import gradio as gr from text_to_animation.model import ControlAnimationModel import os from utils.hf_utils import get_model_list huggingspace_name = os.environ.get("SPACE_AUTHOR_NAME") on_huggingspace = huggingspace_name if huggingspace_name is not None else False examples = [ ["an astronaut waving the arm on the moon"], ["a sloth surfing on a wakeboard"], ["an astronaut walking on a street"], ["a cute cat walking on grass"], ["a horse is galloping on a street"], ["an astronaut is skiing down the hill"], ["a gorilla walking alone down the street"], ["a gorilla dancing on times square"], ["A panda dancing dancing like crazy on Times Square"], ] images = [] # str path of generated images initial_frame = None animation_model = None def generate_initial_frames( frames_prompt, model_link, is_safetensor, frames_n_prompt, width, height, cfg_scale, seed, ): global images if not model_link: model_link = "dreamlike-art/dreamlike-photoreal-2.0" images = animation_model.generate_initial_frames( frames_prompt, model_link, is_safetensor, frames_n_prompt, width, height, cfg_scale, seed, ) return images def select_initial_frame(evt: gr.SelectData): global initial_frame if evt.index < len(images): initial_frame = images[evt.index] print(initial_frame) def create_demo(model: ControlAnimationModel): global animation_model animation_model = model with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Column(visible=True) as frame_selection_col: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): frames_prompt = gr.Textbox( placeholder="Prompt", show_label=False, lines=4 ) frames_n_prompt = gr.Textbox( placeholder="Negative Prompt (optional)", show_label=False, lines=2, ) with gr.Column(): model_link = gr.Textbox( label="Model Link", placeholder="dreamlike-art/dreamlike-photoreal-2.0", info="Give the hugging face model name or URL link to safetensor.", ) is_safetensor = gr.Checkbox(label="Safetensors") gen_frames_button = gr.Button( value="Generate Initial Frames", variant="primary" ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=2): width = gr.Slider(32, 2048, value=512, label="Width") height = gr.Slider(32, 2048, value=512, label="Height") cfg_scale = gr.Slider(1, 20, value=7.0, step=0.1, label="CFG scale") seed = gr.Slider( label="Seed", info="-1 for random seed on each run. Otherwise, the seed will be fixed.", minimum=-1, maximum=65536, value=0, step=1, ) with gr.Column(scale=3): initial_frames = gr.Gallery( label="Initial Frames", show_label=False ).style( columns=[2], rows=[2], object_fit="scale-down", height="auto" ) select_frame_button = gr.Button( value="Select Initial Frame", variant="secondary" ) with gr.Column(visible=False) as gen_animation_col: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt") gen_animation_button = gr.Button( value="Generate Animation", variant="primary" ) with gr.Accordion("Advanced options", open=False): n_prompt = gr.Textbox( label="Negative Prompt (optional)", value="" ) if on_huggingspace: video_length = gr.Slider( label="Video length", minimum=8, maximum=16, step=1 ) else: video_length = gr.Number( label="Video length", value=8, precision=0 ) seed = gr.Slider( label="Seed", info="-1 for random seed on each run. Otherwise, the seed will be fixed.", minimum=-1, maximum=65536, value=0, step=1, ) motion_field_strength_x = gr.Slider( label="Global Translation $\\delta_{x}$", minimum=-20, maximum=20, value=12, step=1, ) motion_field_strength_y = gr.Slider( label="Global Translation $\\delta_{y}$", minimum=-20, maximum=20, value=12, step=1, ) t0 = gr.Slider( label="Timestep t0", minimum=0, maximum=47, value=44, step=1, info="Perform DDPM steps from t0 to t1. The larger the gap between t0 and t1, the more variance between the frames. Ensure t0 < t1 ", ) t1 = gr.Slider( label="Timestep t1", minimum=1, info="Perform DDPM steps from t0 to t1. The larger the gap between t0 and t1, the more variance between the frames. Ensure t0 < t1", maximum=48, value=47, step=1, ) chunk_size = gr.Slider( label="Chunk size", minimum=2, maximum=16, value=8, step=1, visible=not on_huggingspace, info="Number of frames processed at once. Reduce for lower memory usage.", ) merging_ratio = gr.Slider( label="Merging ratio", minimum=0.0, maximum=0.9, step=0.1, value=0.0, visible=not on_huggingspace, info="Ratio of how many tokens are merged. The higher the more compression (less memory and faster inference).", ) with gr.Column(): result = gr.Video(label="Generated Video") inputs = [ prompt, model_link, is_safetensor, motion_field_strength_x, motion_field_strength_y, t0, t1, n_prompt, chunk_size, video_length, merging_ratio, seed, ] # gr.Examples(examples=examples, # inputs=inputs, # outputs=result, # fn=None, # run_on_click=False, # cache_examples=on_huggingspace, # ) frame_inputs = [ frames_prompt, model_link, is_safetensor, frames_n_prompt, width, height, cfg_scale, seed, ] def submit_select(): show = True if initial_frame is not None: # More to next step return { frame_selection_col: gr.update(visible=not show), gen_animation_col: gr.update(visible=show), } return { frame_selection_col: gr.update(visible=show), gen_animation_col: gr.update(visible=not show), } generate_initial_frames, inputs=frame_inputs, outputs=initial_frames, ) submit_select, inputs=None, outputs=[frame_selection_col, gen_animation_col] ) fn=model.process_text2video, inputs=inputs, outputs=result, ) return demo