const PRODUCTION = process.mainModule.filename.includes("resources") const path = PRODUCTION ? "resources/app" : "." const remoteMain = require("@electron/remote/main") remoteMain.initialize() const fs = require("fs") const {shell, app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain, Menu} = require("electron") const {spawn} = require("child_process") let pythonProcess if (PRODUCTION) { // pythonProcess = spawn(`${path}/cpython/server.exe`, {stdio: "ignore"}) } else { pythonProcess = spawn("python", [`${path}/`], {stdio: "ignore"}) } let mainWindow let discordClient let discordClientStart = const createWindow = () => { mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 1200, height: 1000, minHeight: 800, minWidth: 1300, frame: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, enableRemoteModule: true, contextIsolation: false }, icon: `${__dirname}/assets/x-icon.png`, // show: false, }) remoteMain.enable(mainWindow.webContents) app.on('browser-window-created', (_, window) => { require("@electron/remote/main").enable(mainWindow.webContents) }) mainWindow.loadFile("index.html") = shell mainWindow.on("ready-to-show", () => { }) mainWindow.on("closed", () => mainWindow = null) } ipcMain.on("resize", (event, arg) => { mainWindow.setSize(arg.width, arg.height) }) ipcMain.on("updatePosition", (event, arg) => { const bounds = mainWindow.getBounds() bounds.x = parseInt(arg.details[0]) bounds.y = parseInt(arg.details[1]) mainWindow.setBounds(bounds) }) ipcMain.on("updateDiscord", (event, arg) => { // Disconnect if turned off if (!Object.keys(arg).includes("details")) { if (discordClient) { try { discordClient.disconnect() } catch (e) {} } discordClient = undefined return } if (!discordClient) { discordClient = require('discord-rich-presence')('885096702648938546') } discordClient.updatePresence({ state: 'Generating AI voice acting', details: arg.details, startTimestamp: discordClientStart, largeImageKey: 'xvasynth_512_512', largeImageText: "xVASynth", smallImageKey: 'xvasynth_512_512', smallImageText: "xVASynth", instance: true, }) }) ipcMain.on("show-context-menu-editor", (event) => { const template = [ { label: 'Copy ARPAbet [v3]', click: () => { event.sender.send('context-menu-command', 'context-copy-editor') } }, ] const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template) menu.popup(BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(event.sender)) }) ipcMain.on("show-context-menu", (event) => { const template = [ { label: 'Copy', click: () => { event.sender.send('context-menu-command', 'context-copy') } }, { label: 'Paste', click: () => { event.sender.send('context-menu-command', 'context-paste') } }, // { type: 'separator' }, ] const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template) menu.popup(BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(event.sender)) }) // This method will be called when Electron has finished // initialization and is ready to create browser windows. // Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs. app.on("ready", createWindow) // Quit when all windows are closed. app.on("window-all-closed", () => { // On OS X it is common for applications and their menu bar // to stay active until the user quits explicitly with Cmd + Q if (process.platform !== "darwin") { app.quit() } }) app.on("activate", () => { // On OS X it"s common to re-create a window in the app when the // dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open. if (mainWindow === null) { createWindow() } })