import json import gspread from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials # Define the required Google Sheets API scope scopes = [''] # Authenticate and authorize with the provided credentials JSON file creds = Credentials.from_service_account_file("cred.json", scopes=scopes) client = gspread.authorize(creds) # Define product information product_name = "textgenpro" claimed_ports = "11111 - 11120" # Open the Google Sheet by its ID sheet_id = "1mZu6w649saioKTaXiqYJw4ohCOpk_XSiVD4h3vQ15FA" sheet1 = client.open_by_key(sheet_id).sheet1 # Load IP address information from 'ip.txt' file with open('ip.txt') as f: data = json.load(f) # Extract the IP address from JSON data ip_address = data[0]["NetworkSettings"]["Networks"]["monitoring"]["IPAddress"] group_column_index = None row_1_values = sheet1.row_values(1) # Row 1 is the first row for index, value in enumerate(row_1_values): if "group" in value.lower(): group_column_index = index + 1 break # Update the IP address in the Google Sheet if group_column_index is None: exit("Error: 'group' column not found") column_a_values = sheet1.col_values(group_column_index) # Column A is the first column for index, value in enumerate(column_a_values): if "16" in value: sheet1.update_cell(index + 1, 2, "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIM9P6aOKIW6dho3pvCSKVbrAajy4BZKg2so1Ie1KsTGp rahul-chhatbar@IK4k") column_b_values = sheet1.col_values(2) # Column B is the second column row_1_values = sheet1.row_values(1) # Row 1 is the first row row_index = None claimed_port_column_index = None product_name_column_index = None ngrok_url_column_index = None ngrok_url = None with open("ngrok_log.txt", "r") as f: for line in f: if "started tunnel" in line: parts = line.split(" ") for part in parts: if part.startswith("url"): ngrok_url = part[4:] break for index, value in enumerate(row_1_values): if "Claimed port" in value: claimed_port_column_index = index + 1 break for index, value in enumerate(row_1_values): if "Product CONTAINER NAME" in value: product_name_column_index = index + 1 break for index, value in enumerate(row_1_values): if "ngrok URL 1" in value: ngrok_url_column_index = index + 1 break for index, value in enumerate(column_b_values): if "rahul-chhatbar" in value: row_index = index + 1 break if row_index and claimed_port_column_index and product_name_column_index and ngrok_url_column_index and ngrok_url: sheet1.update_cell(row_index, claimed_port_column_index, claimed_ports) sheet1.update_cell(row_index, product_name_column_index, product_name) sheet1.update_cell(row_index, ngrok_url_column_index, ngrok_url) print("Row updated successfully!") else: print('"rahul-chhatbar" not found in column B. No updates made.')