import torch import torch.nn.functional as F try: import cupy except: print("Cupy not found, local correlation will not work") import re from ..dkm import ConvRefiner class Stream: device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if device == "cuda": stream = torch.cuda.current_stream(device=device).cuda_stream else: stream = None kernel_Correlation_rearrange = """ extern "C" __global__ void kernel_Correlation_rearrange( const int n, const float* input, float* output ) { int intIndex = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x; if (intIndex >= n) { return; } int intSample = blockIdx.z; int intChannel = blockIdx.y; float dblValue = input[(((intSample * SIZE_1(input)) + intChannel) * SIZE_2(input) * SIZE_3(input)) + intIndex]; __syncthreads(); int intPaddedY = (intIndex / SIZE_3(input)) + 4; int intPaddedX = (intIndex % SIZE_3(input)) + 4; int intRearrange = ((SIZE_3(input) + 8) * intPaddedY) + intPaddedX; output[(((intSample * SIZE_1(output) * SIZE_2(output)) + intRearrange) * SIZE_1(input)) + intChannel] = dblValue; } """ kernel_Correlation_updateOutput = """ extern "C" __global__ void kernel_Correlation_updateOutput( const int n, const float* rbot0, const float* rbot1, float* top ) { extern __shared__ char patch_data_char[]; float *patch_data = (float *)patch_data_char; // First (upper left) position of kernel upper-left corner in current center position of neighborhood in image 1 int x1 = blockIdx.x + 4; int y1 = blockIdx.y + 4; int item = blockIdx.z; int ch_off = threadIdx.x; // Load 3D patch into shared shared memory for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { // HEIGHT for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { // WIDTH int ji_off = (j + i) * SIZE_3(rbot0); for (int ch = ch_off; ch < SIZE_3(rbot0); ch += 32) { // CHANNELS int idx1 = ((item * SIZE_1(rbot0) + y1+j) * SIZE_2(rbot0) + x1+i) * SIZE_3(rbot0) + ch; int idxPatchData = ji_off + ch; patch_data[idxPatchData] = rbot0[idx1]; } } } __syncthreads(); __shared__ float sum[32]; // Compute correlation for (int top_channel = 0; top_channel < SIZE_1(top); top_channel++) { sum[ch_off] = 0; int s2o = top_channel % 9 - 4; int s2p = top_channel / 9 - 4; for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { // HEIGHT for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { // WIDTH int ji_off = (j + i) * SIZE_3(rbot0); for (int ch = ch_off; ch < SIZE_3(rbot0); ch += 32) { // CHANNELS int x2 = x1 + s2o; int y2 = y1 + s2p; int idxPatchData = ji_off + ch; int idx2 = ((item * SIZE_1(rbot0) + y2+j) * SIZE_2(rbot0) + x2+i) * SIZE_3(rbot0) + ch; sum[ch_off] += patch_data[idxPatchData] * rbot1[idx2]; } } } __syncthreads(); if (ch_off == 0) { float total_sum = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < 32; idx++) { total_sum += sum[idx]; } const int sumelems = SIZE_3(rbot0); const int index = ((top_channel*SIZE_2(top) + blockIdx.y)*SIZE_3(top))+blockIdx.x; top[index + item*SIZE_1(top)*SIZE_2(top)*SIZE_3(top)] = total_sum / (float)sumelems; } } } """ kernel_Correlation_updateGradFirst = """ #define ROUND_OFF 50000 extern "C" __global__ void kernel_Correlation_updateGradFirst( const int n, const int intSample, const float* rbot0, const float* rbot1, const float* gradOutput, float* gradFirst, float* gradSecond ) { for (int intIndex = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x; intIndex < n; intIndex += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) { int n = intIndex % SIZE_1(gradFirst); // channels int l = (intIndex / SIZE_1(gradFirst)) % SIZE_3(gradFirst) + 4; // w-pos int m = (intIndex / SIZE_1(gradFirst) / SIZE_3(gradFirst)) % SIZE_2(gradFirst) + 4; // h-pos // round_off is a trick to enable integer division with ceil, even for negative numbers // We use a large offset, for the inner part not to become negative. const int round_off = ROUND_OFF; const int round_off_s1 = round_off; // We add round_off before_s1 the int division and subtract round_off after it, to ensure the formula matches ceil behavior: int xmin = (l - 4 + round_off_s1 - 1) + 1 - round_off; // ceil (l - 4) int ymin = (m - 4 + round_off_s1 - 1) + 1 - round_off; // ceil (l - 4) // Same here: int xmax = (l - 4 + round_off_s1) - round_off; // floor (l - 4) int ymax = (m - 4 + round_off_s1) - round_off; // floor (m - 4) float sum = 0; if (xmax>=0 && ymax>=0 && (xmin<=SIZE_3(gradOutput)-1) && (ymin<=SIZE_2(gradOutput)-1)) { xmin = max(0,xmin); xmax = min(SIZE_3(gradOutput)-1,xmax); ymin = max(0,ymin); ymax = min(SIZE_2(gradOutput)-1,ymax); for (int p = -4; p <= 4; p++) { for (int o = -4; o <= 4; o++) { // Get rbot1 data: int s2o = o; int s2p = p; int idxbot1 = ((intSample * SIZE_1(rbot0) + (m+s2p)) * SIZE_2(rbot0) + (l+s2o)) * SIZE_3(rbot0) + n; float bot1tmp = rbot1[idxbot1]; // rbot1[l+s2o,m+s2p,n] // Index offset for gradOutput in following loops: int op = (p+4) * 9 + (o+4); // index[o,p] int idxopoffset = (intSample * SIZE_1(gradOutput) + op); for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) { for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) { int idxgradOutput = (idxopoffset * SIZE_2(gradOutput) + y) * SIZE_3(gradOutput) + x; // gradOutput[x,y,o,p] sum += gradOutput[idxgradOutput] * bot1tmp; } } } } } const int sumelems = SIZE_1(gradFirst); const int bot0index = ((n * SIZE_2(gradFirst)) + (m-4)) * SIZE_3(gradFirst) + (l-4); gradFirst[bot0index + intSample*SIZE_1(gradFirst)*SIZE_2(gradFirst)*SIZE_3(gradFirst)] = sum / (float)sumelems; } } """ kernel_Correlation_updateGradSecond = """ #define ROUND_OFF 50000 extern "C" __global__ void kernel_Correlation_updateGradSecond( const int n, const int intSample, const float* rbot0, const float* rbot1, const float* gradOutput, float* gradFirst, float* gradSecond ) { for (int intIndex = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x; intIndex < n; intIndex += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) { int n = intIndex % SIZE_1(gradSecond); // channels int l = (intIndex / SIZE_1(gradSecond)) % SIZE_3(gradSecond) + 4; // w-pos int m = (intIndex / SIZE_1(gradSecond) / SIZE_3(gradSecond)) % SIZE_2(gradSecond) + 4; // h-pos // round_off is a trick to enable integer division with ceil, even for negative numbers // We use a large offset, for the inner part not to become negative. const int round_off = ROUND_OFF; const int round_off_s1 = round_off; float sum = 0; for (int p = -4; p <= 4; p++) { for (int o = -4; o <= 4; o++) { int s2o = o; int s2p = p; //Get X,Y ranges and clamp // We add round_off before_s1 the int division and subtract round_off after it, to ensure the formula matches ceil behavior: int xmin = (l - 4 - s2o + round_off_s1 - 1) + 1 - round_off; // ceil (l - 4 - s2o) int ymin = (m - 4 - s2p + round_off_s1 - 1) + 1 - round_off; // ceil (l - 4 - s2o) // Same here: int xmax = (l - 4 - s2o + round_off_s1) - round_off; // floor (l - 4 - s2o) int ymax = (m - 4 - s2p + round_off_s1) - round_off; // floor (m - 4 - s2p) if (xmax>=0 && ymax>=0 && (xmin<=SIZE_3(gradOutput)-1) && (ymin<=SIZE_2(gradOutput)-1)) { xmin = max(0,xmin); xmax = min(SIZE_3(gradOutput)-1,xmax); ymin = max(0,ymin); ymax = min(SIZE_2(gradOutput)-1,ymax); // Get rbot0 data: int idxbot0 = ((intSample * SIZE_1(rbot0) + (m-s2p)) * SIZE_2(rbot0) + (l-s2o)) * SIZE_3(rbot0) + n; float bot0tmp = rbot0[idxbot0]; // rbot1[l+s2o,m+s2p,n] // Index offset for gradOutput in following loops: int op = (p+4) * 9 + (o+4); // index[o,p] int idxopoffset = (intSample * SIZE_1(gradOutput) + op); for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) { for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) { int idxgradOutput = (idxopoffset * SIZE_2(gradOutput) + y) * SIZE_3(gradOutput) + x; // gradOutput[x,y,o,p] sum += gradOutput[idxgradOutput] * bot0tmp; } } } } } const int sumelems = SIZE_1(gradSecond); const int bot1index = ((n * SIZE_2(gradSecond)) + (m-4)) * SIZE_3(gradSecond) + (l-4); gradSecond[bot1index + intSample*SIZE_1(gradSecond)*SIZE_2(gradSecond)*SIZE_3(gradSecond)] = sum / (float)sumelems; } } """ def cupy_kernel(strFunction, objectVariables): strKernel = globals()[strFunction] while True: objectMatch ="(SIZE_)([0-4])(\()([^\)]*)(\))", strKernel) if objectMatch is None: break intArg = int( strTensor = intSizes = objectVariables[strTensor].size() strKernel = strKernel.replace(, str(intSizes[intArg])) while True: objectMatch ="(VALUE_)([0-4])(\()([^\)]+)(\))", strKernel) if objectMatch is None: break intArgs = int( strArgs =",") strTensor = strArgs[0] intStrides = objectVariables[strTensor].stride() strIndex = [ "((" + strArgs[intArg + 1].replace("{", "(").replace("}", ")").strip() + ")*" + str(intStrides[intArg]) + ")" for intArg in range(intArgs) ] strKernel = strKernel.replace(, strTensor + "[" + str.join("+", strIndex) + "]" ) return strKernel try: @cupy.memoize(for_each_device=True) def cupy_launch(strFunction, strKernel): return cupy.RawModule(code=strKernel).get_function(strFunction) except: pass class _FunctionCorrelation(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(self, first, second): rbot0 = first.new_zeros( [first.size(0), first.size(2) + 8, first.size(3) + 8, first.size(1)] ) rbot1 = first.new_zeros( [first.size(0), first.size(2) + 8, first.size(3) + 8, first.size(1)] ) self.save_for_backward(first, second, rbot0, rbot1) first = first.contiguous() second = second.contiguous() output = first.new_zeros([first.size(0), 81, first.size(2), first.size(3)]) if first.is_cuda == True: n = first.size(2) * first.size(3) cupy_launch( "kernel_Correlation_rearrange", cupy_kernel( "kernel_Correlation_rearrange", {"input": first, "output": rbot0} ), )( grid=tuple([int((n + 16 - 1) / 16), first.size(1), first.size(0)]), block=tuple([16, 1, 1]), args=[n, first.data_ptr(), rbot0.data_ptr()], stream=Stream, ) n = second.size(2) * second.size(3) cupy_launch( "kernel_Correlation_rearrange", cupy_kernel( "kernel_Correlation_rearrange", {"input": second, "output": rbot1} ), )( grid=tuple([int((n + 16 - 1) / 16), second.size(1), second.size(0)]), block=tuple([16, 1, 1]), args=[n, second.data_ptr(), rbot1.data_ptr()], stream=Stream, ) n = output.size(1) * output.size(2) * output.size(3) cupy_launch( "kernel_Correlation_updateOutput", cupy_kernel( "kernel_Correlation_updateOutput", {"rbot0": rbot0, "rbot1": rbot1, "top": output}, ), )( grid=tuple([output.size(3), output.size(2), output.size(0)]), block=tuple([32, 1, 1]), shared_mem=first.size(1) * 4, args=[n, rbot0.data_ptr(), rbot1.data_ptr(), output.data_ptr()], stream=Stream, ) elif first.is_cuda == False: raise NotImplementedError() return output @staticmethod def backward(self, gradOutput): first, second, rbot0, rbot1 = self.saved_tensors gradOutput = gradOutput.contiguous() assert gradOutput.is_contiguous() == True gradFirst = ( first.new_zeros( [first.size(0), first.size(1), first.size(2), first.size(3)] ) if self.needs_input_grad[0] == True else None ) gradSecond = ( first.new_zeros( [first.size(0), first.size(1), first.size(2), first.size(3)] ) if self.needs_input_grad[1] == True else None ) if first.is_cuda == True: if gradFirst is not None: for intSample in range(first.size(0)): n = first.size(1) * first.size(2) * first.size(3) cupy_launch( "kernel_Correlation_updateGradFirst", cupy_kernel( "kernel_Correlation_updateGradFirst", { "rbot0": rbot0, "rbot1": rbot1, "gradOutput": gradOutput, "gradFirst": gradFirst, "gradSecond": None, }, ), )( grid=tuple([int((n + 512 - 1) / 512), 1, 1]), block=tuple([512, 1, 1]), args=[ n, intSample, rbot0.data_ptr(), rbot1.data_ptr(), gradOutput.data_ptr(), gradFirst.data_ptr(), None, ], stream=Stream, ) if gradSecond is not None: for intSample in range(first.size(0)): n = first.size(1) * first.size(2) * first.size(3) cupy_launch( "kernel_Correlation_updateGradSecond", cupy_kernel( "kernel_Correlation_updateGradSecond", { "rbot0": rbot0, "rbot1": rbot1, "gradOutput": gradOutput, "gradFirst": None, "gradSecond": gradSecond, }, ), )( grid=tuple([int((n + 512 - 1) / 512), 1, 1]), block=tuple([512, 1, 1]), args=[ n, intSample, rbot0.data_ptr(), rbot1.data_ptr(), gradOutput.data_ptr(), None, gradSecond.data_ptr(), ], stream=Stream, ) elif first.is_cuda == False: raise NotImplementedError() return gradFirst, gradSecond class _FunctionCorrelationTranspose(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(self, input, second): rbot0 = second.new_zeros( [second.size(0), second.size(2) + 8, second.size(3) + 8, second.size(1)] ) rbot1 = second.new_zeros( [second.size(0), second.size(2) + 8, second.size(3) + 8, second.size(1)] ) self.save_for_backward(input, second, rbot0, rbot1) input = input.contiguous() second = second.contiguous() output = second.new_zeros( [second.size(0), second.size(1), second.size(2), second.size(3)] ) if second.is_cuda == True: n = second.size(2) * second.size(3) cupy_launch( "kernel_Correlation_rearrange", cupy_kernel( "kernel_Correlation_rearrange", {"input": second, "output": rbot1} ), )( grid=tuple([int((n + 16 - 1) / 16), second.size(1), second.size(0)]), block=tuple([16, 1, 1]), args=[n, second.data_ptr(), rbot1.data_ptr()], stream=Stream, ) for intSample in range(second.size(0)): n = second.size(1) * second.size(2) * second.size(3) cupy_launch( "kernel_Correlation_updateGradFirst", cupy_kernel( "kernel_Correlation_updateGradFirst", { "rbot0": rbot0, "rbot1": rbot1, "gradOutput": input, "gradFirst": output, "gradSecond": None, }, ), )( grid=tuple([int((n + 512 - 1) / 512), 1, 1]), block=tuple([512, 1, 1]), args=[ n, intSample, rbot0.data_ptr(), rbot1.data_ptr(), input.data_ptr(), output.data_ptr(), None, ], stream=Stream, ) elif second.is_cuda == False: raise NotImplementedError() return output @staticmethod def backward(self, gradOutput): input, second, rbot0, rbot1 = self.saved_tensors gradOutput = gradOutput.contiguous() gradInput = ( input.new_zeros( [input.size(0), input.size(1), input.size(2), input.size(3)] ) if self.needs_input_grad[0] == True else None ) gradSecond = ( second.new_zeros( [second.size(0), second.size(1), second.size(2), second.size(3)] ) if self.needs_input_grad[1] == True else None ) if second.is_cuda == True: if gradInput is not None or gradSecond is not None: n = second.size(2) * second.size(3) cupy_launch( "kernel_Correlation_rearrange", cupy_kernel( "kernel_Correlation_rearrange", {"input": gradOutput, "output": rbot0}, ), )( grid=tuple( [int((n + 16 - 1) / 16), gradOutput.size(1), gradOutput.size(0)] ), block=tuple([16, 1, 1]), args=[n, gradOutput.data_ptr(), rbot0.data_ptr()], stream=Stream, ) if gradInput is not None: n = gradInput.size(1) * gradInput.size(2) * gradInput.size(3) cupy_launch( "kernel_Correlation_updateOutput", cupy_kernel( "kernel_Correlation_updateOutput", {"rbot0": rbot0, "rbot1": rbot1, "top": gradInput}, ), )( grid=tuple( [gradInput.size(3), gradInput.size(2), gradInput.size(0)] ), block=tuple([32, 1, 1]), shared_mem=gradOutput.size(1) * 4, args=[n, rbot0.data_ptr(), rbot1.data_ptr(), gradInput.data_ptr()], stream=Stream, ) if gradSecond is not None: for intSample in range(second.size(0)): n = second.size(1) * second.size(2) * second.size(3) cupy_launch( "kernel_Correlation_updateGradSecond", cupy_kernel( "kernel_Correlation_updateGradSecond", { "rbot0": rbot0, "rbot1": rbot1, "gradOutput": input, "gradFirst": None, "gradSecond": gradSecond, }, ), )( grid=tuple([int((n + 512 - 1) / 512), 1, 1]), block=tuple([512, 1, 1]), args=[ n, intSample, rbot0.data_ptr(), rbot1.data_ptr(), input.data_ptr(), None, gradSecond.data_ptr(), ], stream=Stream, ) elif second.is_cuda == False: raise NotImplementedError() return gradInput, gradSecond def FunctionCorrelation(reference_features, query_features): return _FunctionCorrelation.apply(reference_features, query_features) class ModuleCorrelation(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(ModuleCorrelation, self).__init__() def forward(self, tensorFirst, tensorSecond): return _FunctionCorrelation.apply(tensorFirst, tensorSecond) def FunctionCorrelationTranspose(reference_features, query_features): return _FunctionCorrelationTranspose.apply(reference_features, query_features) class ModuleCorrelationTranspose(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(ModuleCorrelationTranspose, self).__init__() def forward(self, tensorFirst, tensorSecond): return _FunctionCorrelationTranspose.apply(tensorFirst, tensorSecond) class LocalCorr(ConvRefiner): def forward(self, x, y, flow): """Computes the relative refining displacement in pixels for a given image x,y and a coarse flow-field between them Args: x ([type]): [description] y ([type]): [description] flow ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ with torch.no_grad(): x_hat = F.grid_sample(y, flow.permute(0, 2, 3, 1), align_corners=False) corr = FunctionCorrelation(x, x_hat) d = self.block1(corr) d = self.hidden_blocks(d) d = self.out_conv(d) certainty, displacement = d[:, :-2], d[:, -2:] return certainty, displacement if __name__ == "__main__": device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") x = torch.randn(2, 128, 32, 32).to(device) y = torch.randn(2, 128, 32, 32).to(device) local_corr = LocalCorr(in_dim=81, hidden_dim=81 * 4) z = local_corr(x, y) print("hej")