import streamlit as st from detoxify import Detoxify # Set Streamlit app title st.title("Clean Chat Control") # Create a text input box for user input input_text = st.text_area('Enter a sentence') # Check if there is input text if input_text: # Add a button to trigger moderation if st.button("Rate Toxicity!"): # Perform toxicity prediction with st.spinner("Crunching numbers..."): results = Detoxify('original').predict(input_text) # Display the results in columns st.header("Moderation Results:") st.write("Toxicity: {:.2f}".format(results['toxicity'])) st.write("Severe Toxicity: {:.2f}".format(results['severe_toxicity'])) st.write("Obscene: {:.2f}".format(results['obscene'])) st.write("Threat: {:.2f}".format(results['threat'])) st.write("Insult: {:.2f}".format(results['insult'])) st.write("Identity Attack: {:.2f}".format(results['identity_attack'])) # Add a brief description of the app st.markdown(""" This simple app helps you analyze the content of a sentence for toxicity, threats, and insults. Enter a sentence in the text box above and click the "Moderate" button to see the results. """) st.markdown(""" --- Created with ❤️ by Joas """)