""" Part of Speech Constraint -------------------------- """ import flair from flair.data import Sentence from flair.models import SequenceTagger import lru import nltk import textattack from textattack.constraints import Constraint from textattack.shared.utils import LazyLoader, device from textattack.shared.validators import transformation_consists_of_word_swaps # Set global flair device to be TextAttack's current device flair.device = device stanza = LazyLoader("stanza", globals(), "stanza") class PartOfSpeech(Constraint): """Constraints word swaps to only swap words with the same part of speech. Uses the NLTK universal part-of-speech tagger by default. An implementation of ``_ adapted from ``_. POS taggers from Flair ``_ and Stanza ``_ are also available Args: tagger_type (str): Name of the tagger to use (available choices: "nltk", "flair", "stanza"). tagset (str): tagset to use for POS tagging (e.g. "universal") allow_verb_noun_swap (bool): If `True`, allow verbs to be swapped with nouns and vice versa. compare_against_original (bool): If `True`, compare against the original text. Otherwise, compare against the most recent text. language_nltk: Language to be used for nltk POS-Tagger (available choices: "eng", "rus") language_stanza: Language to be used for stanza POS-Tagger (available choices: https://stanfordnlp.github.io/stanza/available_models.html) """ def __init__( self, tagger_type="nltk", tagset="universal", allow_verb_noun_swap=True, compare_against_original=True, language_nltk="eng", language_stanza="en", ): super().__init__(compare_against_original) self.tagger_type = tagger_type self.tagset = tagset self.allow_verb_noun_swap = allow_verb_noun_swap self.language_nltk = language_nltk self.language_stanza = language_stanza self._pos_tag_cache = lru.LRU(2**14) if tagger_type == "flair": if tagset == "universal": self._flair_pos_tagger = SequenceTagger.load("upos-fast") else: self._flair_pos_tagger = SequenceTagger.load("pos-fast") if tagger_type == "stanza": self._stanza_pos_tagger = stanza.Pipeline( lang=self.language_stanza, processors="tokenize, pos", tokenize_pretokenized=True, ) def clear_cache(self): self._pos_tag_cache.clear() def _can_replace_pos(self, pos_a, pos_b): return (pos_a == pos_b) or ( self.allow_verb_noun_swap and set([pos_a, pos_b]) <= set(["NOUN", "VERB"]) ) def _get_pos(self, before_ctx, word, after_ctx): context_words = before_ctx + [word] + after_ctx context_key = " ".join(context_words) if context_key in self._pos_tag_cache: word_list, pos_list = self._pos_tag_cache[context_key] else: if self.tagger_type == "nltk": word_list, pos_list = zip( *nltk.pos_tag( context_words, tagset=self.tagset, lang=self.language_nltk ) ) if self.tagger_type == "flair": context_key_sentence = Sentence( context_key, use_tokenizer=textattack.shared.utils.TextAttackFlairTokenizer(), ) self._flair_pos_tagger.predict(context_key_sentence) word_list, pos_list = textattack.shared.utils.zip_flair_result( context_key_sentence ) if self.tagger_type == "stanza": word_list, pos_list = textattack.shared.utils.zip_stanza_result( self._stanza_pos_tagger(context_key), tagset=self.tagset ) self._pos_tag_cache[context_key] = (word_list, pos_list) # idx of `word` in `context_words` assert word in word_list, "POS list not matched with original word list." word_idx = word_list.index(word) return pos_list[word_idx] def _check_constraint(self, transformed_text, reference_text): try: indices = transformed_text.attack_attrs["newly_modified_indices"] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "Cannot apply part-of-speech constraint without `newly_modified_indices`" ) for i in indices: reference_word = reference_text.words[i] transformed_word = transformed_text.words[i] before_ctx = reference_text.words[max(i - 4, 0) : i] after_ctx = reference_text.words[ i + 1 : min(i + 4, len(reference_text.words)) ] ref_pos = self._get_pos(before_ctx, reference_word, after_ctx) replace_pos = self._get_pos(before_ctx, transformed_word, after_ctx) if not self._can_replace_pos(ref_pos, replace_pos): return False return True def check_compatibility(self, transformation): return transformation_consists_of_word_swaps(transformation) def extra_repr_keys(self): return [ "tagger_type", "tagset", "allow_verb_noun_swap", ] + super().extra_repr_keys() def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state["_pos_tag_cache"] = self._pos_tag_cache.get_size() return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state self._pos_tag_cache = lru.LRU(state["_pos_tag_cache"])