import logging import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple from langchain import chains from langchain.memory import ConversationBufferWindowMemory from financial_bot import constants from financial_bot.chains import ( ContextExtractorChain, FinancialBotQAChain, StatelessMemorySequentialChain, ) from financial_bot.embeddings import EmbeddingModelSingleton from financial_bot.handlers import CometLLMMonitoringHandler from financial_bot.models import build_huggingface_pipeline from financial_bot.qdrant import build_qdrant_client from financial_bot.template import get_llm_template logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FinancialBot: """ A language chain bot that uses a language model to generate responses to user inputs. Args: llm_model_id (str): The ID of the Hugging Face language model to use. llm_qlora_model_id (str): The ID of the Hugging Face QLora model to use. llm_template_name (str): The name of the LLM template to use. llm_inference_max_new_tokens (int): The maximum number of new tokens to generate during inference. llm_inference_temperature (float): The temperature to use during inference. vector_collection_name (str): The name of the Qdrant vector collection to use. vector_db_search_topk (int): The number of nearest neighbors to search for in the Qdrant vector database. model_cache_dir (Path): The directory to use for caching the language model and embedding model. streaming (bool): Whether to use the Hugging Face streaming API for inference. embedding_model_device (str): The device to use for the embedding model. debug (bool): Whether to enable debug mode. Attributes: finbot_chain (Chain): The language chain that generates responses to user inputs. """ def __init__( self, llm_model_id: str = constants.LLM_MODEL_ID, llm_qlora_model_id: str = constants.LLM_QLORA_CHECKPOINT, llm_template_name: str = constants.TEMPLATE_NAME, llm_inference_max_new_tokens: int = constants.LLM_INFERNECE_MAX_NEW_TOKENS, llm_inference_temperature: float = constants.LLM_INFERENCE_TEMPERATURE, vector_collection_name: str = constants.VECTOR_DB_OUTPUT_COLLECTION_NAME, vector_db_search_topk: int = constants.VECTOR_DB_SEARCH_TOPK, model_cache_dir: Path = constants.CACHE_DIR, streaming: bool = False, embedding_model_device: str = "cuda:0", debug: bool = False, ): self._llm_model_id = llm_model_id self._llm_qlora_model_id = llm_qlora_model_id self._llm_template_name = llm_template_name self._llm_template = get_llm_template(name=self._llm_template_name) self._llm_inference_max_new_tokens = llm_inference_max_new_tokens self._llm_inference_temperature = llm_inference_temperature self._vector_collection_name = vector_collection_name self._vector_db_search_topk = vector_db_search_topk self._debug = debug self._qdrant_client = build_qdrant_client() self._embd_model = EmbeddingModelSingleton( cache_dir=model_cache_dir, device=embedding_model_device ) self._llm_agent, self._streamer = build_huggingface_pipeline( llm_model_id=llm_model_id, llm_lora_model_id=llm_qlora_model_id, max_new_tokens=llm_inference_max_new_tokens, temperature=llm_inference_temperature, use_streamer=streaming, cache_dir=model_cache_dir, debug=debug, ) self.finbot_chain = self.build_chain() @property def is_streaming(self) -> bool: return self._streamer is not None def build_chain(self) -> chains.SequentialChain: """ Constructs and returns a financial bot chain. This chain is designed to take as input the user description, `about_me` and a `question` and it will connect to the VectorDB, searches the financial news that rely on the user's question and injects them into the payload that is further passed as a prompt to a financial fine-tuned LLM that will provide answers. The chain consists of two primary stages: 1. Context Extractor: This stage is responsible for embedding the user's question, which means converting the textual question into a numerical representation. This embedded question is then used to retrieve relevant context from the VectorDB. The output of this chain will be a dict payload. 2. LLM Generator: Once the context is extracted, this stage uses it to format a full prompt for the LLM and then feed it to the model to get a response that is relevant to the user's question. Returns ------- chains.SequentialChain The constructed financial bot chain. Notes ----- The actual processing flow within the chain can be visualized as: [about: str][question: str] > ContextChain > [about: str][question:str] + [context: str] > FinancialChain > [answer: str] """"Building 1/3 - ContextExtractorChain") context_retrieval_chain = ContextExtractorChain( embedding_model=self._embd_model, vector_store=self._qdrant_client, vector_collection=self._vector_collection_name, top_k=self._vector_db_search_topk, )"Building 2/3 - FinancialBotQAChain") if self._debug: callabacks = [] else: try: comet_project_name = os.environ["COMET_PROJECT_NAME"] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( "Please set the COMET_PROJECT_NAME environment variable." ) callabacks = [ CometLLMMonitoringHandler( project_name=f"{comet_project_name}-monitor-prompts", llm_model_id=self._llm_model_id, llm_qlora_model_id=self._llm_qlora_model_id, llm_inference_max_new_tokens=self._llm_inference_max_new_tokens, llm_inference_temperature=self._llm_inference_temperature, ) ] llm_generator_chain = FinancialBotQAChain( hf_pipeline=self._llm_agent, template=self._llm_template, callbacks=callabacks, )"Building 3/3 - Connecting chains into SequentialChain") seq_chain = StatelessMemorySequentialChain( history_input_key="to_load_history", memory=ConversationBufferWindowMemory( memory_key="chat_history", input_key="question", output_key="answer", k=3, ), chains=[context_retrieval_chain, llm_generator_chain], input_variables=["about_me", "question", "to_load_history"], output_variables=["answer"], verbose=True, )"Done building SequentialChain.")"Workflow:") """ [about: str][question: str] > ContextChain > [about: str][question:str] + [context: str] > FinancialChain > [answer: str] """ ) return seq_chain def answer( self, about_me: str, question: str, to_load_history: List[Tuple[str, str]] = None, ) -> str: """ Given a short description about the user and a question make the LLM generate a response. Parameters ---------- about_me : str Short user description. question : str User question. Returns ------- str LLM generated response. """ inputs = { "about_me": about_me, "question": question, "to_load_history": to_load_history if to_load_history else [], } response = return response def stream_answer(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Stream the answer from the LLM after each token is generated after calling `answer()`.""" assert ( self.is_streaming ), "Stream answer not available. Build the bot with `use_streamer=True`." partial_answer = "" for new_token in self._streamer: if new_token != self._llm_template.eos: partial_answer += new_token yield partial_answer