window.i18n = {} window.i18n.setEnglish = () => { window.i18n.SELECT_GAME = "Select Game" window.i18n.SEARCH_VOICES = "Search voices..." window.i18n.SELECT_VOICE = "Select voice" window.i18n.SELECT_VOICE_TYPE = "Select Voice Type" window.i18n.KEEP_SAMPLE = "Keep Sample" window.i18n.GENERATE = "Generate" window.i18n.GENERATE_VOICE = "Generate Voice" window.i18n.RENAME_THE_FILE = "Rename the file" window.i18n.DELETE_FILE = "Delete file" window.i18n.PITCH_AND_ENERGY = "Pitch+Energy" window.i18n.PITCH = "Pitch" window.i18n.ENERGY = "Energy" window.i18n.EMOTION = "Emotion" window.i18n.DURATIONS = "Durations" window.i18n.MANAGE = "Manage" window.i18n.DEFAULT = "Default" window.i18n.ENABLED = "Enabled" window.i18n.ACTIONS = "Actions" window.i18n.DESCRIPTION = "Description" window.i18n.UNKNOWN = "Unknown" window.i18n.VIEW_IS = "View:" window.i18n.PITCH_IS = "Pitch:" window.i18n.ENERGY_IS = "Energy:" window.i18n.EMOTION_IS_ANGRY = "Emotion: Angry" window.i18n.EMOTION_IS_HAPPY = "Emotion: Happy" window.i18n.EMOTION_IS_SAD = "Emotion: Sad" window.i18n.EMOTION_IS_SURPRISE = "Emotion: Surprise" window.i18n.DURATION_IS = "Duration:" window.i18n.EMOTION_IS = "Emotion:" window.i18n.LENGTH = "Length:" window.i18n.RESET_LETTER = "Reset Letter" window.i18n.AUTO_REGEN = "Auto regenerate" window.i18n.VOCODER = "Vocoder:" window.i18n.BASE_LANGUAGE = "Base Language" window.i18n.BASE_LANGUAGE_IS = "Base Language:" window.i18n.USE_SR = "Use SR" window.i18n.USE_SR_IS = "Use SR:" window.i18n.USE_CLEANUP = "Use Clean-up" window.i18n.USE_CLEANUP_IS = "Use Clean-up:" window.i18n.USE_SR_TITLE = "Super-resolution (Hz) - SLOW ON CPU" window.i18n.USE_SR_HINT = "Super-resolution improves the quality of your audio through Super-resolution of 22050Hz audio into 48000Hz audio. To be able to hear the difference, you need to make sure your ffmpeg settings don't then convert the audio back down to something low like 22050, in the post-processing. Keep the Hz setting to something higher like 48000 or 44100.

Also to note, this is a fairly slow process on the CPU, but it's pretty quick on the GPU, so I'd recommend switching on GPU usage if you have an NVIDIA card.

Hide this notice in the future?" window.i18n.BASE_STYLE_EMB_IS = "Base Style:" window.i18n.STYLE_EMB_IS = "Style:" window.i18n.VARIANT_IS = "Variant:" window.i18n.SEARCH_GAMES = "Search games..." window.i18n.SEARCH_SETTINGS = "Search settings..." window.i18n.SEARCH_N_VOICES = "Search _ voices..." window.i18n.SEARCH_N_GAMES_WITH_N2_VOICES = "Search _1 games with _2 voices..." window.i18n.RESET = "Reset" window.i18n.AMPLIFY = "Amplify" window.i18n.JITTER = "Jitter" window.i18n.FLATTEN = "Flatten" window.i18n.RAISE = "Raise" window.i18n.LOWER = "Lower" window.i18n.PACING = "Pacing" window.i18n.OPEN = "Open" window.i18n.DOWNLOAD = "Download" window.i18n.VRAM_USAGE = "VRAM usage:" window.i18n.SETTINGS = "Settings" window.i18n.SETTINGS_GPU = "Use GPU (requires CUDA)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_AUTOPLAY = "Autoplay generated audio" window.i18n.SETTINGS_DEFAULT_HIFI = "Default to loading the HiFi vocoder on voice change, if available" window.i18n.SETTINGS_KEEP_PACING = "Keep the same pacing value on new text generations" window.i18n.SETTINGS_TOOLTIP = "Show the sliders tooltip" window.i18n.SETTINGS_SHOW_DISCORD = "Show Discord status" window.i18n.SETTINGS_DARKMODE = "Dark mode text prompt" window.i18n.SETTINGS_PROMPTSIZE = "Text prompt font size" window.i18n.SETTINGS_BG_FADE = "Background image fade opacity" window.i18n.SETTINGS_AUTORELOADVOICES = "Auto-reload voices on files changes" window.i18n.SETTINGS_KEEPEDITORSTATE = "Keep editor state on voice change" window.i18n.SETTINGS_PITCHRANGEOVERRIDE = "Pitch range over-ride" window.i18n.SETTINGS_OUTPUTJSON = "Output .json (needed for editing)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_SEQNUMBERING = "Use sequential numbering for file names" window.i18n.SETTINGS_SPACEPADDING = "Automatically pad text sequence with spaces (better quality, usually)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_BASE_SPEAKER = "Base app output device" window.i18n.SETTINGS_ALT_SPEAKER = "Alternate output device (ctrl+click play)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_EXTERNALEDIT = "External program for editing audio" window.i18n.SETTINGS_FFMPEG = "Use ffmpeg post-processing" window.i18n.SETTINGS_FFMPEG_FORMAT = "Audio format (wav, mp3, etc)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_FFMPEG_HZ = "Audio sample rate (Hz)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_FFMPEG_PADSTART = "Silence padding start (ms)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_FFMPEG_PADEND = "Silence padding end (ms)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_FFMPEG_PITCHMULT = "Pitch multiplier" window.i18n.SETTINGS_FFMPEG_TEMPO = "Tempo" window.i18n.SETTINGS_FFMPEG_DEESSING = "De-essing" window.i18n.SETTINGS_FFMPEG_BITDEPTH = "Audio bit depth" window.i18n.SETTINGS_FFMPEG_NR = "Noise Reduction (db)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_FFMPEG_NF = "Noise Floor (db)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_FFMPEG_AMPLITUDE = "Amplitude multiplier" window.i18n.SETTINGS_BATCH_JSON = "Output .json editor data for batch lines" // window.i18n.SETTINGS_BATCH_FASTMODE = "Use fast mode for Batch synth (start next batch in parallel to current batch outputting via ffmpeg)" // window.i18n.SETTINGS_BATCH_FASTMODE_MAX_PARALLELIZATIONS = "Maximum parallelizations of lines for Fast mode (lower this if running out of RAM)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_BATCH_USEMULTIP = "Use multi-processing for batch mode ffmpeg output" window.i18n.SETTINGS_BATCH_MULTIPCOUNT = "Number of processes (0 for cpu threads count -1)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_MICROPHONE = "Microphone" // window.i18n.SETTINGS_S2S_VOICE = "Speech-to-Speech voice" window.i18n.SETTINGS_AUTOGENERATEVOICE = "Automatically generate voice" window.i18n.SETTINGS_S2S_PREADJUST_PITCH = "Pre-adjust the input audio average pitch to match the xVASpeech model voice's" window.i18n.SETTINGS_S2S_BGNOISE = "Remove background noise from microphone. You need to record a background noise clip first. (requires sox >= v14.4.2) " window.i18n.SETTINGS_S2S_RECNOISE = "Record noise" window.i18n.SETTINGS_S2S_BGNOISE_STRENGTH = "Noise removal strength (0.2-0.3 recommended)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_VC_STRENGTH = "Voice Conversion strength (1-2 recommended)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_MODELS_PATH = "models path" window.i18n.SETTINGS_OUTPUT_PATH = "output path" window.i18n.SETTINGS_RESET_SETTINGS = "Reset Settings" window.i18n.SETTINGS_RESET_PATHS = "Reset Paths" window.i18n.RESET_WHAT_PROMPT = "What would you like to reset?" window.i18n.RESET_WHAT_TIP = "Shift+click the Reset button to reset all 3." window.i18n.BATCH_METADATA_CONFIRM = "Please confirm the voice details" window.i18n.BATCH_METADATA_TIP = "Select the voice in the main app, to pre-fill these" window.i18n.SAVE_TO_CSV = "Save to CSV" window.i18n.UPDATES_VERSION = "This app version: 1.0.0" window.i18n.THIS_APP_VERSION = "This app version" window.i18n.CHECK_FOR_UPDATES = "Check for updates now" window.i18n.CANT_REACH_SERVER = "Can't reach server" window.i18n.CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES = "Checking for updates..." window.i18n.UPDATE_AVAILABLE = "Update available" window.i18n.UPTODATE = "Up-to-date." window.i18n.UPDATES_LOG = "Updates log:" window.i18n.UPDATES_CHECK = "Check for updates now" window.i18n.AVAILABLE = "Available" window.i18n.PLUGINS = "Plugins" window.i18n.PLUGINS_TRUSTED = "Download plugins only from trusted sources" window.i18n.PLUGINSH_ENABLED = "Enabled" window.i18n.PLUGINSH_ORDER = "Order" window.i18n.PLUGINSH_NAME = "Plugin Name" window.i18n.PLUGINSH_AUTHOR = "Author" window.i18n.PLUGINSH_VERSION = "Plugin Version" window.i18n.PLUGINSH_TYPE = "Type" window.i18n.PLUGINSH_MINV = "Min App Version" window.i18n.PLUGINSH_MAXV = "Max App Version" window.i18n.PLUGINSH_DESCRIPTION = "Description" window.i18n.PLUGINSH_PLUGINID = "Plugin Id" window.i18n.PLUGINS_MOVEUP = "Move Up" window.i18n.PLUGINS_MOVEDOWN = "Move Down" window.i18n.PLUGINS_APPLY = "Apply" window.i18n.APP_INFO = "App info" window.i18n.APP_INFO_INSTR_1 = "For instructions on how to use the app, please watch" window.i18n.APP_INFO_INSTR_2 = "this short video" window.i18n.APP_INFO_INSTR_3 = "showcase on YouTube." window.i18n.APP_INFO_INSTR_4 = "You can also view and/or contribute to the community guide on GitHub " window.i18n.APP_INFO_INSTR_5 = "here" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_REFERENCE = "Keyboard shortcuts reference" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_ENTER = "Enter" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_ENTER_DO = "Generate the audio" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_ESCAPE = "Escape" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_ESCAPE_DO = "Close modals and menus" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_SPACE = "Space" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_SPACE_DO = "Bring focus to the input textarea" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRLS = "Ctrl+S" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRLS_DO = "Keep sample" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRLSHIFTS = "Ctrl+Shift-S" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRLSHIFTS_DO = "Keep sample (but with naming prompt)" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_YN = "Y/N" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_YN_DO = "Yes/No options in prompt modals" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_LR = "Left/Right arrows" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_LR_DO = "Move left/right along which letter is focused" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_SHIFT_LR = "Shift-Left/Right arrows" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_SHIFT_LR_DO = "Create multi-letter selection range" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_ALT_CTRL_LR = "Alt-Ctrl-Left/Right arrows" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_ALT_CTRL_LR_DO = "Adjust width of letter selection" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_UD = "Up/Down arrows" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_UD_DO = "Move pitch up/down for the letter(s) selected" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRL_LR = "Ctrl+Left/Right arrows" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRL_LR_DO = "Move the sequence-wide pacing slider" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRL_UD = "Ctrl+Up/Down arrows" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRL_UD_DO = "Pitch increase/decrease buttons" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRLSHIFTUD = "Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down arrows" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRLSHIFTUD_DO = "Pitch amplify/flatten buttons" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRLENTER = "Ctrl+Enter" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRLENTER_DO = "Manually re-generate a line" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRLA = "Ctrl+A" window.i18n.KEYBOARD_CTRLA_DO = "Select all editor sequence letters" window.i18n.SUPPORT = "Support" window.i18n.SUPPORT_LINK = "You can support 'xVASynth' development on patreon" window.i18n.SUPPORT_THANKS = "Special thanks to all xVASynth supporters:" window.i18n.SUPPORT_GAMES = "Search games..." window.i18n.EULA_ACCEPT = "I accept the EULA" window.i18n.EULA_CLOSE = "Close" window.i18n.BATCH_SYNTHESIS = "Batch Synthesis" window.i18n.BATCH_SIZE = "Batch Size" window.i18n.BATCH_INSTR1 = `Place the .csv batch file(s) into the box below. The mandatory columns are "game_id", "voice_id", and "text", but you can also specify output filename/filepath under "out_path", pacing under "pacing", and vocoder under "vocoder" (Available options: 'hifi', 'quickanddirty', 'waveglow', 'waveglowBIG'). Click the "Generate sample" button to generate an example .csv file if you need one. Watch` window.i18n.BATCH_INSTR2 = "this short video" window.i18n.BATCH_INSTR3 = "for a demo and more instructions." window.i18n.BATCH_GEN_SAMPLE = "Generate Sample" window.i18n.BATCH_INSTRUCTIONS = "Instructions" window.i18n.BATCH_DROPZONE = "Drag and drop .csv files here" window.i18n.BATCHH_NUM = "#" window.i18n.BATCHH_STATUS = "Status" window.i18n.BATCHH_ACTIONS = "Actions" window.i18n.BATCHH_GAME = "Game" window.i18n.BATCHH_VOICE = "Voice" window.i18n.BATCHH_TEXT = "Text or VC content" window.i18n.BATCHH_VC_STYLE = "VC Style" window.i18n.BATCHH_VOCODER = "Vocoder" window.i18n.BATCHH_OUTPATH = "Out Path" window.i18n.BATCHH_PACING = "Pacing" window.i18n.BATCHH_PITCH_AMP = "Pitch Amp." window.i18n.BATCHH_BASE_LANG = "Base lang" window.i18n.BATCH_ABS_DIR_PLACEHOLDER = "Complete absolute directory path to output" window.i18n.BATCH_CLEAR_DIR = "Clear out the directory first" window.i18n.BATCH_SKIP = "Skip existing output" window.i18n.BATCH_OUTPUTNUMERICALLY = "Output file names in numerical order" window.i18n.BATCH_CURRENTLYDOING = "currently doing..." window.i18n.BATCH_SYNTHESIZE = "Synthesize Batch" window.i18n.BATCH_PAUSE = "Pause" window.i18n.BATCH_STOP = "Stop" window.i18n.BATCH_CLEAR = "Clear" window.i18n.BATCH_OPENOUT = "Open Output" window.i18n.S2S_RECORD_SAMPLE = "Record sample" window.i18n.FEMALE = "Female" window.i18n.MALE = "Male" window.i18n.S2S_OTHER = "Other" window.i18n.VC_ONLY_FOR_V3 = "Voice conversion only available for v3 models." window.i18n.VW_INPUT_TEXTAREA_PLACEHOLDER = "Enter a sentence to use for generating preview samples of your crafted voice with the current embedding and proposed delta change" window.i18n.CURRENT = "Current" window.i18n.CURRENT_EMB = "Current Embedding" window.i18n.CURRENT_DELTA = "Current Delta" window.i18n.STRENGTH = "Strength" window.i18n.APPLY_DELTA = "Apply Delta" window.i18n.VW_REF_FILE_A = "Reference Audio File A:" window.i18n.VW_REF_FILE_B = "Reference Audio File B:" window.i18n.VW_BASE_MODEL = "Base Model (v3 models only)" window.i18n.NAME_OF_YOUR_VOICE = "Name of your voice" window.i18n.UNIQUE_ID_FOR_VOICE = "A unique identifier for your voice (eg: f4_nate)" window.i18n.YOUR_NAME_FOR_CREDITS = "Your name for credits" // Dynamic window.i18n.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG = "Something went wrong" window.i18n.THERE_WAS_A_PROBLEM = "There was a problem" window.i18n.ENTER_DIR_PATH = "Please enter a directory path" window.i18n.SURE_RESET_SETTINGS = `Are you sure you'd like to reset your settings?` window.i18n.SURE_RESET_PATHS = `Are you sure you'd like to reset your paths? This includes the paths for models, and output.` window.i18n.LOAD_MODEL = "Load model" window.i18n.LOAD_TARGET_MODEL = "Please load a target voice from the panel on the left, first." window.i18n.NO_XVASPEECH_MODELS = "No FastPitch1.1 models are installed" window.i18n.ONLY_WAV_S2S = "Only .wav files are supported for speech-to-speech file input at the moment." window.i18n.NO_MODELS_IN = "No models in" window.i18n.NO_MODELS_FOUND = "No models found" window.i18n.MODEL_REQUIRES_VERSION = `This model requires app version` window.i18n.OPEN_CONTAINING_FOLDER = "Open containing folder" window.i18n.ADJUST_SAMPLE_IN_EDITOR = "Adjust sample in the editor" window.i18n.ENTER_NEW_FILENAME_UNCHANGED_CANCEL = "Enter new file name, or submit unchanged to cancel." window.i18n.EDIT_IN_EXTERNAL_PROGRAM = "Edit in external program" window.i18n.FOLLOWING_PATH_NOT_VALID = "The following program path is not valid" window.i18n.SPECIFY_EDIT_TOOL = "Specify your audio editing tool in the settings" window.i18n.SURE_DELETE = "Are you sure you'd like to delete this file?" window.i18n.LOADING_VOICE = "Loading voice" window.i18n.ERR_SERVER = "There was an issue connecting to the python server.

Try again in a few seconds. If the issue persists, make sure localhost port 8008 is free, or send the server.log file to me on GitHub or Nexus." window.i18n.ABOUT_TO_SAVE_FROM_N1_TO_N2_WITH_OPTIONS = `About to save file from _1 to _2 with options` window.i18n.SAVING_AUDIO_FILE = "Saving the audio file..." window.i18n.TEMP_FILE_NOT_EXIST = "The temporary file does not exist at this file path" window.i18n.OUT_DIR_NOT_EXIST = "The output directory does not exist at this file path" window.i18n.YOU_CAN_CHANGE_IN_SETTINGS = "You can change this in the settings." window.i18n.FILE_EXISTS_ADJUST = `File already exists. Adjust the file name here, or submit without changing to overwrite the old file.` window.i18n.ENTER_FILE_NAME = `Enter file name` window.i18n.WAVEGLOW_NOT_FOUND = "WaveGlow model not found. Download it also (separate download), and place the .pt file in the models folder." window.i18n.BATCH_MODEL_NOT_FOUND = "Model not found." window.i18n.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_WAVEGLOW = "Download WaveGlow files separately if you haven't, or check the path in the settings." window.i18n.ERR_LOADING_MODELS_FOR_GAME = "ERROR loading models for game" window.i18n.ERR_LOADING_MODELS_FOR_GAME_WITH_FILENAME = "ERROR loading models for game _1 with filename:" window.i18n.ERR_XVASPEECH_MODEL_VERSION = `This xVASpeech model needs minimum app version _1. Your app version:` window.i18n.ERR_ARPABET_NOT_EXIST = `The following ARPAbet symbol does not exist: _1` window.i18n.ENTER_VOICE_NAME = "Please enter a voice name" window.i18n.ENTER_VOICE_ID = "Please enter a voice ID" window.i18n.VOICE_CREATED_AT = "Voice successfully saved at the following location:

_1" window.i18n.CONFIRM_DELETE_CRAFTED_VOICE = "Are you sure you'd like to delete the crafted voice '_1' at the following location?

_2" window.i18n.SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED_CRAFTED_VOICE = "Successfully deleted the crafted voice model." window.i18n.ENTER_VOICE_CRAFTING_STARTING_EMB = "Please provide a starting embedding. Drag and drop a .wav audio file over the 'Current Embedding' field below." window.i18n.CHANGING_MODELS = "Changing models..." window.i18n.CHANGING_DEVICE = "Changing device..." window.i18n.PROCESSING_DATA = "Processing data..." window.i18n.DELETING_FILE = "Deleting file" window.i18n.DELETING_NEW_FILE = "Deleting new file" window.i18n.FAILED = "Failed" window.i18n.DONE = "Done" window.i18n.READY = "Ready" window.i18n.RUNNING = "Running" window.i18n.PAUSED = "Paused" window.i18n.PAUSE = "Pause" window.i18n.PLAY = "Play" window.i18n.EDIT = "Edit" window.i18n.EDIT_IS = "Edit:" window.i18n.RESUME = "Resume" window.i18n.STOPPED = "Stopped" window.i18n.SYNTHESIZING = "Synthesizing" window.i18n.LINES = "lines" window.i18n.LINE = "Line" window.i18n.ERROR = "Error" window.i18n.MISSING = "Missing" window.i18n.INPUT = "Input" window.i18n.OUTPUT = "Output" window.i18n.OUTPUTTING = "Outputting" window.i18n.SUBMIT = "Submit" window.i18n.CLOSE = "Close" window.i18n.YES = "Yes" window.i18n.NO = "No" window.i18n.VOICE = "voice" window.i18n.VOICE_PLURAL = "voices" window.i18n.NEW = "new" window.i18n.PAGE = "Page:" window.i18n.NEXT = "Next" window.i18n.PREVIOUS = "Previous" window.i18n.LOADING = "Loading" window.i18n.MAY_TAKE_A_MINUTE = "May take a minute (but not much more)" window.i18n.BUILDING_FASTPITCH = "Building FastPitch model" window.i18n.LOADING_WAVEGLOW = "Loading WaveGlow model" window.i18n.STARTING_PYTHON = "Starting up the python backend" window.i18n.NOT_USING_GPU = "Not using GPU" window.i18n.BATCH_CHANGING_MODEL_TO = "Changing voice model to" window.i18n.BATCH_CHANGING_VOCODER_TO = "Changing vocoder to" window.i18n.BATCH_OUTPUTTING_FFMPEG = `Outputting audio via ffmpeg...` window.i18n.BATCH_ERR_NO_VOICES = "No voice models available in the app. Load at least one." window.i18n.BATCH_ERR_GAMEID = "does not match any available games" window.i18n.BATCH_ERR_VOICEID = "does not match any in the game" window.i18n.BATCH_ERR_VOCODER1 = "does not exist. Available options" window.i18n.BATCH_ERR_VOCODER2 = "(or leaving it blank)" window.i18n.BATCH_ERR_CUDA_OOM = "CUDA OOM: There is not enough VRAM to run this. Try lowering the batch size, or shortening very long sentences." window.i18n.BATCH_ERR_IN_PROGRESS = "Batch synthesis is in progress. Loading a model in the main app now would break things." window.i18n.BATCH_ERR_EDIT = "Batch synthesis is in progress. Pause or stop it first to enable editor." window.i18n.BATCH_ERR_SKIPPEDALL = "No records imported, but _1 were skipped as they already exist." window.i18n.ERR_LOADING_PLUGIN = "Error loading plugin" window.i18n.SUCCESSFULLY_INITIALIZED = "Successfully initialized" window.i18n.FAILED_INIT_FOLLOWING = "Failed to initialize the following" window.i18n.CHECK_SERVERLOG = "Check the server.log file for detailed error traces" window.i18n.SUCC_NO_ACTIVE_PLUGINS = "Success. No plugins active." window.i18n.APP_RESTART_NEEDED = "App restart is required for at least one of the plugins to take effect." window.i18n.ERR_LOADING_CSS = "Error loading style file for plugin" window.i18n.PLUGIN = "Plugin" window.i18n.PLUGINS = "Plugins" window.i18n.CANT_IMPORT_FILE_FOR_HOOK_TASK_ENTRYPOINT = "Cannot import _1 file for _2 _3 entry-point" window.i18n.ONLY_JS = "Only JavaScript files are supported right now." window.i18n.PLUGIN_RUN_ERROR = "Plugin run error at event" window.i18n.MONDAY = "Monday" window.i18n.TUESDAY = "Tuesday" window.i18n.WEDNESDAY = "Wednesday" window.i18n.THURSDAY = "Thursday" window.i18n.FRIDAY = "Friday" window.i18n.SATURDAY = "Saturday" window.i18n.SUNDAY = "Sunday" window.i18n.EMBEDDINGS = "Embeddings" window.i18n.EMB_NAME = "Embedding Name" window.i18n.EMB_DESCRIPTION = "Embedding description" window.i18n.EMB_ID = "Embedding ID" window.i18n.STYLE_EMB_ID = "Embedding ID (Write a short, descriptive, alpha-numerical ID you think will be unique)" window.i18n.EMB_ID = "Emb ID" window.i18n.STYLE_EMBEDDINGS = "Style Embeddings" window.i18n.STYLE_EMB_WAVPATH = "Wav file path" window.i18n.STYLE_EMB_WAVPATH_PLACEHOLDER = "Drag+drop or full file path" window.i18n.ERROR_FILE_MUST_BE_WAV = "File type must be .wav" window.i18n.ERROR_NEED_WAV_FILE = "Add a wav file path" window.i18n.STYLE_EMB_VALUES = "Style embedding values" window.i18n.ERROR_MISSING_FIELDS = "Missing values for the following fields: _1" window.i18n.CONFIRM_DELETE_STYLE_EMB = "Are you sure you want to delete this style embedding forever?" window.i18n.TOTD_1 = "You can right-click a voice on the left to hear a preview of the voice" window.i18n.TOTD_2 = "You can right-click the microphone icon after a recording, to hear back the audio you recorded/inserted" window.i18n.TOTD_3 = "There are a number of keyboard shortcuts you can use. Check the info tab for a reference" window.i18n.TOTD_4 = "Check the community guide for tips for how to get the best quality out of the tool. This is linked in the info (i) menu" window.i18n.TOTD_5 = "You can create a multi-letter selection in the editor by Ctrl+clicking several letters" window.i18n.TOTD_6 = "You can shift-click the 'Keep Sample' button (or Ctrl+Shift+S) to first give your file a custom name before saving" window.i18n.TOTD_7 = "You can alt+click editor letters to make a multi-letter selection for the entire word you click on" window.i18n.TOTD_8 = "You can drag+drop multiple .csv or .txt files into batch mode" window.i18n.TOTD_9 = "You can use .txt files in batch mode instead of .csv files, if you first click a voice in the main app to assign the lines to" window.i18n.TOTD_10 = "If you have a compatible NVIDIA GPU, and CUDA installed, you can switch to the CPU+GPU installation. Using the GPU is much faster, especially for batch mode." window.i18n.TOTD_11 = "The HiFi-GAN vocoder (v1 and v2 models) is normally the best quality, but you can also download and use WaveGlow vocoders, if you'd like." window.i18n.TOTD_12 = "(v1 and v2 models) If the 'Keep editor state on voice changes' option is ticked on, you can generate a line using one voice, then switch to a different voice, and click the 'Generate Voice' button again to generate a line using the new voice, but using a similar speaking style to the first voice." window.i18n.TOTD_13 = "If you set the 'Alternative Output device' to something other than the default device, you can Ctrl-click when playing audio, to have it play on a different speaker. You can couple this with something like Voicemeeter Banana split, to have the app speak for you over the microphone, for voice chat, or other audio recording." window.i18n.TOTD_14 = "If you add the path to an audio editing program to the 'External Program for Editing audio' setting, you can open generated audio straight in that program in one click, from the output records on the main page" window.i18n.TOTD_15 = "FFmpeg automatically directly applies a few different audio post processing tasks on the generated audio. This can include Hz resampling, silence padding to the start and/or end of the audio, bit depth, loudness, noise reduction, de-essing, pitch and tempo modifiers, and different audio formats. Play with these to get the best quality for a particular voice" window.i18n.TOTD_16 = "You can tick on the 'Fast mode' for batch mode to parallelize the audio generation and the audio output (via ffmpeg for example)" window.i18n.TOTD_17 = "You can enable multiprocessing for ffmpeg file output in batch mode, to speed up the output process. This is especially useful if you use a large batch size, and your CPU has plenty of threads. This can be used together with Fast Mode." window.i18n.TOTD_18 = "If you're having trouble formatting a .csv file for batch mode, you can change the delimiter in the settings to something else (for example a pipe symbol '|')" window.i18n.TOTD_19 = "You can change the folder location of your output files, as well as the models. I'd recommend keeping your model files on an SSD, to reduce the loading time." window.i18n.TOTD_20 = "Use the voice embeddings search menu to get a 3D visualisation of all the voices in the app (including some 'officially' trained voices not downloaded yet). You can use this as a reference for voice similarly search, to see what other voices there are, which sound similar to a particular voice." window.i18n.TOTD_21 = "You can right click on the points in the 3D voice embeddings visualisation, to hear a preview of that voice. This will only work for the voices you have installed, locally." window.i18n.TOTD_22 = "The app is customisable via third-party plugins. Plugins can be managed from the plugins menu, and they can change, or add to the front end app functionality/looks (the UI), as well as the python back-end (the machine learning code). If you're interested in developing such a plugin, there is a full developer reference on the GitHub wiki, here:" window.i18n.TOTD_23 = "If you log into from within the app, you can check for new and updated voice models on your chosen Nexus pages. You can also endorse these, as well as any plugins configured with a nexus link. If you have a premium membership for the Nexus, you can also download (or batch download) all available voices, and have them installed automatically." window.i18n.TOTD_24 = "You can manage the list of Nexus pages to check for voice models by clicking the 'Manage Repos' button in the Nexus menu, or by editing the repositories.txt file" window.i18n.TOTD_25 = "You can enable/disable error sounds in the settings. You can also pick a different sound, if you'd prefer something else" window.i18n.TOTD_26 = "You can resize the window by dragging one of the bottom corners" window.i18n.TOTD_27 = "You can right-click game buttons in the nexus window 'Games' list and voice embeddings 'Games' list, to de-select all other games apart from the one you right-clicked" window.i18n.TOTD_28 = "With v3 models, you can change the default speaking style of your voice by creating an embedding for it. You do so by drag+dropping an example audio file (usually from the same original voice) into the Management menu." window.i18n.TOTD_29 = "The v3 models don't pre-generate pitch or energy values. Instead, the values in the editor are multipliers rather than absolute values. So initially, tney are set to 1, and you can CHANGE what they are rather than setting values like for v1 and v2 models." window.i18n.TOTD_30 = "To get the absolute highest quality from an audio file, you should enable the 'Use SR' option, to run super-resolution from the default 22050Hz into 48000Hz. It's best to use the GPU mode for this, else it can be quite slow. You also need to make sure that you didn't set the ffmpeg Hz post-processing value to something low like 22050, else you won't hear the benefits." window.i18n.TOTD_31 = "With v3 models, you can right click the sliders editor to open the context menu, where you can select to copy the final symbol sequence to clipboard." window.i18n.TOTD_32 = "You can use the Ctrl+Enter shortcut to manually kick offf re-generating a line." window.i18n.TOTD_NO_UNSEEN = "There are no unseen tips left to show. Untick the 'Only show unseen tips' setting to show all tips." window.i18n.LINES_PER_SECOND = "lines per second" window.i18n.ETA_FINISHED = "Estimated time until finished:" window.i18n.LOGGED_IN_AS = "Logged in as: " window.i18n.GAMES = "Games" window.i18n.MODELS = "Models" window.i18n.SHOW_NEW_UPDATED = "Show only new/updated" window.i18n.CHECK_NOW = "Check now" window.i18n.MANAGE_REPOS = "Manage repos" window.i18n.LOG_IN = "Log in" window.i18n.LOG_OUT = "Log out" window.i18n.NAME = "Name" window.i18n.AUTHOR = "Author" window.i18n.VERSION = "Version" window.i18n.DATE = "Date" window.i18n.TYPE = "Type" window.i18n.NOTES = "Notes" window.i18n.DOWNLOADING = "Downloading:" window.i18n.INSTALLING = "Installing:" window.i18n.FINISHED = "Finished:" window.i18n.DOWNLOAD_ALL = "Download All" window.i18n.REPOSITORIES = "Repositories" window.i18n.ADD = "Add" window.i18n.REMOVE = "Remove" window.i18n.V_EMB_VIS = "Voice embeddings visualiser" window.i18n.VOICES = "Voices" window.i18n.SHOW = "Show" window.i18n.GAME = "Game" window.i18n.GENDER = "Gender" window.i18n.GENDER_IS = "Gender:" window.i18n.GAME_IS = "Game:" window.i18n.PREVIEW = "Preview" window.i18n.LOAD = "Load" window.i18n.VOICE_NAME = "Voice Name" window.i18n.VOICE_NAME_IS = "Voice Name:" window.i18n.VEMB_INSTR_1 = "Left click drag to rotate" window.i18n.VEMB_INSTR_2 = "Right click drag to pan" window.i18n.VEMB_INSTR_3 = "Mouse wheel scroll to zoom" window.i18n.VEMB_INSTR_4 = "Left click on voice to select" window.i18n.VEMB_INSTR_5 = "Right click on voice to play sample" window.i18n.MALES = "Males" window.i18n.FEMALES = "Females" window.i18n.OTHER = "Other" window.i18n.SHOW_ONLY_INSTALED = "Show only installed voices" window.i18n.KEY_IS = "Key:" window.i18n.ALGORITHM = "Algorithm" window.i18n.TOTD = "Tip of the day" window.i18n.TOTD_SHOW = "Show tip of the day" window.i18n.TOTD_SHOW_UNSEEN = "Only show unseen tips" window.i18n.TOTD_PREV_TIP = "Previous tip" window.i18n.TOTD_NEXT_TIP = "Next tip" window.i18n.ENDORSE = "Endorse" window.i18n.GET_MORE_VOICES = "Get more voices" window.i18n.CURR_INSTALL = "Current installation:" window.i18n.CHANGE_TO_GPU = "Change to CPU+GPU" window.i18n.CHANGE_TO_CPU = "Change to CPU" window.i18n.USE_SOUND_ERR = "Use sound for errors" window.i18n.ERR_SOUNDFILE = "Error sound file" window.i18n.SHOW_NOW = "Show now" window.i18n.SETTINGS_PLAYCHANGEDAUDIO = "Play only changed audio, when regenerating" window.i18n.SETTINGS_PREAPPLY_FFMPEG = "(recommended) Pre-apply ffmpeg effects to the preview sample" window.i18n.SETTINGS_USE_NR = "Use noise reduction (recommended when using SR)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_DOUBLE_AMP_DISPLAY = "Also display amplitude setting in the editor" window.i18n.SETTINGS_CSV_DELIMITER = "CSV delimiter" window.i18n.SETTINGS_PAGINATION_SIZE_BATCH = "Batch pagination size" window.i18n.SETTINGS_PAGINATION_SIZE_ARPABET = "ARPAbet pagination size" window.i18n.SETTINGS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = "Maximum filename characters (trimming for maximum windows filepath length)" window.i18n.SETTINGS_CLEAR_TEXT_AFTER_GENERATION = "Clear the text input after generation" window.i18n.SETTINGS_GROUP_VOICEID = "Group voices by voiceId and vocoder in preprocessing to minimize model switching" window.i18n.SETTINGS_GROUP_VOCODER = "Also do a secondary group by the vocoder - can take long to do with big files (100k+ lines)" window.i18n.SETTING_HIGHLIGHT_ONLY_MODELS_V = "Highlight only models with at least this version" window.i18n.SETTING_OUTPUTFILES_PAGINATION = "Output records pagination size" window.i18n.SEARCH_OUTPUT = "Search output file names..." window.i18n.SEARCH_OUTPUT_PROMPT = "Search prompts..." window.i18n.DELETE = "Delete" window.i18n.DELETE_ALL = "Delete all" window.i18n.DELETE_ALL_FILES_CONFIRM = "Are you sure you'd like to delete all files for this voice? This will delete all _1 files in the following output directory:
_2" window.i18n.DELETE_ALL_FILES_ERR_NO_FILES = "There are no files in the following output directory:
_1" window.i18n.SORT_BY = "Sort by" window.i18n.ASCENDING = "Ascending" window.i18n.DESCENDING = "Descending" window.i18n.TIME = "Time" window.i18n.ERR_LOGGING_INTO_NEXUS = "Error attempting to log into nexusmods" window.i18n.LOGGING_INTO_NEXUS = "Logging into nexusmods (check your browser)..." window.i18n.NEXUS_PREMIUM = "Nexus requires premium membership for using their API for file downloads" window.i18n.NEXUS_ORIG_ERR = "Original error message" window.i18n.FAILED_DOWNLOAD = "Failed to download" window.i18n.DONE_INSTALLING = "Done installing" window.i18n.CHECKING_NEXUS = "Checking" window.i18n.NEXUS_NOT_DOWNLOADED_MOD = "You need to first download something from this repo to be able to endorse it." window.i18n.NEXUS_TOO_SOON_AFTER_DOWNLOAD = "Nexus requires you to wait at least 15 mins (at the time of writing) before you can endorse." window.i18n.NEXUS_IS_OWN_MOD = "Nexus does not allow you to rate your own content." window.i18n.YOURS = "Yours" window.i18n.NEXUS_ENTER_LINK = "Enter the link to use as a repository" window.i18n.NEXUS_LINK_EXISTS = "This link already exists." window.i18n.ERROR_FROM_NEXUS = "

Error using Nexus API. Their response:

_1" window.i18n.VEMB_VOICE_NOT_ENABLED = "This voice is not enabled" window.i18n.VEMB_NO_PREVIEW = "No preview audio file available" window.i18n.VEMB_SELECT_VOICE_FIRST = "Select a voice from the scene below first." window.i18n.VEMB_NO_MODEL = "No model file available. Download it if you haven't already." window.i18n.VEMB_RECOMPUTING = "Re-computing embeddings and dimensionality reduction on voices. May take a minute the first time, subsequent runs should be instant." window.i18n.SETTINGS_FOR_PLUGIN = "Settings for plugin: _1" window.i18n.EMBEDDINGS_NEED_AT_LEAST_3 = "You need at least 3 voices to run dimensionality reduction for the plot" window.i18n.ARPABET_ERROR_BAD_SYMBOLS = "Found non-ARPAbet symbols: _1" window.i18n.ARPABET_ERROR_EMPTY_INPUT = "Words or ARPAbet symbols can't be left empty" window.i18n.PAGINATION_X_OF_Y = "_1 of _2" window.i18n.ARPABET_CONFIRM_ENABLE_ALL = "Are you sure you'd like to enable ALL words for the following dictionary?

_1" window.i18n.ARPABET_CONFIRM_DISABLE_ALL = "Are you sure you'd like to disable ALL words for the following dictionary?

_1" window.i18n.ARPABET_CONFIRM_DELETE_WORD = "Are you sure you'd like to delete the following word?

_1" window.i18n.ARPABET_CONFIRM_SAME_WORD = "The word '_1' already exists in the following dictionaries:


Are you sure you'd like to add it?" window.i18n.ONLY_ENABLED = "Only enabled" window.i18n.DICTIONARIES = "Dictionaries" window.i18n.CANCEL = "Cancel" window.i18n.START = "Start" window.i18n.SAVE = "Save" window.i18n.WORDS = "Words" window.i18n.WORD_IS = "Word:" window.i18n.WORD = "Word" window.i18n.REFERENCE = "Reference" window.i18n.SEARCH_WORDS = "Search words..." window.i18n.ENABLE_ALL = "Enable All" window.i18n.DISABLE_ALL = "Disable All" window.i18n.PREV = "Prev" window.i18n.LOADING_DICTIONARIES = "Loading ARPAbet dictionaries..." window.i18n.ALL = "All" window.i18n.MOD_NAME = "Mod name" window.i18n.MOD_TITLE = "Mod title" window.i18n.SEARCH_NEXUS = "Search Nexus" window.i18n.MOD_REPOS_USED = "Mod repos used" window.i18n.LINK = "Link" window.i18n.ENDORSEMENTS = "Endorsements" window.i18n.DOWNLOADS = "Downloads" window.i18n.CONFIRM = "Confirm" window.i18n.GAME_ID = "Game ID" window.i18n.VOICE_ID = "Voice ID" window.i18n.VOICE_ID_IS = "Voice ID:" window.i18n.APP_VERSION_IS = "App version:" window.i18n.MODEL_VERSION_IS = "Model version:" window.i18n.MODEL_TYPE_IS = "Model type:" window.i18n.LANGUAGE_IS = "Language:" window.i18n.TRAINED_BY_IS = "Trained by:" window.i18n.LICENSE_IS = "License:" window.i18n.X_WORKSHOP_VOICES_INSTALLED = "_1 workshop voices installed" window.i18n.WORKSHOP_GAMES_NOT_RECOGNISED = "The following workshop games were not recognised. Do you have the asset file installed?_1" window.i18n.YOU_MUST_BE_LOGGED_IN = "You must be logged in to check what voices there are available on the nexus." window.i18n.JOIN_DISCORD = "Join xVASynth server" window.i18n.GETTING_SPEAKER_EMBEDDING = "Getting speaker embedding..." window.i18n.INFO = "Info" window.i18n.VOICE_CRAFTING_WORKBENCH = "Voice Crafting Workbench" window.i18n.WORKBENCH = "Workbench" window.i18n.FROM_FILE_IS_DRAG_N_DROP = "From file: (Drag and drop a .wav file)" window.i18n.FROM_FILE_IS_FILEPATH = "From file: _1" window.i18n.BATCH_CHANGE_DELIMITER = "The .csv delimiter is not found in the data. The delimiter in the settings is '_1', but the one in the .csv file is potentially '_2'. Do you want to change the delimiter used, and try again using this?" window.i18n.BATCH_TOCSV_DONE = "Saved all lines to csv file at:" window.i18n.PAGINATION_TOTAL_OF = "of _1" window.i18n.VC_TOO_SHORT = "Recorded sample is too short and/or empty" window.i18n.MODEL_INSTALL_DRAGDROP_INCOMPLETE = "Some of the loose files given were not complete models. Each model needs at least a .json file and a .pt file. Loose model files not complete:

_1" window.i18n.MODEL_INSTALL_DRAGDROP_SUCCESS = "_1 models installed successfully. " window.i18n.MODEL_INSTALL_DRAGDROP_FAILED = "_1 models failed to install:

_2" // Useful during developing, to see if there are any strings left un-i18n-ed // Object.keys(window.i18n).forEach(key => { // if (!["setEnglish", "updateUI"].includes(key)) { // window.i18n[key] = "" // } // }) } window.i18n.updateUI = () => { i18n_voiceInfo_name.innerHTML = window.i18n.VOICE_NAME_IS i18n_voiceInfo_id.innerHTML = window.i18n.VOICE_ID_IS i18n_voiceInfo_gender.innerHTML = window.i18n.GENDER_IS i18n_voiceInfo_appVersion.innerHTML = window.i18n.APP_VERSION_IS i18n_voiceInfo_modelVersion.innerHTML = window.i18n.MODEL_VERSION_IS i18n_voiceInfo_modelType.innerHTML = window.i18n.MODEL_TYPE_IS i18n_voiceInfo_lang.innerHTML = window.i18n.LANGUAGE_IS i18n_voiceInfo_author.innerHTML = window.i18n.TRAINED_BY_IS i18n_voiceInfo_license.innerHTML = window.i18n.LICENSE_IS i18n_nexusRepos_mod_name.innerHTML = window.i18n.MOD_NAME nexusReposSearchBar.placeholder = window.i18n.MOD_TITLE i18n_nexusRepos_all.innerHTML = window.i18n.ALL searchNexusButton.innerHTML = window.i18n.SEARCH_NEXUS i18n_nexusRepos_game.innerHTML = window.i18n.GAME_IS i18n_nexusRepos_modReposUsed.innerHTML = window.i18n.MOD_REPOS_USED i18n_nexus_searchh_add.innerHTML = window.i18n.ADD i18n_nexus_searchh_link.innerHTML = window.i18n.LINK i18n_nexus_searchh_game.innerHTML = window.i18n.GAME i18n_nexus_searchh_name.innerHTML = window.i18n.NAME i18n_nexus_searchh_author.innerHTML = window.i18n.AUTHOR i18n_nexus_searchh_endorsements.innerHTML = window.i18n.ENDORSEMENTS i18n_nexus_searchh_downloads.innerHTML = window.i18n.DOWNLOADS i18n_nexus_reposUsedh_link.innerHTML = window.i18n.LINK i18n_nexus_reposUsedh_game.innerHTML = window.i18n.GAME i18n_nexus_reposUsedh_name.innerHTML = window.i18n.NAME i18n_nexus_reposUsedh_author.innerHTML = window.i18n.AUTHOR i18n_nexus_reposUsedh_endorsements.innerHTML = window.i18n.ENDORSEMENTS i18n_nexus_reposUsedh_downloads.innerHTML = window.i18n.DOWNLOADS i18n_nexus_reposUsedh_remove.innerHTML = window.i18n.REMOVE i18n_arpabet_dictionaries.innerHTML = window.i18n.DICTIONARIES i18n_arpabet_words.innerHTML = window.i18n.WORDS i18n_arpabet_reference.innerHTML = window.i18n.REFERENCE arpabet_word_search_input.placeholder = window.i18n.SEARCH_WORDS i18n_arpabet_ckbx_only_enabled.placeholder = window.i18n.ONLY_ENABLED i18n_arpabet_word_is.innerHTML = window.i18n.WORD_IS arpabet_save.innerHTML = window.i18n.SAVE i18n_arpabetWordsListh_word.innerHTML = window.i18n.WORD i18n_arpabetWordsListh_delete.innerHTML = window.i18n.DELETE arpabet_enableall_button.innerHTML = window.i18n.ENABLE_ALL arpabet_disableall_button.innerHTML = window.i18n.DISABLE_ALL arpabet_prev_btn.innerHTML = window.i18n.PREV arpabet_next_btn.innerHTML = window.i18n.NEXT selectedGameDisplay.innerHTML = window.i18n.SELECT_GAME voiceSearchInput.placeholder = window.i18n.SEARCH_VOICES titleName.innerHTML = window.i18n.SELECT_VOICE_TYPE generateVoiceButton.innerHTML = window.i18n.GENERATE_VOICE keepSampleButton.innerHTML = window.i18n.KEEP_SAMPLE i18n_seq_edit_edit.innerHTML = window.i18n.EDIT_IS i18n_seq_edit_view.innerHTML = window.i18n.VIEW_IS i18n_pitch.innerHTML = window.i18n.PITCH_IS i18n_energy.innerHTML = window.i18n.ENERGY_IS i18n_duration.innerHTML = window.i18n.DURATION_IS i18n_emotion.innerHTML = window.i18n.EMOTION_IS i18n_emotion_is.innerHTML = window.i18n.EMOTION_IS seq_edit_view_pitch_energy.innerHTML = window.i18n.PITCH_AND_ENERGY seq_edit_view_pitch.innerHTML = window.i18n.PITCH seq_edit_view_energy.innerHTML = window.i18n.ENERGY seq_edit_view_emAngry.innerHTML = window.i18n.EMOTION_IS_ANGRY seq_edit_view_emHappy.innerHTML = window.i18n.EMOTION_IS_HAPPY seq_edit_view_emSad.innerHTML = window.i18n.EMOTION_IS_SAD seq_edit_view_emSurprise.innerHTML = window.i18n.EMOTION_IS_SURPRISE seq_edit_edit_pitch.innerHTML = window.i18n.PITCH seq_edit_edit_energy.innerHTML = window.i18n.ENERGY seq_edit_edit_emotion.innerHTML = window.i18n.EMOTION i18n_vramUsage.innerHTML = window.i18n.VRAM_USAGE i18n_length.innerHTML = window.i18n.LENGTH resetLetter_btn.innerHTML = window.i18n.RESET_LETTER i18n_autoregen.innerHTML = window.i18n.AUTO_REGEN i18n_vocoder.innerHTML = window.i18n.VOCODER i18n_use_SR.innerHTML = window.i18n.USE_SR_IS i18n_batch_useSR.innerHTML = window.i18n.USE_SR i18n_use_SR.title = window.i18n.USE_SR_TITLE i18n_use_cleanup.innerHTML = window.i18n.USE_CLEANUP_IS i18n_batch_useCleanUp.innerHTML = window.i18n.USE_CLEANUP i18n_base_lang.innerHTML = window.i18n.BASE_LANGUAGE_IS i18n_style_emb_is.innerHTML = window.i18n.STYLE_EMB_IS i18n_style.innerHTML = window.i18n.STYLE_EMB_IS i18n_base_style_emb_is.innerHTML = window.i18n.BASE_STYLE_EMB_IS default_opt_style_emb.innerHTML = window.i18n.DEFAULT style_emb_manage_btn.innerHTML = window.i18n.MANAGE batch_paginationPrev.innerHTML = window.i18n.PREVIOUS main_paginationPrev.innerHTML = window.i18n.PREVIOUS batch_paginationNext.innerHTML = window.i18n.NEXT main_paginationNext.innerHTML = window.i18n.NEXT i18n_page.innerHTML = window.i18n.PAGE i18n_page_main.innerHTML = window.i18n.PAGE i18n_batchLPS.innerHTML = window.i18n.LINES_PER_SECOND i18n_etaFinished.innerHTML = window.i18n.ETA_FINISHED nexusNameDisplay.innerHTML = window.i18n.LOGGED_IN_AS i18n_games.innerHTML = window.i18n.GAMES nexusGamesListEnableAllBtn.innerHTML = window.i18n.ENABLE_ALL nexusGamesListDisableAllBtn.innerHTML = window.i18n.DISABLE_ALL i18n_models.innerHTML = window.i18n.MODELS i18n_showNewUpdated.innerHTML = window.i18n.SHOW_NEW_UPDATED nexusCheckNow.innerHTML = window.i18n.CHECK_NOW nexusManageReposButton.innerHTML = window.i18n.MANAGE_REPOS nexusLogInButton.innerHTML = window.i18n.LOG_IN i18n_nexush_name.innerHTML = window.i18n.NAME i18n_nexush_author.innerHTML = window.i18n.AUTHOR i18n_nexush_version.innerHTML = window.i18n.VERSION i18n_nexush_date.innerHTML = window.i18n.DATE i18n_nexush_type.innerHTML = window.i18n.TYPE i18n_nexush_notes.innerHTML = window.i18n.NOTES i18n_nexusDownloading.innerHTML = window.i18n.DOWNLOADING 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