  "1 \n INTRODUCTION  \n1.1 Introduction of the Project Travel Website: - \nOnline Tour and Travel is a very user friendly project. In this project user can easily understand \nand book all pack ages. In this project there are various types of forms, like all types of packages, \nbook for package in  which user can insert his personal needs & facilities then upload his form by \nwhich user can register in the w eb site. This si te provides different packages and destinati on in \ndifferent states of India. Himachal Pradesh is very popular hill station of north India. Visitors \nenjoy snow covered mountain peaks and adventure sports like trekking, mountaineering and  \nskiing.  \nThe \" Tour a nd Travel Website\" has been developed to override the problems prevailing in the \npractic ing manual system. Moreover this website  is designed for the particular need of the \ncompany to carry out operations in a smooth and effective manner.  We create this sys tem to \nestablish and expand the structure of tourism that provides healthy interaction opportunities for \ntourists and natives an d improves a b etter awareness of different cultures, traditional lifestyles, \ntraditional knowledge and moralities.  \nEvery organi zation , whether big or small, ahs challenges to overcome and managing the \ninformation to Tour, Travel, Hotel, Customer, Facility. Every Travel website has different Travel \nneeds; therefore we design exclusive employee management systems that are adapted to  user \nmanagerial requirements. This is designed to assist in strategic planning, and will help you \nensure that your organization is equipped with the right level of information and details for your \nfuture goals.  \n \nFig 1: Different Destination of India",
  "2 \n 1.2 Problem Definition : \nThe purpose of tour and travel is mainly to provide online booking services for the user. This \nstatement describes the problem definition of the proposed system. The purpose of this site is to \nbook online ticket for hotels and  all tourist places of Himachal Pradesh.  The problem definition \nof the vacation -o-city is to book online ticket for hotel and tourist place where user wants to visit. \nIt is a Web Based Application to develop website in which end user interact with the w eb-app \neasily. In this website Customer or  User can search and book all tourist places and all hill \nstations and all hotels of Himachal Pradesh.  The problem is that we although have many \nwebsites but they offer a different kinds of services. The customers are enjoying a lot but there is \na lack of relationship between travel agency and customers and hence we are establishing that \nrelationship by carrying and servicing all customers in the same manner that we wish to serve.  \n1.3 Objective  of Project on Travel Website:  \nThe main objective of the Project on Travel Website is to manage the details of Travel, Tour, \nAgent, Hotel, and Facility . It manages all the information about Travel, Customer, Facility, and \nTravel . The project is totally built at admini strative end and thus only the administrator is \nguaranteed the access. The purpose of the project is to build an application program to reduce the \nmanual work for managing the Travel, Tour, Customer, and Agent . It tracks all the details about \nthe Agent, Ho tel, and Facility.  \nThe purpose of this project is very clear that user can find room facilities easily & hotel service \nproviders also get good customers very easily. Customer can register in the website & can create \nhis own registration then he can receive  email for his room status related to his reservation and \nbook all packages.  \n➢ Our objective is to make strong relationship with customers so that they can enjoy the \nholiday of their dreams.  \n➢ It saves lots of time, now a days there is a fast process world any one can work quickly \nso, this project helps that people who are searching for  reservation in organization, \nso they can easily fill up the form and search rooms and different tourist place.  \n➢ Possess complete back up services.",
  "3 \n 1.4 Technical  Requirem ent: \nHardware Requirement:  \n• A PC with Windows OS.  \n• Processor with 1.7-2.4 GHz  speed.  \n• Minimum of 4 GB RAM.  \nSoftware Specification : \n• Operating System: Windows 7/8/10.  \n• Database : MySQL Server.  \n• Internet Explorer/Google Chrome.  \n• Visual Studio Code 1.79.  \n• Xampp Server.  \nSoftware  Requirement:  \nVisual Studio Code:  \nVisual Studio Code, also commonly referred to as  VS Code, is a  source -code editor  made \nby Microsoft  with the  Framework for  Windows , Linux  and macOS . Features include support \nfor debugging , syntax highlighting , intelligent code completion , snippets , code refactoring , and \nembedded  Git. Users can change the  theme , keyboard shortcuts , preferences, and \ninstall  extensions  that add functionality.  \nVisual Studio Code is a source -code editor that can be used with a variety of programming \nlanguages including C, C#, C++, Fortran, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js , Python . It is \nbased on the  Electron  framework,  which i s used to develop  Node.js  web applications  that run on \nthe Blink layout engine . Visual Studio Code employs the same editor component (codenamed \n\"Monaco\") used in  Azure DevOps  (form erly called Visual Studio Online and Visual Studio \nTeam Services).   \nThe many extensions are updated as often as needed. The richness of support varies across the \ndifferent programming languages and their extensions, ranging from simple syntax highlighting \nand bracket matching to debugging and refactoring.",
  "4 \n Xampp Server:  \nXAMPP  is a free and open -source  cross -platform  web server  solution stack  package developed \nby Apache Friends,  consisting mainly of the  Apache HTTP Server , MariaDB  database , \nand interpreters  for scripts written in the  PHP and Perl programming languages . Since most \nactual web server deployments use the same components as XAMPP, i t makes transitioning from \na local test server to a live server possible.  \nXAMPP's ease of deployment means a  WAMP  or LAMP  stack can be installed quickly and \nsimply on an operating system by a developer, with the advantage that common add -in \napplications such as  WordPress  and Joomla!  can also be installed with similar ease \nusing  Bitnami . \n1.5 Scope of the project Travel Website :- \nIt may help collecting perfect management in details. In a very short time, the collection  will be \nobvious, simple and sensible. It will help a person to know the management  of pas sed year \nperfectly and vividly.  It also helps in current all works relative to Travel Website. It will be also \nreduced the cost of collecting the management& collection procedure will go on smoothly.  \nOur project aims at Business process automation, i.e., we have tried to computerize various \nprocesses of Travel Website.  \n➢ In computer  system the person has to fill the various forms & number of copies of the  \nforms can be easily generated at a time.  \n➢ In computer system, it is not necessary to create the manifest but we can directly print  it, \nwhich saves our time .  \n➢ To assist the staff in capturing the effort spent on their respective working areas.  \n➢ To utilize resources in an efficient manner by increasing their productivity through \nautomation .  \n➢ The system generates types of information that can be used for various purposes . \n➢ It satisfy the user requirement . \n➢ Be easy to understand by the user and operator . \n➢ Be easy to operate . \n➢ Have a good user interface .",
  "5 \n LITERATURE SURVEY  \n2.1 Literature Review:  \nData analysis in terms of coding, organizing, filtering, categorizing, relating and related abstract \nconcepts. The software allows making comparisons among different concepts simultaneously, \nwhich simplifies qualitative data analysis and improves the accuracy of research findings. \nCritical strategies, including method triangulation, conformabilit y audit and member checks are \napplied to ensure trustworthiness of research findings.  \nInformation search (traveler’s perspectives), and market segmentation by information/booking \nchannel. Perspective the reasons why travelers make use of different sources of information are \ninvestigated, whereas using another perspective, the observable outcome of that behavior is \nraised.  \nAlthough, there is many things that we learn and know about the places in detail very well. It \nhelps to know about the ancient things & t heir cultures in detail. Grand Tour, education, higher \neducation, travel & tourism is the main topics for learn & discuss about it.  \nTour and travel information is obtained mainly through communication media like newspaper, \nmagazines etc. Information search  (traveler’s perspectives), and market segmentation by \ninformation/booking channel. Today's mobile devices are becoming more intelligent, which \nprovides information in mobile itself. Mobile Technology is now set to improve tourism in \nvarious fields. Due to  busy schedule people want quick and easy ways to obtain information of \nall kinds and tourism is no different. The tour management system which is based on internet \nprovides self -guidance for tourists in mobile phones.  \nThe tourism industry in India : \nArmstro ng, Delia, and Giardina, stated that Travel and tourism have not only become one of the \nworld largest industry but also grows consistently every year. Travel and tourism represent \napproximately 11% of the worldwide grew at the average rate of 4 -3% p er annum. As per the \nview of Schivinski and Dabrowski,  in India, travel and tourism industry plays a very crucial role \nin order to improve the economy. As per the report of world travel and tourism council in 2017, \naround 15.24 Lakh Crore and 9.4% of GDP in India. It has been estimated that 41.622 million",
  "6 \n jobs and 8% of its total employment in the India tourism industry. In India 2017, over 10 million \nforeign tourists arrived and that represented a growth of 15.6%. In the 2014 -2015, Tamil Nadu, \nMaharashtra , Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Agra, Jaipur is the most visited cities in \nIndia that visited by foreign tourists.  \n \nFig 2: Table of Foreign Tourist Arrives in India  \n2.2 Existing System : \nIn the present system, a customer has to approach various agencies to find details of places and \nto book tickets. This often requires a lot of time and effort. A customer may not get the desired \ninformation from these offices and often the customer may be misguided. It is tedious for a \ncustomer to plan a particular journey and have it executed properly.  \n➢ All work consider manually.  \n➢ In Manual Booking System Customer has to go to the Travelling office.  \n➢ Ask enquiry for Travelling then Book ticket Finally Paid Payment & Collect Receipt.  \n➢ Difficult To Maintain th e Customer Details of Package and Payment Receipt in Register.  \n➢ They Register Tour Package in the notebook.",
  "7 \n ➢ Add advertisement in Local newspaper or Local Market.  \n➢ Use Travelling Facility For the Limited Area or Person . \n2.3 Proposed System:  \nThe proposed syste m is a web based application and maintains a centralized repository of all \nrelated information. The system allows one to easily access the relevant information and make \nnecessary travel arrangements. Users can decide about the places where they want to vis it and \nmake bookings online for travel and accommodation.  \nThe propose system is highly automated and makes the travelling activities much easier and \nflexible. The user can get the very right information at the very right time. Customers can get the \nknowledge of the hotels and vehicles they are going to use in their trip prior to their starting of \ntrip. This will the travel company as well.  \nReports of Travel Website: - \n➢ It generates the report on Travel, Tour, and Customer.  \n➢ Provide filter reports on Agent, Hotel, and Facility.  \n➢ You can easily export PDF for the Travel, Customer, and Hotel.  \n➢ Application also provides excel export for Tour, Agent, Facility . \n➢ You can also export the report into csv format for Travel, Tour, and Faci lity. \n2.4 Modules Description:  \nThere are four modules in this website:  \n1. Login  module:  \n➢ Login module  can manage the user and receive package from traveler & package \nmanagement.  \n➢ This module provides administrator related functionality. Administrator manages \nall information and has access rights to add, delete, edit and view the data related \nto pla ces, travels, routes, bookings , etc.",
  "8 \n  \nFig 3: Flow chart of Login Module  \n2. Travels Module:  \n➢ This module provides the details of various travel agencies. A user can select the \nappropriate agency depending on convenience and accessibility . \n3. Customer:  \n➢ Customer can view package and booking.  \n➢ This module helps to customer.  \n4. Visitor:  \n➢ Visitor view site and give feedback.  \n➢ View site.  \n Overall Descri ption : \nTours & Travels Management System Transport solution to the different companies situated \nlocally in the many districts and it organizes tours to various part of the particular areas. Earlier \nall the processes were done manually. The manual process is done by maintaining the details of \nthe tours, employees and their customers . \nEmployee Details:  \nDetails of the employees of the system is maintained in the database. It includes details of both \nthe moving staff (driver) and the non -moving staff ( clerk). Details related to the salary of the",
  "9 \n employees are  maintained. Salary of the clerk and the manager is calculated on the basis of \nmonthly attendance and the salary of the driver is calculated on the basis of the trips made by the \ndrivers. Salary of the employees is  deducted on the basis of absence made by the employee. \nDetails of no. of days the employee remained absent in a month is also maintained . \nTour Details:  \nDetails of different types of tours which include  tours like family tours, couple tours , general \ntours, date and time of departure and the fair of the tours etc are maintained. As the customer ask \nfor the details of a particular tour, the clerk gives the details of the related place where he/she \nwants to go and the date and time of the tour,  no. of seats available of that particular tour, fair of \nthe tour, details of discount on a particular tour package if any. Clark also guides the customer by \ngiving the details of the forthcoming tours with the probable date and time. Details of types of \nbus like 3x2 or 2x2 for the tours. Details of total no. of days of the tour and the places to visit \nduring the tour are  also maintained. Details of the pick -up facilities and the drop facilities are \nalso maintained if any . \nFeatures  of the project Travel Web site:- \n➢ Product and Component based . \n➢ Creating & Changing Issues at ease . \n➢ Query Issue List to any depth . \n➢ Reporting & charting  in more comprehensive way . \n➢ User Accounts to control the access and maintain security . \n➢ Simple Status & Resolutions . \n➢ Multi -level Priorities & Severities.  \n➢ Targets & Milestones for guiding the programmers . \n➢ Attachments & Additional  Comments for more information.  \n➢ Robust database back -end. \n➢ Various level of reports available with a lot of filter criteria's . \n➢ It contain better s torage capacity.  \n➢ Accuracy in work.  \n➢ Easy & fast retrieval of information.",
  "10 \n ➢ Well -designed  reports.  \n➢ Decrease the load of the person involve in existing manual system.  \n➢ Access of any information individually.  \n➢ Work becomes very speedy.  \n➢ Easy to update information . \n2.6 System Life Cycle:  \nSystem life cycle is an organizational process of developing and maintaining systems. It helps in \nestablishing a system project plan, because it gives overall list of processes and sub -processes \nrequired developing a system. System development life cycle m eans combination of various \nactivities. In other words we can say that various activities put together are referred as system \ndevelopment life cycle. In the System Analysis and Design terminology, the system development \nlife cycle means software developmen t life cycle.  \nFollowing are the different phases of software development cycle:  \n• System study:  \nSystem study is the first stage of system development life cycle. This gives a clear picture \nof what actually the p hysical system. System development life cycle means combination \nof various activities  The system study is done in two phases. In the first phase, the \npreliminary survey of the system is done which helps in identifying the scope of the \nsystem. The second phase of the system study is more detailed and i n-depth study in \nwhich the identification of user’s requirement and the limitations and problems of the \npresent system are studied. After completing the system study, a system proposal is \nprepared by the System Analyst (who studies the system) and placed b efore the user. The \nproposed system contains the findings of the present system and recommendations to \novercome the limitations and problems of the present system in the light of the user’s \nrequirements. To describe the system study phase more analytically , we would say that \nsystem study phase passes through the following steps:  \n✓ Problem identification and project initiation.  \n✓ Background analysis.  \n✓ Inference or findings.",
  "11 \n • Feasibility study:  \nOn the basis of result of the initial study, feasibility study takes place. The feasibility \nstudy is basically the test of the proposed system in the light of its workability, meeting \nuser’s requirements, effective use of resources and .of course, the cost  effectiveness. \nFeasibility Study is  primarily conducted to provide honest and reliable information to the \nclient to help them decide whether to develop their proposed Hotel / Resort project . It \nallows a venture to address how it will operate . The main goal of feasibility study is not \nto solve the problem but to achieve the scope. In the process of feasibility study, the cost \nand benefits are estimated with greater accuracy.  \n• System analysis:  \nAssuming that a new system is to be developed, the next phase i s system analysis. \nAnalysis involved a detailed study of the current system, leading to specifications of a \nnew system. Analysis is a detailed study of various operations performed by a system and \ntheir relationships within and outside the system. During a nalysis, data are collected on \nthe available files, decision points and transactions handled by the present system. \nInterviews, on -site observation and questionnaire are the tools used for system analysis. \nUsing the following steps it becomes easy to draw the exact boundary of the new system \nunder consideration:  \n✓ Keeping in view the problems and new requirements.  \n✓ Workout the pros and cons including new areas of the system.  \nThe main points to be discussed in system analysis are:  \n✓ Specification of what the new  system is to accomplish ba sed on the user \nrequirements.  \n✓ Functional hierarchy showing the functions to be performed by the new system \nand their relationship with each other.  \n✓ Function network which are similar to function hierarchy but they highlight those  \nfunctions which are common to more than one procedure.  \n✓ List of attributes of the entities - these are the data items which need to be held \nabout each entity (record) . \n✓ Keeping in view the problems and new requirements.",
  "12 \n • System design : \nBased on the user requirements and the detailed analysis of a new system, the new system \nmust be designed. This is the phase of system designing. It is a most crucial phase in the \ndevelopment of a system. Normally, the design proceeds in two stages:  \n✓ Preliminary or general design:  In the preliminary or general design, the \nfeatures of the new system are specified. The costs of implementing these features \nand the benefits to be derived are estimated. If the project is still considered to be \nfeasible, we move to the det ailed design stage.  \n✓ Structure or detailed design:  In the detailed design stage, computer \noriented work begins in earnest. At this stage, the design of the system becomes \nmore structured. Structure design is a blue print of a computer system solution to \na given problem having the same components and inter -relationship among the \nsame comp onents as the original problem. In the design stage, theprogramming \nlanguage and the platform in which the new system will run are also decided.  \nThere are seve ral tools and techniques used for designing. These tools and techniques are:  \n▪ Flowchart.  \n▪ Data flow diagram (DFDs)  \n▪ Decision table.  \n▪ Decision tree.  \n• Coding : A webpage can contain text, images, videos, animations, and other multimedia \nelements. After designing the new system, the whole system is required to be converted \ninto computer understanding language. Coding the new system into computer \nprogramming language does this. It is an important stage where the defined procedure is  \ntransformed into control specific ations by the help of a computer language. This is also \ncalled the programming phase in which the programmer converts the program \nspecifications into computer instructions, which we refer as programs. The programs \ncoordinate the data movements and control the entire process in a system. It is generally \nfelt that the programs must be modular in nature. This helps in fast development, \nmaintenance and future change, if required .",
  "13 \n • Testing : Before actually implementing the new system into operations, a test run of the \nsystem is done removing all the bugs, if any. It is an important phase of a successful \nsystem. After codifying the whole programs of the system, a test plan should be \ndeveloped and run on a given set of test data. The output of the test run shou ld match the \nexpected results.  \n• Implementation : After having the user acceptance of the new system developed, the \nimplementation phase begins. Implementation is the stage of a project during which \ntheory is turned into practice. During this phase, all the p rograms of the system are \nloaded onto the user's computer. After loading the system, training of the users starts.   \nMain topic s of such type of training are:  \n✓ How to execute the website.  \n✓ How to enter the data . \n✓  How to process the data (processing details) . \n✓  How to take out the reports . \n• Maintenance : Maintenance is necessary to eliminate errors in the system during its \nworking life and to tune the system to any variations in its working environment. It has \nbeen se en that there are always some errors found in the system that must be noted and \ncorrected. It also means the review of the system from time to time.  \nThe review of the system is done for:  \n✓ Knowing the full capabilities of the system.  \n✓ Knowing the required changes or the additional requirements.  \n✓ Studying the performance.  \nWaterfall Model:  \nThe waterfall model is a popular version of the system development life cycle model for \nsoftware engineering. Often considered the classic approach to the systems development life \ncycle, the waterfall model describes a development method that is linear and sequential. \nWaterfall development has distinct goals for each phase of development. Imagine a waterfall on \nthe cliff of a steep mountain . Once the water h as flowed over the edge of the cliff and has begun \nits journey down the side of the mountain, it cannot turn back. It is the same with waterfall",
  "14 \n development. Once a phase of development is completed, the development proceeds to the next \nphase and there is no turning back.  \nThe advantage of waterfall development is that it allows for departmentalization and managerial \ncontrol. A schedule can be set with deadlines for each stage of development and a product can \nproceed through the development process like a c ar in a carwash, and theoretically, be delivered \non time. Development moves from concept, through design, implementation, testing, installation, \ntroubleshooting, and ends up at operation and maintenance. Each phase of development proceeds \nin strict order, without any overlapping or iterative steps.  \nThe disadvantage of waterfall development is that it does not allow for much reflection or \nrevision. Once an application is in the testing stage, it is very difficult to go back and change \nsomething that was not  well-thought out in the concept stage.  \n \nFig 4: Waterfall Model",
  "15 \n METHODOLOGY  \n3.1 Analysis:  \nA tour and travel project typically involves designing, developing, and managing a platform or \nservice that caters to the needs of travelers, offering various tour packages, itinerary planning, \nbooking management, and other related services. Here is an analysis of the key aspects involved \nin such a project:  \n1. Market Analysis:  Understanding the target market is crucial for a tour and travel \nproject. Identif y the demographics, preferences, and travel trends of your potential \ncustomers. Consider factors like age groups, travel destinations, budget segments, and \ntravel styles (e.g., adventure, luxury, family -friendly).  \n2. Competition:  Analyze the existing tour and  travel companies or platforms in the \nmarket. Assess their strengths, weaknesses, pricing models, customer reviews, and \nunique selling propositions (USPs). This analysis will help you identify opportunities for \ndifferentiation and improvement . \n3. Platform Dev elopment:  Building a robust and user -friendly platform is essential. \nConsider the features and functionalities required, such as tour package listings, detailed \nitineraries, booking systems, secure payment gateways, customer reviews, and ratings. \nEnsure th e platform is responsive, accessible across devices, and integrates well with \nother systems (e.g., CRM, analytics).  \n4. User Experience:  Focus on providing a seamless and enjoyable user experience. \nDesign an intuitive interface, with clear navigation, attracti ve visuals, and informative \ncontent. Implement search and filtering options to help users find suitable tour packages. \nPersonalization features, such as recommended destinations based on user preferences, \ncan also enhance the experience.  \n5. Booking and Paymen t: Implement a secure and efficient booking system. Ensure \nusers can easily select and customize tour packages, view availability, and make \nreservations. Offer multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards, online wallets,",
  "16 \n and bank transfers. Inte gration with popular payment gateways will enhance customer \ntrust and convenience.  \n6. Customer Support:  Provide excellent customer support throughout the entire travel \nprocess. Offer multiple communication channels, such as live chat, email, and phone \nsupport , to address customer queries and concerns. Promptly resolve issues related to \nbookings, cancellations, refunds, and any on -ground assistance required during the travel.  \n7. Marketing and Promotion:  Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to attract \ncustomers. Utilize various channels like social media, search engine optimization (SEO), \ncontent marketing, paid advertising, and collaborations with influencers or travel \nbloggers. Leverage customer testimonials and reviews to build credibility.  \n8. Data Analysis and Insights:  Implement analytics tools to track user behavior, \nbookings, popular destinations, and other relevant metrics. Analyze the data to gain \ninsights into customer preferences, market trends, and areas for improvement. Utilize this \ninforma tion to refine your offerings, optimize pricing, and tailor marketing campaigns.  \n9. Continuous Improvement:  Regularly update and improve your platform and \nservices based on customer feedback and market trends. Stay updated with emerging \ntechnologies and indus try practices. Offer innovative features or packages to stay ahead \nof the competition and provide unique experiences to your customers.  \n3.2 Design:  \n1. Our whole system was designed based on user requirements analysis. It is one of the most \ncritical phases of a development project.  \n2. We build a login page because in our system there is an authentication for the user.  \n3. We have three types of users, Admin, User, and Guest. Admin and registered users can \nuse all features but Guests can view only.  \n4. Registered users can  book an ambulance and place an order for medicine after logged in. \nthey can also update their profile.  \n5. Guest can view selected sections and also can create a new profile.  \n6. In the past, web development consisted the people who worked with Photoshop and tho se \nwho could code HTML and CSS. But now they also used JavaScript.",
  "17 \n Front -end Design:  Basically, the front -end design represents the UI. On other hand it also \nthe combination of the web design part and the web development part. To make this visible we \nused HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP . We always tried to keep it more flexible, scalable, and \nextensible. We also tried to maintain its robustness.  \nBack -end Design : The back end of a website includes three primary components:  server, \napplication, and databa se. The server is the computer or system that receives and sends data, the \napplication processes requests and responses, and the database organizes and secures data . \nDatabase Design:  A database includes bulk information deposited in a framework, making it \neasier to locate and explore relevant details. A well -designed database contains accurate and up -\nto-date information for analysis and reporting. We cannot stress enough  the importance of a \ndatabase for a company dealing with heaps of data regular ly. The database design can play a \ncrucial role in efficiently executing queries and ensuring information consistency.  \n3.3 Coding:  \nIntroduction to HTML:  \nHTML  stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to design web pages using a \nmarkup language. HTML is a combination of Hypertext and Markup language. Hypertext \ndefines the link between web pages. A markup language is used to define the text document \nwithin the tag which defines the structure of web pages. This language is used to annotate  \n(make notes for the computer) text so that a machine can understand it and manipulate text \naccordingly. Most markup languages (e.g. HTML) are human -readable. The language uses tags \nto define what manipulation has to be done on the text .  \n \nFig 5 : Different Version of HTML",
  "18 \n Features of HTML:  \n▪ User Friendly & Simple.  \n▪ Semantic Structure.  \n▪ SEO – Search Engine Optimization.  \n▪  Offline Capabilities (PWA) with Cache API & Service Workers.  \n▪ Canvas for Game Development.  \n▪ Platform Independent.  \n▪ Media Support.  \nIntroduction to CSS:  \nCascading  Style Sheets, fondly referred to as  CSS, is a simply designed language intended to \nsimplify the process of making web pages presentable. CSS allows you to apply styles to web \npages. More importantly, CSS enables you to do this independently of the HTML that makes \nup each web page. It describes how a webpage should look: it prescribes colors, fonts, spacing, \nand much more. In short, you can make your website look however you want. CSS lets \ndevelopers and de signers define how it behaves, including how elements are positioned in the \nbrowser.  \n• While HTML uses tags, CSS uses rule sets. CSS is easy to learn and understand, but it \nprovides powerful control over the presentation of an HTML document . CSS describes ho w \nHTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media.  \n \n \nFig 6: Different Version Of CSS",
  "19 \n Features of CSS:  \n▪ Opportunity in Web designing:  If anyone wants to begin a career in web designing  \nprofessionally, it is essential to have knowledge of CSS and HTML.  \n▪ Website Design:  With the use of CSS, we can control various styles, such as the text \ncolor, the font style, the spacing among paragraphs, column size and layout, background \ncolor and images, design of the layout, display variatio ns for distinct screens and device \nsizes, and many other effects as well.  \n▪ Web Control:  CSS has controlling power on the documents of HTML, so it is easy to \nlearn. It is integrated with the HTML and the XHTML markup languages.  \n▪ Other Languages:  Once we have knowledge of some basics of CSS and HTML, other \nassociated technologies like Angular, PHP, and JavaScript are become clearer to \nunderstand.  \nIntroduction to JavaScript:  \nJavaScript (js) is a light -weight object -oriented programming language which is used by several \nwebsites for scripting the WebPages. It is an interpreted, full -fledged programming language that \nenables dynamic interactivity on websites when applied to an HTML document. JavaScript is not \na compiled language, but it is a translated language.  The JavaScript Translator (embedded in the \nbrowser) is responsible for translating the JavaScript code for the web browser.  It was introduced \nin the year 1995 for adding programs to the WebPages in the Netscape Navigator browser. Since \nthen, it has been a dopted by all other graphical web browsers. With JavaScript, users can build \nmodern web applications to interact directly without reloading the page every time. The \ntraditional website uses js to provide several forms of interactivity and simplicity.  \n Feat ures of JavaScript:  \n▪ Javascript executes the client -side script in the browser.  \n▪ The browser interprets JavaScript code.  \n▪ Events are actions. Javascript provides event -handling options.  \n▪ As Javascript is not a compiled language, source code never changes to byte code before \nrunning time. Low -end devices can also run Javascript because of its lightweight feature .",
  "20 \n Introduction  to PHP:  \nThe term PHP is an acronym  for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor . PHP is a server -side scripting  \nlanguage  designed  specifically  for web development.  It is open -source  which  means  it is free to \ndownload  and use. It is very simple  to learn  and use. The files have  the extension  “.php”.   \nRasmusLerdorf  inspired  the first version  of PHP and participated  in the later versions . It is an \ninterpreted  language  and it does not require  a compiler.   \n• PHP code  is executed  in the server.  \n• It can be integrated  with many  databases  such as Oracle,  Microsoft  SQL  Server,  MySQL,  \nPostgreSQL,  Sybase,  and Informix.  \n• It is powerful  to hold a conten t management  system  like WordPress  and can be used to \ncontrol  user access.  \n• It supports  main  protocols  like HTTP  Basic,  HTTP  Digest,  IMAP,  FTP,  and others.  \n• Websites  like www.facebook.com  and www.yahoo.com  are also built on PHP.  \n• One of the main  reasons  behind  this is that PHP can be easily  embedded  in HTML  files \nand HTML  codes  can also be written  in a PHP file. \n• The thing  that differentiates  PHP from  the client -side language  like HTML  is, that PHP \ncodes  are executed  on the server  and the result  is returned  to the browser.  \nThe only information  that the client  or browser  knows  is the result  returned  after executing  the \nPHP script  on the server  and not the actual  PHP codes  present  in the PHP file. Also,  PHP files \ncan support  other  client -side scripting  languages  like CSS and JavaScript.  \nFeatures  of PHP:  \n▪ PHP script is executed much faster than those scripts which are written in other languages \nsuch as JSP and ASP. PHP uses its own memory, so the server workload and loading \ntime is au tomatically reduced, which results in faster processing speed and better \nperformance . \n▪ PHP source code and software are freely available on the web. You can develop all the \nversions of PHP according to your requirement without paying any cost. All its \ncompo nents are free to download and use.",
  "21 \n Introduction  to MySQL:  \nThe database has become an integral part of almost every human's life. Without it, many things \nwe do would become very tedious, perhaps impossible tasks. Banks, universities, and libraries \nare three examples of organizations that depend heavily on some sort of database system. On the \nInternet, search engines, online shopping, and even the website naming convention would be \nimpossible without the use of a database. One of the fastest SQL (Structu red Query Language) \ndatabase servers currently on the market is the MySQL server, developed by T.c.X. \nDataKonsultAB. MySQL, available for download at www.mysql.com, offers the database \nprogrammer with an array of options and capabilities rarely seen in oth er database servers. \nMySQL is free of charge for those wishing to use it for private and commercial use. Those \nwishing to develop applications specifically using MySQL should consult MySQL's licensing \nsection, as there is charge for licensing the product.  \nFeatures of MySQL:  \n▪ MySQL is considered easy to use among RDBMS. It works with basic SQL and, given \nits maturity and adoption, there is abundant documentation available.  \n▪ MySQL ia scalable, reliable, open source and secure.  \n \n \nFig 7: Architecture of MySQL",
  "22 \n 3.4 Testing:  \nTesting is the process of evaluating a system or its component(s) with the intent to find whether \nit satisfies the specified requirements or not. In simple words, testing is executing a system in \norder to identify any gaps, errors, or mi ssing requirements in contrary to the actual requirements.  \nThe different phases of a test life cycle are Test Planning and Control, Test Analysis and Design, \nTest Implementation and Execution, Evaluating Exit Criteria and Reporting, and Test Closure.  \nTesting is the major control measure used during software development. Its basic function is to \ndetect errors in the software. During requirement analysis and design, the output is a document \nthat is usually textual and no executable. After the co ding phase. Computer programs are \navailable that can be executed for testing purpose. This implies that testing not has to uncover \nerrors introduced during coding, but also errors introduced during previous phase. Thus, the goal \nof testing is to uncover th e requirements, design and coding errors in the programs.  \nThese are the steps to test Tour and Travel website:  \n❖ Customer Registration : \nStep1. Start.  \nStep2. Enter to the Site’s Home Page.  \nStep3. Click On the “New Registration” Link.  \nStep4. Fill Up the Regist ration Form in the Site.  \nStep5. Set User Name and Password.  \nStep6. Stop.  \n❖ Tour Packages:  \nStep1. Start.  \nStep2. Enter to the Site’s Home Page.  \nStep3. Click On the “Package” Link.  \nStep4. Select Category Package.  \nStep5. View Details.  \nStep6. Stop.  \nNow let’s look how the website looks like when all programs are  correct.",
  "23 \n First page will be open when we execute the code:  \nFig 8: Home Page of Website  \nTesting  of the Database:  \nDatabase  creating  using  MySQL:  \n \nFig 9: Creation  of Database",
  "24 \n Input Data and Validation of Project on Travel Website: - \n➢ All the fields such as Travel, Agent, and Facility are validated and does not take invalid \nvalues.  \n➢ Each form for Travel, Tour, and Customer cannot accept blank value fields.  \n➢ Avoiding errors in data.  \n➢ Controlling amo unt of input.  \n➢ Integration of all the modules/forms in the system.  \n➢ Preparation of the possible test data with all the validation checks.  \n➢ Actual testing done manually.  \n➢ Recording of all the reproduced errors.  \n➢ Modifications done for the errors found during tes ting. \n➢ Prepared the test result scripts after rectification of the errors.  \n➢ Functionality of the entire module/forms.  \n➢ Validations for user input.  \n➢ Checking of the Coding standards to be maintained during coding.  \n➢ Testing the module with all the possible test data.  \n➢ Testing of the functionality involving all type of calculations etc.  \n➢ Commenting standard in the source files.  \n3.5 Implementation : \nImplementing a tour and travel website involves several steps and considerations. Here's a high -\nlevel overview of the implementation process:  \n1. Planning and Requirement Gathering : Define the objectives, scope, and target \naudience for your web site. Gather requirements by understanding the needs of your users, \nsuch as tour booking, destination information, and payment options. Create a plan that \noutlines the features, functionalities, and design elements you want to incorporate.  \n2. Design and User Interface:  Create a visually appealing and user -friendly design for \nyour website. Consider the branding, color scheme, and layout that aligns with your",
  "25 \n business identity. Develop a responsive design that adapts well to different screen sizes \nand devices.  \n3. Front-End Development:  Implement the user interface and design using front -end \ntechnologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Focus on creating intuitive navigation, \ninteractive elements, and smooth transitions. Ensure compatibility across va rious web \nbrowsers and devices.  \n4. Back -End Development : Set up the server -side infrastructure to handle the logic and \nfunctionality of your website. Choose a suitable back -end programming language (e.g., \nPython, PHP, Node.js) and a web  framework to build the server -side components. \nDevelop the necessary APIs and database architecture to manage user data, bookings, and \ncontent management.  \n5. Tour and Destination Management : Implement a content management system (CMS) \nto manage your tours, destinations, and other related co ntent. Create an administrative \ninterface to add, edit, and update tour packages, pricing, descrip tions, images, and \navailability.  \n6. User Authentication and Account Management : Implement user authentication and \naccount management functionality. Allow users t o create accounts, login, and manage \ntheir profile information. This will enable features like booking history, saved \npreferences, and personalized recommen dations.  \n7. Testing and Quality Assurance : Thoroughly test your website's functionality, usability, \ncompatibility, security, and performance. Conduct different types of testing, including \nfunctional testing, compatibility testing, usability testing, and security testing. Address \nany bugs or i ssues discovered during testing.  \n8. Deployment and Maintance : Once te sting is complete, deploy your website to a \nproduction environment. Ensure that the hosting infrastructure is robust, secure, and \nscalable. Regularly maintain and update your website, fixing bugs, adding new features, \nand keeping the content up -to-date.",
  "26 \n Screen  Shots of Tour and Travel Website:  \n➢ Home Page:  \n \nFig 10 : Home Page of Website  \n➢ About Us Page:  \nFig 11 : About Us Page of Website",
  "27 \n ➢ Popular  Destination  in Himachal:  \n \nFig 12: Popular  Destination  in Himachal  Pradesh  \n➢ Explore  Top Destination : \nFig 13: Explore  Top Destination",
  "28 \n ➢ Tour  Packages:  \nAmritsar  Package:  \n \nFig 14: Amritsar  Package . \nChar  Dham  Package:  \n \nFig 15: Char  Dham  Package",
  "29 \n Delhi  Package:  \n \nFig 16: Delhi  Package  \n➢ Contact Us Page:  \n \nFig 17: Contact  Us Page",
  "30 \n ➢ Storing  data  in Database:  \n \n \nFig18:Data  store  in Database  using  form",
  "31 \n CONCLUSION  \n4.1 Conclusion : \nDay by day travel is known as a global trade which is extremely increasing at a great flow like \nother trade. There are many various activities are occurring in tour functions. Our ‘Tour and \nTravel website’ is a web -based application that benefits in the online order of travel packages, \nhotels, transfers, etc. The ‘Tour and Travel website’ can be completely modified with the \ncoordination of various APIs. It has a well-disposed climate that interfaces with clients readily. \nAt long last, we can say that this Web Based Application will help the travel administrators to \nmanage and control tour -related initiates successfully and productively. It provides an easy route \nto automate all the functionalities of expense. If this system is executed in a few tuberculosis, it \nwill be effective. It is presumed that the application functions admirably and fulfills the \nrequirements. It additionally goes about as the sharing of docum ents too significant assets. Along \nthese lines, we built up our application popularity of the upcoming scene.  \n4.2 Significance : \n❖ Impact on Society:  Nowadays everything around us is upgrading. Day by day the use of \ntechnology is increasing rapidly. People want to handle their problems and work with the \nhelp of technology. This web application will help peoples, to get information about \nplaces, hotels, bus services, feedback from others, and save their valuable time and make \nan important impact on society. People's lives will be easier.  \n❖ Impact on Environment : The impact of this project on the environment will be good \nbecause this project will reduce the  use of paper. Normally, we use paper to write down \ninformation. Through this application, we can store information in the database and \npeople get information through smart devices. As a result pressure on paper will reduce. \nWe know that paper made from tr ees. If the use of paper will be decreased then the \ndeforestation rate will below.  \n❖ Ethical Aspects : In old days people use pen and paper to write down information. With \nthe help of modern technology information collecting system is updating day by day. Th e \noutcome of this project, people get information in an efficient and technological way.",
  "32 \n 4.3 Summary : \nA tour and travel website is an online platform that provides information, booking services, and \nresources for travelers to plan and organize their trips.  It serves as a virtual hub where users can \naccess a wide range of travel -related content and services. Here's a summary of what a tour and \ntravel website typically offers:  \n❖ Destination Information:  Tour and travel websites provide detailed information about \nvarious destinations worldwide. This includes descriptions, photographs, maps, climate \ndetails, attractions, local customs, and popular activities in each location.  \n❖ Travel Packages:  Many tour and  travel websites offer pre -designed travel packages that \ncombine flights, accommodations, and activities for specific destinations. These packages \ncater to different travel styles, such as adventure, luxury, family -friendly, or budget -\nfriendly trips. Users  can choose a package that suits their preferences and book it directly \nthrough the website.  \n❖ Reviews and Recommendations:  Users can access reviews and recommendations from \nfellow travelers who have visited specific destinations, accommodations, or attracti ons. \nThese reviews help users make informed decisions and provide insights into the quality \nand experiences associated with different options.  \n❖ Customer Support:  A reliable tour and travel website typically provides customer \nsupport services to assist users  with their bookings, answer queries, and resolve any \nissues that may arise during the  trip. Support may be available through phone, email, or \nlive chat .",
  "33 \n REFERENCES  \n❖ Google for problem solving:  https://www.google.com/  \n❖ Introduction o f HTML  from: https://www.geeksforgeeks.com/  \n❖ Chart of foreign tourist arrivals in India from: https://www.blinkvisa.com/  \n❖ Introduction of Xampp Server from:  https://www/en.wikipedia.org/  \n❖ Introduction of CSS and JavaScript from: https://www.geeksforgeeks.com/  \n❖ Introduction of PHP from:  https://www.javatpoint.com/  \n❖ Login module Flow chart from:  https: //www.researchgate.net/  \n❖ Theory of Tour and Travel from:  https://www.investopedia.com/  \n❖ Theory of Waterfall model from:  https://www.techtarget.com/",
  "34 \n APPENDICES  \n❖ We can give more advance software for Travel We bsite including more facilities.  \n❖ We will host the platform on online servers to make it accessible worldwide . \n❖ Integrate multiple load balancers to distribute the loads of the system . \n❖ Create the master and slave database structure to reduce the ove rload of the  database \nqueries.  \n❖ Implement the backup mechanism for taking backup of codebase and database on regular \nbasis on different servers . \nThe above mentioned points are the enhancements which can be done to increase the \napplicability and usage of thi s project. Here we can maintain the records of Travel and Tour. \nAlso, as it can be seen that now -a-days the players are versatile, i.e. so there is a scope for \nintroducing a method to maintain the Travel Website. Enhancements can be done to maintain all \nthe Travel, Tour, Agent, Hotel, and Facility . \nWe have left all the options open so that if there is any other future requirement in the system by \nthe user for the enhancement of the system then it is possible to implement them. In the last we \nwould like to t hanks all the persons involved in the development of the system directly or \nindirectly. We hope that the project will serve its purpose for which it is develop there by \nunderlining success of process."