import torch import torch.nn as nn eps = 1e-8 device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") def sinkhorn(M, r, c, iteration): p = torch.softmax(M, dim=-1) u = torch.ones_like(r) v = torch.ones_like(c) for _ in range(iteration): u = r / ((p * v.unsqueeze(-2)).sum(-1) + eps) v = c / ((p * u.unsqueeze(-1)).sum(-2) + eps) p = p * u.unsqueeze(-1) * v.unsqueeze(-2) return p def sink_algorithm(M, dustbin, iteration): M =[M, dustbin.expand([M.shape[0], M.shape[1], 1])], dim=-1) M =[M, dustbin.expand([M.shape[0], 1, M.shape[2]])], dim=-2) r = torch.ones([M.shape[0], M.shape[1] - 1], device=device) r =[r, torch.ones([M.shape[0], 1], device=device) * M.shape[1]], dim=-1) c = torch.ones([M.shape[0], M.shape[2] - 1], device=device) c =[c, torch.ones([M.shape[0], 1], device=device) * M.shape[2]], dim=-1) p = sinkhorn(M, r, c, iteration) return p def seeding( nn_index1, nn_index2, x1, x2, topk, match_score, confbar, nms_radius, use_mc=True, test=False, ): # apply mutual check before nms if use_mc: mask_not_mutual = nn_index2.gather(dim=-1, index=nn_index1) != torch.arange( nn_index1.shape[1], device=device ) match_score[mask_not_mutual] = -1 # NMS pos_dismat1 = ( ( (x1.norm(p=2, dim=-1) ** 2).unsqueeze_(-1) + (x1.norm(p=2, dim=-1) ** 2).unsqueeze_(-2) - 2 * (x1 @ x1.transpose(1, 2)) ) .abs_() .sqrt_() ) x2 = x2.gather(index=nn_index1.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, 2), dim=1) pos_dismat2 = ( ( (x2.norm(p=2, dim=-1) ** 2).unsqueeze_(-1) + (x2.norm(p=2, dim=-1) ** 2).unsqueeze_(-2) - 2 * (x2 @ x2.transpose(1, 2)) ) .abs_() .sqrt_() ) radius1, radius2 = nms_radius * pos_dismat1.mean( dim=(1, 2), keepdim=True ), nms_radius * pos_dismat2.mean(dim=(1, 2), keepdim=True) nms_mask = (pos_dismat1 >= radius1) & (pos_dismat2 >= radius2) mask_not_local_max = ( match_score.unsqueeze(-1) >= match_score.unsqueeze(-2) ) | nms_mask mask_not_local_max = ~(mask_not_local_max.min(dim=-1).values) match_score[mask_not_local_max] = -1 # confidence bar match_score[match_score < confbar] = -1 mask_survive = match_score > 0 if test: topk = min(mask_survive.sum(dim=1)[0] + 2, topk) _, topindex = torch.topk(match_score, topk, dim=-1) # b*k seed_index1, seed_index2 = topindex, nn_index1.gather(index=topindex, dim=-1) return seed_index1, seed_index2 class PointCN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, channels, out_channels): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.shot_cut = nn.Conv1d(channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1) self.conv = nn.Sequential( nn.InstanceNorm1d(channels, eps=1e-3), nn.SyncBatchNorm(channels), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size=1), nn.InstanceNorm1d(channels, eps=1e-3), nn.SyncBatchNorm(channels), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv1d(channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1), ) def forward(self, x): return self.conv(x) + self.shot_cut(x) class attention_propagantion(nn.Module): def __init__(self, channel, head): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.head = head self.head_dim = channel // head self.query_filter, self.key_filter, self.value_filter = ( nn.Conv1d(channel, channel, kernel_size=1), nn.Conv1d(channel, channel, kernel_size=1), nn.Conv1d(channel, channel, kernel_size=1), ) self.mh_filter = nn.Conv1d(channel, channel, kernel_size=1) self.cat_filter = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d(2 * channel, 2 * channel, kernel_size=1), nn.SyncBatchNorm(2 * channel), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv1d(2 * channel, channel, kernel_size=1), ) def forward(self, desc1, desc2, weight_v=None): # desc1(q) attend to desc2(k,v) batch_size = desc1.shape[0] query, key, value = ( self.query_filter(desc1).view(batch_size, self.head, self.head_dim, -1), self.key_filter(desc2).view(batch_size, self.head, self.head_dim, -1), self.value_filter(desc2).view(batch_size, self.head, self.head_dim, -1), ) if weight_v is not None: value = value * weight_v.view(batch_size, 1, 1, -1) score = torch.softmax( torch.einsum("bhdn,bhdm->bhnm", query, key) / self.head_dim**0.5, dim=-1 ) add_value = torch.einsum("bhnm,bhdm->bhdn", score, value).reshape( batch_size, self.head_dim * self.head, -1 ) add_value = self.mh_filter(add_value) desc1_new = desc1 + self.cat_filter([desc1, add_value], dim=1)) return desc1_new class hybrid_block(nn.Module): def __init__(self, channel, head): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.head = head = channel self.attention_block_down = attention_propagantion(channel, head) self.cluster_filter = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d(2 * channel, 2 * channel, kernel_size=1), nn.SyncBatchNorm(2 * channel), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv1d(2 * channel, 2 * channel, kernel_size=1), ) self.cross_filter = attention_propagantion(channel, head) self.confidence_filter = PointCN(2 * channel, 1) self.attention_block_self = attention_propagantion(channel, head) self.attention_block_up = attention_propagantion(channel, head) def forward(self, desc1, desc2, seed_index1, seed_index2): cluster1, cluster2 = desc1.gather( dim=-1, index=seed_index1.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1,, -1) ), desc2.gather( dim=-1, index=seed_index2.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1,, -1) ) # pooling cluster1, cluster2 = self.attention_block_down( cluster1, desc1 ), self.attention_block_down(cluster2, desc2) concate_cluster = self.cluster_filter([cluster1, cluster2], dim=1)) # filtering cluster1, cluster2 = self.cross_filter( concate_cluster[:, :], concate_cluster[:, :] ), self.cross_filter( concate_cluster[:, :], concate_cluster[:, :] ) cluster1, cluster2 = self.attention_block_self( cluster1, cluster1 ), self.attention_block_self(cluster2, cluster2) # unpooling seed_weight = self.confidence_filter([cluster1, cluster2], dim=1)) seed_weight = torch.sigmoid(seed_weight).squeeze(1) desc1_new, desc2_new = self.attention_block_up( desc1, cluster1, seed_weight ), self.attention_block_up(desc2, cluster2, seed_weight) return desc1_new, desc2_new, seed_weight class matcher(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.seed_top_k = config.seed_top_k self.conf_bar = config.conf_bar self.seed_radius_coe = config.seed_radius_coe self.use_score_encoding = config.use_score_encoding self.detach_iter = config.detach_iter self.seedlayer = config.seedlayer self.layer_num = config.layer_num self.sink_iter = config.sink_iter self.position_encoder = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d(3, 32, kernel_size=1) if config.use_score_encoding else nn.Conv1d(2, 32, kernel_size=1), nn.SyncBatchNorm(32), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv1d(32, 64, kernel_size=1), nn.SyncBatchNorm(64), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv1d(64, 128, kernel_size=1), nn.SyncBatchNorm(128), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv1d(128, 256, kernel_size=1), nn.SyncBatchNorm(256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv1d(256, config.net_channels, kernel_size=1), ) self.hybrid_block = nn.Sequential( *[ hybrid_block(config.net_channels, config.head) for _ in range(config.layer_num) ] ) self.final_project = nn.Conv1d( config.net_channels, config.net_channels, kernel_size=1 ) self.dustbin = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(1.5, dtype=torch.float32)) # if reseeding if len(config.seedlayer) != 1: self.mid_dustbin = nn.ParameterDict( { str(i): nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(2, dtype=torch.float32)) for i in config.seedlayer[1:] } ) self.mid_final_project = nn.Conv1d( config.net_channels, config.net_channels, kernel_size=1 ) def forward(self, data, test_mode=True): x1, x2, desc1, desc2 = ( data["x1"][:, :, :2], data["x2"][:, :, :2], data["desc1"], data["desc2"], ) desc1, desc2 = torch.nn.functional.normalize( desc1, dim=-1 ), torch.nn.functional.normalize(desc2, dim=-1) if test_mode: encode_x1, encode_x2 = data["x1"], data["x2"] else: encode_x1, encode_x2 = data["aug_x1"], data["aug_x2"] # preparation desc_dismat = (2 - 2 * torch.matmul(desc1, desc2.transpose(1, 2))).sqrt_() values, nn_index = torch.topk( desc_dismat, k=2, largest=False, dim=-1, sorted=True ) nn_index2 = torch.min(desc_dismat, dim=1).indices.squeeze(1) inverse_ratio_score, nn_index1 = ( values[:, :, 1] / values[:, :, 0], nn_index[:, :, 0], ) # get inverse score # initial seeding seed_index1, seed_index2 = seeding( nn_index1, nn_index2, x1, x2, self.seed_top_k[0], inverse_ratio_score, self.conf_bar[0], self.seed_radius_coe, test=test_mode, ) # position encoding desc1, desc2 = desc1.transpose(1, 2), desc2.transpose(1, 2) if not self.use_score_encoding: encode_x1, encode_x2 = encode_x1[:, :, :2], encode_x2[:, :, :2] encode_x1, encode_x2 = encode_x1.transpose(1, 2), encode_x2.transpose(1, 2) x1_pos_embedding, x2_pos_embedding = self.position_encoder( encode_x1 ), self.position_encoder(encode_x2) aug_desc1, aug_desc2 = x1_pos_embedding + desc1, x2_pos_embedding + desc2 seed_weight_tower, mid_p_tower, seed_index_tower, nn_index_tower = ( [], [], [], [], ) seed_index_tower.append(torch.stack([seed_index1, seed_index2], dim=-1)) nn_index_tower.append(nn_index1) seed_para_index = 0 for i in range(self.layer_num): # mid seeding if i in self.seedlayer and i != 0: seed_para_index += 1 aug_desc1, aug_desc2 = self.mid_final_project( aug_desc1 ), self.mid_final_project(aug_desc2) M = torch.matmul(aug_desc1.transpose(1, 2), aug_desc2) p = sink_algorithm( M, self.mid_dustbin[str(i)], self.sink_iter[seed_para_index - 1] ) mid_p_tower.append(p) # rematching with p values, nn_index = torch.topk(p[:, :-1, :-1], k=1, dim=-1) nn_index2 = torch.max(p[:, :-1, :-1], dim=1).indices.squeeze(1) p_match_score, nn_index1 = values[:, :, 0], nn_index[:, :, 0] # reseeding seed_index1, seed_index2 = seeding( nn_index1, nn_index2, x1, x2, self.seed_top_k[seed_para_index], p_match_score, self.conf_bar[seed_para_index], self.seed_radius_coe, test=test_mode, ) seed_index_tower.append( torch.stack([seed_index1, seed_index2], dim=-1) ), nn_index_tower.append(nn_index1) if not test_mode and data["step"] < self.detach_iter: aug_desc1, aug_desc2 = aug_desc1.detach(), aug_desc2.detach() aug_desc1, aug_desc2, seed_weight = self.hybrid_block[i]( aug_desc1, aug_desc2, seed_index1, seed_index2 ) seed_weight_tower.append(seed_weight) aug_desc1, aug_desc2 = self.final_project(aug_desc1), self.final_project( aug_desc2 ) cmat = torch.matmul(aug_desc1.transpose(1, 2), aug_desc2) p = sink_algorithm(cmat, self.dustbin, self.sink_iter[-1]) # seed_weight_tower: l*b*k # seed_index_tower: l*b*k*2 # nn_index_tower: seed_l*b return { "p": p, "seed_conf": seed_weight_tower, "seed_index": seed_index_tower, "mid_p": mid_p_tower, "nn_index": nn_index_tower, }