from wordcloud import WordCloud import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import json import requests import gradio as gr from io import BytesIO import base64 import os AUTH = os.environ["AUTH"] def generate_wordcloud(keywords, theme): # Sort keywords in descending order based on their values sorted_keywords = [entry['keyword'] for entry in sorted(keywords, key=lambda x: x['value'], reverse=True)] keyword_dict = {entry['keyword']: entry['value'] for entry in keywords} colour_range =['#00B3CF', '#FF0079', '#8C72B4', '#99B561', '#C49C8E'] # Create a color function mapping each word to a color from the range based on grouped index def color_func(word, font_size, position, orientation, random_state=42, **kwargs): index = sorted_keywords.index(word) // 2 % len(colour_range) return colour_range[index] # Generate the word cloud wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color='white', color_func=color_func, collocations=False, # Avoid combining words random_state=42 ).generate_from_frequencies(keyword_dict) # Save the word cloud image to a BytesIO object image_stream = BytesIO() wordcloud.to_image().save(image_stream, format='PNG') # Convert the BytesIO object to a base64-encoded image string image_data = base64.b64encode('utf-8') image_src = f"data:image/png;base64,{image_data}" return f'{theme} Wordcloud' with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as demo: with gr.Row(): answers = gr.TextArea(label="List of responses", placeholder='["this is cool", "this is very cool"]') with gr.Column(): nr_topics = gr.Slider(minimum=5, maximum=15, step=1) greet_btn = gr.Button("Generate themes") output = gr.HTML(label="Themes and Wordclouds")[answers, nr_topics], outputs=output) def greet(answers, nr_topics): inputs = {"answers": json.loads(answers), "nr_topics": nr_topics} p = url='', headers={"Authorization": AUTH}, json=inputs ) result = p.json() #print(result) data = result.get("data") if data["thematic_results"]: output_text = "" for theme_data in data["thematic_results"]: theme = theme_data["theme"] description = theme_data["description"] keywords_list = theme_data['keywords'] # Generate word cloud and get HTML content wordcloud_html = generate_wordcloud(keywords_list, theme) # Add theme description to the output text output_text += f"""



""" else: output_text = data["reason"] return output_text if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()