from argparse import Namespace import os import torch import cv2 from time import time from pathlib import Path import as cm import numpy as np from src.models.topic_fm import TopicFM from src import get_model_cfg from .base import Viz from src.utils.metrics import compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors, compute_pose_errors from src.utils.plotting import draw_topics, draw_topicfm_demo, error_colormap class VizTopicFM(Viz): def __init__(self, args): super().__init__() if type(args) == dict: args = Namespace(**args) self.match_threshold = args.match_threshold self.n_sampling_topics = args.n_sampling_topics self.show_n_topics = args.show_n_topics # Load model conf = dict(get_model_cfg()) conf["match_coarse"]["thr"] = self.match_threshold conf["coarse"]["n_samples"] = self.n_sampling_topics print("model config: ", conf) self.model = TopicFM(config=conf) ckpt_dict = torch.load(args.ckpt) self.model.load_state_dict(ckpt_dict["state_dict"]) self.model = self.model.eval().to(self.device) # Name the method # self.ckpt_name = args.ckpt.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] = "TopicFM" print(f"Initialize {}") def match_and_draw( self, data_dict, root_dir=None, ground_truth=False, measure_time=False, viz_matches=True, ): if measure_time: torch.cuda.synchronize() start = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) end = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) start.record() self.model(data_dict) if measure_time: torch.cuda.synchronize() end.record() torch.cuda.synchronize() self.time_stats.append(start.elapsed_time(end)) kpts0 = data_dict["mkpts0_f"].cpu().numpy() kpts1 = data_dict["mkpts1_f"].cpu().numpy() img_name0, img_name1 = list(zip(*data_dict["pair_names"]))[0] img0 = cv2.imread(os.path.join(root_dir, img_name0)) img1 = cv2.imread(os.path.join(root_dir, img_name1)) if str(data_dict["dataset_name"][0]).lower() == "scannet": img0 = cv2.resize(img0, (640, 480)) img1 = cv2.resize(img1, (640, 480)) if viz_matches: saved_name = "_".join( [ img_name0.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0], img_name1.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0], ] ) folder_matches = os.path.join(root_dir, "{}_viz_matches".format( if not os.path.exists(folder_matches): os.makedirs(folder_matches) path_to_save_matches = os.path.join( folder_matches, "{}.png".format(saved_name) ) if ground_truth: compute_symmetrical_epipolar_errors( data_dict ) # compute epi_errs for each match compute_pose_errors( data_dict ) # compute R_errs, t_errs, pose_errs for each pair epi_errors = data_dict["epi_errs"].cpu().numpy() R_errors, t_errors = data_dict["R_errs"][0], data_dict["t_errs"][0] self.draw_matches( kpts0, kpts1, img0, img1, epi_errors, path=path_to_save_matches, R_errs=R_errors, t_errs=t_errors, ) # compute evaluation metrics rel_pair_names = list(zip(*data_dict["pair_names"])) bs = data_dict["image0"].size(0) metrics = { # to filter duplicate pairs caused by DistributedSampler "identifiers": ["#".join(rel_pair_names[b]) for b in range(bs)], "epi_errs": [ data_dict["epi_errs"][data_dict["m_bids"] == b].cpu().numpy() for b in range(bs) ], "R_errs": data_dict["R_errs"], "t_errs": data_dict["t_errs"], "inliers": data_dict["inliers"], } self.eval_stats.append({"metrics": metrics}) else: m_conf = 1 - data_dict["mconf"].cpu().numpy() self.draw_matches( kpts0, kpts1, img0, img1, m_conf, path=path_to_save_matches, conf_thr=0.4, ) if self.show_n_topics > 0: folder_topics = os.path.join( root_dir, "{}_viz_topics".format( ) if not os.path.exists(folder_topics): os.makedirs(folder_topics) draw_topics( data_dict, img0, img1, saved_folder=folder_topics, show_n_topics=self.show_n_topics, saved_name=saved_name, ) def run_demo( self, dataloader, writer=None, output_dir=None, no_display=False, skip_frames=1 ): data_dict = next(dataloader) frame_id = 0 last_image_id = 0 img0 = ( np.array(cv2.imread(str(data_dict["img_path"][0])), dtype=np.float32) / 255 ) frame_tensor = data_dict["img"].to(self.device) pair_data = {"image0": frame_tensor} last_frame = cv2.resize( img0, (frame_tensor.shape[-1], frame_tensor.shape[-2]), cv2.INTER_LINEAR ) if output_dir is not None: print("==> Will write outputs to {}".format(output_dir)) Path(output_dir).mkdir(exist_ok=True) # Create a window to display the demo. if not no_display: window_name = "Topic-assisted Feature Matching" cv2.namedWindow(window_name, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow(window_name, (640 * 2, 480 * 2)) else: print("Skipping visualization, will not show a GUI.") # Print the keyboard help menu. print( "==> Keyboard control:\n" "\tn: select the current frame as the reference image (left)\n" "\tq: quit" ) # vis_range = [kwargs["bottom_k"], kwargs["top_k"]] while True: frame_id += 1 if frame_id == len(dataloader): print("Finished") break data_dict = next(dataloader) if frame_id % skip_frames != 0: # print("Skipping frame.") continue stem0, stem1 = last_image_id, data_dict["id"][0].item() - 1 frame = ( np.array(cv2.imread(str(data_dict["img_path"][0])), dtype=np.float32) / 255 ) frame_tensor = data_dict["img"].to(self.device) frame = cv2.resize( frame, (frame_tensor.shape[-1], frame_tensor.shape[-2]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, ) pair_data = {**pair_data, "image1": frame_tensor} self.model(pair_data) total_n_matches = len(pair_data["mkpts0_f"]) mkpts0 = pair_data["mkpts0_f"].cpu().numpy() # [vis_range[0]:vis_range[1]] mkpts1 = pair_data["mkpts1_f"].cpu().numpy() # [vis_range[0]:vis_range[1]] mconf = pair_data["mconf"].cpu().numpy() # [vis_range[0]:vis_range[1]] # Normalize confidence. if len(mconf) > 0: mconf = 1 - mconf # alpha = 0 # color = cm.jet(mconf, alpha=alpha) color = error_colormap(mconf, thr=0.4, alpha=0.1) text = [ f"Topics", "#Matches: {}".format(total_n_matches), ] out = draw_topicfm_demo( pair_data, last_frame, frame, mkpts0, mkpts1, color, text, show_n_topics=4, path=None, ) if not no_display: if writer is not None: writer.write(out) cv2.imshow("TopicFM Matches", out) key = chr(cv2.waitKey(10) & 0xFF) if key == "q": if writer is not None: writer.release() print("Exiting...") break elif key == "n": pair_data["image0"] = frame_tensor last_frame = frame last_image_id = data_dict["id"][0].item() - 1 frame_id_left = frame_id elif output_dir is not None: stem = "matches_{:06}_{:06}".format(stem0, stem1) out_file = str(Path(output_dir, stem + ".png")) print("\nWriting image to {}".format(out_file)) cv2.imwrite(out_file, out) else: raise ValueError("output_dir is required when no display is given.") cv2.destroyAllWindows() if writer is not None: writer.release()