint_Ranges'].unique() if 'Single_Footprint_Ranges' in filtered_grouped_single_fp_df.columns else [] # Iterate over each row in the group for index, row in group.iterrows(): # Append a dictionary for each row with the required fields to the list poc_data_list.append({ 'Datetime': row['Datetime'], 'Date':date, 'Open': row['Open'], 'High': row['High'], 'Low': row['Low'], 'Close': row['Close'], 'Volume': row.get('Volume', None), # Using .get() to handle the case if 'Volume' is not present in the row 'IB_Low': IB_Low_unique_values[0] if len(IB_Low_unique_values) > 0 else None, # Assuming to use the first unique value 'IB_High': IB_High_unique_values[0] if len(IB_High_unique_values) > 0 else None, # Assuming to use the first unique value 'IB_Range': IB_Range_unique_values[0] if len(IB_Range_unique_values) > 0 else None, # Assuming to use the first unique value 'POC': POC_values[0] if len(POC_values) > 0 else None, 'VAH': VAH_values[0] if len(VAH_values) > 0 else None, 'VAL': VAL_values[0] if len(VAL_values) > 0 else None, 'Single_FootPrint':Single_Foot_Print_values[0] if len(Single_Foot_Print_values) > 0 else None, 'Poor_Low':poor_low, 'Poor_High':poor_high, }) # Create a DataFrame from the list of dictionaries final_poc_data = pd.DataFrame(poc_data_list) final_poc_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(final_poc_data['Date']) # Print the new dataframe to verify its contents st.write(final_poc_data) day_ranges = [] day_types = [] close_types = [] for date, group in final_poc_data.groupby('Date'): day_type = '' close_type = '' # st.write(group) # Calculate day's total range day_range = round(group['High'].max() - group['Low'].min(),2) initial_balance_range = round(group['IB_Range'].iloc[1],2) # Classify the day if day_range <= initial_balance_range * 1.15: day_type = 'Normal Day' elif initial_balance_range < day_range <= initial_balance_range * 2: day_type = 'Normal Variation Day' elif day_range > initial_balance_range * 2: day_type = 'Trend Day' else: day_type = 'Neutral Day' last_row = group.iloc[-1] if last_row['Close'] >= last_row['IB_High']: close_type = 'Closed above Initial High' elif last_row['Close'] <= last_row['IB_Low']: close_type = 'Closed below Initial Low' else: close_type = 'Closed between Initial High and Low' day_ranges.append(day_range) day_types.append(day_type) close_types.append(close_type) # Assign the calculated values back to the dataframe final_poc_data['Day_Range'] = final_poc_data['Date'].map(dict(zip(final_poc_data['Date'].unique(), day_ranges))) final_poc_data['Day_Type'] = final_poc_data['Date'].map(dict(zip(final_poc_data['Date'].unique(), day_types))) final_poc_data['Close_Type'] = final_poc_data['Date'].map(dict(zip(final_poc_data['Date'].unique(), close_types))) final_poc_data = final_poc_data.sort_values('Datetime',ascending=True) st.write(ticker) # Download daily data for the ATR calculation daily_data =, start=start_date_str, interval="1d").reset_index() # Convert 'Date' column in both dataframes to datetime format final_poc_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(final_poc_data['Date']) daily_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(daily_data['Date']) # Calculate ATR for 30-minute and daily intervals using TA-Lib atr_period = 14 st.write(daily_data) # ATR for daily data using TA-Lib daily_data['ATR_14_1_day'] = talib.ATR(daily_data['High'], daily_data['Low'], daily_data['Close'], timeperiod=atr_period) daily_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] = daily_data['ATR_14_1_day'].shift(1) # Merge ATR from daily data into 30-minute data final_poc_data = pd.merge(final_poc_data, daily_data[['Date', 'ATR_14_1_day', 'Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day']], on='Date', how='left') # Calculate ATR for 30-minute data using TA-Lib final_poc_data['ATR_14_30_mins'] = talib.ATR(final_poc_data['High'], final_poc_data['Low'], final_poc_data['Close'], timeperiod=atr_period) final_poc_data['ATR'] = final_poc_data['ATR_14_30_mins'] # Drop unnecessary columns from earlier calculations final_poc_data = final_poc_data.drop(['H-L', 'H-PC', 'L-PC', 'TR'], axis=1, errors='ignore') # Calculate Moving Average (MA) using TA-Lib final_poc_data['MA_20'] = talib.SMA(final_poc_data['Close'], timeperiod=20) # Calculate RSI using TA-Lib with a 14-day period final_poc_data['RSI'] = talib.RSI(final_poc_data['Close'], timeperiod=14) # Calculate Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) using TA-Lib final_poc_data['MACD'], final_poc_data['Signal Line'], _ = talib.MACD(final_poc_data['Close'], fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9) # Calculate Bollinger Bands using TA-Lib final_poc_data['MA_20_BB'], final_poc_data['Bollinger_Upper'], final_poc_data['Bollinger_Lower'] = talib.BBANDS( final_poc_data['Close'], timeperiod=20, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0 ) # # Calculate Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) # # VWAP calculation not available in TA-Lib. Calculating manually. # typical_price = (final_poc_data['High'] + final_poc_data['Low'] + final_poc_data['Close']) / 3 # final_poc_data['VWAP'] = (final_poc_data['Volume'] * typical_price).cumsum() / final_poc_data['Volume'].cumsum() # # Set up parameters # band_multipliers = [1, 2, 3] # Equivalent to Bands Multiplier #1, #2, and #3 # source = (final_poc_data['High'] + final_poc_data['Low'] + final_poc_data['Close']) / 3 # Equivalent to 'hlc3' # # Calculate the cumulative VWAP # typical_price = source # vwap = (final_poc_data['Volume'] * typical_price).cumsum() / final_poc_data['Volume'].cumsum() # final_poc_data['VWAP'] = vwap final_poc_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(final_poc_data['Date']) # Define a function to calculate VWAP for each group def calculate_vwap(df): typical_price = (df['High'] + df['Low'] + df['Close']) / 3 vwap = (typical_price * df['Volume']).cumsum() / df['Volume'].cumsum() return vwap grouped = final_poc_data.groupby(final_poc_data['Date'] # Apply the VWAP calculation for each group final_poc_data['VWAP'] = grouped.apply(lambda x: calculate_vwap(x)).reset_index(level=0, drop=True) # # Calculate the rolling standard deviation of the typical price for each group # final_poc_data['Typical_Price'] = (final_poc_data['High'] + final_poc_data['Low'] + final_poc_data['Close']) / 3 # final_poc_data['Rolling_STD'] = grouped['Typical_Price'].apply(lambda x: x.rolling(window=20).std()).reset_index(level=0, drop=True) # # Calculate upper and lower bands based on standard deviation multipliers # band_multipliers = [1, 2, 3] # Equivalent to Bands Multiplier #1, #2, and #3 # for i, multiplier in enumerate(band_multipliers, start=1): # final_poc_data[f'VWAP_Upper_Band_{i}'] = final_poc_data['VWAP'] + final_poc_data['Rolling_STD'] * multiplier # final_poc_data[f'VWAP_Lower_Band_{i}'] = final_poc_data['VWAP'] - final_poc_data['Rolling_STD'] * multiplier # # Drop unnecessary columns # final_poc_data.drop(['Typical_Price', 'Rolling_STD'], axis=1, inplace=True) # Extract the date part to group the data by day final_poc_data['Only_Date'] = final_poc_data['Date'] # Calculate daily high and low values from the 30-minute data daily_high_low = final_poc_data.groupby('Only_Date').agg({'High': 'max', 'Low': 'min'}).reset_index() # Add the previous day's high and low to the 30-minute data daily_high_low['Previous_High'] = daily_high_low['High'].shift(1) daily_high_low['Previous_Low'] = daily_high_low['Low'].shift(1) # Merge the previous high and low values into the original 30-minute data final_poc_data = final_poc_data.merge(daily_high_low[['Only_Date', 'Previous_High', 'Previous_Low']], left_on='Only_Date', right_on='Only_Date', how='left') # Calculate Fibonacci retracement levels for each 30-minute interval based on the previous day's high and low final_poc_data['Fib_38.2'] = final_poc_data['Previous_High'] - (final_poc_data['Previous_High'] - final_poc_data['Previous_Low']) * 0.382 final_poc_data['Fib_50'] = (final_poc_data['Previous_High'] + final_poc_data['Previous_Low']) / 2 final_poc_data['Fib_61.8'] = final_poc_data['Previous_High'] - (final_poc_data['Previous_High'] - final_poc_data['Previous_Low']) * 0.618 # Drop unnecessary columns final_poc_data.drop(['Previous_High', 'Previous_Low'], axis=1, inplace=True) # Calculate Average True Range (ATR) using TA-Lib (already done above) # final_poc_data['ATR'] is equivalent to 'ATR_14_30_mins' # Calculate Stochastic Oscillator using TA-Lib final_poc_data['%K'], final_poc_data['%D'] = talib.STOCH( final_poc_data['High'], final_poc_data['Low'], final_poc_data['Close'], fastk_period=14, slowk_period=3, slowk_matype=0, slowd_period=3, slowd_matype=0 ) # Calculate Parabolic SAR using TA-Lib final_poc_data['PSAR'] = talib.SAR(final_poc_data['High'], final_poc_data['Low'], acceleration=0.02, maximum=0.2) # Define the conditions for Initial Balance Range classification conditions = [ final_poc_data['IB_Range'] < final_poc_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] / 3, (final_poc_data['IB_Range'] >= final_poc_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] / 3) & (final_poc_data['IB_Range'] <= final_poc_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day']), final_poc_data['IB_Range'] > final_poc_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] ] # Define the corresponding values for each condition choices = ['Small', 'Medium', 'Large'] # Create the IB Range column using final_poc_data['IB Range Category'] =, choices, default='Unknown') trends = [] # Get the unique dates and sort them sorted_dates = sorted(set(final_poc_data['Date'])) # Iterate over the sorted dates by index, starting from the third day to have data for previous two days for i in range(2, len(sorted_dates)): date = sorted_dates[i] previous_date = sorted_dates[i - 1] two_days_ago = sorted_dates[i - 2] # Extract data for the current date and previous dates current_data = final_poc_data[final_poc_data['Date'] == date] previous_data = final_poc_data[final_poc_data['Date'] == previous_date] two_days_ago_data = final_poc_data[final_poc_data['Date'] == two_days_ago] previous_data_last_row = previous_data.iloc[-1] previous_data_vah = previous_data_last_row['VAH'] previous_data_val = previous_data_last_row['VAL'] previous_data_poc = previous_data_last_row['POC'] current_data_first_row = current_data.iloc[0] current_data_ib_high = current_data_first_row['IB_High'] current_data_ib_low = current_data_first_row['IB_Low'] if current_data_ib_high > previous_data_vah: trend = 'Bullish' elif current_data_ib_low < previous_data_val: trend = 'Bearish' else: trend = 'Neutral' trend_entry = { 'Date': date, 'Trend': trend, 'Previous Day VAH': round(previous_data_vah, 2), 'Previous Day VAL': round(previous_data_val, 2), 'Previous Day POC': round(previous_data_poc, 2), } trends.append(trend_entry) # Convert the trends list to a DataFrame trends_df = pd.DataFrame(trends) # Merge trend data into final_data final_poc_data = pd.merge(final_poc_data, trends_df, on='Date', how='left') # Initialize an empty list to store each day's input text and trend training_data = [] # st.write(input_date) # st.write(final_poc_data.tail()) final_poc_data['Date'] = final_poc_data['Date'] # filtered_poc_today_df = final_poc_data[final_poc_data['Date'] == input_date] # st.write(filtered_poc_today_df) st.write("final_poc_data :") st.write(final_poc_data) st.write("index_data") st.write(index_data) # Assuming 'Datetime' is the common column in both DataFrames final_poc_data = pd.merge(final_poc_data, index_data, on='Datetime', how='inner') st.write("final_poc_data :") st.write(final_poc_data) # final_poc_data = final_poc_data[final_poc_data['Datetime'] < pd.to_datetime(input_date)] # Get the unique dates and sort them sorted_dates = sorted(set(final_poc_data['Date'])) final_poc_data['2 Day VAH and VAL'] = '' # Iterate over the sorted dates by index, starting from the third day to have data for previous two days for i in range(2, len(sorted_dates)): date = sorted_dates[i] previous_date = sorted_dates[i - 1] two_days_ago = sorted_dates[i - 2] # Extract data for the current date and previous dates current_data = final_poc_data[final_poc_data['Date'] == date] previous_data = final_poc_data[final_poc_data['Date'] == previous_date] two_days_ago_data = final_poc_data[final_poc_data['Date'] == two_days_ago] # Calculate the maximum high and minimum low for the previous day day_high = previous_data['High'].max() day_low = previous_data['Low'].min() # Initialize an empty list for actions based on previous day's close and VAH/VAL comparisons actions = [] if not previous_data.empty: last_row = previous_data.iloc[-1] # st.write("previous_data") # st.write(previous_data) # Determine close position relative to VAH and VAL if last_row['Close'] >= last_row['VAH']: actions.append('Previous Day Close Above VAH') actions.append('Previous Day Close Bullish') elif last_row['Close'] <= last_row['VAL']: actions.append('Previous Day Close Below VAL') actions.append('Previous Day Close Bearish') else: actions.append('Previous Day Close Neutral') # Insider/Outsider neutral positioning based on VAH/VAL ranges if last_row['Previous Day VAH'] >= last_row['VAH'] and last_row['Previous Day VAL'] <= last_row['VAL']: actions.append('Insider Neutral') elif last_row['Previous Day VAH'] <= last_row['VAH'] and last_row['Previous Day VAL'] >= last_row['VAL']: actions.append('Outsider Neutral') # Determine day type based on Initial Balance range and close if last_row['IB Range Category'] == 'Large' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['IB_High']: final_day_type = 'Large Range Normal Day' elif last_row['IB Range Category'] == 'Medium' and day_high >= last_row['IB_High'] and day_low <= last_row['IB_Low']: final_day_type = 'Medium Range Neutral Day' elif last_row['IB Range Category'] == 'Medium' and last_row['Close'] >= last_row['IB_High']: final_day_type = 'Medium Range +ve Normal Variation Day' elif last_row['IB Range Category'] == 'Medium' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['IB_Low']: final_day_type = 'Medium Range -ve Normal Variation Day' elif last_row['IB Range Category'] == 'Small' and last_row['Close'] >= last_row['IB_High']: final_day_type = 'Small Range +ve Trend Variation Day' elif last_row['IB Range Category'] == 'Small' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['IB_Low']: final_day_type = 'Small Range -ve Trend Variation Day' elif last_row['IB Range Category'] == 'Small' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['IB_High'] and last_row['Close'] >= last_row['IB_Low']: final_day_type = 'Small Range Non Trend Variation Day' else: final_day_type = '' # Calculate the opening price and difference from the previous close opening_price = current_data.iloc[0]['Open'] previous_close = previous_data.iloc[-1]['Close'] open_point_diff = round(opening_price - previous_close, 2) if previous_close else None open_percent_diff = round((open_point_diff / previous_close) * 100, 2) if previous_close else None open_above_below = "above" if open_point_diff > 0 else "below" if open_point_diff < 0 else "no change" current_row = current_data.iloc[0] current_data_trend = current_data.head(2) # Create the formatted string for MA_20 trend ma_20_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['MA_20'],2).astype(str)) ma_20_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['MA_20'],2).astype(str)) rsi_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['RSI'],2).astype(str)) rsi_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['RSI'],2).astype(str)) macd_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['MACD'],2).astype(str)) macd_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['MACD'],2).astype(str)) macd_signal_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['Signal Line'],2).astype(str)) macd_signal_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['Signal Line'],2).astype(str)) bb_upper_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['Bollinger_Upper'],2).astype(str)) bb_upper_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['Bollinger_Upper'],2).astype(str)) bb_lower_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['Bollinger_Lower'],2).astype(str)) bb_lower_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['Bollinger_Lower'],2).astype(str)) vwap_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['VWAP'],2).astype(str)) vwap_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['VWAP'],2).astype(str)) atr_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['ATR'],2).astype(str)) atr_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['ATR'],2).astype(str)) # st.write(ma_20_trend) highest_correaltion = 0 # Determine the highest correlation and update the suffix dynamically if correlation_dji >= correlation_nasdaq and correlation_dji >= correlation_s_and_p_500: suffix = '_dji' highest_correaltion = correlation_dji elif correlation_nasdaq >= correlation_dji and correlation_nasdaq >= correlation_s_and_p_500: suffix = '_nasdaq' highest_correaltion = correlation_nasdaq else: suffix = '_s_and_p_500' highest_correaltion = correlation_s_and_p_500 # Update the dynamic strings for trends index_ma_20_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data[f'MA_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_ma_20_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend[f'MA_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_rsi_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data[f'RSI_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_rsi_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend[f'RSI_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_perc_k_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data[f'%K_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_perc_k_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend[f'%K_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_stoch_rsi_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data[f'Stoch_RSI_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_stoch_rsi_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend[f'Stoch_RSI_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_cci_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data[f'CCI_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_cci_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend[f'CCI_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_bbp_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data[f'BBP_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_bbp_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend[f'BBP_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_vwap_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data[f'VWAP_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_vwap_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend[f'VWAP_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_bb_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data[f'BB_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_bb_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend[f'BB_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_st_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data[f'Supertrend_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_st_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend[f'Supertrend_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_reg_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data[f'Linear_Regression_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_reg_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend[f'Linear_Regression_Score{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_sentiment_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data[f'Sentiment{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) index_sentiment_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend[f'Sentiment{suffix}'], 2).astype(str)) # dji_ma_20_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['MA_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_ma_20_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['MA_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_rsi_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['RSI_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_rsi_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['RSI_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_perc_k_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['%K_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_perc_k_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['%K_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_stoch_rsi_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['Stoch_RSI_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_stoch_rsi_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['Stoch_RSI_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_cci_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['CCI_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_cci_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['CCI_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_bbp_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['BBP_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_bbp_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['BBP_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_vwap_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['VWAP_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_vwap_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['VWAP_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_bb_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['BB_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_bb_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['BB_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_st_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['Supertrend_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_st_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['Supertrend_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_reg_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['Linear_Regression_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_reg_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['Linear_Regression_Score_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_sentiment_trend = " -> ".join(round(previous_data['Sentiment_dji'],2).astype(str)) # dji_sentiment_trend_current = " -> ".join(round(current_data_trend['Sentiment_dji'],2).astype(str)) # Generate the LLM input text with added indicators input_text = ( f"Today’s profile on {date} for {ticker} with IB Range Type {current_row['IB Range Category']} Range. The market opened at {opening_price}, " f"Opening_Gap_Percentage is {open_percent_diff}% ( Opening_Gap_Points {abs(open_point_diff)} points) {open_above_below} the previous day's close. " f"The Initial Balance High is {current_row['IB_High']} and Initial Balance Low is {current_row['IB_Low']}, " f"giving an Initial Balance Range of {round(current_row['IB_Range'],2)}. " f"Yesterday Single FootPrint Ranges was {last_row['Single_FootPrint']} " f"Yesterday Poor High : {last_row['Poor_High']} " f"Yesterday Poor Low : {last_row['Poor_Low']} " f"Yesterday's Close was {last_row['Close']} " f"Yesterday's VAH was {last_row['VAH']}, Yesterday's VAL was {last_row['VAL']} and Yesterday's POC was {last_row['POC']}" f"Day before yesterday's VAH was {last_row['Previous Day VAH']} , Day before yesterday's VAL was {last_row['Previous Day VAL']} and Day before yesterday's POC was {last_row['Previous Day POC']}. " f"Previous Day High was {day_high} and Previous Day Low was {day_low} \n" f"Previous day Type: {last_row['Day_Type']}.\n" f"Previous Adjusted Day Type: {final_day_type}.\n" f"Previous Close Type: {last_row['Close_Type']}.\n" f"Previous 2 Day VAH and VAL: {actions}.\n" # Adding indicators f"MovingAverage_20_Day trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {ma_20_trend} -> {ma_20_trend_current}\n" # f"MovingAverage_20_Day trend for Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {ma_20_trend_current}\n" f"MA_20_Day is {round(current_data_trend.iloc[1]['MA_20'],2)}.\n" f"RSI_14 trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {rsi_trend} -> {rsi_trend_current} \n" # f"RSI_14 trend for Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {rsi_trend_current} \n" f"RSI is {round(current_data_trend.iloc[1]['RSI'],2)}. \n" f"MACD_LINE trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {macd_trend} -> {macd_trend_current} \n" # f"MACD_LINE trend for Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {macd_trend_current} \n" f"MACD_Signal trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {macd_signal_trend} -> {macd_signal_trend_current} \n" # f"MACD_Signal trend for Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {macd_signal_trend_current} \n" f"MACD is {round(current_data_trend.iloc[1]['MACD'],2)} with Signal Line at {round(current_data_trend.iloc[1]['Signal Line'],2)}. \n" f"BB_Upper trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {bb_upper_trend} -> {bb_upper_trend_current} \n" # f"BB_Upper trend for Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {bb_upper_trend_current} \n" f"BB_Lower trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {bb_lower_trend} -> {bb_lower_trend_current} \n" # f"BB_Lower trend for Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {bb_lower_trend_current} \n" f"Bollinger Bands Upper at {round(current_data_trend.iloc[1]['Bollinger_Upper'],2)} and Bollinger Bands Lower at {round(current_data_trend.iloc[1]['Bollinger_Lower'],2)}. " f"VWAP_14 trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {vwap_trend} -> {vwap_trend_current} \n" # f"VWAP_14 trend for Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {vwap_trend_current} \n" f"VWAP is {round(current_data_trend.iloc[1]['VWAP'],2)}. \n" f"Fibonacci Levels: 38.2% at {round(last_row['Fib_38.2'],2)}, 50% at {round(last_row['Fib_50'],2)}, 61.8% at {round(last_row['Fib_61.8'],2)}. " f"ATR_14 trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {vwap_trend} -> {vwap_trend_current} \n" # f"ATR_14 trend for Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {vwap_trend_current} \n" f"ATR is {round(current_data_trend.iloc[1]['ATR'],2)}. " f"Stochastic Oscillator %K is {round(last_row['%K'],2)} and %D is {round(last_row['%D'],2)}. " f"Parabolic SAR is at {round(last_row['PSAR'],2)}. " f"Below is the Scores trend with Major Index and {ticker} with correlation of {highest_correaltion:.2f}" # st.write(f"Correlation between {ticker} and NASDAQ movements: {correlation_nasdaq:.2f}") # st.write(f"Correlation between {ticker} and S&P 500 movements: {correlation_s_and_p_500:.2f}") # Adding indicators f"Index MA20_Score trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {index_ma_20_trend} -> {index_ma_20_trend_current}\n" f"Index RSI_Score trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {index_rsi_trend} -> {index_rsi_trend_current}\n" f"Index %K_Score trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {index_perc_k_trend} -> {index_perc_k_trend_current}\n" f"Index Stoch_RSI trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {index_stoch_rsi_trend} -> {index_stoch_rsi_trend_current}\n" f"Index CCI_Score trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {index_cci_trend} -> {index_cci_trend_current}\n" f"Index BBP_Score trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {index_bbp_trend} -> {index_bbp_trend_current}\n" f"Index VWAP_Score trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {index_vwap_trend} -> {index_vwap_trend_current}\n" f"Index BB_Score trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {index_bb_trend} -> {index_bb_trend_current}\n" f"Index Supertrend_Score trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {index_st_trend} -> {index_st_trend_current}\n" f"Index Linear_Regression_Score trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {index_reg_trend} -> {index_reg_trend_current}\n" f"Index Sentiment_Score trend for Previous Day (09:30 - 16:00) to Current Day (09:30 - 10:30): {index_sentiment_trend} -> {index_sentiment_trend_current}\n" f"Given these indicators, what is the expected market direction for today?" ) # print(input_text) current_day_close = current_data.iloc[-1]['Close'] previous_day_high = previous_data['High'].max() previous_day_low = previous_data['Low'].min() result = f'The stock closed at {round(current_day_close,2)} \n' if current_day_close >= previous_close: result += 'The stock closed above yesterday close \n' else: result += 'The stock closed below yesterday close \n' if current_day_close >= previous_day_high: result += 'The stock closed above Previous Day High \n' else: result += 'The stock closed below Previous Day High \n' if current_day_close >= previous_day_low: result += 'The stock closed above Previous Day Low \n' else: result += 'The stock closed below Previous Day Low \n' if current_day_close >= current_row['IB_High']: result += 'The stock closed above Initial Balance High \n' else: result += 'The stock closed below Initial Balance High \n' if current_day_close >= current_row['IB_Low']: result += 'The stock closed above Initial Balance Low \n' else: result += 'The stock closed below Initial Balance Low \n' # Get the trend (output) for the current date trend = current_data.iloc[-1]['Trend'] if 'Trend' in current_data.columns else None # Append the input-output pair to the training data list training_data.append({ 'Date': date, 'Input Text': input_text, 'Trend': trend, 'Result': result }) # Convert the training data list to a DataFrame training_data_df = pd.DataFrame(training_data) # st.write(training_data_df) current_training_df = training_data_df[training_data_df['Date'] == input_date] st.write(current_training_df) if not current_training_df.empty: input_text = current_training_df.iloc[0]['Input Text'] # st.write(current_row) # input_text = ( # f"Today’s profile on {input_date} for {ticker} with IB Range Type {current_row['IB_Range']} Range. The market opened at {opening_price}, " # f"Opening_Gap_Percentage is {open_percent_diff}% ( Opening_Gap_Points {abs(open_point_diff)} points) {open_above_below} the previous day's close. " # f"The Initial Balance High is {current_row['Initial Balance High']} and Initial Balance Low is {current_row['Initial Balance Low']}, " # f"giving an Initial Balance Range of {current_row['Initial Balance Range']}. " # f"Yesterday's VAH was {last_row['VAH']} and Yesterday's VAL was {last_row['VAL']}. " # f"Day before yesterday's VAH was {last_row['Previous Day VAH']} and Day before yesterday's VAL was {last_row['Previous Day VAL']}. " # f"Previous day Type: {last_row['Day Type']}.\n" # f"Previous Adjusted Day Type: {final_day_type}.\n" # f"Previous Close Type: {last_row['Close Type']}.\n" # f"Previous 2 Day VAH and VAL: {actions}.\n" # # Adding indicators # f"MA_20_Day is {last_row['MA_20']}. " # f"RSI is {last_row['RSI']}. " # f"MACD is {last_row['MACD']} with Signal Line at {last_row['Signal Line']}. " # f"Bollinger Bands Upper at {last_row['Bollinger_Upper']} and Bollinger Bands Lower at {last_row['Bollinger_Lower']}. " # f"VWAP is {last_row['VWAP']}. " # f"Fibonacci Levels: 38.2% at {last_row['Fib_38.2']}, 50% at {last_row['Fib_50']}, 61.8% at {last_row['Fib_61.8']}. " # f"ATR is {last_row['ATR']}. " # f"Stochastic Oscillator %K is {last_row['%K']} and %D is {last_row['%D']}. " # f"Parabolic SAR is at {last_row['PSAR']}. " # f"Given these indicators, what is the expected market direction for today?" # ) st.write(input_text) st.write(training_data_df) st.write(input_date) st.write(pd.to_datetime(input_date)) # training_data_df = training_data_df[training_data_df['Date'] < pd.to_datetime(input_date)] training_data_df = training_data_df[training_data_df['Date'] < input_date] # Display the final training DataFrame st.write(training_data_df.head()) # Initialize model for semantic similarity model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2') # Define segments with both text descriptions and numeric values for dynamic similarity computation # segments = extracted_data segments = { key: {"numeric_value": value} if isinstance(value, (int, float)) else {"category": value} for key, value in extracted_data.items() } st.write(segments) # query_segment_embeddings = { # key: model.encode(str(value.get("text", value.get("numeric_value"))), convert_to_tensor=True) # for key, value in segments.items() # if isinstance(value, dict) and ("text" in value or "numeric_value" in value) # } # query_segment_embeddings = {key: model.encode(value["text"], convert_to_tensor=True) for key, value in segments.items() if 'text' in value} # st.write(query_segment_embeddings.keys()) # Generate embeddings for entries with a `category` (text) or `numeric_value` (numeric) key query_segment_embeddings = { key: model.encode(str(value.get("category", value.get("numeric_value"))), convert_to_tensor=True) for key, value in segments.items() if isinstance(value, dict) and ("category" in value or "numeric_value" in value) } st.write(query_segment_embeddings.keys()) # Custom function to calculate Euclidean similarity for numeric comparisons def calculate_normalized_similarity(query_value, comparison_value): if query_value is None or comparison_value is None: return 1 # Max similarity if no numeric comparison is possible euclidean_dist = np.sqrt((query_value - comparison_value) ** 2) return np.exp(-euclidean_dist / 10) # Convert distance to similarity # Improved extraction function for numeric values def extract_numeric_value(text, segment): # Define patterns dynamically for known segments patterns = { "IB_High": r"Initial Balance High is ([\d.,]+)", "IB_Low": r"Initial Balance Low is ([\d.,]+)", "Range_Type": r"IB Range Type ([\d.,]+)", "VAH_Yesterday": r"Yesterday's VAH ([\d.,]+)", "VAL_Yesterday": r"Yesterday's VAL ([\d.,]+)", # Ensure it's VAL by matching after VAH "VAH_DayBefore": r"Day before yesterday's VAH ([\d.,]+)", "VAL_DayBefore": r"Day before yesterday's VAL ([\d.,]+)", # Ensure it's VAL by matching after Day before VAH "Previous_Day_Type": r"Previous day Type: ([\d.,]+)", "Previous_Adjusted_Day_Type": r"Previous Adjusted Day Type: ([\d.,]+)", "Previous_Close_Type": r"Previous Close Type: ([\d.,]+)", "Previous_2_D_VAH_VAL": r"Previous 2 Day VAH and VAL: ([\d.,]+)", "IB_Range": r"Initial Balance Range ([\d.,]+)", "Moving_Avg_20": r"MA_20_Day ([\d.,]+)", "RSI": r"RSI ([\d.,]+)", "MACD": r"MACD ([\d.,-]+)", # Allows negative values "Signal_Line": r"Signal Line ([\d.,]+)", "Bollinger_Upper": r"Bollinger Bands Upper ([\d.,]+)", "Bollinger_Lower": r"Bollinger Bands Lower ([\d.,]+)", "VWAP": r"VWAP ([\d.,]+)", "Fibonacci_38.2%": r"38\.2% at ([\d.,]+)", "Fibonacci_50%": r"50% at ([\d.,]+)", "Fibonacci_61.8%": r"61\.8% at ([\d.,]+)", "ATR": r"ATR ([\d.,]+)", "Stochastic_Oscillator_%K": r"Stochastic Oscillator %K is ([\d.,]+)", "Stochastic_Oscillator_%D": r"%D is ([\d.,]+)", "Parabolic_SAR": r"Parabolic SAR is at ([\d.,]+)", "Market_Open": r"market opened at ([\d.,]+)", "Opening_Gap_Percentage": r"Opening_Gap_Percentage ([\d.,]+)%", # Matches percentage "Opening_Gap_Points": r"Opening_Gap_Points \(([\d.,]+) points\)" } pattern = patterns.get(segment) if pattern: match =, text) if match: # Clean the extracted value: remove commas and ensure no extra period at the end cleaned_value =',', '').rstrip('.') # st.write(cleaned_value) try: return float(cleaned_value) except ValueError: print(f"Warning: Could not convert '{cleaned_value}' to float.") return None return None # Set weights for different categories weights = { 'technical': 0.4, # weight for technical indicators (e.g., Moving_Avg_20, RSI, MACD, etc.) 'ib_ranges': 0.2, # weight for Initial Balance (IB) ranges (e.g., IB_High, IB_Low, IB_Range) 'gaps': 0.2, # weight for gap indicators (e.g., Opening_Gap_Percentage, Opening_Gap_Points) 'range_type': 0.2 # weight for categorical range types (e.g., Range_Type) } # # Calculate similarities for each segment # similarity_results = [] # for index, row in training_data_df.iterrows(): # # row_similarity = {'Date': row['Date'], 'Trend': row['Trend']} # row_similarity = {'Date': row['Date'],'Input Text':row['Input Text'],'Trend':row['Trend'], 'Result': row['Result']} # # Calculate embedding if 'embedding' column does not exist # if 'embedding' not in row: # row['embedding'] = model.encode(row['Input Text'], convert_to_tensor=True) # # Accumulators for weighted score # technical_score = 0 # ib_ranges_score = 0 # gaps_score = 0 # range_type_score = 0 # for segment, details in segments.items(): # # st.write(segment) # # st.write(details) # if 'category' in details: # # Categorical similarity # segment_embedding = query_segment_embeddings[segment] # semantic_similarity = util.pytorch_cos_sim(segment_embedding, row['embedding']).item() # row_similarity[f"{segment}_semantic_similarity"] = semantic_similarity # # Add to range type score if it's Range_Type # if segment == "Range_Type": # range_type_score += semantic_similarity # elif 'numeric_value' in details: # # Numeric similarity # query_value = details['numeric_value'] # extracted_value = extract_numeric_value(row['Input Text'], segment) # euclidean_similarity = calculate_normalized_similarity(query_value, extracted_value) # row_similarity[f"{segment}_euclidean_similarity"] = euclidean_similarity # # Categorize and add scores to respective categories # if segment in ["Moving_Avg_20", "RSI", "MACD", "Signal_Line", "Bollinger_Upper", "Bollinger_Lower", "VWAP", "ATR"]: # technical_score += euclidean_similarity # elif segment in ["IB_High", "IB_Low", "IB_Range"]: # ib_ranges_score += euclidean_similarity # elif segment in ["Opening_Gap_Percentage", "Opening_Gap_Points"]: # gaps_score += euclidean_similarity # else: # # Additional semantic similarity for other segments # segment_embedding = query_segment_embeddings[segment] # semantic_similarity = util.pytorch_cos_sim(segment_embedding, row['embedding']).item() # row_similarity[f"{segment}_semantic_similarity"] = semantic_similarity # # Calculate weighted similarity score # total_similarity_score = ( # technical_score * weights['technical'] + # ib_ranges_score * weights['ib_ranges'] + # gaps_score * weights['gaps'] + # range_type_score * weights['range_type'] # ) # row_similarity['total_similarity_score'] = total_similarity_score # # Append row results to similarity results # similarity_results.append(row_similarity) # # Convert results to DataFrame for inspection # similarity_df = pd.DataFrame(similarity_results) similarity_results = [] for index, row in training_data_df.iterrows(): row_similarity = { 'Date': row['Date'], 'Input Text': row['Input Text'], 'Trend': row['Trend'], 'Result': row['Result'] } # Calculate embedding if 'embedding' column does not exist if 'embedding' not in row or pd.isna(row['embedding']): embedding_tensor = model.encode(row['Input Text'], convert_to_tensor=True) row['embedding'] = embedding_tensor.cpu().numpy() # Move tensor to CPU and convert to NumPy # Convert stored embedding back to tensor for computation row_embedding_tensor = torch.tensor(row['embedding']).to('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # Accumulators for weighted score technical_score = 0 ib_ranges_score = 0 gaps_score = 0 range_type_score = 0 for segment, details in segments.items(): if 'category' in details: # Categorical similarity segment_embedding = query_segment_embeddings[segment] segment_embedding = # Ensure same device semantic_similarity = util.pytorch_cos_sim(segment_embedding, row_embedding_tensor).item() row_similarity[f"{segment}_semantic_similarity"] = semantic_similarity # Add to range type score if it's Range_Type if segment == "Range_Type": range_type_score += semantic_similarity elif 'numeric_value' in details: # Numeric similarity query_value = details['numeric_value'] extracted_value = extract_numeric_value(row['Input Text'], segment) euclidean_similarity = calculate_normalized_similarity(query_value, extracted_value) row_similarity[f"{segment}_euclidean_similarity"] = euclidean_similarity # Categorize and add scores to respective categories if segment in ["Moving_Avg_20", "RSI", "MACD", "Signal_Line", "Bollinger_Upper", "Bollinger_Lower", "VWAP", "ATR"]: technical_score += euclidean_similarity elif segment in ["IB_High", "IB_Low", "IB_Range"]: ib_ranges_score += euclidean_similarity elif segment in ["Opening_Gap_Percentage", "Opening_Gap_Points"]: gaps_score += euclidean_similarity else: # Additional semantic similarity for other segments segment_embedding = query_segment_embeddings[segment] segment_embedding = # Ensure same device semantic_similarity = util.pytorch_cos_sim(segment_embedding, row_embedding_tensor).item() row_similarity[f"{segment}_semantic_similarity"] = semantic_similarity # Calculate weighted similarity score total_similarity_score = ( technical_score * weights['technical'] + ib_ranges_score * weights['ib_ranges'] + gaps_score * weights['gaps'] + range_type_score * weights['range_type'] ) row_similarity['total_similarity_score'] = total_similarity_score # Append row results to similarity results similarity_results.append(row_similarity) # Convert results to DataFrame for inspection similarity_df = pd.DataFrame(similarity_results) # Sort by total similarity score and select the top 15 rows top_15_similar = similarity_df.sort_values(by='total_similarity_score', ascending=False).head(15) st.write(top_15_similar) # Prepare reference information from the top 15 similar entries reference_info = "" for _, sim in top_15_similar.iterrows(): # filtered_data = training_data_df[training_data_df['Date'] == pd.Timestamp(sim['Date'])] filtered_data = training_data_df[training_data_df['Date'] == sim['Date']] if not filtered_data.empty: entry_text = filtered_data.iloc[0]['Input Text'] # trend = filtered_data.iloc[0]['Trend'] result = filtered_data.iloc[0]['Result'] # reference_info += f"Date: {sim['Date']}\nInput Text: {entry_text}\nTrend: {trend}\n\n" reference_info += f"Date: {sim['Date']}\nInput Text: {entry_text}\Result: {result}\n\n" # # Build the full prompt for LLM # prompt = f""" # You are an advanced financial data analyst AI model. Your task is to predict stock movement trends for today by analyzing the provided historical top 15 most similar day patterns. Use the given context and criteria for accurate prediction. # Task: # 1. Analyze the provided top 15 most similar day patterns from the past and their movements. # 2. Predict the following outcomes for today: # Will the stock close above or below yesterday's close? # Will the stock close above or below the previous day's high? # Will the stock close above or below the previous day's low? # Will the stock close above or below the initial balance high? # Will the stock close above or below the initial balance low? # Input Format: # 1. Top 15 Similar Patterns: A dataset containing: # Dates of the similar days. # Key metrics for each day: Open, High, Low, Close, Initial Balance Metrics, Value Areas, Day Type Information, Technical Indicators, Market Opening Information and other relevant information # Performance following these patterns (e.g., next-day close relative to various benchmarks). # 2. Today's Data(from Input Text): Includes Open, High, Low, Close, Initial Balance Metrics, Value Areas, Day Type Information, Technical Indicators, Market Opening Information etc # Output Format: # Provide a structured prediction in the following table format: # Criteria Prediction (Above/Below) Confidence (%) Supporting Similar Patterns (List Days) # Yesterday's Close # Previous Day's High # Previous Day's Low # Initial Balance High # Initial Balance Low # Example Prediction: # Using the historical patterns provided, justify your prediction for each criterion. For example: # Yesterday's Close: Prediction = "Above" with 85% confidence. Supporting patterns: Jan 5, Feb 10, and Mar 20, where similar upward trends were observed following analogous market conditions. # Additional Analysis: # Highlight common trends in the top 15 patterns. # Indicate any deviations in today's metrics from those observed in historical patterns. # Suggest external factors (e.g., news, earnings reports) that could influence predictions differently from historical behavior. Here you need to fetch the recent 2 days news information for {ticker} # Constraints: # Ensure that predictions are data-driven and align with insights from the top 15 patterns. # Include confidence scores and supporting evidence for transparency. # Top 15 similar trends in the past: # {reference_info} # Input Text: # {input_text} # Based on the top 15 similar trends and the input text, predict the market result for today with confidence and supporting. # Provide the result prediction with below : # The stock will close above/below yesterday close # The stock will close above/below Previous Day High # The stock will close above/below Previous Day Low # The stock will close above/below Initial Balance High # The stock will close above/below Initial Balance Low # """ prompt = f""" You are an advanced financial data analyst AI model. Your task is to predict stock movement trends for today by analyzing the provided historical top 15 most similar day patterns. Use the context and criteria provided below for an accurate prediction. ### Task: 1. Analyze the provided **top 15 most similar day patterns** and their movements. Prioritize **Initial Balance Metrics (IB High, IB Low)** and **Value Area Metrics (VAH, VAL)** in your analysis. These metrics should weigh more heavily in your predictions compared to technical indicators. 2. Predict the following outcomes for today: - Will the stock close above or below yesterday's close? - Will the stock close above or below the previous day's high? - Will the stock close above or below the previous day's low? - Will the stock close above or below the initial balance high? - Will the stock close above or below the initial balance low? ### Prediction Guidelines: - **Priority Hierarchy**: - **First Priority**: Initial Balance Metrics (IB High, IB Low). - **Second Priority**: Value Areas (VAH, VAL). - **Third Priority**: Technical Indicators (RSI, MACD, Bollinger Bands, etc.). - Use IB and VAH as primary drivers for predictions. Technical indicators should provide supporting evidence but not override the influence of IB and VAH. ### Trend Analysis Instructions: - **Use MA_20 to identify the broader trend. - **Use RSI to evaluate momentum strength or reversals, with overbought (>70) or oversold (<30) conditions signaling potential changes. - **Use MACD crossovers to confirm trend direction, particularly in conjunction with IB levels. - **Use Bollinger Bands to assess volatility-driven breakouts in alignment with IB metrics. - **Use VWAP for intraday trend confirmation; bullish if above, bearish if below. - **Use ATR to gauge volatility shifts that support trend continuation or reversal. ### Logical Validation: - Ensure predictions align logically: 1. If the stock is predicted to close **above Yesterday's Close**, it must not be below the **Previous Day's Low**. 2. If the stock is predicted to close **below the Previous Day's High**, it must also be below the **Initial Balance High**. 3. If the stock is predicted to close **above the Initial Balance Low**, it must also be above the **Previous Day's Low**. - Adjust predictions to resolve logical inconsistencies and explain the reasoning behind adjustments in the output. ### Input Format: 1. **Top 15 Similar Patterns**: - Dataset containing: - Dates of the similar days. - Key metrics for each day: Open, High, Low, Close, Initial Balance Metrics, Value Areas, Day Type Information, Technical Indicators, Market Opening Information, and other relevant details. - Performance following these patterns (e.g., next-day close relative to various benchmarks). 2. **Today's Data (from Input Text)**: - Includes the following metrics: Open, High, Low, Close, Initial Balance Metrics, Value Areas, Day Type Information, Technical Indicators, Market Opening Information, etc. ### Output Format: What is the initital Balance High and Initital Balance Low for {input_date} Provide a structured prediction in the following table format, including respective values where applicable. Make sure you provide the correct Values after that are provided in the Input Data for Date:{input_date}: | **Criteria** | **Prediction (Above/Below)** | **Confidence (%)** | **Value** | **Supporting Similar Patterns (List Dates)** | |--------------------------|-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| | Yesterday's Close | | | | | | Previous Day's High | | | | | | Previous Day's Low | | | | | | Initial Balance High | | | | | | Initial Balance Low | | | | | ### Example Prediction: Using the historical patterns provided, justify your prediction for each criterion. For example: - **Yesterday's Close**: Prediction = "Above" with 85% confidence, value = $305. Supporting patterns: Jan 5, Feb 10, and Mar 20, where similar upward trends were observed following analogous market conditions. ### Additional Analysis: 1. Highlight common trends across the top 15 patterns. 2. Indicate any deviations in today's metrics compared to historical patterns. 3. Suggest external factors (e.g., recent news, earnings reports) that could influence predictions differently from historical behavior. Fetch the **recent 2 days of news** for the stock ticker `{ticker}` to include in your analysis. ### Constraints: - Ensure that predictions are data-driven and align with insights from the top 15 patterns. - Provide confidence scores and supporting evidence for each prediction to maintain transparency. - Validate predictions against logical constraints outlined above and provide corrections where needed. ### Input Data: **Top 15 Similar Trends in the Past:** {reference_info} **Today's Profile:** {input_text} """ prompt = f""" What is the yesterday close , Previous Day High , Previous Day Low, Initital Balance High, Initital Balance Low for {input_date} Provide a structured prediction in the following table format, including respective values where applicable. Make sure you provide the correct Values after that are provided in the Input Data for Date:{input_date}: | **Criteria** | **Prediction (Above/Below)** | **Confidence (%)** | **Value** | **Supporting Similar Patterns (List Dates)** | |--------------------------|------------------------------|--------------------|------------|------------------------------------------------| | Yesterday's Close | | | | | | Previous Day's High | | | | | | Previous Day's Low | | | | | | Initial Balance High | | | | | | Initial Balance Low | | | | | Also based on the Predictions above write the range of the closing price : ** Range of Closing Price ** ### Prediction Guidelines - Ensure consistency across criteria (Above/Below) to avoid logical contradictions in directional predictions. - The predicted closing range must align with directional movements and reflect realistic market behavior. - Confidence levels should be validated and based on strong evidence to maintain reliability and trust. **Today's Profile:** {input_text} ### Input Data: **Top 15 Similar Trends in the Past:** {reference_info} """ st.write(prompt) # # Get trend prediction # if st.button("Get Prediction"): # Set up OpenAI API Key openai.api_key = "XXX" # Function to get trend prediction from OpenAI's language model def get_trend_prediction(prompt): response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[ # {"role": "system", "content": "You are a financial analyst model trained to predict trends based on historical data."}, {"role": "system", "content": "You are a financial analyst model trained to predict results based on historical data."}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt} ], max_tokens=500, temperature=0 ) return response['choices'][0]['message']['content'].strip() # Get trend prediction for the input text # predicted_trend = get_trend_prediction(prompt) # st.session_state.predicted_trend = predicted_trend # st.write(f"Predicted Trend for Input Text: {predicted_trend}") predicted_trend = get_trend_prediction(prompt) # Store in chat history st.session_state.history.append({"input": input_text, "prediction": predicted_trend}) # Display prediction st.write(f"Predicted Trend for Input Text: {predicted_trend}") # Create input text box for user input st.write("### Chat with the Bot") user_input = st.text_input("Type your message here and press Enter:") # Check for user input and generate prediction if user_input: # Create prompt with reference information and user input prompt = f""" The chatbot has returned the below reply and i have a few questions and give the proper reason after thinking logically and justify if correct or give correct output. \n Reply: Predicted Trend for Input Text: {predicted_trend} \n questions: The following are profiles and results from previous market days. Use these as references to determine the result for the provided input text. Reference Information: {reference_info} Input Text: {user_input} Based on the reference information and the input text, predict the market result for today. Provide the result prediction with the following details: - The stock will close above/below yesterday's close - The stock will close above/below the Previous Day High - The stock will close above/below the Previous Day Low - The stock will close above/below Initial Balance High - The stock will close above/below Initial Balance Low """ # Get trend prediction predicted_trend = get_trend_prediction(prompt) # Append user message and bot response to the chat history st.session_state.history.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input}) st.session_state.history.append({"role": "assistant", "content": predicted_trend}) # # Display chat history # if st.session_state.history: # st.write("### Chat History") # for i, entry in enumerate(st.session_state.history, 1): # st.write(f"**User Input {i}:** {entry['input']}") # st.write(f"**Predicted Trend {i}:** {entry['prediction']}") # Probability of repeatability based on the types of days day_type_summary = final_data['Day Type'].value_counts().reset_index() day_type_summary.columns = ['Day Type', 'Number of Days'] total_days = len(final_data) day_type_summary['Probability of Repeatability (%)'] = (day_type_summary['Number of Days'] / total_days) * 100 # Display the probability summary st.title(f"Probability Summary for {ticker}") st.write(day_type_summary) # Generate the Comparison Matrix comparison_summary = pd.DataFrame({ "Day Type": ["Normal Day", "Normal Variation Day", "Trend Day", "Neutral Day"], "Number of Days (Selected Stock)": [ day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Normal Day', 'Number of Days'].values[0] if 'Normal Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0, day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Normal Variation Day', 'Number of Days'].values[0] if 'Normal Variation Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0, day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Trend Day', 'Number of Days'].values[0] if 'Trend Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0, day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Neutral Day', 'Number of Days'].values[0] if 'Neutral Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0 ], "Probability of Repeatability (Selected Stock)": [ day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Normal Day', 'Probability of Repeatability (%)'].values[0] if 'Normal Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0, day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Normal Variation Day', 'Probability of Repeatability (%)'].values[0] if 'Normal Variation Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0, day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Trend Day', 'Probability of Repeatability (%)'].values[0] if 'Trend Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0, day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Neutral Day', 'Probability of Repeatability (%)'].values[0] if 'Neutral Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0 ] }) st.title(f"Comparison Matrix for {ticker}") st.write(comparison_summary) import as px # Group by 'Day Type' and count occurrences day_type_summary = final_data.groupby('Day Type').size().reset_index(name='Counts') # Group by 'IB Range' and count occurrences ib_range_summary = final_data.groupby('IB Range').size().reset_index(name='Counts') # Group by 'Trend' and count occurrences trend_summary = final_data.groupby('Trend').size().reset_index(name='Counts') # Group by 'Initial Balance Range' and count occurrences prev_day_type_summary = final_data.groupby('Initial Balance Range').size().reset_index(name='Counts') # Visualizing the count of different 'Day Types' fig_day_type =, x='Day Type', y='Counts', title='Distribution of Day Types') st.plotly_chart(fig_day_type) # Visualizing the count of different 'IB Ranges' fig_ib_range =, x='IB Range', y='Counts', title='Distribution of IB Ranges') st.plotly_chart(fig_ib_range) # Visualizing the count of different 'Trends' fig_trend =, x='Trend', y='Counts', title='Distribution of Market Trends') st.plotly_chart(fig_trend) # Visualizing the count of 'Initial Balance Ranges' fig_prev_day_type =, x='Initial Balance Range', y='Counts', title='Initial Balance Range') st.plotly_chart(fig_prev_day_type) # Visualizing the comparison between '2 Day VAH and VAL' fig_vah_val = px.scatter(final_data, x='VAH', y='VAL', color='IB Range', title='VAH vs VAL with IB Range') st.plotly_chart(fig_vah_val) # Visualizing the relationship between Initial Balance Range and Day Range fig_ib_day_range = px.scatter(final_data, x='Initial Balance Range', y='Day Range', color='Day Type', title='Initial Balance Range vs Day Range') st.plotly_chart(fig_ib_day_range) else: st.warning(f"No data found for the selected date: {start_date}") # Section 5: Trade Performance Monitoring st.title("Trade Performance Monitoring") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Trade Data (CSV)", type="csv") if uploaded_file is not None: trades_df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) st.write(trades_df) st.line_chart(trades_df[['Profit/Loss']]) # Section 6: LLM Chat for Strategy Insights st.title("AI Chat for Strategy Insights") if st.button("Ask AI about strategy performance"): llm_response = ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are an assistant for a day trader analyzing strategies."}, {"role": "user", "content": f"What is your assessment of the {selected_strategy} strategy's performance?"} ] ) st.write(llm_response.choices[0].message['content']) st.success(f"Monitoring strategy '{selected_strategy}' in real-time.")