import secrets from server.bp import bp from import Website from server.backend import Backend_Api from server.babel import create_babel from json import load from flask import Flask import ollama # Optionally specify the model to pull during startup: model_name = "llama3" # Replace with the desired model name import os import subprocess # List of allowed models ALLOWED_MODELS = [ 'llama3', 'llama3:70b', 'phi3', 'mistral', 'neural-chat', 'starling-lm', 'codellama', 'llama2-uncensored', 'llava', 'gemma:2b', 'gemma:7b', 'solar', ] # Directory where models are stored (current directory) MODEL_DIR = os.getcwd() def is_model_downloaded(model_name): """Check if the model is already downloaded.""" model_path = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, model_name.replace(':', '_')) return os.path.exists(model_path) def download_model(model_name): """Download the model using the ollama command.""" if model_name in ALLOWED_MODELS: if not is_model_downloaded(model_name): print(f"Downloading model: {model_name}")['ollama', 'pull', model_name], check=True) print(f"Model {model_name} downloaded successfully.") else: print(f"Model {model_name} is already downloaded.") else: print(f"Model {model_name} is not in the list of allowed models.") if __name__ == '__main__': import os #os.system(" ollama serve") # Start Ollama in server mode: ollama.pull=model_name # Load configuration from config.json config = load(open('config.json', 'r')) site_config = config['site_config'] url_prefix = config.pop('url_prefix') # Create the app app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = secrets.token_hex(16) # Set up Babel create_babel(app) # Set up the website routes site = Website(bp, url_prefix) for route in site.routes: bp.add_url_rule( route, view_func=site.routes[route]['function'], methods=site.routes[route]['methods'], ) # Set up the backend API routes backend_api = Backend_Api(bp, config) for route in backend_api.routes: bp.add_url_rule( route, view_func=backend_api.routes[route]['function'], methods=backend_api.routes[route]['methods'], ) # Register the blueprint app.register_blueprint(bp, url_prefix=url_prefix) # Run the Flask server print(f"Running on {site_config['port']}{url_prefix}")**site_config) print(f"Closing port {site_config['port']}")