import gradio as gr import numpy as np from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from langchain.chains import LLMChain from langchain import PromptTemplate import re import pandas as pd from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS import requests from typing import List from langchain.schema import ( SystemMessage, HumanMessage, AIMessage ) import os from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI from langchain.llms.base import LLM from typing import Optional, List, Mapping, Any import ast from utils import ClaudeLLM, extract_website_name, remove_numbers embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings() db = FAISS.load_local('db_full', embeddings) mp_docs = {} llm = ClaudeLLM() # ChatOpenAI( # temperature=0, # model='gpt-3.5-turbo-16k' # ) def add_text(history, text): print(history) history = history + [(text, None)] return history, "" pipeline = {'claude': (ClaudeLLM(), 0), 'gpt-3.5': (ChatOpenAI(temperature=0,model='gpt-3.5-turbo-16k'), 65), 'gpt-4': (ChatOpenAI(temperature=0, model='gpt-4'), 30)} def retrieve_thoughts(query, n): # print(db.similarity_search_with_score(query = query, k = k, fetch_k = k*10)) docs_with_score = db.similarity_search_with_score(query = query, k = len(db.index_to_docstore_id.values()), fetch_k = len(db.index_to_docstore_id.values())) df = pd.DataFrame([dict(doc[0])['metadata'] for doc in docs_with_score], ) df = pd.concat((df, pd.DataFrame([dict(doc[0])['page_content'] for doc in docs_with_score], columns = ['page_content'])), axis = 1) df = pd.concat((df, pd.DataFrame([doc[1] for doc in docs_with_score], columns = ['score'])), axis = 1) # TO-DO: What if user query doesn't match what we provide as documents tier_1 = df[df['score'] < 0.7] tier_2 = df[(df['score'] < 0.95) * (df["score"] > 0.7)] chunks_1 = tier_1.groupby(['title', 'url', '_id']).apply(lambda x: "\n...\n".join(x.sort_values('id')['page_content'].values)).values tier_1_adjusted = tier_1.groupby(['title', 'url', '_id']).first().reset_index()[['_id', 'title', 'url']] tier_1_adjusted['ref'] = range(1, len(tier_1_adjusted) + 1 ) tier_1_adjusted['content'] = chunks_1 chunks_2 = tier_2.groupby(['title', 'url', '_id']).apply(lambda x: "\n...\n".join(x.sort_values('id')['page_content'].values)).values tier_2_adjusted = tier_2.groupby(['title', 'url', '_id']).first().reset_index()[['_id', 'title', 'url']] tier_2_adjusted['content'] = chunks_2 if n: tier_1_adjusted = tier_1_adjusted[:min(len(tier_1_adjusted), n)] print(len(tier_1_adjusted)) # tier_1 = [doc[0] for doc in docs if ((doc[1] < 1))][:5] # tier_2 = [doc[0] for doc in docs if ((doc[1] > 0.7)*(doc[1] < 1.5))][10:15] return {'tier 1':tier_1_adjusted, 'tier 2': tier_2.loc[:5]} def qa_retrieve(query, llm): llm = pipeline["claude"][0] docs = "" global db print(db) global mp_docs thoughts = retrieve_thoughts(query, 0) if not(thoughts): if mp_docs: thoughts = mp_docs else: mp_docs = thoughts tier_1 = thoughts['tier 1'] tier_2 = thoughts['tier 2'] reference = tier_1[['ref', 'url', 'title']].to_dict('records') tier_1 = list(tier_1.apply(lambda x: f"[{int(x['ref'])}] title: {x['title']}\n Content: {x.content}", axis = 1).values) print(len(tier_1)) tier_2 = list(tier_2.apply(lambda x: f"title: {x['title']}\n Content: {x.content}", axis = 1).values) print(f"QUERY: {query}\nTIER 1: {tier_1}\nTIER2: {tier_2}") # print(f"DOCS RETRIEVED: {mp_docs.values}") # Cynthesis Generation session_prompt = """ A bot that is open to discussions about different cultural, philosophical and political exchanges. You will use do different analysis to the articles provided to me. Stay truthful and if you weren't provided any resources give your oppinion only.""" task = """Your primary responsibility is to identify multiple themes from the given articles. For each theme detected, you are to present it under three separate categories: 1. Theme Title - An easy-to-understand title that encapsulates the core idea of the theme extracted from the article. 2. Theme Description - An expanded elaboration that explores the theme in detail based on the arguments and points provided in the article. 3. Quotes related to theme - Locate and provide at least one compelling quote from the article that directly supports or showcases the theme you have identified. This quote should serve as a specific evidence or example from the article text that corresponds directly to the developed theme. The extracted themes should be written in structured manner, ensuring clarity and meaningful correlation between the themes and the articles. Make sure your analysis is rooted in the arguments given in the article. Avoid including personal opinions or making generalizations that are not explicitly supported by the articles. """ prompt = PromptTemplate( input_variables=["query", "task", "session_prompt", "articles"], template=""" You are a {session_prompt} {task} query: {query} Articles: {articles} The extracted themes should be written in structured manner, ensuring clarity and meaningful correlation between the themes and the articles. Make sure your analysis is rooted in the arguments given in the article. Avoid including personal opinions or making generalizations that are not explicitly supported by the articles. """, ) # llm = BardLLM() chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt = prompt) response =, articles="\n".join(tier_1), session_prompt = session_prompt, task = task) for i in range(5): response = response.replace(f'[{i}]', f"[{i}]") # Generate related questions prompt_q = PromptTemplate( input_variables=[ "session_prompt", "articles"], template=""" You are a {session_prompt} Give general/global questions related the following articles: Articles: {articles} Make sure not to ask specific questions, keep them general, short and concise. """, ) chain_q = LLMChain(llm=ClaudeLLM(), prompt = prompt_q) questions = = session_prompt, articles = "\n".join(tier_2), ) print(questions) questions = questions[questions.index('1'):] questions = [ remove_numbers(t).strip() for (i, t) in enumerate(questions.split('.')) if len(t) > 5][:5] print(questions) # TO-DO: initiate models in another function, refactor code to be reusable # json_resp = {'cynthesis': response, 'questions': questions, 'Reference': reference} return response, {'Reference': reference} def flush(): return None examples = [ ["Will Russia win the war in Ukraine?"], ] demo = gr.Interface(fn=qa_retrieve, title="cicero-qa-api", inputs=gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=5, label="what would you like to learn about?"), outputs=[gr.components.Textbox(lines=3, label="Themes"), gr.components.JSON( label="Reference")],examples=examples) demo.queue(concurrency_count = 4) demo.launch()