#!/bin/bash # you need to use your own path dataset_dir=/scratches/flyer_3/fx221/dataset/7Scenes ref_sfm_dir=/scratches/flyer_2/fx221/publications/pram_data/3D-models/7Scenes output_dir=/scratches/flyer_2/fx221/publications/test_pram/7Scenes # keypoints and matcher used for sfm feat=sfd2 matcher=gml extract_feat_db=1 match_db=1 triangulation=1 localize=0 ransac_thresh=12 opt_thresh=12 covisibility_frame=20 inlier_thresh=30 obs_thresh=3 for scene in heads fire office stairs pumpkin redkitchen chess #for scene in fire office pumpkin redkitchen chess #for scene in chess do echo $scene image_dir=$dataset_dir/$scene ref_sfm=$ref_sfm_dir/$scene/3D-models db_pair=$ref_sfm_dir/$scene/pairs-db-covis20.txt outputs=$output_dir/$scene query_pair=$ref_sfm_dir/$scene/pairs-query-netvlad20.txt gt_pose_fn=$ref_sfm_dir/$scene/queries_poses.txt query_fn=$ref_sfm_dir/$scene/queries_with_intrinsics.txt if [ "$extract_feat_db" -gt "0" ]; then python3 -m localization.extract_features --image_dir $image_dir --export_dir $outputs/ --conf $feat fi if [ "$match_db" -gt "0" ]; then python3 -m localization.match_features --pairs $db_pair --export_dir $outputs/ --conf $matcher --features feats-$feat fi if [ "$triangulation" -gt "0" ]; then python3 -m localization.triangulation \ --sfm_dir $outputs/sfm_$feat-$matcher \ --reference_sfm_model $ref_sfm \ --image_dir $image_dir \ --pairs $db_pair \ --features $outputs/feats-$feat.h5 \ --matches $outputs/feats-$feat-$matcher-pairs-db-covis20.h5 fi if [ "$localize" -gt "0" ]; then python3 -m localization.localizer \ --dataset 7Scenes \ --image_dir $image_dir \ --save_root $outputs \ --gt_pose_fn $gt_pose_fn \ --retrieval $query_pair \ --reference_sfm $outputs/sfm_$feat-$matcher \ --queries $query_fn \ --features $outputs/feats-$feat.h5 \ --matcher_method $matcher \ --ransac_thresh $ransac_thresh \ --covisibility_frame $covisibility_frame \ --obs_thresh $obs_thresh \ --opt_thresh $opt_thresh \ --inlier_thresh $inlier_thresh \ --use_hloc fi done