import cohere import os # initialize Cohere client co = cohere.Client("PYBgeV5VEGwJNrLn7gHpSlig6dFsKsUNTZlGOKs7") conversation=""" Senior Dev: Hey, have you seen the latest pull request for the authentication module? Junior Dev: No, not yet. What's in it? Senior Dev: They've added support for JWT tokens, so we can use that instead of session cookies for authentication. Junior Dev: Oh, that's great. I've been wanting to switch to JWT for a while now. Senior Dev: Yeah, it's definitely more secure and scalable. I've reviewed the code and it looks good, so go ahead and merge it if you're comfortable with it. Junior Dev: Will do, thanks for the heads up. """ response = co.summarize( conversation, model='summarize-xlarge', length='short', extractiveness='high', temperature = 0.5, ) summary = response.summary print(summary) import gradio as gr co = cohere.Client("CoHere_API_KEY") def chat_summarizer(conversation): # generate summary using Cohere API response = co.summarize(conversation, model='summarize-xlarge',length='short', extractiveness='high', temperature=0.5) summary = response.summary return summary chat_input = gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=10, label="Conversation") chat_output = gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Summary") chat_interface = gr.Interface(fn=chat_summarizer, inputs=chat_input, outputs=chat_output, title="Chat Summarizer", description="This app generates a summary of a chat conversation using Cohere API.") chat_interface.launch(inline= False)