function createfigure(X1, YMatrix1, Y1, l1, l2, l3) %CREATEFIGURE(X1, YMatrix1, Y1) % X1: vector of x data % YMATRIX1: matrix of y data % Y1: vector of y data % Auto-generated by MATLAB on 29-Oct-2021 15:42:14 % Create figure figure1 = figure; % Create axes axes1 = axes('Parent',figure1); hold(axes1,'on'); % Create multiple lines using matrix input to plot plot1 = plot(X1,YMatrix1,'Parent',axes1,'LineWidth',1); set(plot1(1),'LineStyle','-.','Color',[1 0 0]); set(plot1(2),'Color',[0 1 0]); set(plot1(3),'LineStyle','--',... 'Color',[0.87058824300766 0.490196079015732 0]); % Uncomment the following line to preserve the X-limits of the axes % xlim(axes1,[-1.1 1.1]); % Uncomment the following line to preserve the Y-limits of the axes ylim(axes1,[0 2.2]); box(axes1,'on'); hold(axes1,'off'); % Set the remaining axes properties set(axes1,'XColor',[0 0 0],'YColor',[0 0 0],'YTick',[0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5]); % Create axes axes2 = axes('Parent',figure1); hold(axes2,'on'); colororder([0.494 0.184 0.556;0.466 0.674 0.188;0.301 0.745 0.933;0.635 0.078 0.184;0 0.447 0.741;0.85 0.325 0.098;0.929 0.694 0.125]); % Create plot plot(X1,Y1,'Parent',axes2,'LineWidth',1,'LineStyle',':','Color',[0 0 1]); % Uncomment the following line to preserve the X-limits of the axes % xlim(axes2,[-1.1 1.1]); % Uncomment the following line to preserve the Y-limits of the axes ylim(axes2,[0 1.6]); hold(axes2,'off'); % Set the remaining axes properties set(axes2,'Color','none','HitTest','off','XColor',[0 0 0],'YAxisLocation',... 'right','YColor',[0 0 0],'YTick',[0 0.5 1 1.5]); % Create textbox annotation(figure1,'textbox',... [0.255427607968038,0.605539475745798,0.304947448327989,0.235148519909872],... 'Color',[0.8 0 0],... 'String',{sprintf('peak loss=%.4f',l1)},... 'EdgeColor','none'); % Create textbox annotation(figure1,'textbox',... [0.631790371410027,0.083530640355914,0.178879315581032,0.235148519909871],... 'Color',[0 0 1],... 'String',{'keypoint'},... 'EdgeColor','none'); % Create textbox annotation(figure1,'textbox',... [0.59663112557549,0.640686239621974,0.318247136419826,0.22093023731067],... 'Color',[0 0.498039215803146 0],... 'String',{sprintf('peak loss=%.4f',l2)},... 'EdgeColor','none'); % Create textbox annotation(figure1,'textbox',... [0.595423071596731,0.415858983920567,0.318247136419826,0.235148519909871],... 'Color',[0.87058824300766 0.490196079015732 0],... 'String',{sprintf('peak loss=%.4f',l3)},... 'FitBoxToText','off',... 'EdgeColor','none');