import kornia import numpy as np import pycolmap import torch from kornia.feature.laf import ( extract_patches_from_pyramid, laf_from_center_scale_ori, ) from ..utils.base_model import BaseModel EPS = 1e-6 def sift_to_rootsift(x): x = x / (np.linalg.norm(x, ord=1, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + EPS) x = np.sqrt(x.clip(min=EPS)) x = x / (np.linalg.norm(x, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + EPS) return x class DoG(BaseModel): default_conf = { "options": { "first_octave": 0, "peak_threshold": 0.01, }, "descriptor": "rootsift", "max_keypoints": -1, "patch_size": 32, "mr_size": 12, } required_inputs = ["image"] detection_noise = 1.0 max_batch_size = 1024 def _init(self, conf): if conf["descriptor"] == "sosnet": self.describe = kornia.feature.SOSNet(pretrained=True) elif conf["descriptor"] == "hardnet": self.describe = kornia.feature.HardNet(pretrained=True) elif conf["descriptor"] not in ["sift", "rootsift"]: raise ValueError(f'Unknown descriptor: {conf["descriptor"]}') self.sift = None # lazily instantiated on the first image self.dummy_param = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.empty(0)) self.device = torch.device("cpu") def to(self, *args, **kwargs): device = kwargs.get("device") if device is None: match = [a for a in args if isinstance(a, (torch.device, str))] if len(match) > 0: device = match[0] if device is not None: self.device = torch.device(device) return super().to(*args, **kwargs) def _forward(self, data): image = data["image"] image_np = image.cpu().numpy()[0, 0] assert image.shape[1] == 1 assert image_np.min() >= -EPS and image_np.max() <= 1 + EPS if self.sift is None: device = self.dummy_param.device use_gpu = pycolmap.has_cuda and device.type == "cuda" options = {**self.conf["options"]} if self.conf["descriptor"] == "rootsift": options["normalization"] = pycolmap.Normalization.L1_ROOT else: options["normalization"] = pycolmap.Normalization.L2 self.sift = pycolmap.Sift( options=pycolmap.SiftExtractionOptions(options), device=getattr(pycolmap.Device, "cuda" if use_gpu else "cpu"), ) keypoints, descriptors = self.sift.extract(image_np) scales = keypoints[:, 2] oris = np.rad2deg(keypoints[:, 3]) if self.conf["descriptor"] in ["sift", "rootsift"]: # We still renormalize because COLMAP does not normalize well, # maybe due to numerical errors if self.conf["descriptor"] == "rootsift": descriptors = sift_to_rootsift(descriptors) descriptors = torch.from_numpy(descriptors) elif self.conf["descriptor"] in ("sosnet", "hardnet"): center = keypoints[:, :2] + 0.5 laf_scale = scales * self.conf["mr_size"] / 2 laf_ori = -oris lafs = laf_from_center_scale_ori( torch.from_numpy(center)[None], torch.from_numpy(laf_scale)[None, :, None, None], torch.from_numpy(laf_ori)[None, :, None], ).to(image.device) patches = extract_patches_from_pyramid( image, lafs, PS=self.conf["patch_size"] )[0] descriptors = patches.new_zeros((len(patches), 128)) if len(patches) > 0: for start_idx in range(0, len(patches), self.max_batch_size): end_idx = min(len(patches), start_idx + self.max_batch_size) descriptors[start_idx:end_idx] = self.describe( patches[start_idx:end_idx] ) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown descriptor: {self.conf["descriptor"]}') keypoints = torch.from_numpy(keypoints[:, :2]) # keep only x, y scales = torch.from_numpy(scales) oris = torch.from_numpy(oris) scores = keypoints.new_zeros(len(keypoints)) # no scores for SIFT yet if self.conf["max_keypoints"] != -1: # TODO: check that the scores from PyCOLMAP are 100% correct, # follow max_number = ( scores.shape[0] if scores.shape[0] < self.conf["max_keypoints"] else self.conf["max_keypoints"] ) values, indices = torch.topk(scores, max_number) keypoints = keypoints[indices] scales = scales[indices] oris = oris[indices] scores = scores[indices] descriptors = descriptors[indices] return { "keypoints": keypoints[None], "scales": scales[None], "oris": oris[None], "scores": scores[None], "descriptors": descriptors.T[None], }