from transformers import pipeline import base64 import time from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests import streamlit as st import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") st.markdown(' Created by **_Prathap_**. :baby_chick:') st.title("Automatic text summarization") @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def pipen(): summarizer = pipeline("summarization") return summarizer def text_downloader(raw_text): b64 = base64.b64encode(raw_text.encode()).decode() new_filename = "new_text_file_{}_.txt".format(timestr) st.markdown("#### Download File ###") href = f'Click Here!!' st.markdown(href,unsafe_allow_html=True) url = st.text_input('Paste URL ⤵️') if st.button("Submit"): r = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') results = soup.find_all(['h1', 'p']) text = [result.text for result in results] ARTICLE = ' '.join(text) max_chunk = 400 ARTICLE = ARTICLE.replace('.', '.') ARTICLE = ARTICLE.replace('?', '?') ARTICLE = ARTICLE.replace('!', '!') sentences = ARTICLE.split('') current_chunk = 0 chunks = [] for sentence in sentences: if len(chunks) == current_chunk + 1: if len(chunks[current_chunk]) + len(sentence.split(' '))<= max_chunk: chunks[current_chunk].extend(sentence.split(' ')) else: current_chunk += 1 chunks.append(sentence.split(' ')) else: print(current_chunk) chunks.append(sentence.split(' ')) for chunk_id in range(len(chunks)): chunks[chunk_id] = ' '.join(chunks[chunk_id]) with st.spinner("Loading the Model into the memory...."): model=pipen() res = model(chunks, max_length=50, min_length=30, do_sample=False) text = ' '.join([summ['summary_text'] for summ in res]) st.write("Success") st.write(text) text_downloader(text) if st.button("Contact"): st.write("Hi there, I'm Prathap 👋. 2+ years Applied Deep Learning experience") st.write("✅ [LinkedIn](") st.write(" 📚[Github](") st.write(" 📗Analyze Csv files in one step [Click Here](") st.write(" 😷 Face Mask Detection App [Click Here](")