""" The data config will be the last one merged into the main config. Setups in data configs will override all existed setups! """ from yacs.config import CfgNode as CN _CN = CN() _CN.DATASET = CN() _CN.TRAINER = CN() # training data config _CN.DATASET.TRAIN_DATA_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.TRAIN_POSE_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.TRAIN_NPZ_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.TRAIN_LIST_PATH = None _CN.DATASET.TRAIN_INTRINSIC_PATH = None # validation set config _CN.DATASET.VAL_DATA_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.VAL_POSE_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.VAL_NPZ_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.VAL_LIST_PATH = None _CN.DATASET.VAL_INTRINSIC_PATH = None # testing data config _CN.DATASET.TEST_DATA_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.TEST_POSE_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.TEST_NPZ_ROOT = None _CN.DATASET.TEST_LIST_PATH = None _CN.DATASET.TEST_INTRINSIC_PATH = None # dataset config _CN.DATASET.MIN_OVERLAP_SCORE_TRAIN = 0.4 _CN.DATASET.MIN_OVERLAP_SCORE_TEST = 0.0 # for both test and val cfg = _CN