import os.path as osp import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from import Dataset from loguru import logger from src.utils.dataset import read_megadepth_gray, read_megadepth_depth class MegaDepthDataset(Dataset): def __init__( self, root_dir, npz_path, mode="train", min_overlap_score=0.4, img_resize=None, df=None, img_padding=False, depth_padding=False, augment_fn=None, **kwargs ): """ Manage one scene(npz_path) of MegaDepth dataset. Args: root_dir (str): megadepth root directory that has `phoenix`. npz_path (str): {scene_id}.npz path. This contains image pair information of a scene. mode (str): options are ['train', 'val', 'test'] min_overlap_score (float): how much a pair should have in common. In range of [0, 1]. Set to 0 when testing. img_resize (int, optional): the longer edge of resized images. None for no resize. 640 is recommended. This is useful during training with batches and testing with memory intensive algorithms. df (int, optional): image size division factor. NOTE: this will change the final image size after img_resize. img_padding (bool): If set to 'True', zero-pad the image to squared size. This is useful during training. depth_padding (bool): If set to 'True', zero-pad depthmap to (2000, 2000). This is useful during training. augment_fn (callable, optional): augments images with pre-defined visual effects. """ super().__init__() self.root_dir = root_dir self.mode = mode self.scene_id = npz_path.split(".")[0] # prepare scene_info and pair_info if mode == "test" and min_overlap_score != 0: logger.warning( "You are using `min_overlap_score`!=0 in test mode. Set to 0." ) min_overlap_score = 0 self.scene_info = np.load(npz_path, allow_pickle=True) self.pair_infos = self.scene_info["pair_infos"].copy() del self.scene_info["pair_infos"] self.pair_infos = [ pair_info for pair_info in self.pair_infos if pair_info[1] > min_overlap_score ] # parameters for image resizing, padding and depthmap padding if mode == "train": assert img_resize is not None and img_padding and depth_padding self.img_resize = img_resize self.df = df self.img_padding = img_padding self.depth_max_size = ( 2000 if depth_padding else None ) # the upperbound of depthmaps size in megadepth. # for training LoFTR self.augment_fn = augment_fn if mode == "train" else None self.coarse_scale = getattr(kwargs, "coarse_scale", 0.125) def __len__(self): return len(self.pair_infos) def __getitem__(self, idx): (idx0, idx1), overlap_score, central_matches = self.pair_infos[idx] # read grayscale image and mask. (1, h, w) and (h, w) img_name0 = osp.join(self.root_dir, self.scene_info["image_paths"][idx0]) img_name1 = osp.join(self.root_dir, self.scene_info["image_paths"][idx1]) # TODO: Support augmentation & handle seeds for each worker correctly. image0, mask0, scale0 = read_megadepth_gray( img_name0, self.img_resize, self.df, self.img_padding, None ) # np.random.choice([self.augment_fn, None], p=[0.5, 0.5])) image1, mask1, scale1 = read_megadepth_gray( img_name1, self.img_resize, self.df, self.img_padding, None ) # np.random.choice([self.augment_fn, None], p=[0.5, 0.5])) # read depth. shape: (h, w) if self.mode in ["train", "val"]: depth0 = read_megadepth_depth( osp.join(self.root_dir, self.scene_info["depth_paths"][idx0]), pad_to=self.depth_max_size, ) depth1 = read_megadepth_depth( osp.join(self.root_dir, self.scene_info["depth_paths"][idx1]), pad_to=self.depth_max_size, ) else: depth0 = depth1 = torch.tensor([]) # read intrinsics of original size K_0 = torch.tensor( self.scene_info["intrinsics"][idx0].copy(), dtype=torch.float ).reshape(3, 3) K_1 = torch.tensor( self.scene_info["intrinsics"][idx1].copy(), dtype=torch.float ).reshape(3, 3) # read and compute relative poses T0 = self.scene_info["poses"][idx0] T1 = self.scene_info["poses"][idx1] T_0to1 = torch.tensor(np.matmul(T1, np.linalg.inv(T0)), dtype=torch.float)[ :4, :4 ] # (4, 4) T_1to0 = T_0to1.inverse() data = { "image0": image0, # (1, h, w) "depth0": depth0, # (h, w) "image1": image1, "depth1": depth1, "T_0to1": T_0to1, # (4, 4) "T_1to0": T_1to0, "K0": K_0, # (3, 3) "K1": K_1, "scale0": scale0, # [scale_w, scale_h] "scale1": scale1, "dataset_name": "MegaDepth", "scene_id": self.scene_id, "pair_id": idx, "pair_names": ( self.scene_info["image_paths"][idx0], self.scene_info["image_paths"][idx1], ), } # for LoFTR training if mask0 is not None: # img_padding is True if self.coarse_scale: [ts_mask_0, ts_mask_1] = F.interpolate( torch.stack([mask0, mask1], dim=0)[None].float(), scale_factor=self.coarse_scale, mode="nearest", recompute_scale_factor=False, )[0].bool() data.update({"mask0": ts_mask_0, "mask1": ts_mask_1}) return data