# %BANNER_BEGIN% # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # %COPYRIGHT_BEGIN% # # Magic Leap, Inc. ("COMPANY") CONFIDENTIAL # # Unpublished Copyright (c) 2020 # Magic Leap, Inc., All Rights Reserved. # # NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property # of COMPANY. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein # are proprietary to COMPANY and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign # Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or # copyright law. Dissemination of this information or reproduction of # this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is # obtained from COMPANY. Access to the source code contained herein is # hereby forbidden to anyone except current COMPANY employees, managers # or contractors who have executed Confidentiality and Non-disclosure # agreements explicitly covering such access. # # The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended # publication or disclosure of this source code, which includes # information that is confidential and/or proprietary, and is a trade # secret, of COMPANY. ANY REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION, DISTRIBUTION, # PUBLIC PERFORMANCE, OR PUBLIC DISPLAY OF OR THROUGH USE OF THIS # SOURCE CODE WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF COMPANY IS # STRICTLY PROHIBITED, AND IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAWS AND # INTERNATIONAL TREATIES. THE RECEIPT OR POSSESSION OF THIS SOURCE # CODE AND/OR RELATED INFORMATION DOES NOT CONVEY OR IMPLY ANY RIGHTS # TO REPRODUCE, DISCLOSE OR DISTRIBUTE ITS CONTENTS, OR TO MANUFACTURE, # USE, OR SELL ANYTHING THAT IT MAY DESCRIBE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART. # # %COPYRIGHT_END% # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # %AUTHORS_BEGIN% # # Originating Authors: Paul-Edouard Sarlin # # %AUTHORS_END% # --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ # %BANNER_END% import torch from .superpoint import SuperPoint from .superglue import SuperGlue class Matching(torch.nn.Module): """Image Matching Frontend (SuperPoint + SuperGlue)""" def __init__(self, config={}): super().__init__() self.superpoint = SuperPoint(config.get("superpoint", {})) self.superglue = SuperGlue(config.get("superglue", {})) def forward(self, data): """Run SuperPoint (optionally) and SuperGlue SuperPoint is skipped if ['keypoints0', 'keypoints1'] exist in input Args: data: dictionary with minimal keys: ['image0', 'image1'] """ pred = {} # Extract SuperPoint (keypoints, scores, descriptors) if not provided if "keypoints0" not in data: pred0 = self.superpoint({"image": data["image0"]}) pred = {**pred, **{k + "0": v for k, v in pred0.items()}} if "keypoints1" not in data: pred1 = self.superpoint({"image": data["image1"]}) pred = {**pred, **{k + "1": v for k, v in pred1.items()}} # Batch all features # We should either have i) one image per batch, or # ii) the same number of local features for all images in the batch. data = {**data, **pred} for k in data: if isinstance(data[k], (list, tuple)): data[k] = torch.stack(data[k]) # Perform the matching pred = {**pred, **self.superglue(data)} return pred