import streamlit as st import time from multipage import MultiPage from transformers import pipeline import torch def app(): st.markdown('## Translation task') st.write('Write something in English and AI will translate') st.markdown('## ') @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True, suppress_st_warning =True, show_spinner=False) def get_model(model): return pipeline(task = 'translation', model = model) col1, col2 = st.columns([2,1]) with col1: prompt= st.text_area('Your prompt here', '''What is the translation of this sentence?''') with col2: select_model = "Translate from English to:", ('France', 'German', 'Cinese'), index = 0) if select_model == 'France': model = 'Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-fr' elif select_model == 'German': model = 'Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-de' elif select_model == 'Spanish': model = 'Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-es' with st.spinner('Loading Model... (This may take a while)'): generator = get_model(model) st.success('Model loaded correctly!') with col1: gen ='Generating text...') answer = generator(prompt) gen.empty() lst = answer[0]['generated_text'] t = st.empty() for i in range(len(lst)): t.markdown("#### %s..." % lst[0:i]) time.sleep(0.04)