from typing import Tuple, Optional import gradio import DeepFakeAI.globals from DeepFakeAI import wording from DeepFakeAI.core import conditional_process from DeepFakeAI.uis.typing import Update from DeepFakeAI.utilities import is_image, is_video, normalize_output_path, clear_temp OUTPUT_START_BUTTON : Optional[gradio.Button] = None OUTPUT_CLEAR_BUTTON : Optional[gradio.Button] = None OUTPUT_IMAGE : Optional[gradio.Image] = None OUTPUT_VIDEO : Optional[gradio.Video] = None def render() -> None: global OUTPUT_START_BUTTON global OUTPUT_CLEAR_BUTTON global OUTPUT_IMAGE global OUTPUT_VIDEO with gradio.Row(): with gradio.Box(): OUTPUT_IMAGE = gradio.Image( label = wording.get('output_image_or_video_label'), visible = False ) OUTPUT_VIDEO = gradio.Video( label = wording.get('output_image_or_video_label') ) with gradio.Row(): OUTPUT_START_BUTTON = gradio.Button(wording.get('start_button_label')) OUTPUT_CLEAR_BUTTON = gradio.Button(wording.get('clear_button_label')) def listen() -> None:, outputs = [ OUTPUT_IMAGE, OUTPUT_VIDEO ]), outputs = [ OUTPUT_IMAGE, OUTPUT_VIDEO ]) def update() -> Tuple[Update, Update]: DeepFakeAI.globals.output_path = normalize_output_path(DeepFakeAI.globals.source_path, DeepFakeAI.globals.target_path, '.') if DeepFakeAI.globals.output_path: conditional_process() if is_image(DeepFakeAI.globals.output_path): return gradio.update(value = DeepFakeAI.globals.output_path, visible = True), gradio.update(value = None, visible = False) if is_video(DeepFakeAI.globals.output_path): return gradio.update(value = None, visible = False), gradio.update(value = DeepFakeAI.globals.output_path, visible = True) return gradio.update(value = None, visible = False), gradio.update(value = None, visible = False) def clear() -> Tuple[Update, Update]: if DeepFakeAI.globals.target_path: clear_temp(DeepFakeAI.globals.target_path) return gradio.update(value = None), gradio.update(value = None)