import gradio as gr def sample_func(inp): pass import numpy as np import pandas as pd import subprocess import sys subprocess.check_call([sys.executable,'-m','pip','install','tensorflow']) subprocess.check_call([sys.executable,'-m','pip','install','scikit-learn']) from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, LabelBinarizer from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier # Load data df = pd.read_csv('ExperimentalMigraneData.csv') X = df[['Age','Duration','Frequency','Location','Character','Intensity','Nausea','Vomit','Phonophobia','Photophobia','Visual','Sensory','Dysphasia','Dysarthria','Vertigo','Tinnitus','Hypoacusis','Diplopia','Visual_defect','Ataxia','Conscience','Paresthesia','DPF', 'On Periods']].values #selección de variables de entrada Y = df['Types'] #select target # Define the base Keras model def baseline_model(): model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(14, input_dim = 24, activation = 'relu')) # Rectified Linear Unit Activation Function model.add(Dense(14, activation = 'relu')) model.add(Dense(3, activation = 'softmax')) # Softmax for multi-class classification model.compile(loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = 'adam', metrics = ['accuracy']) return model # Define the Keras Classifier to use the base model estimator = KerasClassifier(build_fn = baseline_model, epochs = 100, batch_size = 10, verbose = 0) # Train the model, Y) # Define the input component with 24 number inputs inputs = [] for i in range(24): inputs.append(gr.inputs.Number(label=df.columns[i])) # Define the output component to show the predicted output output = gr.outputs.Label(label="Output") # Define the migraine type mapping dictionary migraine_types = {0: 'Menopause Stage', 1: 'Menstruation Stage', 2: 'Pre-Menopause Stage'} # Define the Gradio interface function def predict(*args): # Convert the inputs into a numpy array input_array = np.array(args).reshape(1, -1) # Use the pre-trained estimator to predict the output based on the input array y_pred = estimator.predict(input_array) # Map the integer prediction to corresponding migraine type predicted_type = migraine_types[int(y_pred[0])] # Return the predicted output as text return predicted_type # Run the Gradio interface interface = gr.Interface(fn=predict, inputs=inputs, outputs=output) Home = gr.Interface(fn=sample_func, inputs=[gr.Image('Beige Classic Circular Fashion Fashion Animated Logo.png', label='ANTICIPATING QOL WITH MENOPAUSAL SEVERITY',shape=[40,40]), gr.Textbox('PCL Project - Team: Technohommies', label='FYP', interactive=False).style(container=True), gr.Textbox('ANTICIPATING MENSTRUAL MIGRAINE USING DEEP LEARNING', label='Project Title', interactive=False).style(container=True), gr.Textbox("Pranav Polavarapu - 19BTRCR008 | Hrishikesh Reddy - 19BTRCR028 | Sai Keerthi Chelluri - 19BTRCR036 | Sai Sharanya Y - 19BTRCR043", label='TEAM', interactive=False).style(container=True), gr.Textbox('Dr. S Vijaykumar', label='PCL Project Guide', interactive=False).style(container=True)], outputs=None, title="Project Centric Learnning", live=True) Instructions = gr.Interface(fn=sample_func, inputs=[gr.Image('features-Input-Instructions.png', label='Instructions for User Inputs in the Testing Interface',shape=[60,60],interactive=False), gr.Textbox("Please Proceed to the Next Tab - 'MENOPAUSAL QOL Model' for accessing the Model's Test Interface, & Provide the necessary inputs according to the instructions mentioned above", label='GO TO NEXT TAB/PAGE', interactive=False).style(container=True)] , outputs=None, title="Instructions for User Inputs", live=True) with gr.Blocks(css=".gradio-container {background-image: url('file=Beige Classic Circular Fashion Fashion Animated Logo.png')}") as demo: gr.Markdown( """ ## Welcome to the # MENOPAUSAL QOL PREDICTOR #### Please Give your inputs in the page below - as per the specified instructions """) with gr.Box(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Tab("MENOPAUSAL QOL PREDICTOR MODEL"): with gr.Row(variant='panel'): data = gr.TabbedInterface([Home, Instructions, interface], ["Home", "Guidelines", "MENOPAUSAL QOL PREDICTOR MODEL"]) demo.launch()