import streamlit as st import yfinance as yf import numpy as np import pandas as pd import plotly.graph_objects as go from scipy.stats import skew, kurtosis from collections import defaultdict # Sidebar for inputs st.sidebar.title("Trading Dashboard") capital_per_trade = st.sidebar.number_input("Capital Per Trade", value=2000, min_value=100) selected_strategy = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Strategy", ['Momentum', 'Reversal', 'Breakout']) # Section 1: Stock and Volume Profile Inputs st.title("Real-time Volume Profile with Market Shape Detection") ticker = st.text_input("Enter Stock Ticker", value="AAPL") start_date = st.date_input("Start Date", value=pd.to_datetime("2024-10-17")) # Fetch stock data in real-time def fetch_stock_data(ticker, start, interval='1m'): stock_data =, start=start, interval=interval) return stock_data data = fetch_stock_data(ticker, start_date) # Calculate the volume profile with buy and sell volumes def calculate_volume_profile(data, row_layout): price_min = data['Low'].min() price_max = data['High'].max() bins = row_layout bin_edges = np.linspace(price_min, price_max, bins) volume_profile = pd.DataFrame(index=bin_edges[:-1], columns=['Total Volume']) volume_profile['Total Volume'] = 0 for index, row in data.iterrows(): bin_indices = np.digitize([row['Low'], row['High']], bin_edges) - 1 bin_indices = [max(0, min(bins-2, b)) for b in bin_indices] volume_profile.iloc[bin_indices[0]:bin_indices[1] + 1, volume_profile.columns.get_loc('Total Volume')] += row['Volume'] return volume_profile # Function to calculate VAH, VAL, POC def calculate_vah_val_poc(volume_profile): total_volume = volume_profile['Total Volume'].sum() cumulative_volume = volume_profile['Total Volume'].cumsum() poc = volume_profile['Total Volume'].idxmax() # Price level with highest volume (POC) vah_threshold = 0.7 * total_volume val_threshold = 0.3 * total_volume vah = volume_profile.index[cumulative_volume >= vah_threshold].min() val = volume_profile.index[cumulative_volume <= val_threshold].max() return vah, val, poc # Initial quick identification of market profile shape based on POC, VAH, and VAL def quick_identify_profile_shape(vah, val, poc): if poc > vah: return "P-shape (Bullish Accumulation)" elif poc < val: return "b-shape (Bearish Accumulation)" elif vah > poc > val: return "D-shape (Balanced Market)" else: return "B-shape (Double Distribution)" # Refine the initial guess with skewness and kurtosis def refine_with_skew_kurtosis(volume_profile, shape_guess): volumes = volume_profile['Total Volume'].values skewness = skew(volumes) kurt = kurtosis(volumes) if shape_guess == "P-shape" and skewness < 0: return "b-shape (Bearish Accumulation)" if shape_guess == "b-shape" and skewness > 0: return "P-shape (Bullish Accumulation)" if shape_guess == "D-shape" and abs(skewness) > 0.5 and kurt > 0: return "B-shape (Double Distribution)" return shape_guess # Calculate the volume profile volume_profile = calculate_volume_profile(data, row_layout=24) vah, val, poc = calculate_vah_val_poc(volume_profile) # Initial shape identification initial_shape = quick_identify_profile_shape(vah, val, poc) # Refined shape identification refined_shape = refine_with_skew_kurtosis(volume_profile, initial_shape) # Display the initial and refined market shapes st.write(f"Initial Market Profile Shape: {initial_shape}") st.write(f"Refined Market Profile Shape: {refined_shape}") # Plot the volume profile and VAH def plot_volume_profile(volume_profile, vah, val, poc): fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Bar( y=volume_profile.index, x=volume_profile['Total Volume'], orientation='h', name='Total Volume', marker=dict(color='blue', opacity=0.6) )) # Highlight VAH, VAL, and POC fig.add_shape(type="line", y0=vah, y1=vah, x0=0, x1=1, line=dict(color="green", dash="dash")) fig.add_shape(type="line", y0=val, y1=val, x0=0, x1=1, line=dict(color="red", dash="dash")) fig.add_shape(type="line", y0=poc, y1=poc, x0=0, x1=1, line=dict(color="orange", dash="dash")) # Add annotations for VAH, VAL, and POC fig.add_annotation(xref="paper", yref="y", x=1, y=vah, text=f"VAH at {vah:.2f}", showarrow=False) fig.add_annotation(xref="paper", yref="y", x=1, y=val, text=f"VAL at {val:.2f}", showarrow=False) fig.add_annotation(xref="paper", yref="y", x=1, y=poc, text=f"POC at {poc:.2f}", showarrow=False) fig.update_layout(title='Volume Profile with Initial and Refined Market Shape Detection', xaxis_title='Volume', yaxis_title='Price') st.plotly_chart(fig) plot_volume_profile(volume_profile, vah, val, poc) # # Section 2: 5-Minute Stock Prices for the selected date # st.title("5-Minute Stock Price Data for Selected Date") # def fetch_five_minute_data(ticker, selected_date): # start_date_str = selected_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # data =, start=start_date_str, end=start_date_str, interval="5m") # return data # five_min_data = fetch_five_minute_data(ticker, start_date) # if not five_min_data.empty: # five_min_data = five_min_data.reset_index() # st.write("5-Minute Interval Data", five_min_data) # else: # st.write("No 5-minute data available for the selected date.") # # Section 3: 30-Minute Data Table for the selected date # st.title("30-Minute Data Table for Selected Date") # def fetch_thirty_minute_data(ticker, selected_date): # start_date_str = selected_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # data =, start=start_date_str, end=start_date_str, interval="30m") # return data # thirty_min_data = fetch_thirty_minute_data(ticker, start_date) # if not thirty_min_data.empty: # thirty_min_data = thirty_min_data.reset_index() # st.write("30-Minute Interval Data", thirty_min_data) # else: # st.write("No 30-minute data available for the selected date.") # # Section 4: IB Range Signal and Last Day VAL Signal # st.title("IB Range and Last Day's VAL Signal") # # Generate a signal for IB Range for today based on mock conditions # ib_range_signal = "IB Range Signal: Small" if thirty_min_data['High'].iloc[0] - thirty_min_data['Low'].iloc[0] < 2 else "IB Range Signal: Large" # st.write(ib_range_signal) # # Mock signal based on the previous day's VAL # val_signal = "Last Day's VAL Signal: Bullish" if vah > val else "Last Day's VAL Signal: Bearish" # st.write(val_signal) # Section 1: Fetch stock data in real-time # @st.cache_data def fetch_stock_data(ticker, interval='30m'): try: data =, period="60d", interval=interval) if data.empty: st.warning(f"No data found for {ticker} with {interval} interval. Please try a different date.") return data.reset_index() except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error fetching data for {ticker}: {e}") return pd.DataFrame() data = fetch_stock_data(ticker) # st.write(data) # Section 2: True Range and ATR Calculations def calculate_atr(data, atr_period=14): data['H-L'] = data['High'] - data['Low'] data['H-PC'] = np.abs(data['High'] - data['Adj Close'].shift(1)) data['L-PC'] = np.abs(data['Low'] - data['Adj Close'].shift(1)) data['TR'] = data[['H-L', 'H-PC', 'L-PC']].max(axis=1) data['ATR_14'] = data['TR'].ewm(alpha=1/atr_period, adjust=False).mean() return data data = calculate_atr(data) # Fetch daily data to calculate ATR for daily intervals daily_data =, period="60d", interval="1d").reset_index() daily_data['H-L'] = daily_data['High'] - daily_data['Low'] daily_data['H-PC'] = np.abs(daily_data['High'] - daily_data['Adj Close'].shift(1)) daily_data['L-PC'] = np.abs(daily_data['Low'] - daily_data['Adj Close'].shift(1)) daily_data['TR'] = daily_data[['H-L', 'H-PC', 'L-PC']].max(axis=1) daily_data['ATR_14_1_day'] = daily_data['TR'].ewm(alpha=1/14, adjust=False).mean() daily_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] = daily_data['ATR_14_1_day'].shift(1) daily_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(daily_data['Date']) # Merge ATR into 30-minute data data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Datetime']) final_data = pd.merge(data, daily_data[['Date', 'ATR_14_1_day', 'Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day']], on='Date', how='left') # st.write(final_data) # Section 3: TPO Profile Calculation def calculate_tpo(data, tick_size=0.01, value_area_percent=70): price_levels = np.arange(data['Low'].min(), data['High'].max(), tick_size) tpo_counts = defaultdict(list) letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' letter_idx = 0 for _, row in data.iterrows(): current_letter = letters[letter_idx % len(letters)] for price in price_levels: if row['Low'] <= price <= row['High']: tpo_counts[price].append(current_letter) letter_idx += 1 total_tpo = sum(len(counts) for counts in tpo_counts.values()) value_area_target = total_tpo * value_area_percent / 100 sorted_tpo = sorted(tpo_counts.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True) value_area_tpo = 0 vah = 0 val = float('inf') for price, counts in sorted_tpo: if value_area_tpo + len(counts) <= value_area_target: value_area_tpo += len(counts) vah = max(vah, price) val = min(val, price) else: break poc = sorted_tpo[0][0] # Price with highest TPO count return tpo_counts, poc, vah, val # Section 4: IB Range, Market Classification, and Signals def calculate_market_profile(data): daily_tpo_profiles = [] value_area_percent = 70 tick_size = 0.01 for date, group in data.groupby('Date'): tpo_counts, poc, vah, val = calculate_tpo(group, tick_size, value_area_percent) initial_balance_high = group['High'].iloc[:2].max() initial_balance_low = group['Low'].iloc[:2].min() initial_balance_range = initial_balance_high - initial_balance_low day_range = group['High'].max() - group['Low'].min() range_extension = day_range - initial_balance_range last_row = group.iloc[-1] last_row_close = last_row['Close'] last_row_open = last_row['Open'] # st.write(last_row) if day_range <= initial_balance_range * 1.15: day_type = 'Normal Day' elif initial_balance_range < day_range <= initial_balance_range * 2: if last_row_open >= last_row_close: day_type = 'Negative Normal Variation Day' elif last_row_open <= last_row_close: day_type = 'Positive Normal Variation Day' else: day_type = 'Normal Variation Day' elif day_range > initial_balance_range * 2: day_type = 'Trend Day' else: day_type = 'Neutral Day' if last_row['Close'] >= initial_balance_high: close_type = 'Closed above Initial High' elif last_row['Close'] <= initial_balance_low: close_type = 'Closed below Initial Low' else: close_type = 'Closed between Initial High and Low' # if last_row['Close'] >= vah: # close_type_va = 'Closed above VAH' # elif last_row['Close'] <= initial_balance_low: # close_type_va = 'Closed below VAL' # else: # close_type_va = 'Closed between VAH and VAL' tpo_profile = { 'Date': date, 'POC': round(poc, 2), 'VAH': round(vah, 2), 'VAL': round(val, 2), 'Initial Balance High': round(initial_balance_high, 2), 'Initial Balance Low': round(initial_balance_low, 2), 'Initial Balance Range': round(initial_balance_range, 2), 'Day Range': round(day_range, 2), 'Range Extension': round(range_extension, 2), 'Day Type': day_type, 'Close Type' : close_type # , # 'Close Type VA':close_type_va } daily_tpo_profiles.append(tpo_profile) return pd.DataFrame(daily_tpo_profiles) market_profile_df = calculate_market_profile(final_data) # Merge TPO profile data into final_data based on the 'Date' final_data = pd.merge(final_data, market_profile_df, on='Date', how='left') # st.write(market_profile_df) # Section 5: Generate Signals based on Market Profile def generate_signals(market_profile_df): trends = [] for i in range(1, len(market_profile_df)): prev_day = market_profile_df.iloc[i - 1] curr_day = market_profile_df.iloc[i] if curr_day['Initial Balance High'] > prev_day['VAH']: trend = 'Bullish' elif curr_day['Initial Balance Low'] < prev_day['VAL']: trend = 'Bearish' else: trend = 'Neutral' trends.append({ 'Date': curr_day['Date'], 'Trend': trend, 'Previous Day VAH': prev_day['VAH'], 'Previous Day VAL': prev_day['VAL'], 'Previous Day POC': prev_day['POC'], }) return pd.DataFrame(trends) signals_df = generate_signals(market_profile_df) # Merge trend data into final_data final_data = pd.merge(final_data, signals_df, on='Date', how='left') # st.write(final_data) # Define the conditions for Initial Balance Range classification conditions = [ final_data['Initial Balance Range'] < final_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] / 3, (final_data['Initial Balance Range'] >= final_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] / 3) & (final_data['Initial Balance Range'] <= final_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day']), final_data['Initial Balance Range'] > final_data['Prev_Day_ATR_14_1_Day'] ] # Define the corresponding values for each condition choices = ['Small', 'Medium', 'Large'] # Create the IB Range column using final_data['IB Range'] =, choices, default='Unknown') # Round all values in final_data to 2 decimals final_data = final_data.round(2) # Display the final merged DataFrame # st.write(final_data) # Get the unique dates and sort them sorted_dates = sorted(set(final_data['Date'])) final_data['2 Day VAH and VAL'] = '' # Use a for loop with range() to iterate over the sorted dates by index for i in range(2, len(sorted_dates)): date = sorted_dates[i] previous_date = sorted_dates[i - 1] print(f"Current Date: {date}") print(f"Previous Date: {previous_date}") # Extract data for the previous date previous_data = final_data[final_data['Date'] == previous_date] day_high = previous_data['High'].max() day_low = previous_data['Low'].max() # Initialize an empty list for actions actions = [] # actions.append(date) # Ensure previous_data has rows before accessing if not previous_data.empty: # Get the last row of the previous day's data last_row = previous_data.iloc[-1] # Compare 'Close' with 'VAH' and 'VAL' if last_row['Close'] >= last_row['VAH']: actions.append('Previous Day Close Above VAH') actions.append('Previous Day Close Bullish') elif last_row['Close'] <= last_row['VAL']: actions.append('Previous Day Close Below VAL') actions.append('Previous Day Close Bearish') else: actions.append('Previous Day Close Neutral') if last_row['Previous Day VAH'] >= last_row['VAH'] and last_row['Previous Day VAL'] <= last_row['VAL']: actions.append('Insider Neutral') elif last_row['Previous Day VAH'] <= last_row['VAH'] and last_row['Previous Day VAL'] >= last_row['VAL']: actions.append('Outsider Neutral') if last_row['IB Range'] == 'Large' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['Initial Balance High']: final_day_type = 'Large Range Normal Day' elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Medium' and day_high >= last_row['Initial Balance High'] and day_low <= last_row['Initial Balance Low']: final_day_type = 'Medium Range Neutral Day' elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Medium' and last_row['Close'] >= last_row['Initial Balance High']: final_day_type = 'Medium Range +ve Normal Variation Day' elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Medium' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['Initial Balance Low']: final_day_type = 'Medium Range -ve Normal Variation Day' elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Small' and last_row['Close'] >= last_row['Initial Balance High']: final_day_type = 'Small Range +ve Trend Variation Day' elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Small' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['Initial Balance Low']: final_day_type = 'Small Range -ve Trend Variation Day' elif last_row['IB Range'] == 'Small' and last_row['Close'] <= last_row['Initial Balance High'] and last_row['Close'] >= last_row['Initial Balance Low']: final_day_type = 'Small Range Non Trend Variation Day' else: final_day_type = '' # Print or perform further operations with actions print(actions) final_data.loc[final_data['Date'] == previous_date, '2 Day VAH and VAL'] = str(actions) final_data.loc[final_data['Date'] == previous_date, 'Adjusted Day Type'] = str(final_day_type) # Create a 'casted_date' column to only capture the date part of the Datetime final_data['casted_date'] = final_data['Date'] # Sort by casted_date to ensure correct order final_data = final_data.sort_values(by='casted_date') # Create a 'casted_date' column to only capture the date part of the Datetime final_data['casted_date'] = final_data['Date'] # Get a sorted list of unique dates sorted_dates = sorted(final_data['casted_date'].unique()) # Find the index of the selected date in the sorted list current_date_index = sorted_dates.index(start_date) if start_date in sorted_dates else None # Determine the previous date if it exists previous_date = sorted_dates[current_date_index - 1] if current_date_index and current_date_index > 0 else None # Filter based on the input date (start_date) from the sidebar filtered_data = final_data[final_data['casted_date'] == start_date] # Filter based on the input date (start_date) from the sidebar previous_filtered_data = final_data[final_data['casted_date'] == previous_date] # st.write(filtered_data.columns) # Section 7: Display the Data for Selected Date if not filtered_data.empty: st.title(f"Market Profile for {start_date}") st.write(f"Previous Day Type: {previous_filtered_data['Day Type'].values[0]}") st.write(f"Previous Adjusted Day Type: {previous_filtered_data['Adjusted Day Type'].values[0]}") st.write(f"Previous Close Type: {previous_filtered_data['Close Type'].values[0]}") # st.write(f"Close Type VA: {filtered_data['Close Type VA'].values[0]}") st.write(f"Previous 2 Day VAH and VAL:{previous_filtered_data['2 Day VAH and VAL'].values[0]}") st.write(f"IB Range: {filtered_data['Initial Balance Range'].values[0]}") st.write(f"2 Day VAH and VAL: VAH - {filtered_data['VAH'].values[0]}, VAL - {signals_df['Previous Day VAL'].values[-1]}") st.write(filtered_data) # Probability of repeatability based on the types of days day_type_summary = final_data['Day Type'].value_counts().reset_index() day_type_summary.columns = ['Day Type', 'Number of Days'] total_days = len(final_data) day_type_summary['Probability of Repeatability (%)'] = (day_type_summary['Number of Days'] / total_days) * 100 # Display the probability summary st.title(f"Probability Summary for {ticker}") st.write(day_type_summary) # Generate the Comparison Matrix comparison_summary = pd.DataFrame({ "Day Type": ["Normal Day", "Normal Variation Day", "Trend Day", "Neutral Day"], "Number of Days (Selected Stock)": [ day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Normal Day', 'Number of Days'].values[0] if 'Normal Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0, day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Normal Variation Day', 'Number of Days'].values[0] if 'Normal Variation Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0, day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Trend Day', 'Number of Days'].values[0] if 'Trend Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0, day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Neutral Day', 'Number of Days'].values[0] if 'Neutral Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0 ], "Probability of Repeatability (Selected Stock)": [ day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Normal Day', 'Probability of Repeatability (%)'].values[0] if 'Normal Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0, day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Normal Variation Day', 'Probability of Repeatability (%)'].values[0] if 'Normal Variation Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0, day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Trend Day', 'Probability of Repeatability (%)'].values[0] if 'Trend Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0, day_type_summary.loc[day_type_summary['Day Type'] == 'Neutral Day', 'Probability of Repeatability (%)'].values[0] if 'Neutral Day' in day_type_summary['Day Type'].values else 0 ] }) st.title(f"Comparison Matrix for {ticker}") st.write(comparison_summary) import as px # Group by 'Day Type' and count occurrences day_type_summary = final_data.groupby('Day Type').size().reset_index(name='Counts') # Group by 'IB Range' and count occurrences ib_range_summary = final_data.groupby('IB Range').size().reset_index(name='Counts') # Group by 'Trend' and count occurrences trend_summary = final_data.groupby('Trend').size().reset_index(name='Counts') # Group by 'Initial Balance Range' and count occurrences prev_day_type_summary = final_data.groupby('Initial Balance Range').size().reset_index(name='Counts') # Visualizing the count of different 'Day Types' fig_day_type =, x='Day Type', y='Counts', title='Distribution of Day Types') st.plotly_chart(fig_day_type) # Visualizing the count of different 'IB Ranges' fig_ib_range =, x='IB Range', y='Counts', title='Distribution of IB Ranges') st.plotly_chart(fig_ib_range) # Visualizing the count of different 'Trends' fig_trend =, x='Trend', y='Counts', title='Distribution of Market Trends') st.plotly_chart(fig_trend) # Visualizing the count of 'Initial Balance Ranges' fig_prev_day_type =, x='Initial Balance Range', y='Counts', title='Initial Balance Range') st.plotly_chart(fig_prev_day_type) # Visualizing the comparison between '2 Day VAH and VAL' fig_vah_val = px.scatter(final_data, x='VAH', y='VAL', color='IB Range', title='VAH vs VAL with IB Range') st.plotly_chart(fig_vah_val) # Visualizing the relationship between Initial Balance Range and Day Range fig_ib_day_range = px.scatter(final_data, x='Initial Balance Range', y='Day Range', color='Day Type', title='Initial Balance Range vs Day Range') st.plotly_chart(fig_ib_day_range) else: st.warning(f"No data found for the selected date: {start_date}") # Section 5: Trade Performance Monitoring st.title("Trade Performance Monitoring") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Trade Data (CSV)", type="csv") if uploaded_file is not None: trades_df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) st.write(trades_df) st.line_chart(trades_df[['Profit/Loss']]) # Section 6: LLM Chat for Strategy Insights st.title("AI Chat for Strategy Insights") if st.button("Ask AI about strategy performance"): llm_response = ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are an assistant for a day trader analyzing strategies."}, {"role": "user", "content": f"What is your assessment of the {selected_strategy} strategy's performance?"} ] ) st.write(llm_response.choices[0].message['content']) st.success(f"Monitoring strategy '{selected_strategy}' in real-time.")