import logging import numpy as np from hloc.utils.read_write_model import read_model, write_model logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def create_reference_sfm(full_model, ref_model, blacklist=None, ext=".bin"): """Create a new COLMAP model with only training images.""""Creating the reference model.") ref_model.mkdir(exist_ok=True) cameras, images, points3D = read_model(full_model, ext) if blacklist is not None: with open(blacklist, "r") as f: blacklist ="\n") images_ref = dict() for id_, image in images.items(): if blacklist and in blacklist: continue images_ref[id_] = image points3D_ref = dict() for id_, point3D in points3D.items(): ref_ids = [i for i in point3D.image_ids if i in images_ref] if len(ref_ids) == 0: continue points3D_ref[id_] = point3D._replace(image_ids=np.array(ref_ids)) write_model(cameras, images_ref, points3D_ref, ref_model, ".bin")"Kept {len(images_ref)} images out of {len(images)}.")