# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Copy of sql gpt-3-notebook.ipynb Automatically generated by Colaboratory. Original file is located at https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1yIUz4HcpR_67B1cM7e-TotZIlqF3IcXl """ !pip install openai import json import openai with open('GPT_SECRET_KEY.json') as f: data = json.load(f) openai.api_key = data["API_KEY"] from gpt import GPT from gpt import Example gpt = GPT(engine="davinci", temperature=0.6, max_tokens=100) """# Adding Examples for GPT Model""" gpt.add_example(Example('Fetch unique values of DEPARTMENT from Worker table.', 'Select distinct DEPARTMENT from Worker;')) gpt.add_example(Example('Print the first three characters of FIRST_NAME from Worker table.', 'Select substring(FIRST_NAME,1,3) from Worker;')) gpt.add_example(Example("Find the position of the alphabet ('a') in the first name column 'Amitabh' from Worker table.", "Select INSTR(FIRST_NAME, BINARY'a') from Worker where FIRST_NAME = 'Amitabh';")) gpt.add_example(Example("Print the FIRST_NAME from Worker table after replacing 'a' with 'A'.", "Select CONCAT(FIRST_NAME, ' ', LAST_NAME) AS 'COMPLETE_NAME' from Worker;")) gpt.add_example(Example("Display the second highest salary from the Worker table.", "Select max(Salary) from Worker where Salary not in (Select max(Salary) from Worker);")) gpt.add_example(Example("Display the highest salary from the Worker table.", "Select max(Salary) from Worker;")) gpt.add_example(Example("Fetch the count of employees working in the department Admin.", "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM worker WHERE DEPARTMENT = 'Admin';")) gpt.add_example(Example("Get all details of the Workers whose SALARY lies between 100000 and 500000.", "Select * from Worker where SALARY between 100000 and 500000;")) gpt.add_example(Example("Get Salary details of the Workers", "Select Salary from Worker")) """# Example 1""" prompt = "Display sum of salaries which are less than 5000 from table." output = gpt.submit_request(prompt) output.choices[0].text """# Example 2""" prompt = "Tell me the count of employees working in the department HR." output = gpt.submit_request(prompt) output.choices[0].text """# Example 3""" prompt = "Get salary details of the Workers whose AGE lies between 25 and 55" print(gpt.get_top_reply(prompt)) prompt = "Get the full name of employee from employee table" print(gpt.get_top_reply(prompt)) pip! install gradio !nvidia-smi !pip install gradio