# Make some patches to the script from repositories import ultimate_upscale as usdu import modules.shared as shared import math from PIL import Image if (not hasattr(Image, 'Resampling')): # For older versions of Pillow Image.Resampling = Image # # Instead of using multiples of 64, use multiples of 8 # def round_length(length, multiple=8): return math.ceil(length / multiple) * multiple # Upscaler old_init = usdu.USDUpscaler.__init__ def new_init(self, p, image, upscaler_index, save_redraw, save_seams_fix, tile_width, tile_height): p.width = round_length(image.width * p.upscale_by) p.height = round_length(image.height * p.upscale_by) old_init(self, p, image, upscaler_index, save_redraw, save_seams_fix, tile_width, tile_height) usdu.USDUpscaler.__init__ = new_init # Redraw old_setup_redraw = usdu.USDURedraw.init_draw def new_setup_redraw(self, p, width, height): mask, draw = old_setup_redraw(self, p, width, height) p.width = round_length(self.tile_width + self.padding) p.height = round_length(self.tile_height + self.padding) return mask, draw usdu.USDURedraw.init_draw = new_setup_redraw # Seams fix old_setup_seams_fix = usdu.USDUSeamsFix.init_draw def new_setup_seams_fix(self, p): old_setup_seams_fix(self, p) p.width = round_length(self.tile_width + self.padding) p.height = round_length(self.tile_height + self.padding) usdu.USDUSeamsFix.init_draw = new_setup_seams_fix # # Make the script upscale on a batch of images instead of one image # old_upscale = usdu.USDUpscaler.upscale def new_upscale(self): old_upscale(self) shared.batch = [self.image] + \ [img.resize((self.p.width, self.p.height), resample=Image.LANCZOS) for img in shared.batch[1:]] usdu.USDUpscaler.upscale = new_upscale