dataset_name: "merge" datasets: ["wireframe", "holicity"] weights: [0.5, 0.5] gt_source_train: ["", ""] # Fill with your own [wireframe, holicity] exported ground-truth gt_source_test: ["", ""] # Fill with your own [wireframe, holicity] exported ground-truth train_splits: ["", "2018-01"] add_augmentation_to_all_splits: False gray_scale: True # Return type: (1) single (original version) (2) paired return_type: "paired_desc" # Number of points extracted per line max_num_samples: 10 # Max number of training line points extracted in the whole image max_pts: 1000 # Min distance between two points on a line (in pixels) min_dist_pts: 10 # Small jittering of the sampled points during training jittering: 0 # Random seed random_seed: 0 # Date preprocessing configuration. preprocessing: resize: [512, 512] blur_size: 11 augmentation: photometric: enable: True primitives: [ 'random_brightness', 'random_contrast', 'additive_speckle_noise', 'additive_gaussian_noise', 'additive_shade', 'motion_blur' ] params: random_brightness: {brightness: 0.2} random_contrast: {contrast: [0.3, 1.5]} additive_gaussian_noise: {stddev_range: [0, 10]} additive_speckle_noise: {prob_range: [0, 0.0035]} additive_shade: transparency_range: [-0.5, 0.5] kernel_size_range: [100, 150] motion_blur: {max_kernel_size: 3} random_order: True homographic: enable: True params: translation: true rotation: true scaling: true perspective: true scaling_amplitude: 0.2 perspective_amplitude_x: 0.2 perspective_amplitude_y: 0.2 patch_ratio: 0.85 max_angle: 1.57 allow_artifacts: true valid_border_margin: 3