# 😌 Game Recommendation System ### 🧐 Problem Statement and Research Summary Our project involves developing a game recommendation system to help users discover new games based on their preferences and gaming behavior. Through research, we aim to enhance user satisfaction by providing personalized game suggestions tailored to individual interests. ### 🎣 Data Collection Plan We collected diverse data sets including user game ratings, playtime history, genre preferences, and demographic information. This data enables us to build robust user profiles and train machine learning models for accurate game recommendations. ### 💥 Ethical Considerations (Data Privacy and Bias) * Data privacy: We are committed to safeguarding user privacy by anonymizing sensitive information and implementing strong data protection measures. * Bias: Our system is designed to mitigate bias by regularly auditing algorithms, diversifying training data, and prioritizing fairness and transparency in recommendations. ### 👻 Our Team Our interdisciplinary team comprises data scientists, software engineers, and gaming enthusiasts dedicated to creating an innovative game recommendation system that enhances the gaming experience for all users. ![aiEDU logo](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e4efdef6d10420691f02bc1/5db5a8a3-1761-4fce-a096-bd5f2515162f/aiEDU+_black+logo+stacked.png?format=100w)