from textwrap import dedent from typing import List from import Tool from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from crewai.agent import Agent class AgentTools(BaseModel): """Tools for generic agent.""" agents: List[Agent] = Field(description="List of agents in this crew.") def tools(self): return [ Tool.from_function( func=self.delegate_work, name="Delegate work to co-worker", description=dedent( f"""Useful to delegate a specific task to one of the following co-workers: [{', '.join([agent.role for agent in self.agents])}]. The input to this tool should be a pipe (|) separated text of length three, representing the role you want to delegate it to, the task and information necessary. For example, `coworker|task|information`. """ ), ), Tool.from_function( func=self.ask_question, name="Ask question to co-worker", description=dedent( f"""Useful to ask a question, opinion or take from on of the following co-workers: [{', '.join([agent.role for agent in self.agents])}]. The input to this tool should be a pipe (|) separated text of length three, representing the role you want to ask it to, the question and information necessary. For example, `coworker|question|information`. """ ), ), ] def delegate_work(self, command): """Useful to delegate a specific task to a coworker.""" return self.__execute(command) def ask_question(self, command): """Useful to ask a question, opinion or take from a coworker.""" return self.__execute(command) def __execute(self, command): """Execute the command.""" try: agent, task, information = command.split("|") except ValueError: return "\nError executing tool. Missing exact 3 pipe (|) separated values. For example, `coworker|task|information`.\n" if not agent or not task or not information: return "\nError executing tool. Missing exact 3 pipe (|) separated values. For example, `coworker|question|information`.\n" agent = [ available_agent for available_agent in self.agents if available_agent.role == agent ] if len(agent) == 0: return f"\nError executing tool. Co-worker mentioned on the Action Input not found, it must to be one of the following options: {', '.join([agent.role for agent in self.agents])}.\n" agent = agent[0] result = agent.execute_task(task, information) return result