import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sktime.forecasting.theta import ThetaForecaster from sktime.forecasting.base import ForecastingHorizon from sktime.utils.plotting import plot_series import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import gradio as gr from enum import Enum import pickle as pkl import os matplotlib.use("Agg") class Sector(Enum): Region = "Region" Provincia = "Provincia" Comuna = "Comuna" class TypePrediction(Enum): Origin = "Total Origin" Destiny = "Total Destiny" OriginDestiny = "Origin and destiny" type_choices = [x.value for x in TypePrediction] def load_data(path:str = "./data/trips.csv") -> pd.DataFrame: """load trips.csv data from path""" read_params = { "encoding": "latin_1", "sep": ";", "decimal": "," } return pd.read_csv(path, **read_params) def to_date(month: int,year:int): return pd.Timestamp(day=1, month=month, year = year) def to_date_row(x): month = x["month_value"] year = x["Anio"] return to_date(month, year) def preprocess_data(data: pd.DataFrame, sector: Sector = Sector.Region) -> pd.DataFrame: """preprocess data, choose sector to get value""" data.columns = [x.strip() for x in data.columns] col_melt = list(data.columns[-12:]) #months as cols mn = "month_name" code_month = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( data={ mn: col_melt, "month_value": list(range(1,13))}) col_maintain = list(data.columns[:-12]) data_long = data.melt( id_vars=col_maintain, value_vars=col_melt, var_name=mn).merge( code_month, how="left", on=mn) data_long["time_stamp"] = data_long.apply( to_date_row,axis = 1) unused_date_cols = ["Anio", "month_name", "month_value"] data_long.drop(columns= unused_date_cols, inplace=True) sector_name = cut_sector = ["CUT {} Origen", "CUT {} Destino"] col_sector = [x.format(sector_name) for x in cut_sector] kv = ["time_stamp", "value"] cols = col_sector.copy() for lcol in kv: cols.append(lcol) # cols = col_sector.extend(kv) data_sector = data_long[cols].copy() col_sector.append("time_stamp") data_agg = data_sector.groupby(by = col_sector).sum() data_agg.value = np.int32(data_agg.value.values) data_agg.query("value > 0", inplace = True) data_agg.reset_index(inplace=True) data_agg.set_index("time_stamp", inplace=True) data_agg = data_agg.to_period("M") renamer = { data_agg.columns[0]: "sector_origin", data_agg.columns[1]: "sector_destiny" } data_agg.rename(columns=renamer, inplace=True) data_agg.reset_index(inplace=True) data_agg.set_index(["sector_origin", "sector_destiny","time_stamp"],inplace=True) return data_agg def predict_dataframe(data_agg: pd.DataFrame, h:int = 12, prd:int = 24) -> ThetaForecaster: """predict dataframe Args: data_grouped (pd.DataFrame): grouped dataframe with values h (int, optional): Window to forecast, in months Returns: pd.Series: _description_ """ data_flat = data_agg.reset_index().copy() periods = data_flat["time_stamp"].unique() last_2years = periods[-prd:] data_flat = data_flat[data_flat["time_stamp"].isin(last_2years)] data_flat.set_index(["sector_origin", "sector_destiny", "time_stamp"], inplace=True) # forecasters = [ # # ("TBATS", TBATS(sp = 12)), # ("Theta", ThetaForecaster(sp= 12)), # ("ETS", AutoETS(sp = 12)) # ] # forecaster = AutoEnsembleForecaster( # forecasters=forecasters, test_size= 0.15) forecaster = ThetaForecaster(sp=12) fh = ForecastingHorizon(np.arange(1,h), is_relative= True) forecaster = = data_flat, fh=fh) return forecaster def create_plot( data_agg: pd.DataFrame, pred: pd.DataFrame, # pred_inter: pd.DataFrame, sector_origin: int | None = 1, sector_destiny: int | None = 1, type_prediction: str = TypePrediction.OriginDestiny.value): def to_series( data: pd.DataFrame, is_multi: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: df = data.reset_index().copy() if type_prediction == TypePrediction.Destiny.value: qry = "sector_destiny == {}".format(sector_destiny) elif type_prediction == TypePrediction.Origin.value: qry = "sector_origin == {}".format(sector_origin) else: qry = "sector_origin == {} & sector_destiny == {}".format(sector_origin, sector_destiny) if not is_multi: df.query(qry, inplace=True) else: df = df[(df.iloc[:, 0] == sector_origin) & (df.iloc[:, 1] == sector_destiny)] if type_prediction == TypePrediction.Origin.value: df = df.groupby(["sector_origin", "time_stamp"]).sum(numeric_only= True).reset_index() elif type_prediction == TypePrediction.Destiny.value: df = df.groupby(["sector_destiny", "time_stamp"]).sum(numeric_only=True).reset_index() drop_cols = ["sector_origin", "sector_destiny"] if is_multi: drop_cols = [(x, "", "") for x in drop_cols] return df.drop(columns=drop_cols).set_index("time_stamp").squeeze() x = to_series(data_agg) y = to_series(pred) if type_prediction == TypePrediction.Destiny.value: title = "Total monthly touristic travels to region {}".format(sector_destiny) if type_prediction == TypePrediction.Origin.value: title = "Total monthly touristic travels from region {}".format(sector_origin) elif type_prediction == TypePrediction.OriginDestiny.value: title = "Monthly touristic travels from region {} to region {}".format( sector_origin, sector_destiny) fig, _ = plot_series(x,y,labels=["value", "forecast"],title=title) return fig def save_object(object, path:str): with open(path, "wb") as file: pkl.dump(object, file) def load_object(path: str): with open(path, "rb") as file: return pkl.load(file) def run(argv = None): path_preprocessed = "./data_preprocessed.pkl" path_forecaster = "./forecaster.pkl" data_preprocessed = load_object(path_preprocessed) forecaster = predict_dataframe(data_preprocessed) pred = forecaster.predict() def wrapper(sector_origin, sector_destiny, type_prediction): sector_origin = int(sector_origin) sector_destiny = int(sector_destiny) return create_plot( data_preprocessed, pred, sector_origin, sector_destiny, type_prediction) params_slider = { "minimum": 1, "maximum": 16, "step": 1 } port = int(os.environ.get("GRADIO_SERVER_PORT", 7860)) with gr.Blocks() as app: input_type = gr.components.Radio( choices= type_choices, value = type_choices[-1], type = "value", label = "Prediction Aggregation") with gr.Tab("Region"): input_origin = gr.components.Slider( **params_slider, label = "Origin" ) input_destiny = gr.components.Slider( **params_slider, label= "Destiny") predict_region_btn = gr.Button("Predict region") output_plot = gr.Plot() fn = wrapper, inputs = [input_origin, input_destiny, input_type], outputs = output_plot, api_name= "predict_region" ) app.launch( server_name= "", server_port=port, share=False) if __name__ == "__main__": run()