import os import streamlit as st from streamlit_chat import message from pandasai import PandasAI from constants import file_format, models import matplotlib.pyplot as plt @st.cache_data def load_data(uploaded_file): ext = os.path.splitext([1][1:].lower() if ext in file_format: return file_format[ext](uploaded_file) def generate_response(question_input, dataframes, option, api_key): llm = models[option](api_key) pandas_ai = PandasAI(llm) if len(dataframes) == 1: return pandas_ai(dataframes[0], prompt = question_input, is_conversational_answer = True) else: return pandas_ai(dataframes, prompt = question_input, is_conversational_answer = True) st.set_page_config(page_title="PandasAI Chat", page_icon=":panda_face:") st.title("PandasAI Chat :panda_face:") if "generated" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["generated"] = [] if "past" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["past"] = [] if "plots" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["plots"] = [] left, right = st.columns([1, 2]) with left: model_option = st.selectbox('Model', models.keys()) with right: api_key = st.text_input('API Key', '', type = 'password') if not api_key:"Please input API Token for {model_option}.") question_input = None uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Upload a file", type=list(file_format.keys()), accept_multiple_files=True) dataframes = [] if not uploaded_files:"Please upload your dataset(s) to begin asking questions!") else: for uploaded_file in uploaded_files: dataframe = load_data(uploaded_file) dataframes.append(dataframe) with st.expander( st.write(dataframe.head()) question_input = st.text_input("Enter question") st.markdown("---") response = None if question_input and uploaded_files and api_key: with st.spinner("Generating..."): try: response = generate_response(question_input, dataframes, model_option, api_key) except Exception as e: st.error("An error occurred: either your API token is invalid \ or no code was found in the response generated.") if len(plt.get_fignums()) > 0: fig = plt.gcf() st.session_state.plots.append(fig) else: st.session_state.plots.append("None") if response: st.session_state.past.append(question_input) st.session_state.generated.append(response) if "generated" in st.session_state and st.session_state['generated']: for i in range(len(st.session_state['generated'])-1, -1, -1): if st.session_state["plots"][i] != "None": st.pyplot(st.session_state["plots"][i]) message(st.session_state["generated"][i], key=str(i)) message(st.session_state['past'][i], is_user=True, key=str(i) + '_user')