# Copyright (C) 2022-present Naver Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (non-commercial use only). # -------------------------------------------------------- # CroCo model for downstream tasks # -------------------------------------------------------- import torch from .croco import CroCoNet def croco_args_from_ckpt(ckpt): if 'croco_kwargs' in ckpt: # CroCo v2 released models return ckpt['croco_kwargs'] elif 'args' in ckpt and hasattr(ckpt['args'], 'model'): # pretrained using the official code release s = ckpt['args'].model # eg "CroCoNet(enc_embed_dim=1024, enc_num_heads=16, enc_depth=24)" assert s.startswith('CroCoNet(') return eval('dict'+s[len('CroCoNet'):]) # transform it into the string of a dictionary and evaluate it else: # CroCo v1 released models return dict() class CroCoDownstreamMonocularEncoder(CroCoNet): def __init__(self, head, **kwargs): """ Build network for monocular downstream task, only using the encoder. It takes an extra argument head, that is called with the features and a dictionary img_info containing 'width' and 'height' keys The head is setup with the croconet arguments in this init function NOTE: It works by *calling super().__init__() but with redefined setters """ super(CroCoDownstreamMonocularEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs) head.setup(self) self.head = head def _set_mask_generator(self, *args, **kwargs): """ No mask generator """ return def _set_mask_token(self, *args, **kwargs): """ No mask token """ self.mask_token = None return def _set_decoder(self, *args, **kwargs): """ No decoder """ return def _set_prediction_head(self, *args, **kwargs): """ No 'prediction head' for downstream tasks.""" return def forward(self, img): """ img if of size batch_size x 3 x h x w """ B, C, H, W = img.size() img_info = {'height': H, 'width': W} need_all_layers = hasattr(self.head, 'return_all_blocks') and self.head.return_all_blocks out, _, _ = self._encode_image(img, do_mask=False, return_all_blocks=need_all_layers) return self.head(out, img_info) class CroCoDownstreamBinocular(CroCoNet): def __init__(self, head, **kwargs): """ Build network for binocular downstream task It takes an extra argument head, that is called with the features and a dictionary img_info containing 'width' and 'height' keys The head is setup with the croconet arguments in this init function """ super(CroCoDownstreamBinocular, self).__init__(**kwargs) head.setup(self) self.head = head def _set_mask_generator(self, *args, **kwargs): """ No mask generator """ return def _set_mask_token(self, *args, **kwargs): """ No mask token """ self.mask_token = None return def _set_prediction_head(self, *args, **kwargs): """ No prediction head for downstream tasks, define your own head """ return def encode_image_pairs(self, img1, img2, return_all_blocks=False): """ run encoder for a pair of images it is actually ~5% faster to concatenate the images along the batch dimension than to encode them separately """ ## the two commented lines below is the naive version with separate encoding #out, pos, _ = self._encode_image(img1, do_mask=False, return_all_blocks=return_all_blocks) #out2, pos2, _ = self._encode_image(img2, do_mask=False, return_all_blocks=False) ## and now the faster version out, pos, _ = self._encode_image( torch.cat( (img1,img2), dim=0), do_mask=False, return_all_blocks=return_all_blocks ) if return_all_blocks: out,out2 = list(map(list, zip(*[o.chunk(2, dim=0) for o in out]))) out2 = out2[-1] else: out,out2 = out.chunk(2, dim=0) pos,pos2 = pos.chunk(2, dim=0) return out, out2, pos, pos2 def forward(self, img1, img2): B, C, H, W = img1.size() img_info = {'height': H, 'width': W} return_all_blocks = hasattr(self.head, 'return_all_blocks') and self.head.return_all_blocks out, out2, pos, pos2 = self.encode_image_pairs(img1, img2, return_all_blocks=return_all_blocks) if return_all_blocks: decout = self._decoder(out[-1], pos, None, out2, pos2, return_all_blocks=return_all_blocks) decout = out+decout else: decout = self._decoder(out, pos, None, out2, pos2, return_all_blocks=return_all_blocks) return self.head(decout, img_info)