from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from spacy.lang.en import English import numpy as np import gradio as gr nlp = English() nlp.create_pipe('sentencizer') def summarizer(text, tokenizer, max_sent_in_summary=5): # Create spacy document for further sentence level tokenization doc = nlp(text.replace("\n", "")) sentences = [sent.text.strip() for sent in doc.sents] # Let's create an organizer which will store the sentence ordering to later reorganize the # scored sentences in their correct order sentence_organizer = {k:v for v,k in enumerate(sentences)} # Let's now create a tf-idf (Term frequnecy Inverse Document Frequency) model tf_idf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=2, max_features=None, strip_accents='unicode', analyzer='word', token_pattern=r'\w{1,}', ngram_range=(1, 3), use_idf=1,smooth_idf=1, sublinear_tf=1, stop_words = 'english') # Passing our sentences treating each as one document to TF-IDF vectorizer # Transforming our sentences to TF-IDF vectors sentence_vectors = tf_idf_vectorizer.transform(sentences) # Getting sentence scores for each sentences sentence_scores = np.array(sentence_vectors.sum(axis=1)).ravel() # Getting top-n sentences N = max_sent_in_summary top_n_sentences = [sentences[ind] for ind in np.argsort(sentence_scores, axis=0)[::-1][:N]] # Let's now do the sentence ordering using our prebaked sentence_organizer # Let's map the scored sentences with their indexes mapped_top_n_sentences = [(sentence,sentence_organizer[sentence]) for sentence in top_n_sentences] # Ordering our top-n sentences in their original ordering mapped_top_n_sentences = sorted(mapped_top_n_sentences, key = lambda x: x[1]) ordered_scored_sentences = [element[0] for element in mapped_top_n_sentences] # Our final summary summary = " ".join(ordered_scored_sentences) return summary demo = gr.Interface( fn=summarizer, inputs=["text","text"], outputs="text", ) demo.launch(debug=True)