Piece of Junk!. This product does not transmit over the radio to any standard that I expected. I have to turn my volume 60% up to even hear that it is playing. I had a similar product from this company for an earlier model of the IPOD and it worked great. I ordered this to replace my old one and to use with my new IPOD G3. What a mistake, it is not powerfull enought to overpower other stations and I get scratchy signal all the time even with the volume up 60%. Save your money, look at other options and companies out there.$LABEL$0 what. I read an endorsement from dog problems . com that recommends this product. We have not yet been able to get ours to work. Spent $10 on new batteries as hand held indicates low battery. There is not one indication that dog has received a signal. Would really like to get this resolved. Hoping that company will make good on the product.$LABEL$0 Dissatisfied. The DVD does not work at all. I am extremely disappointed because I was promised a great product and I was sent a messed up movie.$LABEL$0 will break down. The lens breaks down easily! The lens is supported on the camera by mechanically weak clippers. After some time (< 1.5 years in my case) the strain broke down the clippers. I always keep the camera in a cushioned case, and it suffered no shocks or drops.$LABEL$0 My favorite book. I read this book many years ago and have never forgotten it. Brooks masterfully spins a tale in which he will pull the reader in. I found myself attached to the characters and when the book was over, it was like leaving a group of good friends. I'm no great critic of books, but I know what I like; and in my opinion, Brooks couldn't have written a better book!$LABEL$1 Genius! These locks are the best choice.. They were super easy to install, key is always on the fridge and my daughter (little hercules) cannot open them. Good investment, would recommend.$LABEL$1 THIS MAN IS GOING PLATNUM!!!. If you ask me, his album is the best yet in 2000. Every single song is blazin'. I love the fact that Tela is orginal, his voice is unique and baller type. I think it's about time we found some good new talent. He definatley deserves to go platnum this round.$LABEL$1 Agreed with others here, will not purchase - waiting for Extended Version. I love these movies, they are some of my all time favorites. But most of us who love them already have them, and won't likely be forking out more money for a version that does not include the extended release. To most, they are the complete versions of the films. I encourage those of you considering this purchase to hold back your money and wait - buying this will only reinforce the idea that they can release multiple versions over time to increase their profits.$LABEL$1 Please don't buy this. Ok look, I read a few bad reviews on here and bought this anyway because I was desperate and thought it would work well enough. It honestly doesn't. So don't waste your time buying this when it's a sure bet that it won't work. All it does is light up my screen over and over again, bouncing back and forth from "Charging Battery" to "No Charger", which actually ends up draining my battery even more than it would if I just let it sit there. Just don't do it.$LABEL$0 Great add-on for a laptop. I recently bought this speaker for my wife's new laptop.** Minimizes wires and keeps the counter clean (USB connection/power)** Alternate line jack and a/c adapter** Great sound (it has a rear subwoofer port)** Volume control on top right with plenty of range$LABEL$1 Buyer beware. I thought I was buying an Uniden TCX905 to add to my parents existing Uniden phones, however that is not what I got. I received two phones in boxes that said Uniden TCX905, however, after talking to Uniden Technical Support when the phone would not register we discovered that they were Uniden Tru9485 phones in Uniden TCX905 boxes. Luckily I was able to return both of the supposed Uniden TCX905 phones to Amazon without cost to me. I ordered the Uniden TCX905s directly from Uniden and paid a little bit more, but they worked right out of the box.$LABEL$0 As manufacture has defined - quite and clean fresh air, easy cleaning filter rods and wire core.. As manufacture has defined - quite and clean fresh air, easy cleaning filter rods and wire core.Quick deliver and the price perfect - no need to by filters simply clean the rods and clear the wire core on the top by lifting where indicated.$LABEL$1 More details on Kirk's plan, please!. This book was a fun read, but I wish the author offered more details on how Kirk reprogrammed the simulator computer. Did he use his fellow cadet's computer expertise? How did they get thru security to reprogram the simulator?$LABEL$1 tastes like an apple Jolly Rancher. While I'm a big fan of Hooah bars, this particular flavor tastes like apple jolly ranchers. No kidding. If that's okay with you, then go for the apple flavor. I'd recommend the chocolate.$LABEL$1 A great world. A great trilogy.. This is the first Margaret Weis book I've read. It is still one of my favorite. You've got love Simpkin. He is to this series that the Genie is to Disney's "Aladdin" movie. The first book gets your interest. The other two books continue the great adventure.$LABEL$1 deep end. Heralding from Glasgow, Scotland, Aqua Bassino delivers a pitch perfect album under a startling array of influences, ranging from Jazz and African rhythms, to Nu-Soul and House. "Beats and Bobs" unfolds each track with a deep and intimate layering of textures, a lot of which is provided by live instrumentation and vocal performances. Avoiding over sampling and the generic feel of drum machines, it favors quiet rhythms with an organic feel. At times, the piano delivers such emotionally rich melodies, a strange melancholy creeps in, and seems to resuscitate the spirits of Eric Satie and Claude Debussy.$LABEL$1 Foreign talent wasted in American film.. All state side movies featuring excellent kung fu talent like Jet Li and Jackie Chan are slow and boring because in the U.S. there are no good martial art choreographers working in Hollywood. This movie is a case in point. The first fight scene with Jet Li does'nt happen til a good 20 minutes into the movie. And the rest of the picture you see Jet in slow, week, "American"(by which I mean explosions, bullets, and one or two punches) fight scenes that are a waste of his time. You dont believe me watch this movie, then compare it to some of his sweet over-sea pictures like "Legend" or "Legend of the Red Dragon" and you'll know what Im talking about. Dont buy or even rent this piece of garbage or, any of his state side films like "The One" which is just special effects (any fight movie is sad if you need computer special effects to make your kung fu look neat like Blade 2 with Wesley Snipes).$LABEL$0 Money well spent. This little stick vacuum is perfect for exactly what it is meant to do, quick pick ups. I charged it exactly as directions indicated and it's been great for picking up in the dining area after my little ones. It's also great for a quick pick up on the stairs and entry rugs. I like the versatility of having just a hand vac too.$LABEL$1 Western Civilization: Volume I: To 1715. Seller was prompt. Book was gently used--in good shape. My daughter is currently enjoying (yes, enjoying)it as the text for a college course. Antil-biblical bias is evident as in many secular texts.$LABEL$1 UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The only reason I bought this movie is because I love the old one so much and the guy that reviewed it for Amazon said this was one case where the new out did the old. Guess he likes really crappy movies. I was done with remakes, they always have to change the story line, for the worse. Examples: Planet of the Apes, Time Machine, and lets not forget how they destroyed The Day the Earth Stood Still! Anyway, it jumped all over the place. I guess Hollywood thinks that if thet throw in a lot of special effects we will watch anything. Please, please, please, if anyone from Hollywood is reading this, please don't touch Forbidden Planet, you have destroyed enough of the old classic Sci-Fi's, leave well enough alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!$LABEL$0 Worst ST album EVER. This album is complete filler. There is not even a single worthwhile song to be floated by another 9 tracks of filler. It is 100% tripe. It is odd how a band that was so powerful in it's genesis would cash in and sell out to the weakest level. Lights Camera was garbage too, but at least ST fans could pretend to like it. This one leaves no room for imagination. The fact that any one related to Queensryche had anything to do with this album is a big STAY CLEAR SIGN. This one isn't even worth the time it has taken you to read this review.$LABEL$0 Starts out good, doesn't last. I liked my first Microsoft Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse I bought a year ago to use with my laptop so much that I bought two more within the last six months, one for my desktop and one for my business use laptop. The mouse has great features, I liked the small "tail" and the especially the fact that the tail can swing to multiple positions to accommodate other USB plug-ins. However, that swinging tail doesn't seem to hold up for long. All three of our mouses (mice) are experiencing the same problem with losing connectivity to the PC, we can wiggle the tail or turn it to another position and it may, or may not, light its little green "good to go" light. Very, very aggravating, we expected better from Microsoft branded products.$LABEL$0 In spite of proper prep; the mirror fell off!. Well, I have convex mirrors on all of our cars (4 cars - 8 mirrors) so I know how to put these on. This is the first brand that has fallen off. Need I say anymore.$LABEL$0 side effect - itching, irritation. I've been using this product for the past several months, but only about one application per day because of the intractable itching and irritation. I will go back to the 2% solution. I did not see any noticeable results with this product, possibly because I was taking less than the customary amount per day.$LABEL$0 Great stickers, but not permanent.. My company uses over 50,000 of stickers of this size a year so I have quite a bit of experience with them. These stickers are top quality in every respect. They print very well and maintain what was printed on them without smudging or other problems. The easy peel aspect is very nice and does help with efficiency in applying sticker.The only problem these stickers have for us is that they are not permanent application stickers. The adhesive on these creates a reasonably strong bond, but will pull off. It appears they are designed to do this. I know that some people want to be able to remove their stickers later and for those type of people these stickers would be perfect. However, in our particular use we need the stickers to not be removable and thus these are not perfect for us. You will have to judge for yourself how this would affect you.$LABEL$1 Lightweight. The weight of the paper is near onion-skin. I cannot imagine it being able to withstand steady use.$LABEL$0 A big no, no. This book is a scam, a perfect example how the self-publishing industry can be discredited.It is not worth its money.The author takes pride that it wrote it in two weeks back in 2001 and the quality is similar.Out of the 121 pages of the book, only 31 are written by the author, the remaining are downloaded pages from internet and exerpts from his new book.I felt betrayed from buying this book and I would suggest Amazon should not promote this kind of books.$LABEL$0 Ride is too short for use in Cycling. I enjoyed the other Bike-O-Vision projects very much but this presentation is so short, under twenty minutes. It was not very appropriate for indoor cycling training.$LABEL$0 Studded Dog Collar...... This is one of ther funniest CDs I have ever listened to! Vol II is just hilarious! I got a huge kick out of the Bixby routine, and the one about the graveyard. It's a must buy for those with a sense of humour!$LABEL$1 It burned fast... then it burned out!!!. This is the second one! I received the rep[lacement under warranty and guess what?! It died too! after about just over a month of use. Sticking to brand from now on. No more chinesse cheapo burners.My old HP still kicking after 4 years, thats quality! Its true what they say, you get what you pay for. Learned the hard way.$LABEL$0 Warmth without the noise.. This heater keeps the furnace from coming on all night and works great. Just keep your windows cracked a little and enjoy the warmth.$LABEL$1 how can an artist loose his soul?. I EXPECTED THIS TO BE A RE-RELEASE OF LIMAHLS' PAST RECORDINGS; I'VE NEVER BEEN SO LET DOWN! REMEMBER KAJAGOOGOO?, REMEMBER WHEN LIMAHL LEFT THE GROUP FOR HIS SOLO ENDEAVORS LEAVING BEHIND "KAJA". ON THEIR OWN...THE BAND OR LIMAHL DIDN'T SOUND TOO BAD....UNTILL THIS RELEASE! SOME WOULD CALL THIS NEW LIMAHL SOUND,MATURE OR POLISHED;I CALL IT WAY OVER-PRODUCED,TO THE POINT THAT POOR LIMAHL SOUNDS LIKE A LOUNGE SINGER! BUY SOME WORKS HERE AT AMAZON.COM BY KAJAGOOGOO OR AFTER THE BREAK-UP "KAJA"...BUT NOT THIS RELEASE! THIS RELEASE REPRESENTS ALL THAT IS WRONG WITH THE CURRENT MUSIC INDUSTRY....THE SELLING OF ONES SOUL TO MAKE A QUICK BUCK$! LIMAHL....R.I.P$LABEL$0 Love it but it had to grow on me.. It does have a strong soapy note, with a light powdery scent. You will smell very clean and fresh.This could easily be a unisex fragrance but it's nothing that would make a man feel awkward wearing it.$LABEL$1 A Valuable Video for Kendoists. I was delighted to view this video. Produced in the early 1960's the production of the video is not modern but the content is a delight for kendoist. The techniques displayed are all of high standard. There is little time in 30 minutes to be a real instructional video but there is a lot for the beginner to see and to get a good impression of good kendo. The Iaido displayed is a bonus. Be sure to buy it and add it to your collection.$LABEL$1 I am more to blame than Jordan. I was vacationing in Kenya when I finished "Eldest" and needed a new book desperately. The only book of interest I found a bookstore in Mombasa was Crossroads of Twilight. For some reason I do not remember, I read all previous 9 books in the Wheel of Time epic (and I use that in the negative sense). So I place the blame squarely on my shoulders for reading such an awful book.Jordan creates a fascinating world, but after Book III, he gets lost in his own story. Honestly, and without exaggeration, there is not ONE plot development in this book. Yes, that's correct: not one thing of importance happens in the 800+ pages. Unfortunately, that has become the norm for Robert Jordan. If you just have to finish this series (I am officially at the "I could care less" stage), do yourself a favor and skip this book and go on to Book XI.$LABEL$0 Caveat Emptor!!!. Buyer Beware! The product description for this item is very misleading, as is the picture shown. This is not, in fact, a seat cover that allows you to use your console, but a SOLID BENCH cover. I have tried for several weeks to exchange this item, but it seems that it is always after business hours at this seller's location, and messages left on the answering machine as well as via e-mail are ignored. If you do want a solid bench seat cover, however, this item looks good, and seems like a good quality buy.$LABEL$0 A Must Have!!. Soma Holiday is a must have for every music collection, especially every Rock collection. Each song becomes addictive almost instantly!! The lyrics can be felt by anyone no matter what age, etc. I highly reccommend this CD and if you get a chance check these guys out live because they definitely ROCK!!$LABEL$1 Slow and boring. Slow. The devil is almost ridiculous. No dramatic intensity at all. The action looks fake. The end is too easy.$LABEL$0 OLD TEXT WITH MANY ERRORS. I used this text to teach a machine design class a community college. I has many errors in equations presented as well as in the answers presented in the back of the book. Problems are presented without any illustrations were needed.$LABEL$0 Capo can be used for Strumstick. This capo is designed for a banjo, but I recently bought a strumstick (a hand held dulcimer - Strumstick.com)and the capo works great for it.$LABEL$1 5 Star yoga. This dvd is fabulous. You get 2 full 20 minute workouts led by one of the worlds most famous yoga instructors. Tara Stiles. Learn more about her on her website [...]The yoga poses flow quickly helping your body stay heated. You definitely are getting a great workout from this dvd. Maybe it isnt for people that are used to doing boring yoga journal dvds. Tara is featured frequently in womens Health magazine. She also has a hugely popular YouTube channel. So if you want to make an informed purchase check out some of her YouTube workouts and hten you can get an idea of what you are getting here. [...]Also you can pre order her new book that releass in August right here on Amazon!Slim Calm Sexy Yoga: The 15-minute yoga solution for feeling and looking your best from head to toe$LABEL$1 Disappointing compared to her first two albums. Not much quality here from a previously very gifted artist. She should avoid the populous themes and stick to mature subject matter as she did on her first two outstanding efforts.Purchase the other 2 (definitely) first and then this one but only if you must.$LABEL$0 Full of fun. Blackmailer overflows with colorful characters and a suspenseful plot with a well done twist at the end. The protagonist is a publisher in a down and out New York shop who is offered the chance to publish a sure fire best seller which would catapult his firm into the top ranks.Twice. And that's just in the first few chapters.After that, we get the usual goons, gams, and gunsels so popular in 1950's noir. However, there is a lot more here than just a clever plot. The author understands the publishing business and wiretapping quite well, and the reader will learn a bit about both in several well-turned passages.The plot moves quickly enough to keep us from not questioning it too much. The profusion of unusual characters keeps the book interesting all the way through. And just when we think we know what's going on, we get another twist.This is not great literature, but it is a fine way to while away a rainy Saturday afternoon.$LABEL$1 not easy for a child to enjoy. i was dissappointed with this house. My 3 year old girl loves Dora and was excited but when she started to play with it, it doesn't do much to keep a childs interest. They made one door open. No other doors,oven, cabinets, etc open. The family figurines don't fit on the couch and keep falling off. They should have made this so the figurines can use the furniture. THe first thing my daughter does is she goes to put the family on the furniture, and they fall off. They are hard to keep standing, not very flexible at all and i think they could have done some more things with this for them to enjoy.. Kids love to open and close things and if you're going to have house furniture, the figurines that go with it should fit easily. I got frustrated trying to get the Mami and Papi to sit or stand. How do you think a 3 yr old feels.$LABEL$0 Excellent vocals --- Excellent songwriters. Sit! Stay! has become one of my favorite music collections. Lead vocals, Rich Currier and Gary German, seem to belong together - they blend so well that it's hard to believe that the sound isn't produced from one singer."Colorado Sky" is clearly the strongest track but "Tres Hombres, Dos Equis y Una Paloma" and "Phantom Canyon Road" are so strong, it's hard not to consider them as the album flagship.These "Bad Dogs" should definitely get their own dog run!$LABEL$1 Things we don't need to be told by snotty little grrls.. When did we determine being a snotty prep school grad made you an ettiquite guru? Deluded much?haleth- I hate to tell you but knowing the "grrls" personally I have to inform you that they are not "characters", they portray themselves as they would like to be seen- which is better than everyone else.Real class is making those around you feel special no matter what their background, ethnicity, upbringing, education, or outfit.Their tone and "quirky" little nuances like RANDOM CAPITALIZATION are old because they have already been DONE. Cynthia Rowley & Ilene Rosenzweig?Time to get a new gig grrls.$LABEL$0 OMG the chemical burn.. Way back when, I used to love Brilliant Pomade (that came in a little pump bottle) and I used it frequently.Recently, I bought this and now I have the WORST chemical burn rash on my neck. It's disgusting.And it burns like hell.I don't have sensitive skin and I've never had a problem with any product of this nature. Not sure what's in this but I can't use it.Test it on your arm first. Burns on your nape aren't fun.$LABEL$0 Pave Rolling Trio should roll back to it's creator Serious Rip Off. Purchased this and it arrived fast but;no glimmer at allone stone feel out in the box on arrivalfeels and looks very cheap and bubble gum machine likeworth about $2.50, nothing more then that..royal rip off and I question who would ever write it's grand, seriously ...run from this one$LABEL$0 Want a fun mystery? Start with book one!. In my opinion, the "Hannah Swensen Mysteries" should definately be read in order! To me, the whole series is like one big book of friends. If you pick up this book, which is the sixth in the series, and read it before you have read the previous stories, you probably will be disappointed. Every book I read, I love Hannah, Lisa, Norman, and Moshe more! Is Hannah perfect? No! But, who is? So, if you are interested, start with book one.Yes, this book is different from the first five. But, I liked that it had a different flare. This is not my favorite in the series but I wouldn't have missed it! Don't compare this series to others! This is the type of mystery where you lean back, kick off your shoes, grab a bon bon, and enjoy a fun and entertaining story. I love the development of the characters, the funny situations, the mysteries, and the conclusions. These are definately not boring or tedious. They are light and fun.$LABEL$1 A broken tooth is better than this mess!. Minus 3 stars!! What a waste! Instead of leaving Alexander's homosexuality in the background (as private matters should be) the viewer is subjected to, not a war story, but a "love" story. Men kssing over and over and lusting after each other. The scene in which Alexander put a major lip lock on the "guy" in the middle of a big feast and the is cheered by his equally perverted men -- is sickening!!!! I did not even get to then end of it. A fishook in the eye would have been more fun!!$LABEL$0 Shepherding a Child's Heart. This is a sick book written by an angry and sick man who appears to enjoy the touch of baby flesh on his hand. He portrays himself as a man of G-d, but truly, he a man of the devil. If I did to Mr. Tripp what he suggests I do to my children, surely he would have me arrested for assult in the first degree. Save your money and buy a decent book. May I suggest "Effective Discipline in the Home and School," by Genevieve Painter, Ed.D and Raymond Corsini, Ph.D., or any of the Positive Parenting book one can purchase on Amazon.com.Dr. James A. Deutch, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Adlerian Family Counselor$LABEL$0 Obsolete. This book refers to Version 0.9 of GIMP. As of this review, Version 2.6 is current.Nuff said?Seriously, it spends a lot of copy on installing on Linux and setting up SCSI scanners, Ridiculous today!Whether the material about using GIMP is still relevant is irrelevant. The book is completely out of date!$LABEL$0 Grossly Outdated Material. While this may have been a very good book in 1979, the, avian information gained over the last 20 years makes these older book obsolete, if not down right dangerous. These older books should remain out of print. I would recommend a more recent publication including periodicals such as "Bird Talk" magazine with up to the minute articles from today's (1999) experts. I've kept African Grey's for almost 10 years now.$LABEL$0 Dr. Atkins New Diet Cookbook. If you are on this diet, this book has many wonderful recipes to try. The Austrian Paprika Chicken is wonderful! A good resource.$LABEL$1 This is great but the sound is kinda bad.. I love Slayers!!! The story is great, the fighting is great, but i have one problem and that's the sound. For example their's a guy walking down a hall right while the foot steps sounds get their before the guy's feet touch the ground!!!! That's a bad thing people!!! And another thing is when Lina is talking her mouth this moving and she isn't talking!!!! But other than a few sound problems this's a fun box set.$LABEL$1 More expensive but worth the peace of mind.. I have built SATA RAID configurations in the past without using raid enabled drives and I have gone through some real nightmares, the money you save is not worth the heartache of a failed RAID. Did you know that a Windows Server 2003 box can still run with two failed RAID SATA drives, although very very very slowly. Of course it is a false hope because as soon as you reboot it's over. The drives are high quality and worked great.$LABEL$1 Almost Thrilled To See This.. We know that LOTR is going to look phenomenal on Blu-Ray, so seeing this set pop up thrilled me...until I saw that they were only giving us the theatrical release, thus presumably making us wait an immeasurable period before announcing the extended editions. Not cool, not at all. Milking it is absolutely ridiculous, so give a nod to the fans--the extended edition should be available simultaneously.$LABEL$0 The best ever. Perhaps the most revered of all kung-fu films, this film combines a truly original concept and plot, awesome fight sequences, and the most intense animal to animal fighting to hit the screen. Easily considered the "gold standard" of films of its type, this is hands-down THE MUST-HAVE movie. If you are an aspiring collector, START HERE (or with Shaolin Master Killer). Every "serious" collector HAS it! Some people like "Return of ---" better. Not me.$LABEL$1 Not a bad book, but not good either.. While the book itself covers many different illusions that are quite common to the avid magician, the book fails to provide very good descriptions of how to perform the illusion. Honestly, spend the extra cash and buy both the royal road to card magic and bobos coin magic book to actually get a better start.$LABEL$0 Lacks compassion. Plot is very slow moving and simple. I couldn't finish. The characters especially the main is shallow, racist, and self-centered. The Bible says we will always have the poor with us. So why have characters, who live in an uneducated, unindustrialized country with little or no economic opportunity to support themselves, criticize people who beg as being lazy? This political statement represents a lack of Christian compassion in these characters who obviously don't appreciate Christ who gives unconditional love and not what is deserved. I couldn't read any more of this book, it turned my stomach.$LABEL$0 horrible twist ties. These bags are HORRIBLE. You have to fumble with the top to open the bag (not sanitary) then once you pour/pump the milk in, you have to put it in a mug to tie and freeze!! Who has time to wait for it to freeze to remove the mug!?!! Also dealing with the twist tie is a nightmare and it's impossible to get all the air out.Also, The bags take up too much room in the freezer. I LOVE the bags that can lie flat like Lansinoh (much easier to pour, freeze, and unthaw as they can lay flat). You can buy 25 Lansinoh bags for $6 at Target, and they're much much better qualityI'm throwing the rest of mine away. They're totally useless$LABEL$0 So hot, it melts itself!. This lamp lasted only eight months before the heat from the head of the lamp melted the plastic bracket it was mounted on. The head of the lamp now dangles uselessly by its cord. By the way, the lamp gets so hot that it could burn you if it is on for as few as ten seconds, so there is a safety concern apart from the self-destruction problem. The bulbs are also nearly impossible to find. I do not recommend purchasing this lamp - keep shopping.$LABEL$0 BORING!. I had a tough time getting through this book. I really enjoyed previous Carly Phillips books and just finished the Hot Number, Hot Item, etc.. series before I started this book and I have to say, those were above and beyond better than "Cross My Heart".The book was boring and the main characters weren't terribly likeable. Thank goodness Hunter and Molly were good supporting characters or this would be a real dud. Stick with previous CF books - it's ok to miss this one!$LABEL$0 Did nothing. This product did nothing to help grow my nails. In fact when I took it off with nail polish remover my nails started to grow almost immediately. So I'm avoiding using it unless I am going to use it as a base coat but since it didn't help my nails grow I feel that I may just throw it away and accept a loss. Too bad. I was hoping it would help.I had the polish on my nails for a solid 2 weeks. And during that time my nails barely grew at all. I was thinking it was just that I had quit biting my nails and the immediate growth was over with. I was wrong. I don't recommend this nail polish to help grow your nails. Save your money.$LABEL$0 Simple and effective. I do not speak Spanish and languages do not come easy to me. But I have been wanting to learn and teach my children (age 3 & 5) at a casual pace. This method is perfect for us!! I only bought one book, not realizing it's a workbook, but so far I just read it to my kids while we eat lunch or breakfast and we go through it together. The kids are really picking up on it and it has been a fun learning experience for all of us! I also bought a couple of fun cd's (Muévete- Learn Spanish Through Song and MovementandSongs in Spanish for Children) that we all love listening to and dancing to, which helps integrade the language in our home in a fun way.$LABEL$1 Cool Exhaust Fans. This is a good product from thermaltake. Place it below my Graphics card. Doesn't flow a large amount of air but its fine. Dropped my temps by aboout 5 celcius. Not bad for a silent and low priced slot fan.$LABEL$1 WOT!!!!. This has 2 b her best album 2 D8!!!! trust me!!! i dnt no if evry1 els is listnin 2 the same cd as me but she sounds real good and the songs r ALLLLLLLL GOOD!!!!!!!!!Standout tracksGet right (original and remix)step into my worldWhatever you wanna doCherry pieRyde Or DieI, LoveSO ITS A GOOD CD BUY IT NOW!!!! u wnt b disapointed$LABEL$1 Find it.. I can not believe no one else has written a review for this outstanding thriller.Frank Pagan, the protagonist, is a bruised, battered London cop, whi is assigned to the anti-terrorist squad.The "Jig" of the title is a well-accomplished Irish killer.Frank has to catch him.So, yes: it's a chase story. And it moves. The body count is awesome, the tension is overwhelming. The atmosphere is gritty, sweaty, saeamy. It's real. While it doesn't actually say so in the text, you know that Frank Hagan is a man who farts. He's human. He's damaged: a widower, still in love with his dead wife. He's... eccentric: a Londoner who drives a huge American car and plays 1950s rock and roll LOUD on the car stereo.The story is a tad dated, but gripping nonetheless. Read it, then read the follow-ups: Jigsaw, and Heat.They all compare favourably with Nelson Demille's "Cathedral".. enough said?$LABEL$1 chrono cross. this is a great sequel to chrono trigger some people might not agree like i did at first but i have come to love it.this game jumps into everything fast and for an rpg the talking is really low and has alot to do with the previous game.the game aslo has really good gameplay and is different on your second playthrew your choices effect the story and the paths you take so its always different i highly reccomend this game not only to a chrono trigger fan but a fan of rpgs.$LABEL$1 Bags. This product is exactly what is described on the package. It does what it is suppose to. I like this product$LABEL$1 A MUST read. The Dust Bowl is raging on and Billie Jo is in the middle of it. Her family is struggling to keep their farm in the Oklahoma Panhandle. Billie Jo's mother wants to move but her father is convinced that he can make something grow. Then,when the family finds out that Billie Jo's mother is going to have a baby boy, everyone was overjoyed. Everything seemed perfect. But, one day a tragic accident occures. When the baby comes, Billie Jo's little brother and her mother both die. Billie Jo is lost and confused without her mother. Nothing is right anymore.This was a GREAT, GREAT book! Karen Hesse captures you with free verse poems that make up the whole book. Your heart will be taken along in the journey with all the characters in this book. People of all ages will love this book no matter what.$LABEL$1 Proof that fecal matter can be pressed onto a disc.. This is the worst game that I have seen in years.I am not going to repeat what people are saying about this game. I will add the following points:The audio is horrible. You can pretty much hear which individual sound bites they are stringing together to make (in)coherent commentary. Also the sound quality is right up there with a decent AM radio station.The menus are the most non-intuitive I have seen in years.Bottom line is, anyone that has been duped into buying this game: we should band together and file a class action lawsuit against EA. The game is that bad.$LABEL$0 This book is christian propaganda at its best!. This book is the Christian whine heard around the world. It is about Christians who are mad because Universities teach everything in an open fair way instead of teaching Christian values. They use the guise in the book of being republicans not wanting such a liberal teaching stance, but you can see right through it. How obtuse for this nations Christians to try and make everything about them and their religion....it is a religion, not the way of the world. It is such Christian propaganda. I was disgusted.$LABEL$0 Crap. I purchased this product thinking that it was would be nice considering the prices for street glow are much higher. Well I received the unit had it professionally installed and my main control unit was faulty wasn't pushing the power out, so the company who installed told me to contact the company to get a replacement and to my suprise there not open on the weekends.. So I just decided to place an order for the main control unit to save me the hassle well now it turns out that I only get 2 colors blue and green and various different shades of these to colors. This product is crap, now im going to have to fight the fight to get my money back for the led crap and the installation fees I've had to pay. I strongly avoid getting this kit.$LABEL$0 Goes on and on and on. I've had this little gadget for years and while the Cuisine Art equivalent (a gift) has come, tried, and failed, this little unassuming Braun machine just keeps whipping and pureeing like on day one. Very happy with it!$LABEL$1 Amazing one.... I thought a lot about this lens and sigma 10-20 mm before plunging into Canon and I never regret the decision I took!!This lens is amazing and provides beautiful wide angle shots with 'WOW' factor in each and every shot... Very less distraction, decently built body...apart from this it is THE Canon Optics that gives this a differentiating factor from other third party manufacturers and it is worth the premium you pay for Canon optics.$LABEL$1 Book 4 of a huge plot.. The line of the Kent famiy is followed through with Amanda Kent as the main player. Amanda, daughter of Gilbert Kent was kidnapped and held as a wife by an Indian brave until his death when she was released.She then married a fur trapper who also died,leaving her to m ake her living as a bar keeper until she was caught up in the Battle of the Alamo and again taken prisoner as the woman of a Mexican Officer.She was treated well by him and gave birth to his son,Louis. By chance, she met,very briefly, with her cousin Jared who had been searching for her for years and inherited, on behalf of his son Jephtha,the control of his share of a gold mine. Determined to restore the printing firm of Kent and Sons in Boston to the family control, she and Louis set up house in Boston where she battles for ownership of the firm from the evil Hamilton Stovall,the man who swindled her family of their fortune and business.$LABEL$1 oo la la. nice, heavy duty sheets. super-deep pockets. the color is true to the picture. these sheets are a great bargain for high end thread count.$LABEL$1 This CD ROCKS!. In Palm Trees & Power LInes, Sugarcult's lyrics travel into more serious territory, but still are accompanied by their killer hooks and guitar riffs! Highly recommended to any Sugarcult fan! Favorite songs:She's the blade,Champagne,Memory,Counting Stars, but all the songs are awesome!$LABEL$1 Beautiful. The box called to me graphically. The fragrance is unique. I had to have it. I love to breath it in.$LABEL$1 I hate this machine.. I hate this machine. I like to drink espresso so I absolutely wanted a machine that would make both coffee and espresso. The main problem is the machine has no automatic shut off so if I leave the house and forget to manually turn off the machine, the coffee evaporates and the pot burns. I didn't think they made machines like that anymore - it should come with fire insurance. Also, the coffee results are spotty. Sometimes the coffee is great but then I've had several times when only hot water has come through. The coffee filter holder is very hard to fit into the machine. You have to line it up exactly with a hard to see notch to insert it. I have a Krups coffee grinder that has been a wonderful workhorse for me so I decided to buy this when my DeLonghi gave up the ghost (that one I loved). I would never recommend this and if you want to buy it from me, I'll give you a good deal! I am going to call Krups and see if they will take it back or exchange it. Ha, good luck to me.$LABEL$0 Great little item. I knew exactly what I wanted when I ordered this, but couldn't find it in my town. I ordered it from Amazon, and really like it.I use it in my bathroom to keep my hair thingies and night creams in. It works perfectly. It's well made, yet simple. The top part has a little lift-up hatch that makes it nice for things you want to access all the time.Great little item!$LABEL$1 Makes Danielle Steele look like Shakespeare. This book was really lame. It is riddled with cliches and it is shorter then a young adult novel. Total waste of time. The Lifetime movie was much better, so you know how bad this really was.$LABEL$0 Biased, weak and with little use, but concise. I read this book here in Brazil.I'm an agronomist and I like to read books.This book has an obvious anti-catholic bias.About the popes who were murdered by their catholic faith, there's nothing.The enormous failures of famous protestants such as Luther (anti-semithism and racism), Henry VIII (madness, womanizer, etc.), etc. have no place on this book.Even about the founder of pentecostalism , the pastor Charles Fox Parham who was an eugenicist, pedophile, gay and racist, there's no place in this book.The anti-catholic bias is obvious.No defects are showed, among famous protestant founders.In fact, 100% of great protestants had enormous defects.The best chapter of this book is about Islam.Showing Islam as a result of a weak easter christianity,in a chapter.This book has some very little utility.$LABEL$0 Piazzolla brazillian version. Only Astor Piazzolla could equal himself. A bandoneon virtuoso playing his own works, nobody could do better than him. However Four Seasons of Buenos Aires deserves a place of honour in the cd collection of Piazzolla's fans.$LABEL$1 Great. I have been using this pump for many years before it stopped. The new one I ordered is even better. I use it to pump water through a pond filter to a waterfall about 10 ft. away and 3 ft. high.$LABEL$1 this movie made me cringed & twitch to the max. bad acting bad storytelling bad everything i wish this movie was never made i strongly disliked this movie it seriously was a waste of time and money to make god this movie is terrible seriously terrible and i thought my movies were bad but this movie takes the cake and just ruins my childhood foreverSurvivor's Quest (Star Wars)Star Wars: Fool's Bargain (Novella)Heir to the Empire (Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy, Vol. 1)Dark Force Rising (Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy, Book 2)The Last Command (Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy, Vol. 3)Specter of the Past (Star Wars: The Hand of Thrawn #1)Vision of the Future (Star Wars: The Hand of Thrawn, Book 2)Allegiance (Star Wars)Star Wars: Choices of OneOutbound Flight (Star Wars)$LABEL$0 Absolutely a great read!. I loved this book for the prose and the story. It would have rated a 10, but for 2 incidents that were too far out there to even be included in the plot (you'll know which ones when you read them). I was captivated from the opening page through to the end.$LABEL$1 Great quality and very useful. Great customer service from the Handy House! Due to a packaging snag, my order came without a rolling pin cover, but they shipped out another promptly when I let them know.Both the cloth and pin cover are of great quality, and the cloth is well hemmed. I used it for my Christmas cookies as soon as I got it, and they both worked great!$LABEL$1 An Excellent Teacher. Alright, I've haven't read the final book. I do have an unfinished version that Professor Sanford distributed when I took this class from him at the U of Maryland. The initial version was excellent. I had tried to slog through other presentations on fracture mechanics and had gotten lost in the details.Rather than just presenting the stress intensity factor and other concepts, he gave a good historical development of just where these quantities came from and why anyone would or should use them to predict time to failure.$LABEL$1 Just a gift. My husband had been wanting this book for a good long while. He's happy with it. We got it 2 days after ordering and it's in perfect condition.$LABEL$1 Not good. I was so looking forward to this book. For a variety of reasons I was sure that I would love it. Instead I found, after the first few chapters, that I was making myself read it in the hope that it was somehow going to get better. Its one thing to try and turn a light and frothy story into something deeper with political overtones, but its another to make it boring, awkwardly paced, and with dialogue that slips in and out of being stilted again and again. Some people loved it though, so I would think your best choice is to find a copy and read a bit to see what you think.$LABEL$0 Pet Taxi replacement door. The dimensions of the door were not listed in the description; so while my pet taxi is a large, it is evidently older than the ones this door was made for. Listing the dimensions of the door would not be difficult and would save customers having to return items because they are the wrong size.$LABEL$0 Rogers and Hamerstein disappointment. This is a beautifully restored and digitally remastered copy. One of the poorest examples of the genius of Rogers and Hammerstein musicals. Poor screenplay, poor plot, very few hit songs. If on Broadway today, it would close in the first week if not after the first night. I resold this DVD.$LABEL$0 An okay book. This book was very very very very very very very very very very gooooooooooodAlthough it was a little too explanatory!$LABEL$0 Raising your child like you'd train a horse?. Well, if you read Ezzo's books and just change a few things, you'll have a great manual for training a wild horse. In other words, to break the natural inclinations for an animal to survive and thrive in it's natural environment in order to accomodate the wishes of its master in an unnatural environment. Now, I'm not against domesticating animals, but I am wholeheartedly against training mothers and babies not to trust themselves.Visit www.ezzo.info for a thorough discussion of this author.$LABEL$0 awesome book. this exact same thing happened to me. exactly. when i read it i couldn't believe it. i love this book!$LABEL$1 Living with an anorexic - a life line. I found this book invaluable. My anorexic neice said it was the best thign she had read to explain what was going on inside her head. Wow - it was like lights going on. Really helpful ot be able to see the disorder from her point of view. I was floundering before I read this. I storngly recommend it to those of us desperate to help a loved one who is lost in anorexia and fighting to find their way out, or not yet ready to fight!$LABEL$1 DO NOT BUY!!. We purchased this plasma and 8 months later it stoped working. We had a manufacturer warranty, which is worse than the plasma itself. Haier promised they would replace with an upgraded model in ten days. After the ten days came and went then they say they would only replace the moniter in 15-20 business days. We are still waiting for a replacement.$LABEL$0 Take a risk if you've never heard his music.... cause I'm glad I did! This the first Elliot Smith CD I have and I'm definitely getting another. The songwriting is awesome and Elliot has a great voice! My favorite songs (even though they're all good): Son of Sam, LA, Color Bars, Can't Make a Sound, and In the Lost and Found.$LABEL$1 Decent machine. Not as good as my Norelco 7775X Cool Skin Shaver, but gives a decent shave for the price.$LABEL$1 Too small. The pages on this score pad are too small to write in the numbers. There is no space to add up the scores until you get to the final score. Could contribute to errors in addition.$LABEL$0 Not happy. Over I like the gun but the chrome is peeling off both of the psh 1's I own.Called porter cable and they tried to replace it with a cheap black and decker homeowner model.They then referred me to a local repair center but they didn't manufacture the tool so what could they do.Every time I use this tool I cut my hand open and porter cable did nothing to make it right.In conclusion porter cable is a shell of what they used to be.Very diss appointed$LABEL$0 didn't last. My repair was a 3/4" hole in the vinyl seat of a kitchen stool. I followed the directions carefully, but the patch kept cracking and I kept adding new layers to patch the cracks. It finally seemed ok except for looking a little higher than the rest of the seat since I had to put extra layers. I didn't use it for a few days. Then when we did sit on it it started cracking again and after a couple of days the central part of the patch fell out.$LABEL$0 a very sad and scary love story. I thought this book was very much in keeping with Stephen King's newer style of writing. Different from the classics but very good. I liked his descriptions of love never lost in all the characters. He has an amazing grasp of the everyday which I really enjoy. He can make you see the characters so clearly, I really liked Brenda Meserve and Bill Dean, so stuck in the past. Stephen King has such a grip on his characters. Aside from my admiration of his love for his characters this book also scared me silly. when he spoke about Mike Noonan's encounters with ghosts made my hair stand on end. He continues to be an excellent storyteller. I started with "The Shining" and have enjoyed all of his books$LABEL$1 Christmas. This was a Christmas present for my Dad. He loved it! It fits his weapon perfectly and he says it's very comfortable to wear. Thank you!$LABEL$1 One of the greatest films from Jamaica. The first time I saw Smile Orange I was 10 years old (I'm 30 now), my mother and I brought it from our local Jamaican record shop. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen. The cast is wonderful and I am sure you will find Ceril the bus boy sweet and funny...just remember "Plate" and you will see what I am talking about. Buy this movie and let Ringo, Joe and Ceril take you on a wild ride!$LABEL$1 if it aint broke don't fix it. This game when it first came out was simply great and remained great for a year or two and then they decided to "up-date" the game or to "improve" it which the 2nd age was a wonderful update but everything after that was down hill from there and the more they update it the worse they make it I realize there just trying to improve it but the game was better back before UO: Renissance came out and everything they have done since then including UO:R has been a major dissapointment and this new Age of Shadows update is without a doubt the worst one yet and i definetly suggest you not purchase this game unless you are already a UO player and are already deeply involved with a house(es) and extensive fortune if not play another game this one is as the title imply's only a shadow of it's former glory$LABEL$0 The worst one yet. The first Spy Kids movie was enjoyed by all in our family and our kids insisted on seeing all of the sequels. They should have stuck to the first one as in so many cases. Did not have the same energy and quirkiness that the first movie had. The characters also did not interact with each other in that easy way found in the the first movie.$LABEL$0 Where there's smoke there's usually fire...usually. Smokin Aces is a good action movie for those people that like action movies. It's funny, smart, and packed with good scenes that make it worth watching. There are enough twists and there is enough violence to liken it to other similar movies like Snatch, Ronin, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, and I enjoyed it. The HD-DVD combo worked well in my 360 HD-DVD player and showed marked improvement. I would recommend this to the action movie fan easily as well as anyone looking for a good HD-DVD to add to their collection.$LABEL$1 Fair Book but get other sources as well. I have used Microsoft Press books to get through my entire MCSE certification. I bought this book and used it along with Transcender and that was not enough to pass the exam. This book did not stress enough a lot of the key areas that were covered on the exam (especailly in the area of cryptography).$LABEL$0 The Gift of Intuition and Consciousness. Penney Peirce has written a thoughtful, grounded, and well put together book on how to access an innate capacity in the human brain. Intuition is our natural heritage and this is one of the best books on the market that dispels the woo-woo and focuses on the matter of fact ways to utilize it to one's advantage. In my opinion, we are all intuitives, while others are psychic and capable of seeing realms of creation in multiple dimensions. Nevertheless, this is a fabulous and organized way to consciousness and discipline to achieve practical application of one's inner knowing. When intuition and intellect combine forces in harmony ... much more awareness is at your disposal to create the life you truly want.$LABEL$1 Good Movie. Bale has been the best Batman. The story was a little long in the middle. Overall an excellent superhero movie.$LABEL$1 One of the best original FPS you can play!!!. This game is one of the best first person shooter games I had ever played! I had tried all of the xbox first person shooters and this is defitenitely the best for me since Halo! The graphics are excellent and the originality is awesome! This game is so good that it is worth buying it. You will not regret it. Like Halo I will never resell mine because I cannot wait to replayed again and again!!!$LABEL$1 Not what it's cracked up to be. To sum it up, this book is another example of a lost opportunity to realize the potential of an interesting theme, namely the juxtaposition of two cultures and its effect on one individual. The writing is simplistic and cliche-ridden, and the number of references to pop culture will give the book the shelf life of a BenLo movie. Superficial and manufactured, this one will take little time to read and even less time to forget.$LABEL$0 blind, not deaf. Blind is a treat, if pop music is up your alley, this is the street you want to be on. I've had this album 16 years or so, and after properly hearing it on every stereo I own in every room of my house for years, I'd have to say I'm very happy I bought it.This one won't tire out easily. Brilliant lyrics, sung beautifully, over crisp, airy guitar and drums, whats not to like? As clear as an early morning breeze on a summer day on the coast, these songs will penetrate and invigorate your mind. Enjoy these songs and wish that there were more.$LABEL$1 another exercise in pseudo-spirituality. This book will give some people the psychological comfort they're seeking but for me it was just another exercise in pseudo-spirituality. I have read countless books on spirituality and self-improvement, and I can honestly say this book is no exception. Personally, the more I question my existence the less I believe in a human "soul" - rather it's ALL soul (or whatever you want to call it - spirit, energy, intelligence, God, Easter Bunny!). Personally, I wouldn't bother with this book and check out Krishnamurti's, Book of Life or Total Freedom.$LABEL$0 Awesome. Hands down the best and most comfortable mouse I've ever used. I scoffed at paying so much for such a common piece of equipment, but regretted my decision when I bought a cheap piece of crap.This mouse is frickin amazing. Worth every penny. I've since bought several others for my other desktop and laptop computers. Things sick.$LABEL$1 Excellent USB drive. An excellent device - good transfer rates, robust & has a very well designed rubber sling for attachment to a keyring.$LABEL$1 burn notice season 2. purchased burn notice season 2 dvds came on time in good condition ,at a fair price, very good quality in both video and audio.consider a must have for anyone like me who is a devoted fan of B&N;.$LABEL$1 Great little paint set.. Purchased this for my two year old whom loves to paint. After she pulled this out of her stocking she wasn't interested in any other gifts. We are always thrilled with Melissa & Doug products!$LABEL$1 If you have nothing else to do. This book is a good "airplane book" . You can read it from New york to LA and never miss anything. There are many inaccuracies that a good Software Engineer can point out, but the one that bothered me most is that there are no stairs in the Giralda. Did Dan Brown really spend time in Seville?$LABEL$0 Move on. I saw this movie when it was originally released and have to say that may thoughts of it have not gotten any better in that time. I had high hopes for it going in and kept waiting for that moment when I would feel that my money had not been wasted. The moment never came. This was an awful movie. Boring dialog, uninteresting characters, painfully slow pacing. This is really no different than any of the other movies Paul Thomas Anderson has written and directed. This is the worst of the big 3 but they are all highly overrated.$LABEL$0 Wow! So many elements in this.book...... A murder mystery that covers so many topics: police investigations, the occult, divorce and the breakdown of the family unit, in depth character analysis, etc. Excellent twists and turns that keep you wondering till the very end of the story. A must read.....$LABEL$1 Greatest Gift of All. With "Built to Last," the Grateful Dead give their fans the ultimate gift. . . . an album so mediocre that even the most enthusiastic fan would be thankful that there would be no more to come. This is the Dead's final trip to the studio. Had they called it a day after "In the Dark," many may have been left wondering what would have followed. Now that the Dead had a certified hit record, how would they follow it up? Rather than leave fans imagining great albums of the future (not that "In the Dark" was any masterpiece, in my opinion), they deliver "Built to Last," demonstrating that the long, strange trip was over indeed.$LABEL$0 Why Aren't These I-ties Getting More Ink?. The Code is a great combination of musical exercises from some seriousouly talented Italians. North America may have invented this genre, but the children of the Continent are having pretty big fun trying it on for themselves.$LABEL$1 Only one bulb works - I gave it two and a half stars. I previously purchased the Rayovac SP8DA Black Sportsman 8D Lantern from a local store and liked it a lot. With the prediction of Super Storm Sandy hitting the Northeast, I decided to buy another one, this time from Amazon. From the moment I added the batteries and turned it on, only one bulb has worked. I am really disappointed with this purchase.Just have not had the time to return it!$LABEL$0 Old greed dies hard... Despite the fact that the country (not just the right, as in Reagan's case) practically beatified Roosevelt at the time of his death, and also despite the virtually unanimous opinion among historians that he was one on of the three truly great leaders this country has ever had, authors like Flynn just cannot seem to let it go. The anti-FDR/New Deal/Yalta smear brigade, fueled from the beginning by the same 'big money' that ironically caused the Depression in the first place, marches on to its own drummer, preaching to its own choir.If a man is measured by who his enemies were, then the legacy of FDR, only perhaps second to Lincoln, may rest undisputed.$LABEL$0 This is a Bohemian flick. After 10 minutes, I had enough. First of all, the visual clarity could have been done a whole lot better, especially with the technology at our disposal. Secondly, this film reminds me of the psychedelic 70's or something. No worse, it reminds me of something you would see during an hallucination on LSD. The music was psychedelic, the drawings were psychedelic, and the constant frontal, nudity scenes gave me nausea. The film gave me a headache!$LABEL$0 Too much Hype, no substance. I too believed all the hype of this being "the first classic album of the year". Could not wait to get my hands on it and they suffered through a disappointing effort of dark droning and sub-par effort. Stay away!$LABEL$0 Nice Printer, But..... This printer works well, was reviewed well online, and does exactly what it is supposed to. The problem is the software, it's a NIGHTMARE. I always have to fight to get it to print. Either you let windows install the printer, or use the driver on the cd, and when you print you just get an error message, and have to reboot the computer to get it to print, OR you install all the unnecessary software made for servers, send it to print in the "paper port" program, then have to tell that program to print it. Either way if you buy this printer you can no longet in 1 quick step print your pages.Oh and by-the-way, I use windows XP Home so nothing outdated, but noticed it works a little better with XP Pro.$LABEL$0 Endlessly replayable. It allways amazes me that this album didn't sell as well as the others. Like most of the early Queen albums, it has everything: rockers, ballads, weird multi-tracked constructions, ...If you like guitars and rock, two tracks on this album are outstanding: crank up the volume and listen to "Fat Bottom Girls" and "More of That Jazz". Awesome.$LABEL$1 I wish i wasn't so naive. I bought this book, I will admit, actually expecting something good and amazing. I liked how to make war, and i have now learned the hard way not to buy a book just by the authors name. This is disappointing. Good authors like Stephen Coonts, Michael Crichton, and others, I am able to buy from in confidence, expecting a good read. How is a production delay due to a minor problem a 'dirty little secret?' Wow, I feel so dirty now that I know that!$LABEL$0 Does not serve the purpose. I bought this headset to use it with Skype, not to use it with a phone. I the only way I could make this headset work with my computer was by downloading additional software, which made operation much more complicated. For some reason this thing does not work windows bluetooth drivers. After the software trial ran out I would have had to pay, so I ended up not using the head set at all.If you want to use your headset with a PC, get another one... the other Motorola headsets appear to work just fine.$LABEL$0 Fair. Bad DVD defected I played it and the first DVD was defected and i was disppointed in it big time .$LABEL$0 Legend of Spyro; A New Beginning. The first Spyro was so much fun looking for eggs and secret stuff, but this Spyro is nothing but fighting. If you really liked the first Spyro then don't buy this one, it is a waste of good money.$LABEL$0 THUMBTACK. I have three or four Bob Mould albums and one Husker Du live album. There are times I put them on but with all the music I have, Bob gets played maybe once a year or so.However, every so often I put on this CD just for the song Thumbtack. I dont know what it is but that song is as hard as any blaring electric guitar song to me and lots to say in a very to the point way of saying it. I used to hate buying albums for one song which was the norm in the 70's and 80's but with this album, I stumbled upon this little gem of a song.For that reason, I give this album (and yes there are other songs I like here) five stars just for Thumbtack. Yes, I as a reveiwer can do that.$LABEL$1 Star of David Pewter Cuff Bracelet. Was disappointed all around, sorry to say. The bracelet was not formed with the bias of the wrist; The metal was not thick enough or formulated with enough base metal to withstand body heat so it constantly lost shape and loosened - the design could be seen from the underside/inside. But more importantly it quickly cracked and broke from the edge to one of the star's because of the above reasons as well as, apparently, from not having a thick enough border/edge. Also, upon arrival even one of the star's had already lost it's blacking. However, I liked the idea; If manufacturer recalculated the design I'd try to purchase it again....$LABEL$0 Absolute Rubbish. Bitter disappointment are the only words I can use to describe my reaction to this CD. Whilst I don't expect Alanis to carry on writing in exactly the same style as her first album, this music is written in a desparate attempt to be different. Her music makes no sense!! A few good songs like "That I would be good" "buy the book" just highlight how poor this album is!$LABEL$0 Horrible!!!. Without any question the worst official Hawkwind album. they trash everything that moves .Huw Lloyd Langton seemed to have only learnt one set guitar chords and one tone..his lack of suitable style and limited dimensions to his playing severly tested my huge love otherwise of Hawkwind for a decade almost. (I like Huw personally but in Hawkwind he was a disaster!)A dreadful heavy trash of Swindells "Shot Down in the night" .. a crass ruining of "Spirit of the Age" .. "Lighthouse" is just pathetic.. "Brainstorm" and "Master of the Universe" are insipid and listening to this reminds one of the saying of feeling like you are savaged aurally by a dead sheep!Urban Guerilla is crass but listenable. Motorway City is ok.Silver Machine cuts out with an explosion (mercifully!) to save the listener any more pain.Get the idea.. I hate this album LOL!!$LABEL$0 Cool Vacuum. I just had this vacuum for about a month and it does what it advertised--lots of cleaning power!On the first day we got it, I test drive my DC15 on the family room carpet. I had just vacuumed the room the previous night and the new DC15 still managed to pick up half barrel of filth. There is no doubt about its legendary ability to deliver extra suctions power.The only negative I have was its choice of plastic. The material seems cheap and flimsy. The roller-stand in the back of the ball looks frail and about to crack. For the price they charge I would expect a lot better choice of plastic.$LABEL$1 Hilarious and heartbreaking. Catherine Newman's big heart, sharp wit, and breathtakingly good writing take what could have been a standard "momoir" and elevate it to -- dare I say it? -- literature. A wonderful read for every mother who's ever secretly wondered what the heck she got herself into. Be prepared to laugh, often, and keep the Kleenex handy.$LABEL$1 Love it!!. Great Show can't believe it is over. Hope JJ comes out with another great show, Fringe and Lost how can you top those !!!$LABEL$1 Best transmitter out there!. I tried the Belkin trasmitter before buying this Kensington. The Belkin worked ok at first but after a few weeks it got a lot of static. I live near DC and it's harder to find a clear radio station, which has a lot to do with the static, i'm sure. I returned my Belkin and bought this Kensington transmitter from the apple store. I have had no problems with it since i bought it a few months ago. There is no static at all when i play my ipod - even living near the city! This is definitely the best transmitter to go with if you've been having lots of static problems.$LABEL$1 Great Summer Read. This series by Alexander McCall Smith is great easy & fun summer reading. Start with book one and see the character's personalities and relationships build.$LABEL$1 John Cale's Brilliance - LIVE -. If you're looking for a piece of brilliance and maybe something a little more accessible than some of John's other works you won't be disappointed with this work. Spanning a large piece of his career and some new stuff, John's voice accompanied by solo guitar or piano is simply fabulous. I recommend this release to anyone with an interest in listening to genius with out high production.$LABEL$1 Candy don't taste so good anymore.... I can see how feminists would be all over this. 14 year old nymph gets back at an older masochist. Or is it the other way around ? I really wanted to like this film, but it was too slow and too drawn out. At some point you just feel like sceaming: OK, I GET IT ALREADY. That, and shortly after you want to slap the guy for acting/being stupid. You know she is still in the house, you have a chance to get out, but what do you do ? You go look for her. Dumbass. You deserve everything you get, all the way to the unlikely ending.And then it's over, and you still have questions. Granted, that was the intent, but it makes you feel empty, which was supposed to make you converse with other people about this film I guess. For me however, once was enough. I never need to see it again or talk about it, ever.$LABEL$0 A Must Read!. This book was one of the best. It is about a girl who is accused for murder while on a trip to Rhode Island. Avi uses desciption and vividness to pull the reader right into this book. While it is hard to explain as to what the book was about I will say that it is a must read and that if you have ever wondered what the hard times at sea where like and what the true meaning of friendship is like you will love this book. Charlotte, the main character, is easy to get to know and is someone everyone can relate to with her ongoing bravery and fears.$LABEL$1 Very Satisfied. My wife is very pleased with the product and I am very pleased with the service.. Thank You$LABEL$1 Gift gone a little wrong. I bought this for my mother-in-law for Christmas. She was really excited to get this frame, and I believe when I purchased it the ratings were a little higher. I can see that it isn't that great. We had to ship it back because there were some significant problems (it was showing any pictures and there were lines across the screen). We shipped it back and are awaiting the new one to arrive. I hope that it is much better. I gave it two because it seems like a good product, but the ratings could change depending when we get it.$LABEL$0 Great Lamp- Good Value. I was surprised at how nice this lamp is. It's quite heavy, all metal and has tempered milky glass - not plastic- on the underside of the shade. The base felt like it weighed several pounds. I like it because it not only provides indirect light upward, it also shines a nice diffuse light downward. There are two sockets for bulbs. It says you can use up to 150 watt bulbs -if you want that much light. It has a long cord that you pull out from the base. I did find it a bit trying at first to push all the extra cord into the pole segments that screw together. But putting things like this together is not exactly my forte. It took me about 20-30 minutes to get it all unpacked and set up. I am quite happy with this purchase.$LABEL$1 perfect. Loved it! Got here in great time, looks great on. Wish the chain was a little longer, but really, no complaints. Have gotten several compliments each time I wear it. Would buy from this seller again.$LABEL$1 DVD part went bust after just 11 months.. Bought it Nov. 2003, broke 9/30/04 and the warranty covers labor for only 90 days. It never worked that well to begin with, some DVD wouldn't work on it, although they worked fine on other players.$LABEL$0 Bolsters need covers. When I got this bolster a year ago, it adequately served its purpose, and I didn't think too much about it. I didn't use it all that often, but it was quite serviceable whenever I did. Then my massage therapist forgot her round bolster, and used mine, getting massage oil all over it. Since she is a kind thoughtful person, she offered to clean it for me. It totally and completely shrunk, nearly 30% shrinkage. Replacement bolster covers are not available from the Hugger Mugger website as of 5 minutes ago, so I now have either a completely useless bolster, or I have to go scouring the web to try to find a replacement cover from an outlet that I would trust. Bottom line: don't get your bolster dirty, or you will have completely wasted your money.$LABEL$0 DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY. As an avowed movie geek myself, I thought I owed it to myself to check out the poster boy for geekdom. I WAS WRONG. I was casually aware of Knwoles borderline-... writing style, and found it charming at times. But this book is painfully ghost written, it feels more like something that would be in one of Knowles' precious cracker jacks boxes than a real book. I kept wanting to skip forward because it was so boring, but figured the good parts were right around the bend. I lost hope 3/4 of the way through, and finishing the last pages was truly an ordeal. Get ANY book besides this, or better yet, go get some movies to support your own geekdo instead of supporting this guys bloated ... and ego. I WISH I COULD GIVE IT ZERO STARS$LABEL$0 Love them. This review is very deserving of 5 stars. My boyfriend needed a new pair of chucks for work that matched his uniform... we don't wear many other types of shoes.. Love chuck taylors! 5 stars for fast shipping, and low price. Thanks!$LABEL$1 good. nothing fancy - but he got it here early. there really isn't much else to say - I bought a book, and it came.$LABEL$1 Not a great buy. I ordered some cookbooks for my husband and this was recommended by a friend but I think the paperback version is just not as nice as the hard cover. It is more of a "story-cook book" and he doesn't like it. Wanted to return it but I was too late.$LABEL$0 This is not the same band....... The editorial review indicates that this CD is of the "same exceptional quality" of the only studio album produced by Colwell-Winfield. This couldn't be further from the truth! In fact, the band had broken up by the time this was recorded. Colwell, Winfield and Purro seemingly threw together pick-up players for this gig. None of the magic of their studio album is present here, with lackluster performances... and the recording quality is less than adequate...especially on the " three bonus tracks".I feel silly that I got taken in on this one, but the description looked great. Talk about cashing in on former glory!!$LABEL$0 A knife to make you smile. Every time I pick up this excellent knife I smile, knowing that it's going to be fun to use. It was a gift, and one of the best gifts I have received in a long time. After ten months of heavy use it looks like new.This knife is lighter than you might expect, which I feel helps me to work rapidly, and is just the right size for excellent control-- I tend to "choke up" on the knife and grip the blade with my thumb for extra control. Its slim profile and the granton edge mean easier chopping and the ability to easily create very thin slices. The light weight means less fatigue. As a result of excellent design, this tool can mow through great quantities of all sorts of veggies. It's also incredibly sharp. A winner and an amazing bargain.I own other Forschner products, including theR.H. Forschner by Victorinox 8-Inch Chef's Knife, Black Fibrox HandleandR H. Forschner by Victorinox 3.24-Inch Paring Knife, Small Black Polypropylene Handle. Both are also excellent.$LABEL$1 Don't waste your time. I rented this as you usually can't go wrong with Bruce Willis and Forrest Whitaker. How wrong I was. None of the characters are likable and by the end, I wished they would all die. Also, for a short movie, it seems there were a few scenes just to stretch it out. For example showing the girls driving around with loud music and smoking. 10 seconds of that was enough to get the feel for the scene. It seemed like it dragged on for 3-4 minutes. I fell asleep during part of one of those long drawn out scenes.I can only assume Wills and Whitaker did this for the money. It is awful!$LABEL$0 Cheapie Tray!. Man Bumbo, I'd be willing to pay an extra five bucks for a QUALITY tray. The one you're selling now is JUNK!The tray would be PERFECT if it stayed put and was easy to attach. My 4.5 month old can easily take the top of the tray off. I read somewhere that the top of the tray snaps into place if you work with it, but I haven't found this to be true.Great idea, just needs to be improved.$LABEL$0 Write N Learn. I purchased this toy for my 3 year old nephew as a Christmas present and I am told he is really enjoying it. He travels around with it in his back pack. I hope that it will be useful in him learning the ABC's and how to write.$LABEL$1 Book is misleading. The photos in the book are mostly made with vintage ribbons from the 20' or 30's. Instructions are lacking. Example: Book tells you to use 1" ribbon but does not say what kind. I felt it was misleading. Why not show photos of flowers made with ribbon that is readily available. All book says is not to use cheap ribbon. What does that mean? So why have a book with photos of flowers you can't make.$LABEL$0 Laugh Out Loud. I loved Minerva, it was a great start to the 6 sisters series, it made me run out to track down the remaining 5 books of the series. You will definitely find yourself laughing out loud at this book and the others, as well. I love marion chesney.$LABEL$1 NCIS Episode Call to Silence. By far my favorite episode of this great series. Charles Durning does an excellent job of portraying a WWII vet who believes he has killed his best friend.$LABEL$1 You lost me with Oprah.. I like Amazon, I'm sure the Kindle is a great product, but there is no way that I will buy it now that Oprah is endorsing it. It was a bad move on Amazon's part to use her as a promoter of the product.$LABEL$0 Behind the 8-Ball: A Recovery Guide for the Families of Gamblers. I'm struggling to get through this book. If you are looking for something positive to get yourself through a difficult time, this book is not for you. It does tell you what to look for and how to protect yourself, but does not instill any hope for a future for the compulsive gambler, whether you are staying with them or not. Again, if you are looking for hope, this book isn't it. All it does is leave you depressed.$LABEL$0 disappointed. WOW! This movie stunk on so many levels, I don't know where to start. My son & I really enjoy watching the first two and were terribly disappointed while struggling to endure through this mess. The story line COULD HAVE been interesting; but the script and the acting was painful to watch. Brandon (whom I love) seemed to be sleepwalking through the movie; and the relationship between him & his son (and his wife) was just stupid. I HATED, HATED the actress who replaced Rachel! Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh (whom I also love) were the ONLY interesting characters worth watching. Unfortunately, the martial arts were reduced to a minimum - too bad. Even John Hannah lacked his quirky humor that makes him so endearing. Overall, a big jip!$LABEL$0 666- Is there anything evil in there?. When you first hear the name 666, you think of something evil. WRONG! The record, Paradoxx, is full of great dance tracks, and the only thing to remind of the "diablo" are the Spanish-evil-sounding lyrics. The aggressive sound of the synths is well combined with the party-shaking rhythm, the result is guaranteed to make you dance.$LABEL$1 Worth it. I picked up "To Kill A King" at a movie rental place one night when I was just browsing (as usual) for something more than the action/crude comedy/horror that so often lines the shelves of the new releases. The store had only one or two copies of this one and so I thought I'd take a look. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. Since that night, I purchased the DVD for my own collection and have shared it with a few people who all liked it as well. I've watched it several times since I bought it and will watch again I'm sure. It's not often that I want to see any movie more than once or twice in a year but this one is definitely worth it, I think.$LABEL$1 Hi. Greatest book ever I loved it!!!!!!!!!!! READ THIS BOOK OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!! It was absolutely amazing so awesome and cool and wonderful$LABEL$1 Loved it. I didn't think I'd be interested in this movie but I ended up absoutely loving it. I've never seen the play so it was completely new to me. I loved the music and the humor. This is a movie that will put you in a good mood for sure. All the lead characters were great but for me, it was the supporting characters that really made this a great movie. James Marsden, Amanda Bynes, Michelle Pfeiffer, and others were all great! I did feel though that John Travolta was miscast. He doesn't have a good singing voice and he seemed to be trying to be Mike Myers. If they're going to have a male for the role, I think Myers would have be perfect for it. But Travolta was still good.$LABEL$1 defective DVD. Movie is excellent after I bought the DVD it would just play up to scene 14 and skip to the end..they replaced it and it was the same thing.. I finally had to go rent the movie and watch it...strong performance by both actors...movie is a ***** (five star) but not on DVD$LABEL$0 Forever a fan of Bel Ami. No matter how many photo books I buy, BelAmi will always rank number 1 with me. The photos are always clean and crisp with the most beautiful young men.$LABEL$1 Big improvement. Nice looking, sounding computer speakers. The bass is really strong and the lowest setting is all that is required really. Good enough sound to fill the space of a studio apartment.$LABEL$1 This book is fascinating.. I read the making of the atomic bomb by the same author and remianed fascinated for 800 pages. This book is equally marvelous. The previous book dealt with the advances in science and the people who made them, beginning in the 19th century. The hydrogen bomb was conceived during the epoch subsequent to the making of the atomic bomb and its promoter, Edward Teller, was not a popular person at the time; he encountered resistence. The author describes the personalities who were working on these weapons, famous scientists, and their quirks and weaknesses. Also, all of the science that goes on. I did stop to study a bit.$LABEL$1 Very disappointed. My 8 year old son bought the RipStik with his saving and I we hate it. He is good with skates and skateboards but can only ride this a couple of feet. I read the reviews on Amazon and people said the product was great and how fun it was. He has tried to ride it and cannot get more than a few feet. I definitely do not recommend this product for a child. It says 8 and up but I would not even consider it unless they are in their high teens. I am very disappointed that he spent so much money and cannot ride it. The wheels spin forward and backward and in a circle at the same time. I tried to stand on it and had to hold the counter to keep my balance. It is very hard to balance because of the way the wheels spin. Would never buy this again.$LABEL$0 second-hand and too wet. It actually is of little importance to a listener how long and why this outfit kept in the shade. This album will, for all we know, put them away for longer still. Reason is a-plenty. To begin with, neo-romantic synhty-pop is not quite making hey these days. The material smacks of Wet Wet Wet's heydays. And anyway, this sort of nagging suicidal gloom is too much to bear in A-ha, Weeping Willows, Doves and the entire Glitterhouse label's output. On the plus side we have here 11 cute and crafty tune arrangements - but then again, vaguely reminiscent of 80's new wave era which Erasure never failed to subscibe to. Wake up, little Suzie, wake up!$LABEL$0 Perversely Uplifting. I am trying to be frugal with my five star reviews but this album deserves full marks without question. Judging by my screen name, one can safely assume that I am a Will Oldham fan. I, myself not being much of a writer, will avoid trying to pin this album down with my words but direct those interested to reviews at both pitchforkmedia.com and nme.com.$LABEL$1 once broken, no fix available. May I add to those who had the problem with the orange connector separating from the main hose. At that point it is worthless. I see that Fiskars no longer carries this product - wonder why.$LABEL$0 Loves it!!!!. This is actually THE anime that first got me interested in anime. My older brother used to watch a lot of anime when we were growing up and I could never get into it until he brought this home. It's a classic and really delivers in the action department.So glad to have found this movie after all these years!!$LABEL$1 ehh,,,take a pass. I have to say that Mos kinda crapped out on this one. I was expecting a lot more out of this album than what I got. The album is ok, but I wouldn't go running around telling people to buy it. I stlll will enjoy Mos on other levels,,,specifically I against I, a track you can find on Daddy G's album. That track is amazing. Sorry Mos, you should of worked harder on this one$LABEL$0 Not too bad, but nothing much really. Now don't get me wrong here. It's a great movie, well a good movie. But this isn't the movie, it's the comic book.The problem is, it IS the movie! There is nothing here that stands out on it's own from the movie and all the other hype. It's a good movie, but it's not a good comic book in it's own right.Or to simplify further, it'd be better if there wasn't a movie, because this is just the movie on paper (well, a movie on paper is a script, but you get the metaphor). If you've seen the movie, don't bother. If not, go ahead.$LABEL$0 Pass on the '06; you'll need the '07 by the time it arrives. I ordered this calendar as a Christmas present for my friend at the beginning of December with a shipping estimate of about the 16th of December, and the 16th of January is approaching and it still apparently has not shipped. In my opinion I should receive 1/12th of it for free since my friend won't be able to use the January page; along with a complimentary Christmas gift for next year. But instead I decided that I would do the world a favor and save them the embarrassment of wrapping and giving an empty box with an IOU note as a gift. You can't use an IOU note to keep track of the date. So please do ME a favor and pass on this calendar no matter how attractive you think an actor might be. They're not very attractive when they're stealing your hard earned greenbacks, think about that. Oh and by the way I've also been forced to give this item one star of which it doesn't deserve since to my knowledge it may not even exist. Thank You.$LABEL$0 Does what it is supposed to do. Great price on Amazon.. Product worked as it should.Cheaper from Amazon and is exactly the same thing as the Corvette branded one GM sells.Nice item to have if you have a car that is stored for the winter or otherwise not driven very often. Cars with proximity FOBs and lots of on board electronics don't like sitting around without charging for more than a couple weeks.$LABEL$1 A1 quilt book. This is an exceptionally easy book to follow directions and everything is wonderful. I will definitely buy from this author again and again.$LABEL$1 It's No Bargin. Got this as a gift. It worked fine for the first two albums that I played but after that it hasn't gotten up to the proper speed. I haven't been able to find any solution to the problem from the Web.$LABEL$0 DISASTER........ I am sorry to say this purchase was a total waste of money. I accept some of the blame. I purchased this game not knowing that it was actually an ADD-ON game to an early version of "Combat Flight Simulator". I purchased Battle of Britain as a stand alone game...this obviously was not going to work. Having opened the package and reading the instructions I thought that it may work as I do have Combat Flight Simulator 3. This is not the case... Now the game required is no longer available, so I am left with a game that is absolutely useless. I emailed my issue to Amazon and was informed that I could return the item but having destroyed the packaging and the cost of returning the game to the USA, I chose not to do so.I guess it's a case of "buyer beware" and make sure you understand all the instructions.$LABEL$0 It Does Spark. When it comes out of the box and I first start using it, the air is powerful but definitely not hot enough. So the more I have used it over some months of time the hotter it has gotten, which I really like. But the last few weeks I have noticed some sparking. Freaks me out a bit! I have been buying this brand for a while and my previous ones just shut down after about a year but this ones sparks. Time to buy another blow dryer I guess. Sparking from an appliance is never good.$LABEL$0 Bad. So So So Bad. And not in a campy good way.. Recently moved and while placing books back on the shelf, ran across this one. Can't remember if I bought it or someone gave it to me ... so grabbed it for my train commute read.UNREADABLE. Horrifying awful. Was this "published" by a vanity or pay press? I cannot imagine any editor ran through this. Beyond trite. Worse than junior high journal entries I used to correct.Hope the author kept her day job... and also hope she used a pen name to protect herself. (Would have given it NO stars if there was such an option). This 'book' didn't even make the donate bag... directly to recycling.$LABEL$0 Oh my, the downfall.. Ugh, what happened here? The band really shows their creativity, yes, and have complexity, but the riffs...are GONE! WHOOSH! They're extinct! Metallica really have reached their low on this album. Gone are the great riffs, filled with jamming sessions. Not that that's bad. It's just the riffs that make Metallica. But, they do get better with the next album, Reload. I'm glad they aren't making stuff like this anymore.$LABEL$0 incredibly funny!. wow, this book was sooo funny! This book is about a teenage boy, whose mom is a stripper at a sleezy club. He's completelly ashamed of his mom, so he doesn't tell his girlfriend. He is a typical teenage boy; very insecure. His only real friend is a girlcrazy self acclaimed doctor. This is all until he meets his future girlfriend. She's beautiful, and new to the school. When he finally gets the courage to ask her out, she automaticlally says yes.He finds later, that he really loves this girl, and he can not keep the secret about his mom. Him and his girlfriend broke his virginity, and did everything together. This book is better for teenagers, because much of the subject matter is "unsutible for young children" lol$LABEL$1 Misleading. What a rip-off...It states it works with original X-Box. It doesn't mention the fact that you need an adapter for it which is near impossible to find. I sent it back. Waste of time.$LABEL$0 Great nights sleep!. You sleep so sound with this pillow, you sleep through normal home noises that might normally wake you. My wife and I have spent hundreds of dollars on memory foam, down feather, select comfort and more, but these gel pillows are like a dream come true when it comes to a great nights sleep.$LABEL$1 great series. I enjoyed all of the books in this series. Each one brought on a new adventure. It is easy reading and more than enjoyable.$LABEL$1 AN EASY FUN READ. I saw the movie first, then read the book. It is written in an easy to read style, and follows the movie closely. The book wastes no words and has fast paced action, just like the movie. If you liked the movie you should love this novel.$LABEL$1 NOT ORIGINAL ARTISTS. Although reasonably well-executed, this CD is performed, in its entirety, by the BB Band, apparently a studio group. This fact is not clear from Amazon's description. In fact, Amazon lists it as "Various Artists". The CD itself does not let you know it's by the BB Band on the front cover. It tells you on the side and on the back, in very fine print. I assume people looking for these songs are also looking for the original artists--they should not buy this album.$LABEL$0 Calming/meditation Music at its Best. This is one of my favorite CDs to play when I need stress reduction or want to meditate. The music is wonderful, and I look forward to purchasing more CDs by Gerald Jay Markoe.$LABEL$1 The Perks of Being a Wallflower. This book kind of confused me in the end, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. I can't wait to watch the movie.$LABEL$1 Bulky! not what i hoped for. after shopping around for wirless headphones for my mp3 player i went with the creative digital wireless headphones, i have a creative labs zen touch mp3 player. the headphones themselves are bulky and fit really funny, they do not stay on your head unless you are sitting very still. the audio sounds great, great bass, but if you are 10 feet or more away from your source yo get a static noise that sounds like a loose cable. for the prce these are ok for indoor use. i returned mine the nxt day i got them, very unhappy with them.$LABEL$0 Blown away. If you have it on cd, get the video/dvd, also. Clapton at his best with a great lineup backing him during this emotional journey back to the basics and blues. One of the best sit down, on the spot, versatile jams. You can hear and feel the emotion during this set and if you can hold down the lump in your throat during "Tears in Heaven", all the power to you.$LABEL$1 Works fine as far as i can see. I used this as an extension to connect my Behringer mixer to a stereo receiver and audio quality is just fine. I have ordered a handful of cables from cables to go and they ship quickly and quality is good enough for 99% of applications. I use them a lot on my home equipment.$LABEL$1 ** WOW~~~~~~. i never thought i will gonna love this book this much.!!Good for yourself, good for your teen-kid, good for your adult-kid,good for sunday bible study,i just bought 8 of them from different seller. lolGod will bless all of you with this book.!!$LABEL$1 National Geographic for Kids. After reading all of the reviews I have decided not to buy this for my grandson. I always thought National Geographis was a great magazine but it sounds like it has gone down hill badly with all the ads. I am so glad I read the reviews before buying.$LABEL$0 NOT SOFT!!! NOT What I expected. I have always had Egyptian cotton sheets for as long as i can remember. These sheets are terrible. NOT SOFT and always look wrinkled. I just purchased another set from Dillards and they are only 500 thread count and much softer and half the price.$LABEL$0 This book sucks!. You know I bought this book because I mistakingly saw the Amazon reviews..but what I read was the published reviews (which must get a kiok back or something). Anyone, and I mean, ANYONE could write this book, because there is NO WRITING. It's a book of forms, lame ones at that. Like a To Do List? Date - What to do - Who do you need help to Get it Done - Done checkmark.Wow! That was deeeeeep insight.DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. Go out to lunch instead and spend the $6-$8. I would rate this book a zero star if I could.$LABEL$0 didn't last long. This itme is one of those tools I don't use often, but when I need it there is nothing like a good spindle sander to get around those curves. When I recieved it I was impressed with the way it was built, the nice storage for the extra spindles and the way it worked. I had no need for it really at the moment and after a couple test runs it sat in the corner. Last month I did need it and the nasty grinding sound coming from it did not bode well. The spindle would spin around but there was no oscillation at all. I cleaned everything up as best I could and it gave me a few half hearted movements and more grinding sounds. It is now sitting in the garage and I reclaimed my old spindle sander from my uncle. I was pleased to find out the sleaves fit my old one. I will use them.$LABEL$0 Looks good, but doesnt last long. Looks great out of the box, but within weeks, the "chrome" starts pitting!I'm disappointing in the quality of this product.I love the look and design of it, I just wish it lasted a bit longer than a few weeks.$LABEL$0 Superior. The ratchet knob on the top sets the time a minute per click, so it really takes a lot of work to set a time 12 hours, but it does the job. The radio isn't really that great but I can get local stations ok. I took the clock apart and wired it to activate a fire buzzer when the alarm goes off. The only parts I needed was a reed relay, some wire and a switch. Now I can really wake up with a serious alarm. (any day of the week)The liquid quartz display is too hard to read. I can't see to make out the days of the week. I like the clock and it is a good idea, but I wish all letters and numbers were LEDs so I could see them.$LABEL$1 Black metal Loft Bed. I really like the way it's structured but was a bit disappointed that the futon cushion did not come with it. I was under the understanding that it did. I knew the matress didn't but it seemed that in the description, it mentioned the futon cushion.$LABEL$1 "Terrifying--needed a little smoothing.". I am a big fan of the films; Silence of the Lambs and, Hannibal. This is the first book by Thomas Harris I have read. The main reason I had to read this book was the fact that it will soon be a movie.I have my fingers crossed that this movie does credit to the book. I'm sad to see that the original director did not direct this movie. Since he didn't, a better choice may have been David Fincher (Fight Club). At any rate, I have my hopes up.I was disappointed with the way the author left some parts of the story unfinished, such as the chapter about Dolarhydes childhood. Harris had an excellent chance of putting together a fantastic finale, yet he rushed the ending. Don't get me wrong, the ending, as well as the whole book was spooky. Just a little touch-up and this book would have been a perfect 5.$LABEL$1 Where is the Silk??. Again this states to be a silk reed grass arrangement, it is plastic. The plant is plastic, states created from durable silk. the plant part is not silk, it is plastic. plastic plastic plastic, I dont care what the cost of shipping is, its going back. I will never order another thing from this company.$LABEL$0 No original version. Very disappointed to discover the original releases are not included.I am sure the ridiculous edits to tie in the prequels are also theonly version available, sorry but Boba Fett is not from New Zealand!$LABEL$0 Amos and Andy dialog. This film is a depiction of black people in the souththat isn't much like what they were like historically, but is like what white culture stereotyped them.The music and dance is the best of this movie.The plot like the dialog is bad: the country cotton picker is shucked like corn by the city slicker woman and her friends in the fast crowd.$LABEL$0 No Replacement Bulbs. Light Blaster(tm) Ultra Spectrum Torchiere Floor Lamp is a good lamp, solidly made, but there is a problem with the bulbs. The lamp came with the VIVA PBCFS2670120v 26W which I cannot find after hours of searching. LampsPlus sells the lamp but doesn't sell the bulb. The bulb which they are now shipping with the lamp, the MaxLite GU24, doesn't fit 2 of the 4 sockets. It is just a little too wide. We broke a bulb when the lamp arrived and immediately tried to replace it but we could not. So don't buy the lamp unless you can find replacement bulbs which we could not find and which LampsPlus.com will not find for you.$LABEL$0 Bob is just so cool.. Bob must appreciate the illustrations in this book. My nieces and nephews do. We get a kick out of listening to the song on the CD and reading the text along with it. The drawings are appealing and only a bit bizarre. Gives the kids an antidote to Berenstain Bears.Grown ups would like this books, too.$LABEL$1 doesn't work very well. I wanted to like this mouse, and have used a similar one from Kensington with great success for years, but for some reason it just doesn't work very well and is a great disappointment. Now I have to go out and buy another brand of the same thing just to get work done! It's way way too jumpy, on any number of surfaces I tried. It keeps releasing the item I've selected too soon so the amount of clicking and dragging I have to do just to get one thing done has been increased tenfold. It jumps the cursor all over the screen when my hand is just sitting still not moving. Very frustrating to use. Can't wait to get rid of it.$LABEL$0 Business trivia. The authors deliver as promised through a blitzkrieg tour of '100 Great Businesses'. At times the information is scarce and superficial, but if you're looking for business trivia, or a quick glimpse for areas worth further research, this is a great book for the task.$LABEL$1 good vendor coverage. I had no idea a book on firewalls could be this big! The authors have striven to write a definitive Handbook (in the German sense of the word). It spans every major implementation, circa 2003 - Cisco, Nokia, Solairs, linux,... Which explains a substantial part of the heft. The firewall market has these major platforms, and there is enough detail on each for you to be able to install and run it.But the book is more than a set of disparate sections on each vendor. More broadly, it goes into the theory of Intrusion Detection Systems and the common ideas behind most firewalls. You should note that the IDS topic alone is considered sufficiently important by others to have books devoted to it. The level of detail in this book about IDS is not the most comprehensive. But you'll get the gist.So within the covers of this book, you are getting a broad scope of product information and theory. Even if the book's title is somewhat strident.$LABEL$1 A slim volume. This thinnest of books is nothing more than a handful of poorly captioned photos. Its price is beyond belief considering its paltry contents. Be warned.$LABEL$0 This is BEYOND sloooow service!. one month later and I still don't have it! Talk about SLOW service, not to mention totally unacceptable. I would never buy from this company again.$LABEL$0 A terrific buy on some of the best music ever written. I can't say enough good things about this compilation of the complete works of JS Bach. Just a set of the complete organ music of Bach or the complete cantatas often costs more than this entire 155 CD set of all Bach's music. All of it! Most of the performances are at least good, many are excellent, and some are even superlative. And the sound is excellent throughout.I have admired the Fagius performances of the organ music even before buying this set, having already heard some of his recordings. These alone, incorporated in 17 packed CDs, are worth the price of the set. All 200+ sacred catatas are spread over 60 disks. For me, this has been the highlight because the performers seem to be having such a good time doing the music. It's fun to just pick a number, find it, and enjoy the music.Brilliant Classics has treated us to a real musical banquet. Enjoy the feast!$LABEL$1 Good deep fryer. I like this product because it is compact enough to fry enough food for a single person or a couple at once. Very little oil is used and the food come out crisp and moist on the inside.My four children have used mine so much and love it they are each getting one for Christmas.$LABEL$1 this product is something wrong. I have 200GB & 160GB LaCie external HD, and they have been working property on 3 of my PC's. That's why I trust this brand to buy the 250GB this time.I was wrong.This 250GB HD didn't recognized 3 of my PC's(including Dell).I asked what's wrong to LaCie by mail, and they answered me that my PC's have problem, even I explained a lot about the situation!I just returned the product to Amazon.com.After that, I found so many people complain with this item on many site!Don't buy it, if you read this kind of review!$LABEL$0 Hunt this one out. Watching this on my Amazon Prime movies was really quite a treat. Much better than a lot of mainstream movies. Actor Willem Dafoe gives an outstanding performance here in this much different type of movie.$LABEL$1 Same as Stack-On SPAD-100. Odentical to Stack-On SPAD-100. So, it's silica gel in a box with it's own regen. heater that plugs in.Convenient to regen but you need 2 to protect your stored items while no. 1 is regenerating for 8+ hours. Shop around, get best price and buy either one.But...it does not circulate air so don't expect it to really dry out a closet or a cabinet.Works as well as a box of silica gel because that's exactly what it is. But.. no need for long oven bakeouts just plug it in and don't touch for 8 hours. I'll be amazed if a cheap heater like this lasts more than a few regens and I'll just break it open and use the silica gel in a perforated aluminum can which you can regen in an oven. Or use pyrex and Maybe regen slowly at low power in a microwave - haven't tried that and don't recommend it without checking with manufacturers of silica gel.$LABEL$1 Decent. This is an album that you would rather choose certain songs from. There are very good songs but not every one is that great. I highly recommend, Hide Away, Sacrifice, Watch Dem Roll, and Sticky. But that's about it...$LABEL$1 You have to be kidding me?. I'm a huge horror movie fan. This is not a horror movie. I might not be so pissed if I wasn't so blatantly lied to. For the first 30 min or so I was waiting for something interesting to happen. Nothing ever did. It probably took less than a few days to shoot and a few hundred bucks. Then the advertisers went to town. This movie is far from worth it.$LABEL$0 Makes Sense To Average Person--Nortel exposed. I was hesitant to read the book after reading the "Incoherent" review left by a reviewer. I read the other book by this author and actually won a few good bets, one of the recent bets I won is shown as an image on the other book page. Seems the reviewer who wrote "Incoherent" must have a beef with the author.I can see that there are areas of the book that can be hard to understand if someone is looking for a quick simple explanation of investing techniques or tips to get rich now. However in exposing the Nortel possible stock manipulation, the authors' explanation seems plausible.After doing some homework, his recommendation would have returned prices increasing over 8% annually, plus the rates are still higher than bank returns, 4.6% annually. Better than losing money on FORD or other stocks.$LABEL$1 Anything for money!. It is so sad what people will do for money. Lying, sensationalizing, disrespecting and profitting off another under those reasons is simply wrong. But then again, many people have been doing that to Michael Jackson for years. It's little wonder he hurt. Don't buy this book and allow these kinds of people to treat their fellow man in this way.$LABEL$0 Son loves it.. 10 month old son loves this!! Bright sounds and lights, fun to play with!One of his favorite toys.$LABEL$1 Nice alternative the the controller. I love being able to navigate the Xross bar with one hand. I use this extensively to play my video files from my NAS and it works flawlessly. Bluetooth does not require you to point at the screen, but I am already trained to do so.Only thing is that I wish it had a backlight - tough to see in the dark and the key layout is such that you can't easily feel your way to the buttons. The Verizon and Comcast remotes are well designed for this.$LABEL$1 Same Ole...Same Ole. Production values were not on par with his voice, and his voice is showing signs of the strain that his overperforming has caused. The song was much better sounding from Westlife, if I'm being REALLY honest. Take a voice break, ROO!$LABEL$0 This camera is horrible and customer service stinks. I purchased two of these cameras for wildlife surveys and they both worked for about 1 week then one of them started to only take black images both day and night. So I sent it in for repair and they charged me 10$ to send it in even though it was under warranty then I got it back and it worked for a few weeks and it messed up again and I sent it in again and another 10$ and then it broke again so I gave up on this camera. The other system worked for about 1 month got some good images on it then it started doing the same thing as the first one so then I quit using either camera now they are just sitting and collecting dust. Probably should just throw them away. I have since purchased three other camera brands and would recommend the leaf river IR3-bu as my favorite IR flash camera even over the the other two cameras I have tried the no flash cuddeback and stealh cam I230IR.$LABEL$0 Dang yo. You all are right. The ink is where they get you. It doesn't even last a semester. It's cheaper to print my papers at the library than at my house!$LABEL$0 Classic. This story -- as with most Dr. Seuss books -- is great. Kids and adults can enjoy The Cat in the Hat!$LABEL$1 PC Games, Hoyle Card. If you live in Europe, don't waste your money on this program! I live in Spain, and the program will NOT load on my computer with Spanish language Windows XP. I was really disappointed because I enjoy playing Bridge on computer; if someone knows a card game program that will load, please let me know!$LABEL$0 This book stunk. This book was simply terrible. The writing is poor; the flow terrible. No one in the book is sympathetic -- not the Princess, not any of the staff, and certainly not the author. Much has been written, good and bad, about the Princess. I bought this book because I'd hoped to hear an unbiased view. Jephson has almost nothing nice to say about her. I hate books where I wish they would end soon; I felt that way throughout this book. I forced myself to finish reading it because I'd hoped to find something worthwhile. Save your money.$LABEL$0 Passes "Skype" Standards.... Which means that, those guys in Taiwan don't have a clue!Being the ONLY typical "home" telephone Skype supports this: "cheaply made, LOW speaker & ringer quality, DROPPING calls constantly" telephone should be avoided...But wait, I need a telephone to use with my Skype service, without having to have my computer running or wearing those stupid-looking Headphone/Mic combos!!Geez...that only leaves this lousy RTX Dualphone 3088 series, right?!yeah, until the makers of the RTX dualphone 3088 step up and fix this junk of theirs...I honestly don't know of another VOIP phone maker that we CAN use Skype with!!I wasted $169+tax+shipping...but hey, I did get rid of Vonage & my ISP's "hostage" telephone services!!(wasn't there suppose too be an UP-Side to this??)$LABEL$0 The CD cover says it all. Horns, strings, guitars, organs, morrocos, washboards, percussions and many others, its all on this CD 'Motorcade Of Generosity', and I like it.You won't hear any of these songs on the radio because it's different but that's what is good about it.This CAKE CD is more about the music than the lyrics like their other CDsThis is the type of CD that the more you listen to it the better it gets.CAKE who don't like Cake.$LABEL$1 poor sizing. very poor sizing.. very disappointed when i recieved my boots. i read the other reviews to make sure the sizing was true to size the shaft of the boot is soooo.. off im a thick bottom girl thick thighs and booty .. howver i am a size 8 in boots the 8 was like a 6 5"6 about 145 pds these boots are not worth buying poor quality as well.$LABEL$0 A "dreamy" movie that puts you to sleep. The film struck me as though I were watching it after having had as much champagne as Nicole Kidman had at the party at the outset. A slow, miserably trying movie which wants to be something more than it actually is. It did not intrigue me at all, and I felt it that it was something Stanley Kubrick had shot if he were smoking hashish in astonishing quantities. The New York locations were artificially unconvincing, Tom Cruise's performance was adequately lukewarm-like most of his prioir performances, in this viewer's opinion. The story was at best, uninteresting, and, as you can surmise, I felt that this was an instantly forgettable film unworthy of even a second viewing because I found it to be inordinately boring. The only highlight for me was seeing Nicole Kidman's tantalizingly luscious nipples.$LABEL$0 An excellent, comprehensive description of the survivor. I recommend this book very highly. It has really helped me to accept and personally verify my own past and painful experiences. A definite MUST on one's path of self-healing and discovery!!$LABEL$1 Powerful and Beautiful. This concert recorded at the famed Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City is one of the best Lola Beltran performances I have ever heard. Some Opera fans might know this venue thanks to the famed recordings of Maria Callas' 1951 Aida. This wonderful recording includes a two disk set featuring Beltran singing boleros and rancheros that highlight Beltran's powerful and beautiful voice. Although it is live, the audience is quiet, and the recording is perfect. One minor complaint for the US market: There are no liner notes, and there should be.$LABEL$1 ...go read, don't be afraid. "A reader, August 23, 1998" writes in his review exactly what you might expect from people who are (to say the least) not open for new insights and ideas. "while the real scientists are busy..." ==> busy doing what?! Busy hiding from revolutionary ideas that's a threat to what they were taught? REAL scientists would jump on the challenge thrown at them to look into the fascinating world they had closed their eyes for. It's (seemingly) far-fetched ideas that can mean breakthroughs and revolutions in what we know about the world's history.So don't let yourself be put off by such narrowminded disregarding and open up. Maybe there's a whole lot more than what we have been taught to believe...$LABEL$1 Disappointed. I couldn't wait to get these can chillers, but my experience with them has been a real disappointment. They probably are as good as an ordinary can cover, but certainly nothing more. How do different people have such different results from products?, where some are just delighted and others have poor results?$LABEL$0 Brave. Just BluRay? Sounds a lot like "records", "tapes", then "cd's". I'm just not buying it. Why the same run around?$LABEL$0 Oh, how stupid can they be?. Well, a lot. More than a lot. Poor Will does his best with a doggie script. He accounts for the one star.I don't know why those enlightened movie companies insist in making one SF dog after another. Did you watch the "The Chronicles of Riddick", "Sky Captain", or "AvP"? There are plenty of others around, all of them sucking money out of our pockets.They need to fool us in order to pay for the great CGI effects I suppose. They fail to understand that if CGI is used to generate profits, it will kill the emotional content of the movie. What's left is the customary Hollywood Pablum dulling our senses.Do not relate this dog to any of Isaac Asimov's works. They stole the title and we shall punish them by forgetting this miserable mutt.$LABEL$0 lack of clarity. I have a feeling if I was able to sit down and talk with Graham, I might agree with him more than I think. Unfortunately this book is one of the most poorly written and badly edited pieces of literature that I've seen in a long time. I found a lot of things that are so generically obvious that they shouldn't have taken up the entire chapters that were used to state them, several things that I might agree with if I could get through the lingo-laden, spiritual sales talk enough to understand what he meant, many things that just didn't make since at all not to mention complete contradictions of prior statements within the book, and some things that are outright questionable. He might have some good points in his personal vision, but unfortunately this book is such a mess that none of them are communicated.$LABEL$0 Easier to follow than the cast album. I liked this musical very much! I remember watching the Tony Awards the year that the original production won the Award for Best Musical over "Beauty and the Beast"--the more likely contender for the top prize; and I thought it was a mistake until I had seen the original cast program. I had only heard the cast album of "Beauty" and once I saw "Passion" I saw "Beauty" as an overblown, juvenile production for the kiddies and I don't see how it could have been nominated. I think that Jere Shea is very good-looking gentleman with a good voice as Georgio, Marin Mazzie is a beauty of an actress as Clara and then there is Donna Murphy in her Tony Award-winning performance as Fosca, the unattractive yet passionate older woman reaching out desperately for Georgio's love. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves Sondheim--the Broadway genius who wrote the score.$LABEL$1 Not such a good buy. I was quite disappointed that the fabric actually does not have the shiny appearance as shown in the picture. It looks functional and plain. The bag cost just about $20 after the high shipping and handling charge. Therefore, the price really was not that great.$LABEL$0 great way to promote our self absorbed culture. This book and the praise it has generated over the years has always bothered me. At first I thought it meant I was just too selfish. But the more I have had people praise it and then try to tell me why it is so great the more I understand that they are confused. The story of someone who takes everything that someone else has to offer without any thanks or anything to give back is NOT an example of love. It is an example of a truly warped relationship. Anybody out there who thinks that they are really in a relationship when the only thing happening is them giving to the other person(s) needs to build a little self esteem. I hate to break it to you but you are being used. Relationships are reciprocal. I would NEVER read this book to a child.$LABEL$0 Revised edition worth it, but recycle the CD. Five stars for the revised edition book, two stars for the (too fast, too cheesy, and is that a synthesizer?) CD... I'll give the set four stars (rounding up). The revised edition appears to have the same pieces as the original, but in a larger print size that is a relief. In my opinion, it's worth getting the new book, but you should recycle the CD.$LABEL$1 Having fun staying fit looking better. Best way to get fit and enjoy it...this dvd gives you a delightful way to do what it takes to get inshape and enjoy the view....$LABEL$1 Major Disappointment. While I applaud anyone who can dance up and down a narrow restaurant aisle, dodging service people and customers, I don't care to see dancing in that venue. The constant distractions were more than annoying. As for the dancing, with just a couple of exceptions (and they were wonderful), it was boring! No fire, no life, no joy. Some interesting costuming, which I enjoyed, but some were down right vulgar! So if you enjoy the skill and passion of belly dancing, stay away from this DVD.$LABEL$0 WATCH DIFFERENT THAN WHAT WAS SHOWING ON AMAZON. WATCH DOES NOT MATCHING BOOK ALSO INSTRUCTIONS NOT VERY UNSTANDABLE. NOT TOO HAPPY WHEN IT ARRIVED AND DIFFERENT ON MAIN PAGE FOR AMAZON OR RETAILLER$LABEL$0 wrong cover sent. Placed the order for a 2007 Prius using the online vehicle selector and was sent a cover for a much smaller car so the cover did not fit and had to be returned. The material is a highly reflective silver that is very bright like a Mylar space blanket. In the past the type of material has made the greatest difference in longevity with the expensive ones lasting up to 10 years on my cars and cheaper ones lasting 2-3 years regardless of the color of the car cover.$LABEL$0 Very comfortable belt. This belt lives up to its reputation. It is very comfortable to wear and the bottles don't move at all. It's also not hot.$LABEL$1 so educational and yet fun. the crusin world game is so fun because you get 2 c different places while your still sitting on the floor playing a video game.u get 2 c places and like monuments and the kind of terrean they have in that country or city or continent.i think it is better than the other crusisn usa because it has many different choices of cars. and you can choose the place you want to play in.$LABEL$1 'Emma' Leaves You Hanging, Breathlessly. Emma's Secret is really an outstanding book by one of my all-time favorite authors.Although the story is about Emma Harte and her legacy, don't expect A Woman of Substance. But do plan for a wonderful novel about a new generation of characters, plus a cliffhanger of sorts.Anyone who enjoys a good family saga, a novel of romance, or of women's empowerment will love Emma's Secret.$LABEL$1 Non Stick, My Eye!. This pan looks great. The first time I used it, nothing stuck. The second time I used it, things stuck, but not too badly. Tonight, the third time I've used it, and this time with spray oil on it, I've had to let it soak, scrubbed it out, and am letting it soak some more. The pan is very square, with inner corners that are hard to clean when things stuck, so it's just a pain to use. The grill part is okay, it's the pan part that is troublesome. I'm going to go shopping for something else.Unless you like washing dishes, don't buy this thing!$LABEL$0 Incredible. Topper is the best hapr player I have ever heard. He has an intensity that cannot be rivalled. If you ever get a chance to see him live do not pass it up!!$LABEL$1 Works well with newer televisions.. Bought two for two different tvs. It plugged into back of one no problem but the other required a 3.5mm female RCA to stereo adapter, which isn't included.$LABEL$1 not appropriate for my car like it said!. This item seemed like a good fit for what I needed for my car (2005 Jetta). My original gas cap had a crack in the seal and was making the check engine light come on every time i turned on the car. I searched on amazon and the item had a check list at the top to make sure that the item would fit the vehicle you were buying it for. This extra feature DID NOT WORK. I don't know if that's Amazon's fault or the sellers, but I was very disappointing to find out that Jetta's have a ventilation system in the car so that the gas cap does not need to be self ventilating. Needless to say it was a waste of money and the 6 dollar shipping that they charged me. Be careful with check list if it tells you the item will be a fit for your car.. it still may not be what you need.$LABEL$0 Fell apart after one season. This canner developed holes and rust after less than one season of canning. The rack inside is flimsy as discussed by others. It rusts after a few canning sessions.$LABEL$0 Cheaply made. You have to enter the code both to open it and to close it. Don't be fooled by the optimistic description, there are much better key boxes out there.$LABEL$0 Elf Ears Purchase. Very good purchase, not expensive, they are a good size and stay on your ears. Worked great for a Christmas Elf, just a few weeks ago!$LABEL$0 Wonderful Natural Moisturizer. I love this natural shea butter, it works wonders as a face moisturizer and doesn't break my skin out, but keeps it looking moist, firm and it has a nice glow. I like this best when mixed with a few drops of one of the NOW oils, such as their jojoba oil, which is also wonderful.$LABEL$1 Definitly the best murder mystery every written.. What can I say? There is no other book that I've read (and let me tell you, I've read quite a few) that completely baffled me the way this one did. Not only is the real culprit a mastermind, but Christie is as well.$LABEL$1 Does not work with NB-2LH Canon Rebel XT battery. I'm not sure if I'm a special case or not, but my battery fits into the charger, and it plugs in and the lights flash and everything, however when I pop the battery back into the camera after a long charge, nothing.To make sure that the problem was the charger not the battery, I tried charging the battery with a friends charger who has the same camera. Voila, no problem.Again, I'm not sure if I have a defective model, and I appreciate the company offering an affordable model, however this turned out not to be a viable option for me.$LABEL$0 broken after a few days. It last about 3-4 days. No mist coming out. Read through the user's manual and it seems to break easily if water gets into a hole at the water basin, which I can imagine happens to everyone in the daily refill.$LABEL$0 Pure Country Classics: The #1 Hits. While I could not be dubbed an overt Country music fan, I was motivated to purchase this CD because it contained many hits with which I was familiar when growing up in the 50's and 60's. A good number of these tunes were "crossover" hits, appearing simultaneously on both Country and Pop music charts. The tunes are all very melodic and evocative of their era and "classics" all. I highly recommend this to music lovers of all stripes, particularly to those who grew up when the lines between rock n' roll and country music were blurred.$LABEL$1 Bad. I had to read this book for school, and, first let me say I'm not just some highs chooler who hates to read, my favorite writers are Kafka, Faulkner and Dostoevsky, but this book was all but utter trash. It had a few meaningful moments, but generally it was devoid of characterization, emotion, and plot. I give it two stars for trying, but it just tries too hard to be great. Gaines-Accept average.$LABEL$0 Toddy cold brew coffee maker. After calling around to different local coffee shops, I purchased a Toddy T2N Cold Brew System from Amazon. It was exactly as described and it arrived a day earlier than I expected. Amazon gave "free" shipping for this item - making it very convenient.I recommend "cold brew coffee"! It is brewed once and can be kept in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. You add the brewed coffee with water to make each cup. The taste is smooth and the cold brew system cuts out some of the acid in the coffee.$LABEL$1 It only lasted for a year :(. I've bought it in 01/08/01, started to use it on February (It was bought on the USA) and it was doing fine, untill some weeks ago. Now it seems not to recognize the blank media. I'm dissapointed because I thought Phillips was a good brand of electronics :($LABEL$0 Good Home Use Fryer. The unit works well; it heats quickly, I love the closing cover before you drop the basket to eliminate oil splash. The oil pan removes for easy cleaning. I did find that I had to cook longer than the product stated, but that was really no problem, everything came out great. I would reccomend this unit.$LABEL$1 Works, But Is Highly Disappointing.... I will admit that this guide to weightloss does work effectively, but there is a great flaw. That flaw is that the weight that you loose is extra easy to put back on again. Once you start this program, you can never stop. So if you are looking for a way to loose the pounds and KEEP THEM OFF, this is not the book/plan you would like to go with.$LABEL$0 Abbey throws it all into this one. I'm a bit of an Abbey fanatic, so this review is naturally biased. Yet, this is probably the best of his fictional works (of course the book is quite autobiographical too). Abbey throws all of his jokes, phrases, and wisdom into this one.$LABEL$1 label maker for cd's. This is a great product! It's easy to use, and it makes the cd's, dvd's look like professional items, instead of just being scribbled on.$LABEL$1 fun!. Bloodrayne aged shockingly well. Frankly, I'm amazed that it aged as well as it did. My only problem is that it gets old after a few hours.$LABEL$1 Two parts "Mission Impossible"; one part "Naked Gun". ..and not not in a good way.2.5 stars.This is a pretty cookie-cutter version of a "Mission Impossible" movie except that it obviously doesn't take itself too seriously (at least, I hope that was the intent). The plot is silly and the story doesn't flow well. I'm not sure what Diaz is there for other than eye-candy (the helpless-dumb-blond-thing gets old pretty quickly). If you're looking for mindless distraction, then KaD is mildly entertaining.Not recommended.$LABEL$0 Great for DVD, shows how bad Cable really is!!!. The first time I turned on my new CT32D10, I thought it was terrible.Actually, with the new 3-line Digital Comb filter and line correction, it showed how bad basic 1970's-technology cable really is when shown through an advanced tv meant to be optimized for digital!!! If you get this tv, upgrade to Digital Cable or Dish.The picture is fantastic with DVD through Component Video Inputs and the Video inputs from the VCR and Camcorder. The Simulated Surround Sound is also a big plus!A great buy for the price! Upgrade to all digital if you buy!!$LABEL$1 Great Pre-inked Stamp!. Great for daily use at work. Not messy and refillable, what could be better! Will definitely be buying another xstamper!$LABEL$1 Your kidding...right?. The content on this compact disc [copies] pop formations only modified in a younger form, which lacks enjoyability and anything with the synonym of that previous adjective...in other words, I could make better music by bashing my head against the toilet seat. ...!$LABEL$0 a little friend. The miele vacuum cleaner acts as your little friend for wood floors. It picks up sand and everything else from wood floors, very efficient! It is light and easy to use. The cord could be longer, you need a room with more plugs... It works 100 times better than a broom on all hard floors. It's good on carpet but best on hard floors.$LABEL$1 I think Taylor Hicks is the Best American Idol ever!!!. Taylor has soul all the way. All my friends and famly wanted him to win since he first sang at auditions. His songs on this cd are so good they give me goosebumps. I hope you buy it because he's better than any of the rest and his full album is gonna rock the world!$LABEL$1 love these girls. I got one of these dolls for my 7th birthday, back in 1990. I loved it so much!! So I was thrilled to see I can still buy them, more than 20 years later, for my own daughter. She is 6 now and she looks forward to her new doll every birthday. This is a tradition you should start! Even if your daughter is already a few years old.$LABEL$1 R2/D2 with sounds and lights. This is the greatest R2/D2 figure yet. The sounds and lights are great, details are excellent.$LABEL$1 Learn to play the Jorma way !. Having always been a fan of Jorma Kaukonen and Hot Tuna, I was searching for an instructional video program that would teach me the Jorma style. Not only did I find what I was looking for, but Jorma teaches his style himself! A must have for all guitar playing Hot Tuna fans.$LABEL$1 A Must-Have in the kitchen. After using a Sunbeam mixer for 35 years, I needed to replace my worn-out friend. I shopped and compared products and prices for a couple years. I knew about the wonderful KitchenAid mixers reputation from friends and opted for that brand. I found Amazon.com offering a new KitchenAid Artisan mixer for $242.00. Wow, such a deal! No tax, no shipping and a $30 rebate from KitchenAid! Buying from Amazon saved me $88.00, and I became one very-pleased shopper.$LABEL$1 Rather bad --. even awful.Is there anything worse than a gathering of unknown actors playing the roles of bad, and badly self-conscious (even Molly Parker), actors who are convincingly "acting" like amatuers -- including those who are ostensibly successful?And then the best parts are played by Sandra Oh, who has less than fifteen seconds of screen time, and a guy who is instead a cop pretending to be an actor: better at it than all the other actors who, according to the script, had and or were training in acting.And I must have missed the widescreen.$LABEL$0 funky patchouli smell. this was not the most refreshing and clean patchouli scent I have encountered...more musty, less earthy. I typically love this scent...just not in this particular soap!$LABEL$0 Eclectic and Effective Mix CD. Interesting collection of musical styles, from ambient to dance to funk to rap. Despite the diversity of sounds, the cycle is mixed together beautifully. I didn't know any of the artists going in except the Beta Band, and I still loved it. The liner notes say it best; good mood stuff, great as a background selection after the clubs. "God bless the Infesticons, f*** the Majesticons!" Ya gotta love it.$LABEL$1 seem to work. When I take them my legs feel less heavy in the evening...But I have to say I only yook them some 2 weks or so$LABEL$1 Two good songs and a barrage of below average garbage.. High Noon and It's on Me.....thats it. Plus a cover from a good band Forkboy (Lard). Yet another below average album from this below average band.$LABEL$0 Great Product, Great Customer Service!. I purchased this adapter (47185) at Walmart. It is ruggedly consructed and easy to install and works great. The real reason for my review is to commend the customer service at Hopkins Mfg. Some how I misplaced the mounting bracket that came with the adapter when I was working on the wiring and drilling mounting holes. I called Hopkins to buy another bracket... they said they will send me one for free, and 36 hours later it was at my door! Thanks Hopkins.$LABEL$1 Adequate entertainment for young children, mind-numbingly boring for adults. The plot doesn't get interesting until about three-quarters of the way through the film. Until then, the audience is subjected to various scenes of Benji galavanting through the town or suburbs and having brief interactions with rather anonymous townsfolk.$LABEL$0 Hitch Extension. This was the wrong hitch that I initially ordered because the display picture showed three hitches. I thought that the order was for all three types of hitches. But I was wrong. Before sending it back, I tried it in my vehicle receiver hitch and it didn't fit. Amazon refund procedure is very user friendly and I was able to return and get a refund. I ordered the correct hitch the second time around.$LABEL$0 Peeling off. I bought these to iron on the inside of the knees of all my kids jeans to try to prevent the holes that inevitably appear. Unfortunately they are all peeling off after one wear/wash. As another reviewer speculated, maybe they aren't designed to work in high friction areas, or areas of clothing which endure a lot of stretching, but isn't that where you'd naturally need a patch?$LABEL$0 A fun read.. This first novel is well written, fast paced, vivid and an all over fun book to read. The time and place come to life as you sail the blue seas with unforgettable pirates that break away from the usual sterotypes. And there's romance as well. I'm looking forward to the sequel.$LABEL$1 Did Hunter REALLY write this book?. Unlike the first two ( outstanding ) books of this series, I found the characters flat and unreal, the plot thin and the action/suspense (?) almost non-existant.Sorry to say, the premium price I paid to obtain this book was money better spent elsewhere UNLESS one insists on having all three books.Better left unread than read and disappointed.$LABEL$0 What Was Koontz Thinkin. This book started out good but what happened to the ending. That was the worst book i've ever read in my life. I'm a big koontz fan but what was he thinking. I wouldn't waste my time reading this book. I,ve read at least twenty of koontz's books and I've liked most of them but this was horrible.$LABEL$0 Very Disappointed. you wouldn't think I would ever need to give a light bulb a poor review however this burned out after only 3 weeks of use...it's for my bedroom light, I might have gotten a total of 5 hours use out of it. I am replacing the light so that I don't have to deal with these bulbs anymore.$LABEL$0 Save your money for the real thing. Great idea, poor execution. Very difficult to see a thing and keep it in focus, and the lighting function for underwater, which is why I bought it, doesn't really work unless you're in pretty clear water.$LABEL$0 Absolutely fantastic!. I have a neurological disorder and, so, don't have the best dexterity in my hands. I was a little worried about being able to use the Kindle easily, but it is perfectly designed for ease of use. The page turn buttons are so much easier than physically turning the pages of a book. The 5 way joy-stick button is also very easy to use. I absolutely love my Kindle 2! I'm reading more now than I used to, it is just so much more fun!$LABEL$1 Kicks your ass.. This is a great exercise video if you've hit a fitness plateau. The music is pretty eighties funky and the moves are a little difficult, but it gets your heart rate WAY up there and really is quite energizing. Just when you think you're going to die, she stops and you actually feel really good.$LABEL$1 Toss this in the garbage - there are better Dyer books. Or, you may prefer to tear out the pages that are not worthwhile; Dyer has truly written some excellent books. However, the ones you want to read are those he published in the 80's and 90's. There's a lot of sage wisdom to be found in those. But this? Please. I've written this old man off mainly because he's discarded common sense for religious nonsense, and that's really disappointing. May I share one of the bits of "insight" to be found in this book? Here: "LIVE the Ten Commandments". Say WHAT?!? Once I read that, I nearly cracked up laughing. What delusion. Having said that, there are some good things in the book, but it's not worth buying for them. Again, look to his earlier works for his best material, when he was mentally sound and sharp.$LABEL$0 Don't Bother. There are too many other good books out there (by Sandra Brown and others) to even waste your time on this one. It's flat, and not to mention silly. I didn't like either or the main characters, it just didn't do it for me. I believe this was Sandra's first novel (don't quote me). If it was, I'll give her credit, it was not bad for a first. But like I said, just leave it on the shelf and move on.$LABEL$0 Horrible taste. This product tastes horrible. I was looking for a soy free protein and came upon this item. I mixed it with soymilk and it tasted like pea-flavored chalk. I thought I might have used too much powder so I tried half the amount of powder and it still tasted the same. Not wanting to give up, I mixed in a scoop of strawberry flavored whey protein and it truly tasted like a combination of strawberry and chalk.My fiancee then tried it and couldn't take more than a sip. In the end, I was able to down three cups of it, but I don't think I can drink any more in the future. I am going to take them up on their money back product guarantee.$LABEL$0 Time Bomb in the Church. My wife is a Pastor. This was helpful in reminding us of the need to take one day off a week for family and me!$LABEL$1 Too small!. I ordered this seat cover for my Schwinn 120 Upright Bike. The description said that it fits any regular bike seat and that the cushion could be adjusted, but sadly this is not so. The seat cover doesn't even come close to fitting my bike. It's weird that Schwinn makes seat covers that don't fit a standard Schwinn bike seat...$LABEL$0 It almost works. I bought it because it was going cheap.The sticky parts that I received for the trap are not that sticky. Otherwise it seems to almost work fine.$LABEL$0 superb. Lisa Richard has a tremendous voice, beautiful and rich. It's strong and full of emotion, and the songs are both and touching and funny, and she has the range to sing anything and make it special. I truly love listening to both of Lisa's albums, they are both terrific.$LABEL$1 BEWARE! Pan and scan DVD. These two movies are not Conway's best, but they are still pretty good. The only problem, and the reason for the 1 star rating, is that the DVD presents these films with the sides cut off. In other words, Pan and scan. Had I know that, I would not have bought this.$LABEL$0 Overall a great intro to a band that does not get press now. This album showcases who this band is - wild, southern and loud...you will like it and sing proudly of a group that sang and played hard.$LABEL$1 wonderful healthy product. I started using this brand of salt on the advice of a Heaslth Care professional. Salt used properly helps balance the body systems, along with enough water for our bodies. These things work together in amazing ways.$LABEL$0 WOULD RECOMMEND!!!!!!!!. LOVED THIS MOVIE!!! It is great for anyone who loves original Walt Disney cartoons. My kids ages 2 - 12 all loved it. The songs were wonderful!!!!!$LABEL$1 Wonderful. I would describe this book as self-help. It was sent to me by my cousin who is a missionary in Mexico. I had made some life changes that were truly making me stressful. She thought this would be a good book for me. She was so right. The basic theme was letting the Lord help you with your problems. It also gives lessons to do after every chapter if one chooses to do them. I recommend it highly.$LABEL$1 Not good for night times. Target diapers are much better than these diapers. My daughter sleeps through the night. When she wakes up her dress, the sheet everything will be wet. This diaper is ok to use during the day times but definitely not at night.$LABEL$0 created a love of reading and history. I too was given this title as "required" reading as a student in 8th grade in Canada. It still remains a book that had an enormous impact in my love of reading!$LABEL$1 Imagine Da Vinci's Giocconda with the surrounding landscape cut off.. As Barry Stone coments (I do totally agree and fairly recomend to read his review before buying the item (sorrowfully I didn't)) I have waited too long to see this beautiful Piece of Art on DVD. "Tis Pity the most beautiful scenes have been cut off". Two of them could have been maybe eliminated for its nudity or sexual content: an incredibly filmed horse intercourse, and the dead brother execution procession. But also, the most surprising beginning is out: before Film credits and name appear, there is a long landscape scene within a colorless winter dry tree forest you swear the film will be a black and white one, when suddenly the camera falls over the only orange leave lasting in this gray branches web. That is art, I will never forget. That film is quite old and has become yellowish and faded is understandable in some way. Unfortunately,"tis also a pity". We will be waiting for a better copy.$LABEL$0 Great book!. The book covers everything you would want to know about Catholicism in a concise, easy to read, yet thorough style.$LABEL$1 UK hip hop branding with top-notch Australian Hip Hop.. I've always liked Mystro, I'm quite a big fan of the Australian Hip Hop scene and since he's infamous for spending a lot of time in Australia when on tour, there is no suprise he made an album out of it.This feature's everyone of any calibre in Australian hip hop; Layla, Hilltop Hoods, Drapht, Hunter, Dazah, Downsyde etc. I could go on.It was $3.45 when i bought it, suprised the price went up the way it did. Oh well, if you can get over it, like hip hop and want something different with lyrical gems, this CD is for you.$LABEL$1 great outdoor speakers. great sounding outdoor speakers at a very reasonable price. the only potential downside is that they generally must be mounted "vertically" vs. "horizontally" which can create space issues depending on where you are mounting.$LABEL$1 Brilliant - Audio version was captivating. This review is based on the audio version. First let me say, that I generally do not care for short stories, and I have also managed to avoid most books about war. Once I began listening to this book, I would find myself sitting in my car (after having reached my destination) just to hear a bit more. The reader was fabulous and the stories ...all of them....just had me wanting to hear more.The Things They Carried is a collection of short stories filled with tension. The stories are based on the Vietnam War experience of the author and his buddies. The reader/listener is drawn into each story involving the men of Alpha Company. You feel a part of the bond they have for each other, and you feel their anger, their isolation, loneliness and their fears as you listen to the voices of the soldiers.This should be required reading for high school students in my opinion.$LABEL$1 Not my best purchase. These lites are nit that great. I bought them to go under my cabinets and they have poor lighting!!!!$LABEL$0 Wrong Disc!. Of course, i'm a huge fan of Gilmore Girls. That's why i was so excited to receive the complete series collection. However, when i got it, i noticed that in the season one folder, i had two copies of the second disc and not one disc 4. I don't know what to think but it was highly disappointing. You'd think that the packages would be checked before they're sent out like that!$LABEL$1 NOT AS PICTURED. MY COMPANY BOUGHT THIS CHAIR IN BURGUNDY FOR ME AS A PRIZE. WHEN WE RECEIVED THE CHAIR IT WASN'T THE SAME AS PICTURED AND WAS BLACK INSTEAD OF BURGUNDY. THE SCREWS ARE PUSHING THRU THE CUSHION ON THE SEAT AND I'M AFRAID THAT THEY'LL EVENTUALLY PUSH THRU THE MATERIAL. OF COURSE THE SEAT ISN'T VERY COMFORTABLE EITHER. I'D NEVER BUY FROM THE GREEN GROUP AGAIN.$LABEL$0 Apple corer.... Works well. We found it works better if you level off the bottom of the apple, and hold a paper towel over the top of the corer so you don't get splashed. Much, much easier than coring the apple with a knife!$LABEL$1 Incredible. A great concert with the band at it's best plus an orchestra. Would also recommend ELP Live - King Biscuit Flower Hour. No orchestra but recording quality is amazing.$LABEL$1 Worth less than one star. I picked up this book after searching for hours at the bookstore. I wanted something light and fun to read after oral surgery. Plus it was on the Bargain Table (now I know why). Reading the back of this book, I thought it might fit the bill. Needless to say, I'd rather sit through more mouth surgery than read this drivel. Awful! The book reads like it was written by a 12 year old. I was so bored and disgusted that I put this book down after just a few pages and stred out a window for awhile (that was more entertaining than the book!) Run from this book!$LABEL$0 The best album I've heard in a very long time. Literally Grammy material. This is the best album I've heard in a very long time. Despite its being a jewish album recorded in several languages, it will appeal to people of standard tastes. It is very hard to describe, as it is almost a new genre. Middle eastern world music with a jam band feel and the precision of classical? Neo-classical jewish middle eastern/latin fem psychedelic jazz? middle eastern rock/psychedelic spiritual jam band music performed by obsessive compulsive classically trained gypsies? I don't know what to call it, and neither will you. But you will love it.If it were in english, it would be nominated for a grammy.$LABEL$1 Very light and very sharp!. (9/11 Update): I find myself using the 'bird beak' parer almost daily. It is beginning to dull a bit. I know these knives were not designed to last a lifetime, but I would have paid a few cents more to have them shipped in cardboard blade protectors.(Original): I purchased these primarily because of the great reviews in 'Chef's Illustrated'. These are exceptionally sharp (and thin). I do not have a clue as to how long the sharp blades will last. However, I can assure the reader that these do not come close to having the 'heft' of Wusthof Classic,or Henckels Four Star. Having said that, it is ridiculous, based on the price, to try to compare them.'Cooks Illustrated' gave a very nice review of these knives and there is no reason for me to debate that review. I am rating them 4-Stars simply because they are not in the class of Wusthof Classic, or Henckels Four Star.$LABEL$1 SHOULD NOT HAVE READ "NEVER LOOK BACK". This was a really waste of time for me. I have read all of the Lou Boldt series so I thought anything by Ridley Person would be good, boy, was I wrong. There were many, many boring pages, to much description of what I think was going on. So much was really unbelieveable. Clayton or what ever his code name is at the present time, is a superman, cannot be killed no matter what. Just an all around bad book for me. I did read it all thinking it had to get better, but it did not. Read something you know you like or some of the Lou Boldt books and leave this one alone.$LABEL$0 Hildegard of Bingen's Spiritual Remedies. Hildegard of Bingen's Spiritual Remedies is an excellent book which explains the health of our physical and spiritual life and its healing in very practical and clear terms. It is a real must for those who care for their health and strive to do so with natural means effectively and if necessary complemented by medial means. I purchased it from Amazon who have very many good books relating to Hildegard of Bingen.John Evans, Australia$LABEL$1 Don't Be Fooled Like Me. I purchased this CD thinking this was the entire book version on CD. IT IS NOT! This CD is a poor introduction to an EXCELLENT book about the Federal Reserve. BUY THE BOOK!!!!!!!$LABEL$0 I love this pot. I love this pot. I have made everything from soups, chowders,roasts, sauces, etc. It has even heat and is so easy to clean. No scrubbing is needed. Just soak for a few minutes and thats it. The only problem I have had is that the inside bottom is quite stained but I think it's because I use it so often cooking with red wines, etc.It is the perfect size to cook for 4-6 people.I have used this both for stovetop and oven. I say one review where it was said they were afraid of the handle. I've had the oven to 350 and it's fine. I use this more than any of my other pans and keep it right on my stove. Attractive looking. I would buy more of these pans.$LABEL$1 Best car seat around. My daughter loves this car seat! Cute fabric and lots of room for her to stretch. It must be the most comfortable and safest car seat around.$LABEL$1 A freshman effort from two who should have done better.... Lumet and Jones had experience and success when they picked up this project - unfortunately neither had experience or success with adapting a broadway musical to the silverscreen - and it shows - quincy jones obliterated a perfect score with meaningless dribble and sidney lumet miscast and misdirected the rest - what a shame - the original score (music and lyrics) by charlie smalls was perfect, melodic, lyrical & memorable - mr. smalls should have told mr. jones to, "play it the way i wrote it!" - all melody is lost, the lyrics are half sung half spoken in some overacted and oddball interpretations - it's a visual mess with a cheesy studio feel - buy the Original Broadway Soundtrack to get a real sense of the music and story - buy tickets to a local production - just don't waste your money on this junk of an adaptation - poor charlie smalls...$LABEL$0 On an Edge of Steel. Like other Burke novels the character is given a crystal clear goal and he pursues the monster with every step he takes. An extremely quick read but enjoyable as always.Unlike other thriller writers, Vachss implants/transfers his disgust and rage against criminals who prey on the weak or unfortunate. Having been exposed to this brand of evil makes the eventual conclusion feel righteous and the reader is left not feeling a shred of sympathy for the villain, who is by his crime a despicable coward.$LABEL$1 Not quite up to OXO standards. I wanted to wait to give this some usage before reviewing. Now that we have used it for six months, we have ordered a replacement. It works well, but now has a nice crop of rust. When it comes to can openers and being around industrial openers for decades, I was surprised by how quickly this one rusted. When washed, we hand dry them, so there is a design element that allows this to retain some moisture in the cutting mechanism. Sadly, there is no way to save it.$LABEL$0 Journey to the Sacred Garden. This is a great book and cd for a practical application in the direction of mediation and shamanism. It is more than an explanation of things and more of an experiential event. I recommend this book and the one that follows it for those who are looking to do work and have not yet found a group or teacher to help them with the real work.$LABEL$1 To Be Continued...?. Shades of Rick Berman, I paid for a whole book, not a part 1 that leaves me hanging like the first installment of a 2-part Star Trek episode. Regarding the content, I found the story line incongruous with the TV series regarding the attitude of Starfleet to the Voyager crew. I found it difficult to believe the events of book were plausible.I was not a great far of Voyager when it was airing but have rediscovered it on Netflix and now can't get enough of it. I was hoping for a satisfying epilogue to the series finale, "Endgame", which I found to be one of the best episodes contained in any of the ST series franchises. My only complaint was the rather abrupt ending that I had hoped this book would resolve. So far, not so. I will buy part 2 to see what happens to the crew. Hopefully there will be some resolution of the characters lives.$LABEL$0 Good movie but read the book FIRST. Not a bad adaptation of a book, but, as with many flicks, reading the book first will help the movie make sense. The book's creepier and richer, but some of the movie's musical numbers are amusing and creative in their own way.The Wybie character might have been introduced to meet the PC/diversity compulsion of modern cinema. Wybie is a distraction, then an irritant, and finally his role destroys a major part of Coraline's character development present in the book.So I'd say, buy and read the book first, then view the movie.$LABEL$1 more books more lust. If you liked the original Book Lust, you will also enjoy More Book Lust. The only problem I have with both volumes is the author's inclusion of lists of one author's works. In some cases they were interesting introductions to writers I hadn't heard of, but those authors could have been included in other book lists.$LABEL$1 Expensive for something that doesn't work!. Sure the product made my hair "smooth", but it wasn't super silky smooth. The product has a wierd smell, not too happy when I have it on my hair. This doesn't help with frizzy hair, even if you used it with the CHI ceramic flat iron.I wouldn't recommend this product, unless you want to spend $19 with a $6 order to have free shipping!$LABEL$0 Amazon Kindle Stinks. I bought an Amazon Kindle on August 15. I used it 4 times. By September 11 it was not working. Not only that I can not get anyone to contact me or to give me someplace that could repair the Kindle. I bought 6 books that I cannot use because the Kindle does not work. I would advise anyone not to buy this product.$LABEL$0 A Must-have. The instructions are so clear and understandable that even for me (a non native speaker and non mathematician!!) there is no problem to follow them :))Strongly recommended for those who want to have fun with interesting and beautiful paper designs!$LABEL$1 Oh... My... God.... All I can say is this: Holy crap. "Ronin" not only has amazing fight scenes, but it offers an interesting look at religion and reincarnation. The hand-to-hand combat scenes are completely remarkable, and the character of Dethen manages to be an extremely likable villain. This is quite possibly the best book I've ever read.$LABEL$1 It works! for almost two months?. I used this in a sick house bedroom (lots of mold about including one toxic strain, likely due to a leaking ceiling) and I was no longer sneezing before going to bed each night. In a month's time, however, the unit was already constantly making random noises that sounded like its bulb was about to explode, and the light would flicker on and off, often waking me up, all night long. I got another air filter machine, (True Allergen Remover: HEPA type?) and that seems to help maybe as good as this machine, but as the bulb to this unit burnt out in just over two months of use, I'll be sticking with my other machine. Even if I got a new bulb for this, I don't want to be constantly woken up by this thing. If I hadn't been in the process of moving and packing stuff up I would have tried calling the company to get a replacement bulb.Be Warned!$LABEL$0 Great Exercise!. I purchased three Denise Austin workout DVD's at one time. Why? Denise Austin is in her 50's, has always stayed fit, and is such an encourager to be healthy and exercise for your life! This DVD is great, harder than I thought it would be, but a great workout. I would also suggest reading Denise's book "Fit and Fabulous After 40"; it is an awesome book full of great information, and certainly applicable to aging and weight loss. Denise is the same throughout all her videos, she gently pushes to keep you going so you have the most benefit.$LABEL$1 Expensive, but works perfectly. While I can't compare this product's effectiveness to that of other screen cleaners, as this is the first one I've ever used, this product works amazingly well and restored my LCD to its original glory.I bought this based on the other reviews, specifically mentioning the Powerbook, because my MacBook Pro screen was extremely dirty, with streaks on it that clearly annoyed during movie playback. It arrived, and voila, my MacBook Pro's screen looks factory new.The solution lets out a bit of a foamy soap when rubbed in, and it just works wonders. The only thing is, this product is quite expensive. Not surprising considering it's a "Monster" product.$LABEL$1 Myst sequel didn't quite live up to expectations. I have loved, played, and collected the Myst games for years, but Myst Revelation was slightly disappointing. I didn't get as absorbed into the story line as much. The game is still fun, and just as challenging, with beautiful graphics, I just enjoyed the previous ones better. If you are planning on buying it, please do!! Just don't expect as much as the first 3 previous Myst games.$LABEL$1 Worked great, then it didn't. I've had this speaker dock mostly in my office for the last 3 months and used it mostly every work day. When it worked, it worked great but then it just stopped working. I am thinking it might work if I could get the insert replaced but I'm not sure I want to spend any more money on it. Disappointing.$LABEL$0 Started out great..... I really enjoyed my Moto Rokr s9's for the first week. Then the touch buttons to turn the sound up and down stopped working. Then the move 1 song back button stopped working. Then today the volume, which I can't control via the buttons on its own went down while I was wearing them without me doing anything. And I can't get the volume back up because the buttons stopped working. Fortunately Amazon is sending me a replacement, but I am expecting better quality out of these. If not I will lower my rating to zero stars.$LABEL$0 leak ALL the time. These cups definitely leak no matter how you close them. I have called avent several times about this and they claim that the cups and the rest of the spout assembly need to be boiled at least once a month with a couple of spoons of vinegar to remove any minerals or residue. I tried this and they still leak. I don't know if all sippy cups leak to some extent, but these cups really leave a mess everywhere and I don't want anyone else wasting their money on them. I loved the Avent bottles, but these cups are just horrible.$LABEL$0 Runs, But Needs Work. As a former naval aviator I can appreciate Vistica's perspective of how the navy mishandled numerous situations. However, the books relies mainly on speculation, and would not "hold up in court". Public relations play a large role in politics and the military. Perhaps the navy should look into Clinton's spin machine; he seems to recover intact from seemingly inarguable situations. Ego and competition play a part in every organization, but when it occurs in the military, the results are often front page news. But 99% of the military is made up of outstanding, honest, hardworking individuals, paid with pride and a sense of honor (last sentence written to the Bloomington, IN critic. Yes, I'm glad you went the MBA route also. The military needs strong leaders, not weak followers).$LABEL$0 Buyer Beware. I have had Epson printers for over 10 years so I know a good Epson printer when I see one. This is not a good printer. The colours are dull despite being heavy on ink and the printer needs constant head cleaning to keep away heavy banding. While not being a professional standard at this price you would expect this to be a quality product. Mine failed after 15 months and, in my opinion, Tech Support are neither Technical or Supportive.I would strongly advise caution before paying your hard earned cash for this unit. As for me I moved to a Canon i9100 - Lets see if this fares any better.$LABEL$0 (Bad). Well first let me say that he got one star because he had enough courage to put out some trash like that. The album is beyond terrible. I should have known that it would be hot garbage from seing him perform. He lip sincs and he has no stage presence. He IS ADORABLE but that is about it. He yells through the whole album and the songs are corny. He needs to take some lesson from LBW on how to rap cuz his daddy can't rap either. Also the little boy has hair extensions. But I recommend that you all go buy LBW'S new CD Doggy Bag. It has hot tracks produced by JD and the neptunes and the raps are tyte.$LABEL$0 Junk. This book is basically a word for word copy from freely avaliable online documents and other books. The author fails to mention the documents that he uses as sources for his factual information. The worst part is, some of the sources the author used were unreliable themselves. Talking about libnet like it is a program just shows how inexperienced the author is in the subject he is writing about. How could one possibly write a technical book about something they don't know much about. As for the ethical part, there is hardly anything ethical about breaking into other systems. If you want to know how the hackers really get in, get hacking exposed. Hacking Exposed pulls no punches on describing how it is actually done. Spend your money on better things.$LABEL$0 Not the typical Sony product. As a believer in Sony products, I was shocked at the low quality of this item. A few issues were:- Range: Was reported to be 24 feet. Best I got was 10 feet.- Noise: Constantly heard loud hiss.- Battery: Was never able to get it to fully charged.- Overall quality: Would only work for 5 minutes at a time.I returned this product to Amazon and urge you to consider a different wireless headphone.$LABEL$0 Great Stuff. This isn't any of your bad hip hop/rap that dominates MTV, no. This is GOOD hip hop music. I highly recommend this CD if you want to try something new, or are already a fan of the genre.$LABEL$1 Excellent choice!. This camera was actually purchased for my teenage daughter. This is our 4th Easyshare Camera and I would highly recommend it to everyone. I purchased a different Easyshare in March and, although it is wonderful, once I saw how small and easy to use this one is - I wish I would have waited and got this same one instead. I find myself borrowing this one from my daughter and using it more than my own (which is also a wonderful camera)...$LABEL$1 Harris's best. This book has the best discovery scene I've ever read--that moment when the detective notices an overlooked similarity between two crime scenes and understands its significance. The scene is hushed, rapt, and real."Red Dragon" also has the best development of an abnormal character I've read. The killer comes from a plausibly rotten family, and his pathology grows by accretion. He aquires an obsession with teeth when he serves in the military; later he happens upon a drawing by William Blake and is galvanized. He puts the teeth and the drawing together, absorbs some Blakeian mysticism, and comes up with his killer persona. Like most readers of the genre, I dislike the flashbacks and the earnest psychologizing that slow a book down. But in "Red Dragon" the flashbacks are far from routine, and the psychologizing is full of incident. Harris knows better than all but a few other writers how to create a madman.$LABEL$1 As it says in the title, it is a "personal account".. Krakauer's book is by all means fascinating. Far from being a literary masterpiece (his writing skills surely do not deserve a Nobel prize), it manages to trigger the fear associated with high-altitude climbing. Rather than comparing the characters' heroics (or lack thereof), the reader should focus on the description of effort and hardship of all of the expeditioneers who were present during those fateful days of May '96. I will read Anatoli Boukreev's book next, in order to gain more insight into the tragedy that captivated so many. In hope of not sounding too redundant, it would be senseless to view this book as a finger-pointing rampage. Krakauer actually praises Boukreev's [valiant] efforts during the crisis. As for us, the readers, please keep in mind that we have no place for judging ANYONE, anyhow.$LABEL$1 A Major Gripe. The original Brothers Hildebrandt illustrations are NOT included in this re-issue! How can they call this a 25th anniversary edition without the original art?$LABEL$1 Peace in the midst of the daily storm. No matter what the problem or storm is in your life this devotional book isdefinitely annointed with GODS peace and love in the midst of any storm$LABEL$1 Waste of Money. I ordered this book while I was taking psychology in college, but I rarely found a need to use it. I did very well with just the required text. It just felt nice to own for a sense of insurance or if you're having a hard time.$LABEL$0 AWSOME GAME. This was my first game for the PSP. I was amazed by the graphics on this game there great! The tracks are great and very fun. Though there aren't many tracks they still remain very fun anytime you play them. The speed classes you can play are insane. You start off pretty slow but every speed class is much faster than the last witch provides a good challege anytime. The cars or pods or ships or whatever you wanna call the things you race are amazing. It takes different skills to race each 1 so being good with 1 doesn't mean your a master of the game. One of my favorite parts of this game is the downloads. You can go online with this game and download new stuff like new tracks, racers, and wallpapers. Overall this game is 1 of the best games for the PSP. This is a must buy$LABEL$1 Sorry Al, a bad review.. "In 3-D" isn't really worth the money. If you're into Weird Al, get either "Running With Scissors" or "Bad Hair Day". If you want comdey, get Ray Stevens.$LABEL$0 Hmmmm. I used to buy the small round white cleansing puffs and I could use one of them for months. These break down a lot quicker so have to use them quicker.$LABEL$0 Pleased with bottle warmer. My husband and I have found this bottle warmer to be very effective and work great for our needs. We use the Avent bottles and have had great success with this product for heating them up. It heats them evenly, unlike the microwave. We noticed that it's important to read the instructions thoroughly before using it. It's also important to keep the heating chamber cleaned out and free of water deposits. This caused ours to under-heat the bottles. It took a little getting used to in order to understand how much water to use for what size bottle we're trying to heat, but over all we like it and we've gotten a lot of use out of our bottle warmer.$LABEL$1 Works on some devices - poor filtering. Works on some devices but not 2nd gen Zune players (8gb, 30gb, 80gb). Worse than other USB chargers in filtering ignition static (i.e., not good for powering MP3 player while playing).$LABEL$0 A Page Turner!. This novel was a definite page-turner for me! The drama started on page one and kept flowing through until the end. Each one of the Matthews sons represents a different walk of life: the thug, the minister, and the family man. Each has good intentions but they all get pulled into three very difficult family situations....ironically, it's the brotherly strength and love (along with a feisty matriarch) that carries forth and pulls them through some very difficult times.I liked Johnson's style of allowing each character to narrate their story. The pace was just right and scenarios were believable; although it made me wince every time I read some words repeatedly used incorrectly outside of the character's dialogue (ex. fambly for family, axed for asked, etc.). Otherwise, it was a great novel.$LABEL$1 Very DIssapointed. I purchased this food processor to do smaller jobs. I have used it twice. The first time to simply grate cheese. Simple task, it almost burned the motor out. The second time I was make a dip. The chopping blade is now stuck in the processing bowl. I have the larger 11 cup processor and am very satisified. Much easier to use and even though it costs more, it has been money well spent. I am in the process of sending this back to cuisinart (not to be replaced).$LABEL$0 SHE IS DA BOMB. I think Christina Aguilera has a terrific and catchy voice. SHe is cute and has a lotta catchy songs. There are some(only a couple) songs that arn't as well written as others,but this CD is worth buying and giving a try.SO EMOTIONAL is a catchy tune just like Genie In A Bottle You should defintiy buy this CD!!$LABEL$1 Upset Mom. This is great product, however, in order to download spelling words you must order a subscription for $30/year. How hard would it be for them to include the software? I was disappointed because I want to use this for many years and think it's a bit ridiculous. I just wanted to warn everyone because this fact was not advertised on the Leap Frog website or any where else when I was researching this. I feel a bit ripped off!:)$LABEL$0 what a waste. I was sooooooo dissapointed with this CD. Don't get me wrong, I am a J-Lo fan and I thought the first CD was great but I couldn't dance to this. The music sounded more like house music. I just wasn't feeling what she was trying to do and the fact that she can't sing didn't help matters either. I'll be more cautious about buying her next CD.$LABEL$0 they don't HAVE this item. they don't HAVE this item, they sent something else, and when i called to change it to the picture shown, they said it was not available. very annoying waste of time.the actual item pictured is 5 star. i rate amazons way of doing business one, if that.$LABEL$0 This recording is a bity dry...poor conducting. I don't see why anyone would settle for this recording. Not only is the sound quality bad(it's stereo but sounds like mono), the interpretation is also dry. Not even the overture was done right. The singers are good, though I don't feel other's enthusiasm for the Figaro here. You may want to try the recordings on Decca.$LABEL$0 A TV movie. Good hearted, but not even close to the laughter level of the best the brothers have done... Amid all the freaks was the altered Cher supposed to be real?$LABEL$0 Attention Insomniacs!. Figure skating fans! Are you having trouble getting a good night's rest because of insomnia? Have I got the cure-all for you! Read Heart and Soul by Elvis Stojko. It's a guaranteed yawner--except for the unintentionally funny stuff. I have never seen a more boring, predictable, cliched book on figure skating in my life, and I've read many.$LABEL$0 Bon-Aire BA121L 120V Air Compressor/Inflator review. I had used these types of pumps in the past and was not impressed. However, the Bon-Aire BA121L 120V Air Compressor/Inflator was very IMPRESSIVE! It easily inflated several tires of different shapes and sizes. I would recommend this product to anyone in the future and I would certainly purchase another in the future...$LABEL$1 Fits and Tastes Right. Let me start off by saying I hate the taste of municipal water. The chlorine and other tastes make in virtually undrinkable. That's where this filter comes in.For me, the bad news is that I can't stand forking voer $40 to Sears for the privelige of screwing one of these into the filter port of my refrigerator. In my area, these filters are for some reason difficult to find in Big Box stores. I am not sure why. I have taken a chance before on no-name, unbranded filters from the internet and had good results. However, when I saw these OEM filters at a competitive price, I jumped and have not been disappointed. The water that is filtered through them tastes good (no chlorine or mineral tastes) and there are no leaks--they do precisely what inline water filters are supposed to do.Buy the filters, be happy, and drink lots of water.$LABEL$1 Self serving and unhelpful. My sister is bipolar. I hoped this book would help me understand what she is going through. However, it was not very helpful and just left me more confused. This book does not seem to depict the whole reality of what the author's life must have been like...but maybe that is not possible because of her illness.$LABEL$0 anointed. I used to own this tape and I lost it. I saw these sisters in concert years ago and I mean they are anointed! The stores weren't carrying the CD, but I am glad I found it on Amazon. When you want some good worship music--turn this on. I even jog to a couple of their fast tracks. Great Cd!$LABEL$1 Too hard, too easy...You've got to be kidding me!. My family LOVES this game. We happened to pick it up late one night and thought it might be a good way to break the ice with new inlaws over for the holidays. Before this game, you could feel the akwardness in the air...but after we played one night we got a long just fine. We all started out quiet, but once we started to get more competitive we wer yelling answers at the top of our lungs! Sure some questions were relly hard, and some were really easy...but it's just the same as Trivial Pursuit. If you're not savvy in a certain subject, of course it's going to be hard. THAT'S THE POINT!$LABEL$1 love it!. one of the funniest movies of all time. hard to find in a store so i ordered a used copy. the seller sent it quickly and it arrived just as described. thanks!$LABEL$1 One of the best books by LJB. Even though this book is one of the longer ones, I found it to be a little stretched out. But there was a lot of really interesting events in this book. Even though I normally don't enjoy trains or books about trains, I loved this one.$LABEL$1 Awful book to be included in the otherwise great series. This it not Terry Goodkind's best work, to put it kindly. I know there is a reason for him setting up the background on the characters, but it could have been done in a chapter. It's awful. For those that thought Soul of the Fire was awful, it was about 10 steps above this one.$LABEL$0 a great book. I love this book!!! I think that it is a great book. Everyone should read it, even those who don't like horses very much. This was a very good book. It was well written and I enjoyed reading it. I think Marguerite Henry is a wonderful author. I would reccomend this book to those who love to read.$LABEL$1 No originals, just 'Trane. The irony of the Prestige John Coltrane albums (about 19 in all; I owned them all when they first came out) is that there are no originals. I am told (I think by Ira Gitler) the reason is that Prestige owned all the publishing; so, he saved the originals (he certainly had them in volume) for his later Atlantic recordings. In any case, the music was marvelous; don't overlook the ones released under Red Garland's name. We are lucky that this music was recorded and saved in such a short time allowing consistency. It's still timeless.$LABEL$1 It's Great!!!. Tamora Pierce has outdone herself once again. I have read most of her books and believe that this is the best yet. Although a bit longer than her other stories, you still put this one down wishing it were longer. As soon as I finished the book I started to reread it! We are also finally given a chance to be reintroduced to characters from other books who haven't been able to take a role in Kel's study's yet. Even though there are more of them, all of the characters feel real, and make you want to jump in and join in the action. I reccomend this for any fantasy lover, or anyone into sword and sorcery novels. It's great!$LABEL$1 A bit silly. A bit silly, and certainly not thorough enough to give anyone any detailed insight into the world of witchcraft. I am sure that there are those who believe they have achieved magical things with the spells herein, but my impression is that saying meaningless words and drawing pretty, but again meaningless, simplistic drawings, is not what those who practice wicca, witchcraft, or magick, in any serious way would regard as a serious incursion into a fascinating arena of belief.$LABEL$0 Excellent Story!!!. I must say that Mos Def did an excellent job with this part. It really surprised me because I had not seen him play any serious parts. Eventhough this was based on a true story, he made it very believable. I recommend that everyone see this movie, especially if you are a Mos Def fan.$LABEL$1 Careful! Use oil to protect your skin!. The first few times I used this trimmer, all was well. My fuzz (I had a lot) disappeared painlessly and I couldn't be happier.However, I soon developed bumps all over my cheeks, and they rapidly turned into painful red spots. I tried to remove these spots with lotions and cleansers and, after becoming even more irritated, my skin developed dark scars.Now I have bumps under the scars and my skin on my lower cheeks near my jawline is just a mess.I've since stopped using the trimmer, and I'm taking care of my skin over there. It's getting better, but slowly, because I have dark skin and the dark marks stay for longer.ADVICE: Use an oil like tea tree oil (great for pimples, too!) to protect your skin as you trim hair. Never use on dry skin, because you could irritate it. Don't be left with horrible scarring like me.$LABEL$0 An Excellent read. When I decided to purchase this book I wanted to look deeper into the subject of Law and Attraction. I have already read some of this Author's books and am very much impressed. Ask and it is Given will explain to anyone just what the title says. If you will only clear your mind of false perceptions you will be able to understand the book's message. Enjoy!$LABEL$1 Disappointing product.. I ordered the 16 oz. feeder as our old feeder was several years old and falling apart. The new feeder was a disappointment because it was not properly balanced and tilted/spilled when hung by the provided hook. I don't recommend it to anyone. I did not send it back because the shipping charges would make it even more of a bad buy. I'm sticking with Perky Pet products from now on.$LABEL$0 Fun to read.. Just received my copy yesterday and this book is FUN TO READ! Working at creating my first dinner this week. Thanks GreenCross Of Seattle! See you at next years HempFest 2006! Life is better with books like this. I enjoy your sites links too!$LABEL$1 Read 'A Good Man is Hard to Find' to understand this movie. This movie is a grisly fairy-tale, Little Red Riding Hood with all the gory details of the wolf's attacks and his death by axe. The child is the key to the story. The violence is so exaggerated as to be a horrible parody. The line the male killer makes (who has no name by the way) at the end about the little girl is everything. A very dark comic parable. Don't take its over-the-top violence seriously.$LABEL$1 Sorry, but it's true. 2 stars. I love the book series, but the movie was disappointing. Now my family thinks the books are boring and that I have a lousy sense of good reading. This was the only thing that I thought could get my husband interested in reading the books, but he slept through most of the movie. I am sorry to all the hard working people.I don't think you should make any movies of the other books . I have read #'S 1-6 and can't wait to get # 7 in soft. Please, if you read this, do not skip the books. THE KIDS books are not as good, but they have different characters and stories. PLEASE USE YOUR MONEY ON THE BOOKS. YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PUT THEM DOWN.$LABEL$0 Find a better book. This book is comprehensive, yes, but the explanations are poor. I find his writing style difficult to follow. The book is poorly edited as well, for example, the second chapter introduces datapath logic cells and then immediately goes into a multipage treatise of multiplier architecture. Interesting information but it seems much out of place given the context. The problems are not very helpful either. Often you will need to search for information outside of the text in order to complete the question. The author obviously knows the subject well, I just don't think he does a very good job of teaching it.$LABEL$0 vastly disappointed. I think the few pages of map/compass reading, undestanding and wilderness orienteering pale in comparison to all the games, gatherings and contests the author discusses.For the price, vastly overrated, over priced.I was mislead by positive ratings. Many better and more detailed books out there.$LABEL$0 Shrill propaganda for software anarchists. Useful, but not terribly original, content undermined by smug self-congratulating boosterism. Alternates between run-of-the-mill thinking on domain modeling, pseudo-intellectual philosophical tangents, and foaming-at-the-mouth extreme programming propaganda. Deeply slanted, with a degenerate view of software engineering.$LABEL$0 More than expected. The packaging made the item even more special, as it was a gift for someone. Very pleased. Great price. Thank you.$LABEL$1 DO NOT BUY THIS MOVIE!!. THIS HAS TO BE THE WORST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN. THE ACTING IS HORRIBLE, THE MAKE-UP IS WORSE, AND THE PLOT, WHAT PLOT? I WOULD'VE SENT IT BACK, BUT IT WOULD PROBABLY COST ME MORE TO DO THAT AND I ALREADY WASTED ENOUGH MONEY. THE ONLY THING GOOD ABOUT THE MOVIE IS WHEN IT FINALLY ENDED!! PLEASE DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY. IT IS TRULY NOT WORTH IT.$LABEL$0 Greatest Gospel Singer. It is generally conceded that Mahalia Jackson was the greatest female Gospel singer of all time. "Tennessee" Ernie Ford was, in my personal estimation, the greatest male Gospel singer of all time. As Willie Nelson once said: "All music is Gospel."$LABEL$1 "Only for cult followers...". The whole time you follow Harvey getting drugs, using drugs, placing bets, and doing other bad things while on duty. It's tedious and painful to watch; I can only give it points for its "right there," documentary-style camera-work and Harvey's effort in portraying the character. Rent it first to see if you want to buy... But be warned, Harvey will do an anguished, tormented whine/cry of agony that will stay with you for 3 days at least...$LABEL$0 Poor quality. The sound track was horrible - could barely hear the dialog while the special effects and music were extremely loud. A lot of the scenes were very dark. Did not hold up as well as I remember the original.$LABEL$0 An adamantly recommended acquisition. In Rules Of Civility For The 21st Century, Henry Wheelwright has assembled a compendium of two hundred rules of civility drawn from submission by some four million Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts across the country. The rules of conduct were sent in by boys for themselves and others after reflecting on the rules that President George Washington copied out for himself as a youth of 14. Also provided for the reader is a Civility Workshop addressing modern threats to civility and keys to character building and leadership. Line illustrations enhanced Rules Of Civility For The 21st Century, which is an adamantly recommended acquisition for every school and public library in every community in America.$LABEL$1 Heartbreaking and lovely.... I first encountered Amy Bloom's keen insight and matter-of-fact humanity in the pages of New Woman magazine, where she writes a monthly advice column called "Sex/Life." Upon discovering she had written a novel, I ordered it without hesitation. I was not disappointed. Love Invents Us is a startling and sensuous look at human relationships. Bloom shows us how every love affair (define that as you will) leaves its footprints on our personalities, with wonderful or disastrous results$LABEL$1 Honesty & Beautiful Writing. Fumbling Toward Divinity by Craig Hickman is a wonderful read. Not only does Craig share the raw emotions surrounding adoptees searching for and finding their birth families, but he also shares the real issues faced by gay people and their families. His honesty and beautiful writing touches on many themes. One can only grow in insight and understanding by reading this book. Joining Craig on his journey is an adventure surrounded by pain and love.$LABEL$1 disappointed. ORIENTAL MUSIC (DULL) AND ORIENTAL COSTUMES (THE BEST PART OF THE OPERA)SUNG IN ENGLISH BY PERFORMERS WITH ACCENTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD.THANK GOODNESS FOR SUBTITLES.IN ADDITION, THE LIBRETTO IS AWFUL!WHAT A BORE! WHAT A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY.AND, BELIEVE ME, I'M A BIG DOMINGO FAN.$LABEL$0 Once And A While. One and a while a book will come along that will change the perception you have for yourself. In this case, my own case, a child of sexual abuse-I was fortunate enough to find several books that have helped me to understand,learn and grow past the abuse. Those books are: Breaking Free: Help for Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, Nightmares Echo and Courage To Heal.If you want your life to change, even if you have not been abused but suspect of someone that may have been-It's time to read these books!$LABEL$1 THE TRAILOR. I have seen the movie many times and enjoy the scenes and the music, I was wondering what music was used in the 2nd half of the trailor?$LABEL$1 More BS but slightly entertaining. I read this book when it came out many years ago and I have to say that while slightly entertaining I felt that the author was a BS artist.I never served in the FFL, but I have served 15 years in the USMC and the USA and I cannot tolerate whiners and complainers.I felt that Jennings is a quitter because he broke his contract with the Legion by deserting his comrades.No branch of the military ever promises you a rose garden especially the Legion.$LABEL$0 worse than 1 star book. I only read a few pages of this book,but, then I flipped through the pagesand found some stuff that was notappropriate for the characters' ages to doand for kids my age to read. I think this bookshould go on a "must not read" list.I think this book should not be injunior high school libraries.$LABEL$0 What a messed up excuse for a film!. I was so incredibly disappointed by this film.The acting was wooden (and that's insulting to trees), the filming was amateurish, the plot was paper thin - I guessed who it was three minutes into the film, and forced myself to watch the rest of it because I had paid for it.Admittedly the only real sex scene was mildly hot, but no more than you see on normal television. This was lame with a capital L.Wish I had saved my money and would tell anyone thinking of buying it to rent it if you must, but don't put any hard earned cash into buying it.Going to the back of my DVD shelf to gather dust until I get round to selling it.Big thumbs down.$LABEL$0 The Borowsky Family's Musical Favorites of All Times. Musical Favorites of All Times, the Borowsky family's genre spanning arrangement of classical music, is a collection of long cherished and well-known pieces, all played with a clarity and skillful sound unique to the Borowsky family of musicians. This collection has clearly been put together with hard work, and dedication, not to mention skill, as the pieces within represent some of the most accurate, soulful, and standard breaking playing of our time.As best exemplified by the performance of David Popper's Gavotte, and Ernest Bloch's Nigun, the Borowsky family plays with authority, commanding the ear, leading the listener into the swirling emotion of the piece being played.Five stars out of five for an impressive collection and a wonderful listening experience that defines the epitome of what the classical musician should be.$LABEL$1 Please don't ever make me watch this thing again!!. This movie was not very true to the book. The man in the yellow suit didn't wear a yellow suit, Winnie had a turtle, not a frog. . etc. It was pretty well made, but if you are a great fan of the book you might not like it. The new version made in 2002 is a little more accurate to the book, so you might try that as an alternate to this. The story of this movie is pretty good though, because the book was a very good book. People who remember this movie from their childhood might like this, though. I didn't really like it because it strayed too far from the book, but others might.$LABEL$0 Beware the purple prose. I generally like most fantasy books at least a little bit, but this one left me wondering if an editor had ever seen the manuscript. There is promise in the basic idea behind the novel, but the text is in sore need of a good editor so that the story can become refined and easier to read.I don't recommend this book.$LABEL$0 EXACTLY What I needed!. Yes, it's a small shelf, but it's the PERFECT size to put between your desk and the wall if you want to get your CPU off the desk or floor. The CPU is on the top shelf, modems and routers on the second shelf and surge protectors on the bottom shelf - all in one place, out of the way and easy to move when you want to clean. Also, the shelf is easy to put together and VERY sturdy. I plan to get some in larger sizes to use in the mudroom.$LABEL$1 BIG disappointment. I was extremely disappointed in my 2mm 24" snake chain. I have bought several pieces in the past from Silver Insanity, but it seems they've decided to cut corners. I would be surprised if this chain measured ONE mm let alone 2. I have other 2 MM chains and this one is HALF the size. It feels very light. Not at all what I'd come to expect quality wise from Silver Insanity. I will not buy anymore silver from them.$LABEL$0 Breakout Thriller. This is a great book. I've enjoyed the others in the series, but MOTION TO DISMISS, takes Kali to a new level. The plot is intriguing and the pacing suspenseful, but what makes this book stand out in my mind are the characters. All of the main characters are flawed and complex human beings. They are very real and believably unpredictable. There are lots of weighty issues to ponder here, but they never get in the way of the story. This is an author to watch.$LABEL$1 Time passed this. 2 1/2A perfectly mediocre live capsule from this minor folk-proggie does capture a few instrumental moments of passion (the second half of Year of the Cat and some creative liberties with the following Pink Panther theme finally breathe much needed life into the disc), but the majority of singer-songwriter-slush feels autopiloted-bland at best, worse off for that pretentious late 70's British sort of lyrical and vocal delivery. I would say that if you enjoy newer Steely Dan, then rock out with this.$LABEL$0 Great for specialty rice as well. We tried this with Basamati rice and the results were outstanding - 2 cups water to one cup of rice, microwave on high for 5 minutes and then at 40% for 15 minutes. You get great tasting rice and a wonderful aroma in your kitchen. I have found that it does leak a little, which is easily solved by placing the cooker on a dinner plate in the microwave.$LABEL$1 Some stuff but mostly fluff. We are all looking to get as many takeaways from these types of books as possible with having to read through to much fluff but this one misses the mark and pretty bad. I found myself reading through pages and pages without highlighting anything of note as a practical takeaway. There a dozen or so nuggets in this book but its not worth the 200 os so pages of mostly text no images to get to these. The amount of references and quotes I just found plain odd and of no use.Its also pretty dated now$LABEL$0 When Moviegoers Wept. Reduces the culture-changing ideas of Breuer, Freud, Nietzsche, and von Salome to a series of pop-psychology soundbites.A "period piece" in which the actresses and actors have visibly modern makeup, hair styles, and clothing.Slapstick action and flat acting.$LABEL$0 Good Product money wise but not Safe. I am very much impressed with the quality of the Leather Pouch from my new Treo . I was very happy of the same . However While traveling as it was hooked to my trouser , my Treo fell down twice from this Pouch . As it does not have a Locking Facility , It creates a Problem . It has just a Magnetic flap which is of no use when your Expensive Treo Falls down Twice and has a Lot of Scratches on them . Hence if they would only have a Locking facility on the Flap it would be great.$LABEL$0 Not very good, unless.... Not very good, unless you like that low growl voice that doesn't seem to take much talent to generate. At least this singer is able to get most of the lyrics across in an intelligible manner, but it's a disservice to these songs to growl them out. Your own stuff, OK, but not these classics.$LABEL$0 Clancy @ the Speed of Dr. Suess. I just recevied this book today. First I want to rate a seller because i couldn't figure out how in my shop zone. I want to make this comment about liquidotcom3 (I believe that is his name)My comment is "Used? The only thing wrong with the book is a slightly bent upper right hand corner, and I probably did that unpacking it! I ordered it last wednesday Oct 2 and it came today oct 9th, pretty impressive!"I have read 19 pages so far and know about 4-5 featuresnow that i didn't know about FP2002. I can tell this will be a good book. It is technical enough to learn from, but it reads fast! BUY IT!As a business owner, I have to be on the cutting edge of the software that I work with, and I think this book is going to take me there. I will do another reveiw when I am finished. I may even read it straight through.$LABEL$1 Probably the closest you'll get to hardcore on her.. I had a friend show me this a while back and believe me this isn't hardcore or anything, but its a lot closer to it than Girls Gone Wild. There isn't any actual Sex in it but it does show a LOT of vagina. Don't get your hopes up yet though. Most of the girls aren't that hot and a lot of their vaginas aren't the best looking either. ESPECIALLY the chick on the front, Kobe or whatever. Hers in the worst. But if you're desperate and actually want to fork over money for grade F quality "pornography" than by all means.$LABEL$0 GREAT "How-To" Guide for Communications Professionals. This book is a clear, concise read on handling the media during a crisis - and how to come out a winner. At just under 200 pages, it's packed with more useful info than a book 3x its size.The one thing that really stands out is Hoffman's clear understanding in all communications - know who your audience is and speak directly to them - no matter what the medium. This is NOT a "How-To Spin" book - but a "'How-To' put the facts out there honestly and in the best possible light" book.I recommend it for ALL folks in the executive levels in corporate America as well as those in PR, communications, Marketing, or agency work.$LABEL$1 Nice product.. This vacuum sucks! I mean that in a good way. It has excellent suction. Does a great job on carpets! I would give it 5 stars, except that: 1. It's a bit on the heavy side; 2. the electrical cord isn't designed to retract; and 3. the switch on the vacuum that turns on and off the rotating brush for when you go from carpet to bare floor (and vice versa) doesn't seem to work. It keeps springing back to "ON" position, and doesn't click to stay "OFF." I considered returning it, but when I checked the floor models at local stores I noticed that they didn't work either. I thought I knew how to flip a switch, but perhaps I'm suffering some sort of skill deficiency here. There must be some trick to it that I haven't figured out yet. I will be checking courses at my local Community College for switch flipping, and keep you posted if I find any.$LABEL$1 The fix is in!. I've played a lot of BackGammon in my days but this farce takes the cake. The dice are loaded in the computers favor. Play 100 games and lose 40 of them because the computer gives you the one role in a 100 that will hurt you,,,,and at the same time he gets the perfect roll to get your exposed man. Once in a while is OK, but it's consistent and annoying. Just because the setting is expert, doesn't mean the computer has to win at all costs, even cheating.$LABEL$0 Too much melodrama for me. My previous review was deleted because I used the word "dreck."This book would trade the massacres of Rwanda and Burundi for a soapy Mill Valley love affair, and I think that's tragic. A thoroughly disappointing book.$LABEL$0 Scandle, sex, and fun. I never really was all that interested in the whole Henry VIII thing but I was given this book and just started reading the first couple of pages. It really has a way of engaging you from the start. In the beginning Mary is only a little girl involved in this larger than life role she has to play. You follow her along with her exciting life, and just when things start to cool off for her, you become fixed on her sister. I loved reading how nasty the author made her. I know there are legends of how Ann really was a royal pain. The author did a good job playing it up. It really is quite long over 650 pages, but you wouldn't know it, I read it in 6 days. Its really a page turner. It really only portrays Ann, and Mary in depth, and I liked that. I also liked how the author depicts an aging, baby of a king who likes to get his own way. In the end the author does an amazing job wrapping up the looses ends to the already known facts making this history/fiction story a great read.$LABEL$1 A masterpiece. Of course he never wrote an autobiography, but if he told it to cronies, it would sound like this, then he'd have them shot. So imagine Stalin telling his life story, a crude thug boasting of his power, telling little anecdotes about exterminating millions, and sharing his innermost "thoughts". It's black humor at its best. Lourie is a sovietologist and literary translator from Russian, he's done the research, spent time in Russia, he knows his stuff. It's hard to imagine a more accurate portrait of the monster, and once you start reading, you can't put it down. Should be required reading, lest we forget. Highly recommended.$LABEL$1 not so great, but worth a read. This is surely not one of the best books of Andy McNab.Liberation Day is a funny book with nice characters and Humour.The Story is not so great as Crisis Four or Firewall, but it's a good read and worth the money.$LABEL$1 A poignant tale of a young Irish-American Boy .. This book by Dennis Smith is a fine prequel to his Engine Co. 82. In 82 we saw a young man dealing with the job he has chosen for himself, and a difficult job that was. In Song for Mary we see the boy who became that man. The only way a man could become a fireman is if he had great compassion for humanity. Mary, his mother, gave him this compassion. The "Song" of the title resonates throughout the book with the haunting refrain of The Rose of Tralee. I thought this memoir was as good, if not better, than those of Frank McCourt and others which have filled the bookshops recently. A MUST-READ for anyone who cherishes their Irish-American heritage or if they came of age in New York City,$LABEL$1 Kinda sucks to play - but has nice special effects unseen in any other game. I think it's about time gamers DEMANDED their games have spectacular new special effects AND be fun to play.This game was not fun to play.I would rather fast forward through a video of someone else completing the game just so I could see the special effects and design, and not have to hack out hour after hour of horrible game play.This design team was just chosen to do the next gen design for a upcoming Jedi title- it had better be FUN as well as DEVASTATINGLY BEAUTIFUL.$LABEL$0 Decent--Could be Much Better. I have read several Koontz novels. It seems like we are beginning to see patterns from previous novels(i.e. dogs, TICKTOCK(actually another book), supernatural, warped personalities). I feel like I have read a similar story from previous stories written by Koontz. I think the dog piece is a stretch. The explanation of Bryan was another reach for the reader. I didn't feel the characters and their interaction with TICKTOCK was a good fit. I would recommend the book--but if you are a Koontz fan--you have seen this type of story before.$LABEL$0 If I could rate this 0, I would. Gone through 2 in as many months.. My local hardware store didn't have any toilet tot locks, & the chain store only had this brand, one kind, no choices. The first one broke after 1 month of NORMAL use. The second broke after one month of NORMAL use. I would happily pay thirty bucks for one that would last more than a month & that I could give to someone else once my toddler is old enough to not try flushing toys down the toilet, but cheap sells. :-\ I refuse to pay for a THIRD one of these so I just hope we're not snaking toys out of the toilet at all. (I would put a door knob lock on the doors, but we have door knob covers from the same brand on our door knobs & those suck too!! If my toddler hits them hard & long enough, they just FALL OFF!!)$LABEL$0 Where is Mystery Science Theater 3000 when you really need it?. Extremely awful Keanu Reeves stinker that not only lives up to the word of mouth but surpasses it in spades. Keanu proves once and for all on how bad an actor he is with a groundbreaking bad performance and a script that helps him out a lot in proving that. Only his co-stars come out of this film with their heads held up high with great performances by Rachel Weisz, Djimon Hounsou, and Peter Stormare but not even their great performances can salvage this disaster. This is fresh material for the show " Mystery Science Theater 3000" and I hope they can get a print of this movie and tear it apart for the garbage it really is.$LABEL$0 Moving. This book was a fantastically written piece of a terrible journey a family went through. What a wonderful way with words Louis Lowry has. I was moved to tears.$LABEL$1 Victorinox Paring Knife. Victorinox paring knives come in two styles: short handle and a long hangle. I have a couple of each. The blades are the same on both styles. I prefer the "longer handle" style. "Longer" means only about 3/8" longer nylon/plastic handls. The blades are stainless, thin and somewhat flexible. I can get quite a sharp edge on the knives. Easy to use, and inexpensive. Great knives.$LABEL$1 horrible. These are the roughest sheets I have ever purchased. 1000 thread? more like 10!I returned them after trying to get them to soften up in the wash and they had to be ironed.$LABEL$0 Hoping for more stamping DVDs like this.... This was great, especially if you need to have your stamping classes at home. Mary Jo's presentations have a lot of clarity and a very relaxed approach to creativity. Since I rarely get to see people actually doing techniques, I really enjoyed watching the processes happening in such detail since it was longer than the videos I've seen. The DVD format gives a lot of flexibility in viewing and Mary Jo has a friendly presence as she provides numerous tips along with the project at hand. I hope Page Sage will produce more in this line of product.$LABEL$1 The Worst Book Ever Written. The most insulting and boring book ever written. It is a biting social commentary on men-women relations that is so one-sided and vulgar that most readers do not take seriously. Don't ask me how it ended because I couldn't stand the torture of the book$LABEL$0 Would prefer to see a photo of Julia Child herself on the cover. This book has been highly recommended to read, and I want to buy a copy for myself and for a gift. However, I am deeply disappointed to see photos of the film Julie & Julia all over the cover.$LABEL$0 One of the best CDs I have in my collection. When I first heard this CD I thought the music was OK. Then I listened to the words and I was touched by the lyrics. The songs are amazing musically and thel lyrics are great. I like the songs 'liquid', 'art in me' and 'worlds apart' the best. Everyone should own this CD. IT'S GREAT!!!$LABEL$1 A Treasuretrove of Olde Recipes Found in an Olde Attic. A nice book that resembles an old "redback speller.I am looking to collect at least four more of these books$LABEL$1 Lone Wolf. After all these years this series of movies are great. This blu ray edition is not digitally remastered however there is improvement from the DVD Collection that came out in 1990's. For the asking price this is good value.$LABEL$1 Soooo relaxing and beautiful! Stunning!. I've been a devoted fan of LoungeV films on Youtube and finally decided to buy a present for my parents. Guess what, they loved it!!! It's an excellent addition to any home and I am not speaking of an average film you watch on your TV, it's a dream world that you bring home! I will be ordering one for myself to play in a loop on the dining room TV that I will hang on the wall - finally removing that ugly painting my wife put.Just one thing, the film has two parts but I would prefer a continuous playback. Oh, by the way, the DVD case print quality is not ideal even though I really like the design.$LABEL$1 Greatest book of all time!. This is one of the greatest books that I have ever read! I would recommend this book to anyone who loves to read! This is an awsome book it as one of the greatest books of all time! Along with the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling, The China Garden by Liz Berry, Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, Cheaper by the Dozen by Frank B. Gilbreth Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carry, and Old Magic by Marianne Curley!$LABEL$1 Not impressed compared to Red Herrings. It is OK but I would expect much higher level for the author. Plots are no captivating, too much getting into detail which does not benefit the experience. All other Archer's book will keep me awake till I find out what is going on except for this one. I just ticked the box that I read it.Archer is my favourite author today, i started reading his book in November 2012 and have only couple left. Enjoyed all of them except for this one.$LABEL$0 No Better Than The Book, But Worthy of A Classic. I read this book in 6th grade (outside of school) and was blown away by it. I expected the movie to be horrible, but it's the best "book-movie" I've ever seen. It is definitely worth buying, but you have to read the book first. The book will illuminate your mind with great masculine and feminine representivity and just change your life.$LABEL$1 Tear-Jerker. This book was an amazing piece. I read the whole thing in a couple days. I just couldn't stop until I got to the end. It brought tears to my eyes! I would recommend this tear-jerker to anyone who has a strong stomach! (Very graphic!)$LABEL$1 Just what I remembered. My grandmother bought this book for me when I was a young child and it helped me become familiar with Bible stories. At that time, there were three different books. Now all the material is in one convenient hard cover book complete with Scripture references and trivia. My children enjoy reading the book and it is even teaching them another lesson -- how to share. Highly recommended.$LABEL$1 Satisfaction. Enjoy a cup of this each morning. I especially appreciate that Folgers Cappuccino does not have a strong acid aftertaste. I will continue to purchase but wish the price was a bit lower.$LABEL$1 Healthy Body Cookbook. This book contains great ideas that are also tasty. My picky eaters enjoyed the Breakfast No-Bake granola bars, the Awesome Banana Berry Pancakes and the Creamy, Dreamy Yogurt Orange-Banana Frozen pops. We are excited to try many of the other great recipe ideas. The recipes in here are easy to follow, and taste great!$LABEL$1 Interesting Reading. Even though the material is dated, it gives an interesting perspective on the different forms of life and ecosystems that go unnoticed throughout the year.$LABEL$1 Say it aint so. I use a lot of Clubman products but this one has left my home never to return. Without a doubt the worst smelling aftershave ive ever gotten a whiff of. I love the Clubman regular and Bay Rum as well as their talc but this stuff is simply awful. They really need to rethink the formula on this Lilac stuff as it really does stink, literally.$LABEL$0 Not What I Expected........ Maybe it was the writer's fault, but this story just wasn't presented the way I thought it would be. It turned out to be more of a travelogue of this little neighborhood than individual stories about the ladies themselves. I couldn't finish it.$LABEL$0 No frills at THE BASE. THE BASE is an overall average film. Clearly the actors' talents are not put to full use. Mark Dacascos' excellent martial arts skills are supressed to appear like a good street fighter, not the impressive military weapon he is suppose to portray. The story line is interesting, but is weakened by the poor ending of this action film. The good guy wins, but it is a dismal victory. The nudity added to The Base does not really flow with the story line. The director clearly failed in this film. The acting in this film is very good, but the camera angles were not. I'm sure the actors were disappointed with the final product. THE BASE is worth seeing once. I suggest renting versus buying.$LABEL$0 worked great until it wore out. Product was great and kept my wet and dirty coveralls off the seat. Then after about three weeks the fabric material separated from the edge seam. It still works but is mostly just bare wire coils showing. I am hard on things but Grandpa had a similar product that had a stiff polypropelene like fabric that lasted years and he worked in a coal mine.$LABEL$0 Watched all the games live in HD. Not going to purchase this set to watch them again in SD. Hopefully this stays 1 star and sells terribly.$LABEL$0 'Toast 8' by Roxio. My last version of Toast was 6. I found many more useful features in Toast 8; ... too many to list here. Just go to the Roxio web site for a list of all the new features. It is totally Mac OS X and Mac Intel Core compatible as well. I am extremely pleased with ths new, easy to use version with so many great features including seamless 'EyeTV recording, etc., etc.!$LABEL$1 Thorough treatment. Levy presents a well-articulated, easily read treatment of the Tabernacle of Moses, its furnishings, utensils, services and priestly clothing and functions. A great book to read to see how God was foreshadowing His Son, Jesus, well before His incarnation. Levy clearly ties together Old Testament practices & theology, which we often ignore, and New Testament beliefs. I would recommend this to anyone interested in understanding: (a) more about the Tabernacle itself, (b) a deeper insight into Jewish practices and their foundations, (c) a fuller and richer understanding of God's plan of redemption and atonement, sanctification and regeneration, worship and communication with God.$LABEL$1 Warranty Extension. Just got the watch and it seems to be working great. I have adjusted the date and time base on the mechanical instructions given. The watch has performed well for the 1st week.I got several compliments on the watch.Only suggestion to Stuhrling is they need to make the emblem in the middle of the watch a decal rather than a stamped letter. Could have made the watch even more impressive.I hope to get several years of use.Warranty card they send you gives an extra year extension if you fill out the review. Not sure how they track it.$LABEL$1 Coding mistakes and more. It's heavy on VB.Net, which I didn't expect, based on the title and the year released. What bothers me most is the mistakes in their code. For example, they have you define tables in an Access database, and then, in code, they use different table names. That's just the beginning. The structure of the written code is bizarre; indents are random and meaningless. They don't use good programming practices, either, such as using a with/end with struture instead of typing the same variable name over and over...I don't believe the source code for the book ever was published by "Premier Press" (don't be fooled by a name).$LABEL$0 No Problems. Not much to say about this product. I used it per instructions, it was quick and easy and no problems.$LABEL$1 Good for some, not others.... There are two different types of Madden player. Some go for accurate simulation and detail, others go for creativity and solid presentation. If your likings fall under the latter of the two, prepare to be bitterly disappointed.Sure, it is true that the gameplay is amazing. Player likenesses are unmistakeable and the action is great. However, those of us who want more from their Madden find this game to be empty and gutless. There is no Create-a-team, create a stadium, or create a fan feature that has been such a great part of the recent current-gen Madden games. The 'create player' function is a joke, and franchise mode has VERY little to offer. You can find all of these features by picking up the game for 10 or 20 dollars less on the PS2, XBOX, or Gamecube. 360 fans deserve better.$LABEL$0 The worst book I ever read. It is the worst book I ever read. Subject matter is not explained properly. Examples are complex and lengthy. Don't buy this book.$LABEL$0 Frábert!!. Björk can sing anything!!! A great jazz album, mostly in Icelandic with a fantastic version of 'Can'Help Lovin' Dat Man of Mine' in English.$LABEL$1 worked at first. When i first bought this product it was great now it won't turn on and its only few mths old. I don't have receipt so can not return it just stuck with a broken humidifier.$LABEL$0 The perfect antidote to Outliers. The perfect antidote to Outliers, this book demonstrates the unavoidable pitfalls to attempting the lifestyle espoused by Outliers. It is possible to be successful AND happy, but not unless you make happiness a goal that you manage as vigorously as you manage success. This is written by a psychologist for the stars, and is filled with both easy to remember anecdotal stories and sound principals which I have observed in the people I consider fabulously successful and yet still completely grounded and approachable.$LABEL$1 Don't Buy this watch!. Don't buy this watch unless you want to adjust time every morning when you wake up! This is the only explanation about "automatic"!I am Very disappointed about this product! I bought this for my boyfriend as a gift. It said Water resistance 100 feet, but It had moisture inside the watch by wearing around household sinks after a few days we purchased it! We had been sending back and forward to the factory, but they had never fixed the problem.$LABEL$0 Does as stated. This stove can come in really handy even without a power outage. Used it to cook brunch for a crowd. Also was handy during an outdoor BBQ as an extra burner to sautee onions next to the grill. Would be easier to clean if the base around the burner was a smoothe paint rather than dull. Overall, works well.$LABEL$1 Waste of time.. This book was poorly written, and presented most of its subjects in a cursory, unintuitive manner. The treatment of the technical subjects amounted to little more than a bulleted list of formulae. The author justified this by continually making the point that MBAs need only a high-level understanding of topics such as finance and economics, but the book does not even give the reader that. All in all, a grave disappointment for someone who wishes to learn about business.$LABEL$0 Typical V-Tech, BROKEN!. We've been burned by V-Tech and their inferior products twice before. The V-Smile system only worked for a few months; the V-Pocket worked for exactly 13 days. So, I suppose this is pretty much our fault for buying our 7 year old what he REALLY wanted for his birthday.Imagine my complete lack of surprise when I pulled this system out of the box on his birthday and it didn't work at all. We've tried all of the "Troubleshooting Tips" three times and tried various outlets in the house. The thing does not work. When we called V-Tech about the issue, we were told that since we bought the unit 3.5 months ago (when it was on a great sale), it is not their problem. Lovely customer service.Save your money and always buy LEAP FROG! We've never had a single problem (read: heartbroken child) over Leap Frog products.$LABEL$0 Discover this Band. Fastway just couldn't break into the upper tier of metal acts in the 1980's and I'm not sure why? Give this disk a listen, and you'll see that the band had a knack for writing great rock music. Tunes like "All I Need is Your Love" and "Feel Me, Touch Me" are instantly catchy, and stay with you long after the disk is over. Fast Eddie's guitar work is fantastic! Check out that cool riff on "Say What You Will", that song should have been a staple on metal radio. The song "Heft" is great. It's an odd little tune with a killer bass and drum combo. If Pete Way was playing bass on this disk, then he is responsible for two of my favorite undiscovered bands "Fastway" and "Waysted", and "Heft" may be one of the coolest tunes from the era. You can't go wrong picking up this disk for under $10.$LABEL$1 A very neurologically biased book! Not recommended.. This book is basically a book written to bring more business to neurologists. Written by two neurologists who state ADD is best treated by neurologists and with medications. Their bias gets in the way of this book being useful. In the real world, try to find a neurologist who will take on ADD patients! Psychologists and psychiatrists are much better trained and equiped, AND available to treat this disorder. I would never recommend this book to my patients!$LABEL$0 Boring. This book takes one chapter worth of material on a very interesting subject and repeats it over and over to the point where the reader is bored sensless. I couldn't even finish the thing. I learned from this that the Pulitzer prize is no mark of excellence. Don't waste your time.$LABEL$0 Boring Insipid Nonentity. As intriguing as the concept may seem, in reality the fiction is trite. Cared little for the characters or the direction. For postmodern thrills, rent a later Godard picture.$LABEL$0 Pass this one by.. I bought this keyboard to replace a malfunctioning Gearhead keyboard. But I started having problems right out of the box. Keys did not function. The mouse has to be within 3 feet of the receiver AND the infrared dot has to be pointed at the receiver. The feel of the keyboard (shape of the keys and curve of the board was very good. However the plastic is very rough and cheap, almost feeling like it's recycled. I don't think it will survive being dropped even once. I find it interesting that the keyboard signal is RF but the mouse is infrared (and therefore line-of-sight only). Why 2 different systems??No more cheap keyboards for me. I'm buying a good wireless Logitech unit.$LABEL$0 Captivating Sound. "Storm at Sunup" is my favorite album of all time. Incredible texture in sounds along with Vannelli's strong voice delivers an extremely cativating sound. This music changed my life.I personally like the Gino of the 70's. With his rocking sound and incredible use of technology for it's time, Vannelli creates music that makes my heart pound when I hear it.$LABEL$1 Will teach you to be skeptical. Every member of every school board should read this book. Politicians and policy makers are constantly using distorted, misleading, and erroneous data when the describe the state of public education. Armed with the knowledge in this book, readers can't begin to question poor data instead of just swallowing it whole. Pretty easy read for the non-technical.$LABEL$1 DON'T BUY A DREAMCAST JUMP PACK..Buy a PREFORMACE JUMP PACK!. It looks like people are complaining about how you don't feel anything with this product. Well, i own two "'preformace' jump packs" (not made by dreamcast) and they work great. And PLUS not only are they a jump/rumble pack, but it also holds 200 blocks of memory. So folks i strongly suggest buying these from this after market company.Oh yeah...You feel the RuMbLE....TRUST ME.$LABEL$0 My 6th Graders Love It!. This was an excellent illustrated book that I used in my 6th grade social studies class.The kids loved the creation stories,Cronos,Zeus,Apollo,etc because it is an easy read for kids and adults.Plus the kids loved the illustrations.We have been using this book in the classroom for years and will continue to use it for years to come.$LABEL$1 Great and USABLE! book. After reading this book I imediately restructured my email inbox and started sending much fewer/shorter mails. In return I right away started spend less time managing mail and I even get less mails back (since I send less) as wellGreat return on reading investment :-)$LABEL$1 Great book!. This book gives a great look into the Jewish mindset of the early 1900s. A must read for any young Bible student.$LABEL$1 Kind-of boring. The songs are mostly ballads. They sound very similar to one another. I had a hard time listening to the album in its entirety.Buy her self-titled album or "Crossroads" or "Telling Stories" instead.$LABEL$0 Hip Hop Essential Classic. Great and essential Album for all Hip Hop Fans...Prodigy's verses and Havoc's beats on this album have inspired and influenced an entire generation of young rappers, even your favorite rapper, (insert thug/gangsta rapper name here) can't deny that Mobb Deep is one of the greatest and most influential Hip Hop Groups of all time...If you are a Hip Hop fan and you don't own or have never heard this album...SHame on you...$LABEL$1 Release the UNCUT episodes!. Count me among the people who will not be adding this DVD set to my collection. I have been anticipating the release of the "Roseanne" DVD sets for years, but after realizing that they're being offered using the edited-for-syndication version of each episode, I have no interest. While I understand the reasoning behind cropping them up to air in syndication, there's no excuse to release a full season collection using anything but the uncut episodes.It's ironic that Roseanne waged very public battles for control of the show that bore her name, but has no authority (or, at least, objections) over its being released in this truncated form.$LABEL$0 Best of the Vampire Chronicles!. Anne's telling of the creation of vampires is truely unique and imaginative. A must for anyone who loves mystery, suspense and fantasy. The cast of characters that Anne creates is rather large, but in the end, all the characters come together in an amazing ending. Anne Rice has truely out done herself with this chapter in the chronicles. A definate must read!$LABEL$1 doesn't fit. The ladder for this seat did not touch the floor. We had to send it back because it was about an inch or two short. If you do decide to try the product, you should measure your toilet first. That said, I do agree with some of the other postings that it seemed rather flimsy. Even if it had reached the floor, the seat did not fit firmly on the seat. Perhaps its just made for other toilets.$LABEL$0 AAR is the BEST OF THE BEST!. The All American Rejects are from Stillwater Oklahoma and this band knows their stuff. If you are the type of punk rocker this CD is for you! Different songs that have an AWESOME beat! This band is known for their most popular song, "Swing, Swing" So listen to this album today!$LABEL$1 Sensational show!. This unassuming little show about a small Texas town and it's football team was a great ride, all the way through to the final season. The show features well-rounded characters with realistic problems and believable flaws. And, that's refreshing, compared to some of today's reality shows (where the filthy rich drum up pseudo-problems to complain about).Maybe the fictional town of Dillon, Texas reminded me nostalgically of my own hometown, where the whole town populace came out on Friday nights to cheer on the football team of the only high school in town. Or maybe the fictional characters just remind me of my own classmates, teachers, and coaches. But, whatever the reason, this is one great show, well-acted and under-recognized.$LABEL$1 Disappointment. Looks great on the internet but dont buy it sight unseen. It is a real disappointment from the chintzy finish to the cheap plastic handles and knobs also takes forever to toast and that is impossible to regulate. Really a poor value for the inflated price.$LABEL$0 good, but can be better. I like the postures just like what I had in bikram yoga class. But somehow I found the backgound music is dull......I need some encouraging and upbeat music to stimulate my work-out!!!$LABEL$1 If I could give 10 stars, I would!!!. The first time I saw this movie, I fell in love with it! If you've ever wondered "what if", you'll enjoy this movie! I can't understand why anyone wouldn't enjoy this. It's funny, emotional, romantic, and VERY intelligent! The fact that a woman's life could change course so much after a two second distraction amazes me and really makes me think. If I had to recommend only one movie to own, it would most definitly be "Sliding Doors."$LABEL$1 I wanted to scream.. I wanted to scream while watching this movie. The entire beginning of the movie shows that the I.D. isn't connected to religion. Then the end of the movie shows that religion and science are in a constant battle. Not only was the movie inaccurate but poorly created.However, my friend who I saw it with seemed to think that having ID in classrooms is a good idea after seeing the movie. I berated her intelligence until she agreed with me. I figured that's what any person whole believes in evolution would do, right Ben Stein?$LABEL$0 Disappointing quality. I really liked these headphones when I first got them but the "relationship" went down hill oh so very quickly. Within two months of receipt, the on-off slide switch broke off. A few months later the plug developed an intermittent break. Twist the cord just right and you had stereo otherwise only one headphone would work. It finally got so bad that I have put it back into its case and stopped using them. Disappointing for a pair of $100 headphones. These were very lightly used headphones and not thrown around or abused. When not actually in use, they would be in their padded, zippered case. I cannot recommend them for their lack of quality.$LABEL$0 Business Primer for Grade School Children. The author seemed to spend more time defending the compensation packages of the poor misunderstood CEOs in this country than on the basics of investing and the markets. I have gotten better information free from mutual fund companies trying to promote their products. If I had been given this as a required reading in high school I would have criticised it as much too basic. Bascially a waste of money!$LABEL$0 Don't buy this!. I have used crock pots for years with great success. My son bought me this one as a gift and it certainly looked attractive. The problem with this one is that the heat regulator is not working. It is on full blast high or nothing at all. The low setting just does not work. It gets extremely hot on the outside, burning hot! The food burns if left all day ( or all night). You pretty much have to stand over it. This is not safe to be left to cook when you are not home. I have just burned my last meal in this one. Out in the trash it goes!$LABEL$0 Postum. You can now get Postum at Postum.com. I got my order last week and it was great. Just want to let people know who are looking for it.$LABEL$1 I can't believe I wasted my money on this.. As a fan of the Laurell K. Hamilton Anita Blake series, I picked up this book in hopes it'd have the same genius of the early books in the Anita series.Boy was I dead wrong.After the first 25 or so pages, I set the book down and haven't touched it since. The writing is absolutely atrocious and the pretense of the story is ridiculous. A rock star recording artist VAMPIRE HUNTER. That's just as farfetched as being a brain surgeon astronaut who lives on Mars.Don't waste your time or money on this book.$LABEL$0 A good battery. This is a good battery. The life of the battery is not quite like the original one from verizon but you definetly get the most for what you pay. It's almost as good for a lot cheaper.$LABEL$1 Snagged immediately.. These hose looked great. However, they got a giant snag within one hour of wearing them. Not worth the price.$LABEL$0 HD -DVD DON'T BUY. I bought this movie for a friends Birthday. One thing the company doesn't tell you is that HD-DVD is no longer in buisness since Nov 2008, so you pay for something you can't even use. I tried to turn it over to see if it had standard DVD on the other side - it doesn't! I gave to my friend for her Birthday and now I can't return it because I bought it in oct for her Birthday in Dec, and it has been over 30 days.Oh, and on the inside it has a note to go to[...] for firmware updates and the site is no longer there. Also, the note shouldn't be on the inside it should be on the outside of the package. This product shouldn't even be on the shelves and I ended up learning about HD-DVD being out of business from the article below.[...]$LABEL$0 In all fairness I did not finish the book. I was very excited to read this book based on other reviews and the short excerpt. I ready about 25% of it and that I had to push through. It was really difficult to develop a true interest in the characters and the plot. The attempted sexual tension became annoying and superfluous. I would definitely be interested in learning more about that area but not by reading this book.$LABEL$0 Do you love phrases like sequestered ironic eyes and obtusively abstract posturing? This book is for you. The story beneath the tidal wave of verbosity is marginally interesting. If you are willing to read thirty pages and realize nothing has happened, plus don't mind struggling through embarrassingly juvenile and artificially bucolic descriptions of intimacy and romance, then you will enjoy this book. I really wanted to like it given the critical praise. Unfortunately, this is a critic's book chased by condescending critics' opinions. The critics would be out of a job if they agreed with us, after all.$LABEL$0 A Chinese Junk. I have had two bad machines in less than a year, and I only bake about 4 loaves of white bread a month. The second machine was furnished under the warranty and cost me $33.33 for shipping. It wasn't worth the shipping cost since the motor stopped kneading in only three months. I could have shipped it back to Cuisinart for an "evaluation" and possibly another replacement for the cost of shipping. It wasn't worth the trouble since, in my view, this model is a piece of Chinese junk.$LABEL$0 Garmin Cigarette Lighter Adapter. Your website mentioned this adapter is for the Gamin C330 GPS but the it can't fit. The connection on the C330 is different.$LABEL$0 cookie cutters. Nice assortment of shapes for the perfect barnyard of cookies. Big enough to decorate, small enough for the perfect treat.$LABEL$1 great anime!!. Many people compare it to the Rurouni Kenshin series, but its more like a mix between City Hunter and Cowboy Bebop. So if you like either one of these, give Trigun a shot.$LABEL$1 Very moving. I have always loved this book. Was very glad to have found it again. A must for anyone who cares about children with special needs.$LABEL$1 Not authors. A choice excerpt:"The best way to start writing a class is to decide what you want it to do. For this, a Python-based modelof refrigerator behaviors, Fridge, is the first thing, and it should be basic. While you're thinking aboutit, focus on what you will need a particular Fridge object to do for your own purposes. You wantenough behaviors available that this object can be used to make food, yet you don't want to worry aboutaspects of real-life refrigerators that won't be included in a simplified example, such as temperature, thefreezer, defrosting, and electricity--all of these are unnecessary details that would only complicate ourpurpose here. For now, let's just add to the docstring for the Fridge class to define the behaviors thatyou will be building soon."Did an editor even look at this?$LABEL$0 one of the best heroines ever. this is the first johanna lindsey book i ever read and after i read this book i was addicted. the heroine is a stubborn, spoiled, independant young woman and i loved her. she was just what the arrogant hero needed. she made me LOL when she grabbed the hair of the serving girl at the inn and threatened her if she went near her bethrothed again. her loyalness to that english guy was really annoying but overall this was a great book.$LABEL$1 Possibly the best CD ever. Ever time this CD goes in the player its like getting in a time machine and revisitng my high school and college years. Every song brings back good memories. This is great stuff.$LABEL$1 Not Bad.. I bought this a couple of years ago and just started using it again recently. I use it often, usually for an hour at a time. My only complaint is that the seat is not very cushioned. By the time I've been on the bike for an hour, I can no longer stand the bum pain and I have to stop. I am glad to have this bike, though. There are days that I do not get to go out to exercise and the bike is a good alternative for me. Plus, I can just sit and watch a movie while I ride it, so it doesn't get boring.$LABEL$1 All sheet, no ghost.... This lavish-looking French production, while it does provide simmering atmosphere by the kettle-full, falls well short in the story department, substituting fill-in-the-blank visual cliche (treading heavily on del Toro's turf in particular) for narrative/dramatic cohesion at nearly every turn. Dialogue and acting are also subpar. It reminded me, as such, of Anthony Hickox's 2010 'Knife Edge,' another attractive but creatively malnourished Euro-natural potboiler. Sumptuous photography and creepy setting distinguish what otherwise might pass for a long, mildly intriguing video-game demo. 2-plus stars.$LABEL$0 i should have known.... by the price, the look, the description, and most of all by the advertisements listed on the cover and elsewhere for numerous ~1001 hints~ types of books that this would be a waste of money. time to rack another one up as a learning experience.this book can be summed up in a few words, and many less pages than the 212 you would end up paying for: kitty litter trays, dishpans in "designer" colors, ice cube bins, drawer dividers, cup hooks, shelving units made of boards'n'bricks, and a calendar-style planner.ponder deeply the implications of using those items in your life, and save the $10.00 you would have spent to learn "the secrets of uncluttering your home" from this book. it may sound as if i'm spoiling the ending for you, but as far as i can tell none of those items has been a secret for the last half-a-century.$LABEL$0 cute toy but not durable. My cat loved this toy but she destroyed it in about 5 minutes. It's really quite flimsy. Perhaps if your cat is very gentle and just wants to cuddle with it, this would be a good toy. My girl loves to go crazy with her toys so this didn't hold up at all. In fact, the little beads and bell fell out almost instantly and is really quite a choking hazard. I'm surprised that they advertise it as "durable" because it most certainly is not.$LABEL$0 Its ok. it is fun when you start.but when you play it for a long timeit gets boring i got Delta Force Trilogy pack coming soon BUY THAT INSTED.$LABEL$0 great purchase. Looked forever for a brown suede feather down comforter. Finally found it at a great price...free shipping...and came fast!!!$LABEL$1 Disgusting distortion of truth. Liberal viewpoints at every turn. Hirsh makes Bush out to look like the devil. As if every failure is Bush's fault, and every success was done in spite of Bush.$LABEL$0 4-year old son loves this!. This was a Christmas present for our 4-year old son. We found that spraying the molds w/nonstick spray is necessary or the "snacks" don't come out in 1 piece. And yes, we set the Scooby timer twice; the gel isn't hardened in 5:00-8:00. I think the snacks smell nauseating, but our son loves them! He enjoys playing w/the Mystery Machine as a toy, so it serves a double purpose. Santa brought a refill as a stocking stuffer, but now we can't find them anywhere. Maybe Jello or gummies will work? Toy is durable so far (only 4 wks old, tho).$LABEL$1 Moving and Wonderful, Evocative and Elegant. I caught this on Masterpiece Theatre, it is truly amazing. A story within a story. The cast of characters is superb and makes you almost want to know each one.Each character is unique. The story of the massive and unique photograph collection is amazing in itself. But the stories within the stories, as told to the mean American who threatens to destroy the photo collection are the real jewels. As the film unfolds we are drawn onto the black and white photos in the collection. We see the body of photographs as a whole for thier special beauty. I felt joy, amazement and wonder....This film is a contemporary masterpiece.One of my favorite joys of the past year.$LABEL$1 New PCAT version. The Kaplan book is very good as other reviews have said....but it does not include the latest changes. Calculus questions are throughout the math section and quite a few organic chemistry reaction are in the chem section. Review your textbooks and don't rely only on the Kaplan book for those. Otherwise the review was fine, especially the Biology and general Chemistry sections. I just wish I didn't have to wait 4-6 weeks to find out what I go on the test!$LABEL$1 Solid book on Java networking. The book covers numerous topics. For background material, it covers TCP/IP theory, security, threading, exceptions, and streams. In the actual networking part of the book, it covers client-side and server-side networking, URLs, datagrams, multicasting, RMI, CORBA, Servlets, and Message Streams. In other words, there is a wide range of topics covered.The book is full of actual code examples. I especially enjoyed one like the finger client and the dns client. These are real world examples that will be extremely useful if I ever need to implement these protocols using Java.One error that I noticed was that it mentioned that the source code from the book was available from two web sites. In reality, at the present time, it is only available from the first one mentioned.Overall, it is a book that is worth owning and has the broadest coverage of any of the Java networking books on the market.$LABEL$1 Oshima-san, konnichi wa!. I bought this video just to see Tokyo beauty OSHIMA HIROMI (in Japan, surnames come first, but she's "Hiromi Oshima" to "Hakujin"), and she doesn't disappoint me in it. I studied Japanese at San Francisco City College, and I've dated several girls from Japan. In the video, I also like to see Pilar Lastra who is second to Oshima-san in sexiness to me. Nicole Whitehead is sexy too, but her scenes aren't as good as some of the other girls. Coleen Marie is rather sexy with good scenes. Tailor James and Stephanie Glasson aren't bad, but they fall far behind Hiromi and Pilar in my book. I never watch any of the other girls besides Hiromi, Pilar, Nicole, Coleen, Tailor and Stephanie. It's not bad to like 6 of 12 Playmates in such videos. Some videos in the series have only one girl I watch.$LABEL$1 Very Disappointing. I'm a big fan of Card and picked this up only on that basis. The dust jacket blurb didn't sound promising but, hey, its Orson Scott Card. Well, very disappointed is what I am. The character dialog was not believable and the opening set-up wasn't making much sense. But I thought it really started going south when the mechanical soldiers showed up in New York and Our Heroes just happened to be there! The Liberal-Conservative conflict at the base of this story was hard for me to resolve in the beginning. Not because Card wasn't beating me over the head with it but because I kept thinking there has to be more to this story. It was an easy read so I kept at it. The afterword says Card wrote this as the setting of a video game. Well, I guess it was plotted like a video game. I don't really know anything about Card's politics. He comes across as a right wing nut case in the afterward which explains the right wing nut case conspiracy theory of the book.$LABEL$0 They changed the collar. Jockey changed the shape of their crew neck T. Now it isn't as good. Before the collar didn't stick out the back of sweaters as much as it does now. Booooo.$LABEL$0 Very Good Cables. These are very good cables; they worked as well as much more expensive ($30 Vizio brand) cables. I saw absolutely no difference in picture quality between the two different brands. Don't waste your money on more expensive cables.$LABEL$1 Mature female review. I loved this film when I first saw it...I was only 10 at the time and I learned all the words to every song back then and remember them now at age 58The CD is wonderful...good sound, clear and just plain lovely..$LABEL$1 Didn't work so it went back.. This was my first experience with a code reader and it was my luck to get a defective one. It kept reading ERROR and would not finish searching for codes despite repeated attempts, so I sent it back, which Amazon made super easy by the way. Maybe they tried to build it too cheaply or something. However, the company has a really good reputation so I gave them another try and ordered the advanced model 3100.$LABEL$0 cheap, but works?. this product IS cheap, but it works for now. really, we have no other options that i can find, so i am stuck with this- until it breaks. one thing i really suggest doing is measuring the distance between doors. i didn't think there was much of a gap between the doors, but there is. i had to very carefully bend the flaps up a little more so it would catch on the door. once my kids see that if i pull out on the door a little to open it, this will be useless. i am just counting the days until that happens or it breaks. though, i would buy this again because I HAVE NO OTHER OPTIONS! lol!$LABEL$0 Complete Crap. I've had this phone for over a year now. I don't make or receive many calls, but when I do it's a crap shoot. The phone will chirp and shut off for no good reason. It said the battery was low and shut off when it was almost a full charge.I have had to pop the battery out to reset the phone several times just to get it to work. One time it locked-up and wouldn't even shut off without removing the battery.I have had no problems with the push-to-talk feature.My husband has this same phone and has no problems, so it's entirely possible I have a lemon of a phone.I would never recommend this phone to anyone.$LABEL$0 college physics book review. it came in exactly the condition it was advertised in and it came within like 6 days of ordering it (including the weekend). great purchase.$LABEL$1 chan-a-thon. This is the best purchase a Chan fan can buy. All of the selected titles is what every fan would enjoy. The selection offers a different Chan offspring assisting the master and of course its not really a Chan film without Birmingham. Enjoy.$LABEL$1 Black & Decker Garment Steamer. This was a pretty pitiful attempt at a garment steamer. Very little steam was produced [meaning the shirt being 'steamed' didn't have a prayer of losing its wrinkles] and I'm returning the item which was a Christmas gift to my son-in-law.$LABEL$0 Bad luck maybe. Maybe its just bad luck but I had two of these usb drives and both failed in some way. The first one I had I was unable to delete or add any new data. So I returned it and got another one. After a month of use the drive would only function at 1.1 usb speeds. I tried it in different computers but still the same problem. So I'm done with this drive and will move onto a different brand.$LABEL$0 Romance without smut. I loved this book. A woman is in a car crash and thinks she is going go die. She promises to "do good" if she is allowed to live. You then get to see how she goes from a self-centered, rich person to a truely caring, helpful one, and all the bumps that go along with it. Her family thinks she is losing it (her mind) because they don't understand why she is changing. The people at the country club don't understand. It's a very enjoyable book. There is romance in it, but the sex scenes are not explicet, which I truely enjoy. It is nice to read a book that doesn't go into detail with the bedroom scenes and leaves something for your imagination.$LABEL$1 Too small. It was too small for the tacoma. Direct me to a longer one.As a result splash of mud is still coming back on the back section. How can this be corrected.$LABEL$0 Didn't work, so disappointed. I received this bank today, opened it up, added batteries, followed the instructions for inserting money and...nothing. My husband and I proceeded to mess around with it for several minutes to no avail. Good thing I tried it out before I gave it to my son for Christmas!$LABEL$0 Canadians beware. I would strongly advise Canadians not to purchase this item. Possession of one of these would be asking for a Human Rights Commission investigation. It may be funny and legal in the US, but not in Canada. Beware and play it safe.$LABEL$0 Broke quite quick. The volume control stopped working quite soon - works in certain positions only. The soft covers deteriorated very quickly. Two stars for a relative comfort.$LABEL$0 Healthy snack - Happy life. Actually is hard to get snack food without preservatives or anyother dangerus additives, so you have to create your snacks by yourself. Nesco is a great tool to improve family's diet.I live in Costa Rica and I have used with wide range of tropical fruits like mango, papaya etc.. It always does an outstanding performance.$LABEL$1 Paranormal. 5 discs or 1? Hmm seems to be 5, or is it?Season 3 before 1 or 2, or just a mind altering glitch?Reality or Fantasy, mind tripping games,unknown possibilties?I am getting a DVD set regardless of the implications.$LABEL$1 Very functioknal and punches very clean holes. Looking at some of the 1 star reviews, I was a bit reluctant to order this and tried it as soon as I opened the package. I am on a diet and so far had to punch 3 extra holes on each of my belts. This one, when used, on a wood base, punches verey professional holes with no effort. Two hammer strikes and there you go. Love it.$LABEL$1 Disgusting, Distortive, Biased Propaganda. Ms. Bikel makes absolutely no effort to present the facts of the cases she examines in a balanced, accurate, and truthful manner. She deliberately suffuses her work with falsehoods and questionable statements recited as fact, and presents every contention made by her convicted subjects as the gospel (or better, perhaps, "her gospel," from which she preaches quite broadly). The fact that police reports, investigative proceeds, eyewitness accounts, collateral witness statements, and court transcripts contradict these contentions seems to be of no issue to her. While it may be legitimate to debate the appropriateness of life sentences without the possibility of parole being given to young murderers, this documentary contributes nothing of value to that debate. A pronounced and self-proclaimed ideologue, Ms. Bikel brings her brand of blind, fact-averse advocacy to a topic that is actually much better treated without it.$LABEL$0 really neat. The tines could be a little less flexible to give you a really good scratch, but overall, I love it. I've never seen anything so trippy and everyone who sees this needs to try it.$LABEL$1 Too Slow, falls apart. If you are sifting a small amount and a fine powder, it is ok. But, to sift 2 c flour it takes forever. And don't ever try to sift brown sugar, it gunks-up. Also, the handle keeps coming-off of the sifter mechanism. Don't waste your money or time.$LABEL$0 keepin it real. Yo she was an o.k. singer, but she was no acter. Her new c.d. was wack and everyone knows that. Just because she is no longer with us everyone feels the need to lie and not keep it real. She was tight nahh I'm lying, she was wack and couldn't write a song at all. I think every hit song was written by someone else. She never did tell the truth about her and R.Kelly, that is when she was tight. RIP---Aaliyah$LABEL$0 It is a piece of junk. It dulls in under 5 cuts. BUYER BEWARE. The blade is the most inferior and over priced I have purchased. I later found a carbide excellent quality blade at a local hardward store that is makita brand and carbide for only $80.00 I suggest to buyers stay away from this china junk and look for a carbide makita brand blade for the close to the same price.$LABEL$0 No wonder this has been discountined. I'm a creature of habit, so I kept buying this specific earpiece for my cell phone, since I liked the way it was designed. Small, simple, and I didn't have to look like someone from "Star Trek" with that dumb thing blinking in my ear. It works well, and has excellent sound quality both for my voice and the earpiece. What I liked is there is this rubber "hook" that keeps it in your ear, and is very comfortable. However, every one I've bought (and I've bought a lot of them) has the same problem which is the "hook" breaks off no matter how gentle you are with it. So then you have to sort of stick the earpiece in your ear, and hope for the best. For a while they were very cheap so it wasn't that bad, but now they are hard to find. Soon they will all be gone, and I'll have to find something else. So should you.$LABEL$0 A Familiar Overview of The Middle Ages. This book provides an approachable overview in story-telling narrative form of the re-birth of the quest for reason during the Middle Ages of European history. It offers very little which is not already known by anyone familiar with the period or the history of the Roman Catholic Church and its grip on the intellectual development of the European culture at that time. By all means read it if you want a good overview of this strange time, but keep in mind that it is an overview and at the 30,000 foot level.One complaint I must register here is the choice of title. There is very little here about Aristotle or his writings, or his thought. if you are interested in that seek the "Cambridge Companion to Aristotle."$LABEL$0 Quality less than expected. I was disappointed in this product. True, it is advertised as "lightweight," but I was stunned to see how little down it actually holds. Most of the baffle boxes had so little down in them, you could easily see daylight through the comforter when held in the air. On the "warmth scale" printed on the package, this one rates 2 out of 7. Wish they'd have added that critical information to the product description.$LABEL$0 great headphones. i would pay more for these, i love that i never have to worry about them falling out of my ears. i think my small ears dont keep the cheap apple ones in, so these are great!$LABEL$1 Courageous!!!!. Now this the first movie that I am seeing that talks about a man's relationship with his Creator and responsibility to his family, without getting all religious. It screens real life issues men all around the world are going through and show an example of a solution that encourages making a Commitment to self, God and family.This I recommend to every man to watch.(I know Hollywood would not like to promote this)$LABEL$1 these batteries are worthless. I thought it would be possible to get a quality replacement battery for a low price.I. Was. Wrong.About two months after buying them they no longer hold a charge. Phone shows battery fully charged, dial a number and press talk, phone goes dead and blank. I know how to maximize battery life, so I'm sure it wasn't me. I bought two as I have 2 phones that these fit, both stopped working. Unfortunately it was past the return date, so I recycled them and bought oem batteries, which are going strong 18 months later. Maybe someone makes decent cheap replacements, but it sure isn't these people.$LABEL$0 AVOID - AWFUL ITEM!!! Comes apart and dog swallows!. There are so many problems with this item it is difficult to know where to begin but to warn other potential buyers I'll go down the list of why you should avoid this item.The knobby spikes for teeth cleaning are sharp and caused my dogs gums/tongue to bleed!It is slighly flavored - and the dog loved that - but it encourages chewing on a product that comes apart in big chunks that my dog swallowed before I could get him to spit it out. It's chewy and flavored but breaks off easily which brings the final point...It lasted all of maybe 30 minutes. At the end of that time period my dog had bleedig gums and tongue (I stopped playing with him immediately) and while my back was turned, grabbed the tug toy off the table to chew which immediately resulted in a big chunk coming off in his mouth that he promptly swallowed. Hopefully he will be okay but now we are left "keeping an eye" for things to "pass".Save a trip to the vet and avoid this awful product!$LABEL$0 1530 - new and improved model is definitely not an improvement. Well, here it is, July 2005, and I have the 1530 model. I also bought it from HSN. It also lasted 5-6 months. Of course the warranty is for only 3 months. Pure junk. I will never buy a Cyberhome product again. I wish I could take back the compliments I gave about it the first 2 months that I had it. It worked great in the beginning, then I experienced all the problems that everyone here has mentioned. I have noticed that many stores no longer carry this model. Maybe there were just too many complaints.$LABEL$0 The Soul of Baseball at It's Intellectual Best. Bartlett Giamatti's essays provide you with a delightful dimension of the national pastime which you will find in no other source. It reflect's one man's eloquent love of the game before and beyond the hoopla, hype and heavy hand of greed. It is a very refreshing, quick read worthy of your investment of time and a few dollars less than a movie ticket!$LABEL$1 LOVE IT!!!. This is the second of the triology: Champion Dreams, Horsez and Petz Horsez 2. The game is quite fun, as much as Champion Dreams and the main characters are invovled. I bought this 3 years ago and I'm still playing, btw I'm 46 years old.$LABEL$1 Didn't work for me. I bought this pan because my cat squats right inside the door to her regular covered litter pan, hangs her bottom over the edge, and pees on the floor. I bought a pan with a high side but she still can't keep everything inside. I hoped the Clevercat design would prevent spillover, but Ginger just bypassed the middle step and peed directly on the floor when confronted with this product. I tried it both with the top off and on, and it didn't seem to make any difference. It looked like a good idea, it just didn't work with my cat. FWIW, she's sixteen years old - a younger cat might take to it more readily.$LABEL$0 No real plot. I loved all the books in the A. Blake series until this one. The other reviews that gave low ratings have already explained the problems with this novel and I don't need to repeat it. I tried two times to read this book and managed to read half only. It is so bad with no plot and the usually charming characters (Anita, Jean-Claude, Richard) have turned into perverted psychopaths, completely unlikable. I wish I never started this book and only kept the earlier as a pleasant memory. I wont even look at any more books from this author.$LABEL$0 Destroyed in two days.. I bought this product from Petsmart a couple of months ago. We used it on our 55 pound Lab and she was able to shred the zipper on both sides. She was crate trained prior but tried and was able to get out of this, destroying both doors in the process. I think it might be okay for smaller dogs, but I wouldn't really recommend it, its to poorly constructed.$LABEL$0 good product. I'm totally satisfied with the sound quality and comfort of these earphones. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another pair. They do a great job of blocking outside noise. Great price also.$LABEL$1 Krups Coffee Grinder. Excellent coffee grinder--does a great job. The best grinder I have used in some time. Fast shipping, terrific product. Highly recommended.$LABEL$1 Disappointed. This is not Wolinsky's best effort.First, it needs serious editing.Second, this is just a re-packaging of the current pop psychology thinking. Wolinsky adds to the confusion by adding another component. Instead of YOU acting out on unconscious urges, Wolinsky introduces 'Inner Child' and 'Hypnosis'... so NOW the Inner Child HYPNOTIZES you into acting out on unconscious urges.What's his answer? The same as the old psycho-analytic approach: awareness. When you can become CONSCIOUSLY aware of the processes and the relationships then *poof* they are resolved!I was disappointed that this "Quantum Psychology" expert put so little thought or effort into this book. If you have any education in the area of psychology, this is a waste of your time.$LABEL$0 This book has been around for awhile but it still applies today. The copyright of this book is 1985. I wasn't sure how it would apply to today's living. I am 51 and bought the book because someone told me about it. I wasn't sure that I was a woman who "loved too much" but wanted to see for myself. This book is an eye opener. I see how I live every day as a woman who loves too much and how I am making myself unhappy every day. I love the book but it hurts a little to see what I'm doing to myself.$LABEL$1 Nice little whistling kettle. This whistling tea kettle heats enough water to make two 12-oz cups of tea, hot cocoa, etc. The whistle starts as a cute little chirping sound as the water begins to create steam, then progresses to a rather loud, sharp whistling that you just can't ignore. The easy-fill opening is very nice, too. Don't overfill, though, because you'll end up with a hot, wet mess on your stove top.$LABEL$1 Sent wrong item.. I ordered this item but received an alternative. What I ordered used 2 AAA batteries & weighed 1.12 ounces. What I received uses 2 AA batteries & weighs 2.5 oz.$LABEL$0 Customer support is awful. Vosky worked great for several months. When Skype upgraded their software the Vosky sofware was not compatable. Vosky customer support offered several different solutions, but thus far none have worked.Each time you contact their customer support, you must fill out a new problem report form. I am about ready to throw Vosky in the trash.$LABEL$0 Great movie, just couldn't watch it at home. I guess I missed the fine print about the format of this particular dvd. I was unable to play it on my home dvd player. So, I wasted my money. If Amazon is selling dvds with different formats, then putting the particular format in big bold letters would have prevented this sort of thing.$LABEL$0 Protracted and Expensive. This is the first of six kits, each equally priced. I found the method to be fraught with language cues that were too syrupy to swallow ("popping above the line", "solution sandwich", "lifestyle surgery", and "tender morsels"). Doing cycles are at the heart of the program, a process that, for me, lent itself more to manufacturing emotion vs. excavating damaging shadow beliefs. I ended up dropping out, and feeling much better for it.I'd recommend saving your money on this one. Try Martha Beck's Joy Diet instead.$LABEL$0 Piece of crap.. First, the chopping blade spring flew out when I opened it up after using it. After I got the stupid thing back together, after 3 or 4 uses, the stupid bowl CRACKED. I was only marginally shocked, because even after reading all the good reviews, I had a feeling I'd be the one to get the crappy one. Grr.$LABEL$0 PIXIES CLASSIC!!!. I really enjoy all the stuff Pixies create, and the songs of the classic DOOLITTLE are all high points in Pixies career! All the songs are great, with the classics GOUGE AWAY, TAME, WAVE OF MUTILATION, DEBASER and MONKEY GONE TO HEAVEN!!!! If you like Nirvana, you got to check DOOLITTLE!!!!!!$LABEL$1 Do Not Buy It. First item does not work with all mini-discs, I burned about 15 and only worked with 3 and sometimes.Second Display worked only for one month.Third .. Headphones did not work anymore.So, nothing works at all.I also buy another mp3 player and all of the 15 mini-discs worked with this new mp3-player.Sorry about my english.$LABEL$0 Expensive fan in a box. The product description does not make it clear, but this device is not a digital sound generator. It's just a fan in a box with two power settings (high and very high) and some bevels that you can adjust. The two settings are very similar, and for many people this will mean that the lowest setting will not be quiet enough, or the highest setting will not be loud enough. This is a lot of money to pay for a fan in a box, and I wish I could get my money back. I recommend the Sharper Image sound generator, instead. It has a volume knob as well as options for selecting different types of background noise.$LABEL$0 loved it. it is a place were all these people are supposed to meet but they all get there at the wrong times and meet others and see what happens from there$LABEL$1 Not Worth It. Virtually unusable outdoors, can't see menu in daylight - don't consider this product no matter how cheap.$LABEL$0 GOT IT FIRST. I haven't purchased this album, and i probably won't because, as has been said, it's too expensive. however, i know all these songs because i bought all the singles as they came out! If you get them at the right stores, they are much cheaper than this. try newberry comics, or any other local non-franchise store that you can find. 10 songs and 40 bucks? WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?$LABEL$0 My favorite Album Forever. Awesome Strong Touching and Beautiful God Bless You George!I popped this tape 3 times before I bought the CDBut I cant find In My Life to save my Life LOLI am searching for that album that was so unjustly discontinued. *sigh*$LABEL$1 rockers. just got these a month ago and have been very pleased. the price is right and so far they are bringing the tones i want from my p-bass. i tried flat wounds only to find them too mellow for what i want. strap a set of these on and get ready to rock. they do not disappoint.$LABEL$1 Great clipper... Cuts very well. As good as you will find at a great value. As always Amazon is the best store around.$LABEL$1 just great music. This is a fantastic soundtrack -- there's not a miss on it. It's paced to keep you rolling along with the overall feel of the CD and independent of it being a soundtrack it has a great history of music on it. I'll Fly Away is done wonderfullly, and every song fits well within the collection. This isn't country music. It's evocative blues /roots/ gospel.From the liner notes: The reason for our using so much of the era's music in the movie was simple," explains Ethan Coen. "We have always liked it. The mountain music, the delta blues, gospel, the chain-gang chants, would later evolve into bluegrass, commercial country music and rock n' roll. But it is compelling music in its own right, harking back to a time when music was a part of everyday life and not something performed by celebrities. That folk aspect of the music both accounts for its vitality and makes it fold naturally into our story without feeling forced or theatrical."$LABEL$1 telephoto lens and vignetteing. Quite a bit of very obvious vignetteing around the edges, coming almost 1/3 of the way into the photo at times. Not good for many practical applications.$LABEL$0 Hardly a book to interest a person who thinks for himself.. When we talk about Kirby Godsey, let's be honest. The author has a long way to go to reach someone who has thought beyond the preachments of Southern Baptists and others. I suppose some case could be made for this work to be compared with Tillich's "The Shaking of the Foundations," which didn't shake any foundations to my knowledge, though some found it interesting. Another book from the past comes to mind, "Your God is too small." I guess I just don't feel the need of anyone else telling me what God is really like or what the Bible really means or what should be going on in the churches. The rampant confusion on matters religious is well beyond the ability of Dr. Godsey to say anything of any real importance. Godsey's own denomination is one of the better examples of the confusion of which I speak.$LABEL$0 Put me to sleep!. I tried to watch this movie twice and I couldn't finish it. Everyone else must have seen a different movie than I did. The pacing was slow, I couldn't stand the main character and I had no idea where it was going. I felt sorry for the brother and thought that the main character was the biggest hypocrite in the world. Don't waste your time with this one!$LABEL$0 Decent for removing upper lip/chin hair. I guess I'm going against the crowd and have to say I like this product quite a bit. It's not perfect but it helps me take off most of the hair on my upper lip and the soft hair on my chin.The only bad thing about that is, if you leave the cream on for more than 8 minutes, it tends to sting for an hour or two after wiping off the cream. So if the hair comes off around 6 minutes, please happily do so!Tip: BE SURE TO USE WARM MOIST PAPER TOWEL. It'll help with removing the hair. :)$LABEL$1 A Nice Movie. This is my favorite movie. I have watched it over and over. I never get tired of Frosty the Snowman. I like the actors who do the voices. Jimmy Durante and June Foray and Billy De Wolfe and Jackie Vernon. My favorite character is Karen..The movie Frosty Returns is not as good.$LABEL$1 very short and the real action is missing!. After seeing NOVA: the day the earth shook, this is a real bummer. That's why I recommended the nova tape INSTEAD of this, read my NOVA review to know why.This video only contains news footage of the AFTERMATH of a Californian quake. No actual earthquake footage, just footage of the damages, for only a short 30 minutes. Interesting here and there, (so called earthquake safe highways, weren't earthquake resistent after all) but not worth the money, in my opinion.$LABEL$0 lizard spit cymbal polish. lizard spit polish,great name for this green colored stuff, but the best thing is that with very little effort your cymbals will look fantastic.this is a great product and for just abit of pocket change. alan cassidy-wescott.$LABEL$1 Giant chess. This chess is fun. Especially if you have children.Pros: Large, adjustable weight, lightweight, tough board-mat,convenient bag.Cons: Little fragile, not completely B/W but Yellowish/BlueishRecommend !$LABEL$1 A wonderfully spooky horror film.. I came across this dvd by pure chance.I am so glad i did it's gory and keeps you in suspence.I love this movie.$LABEL$1 Horrid movie. This is a sad knock-off of the classic film Rocky Horror. it is over the top campy, the comedy is predictable and the movie is horrible, I would not wish a viewing of this movie on anyone. save yourself and dont watch it.$LABEL$0 PSYCH. Oh joy! A show that is fast paced, witty, and clean. I just goes to show that if writers have real talent, a show can be successful and satisfying without sex, foul language, and explosions every 5 minutes. Characters are quirky but not over the top and flash backs are a great touch.$LABEL$1 Another horrible remake. No insult to the lovely Jessica Alba but after viewing this, she is not ready for any lead roles yet. The movie was basically generic, the acting was sub par and the movie did not have that horror movie feel to it. There was no suspense and the only frightening thing was that I purchased the movie new. The plot was thin and so was the pacing of the entire film. You don't care for any of the characters and trust me; I have been watching and collecting horror movies for years. This one stinks, badly. Hollywood needs to stop butchering Asian films. If you never seen the Ring, put this movie down and watch the Ring instead. Alba could have learned a few pointers from Mrs. Watts.$LABEL$0 too big. I thought this item was too big...I returned it and bought a small diaper stacker. It looked like an eye sore in the bedroom.I had it hanging on the back of the bedroom door and I often shut the door when baby naps and you cannot shut the door w/ this on the door. It is probably helpfull for some, but not for me.$LABEL$0 Halibuts - Great surf music. The Halibuts are a great surf band with a dedicated following of surfers in the south bay of LA. Chumming is their first album and every song is a classic! Add this to your collection and you won't regret it.$LABEL$1 on time and good working condition. it was exactly as the seller said , in great condition and was sent to us within 2 weeks .$LABEL$1 One of the most significant films of the century. This is an essential film, because of this early discussion of feminist themes, depiction of an orgnized working class, and evidence of the quality work produced by these black listed film producers and actors.$LABEL$1 LOVE Jackie, Don't love the new Freddy.. I adore Jackie Earle Haley as an actor. He's one of the best, I actually enjoyed the whole cast, but I don't appreciate them trying to recreate Freddy. I understand that they were trying to make him scarier, but that's just not who Freddy is. He's a little scary at times, but he also likes to crack jokes at every opportunity. That's just who Freddy is, it doesn't work any other way. They might as well try to create a whole new villain with Freddy's MO... never mind, I don't want them doing that either. Just, leave Freddy alone. ROBERT FOREVER.$LABEL$0 Gold Toes Bermuda Socks. I love these socks. For a few years, I have bought them at JC Penney's, but this year, they did not have the color I like -- stone. Stone-colored socks go veryGold Toe Women's Bermuda Turn Cuff Sock, size 9-11well with khakis, which I wear a lot. The Gold Toes website also does not show these socks in stone, just black and white, so I figure that stone-colored socks are no longer being made. That's why I bought 2 dozen pair.The socks are very soft, comfortable, and cozy, not too tight or too loose. I will miss them when they are gone. The photo that goes with this review may show the so-called "khaki"-colored sock. The stone sock is lighter in color and goes really well with most khaki or chino pants. The khaki-colored sock is too dark for most khaki or chino pants.$LABEL$1 Cannot stand listening to this performance. Time passes fast, and 1970 is a prehistorical age for this kind of music.I had the bad idea to buy this recording: Britten is directing this music disregarding his own annotations on the scores he adapted !! (I had to study them for a concert).But worst, soloists are singing in a terrible "italian melodrammatic style" (as we say "with big potatoes in their mouth"). The chorus is too large, the tempo too slow, terribly slow. The brasses are untuned, the orchestra is not convincing at all.Dido and Aeneas follows the same destiny.Want to buy back my CDs :)?$LABEL$0 Extremely buggy. The game is buggy ... . I played it 3 times, and all 3 times it locked up to the point where i had to shut off the console unit and start it back up again. Also, the graphics disappear while your playing and you can't see where you're going. Great job in the quality assurance lab my Acclaim!!! DO NOT BUY$LABEL$0 I was not impressed. I realize that this was one of Nora Roberts' earlier books, so the fact that the writing was not as good did not surprise me. However, I was very dissapointed that she speant almost no time letting the readers see Seth's thoughts until the very end and then, in a very uncharacteristic move for Roberts, allows her heroin to forgive him without too much changing or apoligizing on his part. I think this was an interesting book to read because of the fact that it was so early into Roberts' career but as a novel, I was just not impressed.$LABEL$0 tedious to read. This book had some interesting plot twists, and certainly the author is talented and has a very literary (if not pompous) style that results in some beautiful passages. But the book was extremely tedious...every little detail expressed in excruciating detail, Henry's every thought examined from 12 different directions. My favorite -- a squash match that has no bearing on the plot, and takes 15 pages to describe. Do you need to know any more?$LABEL$0 Good, but different. I knew I would miss Richard Anderson, but Ben Browder is growing on me. Beau Bridges makes a great Commanding General, good casting.Claudia Black as Vala has really helped to make the show interesting and funny, I really love her character!$LABEL$1 Metallica:Phantom Puppets.. This is Phantom Garbage! It is basically some Australian put together bootleg with unseen interviews from Germany and Australia and some interviews all thrown in like a compilation.$LABEL$0 DON'T BUY. IT IS HORRIBLE!!!MADE ME GAIN 5-6 POUNDS IN 3 DAYS...I felt so so big,plus THE END OF THE MONTH I WAS 5 DAYS LATE AND NOT PREGNANCY(I HAS BEEN NEVER LATE),THANKS TO ZXT I LOST MY WEIGHT BACK.DONT BUY THIS.$LABEL$0 A complete waste of money!. If you want to learn Dreamweaver do not buy this book. This is the required book for a college class I am taking on Dreamweaver- it is an awful book. No explanations, just lots of click here, do this, do that. They don't tell you why you are doing what you are doing. The instructions are unclear- I often cannot find what button or command they are referring to. Everyone in the class is having these problems. The instructor is having to walk us through all of the exercises that we should be able to do on our own with the book. I have learned nothing from this book.$LABEL$0 Excellent new Bond. I'm an old Connery fan but Craig adds a different twist to a cool new Bond. Vey well played, enjoyed it very much. Very little of the gadgets that had gotten overblown and it's a serious film too.Highly recommended.$LABEL$1 Successful Loo84. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind cards, are DREADFUL.I would definately NOT recommend ANYONE buy these cards at all. They are a complete waste of money and I will tell you why:EVERY CARD starts off with a positive statement, then ends in negativity about ones life and how you lived your life before changing your mind set.T Harv Eker is clearly a Millionaire by doing these cards and getting the general public to buy them! Good idea, I should have thought of that!!They are NOT helpful in any way shape or form. I dont appreciate being reminded about my previous life experiences via these cards. Amazon should take them off their site so that people do not waste their money. And thats the truth.These cards would continue to make T Harv Eker a Millionaire but not You or I! Cheryl Richardsons Daily Affirmation cards are more "warm, inviting, friendly and CONSISTENTLY POSITIVE"!DO NOT BUY THESE CARDS, you'll be wasiting your money.thank you .$LABEL$0 TWO 11/16...NO 3/4. Stanley 11 pc. deep 1/2 drive impact sockets. Contained two 11/16 and no 3/4. The duplicate socket is a Husky not Stanley. Looks like Stanley dumps their mistakes on Amazon. To much trouble to return...I'll look for a 3/4 at the flea market. Should have looked there first.$LABEL$0 Bad scent; terrible burning sensation. Pros:Lathers very well.Cons:I like sandalwood, but "ashtray" is the perfect descriptor for this smell. It's really heinous. It's a little better on your face after shaving, but not pleasant during.And for me personally, some ingredient causes an allergic reaction that makes the whole experience one of intense burning.If neither of those are an issue for you, this might be a decent product.$LABEL$0 FILM FESTIVAL CARNIVOUS!. Terorrists bother film-goers and critics at Cannes Film Festival. Best safe if you wear sunglasses (so to minimize your identity). '99 Oscars honoring Kazan has potential for "...life to imitate art...". Wouldn't that be cool? Let's GO!$LABEL$1 When Nora slams the door, she is just running away.... Nora---everyone praises her as this great feminist...she's immature! You don't just run away from your problems like that. She had three kids, a house, and a husband. She had responsibilites. It is her own problem if she has discovered that her marriage isn't all that- but the fact is, she created three children who deserve a mother to support them and help raise them. She feels as though she is being treated like a child- well, its not exactly an adult thing to do to abandon all of your responsibilities. If there is one thing my parents have taught me, it is "finish something you start." Nora Helmer sickens me and all those who glorify her irresponsible actions should take a second look at their priorities.$LABEL$0 diana may have screamed on part of a song but.... fantasia, well she just totally WHINES...get over it she can only do two types of music where as diana can do anything at least...i would take screaming on a verse over whining on just about everything...she thinks she about fifteen years older than she really is and needs to get over herself...at least diana was humble...!$LABEL$0 My new favorite. The novel Slaughter House Five is a great story. It describes Billy Pilgrim's time travel and adventures throughout the whole book. The writer kept me going and I could not put this book down. It is definitely a reread and I look forward to reading more of Kurt Vonnegut's writing pieces. Though, the reason I am giving this a four star, is because of the introduction. The introduction did not have a good foundation, and lacked interest, though I enjoy Kurt Vonnegut's honest style of writing and I look forward to the next Vonnegut novel I will read.$LABEL$1 This game is one of the best this system will ever have. this game is so awsome little short but the gameplay maks up for all of the short parts and re-using of the levels$LABEL$1 Dependable & stylish. I bought my Tag eight years ago and have worn it for scuba diving, skiing, exercising, and eating at top French restaurants. Every two or three years I change the battery; otherwise it needs no attention and has performed flawlessly. The only annoying things with the watch are (i) the bezel is difficult to grip with wet fingers or dive gloves, and (ii) there is insufficient contrast between the dial face and the hands when you're underwater, which makes it difficult sometimes to read the time. These two limitations are a function of the fact it was designed more to be fashionable than functional - but it does function pretty well regardless.Many people (men and women) have commented over the years on how attractive the watch is. I wanted a watch that would be able to go wherever I went and be appropriate regardless of conditions. I also wanted something that wasn't too fussy. The Tag has served me well and I don't envisage replacing it anytime soon.$LABEL$1 Magazine Fab! Subscription- not so hot.. Lucky is one of my frequent checkout pickups. Bright, fun, and not requiring any frontal lobe interference, it's the perfect pick-me-up for the early morning commuter train. I give it five fabulous stars!However, the actual subscription was very underhanded! Within the space of a week I was sent last month's issue (long gone from the stands), the issue just about to decirculate, and, finally, the actual current issue. So, two weeks after my order i am already 3 issues in to a 12 issue subscription, and none too happy about it. Condé Nast needs to be told that subscribers do not exist to let them clear out their unsold backlog!$LABEL$0 More of the same?. Ok, the Emancipation of Mimi was one of the best Mariah Carey albums ever, but rereleasing this so soon? and with more of the same old songs? WHAT a RIPOFF!!!$LABEL$0 Reform isn't Jewish Living. "This definitive guide for Reform Jewish practice" ignores the fact that the Reform movement (from Germany) did away with all ritual practices, and only recently added some back optionally, when its membership was dying. Ask an elder "Reform" person how many of his grandchildren are Jewish."Jewish Living is an ideal gift for b'nei mitzvah, confirmation, and graduation" -- Buy the kid a Kitzur Shulchan Aruch so he knows what the true Jewish law is. And just wtf is a "confirmation"? Find that in the last 3300 years of our history. Seriously.$LABEL$0 decent start to trilogy. A little more slow paced than I'd like, but ends strong. Interested in.reading next book. Reminds me of sign of seven trilogy$LABEL$1 an atrocity. this is in no way the CLASSIC Massacre of Florida that it claims to be. "From Beyond" was and still is a great death metal album with power and ferocious vocal attack. You are better off listening to Kam's new horror-rock band Denial Fiend insted of Massacre's "Promise" album.$LABEL$0 Where Did Our Ross Go?. When I buy a Diana Ross CD, I expect to hear Diana Ross. Not Diana Ross & the Supremes or The Supremes after Diana Ross after leaving the Supremes. Especially since only Diana's photo is on the cover.Track 1-19 is Diana Ross & The Supremes Track 37-42 is the Supremes after Diana Ross left the Supremes. So really only Track 20-36 is Diana Ross, 17 songs. Now really Universal Records someone there is not doing their homework.You should hire me, I know I could do a better job with the entire Motown Catalog. In fact I have suggested songs that you have included recently. Case in point "To Love Again" "Never Say I Don't Love You" "You Were The One" and others.$LABEL$0 Enlightening Read and Entertaining. This book was very illuminating. My daughter was diagnosed with dyspraxia a few years ago, but now that she is 12 years old, this book perfectly fits her current situation. I will be reading it with her so she can know she is not alone and to give her coping strategies. This book is humorous, straight-forward, and informative. Everyone who is a teacher should read this to help them understand what life is like for a child with dyspraxia. It would also be very helpful for relatives. The author's voice is clear and entertaining and shines a bright light on what it is like to have this disorder. Great book!$LABEL$1 This thing will heat your whole house and everything in it. I bought the 402b because it has HDMI switching, lots of input options, and hightly rated sound output. I also bought it because I have had a JVC audio system for 15 years and love it.The good part of the receiver is it's great specifications and HDMI support. The bad part is that it that the hardware is poorly executed. It is inexcusable to put out a product that becomes too hot to touch after half an hour of use at normal sound volumes. JVC apparently thinks it's some kind of crime to put cooling fans in receivers. As a result, you get a box that is cool to the touch in standby, and so hot that you literally can't touch the top after half an hour of use. I had to drill extra holes in the back of my entertainment center, and am now out looking for a PC fan that I can run along side it.I would be surprised if I don't have a different receiver within the month.If you live in Alaska, go for it. Otherwise, I'd shop around.$LABEL$0 Don't believe everything you read. I found a number of inaccuracies in this book, one of the largest being Mr. Jordan's explication of the expression "as difficult as a camel passing through the eye of a needle." It appears that he hasn't read Matthew 18 which states "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."$LABEL$0 It was Boring. Movie was boring and predictable. And costumes were super cheap-looking. I basicaly fell asleep thourghout the whole film.The movie couldn't been better.$LABEL$0 Waste King L-8000. Shipping service excellent, Fast, Fast,Fast. It's hard to believe that the installation was fast and easy. I had my daughter boyfriend come and give me a hand cause I really thought I was going to have trouble installing the Waste King. From start to finish it took us 1hour clean up and all. (LOL I didn't need him at all .I read all review which were help full to. ***** five stars........Thank YouWaste King L-8000$LABEL$1 This book wasn't that great. I read the sample and liked the story enough to buy the book on my kindle. I wish I hadn't to be honest, what a waste of $9.99. Where the first chapter was decent, it really started to lag in the middle and toward the end. The characters were flat, the story ended ridiculously and where is the story telling? The author didn't go into details on anything. Also the magical fight scene at the end was laughable at best. I was very disappointed with this book and will not read any of her other work.$LABEL$0 LUNATIC. Knight is nothing but a bully and a lunatic. He's proof that you can do whatever the hell you want as long as you win and make $$$$$$$$$$$$$.Typical America these days.When he got fired from Indiana I had a parade down my street.$LABEL$0 It's Alive!. History is alive and well in this creative book!From elementary school to high school, "Making Social Studies Come Alive" will aid both teacher and student. The projects are "do-able," enjoyable, AND educational.This book deserves to be on the honor roll! A+!$LABEL$1 Fine for a tire pump. I purchased this to use in my garage so I don't have to put air in my tires in 10 below zero winter temps.It works fine, plenty of air, doesn't leak air when sitting, works as advertised.Pro: Much better, faster than those little air pumps with no storage.Con: It's a bit noisy, but it only turns on when you're using it, and it is in the garage, so it's ok with me. The hose is some kind of plastic, so it's stiff in the cold.Attachments are medium grade, ok for light use.$LABEL$1 Disappointing.. Get the 10th Anniversary Edition. Nick Jonas is really miscast. The audio mix on "One Day More" is inexcusably bad. Remember, it's about the music and the story, not the lighting and effects. Alfie Boe is does great as Jean Valjean.$LABEL$0 Loved it!. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this book. Very cute story and a lot of tension between the h/h since this was a 'forbidden' romance plot. If you've ever been a fan of reality tv this is a fun story of what could happen behind the scenes from one of your fav shows. The only downside was continual references to the heroines sister who was flakey and self absorbed. But I enjoyed JM so much that I was willing to read the sequel who happens to star the flakey sister, but based on reviews this book went in the opposite direction from this one with a murder plot. Meh..keep writing more sweet love stories like Jane Millionaire!! Trust me, they dont always need to involve murder mystery, vampires, shape shifters or paransormal plots. There's more enough of that to choose from these days (which is ok if u like those genres but I am personally burnt out with them). Anywho I give Jane Millionaire a solid 4 stars for a sweet and simple romance story.$LABEL$1 Pure Rubbish!. This amp sucks! Bottom line. It's big for nothing. Piece of crap! The bass knob does not work. Way overrated power! Not 2ohm mono stable! Even the crossover sucks. If I were u I would buy the hi tonics Brutus line or for a lil bit more money go with soundstream. They have always been my favorite amps. Never let me down!$LABEL$0 wrong product. The wires do not fit the small marble cheese cutter that I have. There was not enough information about this product when I ordered it, so I had no choice but to send it back. I will not order another one on line again.$LABEL$0 3 of 7 dead at 1 year.. I purchased 7 of these for our smoke detectors in Aug. 2010. One of the detectors began chirping with a dead battery at about 8 months. Two others went dead in the last week (Aug. 2011).$LABEL$0 Cattle Call Content. I bought this cd for my 88-year-old mom. She loves the selection of classic cowboy songs. The sound quality and clarity are great.$LABEL$1 Childhood. Fireball was a candy that I grew up with...and it was so good to see it was still around. The taste is the same as I remember. The price was right and so was the quantity. Love it.$LABEL$1 PREQUEL TO NOTHING. I am dissapointed with this attempt at a connection to the Alien franchise ... that s all I got ..that's it$LABEL$0 LIGHT BUT SOLID. I don't use this pole for fishing or wading I use it along the trails I walk including side walks and find it a very solid feeling walking stick.$LABEL$1 One of the best all-around skillets!. This is a wonderful skillet for those who like the ease of nonstick but the durability and results of stainless.I can make a frittata, an omelette or a casserole with cheese and get awesome, even cooking -- brown the top in the oven...and clean up is a breeze.It's just a great, useful piece of cookware and I don't remember how I got along without it. My only recommendation is to buy a lid if you don't have one that fits a 12 skillet, as this doesn't come with one.$LABEL$1 Very thought provoking. Even though I've been disappointed in most of the book of the month picks, I selected this book because of Oprah. I was very pleasantly surprised.While I usually enjoy mind candy; happily-ever-after types, I thoroughly enjoyed the message this book gave me. We all live our lives based on our own perceptions of truth. But the truth is, we can only judge another persons actions after walking a mile in their shoes, so to speak.The author's empathy toward ALL the characters impressed me, and I finished this book with the feeling that I (and everybody else I know) am too quick to stereotype and judge people I don't know. For instance, I believe the negative reviewers of this book just didn't 'get it'. But then, who am I to judge?$LABEL$1 Poor Quality. The VHS tape was ok, but the content of the material was disappointing and the performances were not full content but cut off in the middle.$LABEL$0 Musically it's Ok. Theologically, it's Calvinism. Bleh.. The songs are catchy enough if you like acoustical, Christiany, coffee-house type music. The group's Calvinism is a bit much and hard to take, but that's a prelude to a theological debate more than it is a critique of the music. I just caught myself singing along while my brain was checked out. Then I started thinking about WHAT they were saying and I thought to myself, "Uh. Nope." And then I traded in the CD.$LABEL$0 sesame crackers. They're great crackers made with sunflower oil. They taste good and don't detract from the taste of whatever you decide to spread on them. They arrive with many broken ones, however.$LABEL$1 Great storylines, acting, plots. Have not seen all episodes yet, but the ones I have seen I have enjoyed the storylines, action, and actors. Well written. Will order a series at a time. Place it up against similiar modern series. Glad these DVDs were made available so younger audiences can view. My Dad requested that I get all of the volumes.$LABEL$1 The book that changed my life. Dear Mr. Thourlby,Thank you for your wonderful no-nonsense guide, You Are What You Wear. I bought a copy of it in a used book store and it has paid off immensely in increased self-esteem, increased respect, and increased income.Like many others I never gave a thought to what clothing "says" about a person.Color, style, cut, materials, now all seem to "talk" since you have given them a voice.Thank you for making the unspoken words of clothing visible. I now ask, "What does this tie, shirt, coat, hat, etc. say? Before I will put it on.I just bought your book, "Passport To Power", (full price I might add) and hope I enjoy it as much as the other book.Are you still teaching your course at Emory? I would love to attend it.$LABEL$1 BUY IT. This is one to remember. The training is excellent. Two brothers are determing to master the shaolin iron finger to beat the taoist who is training in internal power.$LABEL$1 Not exactly what I expected. When the Voltron Collection One arrived it was not the same edition as I expected. Even though the Collector tin was part of this purchase the Collectors Edition was not inside. A Second edition release was inside and not the fold out collector's edition.Even though this was the series I wanted, it is not the edition I was expecting to receive.$LABEL$0 Left me feeling like I'd just watched "Love Story" again.. Far better if I would have stopped with book three. The characters were developed in an interesting, entertaining, and enjoyable manner to that point. I've had enough depressing experiences in life and don't need to be reading a book that gives me another dose. Unfortunately I had already ordered the fifth book in the series. It arrived and I threw it on the shelf with no desire to read further.$LABEL$0 Best omega-3 supplement, hands down!. I've tried lots of omega-3 supplements -- fish oil capsules, flax seeds, etc. -- but this is the only one where I've actually FELT the results. I began taking the supplement for nerve support, and within a few days I felt less tense, had fewer anxieties, and slept much more soundly. Also, I was one of those non-smokers who'd bum a cigarette when I felt tense, but I haven't had that craving since starting coromega -- six months ago! To me, that's miraculous. It does taste great, and there's no fishy after taste or burp, yecch. The packets are very convenient, and the oil doesn't go rancid. Amazon's prices are hard to beat, and if you put this on autoship, you'll always have a supply handy.$LABEL$1 RHCP fans everywhere are insulted!!. In the time it's taken for the Chili Peppers to release thier last two albums they've turned from one of the best bands of the past 20 years to a mass produced teen pop band! Anthony Kiedis sounds like he should be singing in an emo band and Flea's bass lines have about as much balls as the last James Taylor album (don't get me wrong, I love James Taylor). Also, a double album? There arn't enough quality songs on this record to make a single album! Now, for those people that say artist's music changes over time, you're right and a lot of the time it's a welcome change, but their music should evolve and become even greater than it was, not something that sounds like it's made for teenie boppers.Flea was quoted saying "If you don't like this album, you don't like the Chili Peppers." Well I loved the Chili Peppers and "Heyyooo this is what I sayyooo, THIS ALBUM SUCKS MY KISS!!!!" Stick with the first 7 albums!$LABEL$0 Always Writes Ahead Of The Curve. Candace Bushnell always writes ahead of the curve. The women of Sex and the City were ahead of their time, and now Bushnell has shown us a new breed of women in Lipstick Jungle. These women are strong, powerful, successful, and flawed. They, like so many women today, are entrepreneurs in the corporate world. But what I especially love about this book is the attention that Bushnell pays to their flaws. Nobody is perfect, and nobody was ever meant to be. These three women face the same difficulties as women everywhere: temptation, finding love, divorce, fear of failure, etc... And even though these women live in a world few of us will ever be part of, each still struggles to figure out what will truly make them happy. Bushnell's characters are human, and women everywhere will be able to relate to them.$LABEL$1 Reconocimiento. Después de conocer las bondades que ofrece un programa como el Star Ofice, se requería un libro que nos llevase a entender y poner en práctica las diferentes herramientas del programa. Con su libro Aurelio Mejía pone al alcance de legos y entendidos un libro que lo conduce a uno de la mano con absoluta claridad y secillez.$LABEL$1 LIBERACE: AN AMERICAN BOY. THIS BOOK IS DIFFERENT FROM OTHER LIBERACE BOOKS. PUBLISHED BY, ST. MARTIN'S UNIVERSITY PRESS, IT DOES NOT FOCUS SO MUCH ON LIBERACE'S JEWELS, COSTUME ECT., BUT RATHER, WHAT EVENTS IN LIBERACE'S LIFE SHAPED THE PERSON HE WAS TO BECOME.HIS PRODUCER AND DIRECTOR OF 30 YEARS (RAY ARNETT) IS AN EXTREMELY CLOSE FRIEND OF MINE FOR MANY YEARS NOW; HE ALSO LOVED THE BOOK$LABEL$1 LIGHT BUT SOLID. I don't use this pole for fishing or wading I use it along the trails I walk including side walks and find it a very solid feeling walking stick.$LABEL$1 Wanted Dead or Alive. Wanted Dead or Alive staring Rutger Hauer as a bounty hunter and Gene Simmons as a Terrorist on the loose in Los Angeles. While it was your standard blow up shootem up action movie, it has a decent storyline and likeable characters. Well acted and a little more serious than Lethal Weapon, this is definately a movie worth taking home.$LABEL$1 Disappointing. From start to finish I didn't connect with any of the characters. And the story itself didn't hold me at all. There were too many plots and characters and it was really lacking in emotion. This is really strange though, because she has a few others that hit the mark dead on, and I suggest that people read those. But this one doesn't even seem like it was written by her.$LABEL$0 Watts 5YR Premier Filter 5-Year/20,000-Gallon Inline Ice Maker Water Filter. This company must have brought up Argenion water filter. I am telling you this is the best thing you can install under the sink for drinking water. I use to see other kind in my younger days and it made my water taste so much better when I live in Philadelphia. I move and I was still hook on it. Found the Argenion, 20,000 gals 5 years life at home depot. Home depot start to sell GE model. Last only 6 months, at a cost of $30.00.I search high and low for the Argenion and found Watts had brought the company. I install the Watts. I am a happy camper. Keep up the good work Watts.$LABEL$1 terribly overpriced. the shelves were adequate for my purpose, but i was insulted by the price. i dont need anything given to me but expect a fair value. if there was $5 worth of materials in this i would be shocked. would have returned it but was too lazy.$LABEL$0 Not what i was looking for. I thought this would be a book about drills for the Pose Method. It was a 23 page pamphlet summary of a video I didn't have. It wasn't clear in the description what it was. It was a waste of $10.$LABEL$0 silent witness. It was great. I had trouble putting the book down. The author has a knack for kEeping you glued to the book.$LABEL$1 Duped IS the word!!!. Believe it or not, we watched this movie from beginning to end--just to see if there's ANY redeeming feature. What a waste of time! We've enjoyed all sorts of movies, from the serious to the ridiculous--but this movie is totally pointless. Pointless doesn't even begin to describe it. What a cheap piece of #%$&@%! If you have any appreciation for the art of movie-making, for a good story, for good acting, for provocative ideas, for a good laugh, or even for the sheer entertainment value of the ridiculous, don't spend any money on it. And please, if you have seen it, add your 2 cents here so that fewer people get duped.$LABEL$0 Scientist?. This man addressed to me the filthiest racist insult I ever heard from a colleague or former colleague at the University of Southampton. Ask him about it. Today, he would be liable for criminal prosecution for that comment. I would be the first to call the police in.$LABEL$0 Blood-soaked history at it's best. From a musical, mythological, & historical perspective, this is some of the best viking metal out there. After listening to this album it's hard not to be nostalgic about the era in which the vikings made a name for themselves.Musically, I would compare this band to iced earth...plenty of growls, but the vocalist is also capable of a wide range of melodic screams.I also highly recommend Miklagard, and anything by Doomsword.$LABEL$1 Interesting idea, painfully amateurish writing. The heading basically says it all. An interesting concept with some interesting characters, but the writer tries so hard to use colorful, complex language that you just space out trying to follow it. Way too impressed with its own cleverness.$LABEL$0 Headphones surpassed all expectations. All I need to say is that the noise canceling on these headphones is very good. I could barely hear any noise or passengers when I'm using them on the bus. Sound quality is very excellent too, every single note is reproduced faithfully. I don't think you can do much better than this, its Bose quality without the price.$LABEL$1 Excellent, but somewhat dated, travel guide.. As long as the reader understands that this book was released in 2004, before Hurricane Katrina, this is still a very useful guide to New Orleans, especially the French Quarter. Some businesses have changed or gone under due to the lack of tourist trade, but the French Quarter had almost no significant damage from the storm. We visited New Orleans in June of 2008, so we took this book with us. There is a revised issue coming in the late Fall of 2008, so if your trip is after that time wait for the new revision. The information is very well presented, and the book is a great carry-around guide.$LABEL$1 Marine scout snipers trust Tucker NOW in the field/And this is a great book. Marine scout snipers trust Mike Tucker RIGHT NOWIN IRAQ, as our paratrooper brothers andSpecial Forces did in Iraq--the scouts andsnipers from the 101st and 82nd in thisbook did well to listen to Mike, and hedid justice to their actions . . . see thereview by Sgt. Joe Lebleu on this site. . .in AMONG WARRIORS IN IRAQ. There is nothingjuvenile or pornographic about this bookat all. We use it here to help us fightin the war we are still fighting here.Many of my fellow Marines have read it andpraise it. Tucker is doing solid, solidfieldwork with us now on missions withscout/snipers, and Marine infantry.Read this book, it is a helluva' read.5 stars, for sure. Accurate, and timely.$LABEL$1 Well written and interesting to read. This is an outstanding personal story of one who was trained and fought in the P 51 Mustang, one of the most popular and outstanding airplanes of WW II.$LABEL$1 This girl can sing!. Christina's voice is amazing.She is not just a teenybopper.She has great talent!$LABEL$1 great book for the road warrior. extremely helpful for those arriving at new places around the world which are new turf. Latest edition needs better updating. I bought it thinking that the verson from a couple years back would be updated, but the updating is somewhat limited. Still an excellent resource for both the domestic and world traveller.$LABEL$1 Flaws in DVD. Received the item in what appeared to be "new" condition, but when we watched it, there were many parts that stopped and started and jumped. Several places we missed because of the quality of the tape. I had thrown away the outer package, so don't know how to send it back for a replacement, but it was definitely "not new".Please help me to get a refund or a replacement.$LABEL$0 Terrible Causes MS Outlook to Crash - Nonresponsive Customer Service. Terrible Product! I installed it and it made my MS Outlook crash several times a day. Twice I had to reinstall Outlook. Contacted their customer service about the problem. No help, they kept telling me how to reset my Zone Alarm account password. Obviously they don't read their incoming emails and just send out some canned message. After several days of this, I uninstalled Zone Alarm and installed PC-cillin. I had no further problems with Outlook. I previously used Norton and never had my email crash with their product either. My recommendation, don't buy unless you enjoy having Outlook crash and you like to reload software. Interestingly, when I asked for a refund they never answered my emails - go figure.$LABEL$0 Keyboard Drawer. After a few months of light use, the screws fell out, jamming the sliding track. Had to completely disassemble and reassemble product. Would recommend using Locktite when putting this together. This unit is a little flimsy, bends easily when using the mouse, causing a flex that probably caused the screws to loosen.$LABEL$0 Adorable Book!!. My 3 year old son loves this book. He has already learned his uppercase letters, so this book is great for teaching the lowercase letters that he is still quite unfamiliar with. The story is very cute, and he is hooked on it! We checked this one (along with Alphabet Adventure and Alphabet Rescue) out at our local library and he loved it so much that we bought them.I would highly recommend this book (and the other two!) to anyone with preschool/kindergarten children.$LABEL$1 Not really permanent. While I'm sure these would stain your clothes and the colors themselves are alright I purchased these permanent markers to write on plastic surfaces. They didn't work for what I needed. The ink pools and puddles when I use them. My sharpies worked fine on the same surface.If I wanted just pretty colored markers I would have gotten a different type of marker, but I needed permanent makers and these did not fit my needs.I can't speak for other projects, but I will state, these do not work on plastic surfaces. If you need to write on something only a permanent marker will stay on, then do not get these.$LABEL$0 disappointing. i love Movies from other country's,i never watch american movies anymore.i waited for Martyrs for 2 months,i bought it today,watched it,i was very disappointed.not very violent,nothing to disturbing,just a Blah type movie,maybe i didnt enjoy Martyrs cause i am Desinsitized (SP)?? nothing is disturbing to me anymore. also stay away from (Frontiers) *Blah* of a movie.i dont mean to be so mean but eh...$LABEL$0 HE IS A WANKSTA AND I SMELL PUSSY. he just needs to retire. screw this non-gangsta. no real G sings, they just rap, GOD!$LABEL$0 Great Gift. This was a gift to someone who loves music and was a singer herself at one time. She enjoyed. CK$LABEL$1 sucked. this movie sucked dont waste your money. this isnt even a production movie just a bunch of vhs quilty and grainy footage of crap.$LABEL$0 Seller NEVER sent us the item. I would love to say this is a great movie but the seller never sent it to us. I have contacted them several times and all they can tell me is that they have no way to track their shipments. VERY DISAPPOINTED!!! And now the order is no longer showing on the Amazon website so I can't even dispute it.$LABEL$0 Another question. Whats the name of the song playing while they are at the first club, something about how "i'm like an outlaw", sort of a techno beat to it. Any help would be appreciated.$LABEL$1 The Energy Approach...... I have started reading this book and have difficulty putting it down. This book definitely provides some deeper insight into an aspect of personality and can provide info into relationships and why they work or vice versa.........Just buy the book, you will have no regrets.$LABEL$1 Real None Greasy Baby Oil. It does not leave any grease on your hands or skin. When it dries, it just feel like baby powder without any residue. It applies like a lotion. We stopped using baby oil after using this product.Somewhat expensive.$LABEL$1 I can't stand Jim Carrey!. Never was a fan of Ace Ventura or the Mask. A bit too silly for me. I was skeptical of this Carrey vehicle only to find out that it's not. This movie is way more clever and funny then it was given credit for, this is a nice departure for Carrey and it's almost always (Godzilla 97 excepted) good to see Broderick in anything. If you don't usually like Carrey, give this one a try, it may surprise you.$LABEL$1 Waterhole #3 VHS. This VHS is bad quality it jumps and it's just no good, But can't find the box it came in to return it. I was upset about this my husband just loves this movie, Thanks for checking with me on this item.$LABEL$0 A realistic account of Indian mentality to discuss and argure.. The author brings out effectively the Indian tradition of peaceful debate on matters of social importance from ancient times till now. This tradition of positive argumentativeness seems to be the strength of Indian democracy's success inspite of some sectarian politics rampent now. Indian pluralism will survive Dr. Sen says by this nature of Indian minds. A very good book boldly written.MKV$LABEL$1 Beautiful book - worth persisting with. I picked up this book with great expectiations, having recently devoured Cloud Street, The Riders, Shallows, Scission and an Open Swimmer I was looking forward to more from my favourite writer.After the first couple of chapters I was struggling to like it, wonedring where he was going and why he was painting such poor characters and situations (I really don't like the way some authors potray the internet). It seemed a bit close to Shallows as well for.But then the story griped me. Being a West Aussie myself and having lived in most of the areas this book picked up on I could really identify with the landscapes and people as their characters developed.The story to me was one of how people lived their lives dealing with deaths and how letting go and realising that dead people are not more than they were and shouldn't be built up into images that restrict you living your life.$LABEL$1 Common Sense. This book was an OK read. If you have the common sense of how to put a baby to bed, it really won't help you. It did have a few good ideas example: Give the child a lovee, like a lamb or music maker to sleep with everynight and the child will become more relaxed and dependant on it instead of you when he/she wakes in the night. That's about it, the rest was common sense things like give him a passy, rock him , feed him etc.$LABEL$0 Poor quality. AVOID THIS PRODUCT!! Not the quality I am used to. My husband purchased this as a present for me because he knows I love to cook in cast iron. I was skeptical once I seen the product. It did not look to have any "seasoning" on the pan. I only had to cook with this pan one time. Cast iron is known for cooking food evenly. It did not, the food stuck. A total mess! I actually had to scrub the pan clean. It was returned!! After some research, I still can't find if the Camp Chef products are made in China. With it not actually being said on Amazon the country of origin. I would assume that it is made in China. I will ALWAYS buy the Lodge cast iron products where you know they are made in Tennessee and what you are getting.$LABEL$0 Great Book. The recipes are well written and easy to fallow. There's a picture for every pie or tart in the book. The pictures are absolutely beautiful. Every recipe I have tried so far is delicious.$LABEL$1 The Greatest, Greatest Hits. If you have not heard Sublime, you don't know what you are missing. They have a sound that is unlike any mainstream music. Not only should you buy their Greatest Hits, explore all of their other alblums. . .you won't be disappointed.$LABEL$1 New music for a new millenium. Many of the songs on the CD do bring back a nostalgic feeling of the Pumpkins of old, but their new sound definitely helps to build on the idea of keeping things fresh. Never one to just sit back and do that same thing over and over, Billy Corgan helps to bring this entire album together with his familiar vocals. The first song, Everlasting Gaze, is an incredibly powerful piece that is reminiscent of the Pumpkins earlier work, but still has a taste of something new. All in all a great buy, and any true Pumpkins fan will enjoy it.$LABEL$1 Worst looking diamond I have ever seen. I saw the negative reviews and, despite them, decided to give these a shot. The second I took them out of the package I knew that they were going right back. These are UTTERLY the worst looking diamonds I have ever seen, even for $99. I am not a diamond expert but a diamond should not a have milky white color.The good thing is Amazon makes returns easy...$LABEL$0 JUNK, JUNK, JUNK. As my title says this camera is a piece of JUNK! My daughter got this item for christmas. Have not used it once because it does not work AT ALL. Biggest waste of money. Please be aware- just go out and spend a little bit more money and get them the real deal.$LABEL$0 Can Kids Still Read Kipling?. I got this so that my husband could read stories to my 10-year-old granddaughter -- he loves to read, she loves to be read to. Kipling provides adventure and different cultures, so I figured it would entertain them both. I had not factored in how limited our vocabularies are today. My husband had to stop frequently to explain words; occasionally, he would have to look one up. They both still enjoyed the stories. (I also think it did my granddaughter good to learn that even grown ups have to look up words; there is no stigma to using a dictionary -- or in our case, the internet.)I would recommend the book to anyone who wants their child to achieve a high score on the verbal SAT, but I think a child would be better off to have it read to him than to read it solo.The book itself is large and heavy (hardback), but the print is a comfortable size.$LABEL$1 Works as advertised - just set your charge cycle properly. Nineteen months after using this battery everyday, it's now showing some signs of wear. Occasional reconditioning restores some capacity, but from a high of about 2.5 hours, am now down to 40 mins per charge, all things being equal.I've modified the cycle, as suggested by the IBM Battery Maximizer app, hoping this will extend the life some more. Apparently, if you're plugged in most of the time, it's better to get the charger to stop at less than 100% capacity, and start recharging at below 90% capacity.Nothing wrong with the battery, really. It works as advertised. I just wished it would have lived a little longer.$LABEL$1 ABSOLUTELY ANGRY. I love The Golden Girls. I had this set bought for meThe Golden Girls - The Complete Series (Seasons 1-7)because it is obviously all of the seasons that were released individually but together in one package. The only problem is that when I get them I put the first disc in and started out working great! That is...it played perfectly...until the 5th episode and then decides that it doesn't want to work any longer and starts skipping large chunks of episodes. I am absolutely furious! Seeing as how it was ordered for me I don't know who to get in touch with, whether any of the other discs are going to be problematic (it is a 21 disc set!), and whether or not I'll be able to get an exchange or if they will even work.That said, save yourself some trouble and go out to a store and buy the seasons individually. At least then you'll have a better chance of them working properly. You may even save money in the end that way. I just want discs that work!$LABEL$0 s2 Camera Batteries. This may be a bargin for the batteries, I'm not certain yet but they seem to hold up. It is the charger that I didn't think was that great. It wouldn't charge the batteries right out of the box. I had to use a better Energizer charger to initially charge the batteries. Once the batteries had a charge it seems to work OK, but if I were to buy again I probably would go for the Sony Charger.$LABEL$0 PLEXSUPPLY SELLING FAKES, AMAZON DOESN'T CARE. If you decide to purchase this product, be very, very careful who the seller is. PLEXSUPPLY is just sending out fakes thrown into a ziplock bag and advertising it as a genuine photon light. Amazon has been contacted about this but apparently they don't care about it, so it's up to us to let all you know about this little con-job. Pretty shady if you ask me...$LABEL$0 Really good. Really liked this novel. Enjoyed the characters, especially the professor who reminded me of someone I once knew and the story itself was very interesting and well written. Read it in two days. Can't say I pondered the story afterwards but I definitely recommend it.$LABEL$1 the kensington pilotboard. I am typing this review on my new kensington pilotboard. it is a very nice keyboard, and I love it. the forward/back buttons next to the mouse wheel are very nice, and incredibly useful! (I hate having to go up to the top of my browser to go back) a wonderful keyboard.$LABEL$1 A great read about chasing and fullfilling our dreams. A friend loaned me this book about a week ago and I found it to be a great read. I'm one of those wan-a-bee's "trying to leave the dock" and will begin retirement soon with a boat (trawler) in my immediate future. This book affirmed that I'm heading in the right direction to begin living my dream as soon as I can. I'll be purchasing a copy to share with friends and to read again while I'm in the water chasing whales and my own dreams in Washington State and Alaska.$LABEL$1 FANTASTIC. This is a great single !! I have been listening to techno dance music for over 15 years now and this is the best stuff that has come out by anyone in years. It has a great beat and great to dance to ! For any techno buff, this is an absolute must !!$LABEL$1 Dont Buy. This DVD Player will not play +R DVD's. The menu displaying DivX files on DivX DVD'x is horrible. The menu did not display well, the file names were shortened and the filing system was not how I had made the files when I made the DVD. Don't be fooled by the HDMI connection either, it makes absolutely no difference in picture quality. Toshiba should be ashamed to put their name on such an un-user-friendly product$LABEL$0 Poor Quality. Better Puppets available. This Puppet is not as plush as it appears in the photo. It is actually made from a very thin material which does not hold its form. As a consequence when using the puppet the dog's head is crumpled and distorted and his eyes collapsed back and barely visible. I have tried to bolster the head by stuffing it with paper towels but it doesn't seem to be a good fix. Additionally the puppet does not seem to be sized for adult hands. I have medium sized hands and can barely get my hand comfortably into position to move the mouth. I have collected 6 puppets including this one which I use to play with my son. Of the six this puppet is the only one which doesn't get used. I would definitely recommend the Melissa & Doug line of hand puppets over this one. They are in a totally different class and a much higher quality.$LABEL$0 Vampirism as a lifestyle. This film has very good acting and directing. You would be hard pressed to find so differently with the stars at hand in the picture. The movie focuses on a more dramatic side of vampires, over the classic horror view; however this works in its advantage. It does not overglorify nor does it over dramatize the life of vampires, as one would imagine it to be. This is the way the average person SHOULD think of vampires. Not Twilight, and not 30 Days of Night either. If you want to know what it is to be a vampire, the way you it probably would be if they existed, then this film is for you.$LABEL$1 calibration disk. its got 3 levels of calibration. Gets as detailed as you wanna get. Definitely brought out the best picture out of my plasma$LABEL$1 it's pronounced "don't rip-off you previous album.". i hate to be negative, especially about a very talented artist, but this album just sounded like he copied "collaborations" and just switched a few of the words. like "47 pop stars" it was just lame compared to the acappela "47 m.c.'s" from "collaborations" which was brilliant. there are a few good tracks, but i was dissapointed by the lack of creativity. hopefully K.J. will not try to follow what seemed to be a successful formula when he records his next album. COME ON K.J., I'VE HEARD YOU DO BETTER THAN THIS!$LABEL$0 Wire pokes out. I am a full-figured woman and the underwire on this bra sticks out near the closure no matter how I try to adjust the fit. I bought the bra because I was having a problem with my shoulder that makes putting on a bra with the hooks in the back very difficult. I generally don't wear underwire bras since I find them uncomfortable. On the plus side, this bra is fairly easy to put on and to snap closed and it is comfortable. On the negative side, I have to wear it under a very loose top because the underwire sticks out so far. I would not recommend this bra.$LABEL$0 Excellent guide to pitfalls on spiritual path. I really appreciated this books exposition on the many pitfalls of the meditators path, and ways that we start playing ego games, philosophy games, etc. I also found it very readable.I think regardless of your path of practice, theravada or zen, buddhist, hindu or Taoist, there is opportunity to learn here.I also found it interesting to get a variety of different perspectives onpractice. As someone from more of a theravada background, it was interestingto get such a concise and lucid introduction to mahayana and vajrayana ideas.Trungpa is not a lightweight in his ideas, his presentation is forceful, and he has a clear idea of how things are. Agree or not, there is plenty to chew on here.$LABEL$1 A Nice Showcase for Beatles MUSIC!. I took my children to see this movie when it was first released. They were Frampton and BeeGees fans and didn't really listen to the Beatles. I, however, owned every Beatles album in existance as I now own the CD's. I never saw why the reviewers hated this movie and it's accompanying album. The music was very well done, every song. If you wanted the Beatles then this was not for you, but if you liked Beatles music then the performances were fine. I loved George Burns' rendition of "I'm Fixing A Hole Where The Rain Comes In" and many of the other performances were great for the novel performances of the original Beatles music. If you wanted great acting and directing, well then this movie is not for you. It's not a very good movie. If you like to listen to offbeat and different performances of the Beatles' music, I don't see how you can go wrong.$LABEL$1 The Big Book of Painting Nature in Oil. Really helpful book. Very well organized. Easy to find any subject or any method. Step by step instructions. Excellent pictures, easy to follow instructions.$LABEL$1 Good product, undesired color. I had used a jumbo toy hammock for my children's stuffed animals in our old house and, when we moved, was looking to replace it. I found this and expected one as pictured. I should have read the text further as it does say colors vary. We ended up with blue which does not work with my daughter's pink and yellow room. Great product for getting all those stuffed animals up and away but they REALLY need to have a color option.$LABEL$0 really awful...save your money. This book proves that anyone can write a book. It's by far the worst book I've read on nutrition. Nothing enlightening...offensive and full of awful language. I could have dealt with a little offensive language but seriously...every page? The authors may have meant well but they should consider becoming sailors.$LABEL$0 amazing illustrations!!. The poetic and thought provoking adventure that unfolds through the course of this book is quite captivating in and of itself, yet I believe the fantastic watercolors that illustrate the tale are beautiful and eye catching enough to stand on their own, if needs be. Whether you have kids or not, this book is a collectable for anyone who appreciates this kind of creative eye-candy.$LABEL$1 Disappointing product. This grill does not make a good panini. There is not enough pressure on the upper grill, and it does not make those distinctive panini stripes.$LABEL$0 disappointed in Sony. Last year I bought two boomboxes from Amazon and they were fabulous. This year I decided to try the sony cfds22. I wanted black but they only had the silver left. I asked and was assured they were the same. I bought the unit based on the glowing customer review. Well I was wrong. I think it might be a product control issue as I am usually very pleased with sony products. Nevertheless my mega bass would turn off on its own and there was continual static whether I was playing the cd, tape or the radio. Perhaps there are some units out there that are great but I was not lucky enough to get one. Back to the POst office to ship this back.$LABEL$0 Give Dre a call. I am a NO LIMIT fan, but snoops album isnt what I or some others expected it to be. His first album was a huge success,his second o.k, but his latest album is a little less than average.This album shows how he was better off with his old label (Death Row)and producer Dr Dre.$LABEL$0 breathtaking. i've just re-started beading after a hiatus of about ten years, so i am not familiar with recent beading books and can't compare this to any other overviews that might be out there.however, in and of itself, this is a beautiful, well-illustrated, far-ranging work. africa is well-represented. north AND south american indian work is represented, including the work of the inuit and northwestern nations. there is a section on greenland beadwork, short, but more than i have found yet. asia, india, oceania, the middle and near east and europe have their sections. the final section is a brief but reasonably adequate, description of techniques.the photos are breathtaking. and dangerous. i have already mentally designed at least five new projects. the only complaint i have is the lack of dating for some of what are probably 19th century postcards and photos and for what may be relatively recent photos.i think this would be a worthwhile addition to even extensive beading collections.$LABEL$1 grate movie. i've seen this movie 1 1/2 times. and i just wanan say: it's awesome! and it's so true too...like that Buddy Christ is SO sumthing those catholics would do.and it's got alot of good points in the movie from the bible that the catholics tend to hide. also, since the main chick in this movie is Jesus' great great great great great great great great great great niece, it just goes to show that jesus DID have bro's and sisters!! but that wasn't a surprise to me, since i READ the bible...something supposed "christians" tend not to do...but this didn't get 5 starz cuz there WERE some parts that were offensive to me. being as i'm a Christian.but all in all this got a Four. and i would recomend this movie to anyone, but there's too much swearing. although if there wasnt, i know lotsa ppl who would appreciate the true facts from the bible in this movie!$LABEL$1 couldn't live without it. My son has practically lived in this seat since birth, and it still has so much mileage left for it! He is only 2 months, and he'll be using this for so much longer. It is very versatile with the recline and kickstand. The toys aren't that great, and he gets bored with them, but they attach with velcro, so you can swap them with others. When he was first born, he loved looking at the zebra prints. I would recommend this chair instead of a bouncer chair, since you can use it for longer, and it essentially provides the same function. Vibration function is also nice.$LABEL$1 Good but not a real mystery. Lots of interesting details about what goes on behind the scenes at the Metropolitan & the Natural History Museum, but a really weak mystery plotline. _NO_ knowledge of Africa at all, just New York PC views. They're two different things. Willem van der Post's death is pure Hollywood -- anyone with any knowledge of Africa would just burst out laughing. The author also knows nothing about Continental names. 'Van der' is Dutch & any name which contains it is perfectly ordinary. 'Von' is Austrian & is always part of an aristocratic name. Also note that 'van der Post' would be listed under 'P', _not_ 'v'. I mention this because it's a significant point in the plot at the end. But this is a book written by an American for fellow-Americans.$LABEL$0 Not As Good. I have had a few pairs of the standard rainbow sandals; decided to try the helps after someone stole my other rainbows. For my money the standard raainbows are five-star sandals and cost less. These don't fit quite as well and the soles are not as comfortable as standard rubber. They last longer and I will replete regarding wear down the road.$LABEL$1 Great book on the first 100 years of Studebaker. I have a copy of this book which was sent to me when I was a youngster who corresponded with the editor of The Studebaker News (a publication for Studebaker Dealers). I still have the original box that it was mailed in. I consider it a collector's item.$LABEL$1 madabout. I discovered James Hunter through a Van Morrison compilation CD and fell instantly in love!! He is my favorite sound: great R&B; spiced lyrics, just enough "mistake makin" and "love thinking" to suit the real feel ofthat genuine genre of my favorites like James Brown, Sam Cooke and Otis!! You would swear the guy was a close relative of Ray Charles with a hip edge!! And not to even mention the band..WOW.. SEXY,SEXY, SEXY!These guys nail it and if you love a great sax sound you will be addicted like me!!!!!!!!!!!$LABEL$1 yes total waste of money. This is the second HP printer I bought and frankly the only reason I tried this printer was because of the network connectivity. I haven't written many reviews before, but this product is soo bad that I had to add to the list of angry customers. Getting the printer to load 1 piece of paper is a nightmare. Now i get paper jam warnings when there is no paper in the bloody machine. Anyone see office space? yeah after I get my new Canon printer, i will re-enact that scene. perhaps i should record it and send it to HP?$LABEL$0 i dont think this works.... 3rd bottle already. strange....i just dont think this works. i take vitex/ dong quai instead. let's see how that turns out.i do see that it helps regulate but has anyone had any success in getting pregnant??? and if so, how long did it take with the use of fertilaid?i am inclined to just trying one more bottle but since i have pcos, maybe it just isnt for me...$LABEL$0 Release date April 1 2008. Better not be an April Fool's Joke. Thankfully it wasn't. Love Becker. This has to be my favorite unreleased TV series. (I'm editing my review) I was a little wary of that release date, however I now have the 3 disc DVD in my hands. 22 episodes of fun & laughter.On the box it says full screen, however I have a widescreen TV and I was expecting to see black borders on either side of the picture but instead the picture fills up the whole of the TV without looking stretched. Yippeee. There are no subtitles. Is it strange that I love this show yet think Cheeers is nothing special?$LABEL$1 Missing pages. Purchased this 'New" from Collect Musings - a Calif. bookstore through Amazon. Book looked great with a pristine dust cover. However, pages 33 to 46 are not in the book. There is 1 ripped edge of a page showing. Looks like the section was omitted from the printing and the book is a 'second'. For almost $40 that is unacceptable.$LABEL$0 HAD TO RETURN ITEM - TOO BIG. I had to return this battery that I ordered for my cordless phone.It was too big for my phone and I could not use it.Therefore, I can't say how well this battery works.$LABEL$0 They don't fit motorola. I guess it's my fault for not vetting the product well enough. These things are throw aways anyhow. I sure it would've broke like my others$LABEL$0 Waste of money. I bought 2 of these timers and within a month one stopped making any sound. The other is so quiet you have to be right next to it to hear it go off. Not worth buying.$LABEL$0 Great trimmer!. Always wanted a trimmer that would not cut me several times in the process, this remington 1000 its great, I was afraid of using it at first hoping not to cut myself, well not worries!! I was even rough in a few spots by accident and not even one cut!!! I love it; its great!!!$LABEL$1 Poor Supplier Management. Melissa and Doug should be embarrassed. Either they are getting too big to care or they are too small to know any better, either way I ordered this product and it was shipped to me with only about 70% of the parts. Really, how does this even pass weight inspection to get shipped? Where is the QC?Melissa and Doug? Maybe Scrooge and The Grinch! This was going to be my hero present this year...thanks a lot.$LABEL$0 fedora linux ready. low price and linux compatibility were my prerequisites for a router. as a retired computer system manager, i was hesitant to introduce another point of failure. but there was really little to do other than hook it up and go to the url and go through menu. all without involvement with att (ptl). my network consists of a 32 bit computer and a 64 bit computer, both running fedora 11. speed? i can watch justin.tv on wireless.$LABEL$1 Do not buy this toy.. Our child also loves this toy but the tractor only lasts for about a week before it starts breaking down. We have brought the tractor back THREE TIMES and have yet to get one that works for longer than a week. It's a real shame that the manufacturer can't make this toy durable enough to last. It breaks our little boys heart every time we have to bring his tractor back to the store. Take my advice and stay away from this product!!!!$LABEL$0 Burning Books on Fenwick Street. A fictional account of what could happen to our country if we allow our politicians and special interests to get out of control.Mr. Dravis tells a story almost as well as Jean Shephard!A book that even this Nixon admirer enjoyed.Excelsior!$LABEL$1 Very Good Quality. This is a very good quality DVD of a fireplace. It has Christmas music or crackle noise or both. Very cool. Of course, if you have a lousy TV, you get a lousy experience. The item arrived quickly and in good condition. I am very pleased with this purchase.$LABEL$1 Wonderful!. I read this book in one sitting. I felt like Martha Manning was writing about my life! There were so many parallels to my own depression that I understood just what she was going through. I'm glad to finally read a book by someone that's been there and describes this personal hell so eloquently.$LABEL$1 Russian Friend Says He Loves This Book. My Russian friend to whom I sent this book says it's exactly as it's title states: fun and easy. He was very grateful to receive it and I've noticed a big improvement in his written communication with me since he's had it. Fantastic find!$LABEL$1 Useless Junk. I purchased this adapter because I wanted to connect to a tv thru a S-video cable instead of a VGA cable.The cable didn't do as I intended.$LABEL$0 this movie sux!. Absolutely no horror content involved! Another work of some horn dog; making women sex slaves. Terrible movie!! All the women walk around half dressed and talk in baby talk. No respect for women. The scariest part about this movie, is that there are still people that think this way and don't respect women as their equals.$LABEL$0 Love my Cat genie, but. I love my cat genie, and these cartridges work great. However, I really wish it would have specified whether this was the scented or unscented cartridge.$LABEL$1 Quotable Runner fan. The Quotable Runner is not just a book; it's like having a knowledgable running companion on call 24/7. The book was a fun read and easy to stop then pick up again when I had a chance. I took the book with me everywhere I went so I wouldn't miss an opportunity to read a few pages when I had some down time.As someone who enjoys-but struggles with-running, I drew a great deal of inspiration from this little treasure trove of quotes. I love to hear about the experiences of more seasoned runners. Gaining insight as to what makes them tick and keeps them going helps to keep me going full steam ahead!My thanks to Mark Will-Weber for this inspirational little book :)$LABEL$1 Great GPS. We owned a Mio GPS, but, even after updating the maps, our house which was built in 2003 was not on the GPS... This GPS had it from the begining and is great at guiding us on our vacation.$LABEL$1 Richard Langer writes the best bread machine books. I was a professional baker for years, which made me a relentless bread-critic. I have many other bread machine books, but they just don't compare to Richard Langer's, which have become the only ones I use regularly. His breads stick in your memory and call out to be made again and again.$LABEL$1 disappointing title from a great band. When I first heard of the realease of the new Self album I ran to the stores to buy it. My joy was stopped short after I listened to it. What is this? It sounds nothing like the weird yet genious music that has made me come to love this band. The only reason I would buy this cd is if you are a huge Self fan but warning: prepare for a letdown.$LABEL$0 gets hot, works but software not-so-good. same as above:I've had it for about two months have dubbed some twenty of my VHS tapes. While I can capture fairly easily the moviefactory 3SE is lacking(software/driver updates applied)I get better results with Nero.and often the resultant DVD's are coasters,,,for no obvious reason.I've also begun using the Plextor m402u capture-X,,,much better product,runs cool for a few dollars more.same !@#$ software(studio 8, ugh!). But other software is included.$LABEL$0 IN Person. Tony Bennett is one smooth singer. Having been a star, a has been, and a retro-icon, he has known every degree of fame, and deserves all the kudos his recent renaissance has afforded him.Tony isn't one to blow you away. He's more quiet ocean breeze than tsunami, and is a master of under delivery. You don't realize how good he is until you hear a certain phrase or note that simply demands attention.What a selection of melodies, all great, all well known. Sung in the Bennett style, delivery first class, arrangements very good. Recording quality very impresive . Bennett is a professional,$LABEL$1 Bump To The Funk. Putting things in context, you could compartmentalize "The Twist" as being BIG BIG in the early 60s, and then disco came along in the ~ mid 70s. That left a lot of years in between, roughly from 1963-1974. "Tighten Up" is likely the most easily recognizable dance tune from that whole period.Yes it's ironic & sad that the song was released in early April, 1968; that being said perhaps one can remember it as the tune that kept us along going & dancing during that period. I certainly do. I can't possibly remember how many times I got together with a group of kids & just danced away, and let all the troubles & injustices of the world melt away.Additionally, this song introduced the "funk sound" that became so prevalent particularly from about 1968- 1973. Then came disco. Enough said!!$LABEL$1 Some reading hints for this disappointing book. I was disappointed by this long Clancy book. I did notice his writing begin to slip with Rainbow Six, but at this point, I think he's done for. Still, I'll probably keep reading his books like many others. Here are two hints to save time when you read this book.1. This is a great opportunity to try your speed reading. I promise you that no passage in this book needs to be read carefully.2. As soon as you see Cathy Ryan in the book, skip the section altogether (these sections have no relevance whatsoever and repeat things we all know from prior books). Depending upon how quickly you read, this could save you an hour or so.Hopefully, Tom Clancy's next book reverses this trend.$LABEL$0 Long Time User. I've been using Kelocote for nine months at my surgeons recommendation for some new, large scars. It's hard to really say how much it helps with the appearance of the scars since I don't know what would've happenend without it but my gut tells me it has helped some. I still have some nasty keloid scars but they seem to be softening.One thing I am certain about is that it has helped with the soreness and itching that can come with new scars. I've had very little of that.Make sure you use it right. A little goes a long way. Don't over-cover the scars. You should barely be able to feel that it's there. A common mistake.I definitely would recommend this or the Scar Away patches if you prefer. They're decent too.$LABEL$1 The Best Beatles Story. When I first was introduced to the Beatles music, I loved it right away because of the sound and mood it gave. I was so impressed with the fab 4 that I went to the library as soon as possible to find out a little about them. I happened to come across the best Beatles story available. The Love You Make told each detail as someone living the story would see it...that's because the author did live it. The Peter Brown from 'The Ballad of John and Yoko' wrote the book. I was hooked till the end. Since then, I've read several other books about the Beatles, but none have come close to being as good as this one. If you want to know the true story of the Beatles, this is the book you should choose!$LABEL$1 Mediocre. There was once a time where the brand ALVIN meant you were getting a good product.This is a very lightly constructed lamp. Since I work with the same materials it's built from I can easily reinforce it where it's weak. For the average buyer however, I'd suggest looking elsewhere.The arms are light gauge square steel tube and are not very sturdy.The lens, while is it indeed glass it is meager at best, with strong chromatic aberration when viewing through the lens at anything but 20 to center.The springs are very weak.The lamp head is injection modeled ABS and it is not very well gusseted. There is a great deal of flex.As of 1-2-2013 I've had the lamp nearly four months and made five modifications; the head housing of the lamp, and the friction binding for the head itself, head shade, the mount post and surface mount.All in all, it's worth exactly what it costs, and no more.If you want something that will last for years, this is NOT the one to buy.$LABEL$0 You Won't Regret Purchasing ... A MUST HAVE!. To put it simply, I was in awe when I first received my copy ofAfrican American Fraternities and Sororities: The Legacy and theVision. "Insightful," "thorough," "tasteful," and "definitive" all come to mind as I think about ways to describe this comprehensive book. Every member of these organizations should have this on their shelves. Also, very interesting for anyone interested in African Americana ... It is a must read, a must!!!!$LABEL$1 Pretty silly. This is a pretty silly computer animated movie for kids. Don't expect anything too spectacular from this movie. It's fairly disjointed and jumps around a lot.$LABEL$0 A Well-Made Book!. This book would have to be one of the best books I have ever read! I couldn't put it down, and all my friends are now reading, and loving it! It is the story of a nameless mute, the lowest of the low, who escapes from servanthood, only to find it is a girl! It is a story of self-discovery, love and friendship, all in a beautifully woven story, whose plot twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat. I recommend it to anyone who remotely likes fantasy (although some of my friends who have never read fantasy in their lives loved it) or anyone who loves a great book. The second one in the series is wonderful too, and I am just about to get reading on the 3rd book. Happy reading!$LABEL$1 Entertainingly good. I was worried when previewing this movie's reviews that it was going to be just another poor attempt at making a movie set in WW II. But I was wrong. I really, really liked this movie! The acting was great; the story was suspenseful and I whole heartedly agree with all the glowing reviews. Well worth it.$LABEL$1 Manufacturer ruined this product. We had purchased several of these cases. They were great. Then the manufacturer decided to redesign them and make a case of far less quality. It is very disappointing.Like Beverly McCarty said: "It is flimsy material around the zipper, there is no carry handle, the case size itself is smaller." It does not have the rings inside anymore either.I called the company and they confirmed that the product was changed yet they kept the same price.**I would not recommend this product anymore.**$LABEL$0 Pirates. I've played the Demo for this title and it is Sid Meyers Pirates redone or as close as it can get without violating copywrite laws. It has almost everything the original Pirates had. The only thing I didn't see in the Demo was the sword fighting section when you try to capture someone in a town. It may be there in the full game. The Demo played smooth and the graphics were very good. If you liked Pirates you will like this one.$LABEL$1 A Gift from John. When i first heard about this album I had a brief moment of dread. Take a bunch of songs I love and give them the "guest star remake" treatment--you know, "Sam Stone" as a duet with Sting.No such worries anymore. These are the real songs, plain as can be, plainly and sparely arranged and played by regular guys--no bells and whistles. Very few songwriters write songs that could withstand such treatment. Prine's songs shine like burnished gold, but then he's always been good at leaving things out. Who else could sum up an entire relationship with, "Well ya know she still laughs with me/But she waits just a second too long."These are fifteen of the man's best, which is to say fifteen of the best songs ever written by anyone. Every home should have more than one John Prine album, but this would be an excellent start. For long time fans who love the songs, it is a rare and generous gift from one of the great singer/songsriters of all time.Thanks, John.$LABEL$1 Clearrrr. Just starting to read the book, but I have found it easy to read and to use on my way to learn this wonderful craft.$LABEL$1 Costs a lot to OPERATE. We paid the $400 for the Edenpure because we thought it would save us on utility bills over the long run. (The ads say it "costs pennies to operate." Well, that's a LOT of pennies, because our gas bill went down and our electric bill went up enough to offset it. It doesn't seem to heat any better than our oil-filled radiator-type heater, either.$LABEL$0 fav book. I bought this book when I was living in THE city on the lower east side about four years ago. I could swear that the guy who sold it to me was Fred Savage. I purchased it because of the cover, and the description on the back, and the charm of the old seller. (Old paperback copy with trippy picture) It was the best 50cents-$1.00 I ever spent. I won't go on about the book because from reading other reviews here, the story either crawls inside your dreams and mind and causes the most longing, wondrous sense of deja-vu, or it bores you. It is very close to my heart. There is no piece of art , literary or otherwise that has affected me so much.$LABEL$1 Extremely poor quality. The lowest quality item I have ever received from Amazon. Board is made of cheap, splintering pine. Holes are not neatly drilled. Includes a flimsy deck of playing cards from a never-heard-of Chinese company. Hinge on board is loose. Case's metal accents were scratched. Another fine example of low quality goods coming out of China. Possibly a former display item, as box had clearly been opened before.$LABEL$0 high on hyperbole - short on details. Not worth the money as a technical reference or how-to book. Otherwise a pleasant read with some inpired pics and a very general overview of the process. Speaks, for the most part, to strawbale contruction as if strawbales are some naturally occurring thing harvested from the wild when are in fact a product of energy intensive industrial agriculture. Fails to provide important technical details such as estimating for coverage, application on masonry, frame and other 'natural' structures, guidelines for plaster preparation. If you already have building experience and skills there are far better reference books available to actually base work upon.$LABEL$0 nothing like original. i bought this game on the assumption that it was going to be indentical to the original. NOPE!the techniques bought are difficult to perform.if anybody remembers how the acro circus worked, it was like ryan or alex would jump and spin, hit the enemy and you could either kick or punch them. in this gba version, alex/ryan just spins and spins like a bowling ball! i mean seriously you can spin your way to the end of the game. i beat the game once like that.this game doesn't even play like the original. atlus tweaked this game too much for my taste. if you had good feelings about the original NES game, i don't recommend playing this one. i feel really gipped about buying it.$LABEL$0 What Were They Thinking????. Ok, I am like the biggest N'Sync freak out there, and when I bought this video I thought that it would be N'Sync havin a party with their sexy selves, but yet again it was some stupid girls, having a party about N'Sync. Now N' in the mix was awesome!! Justin Timberlake iz mine ladies thanks!!$LABEL$0 A Manufacturing Book That Applies to Many Industries. I first read the book while working at an electric utility, Florida Power and Light. While enjoying it immensely, I didn't see its application to what we were doing. Several years later, while consulting with a hospital, I "saw" that their medical records department was having the same problems Alex Rogo had in his plant. Their "product" is the generation of a patient bill, developed by "processing" the patient's medical records. I enouraged the director to read THE GOAL, we then proceeded to improve the throughput of her operation by identifying "Herbie", addressing batch issues, etc. Now I look for "Herbies" everywhere!$LABEL$1 Very Complete Book on the King Of Pop. i really dug this book on The KIng Of Pop.Adrian Grant has done great stuff on MIchael.this book gives dates of his Writting&Production and ALbums released.also Concerts.very well in depth Profile on THE Man.getting this book helped me get songs that he did for others oe sung on.MICHAEL JACKSON is STILL THE BADDEST ARTIST ALIVE TODAY.nobody can count MJ out.$LABEL$1 I'm Still Wishing for "Part II". Let's get the obligatory statement out of the way now - "it's good to be the king".I remember enjoying this immensely back in the 80s, and am actually amazed I waited this long to look for it on DVD. I'm really big on intelligent satire, which is one reason I enjoy Mel Brooks more than the rest of my family.I sum it up this way:- if you like "Napolean Dynamite" and "Jackass", I don't think you'll even notice most of the humor in this movie;- if you like "Police Squad" and "Monty Python", this is right up your alley.$LABEL$1 Not recommended for beginners. If you know nothing about javascript, it will be more like 'teach yourself in 6 months', as there is an assumption that you have previous object programming experience. Although well designed and well written, this book really misses the mark for beginners and, at least for myself, was disappointing.$LABEL$0 Christmas present was a winner!. The jersey is great. The material is good quality. Just like what we'd find in the store.$LABEL$1 Dont waste your money.... This sounded too good to be true and BAM! It is. We used it (for a grand total of 3 times) to dump our cards at a wedding. So far the prongs have bent 2x and the harddrive needed to be reformatted once. And since this thing actaully failed at a wedding - wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Better off buying more cards.$LABEL$0 Espresso Maker. Very disappointed at this machine; I did the reseach, read all the customer's review, and the machine doesn't live up to the review. Don't know what to do with it yet. The milk just doens't heat up and the foam over flow, so will have to stop the heating process.$LABEL$0 Two out of three's not bad. Two of the three broke within the first two weeks, only left with the USB data cable.............fast shipping though$LABEL$0 Republishing older books - a disappointing sales strategy. Frankly, I think Nora Roberts must be raking in enough money for her popular novels without having to resort to the rather sneaky republishing strategies of books touted as "new" - and you buy them only to discover that - gee, golly, gosh - you've read them years ago and had expected something new! Waste of money and disappointment in this author whose novels usually offer a nice little get-away. I'll be more careful in the future of pre-ordering her "new" books! Sorry, Nora, you just went down a few notches on my scale! The one star is for just this -- not the novel itself which, if not among her best, is a pleasant distraction on a rainy day with nothing else to do.$LABEL$0 I DIDN'T LIKE. THE BEST OF THIS BOOK YOU HAVE ALL READY SEEN, IS THE NICE PICTURE IN THE COVER AND THE AMBISIOS TITLE OF THE BOOK. THE CONTENTS IS NOT TO MUCH IN ACCORDANCE WHITH THE TITLE. IT HAS A COLLECTION OF PROYECTS (NOT ALL OF THEM ARE BAD)TO MAKE SOME MODIFICATIONS TO YOUR CAR, BUT NOT REALLY TO RESTORE. WHEN I ASKED FOR THIS BOOK I DIDN'T READ THE CUSTOMERS REVIEW SECTION, THE NEXT TIME I ASK FOR A BOOK I WILL FIRST READ THIS SECTION.$LABEL$0 Ms. Reichs: Keep Your Day Job. Ms. Reichs is by profession a pathologist. Please don't give that up. This book has a cast as long as your arm, along with many biker clubs & their affiliates. Apparently Ms. Reichs believes bikers are all druggies or murderers. Not a good one in the bunch. Throw in Kit, her very corny nephew and you have the makings for a not so good novel.The story seems not to be able to stay focused. It begins to wander out of control. There are sub-stories to be had which deter the main story even further. The the novel just is not focused at all. 2/3 of the way through, I found I just didn't care how this thing turned out. Please, send Kit back to Texas, stay away from bikers & their clubs, focus on your profession & give us readers a gentle break$LABEL$0 Great price. I'm pleased by the packaging and the scent seems to be the original. Great price for that size.I would def buy this again and also recommend to others.$LABEL$1 I've seen all this before..... This movie is a derivation of everything you've ever seen before.Avatar=Alien (with Sig. Weaver)+Star Wars 1(with blue but less annoying race of Jar Jar Binks)+Harry Potter(flying dragons)+Disney movies (over saturated color and animation)+Top Gun (what's with the US Marine's schtick in all these invade-um movies anyway?)Okay Mr. Cameron, I see that you are getting really good with computer animation....I get it (hence the additional star in the rating).The problem is that I sat there fore 2 hours, THINKING that I was watching computer animation.I'm off to see the Hurt Locker now....atleast there will be a decent story.$LABEL$0 Great basic primer for an AA. This little book is so helpful to old and new AA's in helping get over those old urges, low self-esteem and more. Some of the material is not covered any where else and is a really good book to use at half-way houses because it allows people to speak their feelings about what is going on with them via the topics covered in the book. From week to week, as people get sober, the subjects in this book allow them to express their progress and to begin to understand the journey that they are on in a very positive way.$LABEL$1 Perfect!. I bought this for my sister for her first baby and she loves it! I was looking for something with a little of pink in it, as she had a girl, and also something for her small space. She says it fits perfectly into her tiny apartment, and she loves the colors. But most of all, she loves that her baby loves to sleep in it - and she should know, her baby was coliky!$LABEL$1 Thrilling. Was exciting almost from the get go. Samuel L played his part to the tee,weird, but focused, though out. The Owen brother fit right in, as being innocent. I thought he was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, but Samuel L saw it differently..$LABEL$1 Scorched my dog's neck. Please beware when buying this product. Look at the photos in the image gallery of my dog's neck. This product was used exactly under the written directions of the manual. It burned her neck badly. I would never buy this product again. We followed the instructions to the letter and it still burned her neck. Buyer beware!!!!!$LABEL$0 Piece of Junk. I purchase this item along with my Casio watch, and now I wish I hadn't. It broke on the first try. There is NO INSTRUCTIONS with the item and I am generally good with mechanical things, but Amazon would do well to not purchase this garbage again.PS - Instructions would be nice.$LABEL$0 Gossip of the Worst Kind. The writer says at the beginning that Bob refused to talk to him for this book so instead he seeks out ex-girlfriends, fired band members, relatives of those Bob supposedly done wrong (e.g. Phil Ochs) and records their mostly negative observations about Bob. If you want to read a lot of rumors and Bob bashing along with a rehash of what has been printed in other biographies.....this Bob's for you!$LABEL$0 OH, JOY OF JOYS! THIS IS SUPER! :-D :-D :-D. Hi everybody! Oh boy, what a crazy year I had! My daycare in Pennsylvania (!!!) got bulldozed to put up a strip mall, and now I am in the process of starting up a NEW one! :-D I still gots Corey, Sethy and Tony! MY LITTLE ONES!!!! :-DWell me reviewing Kidz Bop Gold. ME AND THE LITTLE TYKEY POOS LOVE IT!!!?!? We doesn't LIKE those awful Beetle Bug guys and those Simon and Garfunkel peeples versions, did you know those artists do... oh gosh... DWUGS??? :-O BUT THATS OKAY! CUZ NOW WE GOTS SOME KIDS AND SOME TALENTLESS HACK SINGING IT!!!!! :-D :-D :-D FUN TO SKIP TO MY LOO TOO!!! HEHE!!!! Who needs those horrible KISS guyses when we have KIDZ BOPPPP!?!?!? BOP TIL YOU DROP!!!I wuz gonna give it five stars, but I signed in, to find all my reviewses were erased somehow! :-O but I know it had to be a mistakey! I mean Amazon would never delete my reviews... right? HAVE A JOYOUS DAY!!! Love Mervie$LABEL$0 A CONCERNED PARENT. I BOUGHT THIS PRODUCT FOR MY NINE YEAR OLD, WHO IS GONG INTO THE FOURTH GRADE. WHILE SETTING UP THE PROGRAM IN OUR COMPUTER, IT FROZE UP. WE COULD NOT GET THE PROGRAM TO WORK. AFTER ABOUT THIRTY MINUTES, I CALLED TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. WHEN YOU CALL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, YOU GO THROUGH SOME PROMPTS AND THEN YOU'RE TRANSFERED TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE OPERATOR. THE PHONE WILL RING TEN TIMES, THEN YOU'RE PUT ON HOLD FOR ABOUT THIRTY SECONDS BEFORE YOU'RE DISCONNECTED. I THOUGHT MAYBE I HAD A BAD CONNECTION OR SOMETHING, SO I TRIED THREE MORE TIMES - SAME THING HAPPENED EACH TIME! I CALLED CUSTOMER SERVICE AND THEY TRANSFERED ME TO THE SAME NUMBER, WHERE IT ALL HAPPENED AGAIN!! I GUESS I'M STUCK BECAUSE ONCE YOU BREAK THE SEAL ON SOFTWARE YOU CAN'T RETURN IT. I FOUND THE EXPERIENCE VERY UPSETTING AND MY LITTLE GIRL IS NOT HAPPY TO HAVE RECEIVED A GIFT THAT DIDN'T WORK!!$LABEL$0 Jams, shoots blanks, drives you crazy. It was a nice idea to put the driver right over the staple. Puts the force where you need it, right? Unfortunately, this seems to have turned out to be more of an engineering problem than Arrow realized. I just dropped mine in the trash because I was fed up of spending more time clearing jams and shooting blanks than actually stapling. This is a well-made, clever gadget. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.$LABEL$0 Hair Remover. I really resent having to travel to the UPS store to return an item that Inever ordered in the first place. Why can't you just ship ONLY the itemsordered? I also would like to know why I'm not getting a full refund of$32.99.$LABEL$0 Not for the serious!. This book reads as though it was written by the staff from the television show, "The View". Jez...$LABEL$0 Mastered at the wrong speed. The songs are mastered way faster than the original records were. The girls sound like they had a dose of helium before recording.$LABEL$0 received wrong item, twice. I ordered backup by StompSoft, because I had one at home.You sent backup by Migo. I notified you. You sent me another shipment of the same thing, backup by Migo. And told me I would be charged for the second shipment, too, if I didn't return the one by some deadline. I am still evaluating the one to see if it will do, or just not do. I get limited access time at the customers site and backups take a long time and have to run off hours. Backups I get but auto scheduling is not yet working.Rich$LABEL$0 a wonderful entertaining educational little book. diagrams of positions where you KNOW there is a combination, and have to find it. one of the best ways to hone this skill, essential to any chessplayer. this convenient book is great for travel or those moments when no board is available. solve all of them and id say you were at minimum a uscf expert.i am a uscf postal master.$LABEL$1 Perfect rugged Zippo. Zippo makes a damn durable product, and the black crackle is one of the best. It's very hard to wear off the finish of these lighters and they're pretty much unstoppable.$LABEL$1 Not an$80 knife set. These knives don't have an edge. They have serrations. They are more suited to cutting rope than a steak.$LABEL$0 Oozing with atmosphere.. Until recently, "Sphere" was my favorite book. I read it in the mid-90s, when I was a teenager, and was ecstatic when I saw they were making a movie. Sure, the movie's slow as heck, but the atmosphere is extraordinary. I don't know what it is about this movie. I can't say I can watch it over and over, but it is worth watching at least once. Elliot Goldenthal's music is perfect for the film, as well. I couldn't have asked for a better adaptation of one of my favorite books.$LABEL$1 No style. No message. Not sexy.. The reviewer who said this is a collection of puzzle pieces, or Polaroids, was half right. Not many (if any) of these photos would be considered stylish, quality, or sexy if done by anyone. Cramped into this format, poorly cropped, you spend more time looking at the fold between pages and wondering what the photo might have been. Coming from Rankin, given the price, it looks like he was late on a rent payment and threw this together quickly over a weekend. The models are unattractive, to the extent you can make them out, and the photographs present them in an even-more-unflattering light. The shots of the empty sofa actually had more going for them than the shots of the models.$LABEL$0 Top 100 novels? Seriously?. I read one novel by John Le Carre before: Our Kind of Traitor, which was terribly disappointing. Th Spy, on the other hand, has been included in the list of top 100 novels of the century by Time. I picked it up.The beginning of the novel is gripping, the plot develops unpredictably. However, from the middle of the book it just deteriorates into cliches, "good British spies against bad communists". I wish the author spent time studying East German justice system, to at least get the terminology right. It's a spoiler, but at the end of the novel the German intelloigence officer walks into a prison full of political detainees, opens the door with his own keys and lets the character - detained by the communist state - out into the street, where another escapee is waiting for her...Thhis novel is good to read in the dentist's waiting room. Top 100? No way.$LABEL$0 DO NOT BUY THIS UNIT. WARRNING.... Do not buy this unit. I have ahd to send it back to JVC three times and they still won't send me a new one. The VCR tapes won't come out when you push eject. JVC service people won't refund shipping charges even when the unit is broken. I am out over 100.00 in shipping too. Don't buy anything JVC. BAD SERVICE.$LABEL$0 Would give zero stars if I could!!. We have a 70lb lab mix and were desperately looking for something that he couldnt destroy within minutes. We thought, given the size of this bone and the fact that it is advertised as a real cow bone that he would have a more difficult time. We quickly found that this bone had a soft spot which allowed him to get several larger pieces off of it. Within 5 minutes it was unusable as we found that both knuckle ends had the same kind of soft spot which allowed him to gnaw deeply into the bone. After ingesting a few pieces he had loose stools for the next 24 hours. The smell of the bone is also very repulsive. We definitely DO NOT recommend this bone under any circumstances.$LABEL$0 Cute show. I purchased this DVD set for my 9 year old daughter and I to watch together. I watched it when I was her age and fell in love with the show. I'm glad it is now on DVD for us to both enjoy, but the quality of the DVD is not great. It just seems like it could have remastered better. The volume on the TV has to be turned up really high to hear it. However, it's not so bad that you can't watch it, and I would still recommend it, as it's a very wholesome show (unlike the shows nowadays).$LABEL$1 Pure Beauty. Definitely in my top ten movies, Amelie has the perfect combination of pure hilarity and beautiful romance (not the sappy kind). Following the beautiful Amelie around her touching spouts of good will and wicked little fun makes you feel supremley happy. I highly recommend this film to anyone, especially those who need a quick cheer up.$LABEL$1 Great. This is a very good book, I recive it late it took around 15 days to come as I remember), but it is a great book.$LABEL$1 Buyers Beware !!!. First the positive. John Brown's commentary on First Peter is a classic and should be a part of every Christian's library if they are serious about studying the bible. For the commentary in and of itself, I give a 5-star review.Why the negative? Because the ad as given is only for half of the commentary set!! Brown's commentary was originally published in three volumes. Sovereign Grace Publishers re-published this in a two volume set (volume one containing the original volume 1 and half of volume 2, and volume two containing the original volume's rest of volume 2 and volume 3). Therefore when purchasing this book, you are only getting half of the full original commentary set! That's a pretty hefty price for half a commentary.$LABEL$0 Hairmetal done right. Twisted Sister is one of the very few hairmetal bands that have talent and arent cliche. Everyone thinks that just because Bon Jovi, Warrant, and Poison sucks that so will TS...WRONG! TS is a decent band to say the least, and Dee Snider will murder Bon Jovi with his pinky! Everyones heard 'We're not Gonna Take it' and 'I wanna Rock!' before, but those arent TS's only good songs. Anyway, the instrumental section of Sister is good as well and makes Bon Jovi look like road kill (well, they are road kill). This is good hairmetal, so get TS, Van Halens 1984, and something by Motley Crue where Vince Niel isn't there (I hate Vince Niel...).$LABEL$1 Emergency Undelete DOES NOT WORK!. Bookmstr's review is totally on the mark, except in my case it didn't find ANY files. Other programs at least saw all of my accidentally deleted files. This program showed me nothing. I even deleted a file and immediately tested it and it wouldn't find the file.$LABEL$0 do yourself a favor and read the book!. this movie was horrible. it did the book no justice at all. it's supposed to depict the future and yet it was made in the sixties which is obvious and makes it feel like something from the past. some parts are right on but too many are different from the book. read the book because there are some parts and feelings/ideas that you will miss out on by just watching this terrible movie. if you have read the book, don't make the same mistake as me and watch this movie! it will ruin the book for you!$LABEL$0 Pretty colors. I got this for my boyfriend since he is born in the year of the rabbit. I have mine, the monkey. Which I think looks a little more "traditional" then it's fellow friend the rabbit. Still a great collectable.$LABEL$1 Deceptive pictures, mediocre comforter. My experience was similar to that of the first poster. The material is much rougher, and different in texture and color, from that of the pic. The inside of the comforter feels like burlap. The whole ensemble seems cheaply made, particularly the pillow covers. The bed skirt is a solid gold color. Despite the Amazon 'discount' I feel I could have gotten a better set for a similar price from my local stores, it's about equivalent to a $30 set. Instead of paying return shipping i'll keep it, but beware purchasing bedding from Amazon!Sadly, this is my first negative experience with Amazon, despite the fact that I order from here often. From now on I will stick to books.$LABEL$0 Oxo Cookie Scoop. Very good quality and value for price. Worked fine for making uniform cookies as well as meat balls.$LABEL$0 A realistic workout. This is the best prenatal workout I've found so far. There are great tips/explanations about how working out while pregnant is different. Best of all there is a pause for a pee break! Talk about catered to a pregnant woman!$LABEL$1 I deleted this one. I didnt like this versrion was very helpful in my study so i have deleted it fom my kindle fire.$LABEL$0 Very Happy with purchase.. The item was the same as what it was described as. Great value for the money with the Special Edition!$LABEL$1 ANN COULTER: INSANE OR MORONIC?. Ann Coulter pulls out all the stops with this tome - part love letter to Joe McCarthy, part anti-Commie scream. Readers will find it hard to believe that Ms. Coulter has been outside her bunker for the last 25 years, her view of the world is so, so "duck 'n' cover." She rants at liberals with such unrelenting, name-calling shrillness it is almost kitschy, but sadly lacks the charm of other 1950's artifacts. Treason is also enormously error laden.$LABEL$0 Awesome. I've owned the vinyl version of this for years. 4 amazing tunes; each starts with a melodic intro for a few rounds then launches into an incredible free-form trip, spilling over into atonal bombastity--but these ain't no amateur noisemakers. Hear Clarke and Hancock at their best--supporting roles with no pressure to live up to early solo album expectations. As out there as each tune gets, each musician always maintains a sense of where they are in the song, how their playing relates to what the other guys are doing, and they manage to bring everything back down to earth for the outro. If you are a fan of any of these players, or just free-form jazz in general, you need this album!$LABEL$1 PLEASE BE AWARE OF ALL INGREDIENTS. I have both heard and read that this product can be helpful for many things, and I was very hopeful that this product would be able to help with my pain management, but actually ended up harming more then helping. Unfortunately the other ingredients in this product happened to be what I am allergic to. So i honestly cannot give this an honest rating because it did not help my situation. I will say PLEASE BE AWARE OF ALL INGREDIENTS when purchasing natural products. I am a firm believer that natural is the way to go, but only when fully researched.$LABEL$0 Nice music from years back!. I enjoy listening to music in my car. I often listen to this CD. It brings back memories. It's a very good quality recording that sounds good.$LABEL$1 WORTH WATCHING!!!. This movie has its highs and low points.I must agree with the description, of one of the most horrific, bludgening, quenching scenes in cinematic history. Which is one of its few highlights.THE GOODthe premise alone, is not new, but I like where it was headed.storyline stayed on point and never deterred.clear understanding of the concept the director was trying to portray.THE BADfilm quality- mixed reaction on this one, b/c the quality (whenever the entire frame wasn't pitch black, was of good quality)too much dark/black out frames/scenes with only audio.THE UGLYn/aCONCLUSIONITS WORTH A BUY, the reason(s) I would recommendthe behind the scenes, making of, commentary bonuses lays much needed insight, for reasoning.the ending- a twist, that wasn't detectible. The ending was let down, but the scene prior to the ending, was remarkable (in order to clear things that occured in the beginning)1 of the finest Direct to DVD films.$LABEL$1 Skip This One. The 1 star says it all. This video is only of interest to fans who like his raw un-westernized music. This DVD did nothing for me.$LABEL$0 Wonderful!. She has put my feelings into words...my conversations into lyrics. My favorite song is Loyalty. Depressed after listening? No, on the contrary...felt as if someone indeed had walked a mile or two in my shoes...and had the talent and the guts to put those miles to music.$LABEL$1 funny, funny man.... I have seen this man twice in person, and will see him again next time he is in town. Fluffy is so funny...Everyone that has seen this DVD that I know thoroughly enjoyed it. I recommend it if you want to entertain visitors to your home, or just want to laugh out loud!!!$LABEL$1 This book has been my "Bible" to Life.. I first read this book in 1978. A friend of mine recomended it to me. I was going through a very difficult period. I remember when I opened the first page, I was sitting by a stream near the apartments where I lived, feeling very sad and as I started reading it, I could feel a spirit near me and it was comforting. When I finally finished this book, I decided that this book would be my Bible to life. I have given this book to several "very close" friends and have recommened it to others. I now need a copy for me since I gave my own copy away. This book will remain on my selves until I leave this earth.$LABEL$1 Comments to the product. The Frei reportage is highly intensive, comparison between action and the Nachtwey photos is interesting. For 20 dollars plus mail expense I missed, however, a still photogallery!$LABEL$1 Well done Gerber. This is a nice combo. With the sheath it fits you like a tomahawk with the light and durable handle, minus the pike of course. It does have a hammer end opposite the blade. Comes presharpened and the saw fits snug in the handle with an additional clamp to ensure secureness. both pieces have rubberized coating on the grip. 3 tools in one. This is going to replace my hatchet in my backpack.$LABEL$1 Oh my, what a singer!. What a terrible tragedy that such a talented singer was taken by cancer at such a young age. The music she made was heart breakingly beautiful. I have only just discovered Eva Cassidy, but I already know her Songbird CD would have to be included in my list of Desert Island Discs. Wonderful, wonderful music...sometimes delicate and soothing and sometimes powerful and moving, Eva had it all. One song on the CD has even joined my special category of a "Perfect Song" (Songbird)--and that is a rare honor indeed. :)$LABEL$1 The Cure for All Diseases. Don't waste your money. No human can possibly have any kind of a life and live like this woman wants you to...perhaps if you live in a plastic bubble...no wait, I'm sure she wouldn't want you exposed to plastic...make that a glass bubble. Maybe her ideas work..I don't know because I have to work and to live like this would take all day. If your life is totally unbearable you could try this I guess.$LABEL$0 Punked electronica. Frankly, was quite disappointed with what they have put in the soundtrack. Of course, it IS OST but I would rather have there dialogues from the movie. Unless you're really suicidal, I wouldn't recommend it.$LABEL$0 Battery cover is very poor quality. only had this battery on for one day, the battery itself seemed to last a little longer, but the extended cover comes off very easily, without pressing the release button. It is a very cheap plastic, poorly made cover. I will have to spend extra $$$ for a better cover.$LABEL$0 Cutesy but not worth the time. For the record, I do love Catherine Zeta-Jones, George Clooney and Billy Bob Thornton...but this movie was a bore. I watched the first 20 minutes of it and I decided that I would rather sleep. Later on I sat through the entire movie and decided that I was happy with the sleeping option I had chosen the night before. It does have some witty lines in it, although NOTHING in the film had me in rolling on the floor laughing. Wait till it comes on TV. Don't bother to buy it or rent it.$LABEL$0 After 4-5 wearings, the belt started to separate (the black side from the brown side). After 4-5 wearings, the belt started to separate (the black side from the brown side. SAVE YOUR MONEY - DON'T BUY IT!$LABEL$0 �I Am Not Amused�. Watching The Gold Rush, I understand why Chaplin had trouble achieving a breakthrough in Britain. The humour in the film is very unsophisticated, at times even ridiculous. Chaplin has had 4 or 5 ideas for 'funny' situations, and has then tried to link them together to a film. A few of the situations are a bit funny, but the film as a whole is not funny at all.$LABEL$0 Burned By Skillet. We bought this skillet while on vacation,what a mistake,I agree with everyone else who gave this thing negative responses. The coating started to peel off after a couple of uses. I wish I could take it back to the store but we were in another state when we bought it. We plan on calling the company and complain but I don't expect much success. DO NOT BUY THIS SKILLET !!!!!$LABEL$0 THE BOY IN THE GIRL'S BATHROOM. I liked this book it was good and awsome. I would all was read this book because when the boy was mad he would shout at peole like his friend. When I mad I shout at my friends.$LABEL$0 Buy this album!. I met Alpin in 2005 when he came to my small hometown in Griffin, GA. Immediately I knew there was something different not only about his personality but in his music. I have been playing piano for years and had heard many professional musicians throughout my life. I have heard some pianists that have really moved me emotionally - but none like this young man. That night, Alpin became a friend to me and a kindred musical spirit. If you have not listened to Alpin's music, then I strongly encourage you to listen for yourself. Every time I listen to his album, I am overwhelmed with the purity of the sound and yet the passion that enriches every tone.Alpin, wherever you are right now, I just want you to know that Richard and I think about you all the time and we cannot wait until you make a tour back to Georgia so that we can hear you and see you again.$LABEL$1 Simple and effective, superb. I purchased this book when my game was at it's absolute worst. I was trying anything and everything (playing multiple times a week, lessons from pros, video recording my swing, etc), and had dug myself into a "paralysis-by-analysis" situation. I took the winter off, and this spring I re-read only one book I had purchased, Ben Hogans. I stuck with his principles and didn't concentrate on any of the other "methods" from other books/instructors. And wow. I'm playing with confidence, and surprising myself on how consistent I can be. Mr Hogan's lessons are easy to follow on the course, and do not require too many swing thoughts clouding your brain. It becomes automatic, and makes the game more enjoyable.$LABEL$1 Great buy for the price. I was very pleased with the product for the price I paid. It was easy to use and the picture quality was good for my use. Granted, I'm sure there are better products with better quality, but if you are looking for something affordable this is a great buy.$LABEL$1 One of the best CD's I've ever bought. One of the few cds that I can play all the way through without skipping tracks. Although it is a little softer than their earlier stuff, this cd is definately worth the money. Some of the best songs on the album are "Fade" and "Pressure". "Epiphany" is a REALLY kick @$$ song. "Outside" isn't quite as good as the live version feat Fred Durst from the Family Values tour, but it's still a great song. And last but not least, "It's Been Awhile".$LABEL$1 this adapter sucks!!. Really.I've got nothing against Sony (I've got a lot of great Sony gear), but this is a really bad cd adapter compared with other CHEAPER ones.I've got a Sony discman, but with this adapter for my car radio, everything sounds so compressed.It cuts all low frequencies that I can hear with other adapters, and the high response is too hifi.$LABEL$0 Come On Beyonce!. Beyonce used to be in a great group called Destiny's Child. And she threw it out the window. Yes, Hilary Duff did that too. But there both stupid. When you have friends, you should keep them, and not throw them out the window. Well, enough about that, let's get back to the reviewing.crazy in love 5/5naughty girl 2/5baby boy 5/5 besthop hop star 1/5 worstbe with you 4/5me myself and i 4/5yes 3/5signs 4/5speechless 3/5that's how you like it 4/5the closer i get to you 4/5dangerously in love 5/5beyonce interlude 1/5 (bad interlude)gift from virgo 2/5daddy 3/5overall 2/5My recommendation is either burn it, or don't buy it and watch it go down the billboard charts.ListenersVery Strong VoiceYoure Cool Friends Might Have ItReturnersWay Too Slow SongsNot Any Good Songs (baby boy and crazy in love are actually pretty good)So take my advice or read others because it's the same review.I hope this helped.$LABEL$0 The best system out there. Well I searched alot for the best, and I bought the Peg-Perego but it was the worst! I had to exchange it three times. So finally I saw the reviews on the Chicco Cortina, and decided to go with it. Well all the reviews were right on, this is the best system. It is easy to use, and very nice. I dropped some juice on it and it cleaned right up! How NICE.... And EASE! wow, the stroller really can be closed with one hand. The infant seat is very lightweight, and the stroller with the adjustable handle... I just cant say enough, I just wish I had purchased this one first and never had to experience the other one.The Chicco Cortina is hands down the best system out there.$LABEL$1 Justin Warfield is the bomb. From Ivy league west coast liberal tree hugging rapping B-baller to flowing prose on Bomb the Bass to goth-punk retro revivalist, Justin Warfield has covered multiple genres with varying success. My guess is it's a one off for them.Anyway, what do I think of the album? I think if you can get past your pretensions and just see the album on simply its merits, you would see far less 1 star reviews. As a fan of Justin's sparse catalog, I found it odd for him to choose this genre. However, I still enjoy listening to it and tried to explain to my friends the other day that the band should have been called the 'Peter Murphies' or something like that. It doesn't mean it isnt good music. It means that I appreciate it on the level with better groups in this genre.It is repetitive. It is dreary. But, best of all its heavy and I crank it and can almost imagine I'm out at the Kingfish again with the subs thumping under my feet.$LABEL$1 Gah! Bring back Buffy!. I finally caved and watched this movie to try to understand it's prominence in pop-culture.13 year old girls are entitled to neurotic fantasies--they're 13!--and this movie seems to hit every bad news, sublimated, masochistic, narcissistic beat. This movie is an understandable craze for tween girls thoroughly f****d up by puberty and culture . . . The fact that this movie has such a large 'adult' female audience is REALLY disturbing. I think even less of some of my co-workers than I did before.Me? I'm a 43 year old woman and I'll stick with Buffy reruns for my vampire entertainment, thanks just the same.$LABEL$0 another industrial-metal hellsphere from A. Grossman & Co.. The third release from the man who brought you 1992's industrial-metal masterpiece, "Burning In Water, Drowning In Flame", this album is a must for the fans. The guitar is a bit overdosed this time around, but it has some of the coolest backing electronics I have ever heard (ex. the electro back build in "Black Eye"). The vocals are also much less distorted than on previous releases, but lyrically just as twisted, and the drums just thunder and devastate. Basically, a good apocalyptic onslaught of brutal electro-metal. If you're into Ministry, Godflesh, KMFDM, Chainsaws.And.Children, Rammstein, Static-X, etc etc...this is a definite record to invest in.$LABEL$1 The best bars by far!. These taste so good , you are almost thinking this is a candy bar instead of a protein bar. I prefer the balance bar gold to their other types.$LABEL$1 Great little camera!. We already had a Canon Rebel Digital but wanted something smaller to use for just fun stuff. This camera is perfect.$LABEL$1 what junk. I write under very special conditions. I was using a palm with a keyboard, but I found it not to be powerful enough. A laptop was too heavy, the battery life was miserable, and it took forever to turn on. I found a jornada on Ebay. It is a piece of junk! They get constant memory losses, and it took a week for the screen to fall right off its hinges. I got another and it was wiped with the most crucial information of my life. Like you I read negative revues and gave it the benefit of the doubt(after all I love all electronics), but heed my warning STAND CLEAR.$LABEL$0 Best BBC, even better than Pride and Prejudice. Seeing and owning this has placed the BBC production of Pride and Prejudice to my no. 2 slot and I never thought than anything could surpass it. I love it and after seeing another person's copy of it, I had to own my own. I will watch this time after time and never tire of the image, the music and love story and the story of how the industrial revolution affected lives of common people who worked at the mills.It's truly a story of tragedy, love and triumph. Well well done.$LABEL$1 What Garden?. I bought this for my Drinkwell Platinum which I and my cats love. However nothing green grew from the seed pod, just some white stringy things. Next time I'm not going to waste my time. I will buy $0.10 worth of barley grass and a little potting soil and grow my catgrass (barley grass) the right way. No fault of Amazon as a reseller but Drinkwell really needs to improve these or quit selling junk.$LABEL$0 Broke !. When I tried to open the tube to put the battery in, the clips that keep it together broke. Now every time I use it, I have to re- duct tape it together.Otherwise, it would have been a good light.$LABEL$0 Grisham's Best. I've read a number of Grisham's works, and The Testament is his deepest, from a spiritual standpoint, and clearly his best. Highly recommended!$LABEL$1 very user unfriendly. I would not recomend this product to anyone.There is no way that a person that has limited time available could expect to gain any thing from this product.I honestly believe that I have not gained a single word to my spanish vocabulary from what I knew going in to this program$LABEL$0 Disappointed. Description indicates this is a color edition which I have been looking for. The picture on the front of the box is in color but the DVD is in B/W$LABEL$0 This games is a blast!. We love this game. It's a new spin on an old dice game. We especially like the "spicy" version. Don't let the name fool you. It's not just for adults. Kids will love it.$LABEL$1 Not hot enough. This unit is not worth the extra money. With the removable plates it lost the heat transfer to the meat and just does not get hot enough. I used a simple Foreman grill before [not removable plates] but this one does just not measure up$LABEL$0 Levi's 518 Junors' superlow boot cut jean, railer, 3 long. these jeans were a gift for my granddoughter she liked them very much. I would recomend these Levi's 518 junior jeans for any one that can wear this fit, they looked good on my granddoughter. I would buy them again, for her.$LABEL$1 WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?. This movie is nothing but soft-core porn. That is the problem with Gay & Lesbian movies: They are overflowing with SEX. I am a gay man that owns HUNDREDS of movies, but have only TWO gay-themed movies in my collection. Why? Because they are usually filled with a huge amount of sex and rediculous amounts of nudity. This is why people are so hateful and fearful of the gay community. because we represent ourselves in this way. WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?$LABEL$0 sadly disappointed. This is the second Coby I have owned. I bought the first one a year ago. It lasted about 6 months and then died on me. It said wrong disc. I had the 2 year warranty and so I got another one. This last one didn't even last 1 month before it started saying wrong disc. I really like the dvd player when it is working. I am very sad that it quit. I am not sure which one I am going to get to replace it, but I sure hope it works longer then this one. If you do decide to buy this one definately get the 2 year replacement package!!$LABEL$0 DO NOT USE THIS AS ONLY SOURCE TO PASS TEST!. Just to confirm what many have already said:I used this book as a single source to take the test. I am NOT a beginner with computers. I failed the test -- TWICE.$LABEL$0 great xmas gift. bought this for my mother-in-law..she had blender but through years lost small bowl, never taught she could find another. And it was very reasonably priced$LABEL$1 Digital copy is not HD. Great movie but about this BlueRay combo I just can say disappointing. To download the movie you need a DVD drive in your computer/mac and then what you get is just the low resolution version of the movie. Again, not worth it.$LABEL$0 5 stars if Sony mentions S-video in minidv specification. To the previous poster, the manual tells you what is accepted and what is not.$LABEL$1 Great concept, Just not good enough. I bought this for my daughter's room because she didnt' have a phone jack and I thought it clevor to have a wireless one since kids change their rooms around all the time. We were pretty excited about the concept, however, it doesn't work well at all. It's a bunch of static. Can hear the other person, but definitely something wrong with the Jack. I wouldn't recommend it nor spend that much on it. We didn't return it because what a hassle to return and pay for shipping again and my daughter was just excited to have the phone working.$LABEL$0 Didn't work. To be fair, I got this used. A new one may be fine, but the used one only flashed on the lights and then did nothing. I wasn't sure if the problem was the unit or the connection to the cable company. The device came with no information, so I had to download a manual and finally figured out that if the power button didn't stay on, it was malfunctioning. I returned it.$LABEL$0 The music is good, the vocals are not. After buying The Rising In The East dvd I just thought that Halford had lost it. His vocals and constant staring into a teleprompter are terrible. After watching Live Vengeance I now realize that Halford is just a terrible singer live. His vocals are unlistenable here. He's way out of key and hits so many wrong notes it's embarrassing. Oh well, I'll just stick to the studio albums where I guess they can fix the vocals.$LABEL$0 Great Product. I am very satisfied with this product. I have seen other Nintendo Cases and this case is by far the best deal. It is compact but yet has plenty of room to store the system and the games and extras needed. It is very durable. I would recommend this product to many others. It does come in different colors. I also saw this product at a gamming store but the price here was the same well like $2.00 cheaper I didn't have to pay tax on it like in the store and the shipping was free and fast.$LABEL$1 longer version. this book is packed with info.. it's the longer version of "a brief history" and how your prof. has so much info..that's not showing up in your shorter text (if you're getting the brief version) it has a lot of pics..and maps..and is easy to read.. very informative ..text book$LABEL$1 Great Idea but it doesn't work. Mounted my IDE drive in the case. Yes it is tight but everything fits. Followed all directions but neither Win XP nor Win 7 64bit could recognize this drive. Have sent several emails to the company support and they have answered them all. But they were no help because it still doesn't work and their only answer is " It should". I am not a novice at this and have been building computers for many years but this unit has me stymied. I would send it back but I would have more in shipping than the unit costs.2/9/11 Revision.According to the manual you should set drive jumpers to "master". Well this wasn't working so I removed the "master" jumper and suddenly the drive works as it should. I now give five stars for the NexStar unit but only one star to tech support for not suggesting this.$LABEL$0 Does not work. I replaced a feeder that after 10 years stopped working. Food did not flow out anymore. This has not worked once since i got it. Food gets stuck and i have to shake itfor food to come out.$LABEL$0 Armageddon's Children. i am very satisfied with the book "Armageddon's Children "by Terry Brooks.I follow his bookswas deliverd swiftly and as promised.$LABEL$1 I don't recommend it. I love Cris Connor's voice and style, but in this CD these qualities just aren't there. She sounded old! I blame myself for not having listened to more of the samples, and reading carefully the "liner notes."$LABEL$0 Wonderful!!. Anne Stuart is my favorite author and the hero's she writes about are the best. She did not disappoint me with her latest PRINCE OF MAGIC. This is a wonderful book and truly enjoyable, with plenty of dark undertones. A beautiful romance, a great secondary romance, and two deliciously evil people. It also come equiped with two ghost, former monks Brother Paul and Brother Septimus. A wondufully tortured hero and a free spirited you woman. Write more stories like this one Ms. Stuart!!$LABEL$1 Authors should be sued. I bought the book, read it, and thought it mightwork for me. I was at about 270 - 275 lbs for quitea few years. That was in 1999. By 01/01/00 I hit300 lbs. That was the straw that broke my back.My doctor was complaining about heart palpatations,High cholesterol and High Tri-glicerides. I knewsomething had to change.I did an internet search on Triglicerides, and foundthe Atkins diet. I bought two or three of his books.By 01/01/01 (a year later), I dropped 60 lbs. My doctorwas thrilled with the weight loss but didn't care for thehigher cholesterol. I weened myself off of the Atkins(then I was 205), and the blood stats couldn't be better.Not to mention he took me off of my high blood pressuremeds! That doesn't happen too often :).$LABEL$0 Classic. John Carpenter's Halloween tells the story of an escaped mental patient Michael Myers(Nick Castle)Michael was locked up for 15 years after he killed his sister.Dr.Loomis(Donald Pleasence) is on a frantic search for michael, Loomis knows Michael will return home to kill.Laurie Strode(Jamie Lee Curtis) a shy teenager is being stalked unknowingly by Michael.As the night goes on Michael kills her friends till it comes down to Laurie and Michael.The Screenplay was done by John Carpenter and Debra Hill.Great script one of the best of the genre.And John Carpenter directing was top notch. He creates the perfect mood and will make you feel trapped just like the characters.Donald Pleasence and Jamie Lee were awesome in their roles.And the score by John Carpenter was very chillingThe Halloween DVD is loaded with must see extras$LABEL$1 CAREFUL. Usually I use water base Min Wax Urethane, still not sure why I got this. Recommended by salesperson? I don't know BUT IT WAS A BIG MISTAKE!!! I applied this to a new b/r vanity carcass and doors/ drawer fronts on Wednesday, today is Friday and it is still tacky to touch!! I have resorted to putting the doors and drawers out in the sun hoping the UV will help, inside I am using a heater + fan to try n force dry it If I can finally get this dry enough to sand I will complete the job with Min Wax, if it doesn't dry then I guess I will have to strip it down. SHAME ON YOU VARATHANE! ! ! !$LABEL$0 Sleeping with Dan.... A while ago I was given Dan Chadburn's CD, Solo Piano as a gift and had set it aside until recently. While I was down with the flu, I went looking for some soothing music to help me sleep. I found Mr. Chadburn's CD and thought it sounded like a perfect choice - and It was! It not only quickly ushered me into peaceful dreams but (having my player set on continuous play) was there to welcome me awake with inspiration, energy and HEALTH! I'm no Doctor, but I figured if sleeping with Dan Chadburn helped me get well, what would living with him do for me? Ok, I'm being silly here...but I really am a HUGE fan now! Playing his Solo Piano while I work, play, and LIVE has really been amazing -- his music speaks the perfect language of inspiration and peace to my soul. Please, don't take my word for it... Let your soul decide -- Enjoy!$LABEL$1 A Bit Disappointing. I saw an ad for this book in a magazine. The ad was written well enough to get me to bite. However once I bought and read the book, I felt rather disappointed. Not every chapter is written by Dan. Some parts of the book felt like advertisements themselves. It is not like I did not learn anything from this book. But if I had it to do over, I would have skipped it.$LABEL$0 Frist Look at a New Author with Great Potential. The stories are rivting with the best character development I have ever seen in a short story. I look forward to reading future works by this author.$LABEL$1 Incredible monotony. I bought this album on the strength of reviews I'd read, without ever having heard a note of Coyote Oldman's music. Big mistake. This is the kind of "ambient" music where one sustained note makes up a whole track. I listened to it all the way through and asked myself, "HUH? So where's the music?" This album may be good noise to cure insomnia or to produce a meditative stupor, but I'm appalled that anyone considers it to be music. I guess anything that comes out of a musical instrument can be called "music" if you're seriously determined to find favor with the products of primitive cultures. Equal rights for the musically disabled? Do yourself a favor and listen to a Coyote Oldman album BEFORE you buy one.$LABEL$0 Did not last. Probably ok for minimal clean up, but not really a "body" trimmer. Did replace with Phillips which was made for men's bodies. Got nicked in a sensitive area -- ouch.$LABEL$0 Civ Pro's Bosom Buddy = Joseph Glannan. If you're taking Civ Pro, then you need this book. And that is all that needs to be said.$LABEL$1 Started Out Good and then Fizzled. This book kept my attention for the first two chapters (15 pages). After that, it went downhill fast. There just didn't seem to be any new and exciting ideas that sprung out of this book. In fact, everything this book suggested I had either already tried without success or were so tacky that I wouldn't try them. Bottom line, don't waste your time.$LABEL$0 This is Kitaro!. Silk Road 2 is a beautiful piece of music, and again Kitaro shows himself to be a master in painting a picture with music. The ten pieces on this disk are exquisitely done and can, if you let them, transport you to another place and time. This is an excellent sequel to Silk Road 1, and I highly recommend it.$LABEL$1 JUNK!. Don't bother!! The screws never tightened down into the table saw groove. The product is useless. Just sorry that I wasn't smart enough to send it right back when I got it. Live and learn$LABEL$0 Dangerous Grains review. Good only for those with gluten sensitivity. Not necessary for those who just want to be gluten free due to no medical problems. Very technical with no recipes and no daily food plan.$LABEL$0 Will not pick up digital cable. While the specs indicate it can receive digital cable, it does not. This is the 800e model - it picks up HD digital TV over the antenna, but can only receive analog cable through the coax input cable. Since most cable providers are going digital, very few analog stations will be accessible through cable with this device. Unfortunately, it is a product whose time has passed. If all you need is to pick up the over-the-air HD signals, then this product should work fine for you. If you need to receive digital channels through your cable, you will need the 801e model. Be forewarned though - Windows Media Center only receives analog channels. You will have to upgrade to Windows 7 for Media Center to be updated to pick up digital cable channels.$LABEL$0 Great movie. My kids saw the other version of this movie with Kathy Bates. They loved that movie... and they love this version!Great family movie.$LABEL$1 AMAZON STILL TREAT ME GOOD.... ...Haven't had a bad run-in w/ a supplier or amazon! Keep up the Good Work$LABEL$1 Nicely Produced Second Album. Hands is deep and wide, with selections both personal and political. She offers a few older songs and covers ('Hands', 'Bread and Roses', Bev Grant's 'We Were There'), some more recent originals, all well-produced with guest artists Tom Prasada-Rao and Abby Newton (among others) layering in piano, cello, percussion, and other harmonies. A cover of Phil Ochs' Hands opens the record followed by twelve more songs of labor, unity, identity, activism, and awareness. Also, Pat includes liner notes giving further accessibility to the music. If you have her first album, this won't disappoint.$LABEL$1 DADs NO HELP HERE. To be honest, I didn't read the entire book since it was so general. I was hoping for a more personal view of the author's experiences but there weren't many. This book was a total compilation of other's views. I am tired of reading books on children. I don't want multiple references for multiple issues. I was hoping this was a dad who had real experiences to share with other dads. Unfortunately, this is another author trying to sell books. Do yourself a favor and buy 'What to Expect, The Toddler's Years' by Arlene Eisenburg. This is a reference we trust.$LABEL$0 OMG Its about time!. My boys have been wanting the Oddessey on dvd forever, and its only been found on old VHS. Why the wait for dvd?$LABEL$1 Wha?. HOW ON EARTH do they think a package of corn muffin mix that sells for under two dollars in Kansas, USA is worth fourteen dollars?! What a ripoff! The muffin mix is good, and I'd give it 4 stars, but NOT at that price.$LABEL$0 Neat idea, poor engineering.. This filter does not prime itself without a lot of help from you. Lots of air gets trapped in the intake tube and is a real headache to clear this and get any kind of water flowthrough the filter. The bio-wheel does not spin very easily and needs a lot of water to spin it, which this filter fails to provide. So the wheel usually just sits there. I've owned larger versions of this filter in the past, and had the same problems. They require a ton of fiddling-with after a water change, power outage, etc to get them going correctly. Buy a different brand and be happier.$LABEL$0 LOVE THIS MOVIE!!. I recieved this about two months ago and my 4 year old daughter still wants to watch it everday! This is my all time favortie movie and now its hers to :) not to mention its great quality, one of my favorite purchases$LABEL$1 THE BEST AND HEAVIEST BOOK I EVER READ!!. A GREAT READ, A MUST READ, A DIFFICULT READ. I HAD TO PUT THE BOOK down 3 TIMES ON MY COMMUTE WITH TEARS IN MY EYES. This book will give me some of strongest and most lasting memories, and I have read a lot on the holocaust. This time you can really feel for the characters and their plight. Mila 18 can make you hate and runs the gammet on emotions.It is important and we have all heard it before that we never forget, so that we never repeat. But history repeates itself over and over again. similar situations are going on in 1999, just not as obvious.AS THE NEW YORK TIMES SAYS ON THE BACK COVER "A VERY IMPORTANT BOOK."$LABEL$1 Unbelievable sound. Wow!!! These speakers r amazing - can hear sounds in music that never heard before. Its top rated but u have to know how to add 12 volt transformer to make it work at home! Beautiful clear audio best ever and batteries last long time too. I can not stress enough how stunning sound is! You will appreciate sense of hearing and music on a new level!$LABEL$1 Caution!. Unfortunately, this collection of songs is sung by The Pioneer Creek Gang, not the original artists. This was not clear in the Amazon information about these CDs. I thought the PCG was the producer or group that put this collection of songs together. The only positive thing about the collection is the humor in how awful the songs sound - however, that humor quickly fades when you realize that you've wasted [your money] Skip this one and go for the real thing. I thought [the price] sounded too good to be true for 2 CDs and all these great songs - and it was!$LABEL$0 One of the best books ever written!. That may be slight hyperbole. Reading Stuart makes me start talking like Stuart. I think I may _be_ Stuart! This book works both as comedy and, well I'm not sure Al planned for this... as therapy too. I've actually found some strength from both the book and the movie. I'm not kidding. You'll find yourself laughing out loud in public (well, that is, if you read it in public) _and_ walking away feeling better about yourself. I'm not kidding.$LABEL$1 Polaris pump. It was the same pump I had and installation was very quick because it hooked up the same. it is much quieter and seemed to be more efficient than the old one. Received it in just a couple of days, much quicker than the expected date.$LABEL$1 Fascinating read. A wonderful tale of human survival. A great book club read...so much to discuss. I felt like I was in the middle of the ocean with P$LABEL$1 OKAY. I think the book was okay. But I am only ten so I do not like to read 1st grade books! So kids who like Easy Readers I encourage you to read the adventurist book called Paris Cat!$LABEL$0 An epic American classic.. I can see why some may consider this book to be a jab at capitalism. It definitely doesn't hold back when it comes to demonizing banks and business. If you can set that aside (which I think most people can), this novel is truly one of the greatest American tales of all time. It would take a cold-heart person to not be moved by the story of the Joad family. My favorite Steinbeck was always Of Mice and Men, but THe Grapes of Wrath easily took its place the from the second I finished it. You must read this amazingly well-written novel.$LABEL$1 Not what I wanted for my first Smart Phone. I have had the Q for about 6 months. The day I brought it home I could not get it to charge, I took it back and they said it was user error. The third time I took it in they finally replaced the battery and gave me a new charger. The battery display still reads one bar when fully charged.The activ link to my laptop has been harder than getting a child to eat veggies. I tryied with the bluetooth... no luck, then the USB... no luck, took it to a friend who knows what he is doing and same thing. Still not able to get it to link.Modem Capabilities do not work either. I have downloaded all the software needed and still trying to steal a neighbors connection.I bought this phone thinking this will be great... all the options I wanted and none of them work. Yes it is great for numbers, calendar, checking e-mail on the go. But I wanted it for so much more.$LABEL$0 Skips horribly. The packaging is beyond amazing and it looks like a million bucks but the vinyls skip all over the place and somehow/someway it's only on songs that I truly care about. Too much money to have this poor of a pressing, returning it tomorrow.....$LABEL$0 Decent Slippers. I liked these slippers except for a rather stiff sole. I would have kept them if they weren't too big. I wear a 10.5 to 11 size shoe so therefore ordered the XL for 9.5- 10.5 M. However, they were too long in the front and it was a serious stumbling risk so back they went.$LABEL$1 Rusting!. I bought these knives in October 2012 and they have begun to rust! They are stamped "stainless steel". I have Ginsu knives that are over 30 years old that don't have a spot of rust on them. I have other Henckels knives that I bought over 10 years ago that are still beautiful. Don't buy these. If I could I would return them for a refund.Update:I noticed another reviewer said German knives are best. These knives are clearly stamped "made in China."$LABEL$0 silpat. While I love these mats they are very much over priced and the one that I ordered from them was very small, while it is the size they specified and I expected so that they did not do anything wrong at all, I am very unhappy it takes two of them to go on one cookie sheet so that is why it gave it only two stars.$LABEL$0 Guillermo Herrera Arreola. Chayito. Felicidades por este maravilloso CD. que es una selección de las canciones que más se escuchan en México, y aunque este CD. ahún no esta en venta en nuestro país, yo lo compre en Chicago y estoy facinado con el. Espero pronto tener tu nueva producción de Discos Musart ( los 2 anteriores ya los tengo : el de tambora y el de la moneda se voltió).Un abrazo y que Dios te bendiga.Con AmorGuillermo Herrera$LABEL$1 "Look for the exit...". Like most movies these days, this one starts with an interesting concept and then somewhere everything goes wrong. Rent this movie and then send me the 15 dollars you saved by not buying it. There is really nothing to this movie. There is no mystery or suspense. Everything is spelled out to you along the way in plain english. The only reason I gave it 2 stars is because the acting was good. Unfortunately that does not save this movie from disaster. You are welcome in advance.$LABEL$0 Terrific.. This is a wonderful collection to thrill any Doris Day fan or those who love classic American popular music. It's in superb sound: the digital remastering is amongst the best I have heard - the years seem to fly away. The huge book and complete discography will give hours of pleasure. I love it. I also recommend the sequel, Secret Love. Thanks to all at Bear Family Records, Germany, for the project.$LABEL$1 Great but.... The movie is taken almost verbatium from the book so reading the book after watching the movie, I found myself skimming past half the book. There is some material not covered in the movie but not much.$LABEL$1 Nice while they worked. I paid $500 for these and treated them as such. They lasted three years until they began to short out and are now junk.$LABEL$0 Dont waste your money. In spite of the other reviews I bought this toy. It was just as bad as everyone said. Cheap plastic, it will not move half the time, it just sits there and humms, then after a few tries it will move forward or back for a little while. That is all it will move though, there is no way to go side to side. They conviently dont mention it is a wired remote. And this all started off badly when I realized the dozer was designed to never be removed from the packaging. There is no way to easily remove the toy without damaging the dozer, it is screwed into plastic holders that are screwed into larger plastic holders that are screwed through the box into a plastic plate which prevents anyone from removing the dozer from the box. I spent more time removing it from the box than playing with it. When I realized you could not turn right or left I was finished. A really cheap toy, poorly thought out and poorly designed. Spend some extra and get a decent toy, not a Cat dozer.$LABEL$0 Lemon Jelly...for anyone who likes music!. Firstly, I rarely, if *ever* give anything this high a rating. But this is a case where I think it merits it. It's just that good.This CD is simply a joy to listen to. I have listened to it many, many times now and it just gets better. The only track I don't like to listen to that much is "Experiment No. 6", and that's not because it's a bad track, on the contrary, I think it's very good. It's just that it's quite dark and isn't upbeat like the rest of the album. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy dark music from time to time as well, but I just feel it kind of brings the mood down of the album a little.But that's a minor quibble. If you are a music fan, *any* kind of music fan, *get this album*! This is music with a soul. If it doesn't give you goosebumps, check your pulse!-Adam$LABEL$1 Surprisingly good. I totally agree with the other reviewers: a great bucket for a great price. I also would have been put off by the vinyl handle, and would not have bought this but for the previous review. Fully agreed, the handle is sturdy and does not appear to want to fail. I also see that the bucket doesn't have the failing of other collapsible buckets, which want to fall to the side if the handle is not supported. I ran a "tip test" in the kitchen, and even with vigorous prodding, this bucket did NOT want to collapse, tip, or lean over and spill its water. Fully recommended and happily owned.$LABEL$1 Very Intresting Read. The events of 9/11 were devestating, this book doesn't try to refute those facts. This book does, however, bring forth several ideas backed with enough logical evidence that makes a person think twice about what was really going on that day and how the government used the event as leverage to forge war. A few of the ideas mentioned in this book are; the 767 hitting the pentagon, yet no piece of the plane was ever recovered (the first time in history there's been no recovery of ANY piece of a plane after crashing on american soil), the mysterious stock-dumping of the airline companies affected on 9/11, and a very intresting piece on the heroin trade in afghanistan as being the main reason to forge war. As an American, I'd stand behind this book 100% with what's presented, it's obvious there's more going on than meets the eye.$LABEL$1 Another Mediocre Monster Cable. I've bought several Monster Cable products for electric guitar and home audio/video systems over the past three or four decades and while all have been free from defects and performed adequately I don't actually use any of them any more. There are simply too many better-sounding cables available, many for less money. Cables make a bigger difference than most people think and I have found that it's worth exploring alternatives. For instrument cable I recommend Lava Cable.$LABEL$0 Miracle at At. Anna. Just pitiful! For a man critical of other war time movies, Spike Lee put together the most convoluted, incoherent and defaming movie of its kind. His attempt to portray the brave 92nd/Buffalo soldiers in an heroic light failed, and actually accomplished the opposite. They were portrayed as undisciplined and irreverant. They were cast in a light inferior to those around them, while the self serving portrayal of white officers as bigoted idiots was just as offensive.Couple this with a completely disjointed story, gratuitous violence not at all in the vein of other superior movies about WWII until the village battle, and the unnecessry sexual encounter after the all in the movie call on Christ for their protection, and you have a true piece of crap.Mr. Lee really needs to think long and hard before he tries to make another attempt at bringing to light the true heroism of the Black American soldier. That would be the true miracle, for he has done all a grave disservice.$LABEL$0 Very fun, and will entertain you for hours!. Urban Operations is an excellent mission pack. The new weapons are awesome and useful, and the levels are fun and exciting. The new features are a great addition and add many hours of adventure. The classic levels that are redone are also very fun with the new weapons. You will enjoy this mission pack if you liked Rogue Spear.$LABEL$1 Indispensable. As an adult acne sufferer, I couldn't understand where my acne came from or why I developed acne at age 26 when I had never had acne before. After reading Dr. Fulton's book, I came to terms with accepting that I have acne and that I can only control it to have clear skin, which I do now. This book does an excellent job in doing away with the myths and the facts, from cultural history to how cosmetics can cause acne. Dr. Fulton writes from experience, having been born with acne as a newborn and having suffered with it his whole life.This book is not meant to cure acne. However, it does offer a basic regimen for treating it at home. I recommend this book to any person in the dermatology or esthetic field. To the acne sufferer, I recommend this book, not as a way to cure your acne, but to better inform yourself about your own condition. I know that I can deal with it better now that I know what is and what isn't.$LABEL$1 Don't bother!. The pilot was interesting. The series could have had potential but went in too many disjointed directions. Even in the commentaries they admit there were plot points and/or events that made no sense. Eric Stoltz is a good actor - too bad.$LABEL$0 nice. This cd from late 1991 shows Perry's synthesizer based dub tracks in fine form. The tracks and his voice are in fine form on this cd, and while the overall magic from the Black Ark days are long gone, Perry continues to create his own wonderfully quirky dub stylings that are pleasing to his fans.Nice stuff.$LABEL$1 Actual practical advice. While what Williams says is all excellent (nits picked by impatient colicky philistines notwithstanding), what really sets this book apart is the workbook approach: you actually learn how to write more clearly by doing the exercises. Brilliant and useful.$LABEL$1 Shoe is not the same as what is shown on Amazon product page. The Sperry shoes are fine, but be careful in that what Amazon shows (a reddish brown leather with white sole) is not the shoe that is actually sent as that one is a tan shoe with a brown sole. Got these for my son's birthday and was disappointed that what I thought we ordered wasn't what we actually got. Went back and double checked to make sure I didn't just select the wrong pair, and now see that the small thumbnail image doesn't match the original product page.$LABEL$0 What a Waste. I got this with high hopes. I'd heard the movie mentioned during an interview on a PBS radio show. So, I checked it out as I find watching movies about baseball more interesting than watching baseball. The plot and dialogue are as predictable as the alphabet. It got so I knew what was going to be done and said a full minute before it materialized on the screen. Gag...$LABEL$0 School House Rock. This edition has both grammar and science. I like being able to use the specific topic easily.$LABEL$1 doctor lingo. Get this book only if you can understand the doctor language because that is pretty much all it is. It only explains the chemical process in your brain, etc. instead of how to deal.$LABEL$0 FAIL- steaming hot juice. This is the worst juicer ever. I was making 32 ounces of juice, a mixture of veg, fruit, and leafy greens. I was alternating items and allowing time for the machine to work, as instructed. The "champion" took 30 minutes to make that amount of juice! and i had to stop and rinse the machine off to cool it. The juice was literally steaming hot. NOT a hot idea for a raw foodist! The super crappy part is that you cant return used juicers. DO NOT BUY THIS JUICER! I would not even sell it to anyone, it sucks so much that I would feel guilty!$LABEL$0 As good as Patrick O'Hearn. If you're a fan of Patrick O'Hearn's sound, I think you'll be pleased with this album that might fall somewhere between "Between Two Worlds" and "Metaphor" of O'Hearn's. It's relaxing, but cheery -- excellent for solid listening or background ambiance.I bought this album based on Amazon.com recommendations, and I was VERY pleased with it. I'll be looking for more of Helpling's material.$LABEL$1 mototola H700. I bought this mototola bluetooth H 700 from Ace digital and I regret doing this. A lot of static and doesnt work even one feet away from phone. Even the plug is a foregn looking adapter. It almost seems like a refurbihed or defective model. My cousin bought the same thing from a regular store and his works fine. I would not recommend anyone to buy this product on line except if it is from a known store whom you can contact and get replaced if the need be.$LABEL$0 You know you want it! :). This CD rocks! The song 'Yellow' really grew on me! It's awesome! Buy one + share it with your friends or give it as a gift. You will not be disappointed! Rock on!~ :)$LABEL$1 One more 'No' vote. Like many other reviewers, I found the attempt to imbed trig into a fairy tale very unamusing at best. The math concepts covered were hard to keep straight, since you had to keep re-reading the crappy story to refresh your memory. I can't imagine that anyone could really learn trig (or anything) with this kind of approach. And the author shouldn't have even attempted to write it...not without some serious background work in creative writing anyway.$LABEL$0 Tries too hard to be clever.. Little Children starring Kate Winslet and Patrick Wilson thinks it's the clever cousin of American Beauty. I was expecting a thought-provoking and intelligent look at married couples in crisis - what I got was a bunch of self-important adults acting like greedy babies (now I know why the film is called Little Children). Whoever the narrator was of this film really got on my nerves after the first 15 minutes. Wilson has still not impressed as a serious actor while Jennifer Connelly (a true talent) barely has any scenes. Winslet is good as usual but I found it very difficult to try and feel sympathetic for her character or situation. The graphic sex scenes didn't help much, this film was a major disappointment, I'd skip this one!$LABEL$0 It is too cheap to use - My daughter hated this.. Better buy something strong - this can not hold her binder and she hated this.Now I have a piece of metal that I can't use.$LABEL$0 What! What! No Limits on the rise again!. Easily one of the dopest cds of the year 2000, but it'll probably get slepped on, because the haters are in full effect when it comes to No Limit. This cd can be listened to from the begining to the end without skipping a single song. The beats are excellent, even without Beats by the pound, the new production team is holding their own. You got to feel C-Murders maturity on this cd, hes taking his game to a whole other level. K-blaque----puttin it down for NoLimitsoldiers.com$LABEL$1 The birth of one man's passion for life. This is my all-time favorite book! I read it as an undergraduate German major - in German, of course! The story has so many messages - how what we don't face will come back to us; how much of life we miss when we're to afraid to live it; how things become more intense and beautiful when love is in our hearts. The characters are developed in such a loving manner that I found myself liking and sympathizing with all, despite their faults. I think that this book makes a great summer read.Contrary to the prior review, I would not recommend the movie based on this book. I was very excited when I heard that Sam Shepard was tackling this project, but I was ultimately disappointed. There is no replacing the real thing!$LABEL$1 It's going back because I didn't understand what the "UK Version" meant at the time I ordered it.. This DVD of Downton Abbey Season 3 said it was the "original UK edition/version" but at the time I had no clue that meant it wouldn't play on USA DVD players. I've since found out it's only playable in Region 2. More detail in that main title would have been appreciated. When I order & receive the USA version of Downton Abbey Season 3 I will write a 5 star review because I'm watching it weekly on PBS. Looking forward to Season 4. I highly recommend to anyone to get all of them but be careful to purchase the correct version for the USA.$LABEL$0 A true horror classic!. THE MANITOU is a true horror classic that still stands up despite multiple readings and over 25 years of time thanks to Masterton's sense of mood and his wonderful wit. Although the novel is filled with chilling and gory scenes, it's our hero Harry Erskine's terrific charm that keeps us speeding along through the story. Watching as a resurrected medicine man is about to born from the neck of a comatose woman, Harry handles the situation with black humor and an unstoppable drive to see the woman saved. Masterton's original ending (as it was presented in the first edition) is much different and much weaker, included here as a bonus. I hear tell that there's a fourth Manitou novel on the way...following two other sequels REVENGE OF THE MANITOU and BURIAL. I, for one, can't wait!$LABEL$1 Great as an overview, as a reference...eh.. I'm writing a college thesis on Pullman's His Dark Materials, so I was excited to find this book. However, I was slightly disappointed when it arrived. It's well written and a great overview, but if you've already started doing some looking and thinking on your own it doesn't give you much that's new.This book is a great starting point, and great for a fun read. I don't so much reccomend it as a primary reference, but as a helpful guide it's very well done.$LABEL$1 wouldn't buy it again. delivery:right on timecondition: second hand, good condition so I can recommend the seller. not a single page is damaged. the only note is that the book was filthy on the outside (just cleaned it with a wet cloth and it was ok)content: it's all about psyco mambo jumbo. how you have to visualize the moment, repeat to yourself "i'm the best" and all that shrink stuff.will most likely give it to my 2 year old to play with$LABEL$0 The books are better. Having read the books and enjoyed them thoroughly, I bought the game.At 25 I'm an avid gamer (I've been gaming since games were invented for the 386). I was disappointed. The graphics are ok but the game play is not the greatest. Fight scenes are awkward and there are too many items to use, that are not very useful.There were just too many little things that annoyed me about this game, one of them being that there's no save-anywhere feature, you have to start at the beginning of the chapter.The story is good, but it's like Return to Krondor for Dummies. Stick with reading the books, you'll probably be disappointed with the game.$LABEL$0 Nice thin watch. I was looking for a nice slim replacement for my Skagen which for some reason decided to stop keeping time consistently. I wanted a slim one with both gold & silver and this is it. The one thing I liked better about my old Skagen is the band. It had a much more flexible wristband. This one is is little stiffer, which is only a problem if you have a small wrist, which I do. Otherwise I would have given it 5 stars.$LABEL$1 Best shaver for the money.. I have had 3 Norelco shavers in the past. My 3rd one got wet and quit working. I didn't want to pay $40 to $100 for another electric. Quite by chance, I discovered this Braun. I couldn't believe the low price. I bought it and was skeptical at first about its abilities. My beard is tough also. It does a remarkably good job of shaving plain and simple. I can't believe it runs on 2 AA batteries and I can't believe it can be cleaned under running water. The overall design is very nice. Somebody put some thought into the design. I will be buying another one to put away.$LABEL$1 Fantastic epic. This is one epic book like other novels Danielle Steel has penned yet another masterpiece. The trials and tribulations Zoya has to go through is truly awe inspiring. From the russian revolution through the depression and world wars 1 & 2. Danielle Steel has woven facts of history through another tale of fiction.This is yet another masterpiece.$LABEL$1 It's Not Like "How You Remind Me". I liked the song/video for How You Remind Me, and Nickelback hails from my hometown, so I decided to buy the CD. I'm really disappointed.All of the intuitive lyrics and emotion of How You Remind Me were pretty much dumped for the rest of the CD. It's too abusive and hard. It's just all the same notes, heavily distorted, and a lot of yelling.Also, even though it's not labeled, this CD is full with Explicit Lyrics, making it sound worse to me.$LABEL$0 Spectacular.. An amazing collection of pictures. I have a handlebar moustache and couldn't imagine not having this in my collection. A must for the enthusiast of facial hair or photography. Or both. :)$LABEL$1 Might be ok, but the first part is confusing. Would not buy. This book starts off by talking about organizer vs file browser. But it doesn't tell you how to get to the organizer - that WORKS. And it talks about setting up watch folders to get pictures into the organizer. That does not work either. Maybe the author should try to use the software before writing about it.$LABEL$0 worthless. I have had the product for a month and not a single roach has been trapped though i see them everywhere. Too bad there is no zero stars because that is what this one deserves. I was disappointed, deceived and most of all cheated out of my money. there are cheaper brands that can show more results. if it was not so much work i feel like i could sue these guys. They really should be ashamed of themselves$LABEL$0 Split at the seam. I would have to agree with some of the other reviews. The first one we purchased split at the seam the very first time we used it. Assuming we were just unlucky, we replaced it with another one and eaxctly the same thing happened again. I am unable to recommend this product.$LABEL$0 very good itam. Usually i wanted to have item. so nearly i bought it in the amazon.finally reactor stove system delived to me and today i use to heat water in the M.T.very very good. i'm saticefied of msr.Recommend item for people to love M.T or to enjoy varity life.$LABEL$1 Okay when your options are limited. I purchased this book while on vacation. While much of the book is factually correct some of the language is off, she uses 'em rather than them, and the supposed relationships between Anne of Cleves and the men that surrounded her are figments of an over active imagination. If you have no other options it is a decent read but if you are deciding between this and another book you really want to buy, choose the other book.$LABEL$0 Beware of mold!!!. Wonderful book containing a ton of information and health hazards that we should start to recognize. Mold is coming to the forefront as a major cause of health problems. It's in the air and we should seriously look at this problem exactly as the Medallion Team has.$LABEL$1 Excellent Heart Pounding Country Music!!!!!!. I absolutly love this CD! I particularly like the song "Don't be Stupid". The violins are magical and Shania's voice is breathtaking. My husband and I play this CD over and over we like it so much. He is particularly fond of the song, "Honey I'm Home". He says she "hits the nail on the head" with her lyrics. It reminds him of me. I recommend this to anyone who enjoys a different kind of Country music that incorporates voice and insturments for what I consider to be a "New" kind of sound.$LABEL$1 SANTANA-SUPERNATURAL. OUTSTANDING CD! SANTANA WAS ALWAYS A GREAT GROUP-SINCE THE 70'S! CELEBRATE HIS EXPLOSION INTO 2000 WITH A MIXTURE OF FINE LISTENING. SMOOTH IS THE ULTIMATE! If you enjoy this fantastic cd- explore Santana's past ventures with prime hits like "You've Got to Change Your Evil Ways" & "Evil Woman".$LABEL$1 excellent product. Great lip balm. Goes on easily & lasts a long time. Always looking for a good herbal lip balm, think I've found it.$LABEL$1 Mostly Redundant Information. If you have read ANY other material about starting a business, and/or the business of professional organizing, then this book (which is actually a printed Word document in a binder) may be a waste of time and money. It rehashes basic business formation and marketing principles (which are covered in with more depth and accuracy elsewhere) and gives little information on actually doing the job and setting the policies of a professional organizer. The templates are pretty standard (why include the standard fax cover sheet from Microsoft Word?) and not well-designed. If this is your FIRST foray into this area, then fine, but I'd recommend Cyndi Seidler's manual instead, which has more info. about doing a needs assessment.$LABEL$0 Too bad I can't give it 0 stars.. This book sucks. There are not NEAR enough examples, and the examples that ARE given are both incomplete (for example, giving ONLY an example of a loop instead of a complete script) and CRYPTIC AS HELL. This book should be used to stoke fires, not to teach JavaScript. It's not for beginners or pros. SKIP IT.$LABEL$0 Misto Gourmet oilive oil sprayer. I bought this sprayer as a Christmas present and the person used it only 2 times and the white screw cap inside that holds the spray mechanism in place broke. It seems that this is a faulty part of the sprayer. I would like to know if I could get a replacement part for it. I was very disapointed in this product due to it breaking.$LABEL$0 Excellent!. Anyone with a curiosity about what happens when you die, will thoroughly enjoy this History Channel special! This is one of the best they have ever presented.In this video, the viewer will hear from both sides: those who believe that when you die, that "it" is over for good, then there are those who believe there is an afterlife. Thank goodness for Christian viewers, the makers of this video were able to find WAY more people who believe in God, Heaven and an afterlife! I found this video to be VERY reassuring.$LABEL$1 Not my first choice. I was surprised that nearly a third of the book had absolutely nothing to do with implementing SugarCRM, and the remaining sections were truly vague. If you want a book that describes generic concepts about what a CRM is and why you might want one, this book is for you. If you don't have a clue what a CRM system is, this book is a nice primer. In fact for the first third of the book, I believe it mentions other CRM products more often than Sugar.If you are actually trying to implement SugarCRM and expect this book to show you how to change a single setting to customize it your way, you will be sorely disappointed. There are vague references to things like "use the admin panel to change user permissions" but nothing more detailed than that simple phrase - and very little of that.$LABEL$0 goodasgold. The Stanco Non-stick oven liner is performing as advertised. Had to trim a little as I have a gas oven and shield must fit inside heat vents. Has not curled or buckled.$LABEL$1 Interesting premise, but..... This book was poorly written, and the characters shallow and trite. The book was based on an interesting premise, however, just poorly executed.$LABEL$0 A Glorious Book on the Glorious Macy's Parade!. A glorious book indeed, glorious image after glorious image (the N.Y. Daily News images are especially stunning), many never published before appear on page after page! Each image is eye candy, then the last few pages present stunning color images from the parade, in fact the color quality of the images are breathtaking, like a splash of Technicolor and the best color work I have seen in any book recently! Added to the fun and historic scope of the history presented by the author make this a keepsake and collectible indeed! And the next best thing to actually being at the parade in person!$LABEL$1 A Clunker of a Show. This show is a real disappointment, as you can see from all the overwhelmingly bad reviews. Don't waste your time and money on this one. Terrible plot, bad acting, just say no to this turkey.$LABEL$0 Midland Weather Alert. We have used one for years and ordered a couple more for our remote farm buildings. They work well and have proven to be extremely reliable with absolutely no problems other than accidentally unplugging one and letting the batteries run down. Good reception although we are outside the normal station range. We have tried others and I would rate this one the best of all of them.$LABEL$1 If you been there than you have done this. I got this to explain to my wife what I did before I met her and it was an eye opener for her. For me it explains the basics but there are just somethings in life that you have to experence to really get the for.$LABEL$1 I would buy this again.... I was excited to see that there was a Blu-Ray version of this Jamiroquai concert. Other reviews had mentioned sound quality and I was almost deterred by their ratings, however I found the sound quality to be quite good for a concert. I think they were expecting the sound quality to be that of a normal produced audio recording. I am extremely pleased by my purchase and I'm glad to have this concert in my music library. It makes me hope that Jamiroquai will do more live performances, and if I'm not able to attend, they will document the footage with the same clarity as this concert. I would recommend this disc to anyone.$LABEL$1 Ladies and son. I was suppose to receive The ladies and son,too! The book A whole new batch of recipes from Savannah, I never received. I got the first book,very nice, Like I said I never recieved the second book. Then I got an e-mail saying it had been sent back from someone else to Amazon.My credit card was credited for it. So I probably will have to re-order or buy somewhere else.$LABEL$0 great for casual use. We use this to take occasional short home videos. The camera is easy to use and has great features. The 25x optical zoom is a must have. I really like how the display rotates so I can see the picture while recording myself.The only disadvantages are that a docking station is required and sometimes I have to wiggle the camcorder on the docking station to get the charger connections to connect. The power adapter and usb connections should be built into the unit.$LABEL$1 not a big deal. Don't buy this movie expecting anything great.The majority of the movie is watching the kid walk in the streets talking to his friends.Then when they finally do show the supposedly "good scenes", the women cover themselves with pots or towels!! I don't know what is so GROUND BREAKING about this movie.It's no big deal.$LABEL$0 Long live the Hammond B-3. The Hammond B-3 never sounded better...or so loud...(though Greg Rollie's B-3 really cooked on the first Santana albums).....Long live Lee, Frostie, and the Hammond B-3...Buy this album!!!!$LABEL$1 A terrific self-help introduction to acupressure.. Acupressure: The Timeless Art Of Self Healing explores this ancient Eastern medical art which has evolved over the course of many centuries and is recognized as being a highly effective and natural way to relieve pain and stimulate healing. Acupressure focuses on the energies flowing through the human body along biological meridian lines. This "viewer friendly" informational video provides step-by-step instructions and demonstrations on utilizing acupuncture for "what ails you", including such common problems as headache, sinus problems, back pain, toothache, PMS, stress, sexual enhancement, appetite control, facelift, and much, much more. Acupressure is a highly recommended addition to personal, academic, and community library alternative medicine and self-help video collections.$LABEL$1 Flipping Brilliant. Fantastic stuff from the Lips. I bought this one, listened to it for two days, and then it took over my stereo for about a month. This CD is worth your time, though I must confess my disappointment in finding that many of the tracks are simply remixed versions of previous songs. Not that this is a big problem, but as a part of our consumer culture I feel ripped off whenever some of the tracks are just repeats. Hey, I've no musical knowledge, and I am sure that there are many people who appreciate the difference between the songs, but just not me. Regardless, buy this CD so that the Lips make more music!$LABEL$1 Misleading and A Waste of Money and Time. We were extremely disappointed with how misleading the description of the movie was and felt like we were cheated out of our $3.99. We didn't even get a third into the movie before we had to turn it off out of disgust, but based on other reviews, it sounds like it only got worse from there. If I could get a refund on this purchase, I would in a heartbeat.$LABEL$0 I want my money back. I usually like Sandler stuff, but this movie was a real stinker. Not only was the subject matter offensive and could have been funny, it was not. He reminds me of a little kid who says shocking words to get attention. Acting is bad, formula like, even the racy scenes were predictable teenager. It needs a warning label on this one,.$LABEL$0 More Great Innovative Brit Stuff. What can I say? Let's put it this way. "My Friend the Sun", is so damned pretty, melodic and heartfelt, it ranks up there with something you'd have expected from Lennon and McCartney! Nuff' said!$LABEL$1 Not much fun. If you are looking for a "fun" dance workout, look somewhere else. I wanted a good workout incorporating dance movement but was sadly disappointed with this dvd.$LABEL$0 Piece of junk. One or two swipes with this broom and the handle starts unscrewing and twirls the broom all over the place. Then you have to stop sweeping and screw the handle back on. Now do this a dozen times before you've finished sweeping the kitchen and you'll be ready to throw this useless piece of junk out.$LABEL$0 A hot iron. So far so good. I haven't bought a new iron in 20 years, when I bought one at a flea market that was probably 20 years old then. It was the old heavy kind, and I doubted if a "new-fangled" one would be as good. But alas, it is. Very fast warm-up, and has a substantial feel, which is what so many new irons seems to lack.$LABEL$1 Incredible! It really works! Really!!. MY daughter is almost 6 years old and we have had SUCH a hard time trying to get her to stop sucking her thumb. I finally ordered this and after the first time i put it on her thumb, she hasn't sucked it since! not even once! She has no desire! Even after the taste wore off, she doesn't suck her thumb! What a great product! It is wonderful!$LABEL$1 Big Disappointment. I bought this phone in 2007 for work purposes as I work from home with a separate line. The DECT 6.0 was a big influence on my purchase decision. My biggest complaint is that it does not hold a charge at all. This is not just annoying but embarrassing as I use it for work. It used to give a warning beep at least when the battery was running low but now just cuts off. I now can barely use it for 1/2 hour at a time. It doesn't make me look professional to say the least. Any attempted use of speakerphone results in sudden death. The sound quality is not great and I have actually had interference from another person's call on the line once (I am also using Vonage for this line so I'm not sure if that's the phone's fault?! I thought that's what DECT was for though). I've ordered the replacement battery and if that doesn't sort it out will be replacing it but I'm not impressed with vtech based on this. Sounds like a known fault with this phone and I hate waste!$LABEL$0 Funny, Exciting, and Entertaining. Although I didn't want to admit it, this movie was actually good. I had no itnerest in seeing it, but I was on vacation and my dad wanted to watch it on the T.V. movies service. I sat down and got really into the plot. Sigourney Weaver, Tim Allen and Just Shoot Me's Enrico Colantoni were extremely funny. Also, the hilarious english teacher from Ten Things I Hate About You was great in this. I recommend this movie to people who don't think they're going to like it.$LABEL$1 dog raincoat. Strong petroleum odor did not wash out. wrong size sent. Did arrive on time. I would only recomend this product for extreme down-pour conditions.$LABEL$0 NO VOLUME CONTROL. My son received this as a gift and it has NO VOLUME CONTROL. It is horribly loud. It became an outside only toy for that reason. The handle and battery compartment broke open after being dropped outside ONCE and rendered the toy dead. Thank goodness.$LABEL$0 This is a really awesome album!!!. Take off your Pants and Jacket is a really cool album. My mom made me get the edited version because she is against anything that has a little bad language. I have listened to it at my friend's house and it is awesome. It shows their caring side and their crazy side. Try to get the special edition version because they are a lot better. There are three special edition versions. Yellow plane. Green Jacket and Ted Pants or something like that. I have listened to all the songs and they are awesome!!!!! This albums [rocks]!!$LABEL$1 Great for burning CDS. I use these to burn CDS and have not come across an issue to date! There are more discs in here than i think i will ever use! It fits on average about 16 songs if you were wondering :)$LABEL$1 I'm feelin' it. Can't get enough is my favorite, I've been sweating it since I heard it in 1999. I even went so far as to take my friend's single, but I lost it. ...$LABEL$1 Doesn't clean dishes at all. I had been very pleased with Meyer's products, especially the basil scented all purpose cleaner and cleansing powder. This product is awful. Dishes do not come clean, even if I rinse prior to washing. I called Meyer's to see if they would offer a coupon for another product since I was very disappointed. They increased my disappointment by acknowledging the the product doesn't work at all on tea or coffee stains but didn't offer anything other then "return it to the store you bought it from". terrible customer service$LABEL$0 Forever Gypsy Rocks!. F..king Great CD!! Killer songs and music, production kind of sucks though. Can't wait to get the next one!! Buy it if you haven't yet!$LABEL$1 Isn't It Ironic. Isn't it ironic that one of Alanis's biggest hits, "Ironic" isn't represented here? Check the track listing that Amazon provides above.$LABEL$0 Easy to use book from a great seller. Book is comprehensive without being overwhelming. It is easy to reference. Seller shipped product quickly, good condition.$LABEL$1 Worst Scoop Ever, Cute Case. Whoever designed this has never scooped a cat litter box and has no clue about how this scoop wouldn't work for doing such a thing. Anyone who likes this scoop must not realize there are other scoops out there that would make the job 1000 times easier.The angle of the scoop is all wrong so you can't really get any leverage. It's no surprise to read reviews about the scoop breaking. It's just not made properly to be a scoop. The scalloped edge in the front is another design flaw that leads to a poorly designed useless scoop.My poor arthritic mom has been struggling with this scoop for months, not knowing she could be in less pain and get the job done quicker and better if only she had a good scoop.I wish I could give this product negative stars for the pain it's given my mother.$LABEL$0 definitely a swindle. An incompetent attempt to compose a makeshift compillation without knowing anything abouth the epoch. 9/10 of the stuff represents commercial pop or more or less decent music but with no relation to the hippy culture. Small Faces are a mod group and Temptations - afro-american soul. Why The Marmelade and Ike&Tina; Turner? Why not It's a Beautiful Day or Greateful Dead? Not Bob Dylan? A greate disappointment.They compillators should call it "Square bourgeois commercial pop cover versions"$LABEL$0 Book 1, still my favorite. The first-ever Sluggy book! Introducing our cast of characters: Riff: an inventor and freelance bum who summons Satan on the Internet. Torg: a mild-mannered web designer. Bun-bun: Torg's pet rabbit, a cute talking mini-lop with a dark past. Zoe: innocent college student, neighbor, and straight-woman. Kiki: the friendly ferret who says, "Don't plan Torg's death! Stay good, Sam!" Including parodies of Star Trek, X-files, and a bonus story not found on the Internet: A Day in the Park with Bun-bun and Teddy Weddy.$LABEL$1 Forget it!. I am an obsessive DVD collector and I adore Dynasty. Even still, I will not play this 1 season for the price of 2 game. The only way I'll get this and Volume One is they go on sale for half price. Especially since it will probably mean leaving Krystle and Alexis burning in that cabin for a few years!$LABEL$0 Those eyebrows!!. I loved the episodes. The only thing that bothered me, was the eyebrow penciled in too drastic for Kyra's face. Instead of taking in the script, all I could stare at were those ugly eyebrows. I think the makeup artist got carried away.$LABEL$1 Not for Serious study. This version of the Mishnah is not complete and leaves out entire tractates.The numbering does not agree with the Mishnah.Not for Serious Jewish study, lots of good wisdom but numbering does not agree with the Talmud.$LABEL$0 a couple of good rarities. This compilation has an edited version of "Figure Of Eight", which I believe is the same as the single version. There are two rarities on this CD which are worth the purchase to the serious collector; "Party Party" is a dance number, sounding pretty much from the era it was recorded in (late 1980s). "I Wanna Cry" is a slow, hard driving blues tune. Fairly sure these tracks were recorded during the "Flowers In The Dirt" sessions, since this disc was released around the same time. This was originally issued as a radio promo disc, and is indeed a rare find.$LABEL$1 Holes Is Kool / By:Munadi Grade 6, Brooklyn!!!. My Review of Holes is that Holes is all about a kid named Stanley Yelnats is accused of stealing shoes but he didn't, but Zero did and then he dropped it off a bridge, and it landed on Stanley. Stanley fell with the shoes and the police thought that he stole the shoes from the homeless shelter. So, the police caught Stanley and put him in the military camp called Camp Green Lake. And all you have to do there is just dig holes to find a mystery object that only the evil warden knows about. This book teaches you a lesson: Don't ever steal anything because you might end up in a place like Stanley was, or maybe even worse...$LABEL$1 Poor Audio Mix. I purchased this disk along with others to play in my Acura DVD-A system. I found the overall audio quality to be a bit disappointing...and the mix to be a bit "over the top" with surround effects. Major vocals coming from rear speakers, etc.I also found the overall sound to lack the brightness and crispness on this specific disk. In fact, the demo disk for my TL has the Marvin Gaye song "Let's Get It On" and it is remarkably brighter on that disk than on this collection.If you are looking for DVD-A disks with 5.1 surround...I'd pass on this one and maybe purchase the CD of this album.$LABEL$0 this is so bad. I cannot believe how weak this music is. The singer tries real hard to sound like York but he sounds like an idiot because his lyrics are so bad. And the music, while well-produced, is just annoying. These guys cant write, sing, or do anything right on this album. How old are they like 12? Sounds like it.$LABEL$0 DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. THE MOBILE IS USELESS. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS. I TOOK THE PLANETS BY THMESELVES AND PASTED THEM TO MY SON'E CEILING. IF THATS SOMETHING YOU WANT TO DO, THEN I WOULD SAY BUY THIS, BUT IF YOU THINK THE MOBILE LOOKS COOL, BEWARE, ITS NOT.$LABEL$0 DO NOT BUY THIS PIECE OF JUNK!. HP might know how to make a computer but they CANNOT make a camera that is worth buying. Camera has never taken great pictures and 5 months after the warranty ran out, the camera quit. It turns on for a second, shows an E106 error message, and shuts down. In doing some checking this means the lens is stuck. HP Support was horrible and stated it could take up to $200 to fix it!!! What??? The camera is not worth it. It eats batteries and no matter how much you customize the options, the picture color/quality is never true to life. I will buy a DEPENDABLE name brand (Canon) next time!$LABEL$0 Not like what described. It says hand free, but actually, it is not hand free. I have to open cover many many times during the pasta making becuase dough stuck and can not move on.$LABEL$0 good. It works better than a regular hdmi cable, how much I cant tell you you can buy it for a couple of bucks and works perfect$LABEL$1 Instant Classic. I love these books they are very entertaining and colorful and my son loves the stories. Bought one for grandp and one for grandma for christmas!$LABEL$1 Mila Jovovich!. Mila once again makes the bad guy zombies pay for their violent nature!All of the resident eveil movies have been action packed and fun to watch.5 star rating$LABEL$1 Dead in 5 months. This player sat on my daughter's bedside table for 5 months...it was never dropped, spilled on, or abused in any way. After 2 months, it began to rattle. Now it is DEAD. Power comes on and nothing happens. Of course, the original warranty was three months. I purchased an extended warranty thru Amazon and will get my original purchase price back, less shipping and the price of the warranty (net about $70). We have been through several of these little DVD players over the years, but this one sets a record for the most rapid demise. Pathetic.If you are buying any of these little DVD players, get the one year warranty because odds are it will die within a year. I was optimistic and got the two year warranty...coulda saved 5 bucks.$LABEL$0 Not up to standards of Denise Austin. I've used Denise Austin items for years and have been happy. I was not happy with this video. Her pace was too quick and she did not give instructions beforehand. There was a woman on the video who was doing the "modified" version but she didn't state that too well into the program. She changes everything quickly without notification and with little instruction in "how to". Very disappointed. I would recommend that anyone buying this video sit through it first so you can see the changes. It is not a difficult one if you are just starting out, just confusing and it does accomplish its purpose.$LABEL$0 I rather run far than to take a walk with this album..... Tori, what have you done to yourself?!?!? This album just [bites]. I just saw you in concert, and you are so pretentious it makes me sick. All the songs sound the same, I mean, Wampum Prayer has to be the most horrible song ever made on earth. Yes, there are one or two good songs, "Wednesday" and "Gold Dust", but the rest are just horrible. I miss the old Tori, bring her back. I would NOT recommend this album. The style just has changed so much. :($LABEL$0 Totally Lame. I believed the reviews raving about this video. I thought it might be a nice little variation of my routine.It took too long to get started doing anything. I can't imagine what good the fire breathing technique could do for you. It just seems kooky. The narrator is unseen and spooky and the chick doing the exercise is freaky with her smug little smirk. I will never use this CD, what a waste of money.I will stick with my favorites, flow yoga, cardio and weightlifting.$LABEL$0 Imaginary Day concert at VILLA MONTOLVO. I was fortunate to have been at two of the threenights they were filming this DVD at Villa Montolvoin Saratoga,California.In as much as the performence pales in comparisonto a "LIVE" Pat Metheny Group concert the DVD stilldoes a wonderful job of capturing the essence of whatthis band it about.A no frills kind of group that isand always has been about the "MUSIC".If you want totake a nice long "TRIP" go see them "LIVE" you will neverever forget the experience.Thanks Steve Rodby and band for yourhard work and efforts on this DVD project.Can't hardlywait to see you again in November.BestBOB C.$LABEL$1 Good but didn't last long..... I bought this and after using it about three times a week for 6 months- the watch will not connect with the heart strap. I have tried new battery, after new battery- and still no connection. When it works, it does work well. Just disappointed that it didn't last long!$LABEL$0 I spent money on...?. If the goal of this text was to hone my editing skills and to make sure that, as a future English teacher, I can identify grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors then the publishers have succeeded. I had more luck with the preparatory materials offered on the CSET website even if it was painful to print over fifty pages after paying $35 for this test prep book. This book is dreadful and has not helped me in the least to feel more confident in my ability to take this test.$LABEL$0 Truly Brilliant!. Gates of Fire is, hands down, one of the best historical fiction books ever written, in my opinion. One of the most incredible things about this book, as has been the case with all of Pressfield's books, is the amount of historical fact that it contains. I've read it 4 times, thus far, and love it every single time! I, also, highly recommend his lastest work "The Profession", incredibly entertaining and offers a work, from which Pressfield had to create the "historical facts", rather than simply researching them. Of which he did an outsanding job!$LABEL$1 So cute. I ordered this puzzle to use at school with my Special Needs students. They all love it and I love that I can use the net in a few different ways. Great product.$LABEL$1 Great for even bigger hands. Once my family started eating a lot of potatoes and sweet potatoes I found it necessary to purchase a good scrub brush as we like to leave the skin on.This is great, really cleans the potatoes and other root vegetables really well. Easy to clean and easy to use even for someone with XL hands like myself.OXO has yet to disappoint me.$LABEL$1 I'm not insane!!. I remember watching this flick when I was about 10 years old over at a friend's house. This was a sit on the edge of your seat and hold your breath movie. At least at that age it was. However, as the years have gone by (I'm 25 years old now), I have found it nearly immpossible to find this movie. And of course my cohorts must be thoroughly uncultured, because it is even more remote to find someone who has actually seen or heard of this movie. So I'm in a record store a couple of years ago and decide to take a chance and see if they carry it or can order it and lo and behold..... This flick DOES exist!! And NOOOOOOOOO, they can't order and break my heart in telling me this. Now if only I can bide my time long enough to get my hands on a copy. My kids are gonna love it!$LABEL$1 A must see for disco fans out there!. This movie was hilarious! Great music (though not original artists)! Filmed in Singapore. Well acted. A must see for disco fans! Relive Saturday Night Fever!$LABEL$1 Haunting. This is a haunting book that left me feeling like I had been through the same exhausting experiences as its protagonist. A very quick, gripping read. Nothing in specific can really account for the way the writing put you under its spell except for a clear style that pulls you in and makes you care.$LABEL$1 Big Mistake Buying It. I wrote down Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan about 5 years ago. Apparently I had heard one by this artist back then that appealed to me. Well, I finally decided I'd waited long enough to get it, and so, even though my money was tight, I said, "What the heck; I'm going to finally get it!" I couldn't wait to hear it. Boy, was I disappointed! It's been a BIG mistake! I am now going to return it. Maybe one of the others is good, but I definitely would not recommend this one!!$LABEL$0 I cant stop Laughing. At first I did not believe this movie was funny till I started (Laughing) reading the reviews (Laughing) I wish I had a dollar for every time some one said this is not a anti-Christian movie (laughing) I would be the richest man in the world (still Laughing)$LABEL$0 A different view of war. This shows the other side of war. Taking place in a hospital during WWI, it is excellent in giving a true picture of the English doughboy. Using real-life characters (Sigfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owens, Robert Graves)one feels the horror of war seen by sensitive poets. A good follow up to "Great War and Modern Memory" by Paul Fussell, a National Award winning book, published by Oxford University Press.$LABEL$1 OK at first.. Doesn't appear to work any more. Didn't mind the large size and cheapish "feel". If it was still working. Price was right-and probably not worth my time to try to get any money back. So I guess it was worth a few bucks to have it for a while-kinda like renting it. I'm guessing not all readers will fail like mine so, hey, if you feel lucky, buy one..$LABEL$0 The handle really sucks. The plastic handle is hard, and it hurts your palm. I don't like it, even though it is cheap.$LABEL$0 tfciii. To make my review meaningful, I am at a disadvantage because I did not own a Kindle 1 before I bought the Kindle 2. Having read many Kindle 2 reviews of customers who owned the earlier model I knew of many of their negative comments.I love my Kindle 2. I find it works great even reading in bright sunlight, but it is not so good reading in limited light. Among the negative comments from those who previously owned a Kindle 1 was that Amazon advertised that no book would cost more than $9.99. Obviously, many books do cost more than that. As to what Amazon previously advertised, I don't know.It is a great way to spend time reading from a list of reading material I choose, especially when I am on the road.$LABEL$1 Broke after 2 uses. We bought this for our board meetings and the wine opener broke after 2 uses. Very disappointed in this product.$LABEL$0 Great for travel. Great sound even if it is small. It will not wake up your neighbors, but it is great for travel. Small, light and easy to carry.$LABEL$1 Nice pair of locks. Good for luggage pack, TSA approved and used it all my transit,, i lock the suitcases with these locks and never seen any trouble...$LABEL$1 Memorable drama for any baby boomer..... Thoroughly entertaining drama involving Warren Beatty and Natalie Wood in starring roles about unrequited love in times of tough family values and expectations.I have enjoyed this movie for decades on TV and VHS and now complete the circle with my own CD format.Handy hint: keep a box of Kleenex within easy reach!$LABEL$1 Pettipants. I like the pettipants, but they were not as long as the picture showed. When I washed them they shrank. They are nice for my shirts around the knee around, but do not work for the longer skirts.$LABEL$1 not as great as we thought. although there are many piece to build a large maze, we found it wasnt sturdy. Also regular marbles wont work in it at all. It comes with smaller sized light weight plastic marbles. Unfortunately the cost vs qualtiy isnt worth it.$LABEL$0 No captions or subtitles for the hearing impaired!. We were really looking forward to watching this. But, then, we realized that there was no way to get subtitles or captions for my hearing-impaired wife. Finally simply deleted it and wasted my money - no refund from Amazon, of course. I suggest that Amazon specifically list whether a video is for the hearing impaired. We'll not make that mistake again.$LABEL$0 leonides. it's not the kind of music u can listen to every day , but his playing is awesome , something to marvel !!$LABEL$1 Bob Harper dvd. I thought i was inshape till i tried this dvd with my girlfriend...been doing this for 3 weeks now and its still kickin my butt.$LABEL$1 Cute but defective. I liked the looks of this boombox, and ordered one. It's larger than it looks, and a little bulky. The sound quality wasn't bad, but the flat knobs are a little tricky to turn.After about an hour of play, the CD stopped working, and the unit began to smell like burning plastic.I had to return it.$LABEL$0 Over-rated. This game is a puzzle game. I personally feel that the reviews are too over-rated for what it's worth. It's kind of like Bejeweled except you can only line up blocks vertically, and not horizontally, which kind of bothers me. There's not really a storyline ... it's not incredibly fun, but will probably last you a fairly good ten minutes of game play. It's really the effects when you line up the same colored blocks and the sounds and graphics that give you that "high" of the game.$LABEL$1 Disappointing. This text does not show the advanced components of form and reports as the text promised. Even for the basic material, the verbiage was obtuse and confusing. I would not recommend this book.$LABEL$0 How to Gett SSI & Social Security Disability. Mike has the best of intentions but... it's obvious this is a self published book with a very poor writing style. As a previous SSA worker, he has a lot of useless SSA 'speak'and loads of equally useless insider buzz words. Large print is annoying and used to take up space because he has so little to say. There's maybe 500 words about filling out an application for SSDI. The title is a lie and absolutely misleading. Do not buy it, save your money.$LABEL$0 The only herb guide you will ever need. I started becoming interested in the use of herbs in 1999. I literally bought a dozen books on herbs, vitamins and natural remedies. This is the only book I have kept. It is my number one source for herb information. I also love the format of it. Not too wordy...just the facts and what you need to know. I would love to see this book updated and released as a newer edition but still wouldn't trade my older edition for a million dollars. Seriously, it's just that good of a tool in learning and using herbs.$LABEL$1 This film is wonderful, heartwarming, engaging...stupendous!. Here is a perfect movie. The actors (Kathy Bates, Mary Stuart Masterson, Mary-Louise Parker, and Jessica Tandy in particular) are credible, rounded, warm, funny, absolutely perfect. The plot is (in its way) epic, involving a long time span, with significant developments in both past and present. It is a total must-see!This film too offers tons of memorable moments. It will also supply those quotes to use when one tires of the usual Gone With the Wind or Wizzard of Oz items. You will NOT forget "Towanda," or "The Secret's in the Sauce" in any near future.This movie is a masterpiece, and a masterful presentation of some most significant lives, and of a way of life which should have survived.$LABEL$1 swish!. Great story that keeps you turning pages. Lots of laughs along the way. Engaging writing. I particularly enjoyed the little glimpse we get of life on the non-casino side of town in Las Vegas. I've read just about everything that's been written on that city, and this is the first time I've learned what it's really like to live there. I recommend "Money Shot" highly.$LABEL$1 This one-star rating is generous--save your money!!!. I love The Secret and own many, many manifesting audio and DVD programs, so I looked forward to Subliminal Manifestation. This DVD is awful. I would have been disappointed had I spent even $8, let alone $80 (I purchased it directly from the website).Please save your money on this one.$LABEL$0 love my svu. Love SVU, have all 10 seasons so far, I think that Novak should come back or else they should keep Cabot but really need to stop bringing in so many ADA's. Can't wait for season 11 to be out.$LABEL$1 FANTABULIS. great animationhot pokemonFunny box artwhat more cooood a pokeKID ( under 13 )WANTBUY IT.This is the story>ash and his arch rival picachu travel to South Hampton, England 2 see what they might c..thanks$LABEL$1 Golding at his Greatest. Golding certainly seems to root out the very psychology that lays behind the rudimentary world of the male youth. In magnificently eloquent prose and a deeply engrossing story to boot, Lord of the Flies has deservedly been dubbed a modern classic. One can relate to the actions of the characters simply because we were all once of that age and were all once driven by the same urges, impulses, and emotions that Golding so graphically and yet so effectively illustrates. An essential read there can be no doubt......$LABEL$1 The Dutiful Rake. Harriet Klausner summarized the plot so I won't do that here, but her 5-star review is way off. I will say this novel had such a nice beginning. A spirited and independent heroine, and a masculine but not overly domineering hero who was attracted to the heroine without really wanting to be. Well, all that burnt out real quick, and the heroine somehow became timid, and easily led into stupid situations, while the hero became thick-headed and unreasonable.I don't like novels where it's obvious that just a simple conversation between the two main characters will clear the air and resolve their differences -- and they never have that conversation until the last five pages of the book. (Sigh.) This is not a horribly bad story, and it's not badly written, but I got more and more annoyed with the plot and with the characters as I read on. I just think Ms. Rolls is capable of much better storytelling than this.$LABEL$0 Good size but fit is hit or miss. We have a few of these. In different sizes. They go together easily. No idea why the first step is knocking out plastic parts. They couldn't do this? Otherwise assembly takes about 60 seconds. We have several of this size box and some have tops that fit perfectly. Others have tops that are too deep and the lock hole doesn't line up. It is weather resistant but not water (or insect) proof. Even when perfectly assembled there are small cracks between the pieces that allow small bugs to enter. So not for dog food or anything like that. Stuff inside stays dry. Also, if you use a lock understand that the lock is just aesthetic. A ten year old could pull the sides or back off to gain access.$LABEL$1 Not bad. I thought this movie was going to suck. But it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. But the first The Hills Have Eyes is better. Of course the first movie is usually better!!!! You should give this movie a chance. Its not that bad!!!!$LABEL$0 Horrible. I used these on my iPod. I also used these for running. the sound is ok. Very little bass and kind trebly. They lasted about 6 months then stopped working all the while they kept deteriorating. The cord is very thin and very weak. I stepped on it twice and the wiring became exposed. The cord ultimately looked like an electrical taped mess. The left channel stopped working after 6 months. I wouldn't recommend these to anyone who is going to use these for working out in any way. I suppose they are fine for commuting or general use.$LABEL$0 short life. i purchased one in 2008 as well. mine lasted for 3 years, better than 1.5 but still not what i expected. it is still in one piece but the code came up for MAF and i'm getting the same symptoms before i replaced it.$LABEL$0 Stop with the so called, "Inspirational Stuff". Not only outdated, this book is impracticable, condescending, and pedantic. Unless you need inspiration, spirituality, and out-dated advice, I would suggest you spend your money on more practical writing guides. Just my opinion... Good luck, all!$LABEL$0 Swing Out Sister does it again, Wonderful. After waiting patiently for the latest edition of Swing Out Sister to arrive, I could not wait to listen to the Stylish vocal's of Corrine. From the catchy "Who's been Sleeping, to the haunting vocal's on "Make you Stay, Swing Out Sister proves they are among the very best.This cd feed's your heart and soul. Thank you Swing Out Sister-La La La mean's I love you$LABEL$1 Disappointed. I was really disappointed. There was no detailed movements. Too much talk with roughly movements. It was a waste of time and money. I'm not sure it is helpful even to the biginner.$LABEL$0 Asleep at the Watch. Immerse yourself once again in the seafaring adventures of Captain Jack Aubrey and his ship's surgeon Stephen Maturin as they roam the almost unexplored oceans of the early 17th century, and participate in the bittersweet "liberation" of Chile. The 85 year-old O'Brian's flawless dialogue and meticulous attention to detail makes this book -- like the rest of the series -- a historical tour de force. Unfortunately after 20 previous books, Aubrey and Maturin have few surprises left, and hundreds of pages filled with the impenetrable politics and minutia of daily naval life may be as stupefying as Dr. Maturin's regular doses of laudanum and hellebore for readers unaware that a great naval battle invariably lurks in the closing pages. O'Brian addicts will welcome another chance to visit their favorite characters, but people new to O'Brian should visit the earlier, fresher books of the series -- say "The Far Side Of The World."-- Auralgo$LABEL$0 Disappointing. When purchasing this book, I expected to read about rodeo and native american life with a little romance. I did learn a lot of the native american way of life and enjoyed reading about it. The romance story line was decent, but not incredible. The only mention of rodeo was towards the end. When the author misinformed the readers and wrote that the flankstrap used in the roughstock events is tied around the animals testicles. This is untrue. The fact is that the strap is used as a conditioning tool and does not harm the animal at all. In fact, some of the animals used in saddle bronc and bareback (which are horse events)are female not male. The author needed to get her facts straight or left rodeo out of the book completely.$LABEL$0 Haunting. After spending a summer alone, Akilah can't wait for her best friend, Victoria, to return from Nigeria (her country of birth). She's excited to start fifth grade with her fun-loving friend.But Victoria comes back a different person. She is subdued, unsmiling, and imposes a new rule on Akilah: "No laughter here." After their class views a puberty video, Victoria reveals the truth to Akilah: While she was in Nigeria, her mother had her circumcised, to make her a "pure" and "clean" Nigerian woman.Shocked, Akilah struggles to do the right thing. She is horrified by the ritualistic cruelty to which her friend has been exposed, but her own family has always taught her to revere traditional African culture. Together, Akilah and Victoria try to accept what has happened and re-learn how to laugh.Rita Williams-Garcia won the 2011 Coretta Scott King Award and Newbery Honor for One Crazy Summer.$LABEL$1 Inexpensive & works great. The only reason I gave this 4 stars, is that it's a little short (and I'm short!). However, the fact that it comes fully assembled & ready to use is a gigantic plus.$LABEL$1 Avoid...or you'll be sorry you didn't. I love OXO products in the kitchen so I figured the mop would be wonderful. Wrong. The head falls off, a lot! If you try to do anything but a straight forward, backward motion, forget it, you will be holding the nice ergonomic handle and the wet dirty head will be on the floor, which you will then get covered with dirty water while trying to figure out how to put it back on over and over. And if the head is not falling off, its getting caught up in the rollers, so that the rollers on the operators side are hitting the floor instead of the head scrubbing it. Forget trying to get all the water out to do that last clean swipe. Its not gonna happen with this mop. I wonder how long BB&B's satisfaction guar is? I am not happy to spend $25 on this which got both me and the floor dirtier!$LABEL$0 Attention grabber--you won't put it down. Sylvia Browne paints a very vivid picture of how everything looks on the other side, buildings, statues, hobbies and more. She also tells how things work when you cross over. What processes you go through before and after coming to this world. I guess we won't know for sure if she's right until we all cross over. But it is a very good book that I couldn't put down. It made me want to get hypnotized to see what my subconscious knows.$LABEL$1 Wake up to natural healing. Hellinger teaches her readers how to take matters regarding their health into their own hands, literally. The author has brilliantly deduced and presented the lowest common denominator for your ailments. She writes about two natural methods that could save millions of lives during the flu season: the "Hellinger Hiatal Hernia Applied Self-Help Technique" and the "Hellinger Life Saving Technique of Manually Boosting the Immune System." These techniques, which the author discovered and honors, allow you to circumvent drugs and medication that can destroy and handicap the body's natural healing dynamics. Celebrate: once you've healed naturally, it's forever. You must believe in natural healing for this effective process to work.I healed myself from decades of struggle with adrenal exhaustion, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. I no longer take any of the prescription medications I formerly used to manage my condition.$LABEL$1 Surprisingly good.. I've read a couple of reviews that already give the gist of the story so I'll just give my opinion. I found Aphrodite's Passion so much better than Aphrodite's Kiss, the prequel. This is one of the few books that the heroine isn't an idiot. Which is a rare find these days. However, the hero, Hale, isn't my favorite type, hence the 4 star rating. I can't write what my problem with him is unless I give away too much so let's just say he's a really good hero but not great:)If you're bored with the same old thing, I recommend buying this book.$LABEL$1 Awesome toy. I got this for my daughter's #1 b-day and she loves it. She plays with it all the time with or without the balls. She figured it out really quick and just loves the music and taking the balls from the bottom and putting them in the top. She likes that she get's to push the button that lets them down. I couldn't have gotten a better toy.$LABEL$1 Every woman should read this book. I borrowed this book from my friend and immediately decided that I needed my own copy. It helped me to understand things about my body, that I hadn't figured out on my own. I have started charting and it is really nice knowing what is happening and what will happen. I think that every woman should know the things in this book.$LABEL$1 Was hoping for more. Ooling is my favorite tea but this one was a disappointment. It was fairly weak in flavor even when adding extra leaves, also the flavor seemed 'off' to me.$LABEL$0 Walk out of this movie, it'n not worth anyone's time. This movie fails to describe the main Argument and doesn't follow any stroy. It is filled with modern music and fast camera movements whcih distracts viewers from concentarting on the subject. This movie is not worth the 1 hr and 30 minutes that it demands from the audience. It is one of the WORST movies I've ever seen!$LABEL$0 Disappointed. I was a little disappointed when I got the cable in the mail... it wasn't what I was looking for.$LABEL$0 A Worthy Follow-up. Overall, a very enjoyable album and a worthy sophomore effort from Norah Jones. Most tracks feel comfortable and familiar. That's not criticism, but I get the impression that she knows where her strengths are. The one 'outside the box' track is the rather bizarre duet with Dolly Parton. That one should have been left 'outside the CD' as far as I'm concerned. But for that track, I would have given the album 5 stars.$LABEL$1 Piece of.... Horrible, just like other owners, the Eigen fell about 6 inches on the ground. Would not load, became extremely hot and when attempted to have serviced by RIO, they said we will fix it for $100. Hmm..let me think have you send me a refurbished Rio Eigen or buy an Apple Shuffle? Thanks but Ill pass!$LABEL$0 Bad examples poor coverage. I've read about 30 Oracle books. I wanted to find this book useful, but after 100 pages, I could not stomach it. Bad examples, poor verbiage, lousy structure, since oracle writers have little competition, the demands for quality are not that great. I found Sams series books much more useful.$LABEL$0 Finish bad within 1 month. After less than 1 month of use, the entire exterior of the chiminea is spotted, pitted, and streaked. It does not come off. i sent pictures off to Blue Rooster, who promptly replied that it was called OXIDATION, and could be easily fixed with a good scrub down and a couple of coats of high heat BBQ paint. I really don't feel that I should have to go through this after less than a month. If what is needed to prevent this from happening is a couple of coats of high heat BBQ paint, then why wasn't this applied at the factory? I am waiting to see how this will be resolved.The company has refunded the purchase price in full. I do not know why the finish turned so bad so fast, however am pleased with the way the company handled it. I feel that I should add that, apart from the finish, there was nothing else wrong with the chiminea$LABEL$0 Perfect. What can I possibly add to what has gone before me? Not for everyone, this incredible tome (or, rather, TWENTY of them!) is a weighty reminder of the turbulent and varied history of the English language. Actually, it IS for everyone. One soon gets lost in the story; each page providing splendid new wonders, and forgotten comforting vistas. How did I live without it?October 2010: a few weeks ago I noticed an issue with Vol 3 - pages 890 and 892 were blank. After some to-ing and fro-ing with Oxford University Press (OUP), I was sent a reprinted copy of Vol 3, this time with all pages printed! Customer support with OUP was fantastic. OUP did acknowledge there is an issue with Vol 3 in some of the printings, and that they intend replacing all faulty copies. So, check vol. 3!$LABEL$1 Great topic, should have ended far better than it did. Overall the book wasn't a bad read. The topic of exploring some of the sinister aspects of the Catholic world I found very appealing - especially as I am one ! Unfortunately the book started out promising much but in the end turned out a bit of a fizzer. I was left feeling a great deal more could have been done with the topic - to be honest, the ending was nauseating. However, to the credit of Mr Case (whomever that may be) it certainly makes one want to head off and find out more about the subject.$LABEL$0 Avoid this player if you like classical music. If you like to listen to CDs where there is no break in the music between 2 tracks, avoid this player! I like to listen to classical music, and often I will program only a few tracks, e.g., to listen to one symphony on a CD with multiple works. The way it is designed, there is a break when switching tracks, so if you're listening to a movement that spans several tracks, you get a "skip"!If I'm listening to an entire CD, it doesn't happen, but it's horrible if you're listening to part of it.I've talked to the company, and it was hard to even explain the problem to them - I guess no one there listens to classical music (or other albums with continuous music) anymore. Their only suggestion, after weeks of discussion, was to take it to a repair shop. Given what I've read elsewhere, I suspect I've stumbled across a design defect, not something that can be fixed.$LABEL$0 Hard to review this when I can't buy it due to no samples. I'd love to have somesamples. I've heard his music, and love it, but I couldn'ttell that from this site. The other reviews actually saidnothing about what's actually on the CD. Quite a price fornot even having one sample.$LABEL$0 good movie. I recommend this product cause' is something a little different of what the horror movies offer, the drama is well written, even though there's some issues with effects and some irregularities with reality adaptation, but hey what movie in this world is perfect.$LABEL$1 Didn't work, bought it again, didn't work again!. I bought this so-called lens cleaner twice from different sellers and neither time could I get any of my DVD or CD players to read the disc. I thought the first copy might have been a dud (it was an open box) so I bought another one. Boy am I stupid! My Panasonic DVD player won't read it, my Toshiba DVD player won't read it, my Philips CD player won't read it. I don't understand how a company can sell a product that simply won't work in who knows how many different brands of players!Don't waste your time and money!$LABEL$0 Complete fizzle of right ear bud after two weeks of use.. I came across these to replace some cheap earbuds I got from the grocery store. I found these and was pleased with the price and the good reviews. I read some of the bad reviews, and noticed a lot were about this very problem. I thought to myself, "Oh, they probably weren't being handled well". That was definitely not the issue. The fizzle happened while I was on a trip, while the earbuds were in my ear. This was very upsetting. I found I could get the sound back for a while if I bent the cord a certain way, but it would simply go out again. They have great sound and fair noise cancelling while they are working. The problem is they don't last long. These are not worth the fifteen dollars I paid for them.$LABEL$0 don't bother. I'm running Windows 7 and it won't install because the software doesn't recognize anything beyond Windows XP. If I had known this I would never have ordered it!!$LABEL$0 poor quality. I saw this movie as a child so I was expecting to enjoy it again. You can never go back! That is not the worst of it.... the quality on the dvd is pretty bad, like it was recorded from a vhs and burned from someone's laptop. pathetic$LABEL$0 Works well. I wanted covers for my kitchenaid because it is just easier than using foil or plastic wrap. I love this product. I have a 4 1/2 qt bowl and it fits perfectly. I wish the hole in the middle wasn't so deep (it pops out downward). Not sure what it is for. But the lids works for what I need.$LABEL$1 Poor Gilbert :-(. Poor Gilbert! He must have turned over in his grave every day since this monstrosity was created.Removing the opera from Japan and dressing the characters in British 1920s formal attire takes Mikado out of context, and renders it humorless and senseless.Gilbert was a genius. The creator of this perversion is not!$LABEL$0 What is this book about????. If there was a setting, a plot, or even a climax to this book I must have missed it! I also don't understand why Nick McDonell needed 98 chapters to write about nothing! It took all my energy to get through this book, I was bored from start to finish. Nice try!!$LABEL$0 So short and we paid nearly $7. It was only 40 pages and the front of it says it only cost $2.99 at the stores.. So short and we paid nearly $7. It was only 40 pages and the front of it says it only cost $2.99 at the stores.$LABEL$0 Philip Kaplan has done it again. giving it 5 stars would be a bit of a stretch, but overall I found it to be a great read from beginning to end.quite an eye opener, giving you a behind the scenes look into the seedy world of dotcoms.too bad about the ugly cover, even though that shade of red is my favorite.$LABEL$1 Cry Baby. I also wanted to check out this book after the Terry Gross interview on Fresh Air, October 8th. Bill OReilly has made an entire career out of baseless character defamation, incendiary and intellectually weak commentary, and name calling. Yet he got completely bent out of shape because a respected journalist asked him a few tough questions. I mean really, walking out of the studio? Did Terry Gross hurt your wittle feewings Bill? I guess if you can't stand the heat...As for the book, I browsed it at my local bookstore. It's a travesty that amazon doesn't have a 0 stars option on these reviews. My advice - if you feel the need to watch a temper tamtrum in action, save your money and just watch his TV show or listen to the Terry Gross interview on audiostream$LABEL$0 ... what went wrong!. Ive been looking forward to this game for about 6 months and finially I found it in store. Unfortuantely, that store wont let me return it!The AI is shocking, the camera controls are next to impossible to use at any descent speed, and I cant get the game to run for more than 10 minutes without a crash to desktop. If you dont believe me, check out the gamespot review below...it sums up my feelings pretty well.Very dissapointed :-($LABEL$0 Great collection. Finally found this again, after searching for it for years. Great collection of Holiday tunes that aren't in rotation very often$LABEL$1 Attractive, but flimsy. . .. While this is an attractive teapot, I am disappointed by the quality of its construction. First, the glass is EXTREMELY thin; also, the lid does not sit tightly on the body of the teapot. The teapot is very small (which I knew beforehand)--so while it's suitable for the person I'm giving it to, I would not recommend it to those wanting to make more than 1 cup of tea at a time.For the price, I expected more. Next time, I will invest in a teapot of higher quality.$LABEL$0 what a crock!. The book is written like the advice is magic. Its annoying. They could have just written an article on the suggestions. Not worth buying, just borrow it from the library, skim the material and send it back. Better yet, borrow the film. You get the same out of it.$LABEL$0 Interesting reading but far from a work of science. No matter what the subject the author manages to pull a conclusion out of the data, often using his own ideas.While some of his work seems excellent, the praise went to his head and now he knows it all. Buy it used, so you won't feel like you wasted your money.$LABEL$0 Drop-Dead Blonde DOA. This book included 4 short stories written by different authors. Nancy Martin's entry was good. So was one of the others, but two of them were awful. Bad plotting abominable editing, poor knowledge of basics of English grammar made them much less than good reading. I'm surprised Nancy Martin would allow her work to be published with such a waste of my time and all the other readers too. This book is available in paper at very high prices. I hope no one is fooled into wasting their money$LABEL$0 Informative. My journey to "better eating and exercise" is one baby step at a time. This book moves in that same manner. You are not overwhelmed with all the things you SHOULD do. It's written in simple steps. You can choose any one at a time until you're ready for the next. There is not too much new under the sun but this book documents the latest in simple terms.Sandra Wilkes$LABEL$1 We love it. My mother in law originally bought this book for my son last year (age 2 at the time). He LOVED it. We read it year-round. Unfortunately, he got sick on it in his bed in the fall (yes, he even looked at it in bed!) and we had to throw it away. Luckily, Santa brought him a brand new one for Christmas this year. He is 3 1/2 now and instantly remembered the book and has not put it down since. My 7 year old daughter also enjoys it, too. Of course, being 3, he likes to do a few of the same pages over and over, but i try to get him to try a new one occasionally. ;)$LABEL$1 Oscar et La Dame Rose. This was another book our French group read and found very touching and imaginative. It drew me in and I savored every chapter. I would recommend this book.$LABEL$1 NICE, CLEAN PRINT OF GOLDEN AGE ANIMATION!..NICE!. After watching this classic animation on DVD, I was pleased (for the most part),of the print quality,color,details,..(sound was mono) hd sound would have been nice. But, all in all...enjoyed watching it.I once had this same cartoon on Super 8 film, and this DVD print blows that film print away! I wish that the original paramount logo was on the intro, (was not), This is A MUST HAVE DVD for animation buffs like myself. It is a fun, enjoyable cartoon to watch, with great characters. I WISH SOME STUDIO WOULD RELEASE THE COMPLETE DIGITALLY REMASTERED ...BLACK and WHITE POPEYE CARTOONS, AS A PACKAGE A-Z!!!. Anyways, enjoy this DVD!$LABEL$1 Practical Guide to New Age Philosophy and Application. This is a simple guide to New Age philosophy with some practical applications to use such as charts, visuliaztions and affirmations.$LABEL$1 Tire Gauge Cover way too big. The 89590 Gauge Cover is WAY to big for the 2343 Tire Gauge. Amazon states " Frequently Bought Together" is the 2343 AutoMeter and the Moroso 89590 Gauge cover. The AutoMeter tire gauge comes from Amazon, the cover comes from an other vendor. I don't know who is at fault, but I am not happy. It is too much work to send the products back, so I consider the cover as a loss. I have to mention that the cover is well made.$LABEL$0 sharpen your axe, Simon. Another colossal disappointment. Readers and seekers of factual evidence have a difficult time discovering reliable science, which this book does not represent. A scientist or researcher cannot have an agenda other than developing a fair postulate from sound facts. Good research includes all that is known first, and then confining tests to rigorous and sound analysis. Southerton does not do this, as so many pseudo scientists do. This kind of researching falls in the same category as Erich Von Daniken's "research."It's a real pity that people of any faith will cast their beliefs to the wind without first establishing the validity of an author's premise and examination methodology. They are however, of like minds, who look for an excuse to rationalize the abandonment of beliefs over a seemingly unsolvable conflict of ideas.$LABEL$0 great informative magazine for enthusiasts. This magazine was purchased as a Christmas gift for an enthusiast. The articles are informative and easy to read. Makes a great gift!$LABEL$1 NG. A typical pocket radio, but with an inconvenient FM antenna.Not long after purchase the volume control became noisy and continued to deteriorate with time. It is now almost impossible to adjust.I have many Sony products (TVs, FM tuner, CD player, DVD player, etc) but this little radio is a "bummer".My next one will be Panasonic.$LABEL$0 60 dollars?!?!?. That's more than a concert ticket! Surely I must have missed the buzz that this is the most awesome music and demands a price like that, or maybe it's today's exchange rate.I can appreciate any ambitious musical effort from any country,in tune or out, rock equals guitar or not, but let's keep the distribution to realistic levels in this electronic age. Granted, I paid 30.00+ for Orianthi's Australian distributed Violet Journey, but knew from the previews that something fantanstic was going to erupt from this artist. Not going to bore you with accolades. If you know of her, you know. No musical or style comparisons here, it's about asking price and return on personal investment of the music that appeals to individual taste, but, come on man, 60.00 for a CD?$LABEL$0 Think Pad Mini-Dock. This dock is your basic "connections" dock. It has the requisite USB ports, serial, parallel, key board, mouse and monitor connections but there is no space for an extra hard drive (could connect using the USB port). All in all it makes it easier to disconnect from a home office setup and take the ThinkPad on the road and is a good buy for the money.$LABEL$1 Fantasia 2000. I was extremely pleased with the cost, quick delivery, and excellent condition of this DVD. I highly recommend this vendor, and would use them again!$LABEL$1 Let me see, which world is this?. This not a story of something happening, or of people (or Spirits) doing something, but of characters standing around postulating. (Very British, I guess.) When you hear the terms the ages of Mouldwrap and Witspell you think Harry Potter Universe. But you're wrong. When you get to the part where Plato is listing his definitions, you think this will get better, it's a set up, like Douglas Adams in the Hitchhiker Books, preparing to hit you with strings of belly laughs. Wrong, some people might think Ackroyd is funny or a wit. No, he's not. Plato's world seems to be built of elements scoured from Asimov's Nightfall and Brin's The Practice Effect. If this is British satire, well then, back to Monty Python.$LABEL$0 84 minutes of nothing!. 84 minutes of nothing! That is what this movie is all about. Some movies you wait to see what is going to happen next, 1313 is....will something ever going to happen next?! The only thing I can take from this movie is that a bunch of cute well fit guys parading in a huge hose in white underwear looking for each other.... " Adam... Adam... where are you Adam? " It is probably the only line these guys needed to memorize to play this movie. They were supposed to be in new Mexico but they didn't even bother to try not to film the palm trees of Malibu California. Even a voyeur will get bored with this movie. I can't believe I wasted my time watching this awfulness. I guess what kept me going was the hope that nothing could be so bad and something will ever happen in this total flop. Beware!!!$LABEL$0 Go Conan!. All of the Conan movies are great, and no one fits the bill better than Arnold ;) There are some scenes in these movies though, that are....exposed....lots of nudity that I had never seen before....but that's ok, I could look at Arnold all day ;)$LABEL$1 Dogs love it!. I recently purchased one of these for may parents German Shepard who just loves playing with it. It's her favorite toy. I bought a similar toy by the same company (birds in a nest), and my pug absolutely loves it. If your dog likes to play with toys, this puzzle will be his/her favorite!$LABEL$1 Good, clean,funny movie!. Very funny-good cast-just a good movie to watch when you need a good laugh!! You can't go wrong with Tom Hanks!$LABEL$1 A great book. Robert Cormier did a great job on writing this book. "I am the Cheese" is a great book that makes you think which you don't encounter often. It is full of suspense and drama. It is confusing at times but at the end it all comes together. The book was so interesting it was hard to stop reading. My favorite part is at the end when the title comes into play. I would recommend this book to any mature reader who likes suspense and drama.$LABEL$1 Unsatisfying. I think Schickler wrote this book after one too many martinis, or after reading the New York Post for three weeks straight. It attempts to look at both the underbelly and the inner lives of yuppie New Yorkers. The use of the apartment building as a framing device is interesting, but it ultimately points out the book's weakness: a thin plot, and some rather misogynistic, anti-woman writing. Schickler is really interested in the story of one woman, Evie, and the two roommates who both want her. That the story is ultimately sick and simplistic is dissappointing; but that Schickler makes us wade through some sort of mediocre, almost-unrelated chapters on other apartment dweller is worse. Read the gossip pages instead.$LABEL$0 I cannnot believe I paid $85.40 for this!. I ordered this speaker new. I was sent a used one that was covered in dirt and FOOD. It was also missing the power cord so it couldn't even be used. The instructions manual was missing as well. I would advise everyone against purchasing this speaker from Galactics.$LABEL$0 To bury the present to preserve the memory!. RDA: October 1990. Alex's mother, a devoted and convinced defender of the Socialist ideals wakes up after eight months in bed. It's to say she never realized about the transcendental changes.Alex is afraid to tell her the truth about Berlin's Wall and the arrival of the capitalism at East Germany, due the fact she can get worse after her first stroke out. So he decides to create an Island of the past where nothing has happened, a sort of memory's museum making her believe nothing has changed.A fabulous dramatic comedy which plays hard with many items all the way through.Amazingly directed by Wolfgang Becker, awarded as the Best European film in 2003.$LABEL$1 Pumpkin B utter Candle. I just received this new scent - Pumpkin Butter. It has no smell what so ever!! I am very disappointed as I have been more then pleased with the past candles I have ordered from Woodwick.I am very disappointed and will return this candle. Don't know if it is a flaw in this candle or if this is suppose to be the scent. (I received the large Pumpkin Butter Large Jar ) Returningthis candle for sure.$LABEL$0 Fiction. We have to remember what this book is: Fiction.Well, Dan Brown, I guess I won't be seeing you after I die.$LABEL$0 IF YOU CARE ABOUT TWEETER SOUND DO NOT BUY THESE. got it installed rather easily but the sound was empty in the higher frequencies VERY TINNEY. if you don't care about the quality then get them. these are very poorly made speakers. it is not a good deal$LABEL$0 Book 4 - eh. I'll keep it short ...while you will wade through it, waiting for ANYthing, book 4 pretty much sucked. Didn't stop me from buying book 5. Even with the apologia at the end of 4, it was still not a very good book. Book 5 is getting back to speed ... we'll see...it's getting back to the characters I want to know about (tho, C1 totally baffled me). Oh. I'm a Tyrion fan.$LABEL$0 Her best album. Janet Jackson's best album by far! It all seems so old-school now, but still great music with then ground-breaking rhythm, style mixing, and lyrics. Good stuff!$LABEL$1 Good Price - Hope you like to yell. We bought this phone only because it was the cheapest with Caller ID and an answering machine together. We were constantly hearing complaints from people we were talking to that we did not sound loud enough. The sound on our end was just as bad! If you like to yell this phone if for you...If not, look for something better.$LABEL$0 healthy, lightly sweet instant oatmeal. I enjoy many of the Kashi brand items, so I thought I would give this one a try. The flavor is light and not too sweet, which I didn't mind. But I noticed two things that put me off a bit: 1) orange bits, like tiny pieces of carrot, and 2) grittiness. I know Kashi adds healthy extras to their products, but the texture was not something I was used to.$LABEL$1 Not there for the long run ...!. I bought one of these and am the only one to have used it. After a year or two, it began to stop popping the complete eight tblspoons that had been prescribed. Half of the kernels at least were left in the popper at the end of the popping session. Don't know if it doesn't heat up properly now, but it was treated like gold and simply is not a good machine. Someone needs to reinvent the older models which were fast and reliable and easy to clean. They put the current machines -- at almost any price point -- to shame. I'd be CRAZY to own another Stir Crazy ....$LABEL$0 This reference is oversimplistic. Check it out in a store before buying it online. This book is written much differently than the Harvard Med Guide to Men's Health (which is an excellent book and a good read.) I am a health professional and I was disappointed to find that this book is indexed for use as an alphabetical reference and it is written in (too) simplistic language. Moreover, the explanation of where the research and conclusions come from (large research studies like the Nurse's Health Study, etc.) is absent. As a desk reference, this is a weak resource and as a comprehensive summary of Harvard Med conclusions, it also lacks cohesive, integrated organization.$LABEL$0 Seriously?. I'm stunned by all the positive reviews of this book. For me it was unreadable. I found the romance to be a "wham-bam" kind of thing, the hero stilted and uninteresting, and the entire tone of the book felt like something written by somebody with no idea of the mores and history of the Regency period. I know this isn't true because I really enjoyed Putney's "The Rake".This book was just painful. There are actually moments when one of the daughters comments on her parents' behavior by saying something like, "There go the Parents again, misbehaving!" It was more like Gidget than something you'd associate with the 18th century. I guess there must be a huge market for heroines who act like they are from 2013, but are stuck in the 18th century, because that is what this book felt like.I'll read more Putney because I've read several of her books that are quite good. This is not one of them.$LABEL$0 Good Remote - works great with most equipment!. I bought this remote from Amazon! Great value! I haven't turned on the RF capability yet. IR works very well on most devices (My Epson Projector, Pioneer Receiver, Panasonic Blue Ray player). I am having significant trouble with the Comcast set top box connected to their anyroom DVR. None of the codes given in the book work. Apparently the cable box requires a 5 digit code and the remote only provides 3 digits. Has anyone else run into this problem before? Would appreciate some feedback!$LABEL$1 Call it something by another name!. To edit a book in order to make it into a movie such as 'The Fellowship of the Ring' did, is very common place and acceptable. After all squeezing an epic reading experience into 2 hours is impossible. On the other hand what happened in 'The Two Towers'(?) is like splatting some paint onto a canvas and passing it off as a Picasso. To alter the inherent nature of a main character is a crime against the book, and no longer worthy of it's title. Peter Jackson could just as well have started from scratch and made a great movie, but let's face it, he wanted to cash in on a much loved classic, not honor it.$LABEL$0 High quality to buy. I just bought not long time ago, I still didn't use it because I bought these 2 pack brush head for keep instock but I will use them very soon. Right now I am using Elite (E-series) brush head, It is very good quality. I don't have to go to dentist every year anymore.$LABEL$1 Narcissism run amok. The tale of freed slaves finding their way is decent stuff, worth retelling. But Huffman spends so much of the book talking not about slaves or their descendents but about himself, and the lots and lots and lots of sorta boring research he had to do, and how he really, really didn't like having to go to Liberia. Bummer, dude. Perhaps another author will give this topic the treatment it deserves.$LABEL$0 Piano music. Part of this is a sample on Windows 7 and the music is Sleep Away and it is beautiful to listen and you can also buy his CD's online. Listen to your sample at least and hope you will enjoy it as much as I have.$LABEL$1 Dull Noir Wastes Fine Cast. Strong performances by Robert Mitchum and Robert Ryan cannot save this dreary RKO crime drama. Based on the Bartlett Cormack play, "The Racket" (1951) has little spark and few surprises. Ray Collins stands out as the corrupt DA, but second-billed Lizabeth Scott gets saddled with a nothing role. Not even an uncredited assist from director Nicholas Ray could enliven the noir potboiler.$LABEL$0 REALLY Wonderful Snack!. I have now ordered these Honey Graham Sticks twice and we all love them. My kids adore them and I do to. There is no guilt eating these wonderful snacks and I will surely order them again.$LABEL$1 Tasty Chunx Abound!. How fortunate was I to pick this album up the day of release! And What A Release! Lemmy & his Bruise Brothers fire off a few more rounds to nail ya down! Premier selections include: Shut Your Mouth, Mine All Mine, Brave New World, and my personal fave, Voices From The War! Please do yourself a favor, enjoy the 1st song on the disc, skip past the 2nd & then Buckle In!$LABEL$1 CD Quality. The quality of the CD I got was awful. It sounded like a pirated CD, the music was not clear - it's like being played from a tape. I can hardly hear the voices of the singers. The volume varies from one song to the other which made it hard for me to play it for my son on his sleep. I'm pretty sure it is not my player 'cause when I played the Baby Einstein CD I bought from Target, the music from that CD was crisp and clear.$LABEL$0 Great alert. I received the alert system 6 days after ordering it. One day I was heading out the door with my kids on a nice, partly cloudy day when we heard a loud alert coming from a room on the other side of the house. I hadn't heard the alarm before, so we went to check it out. The radio alarm is loud, so it would definitely wake you in an emergency. The weather channel was alerting us that we were in a tornado warning. I got the kids and we went to the basement. About 3-5 minutes later the tornado sirens started going off outside. The alert system gave us several extra minutes before the outside alarms went off. A tornado did not come through our direct area, but it was nice to know when to head to safety. You can set the alarm to sound for many different watches and warnings and for different county areas. With all the extra storms this year, I thought that this could be handy and it already proved it works great.$LABEL$1 Order cancelled without warning.. I was buying this CD for a friend and the order was cancelled, with no e-mail explaining why, just a letter from Amazon basically saying "F-you. You are not important, move along"Needless to say I would avoid this store at all costs.$LABEL$0 Same Name - Different Product. As of November 2005 Amazon is shipping "Version 5" of the WRT54G. Thing is - it's a completely different product than they've been shipping for the past several years. Whereas Versions 1-4 were incremental tweaks to the hardware, Version 5 is a completely new entry, with far less RAM and running a completely different operating system (VxWorks). All previous versions ran Linux and were known for their high quality and reliability, as well as the ability to use upgraded firmwares. See other comments here and on other linksys-enthusiast sites - this new version is a turkey. It may be selling under the same name, but it's no different than if Mercedes started selling a Kia witha a trident hastily slapped on it. I've purchased a dozen of the real WRT54G's for friends and family but this is the end of the line. Some say a WRT54GL is available in Europe for our friends there that want the good one (same as version 4 here). Versions 1-4 got 5 stars; this one gets 1.$LABEL$0 Love this stuff. I love this cream and am also disapppinted at how hard it is to find. It absorbs well into my skin without being greasy.$LABEL$1 Microphone is Weak. The microphone is way too weak to be able to sustain a comfortable conversation. You get what you pay for in this case.$LABEL$0 I'm definitely in the minority here...but that's okay.. I have a five year old daugher who has been a "blankie" kid since she was an infant. Let me just say...this book scared the bejeezus out of her. After reading the book to her, she asked if we were going to cut up her blanket now that she's in kindergarten.We donate books to the public library regularly and this will be in the next batch.$LABEL$0 Nut seized up on first try - had to cut bolt!. Amazon you should remove this item from your store. It is expensive and flawed. As many other reviewers have experienced, I couldn't remove the nut from the bolt after the first application. I had to cut the bolt with a Sawzall to remove. I got this for Xmas and didn't try it until yesterday so I am beyond my return date. Terrible experience all the way around!$LABEL$0 Highly readable and provocative. Have you ever wondered what it might be like to talk with John Irving at a dinner party? Wouldn't it be fun to run into the likes of Timothy Findley at the Second Cup and be able to ask him what inspires his writing and what he thinks about the meaning of it all? Most of us are unlikely to have sucn encounters. However, in the spirit of our age of virtual reality, Douglas Todd has provided us with the next best thing. In Brave Souls, he offers interviews with 28 of North America's most intriguing and artistic souls. Patricia Murphy, Catholic Register$LABEL$1 Breaks easily and the WORST customer service. Had to send the base unit back TWICE due to it not charging the handset. Was able to send it back after many, many phone calls and explanations to the rep. Have had this phone for less than one year and already hate it for it's unreliability and lack of functions.WORST customer service I've ever encountered. Well, except for Dell, but that's another review.I recommend the Panasonic MultiTalk. It costs a little more but worth it.$LABEL$0 Disappointment. Couldn't understand what the British actors were saying and it jumped from one year to the next with no explanation. I had high hopes, but thought it was very mediocre.$LABEL$0 Well Researched--and Too Much So. Kaplan is an excellent researcher. His book is also boring as all heck, too. Dickens, in my opinion, is usually quite funny, or poignant, or both. Don't bother, unless you're doing a paper on Dicken's kidney problems or his friends, and who cares?$LABEL$0 very eye-opening. i loved what chernin had to say about the importance of telling your mother-story over and over until you reach a place of understanding with your idea of your mother as a person. i feel like i am doing this now and this book was a wonderful guide - great stories by all the women.$LABEL$1 Not great. Having heard the track "This bitter land" from this album and "Sober" from their next release I expected more from this album. Unfortunately "This bitter land "is the only track I like at all. It is certainly an original and interesting sound they have, but not a great album for my taste.$LABEL$0 What a read!!!!!!. This book has a very different premise...time travel to the time of Jesus. The story was very researched and a thrill to read. I loved the subject matter as it combined both "thriller" and religious aspects. It made me think, laugh and cry! I highly recommend this book!$LABEL$1 Full of lies.... When you do not come from an Arabic country, reading this book might be extremely horrifying because of the events that take place in the story. However, if you are an Arab then you know that the events stated in this book will never occur. Saudi Arabia is a country, it has rules and laws, and there are many mnay laws that protect women in Saudi Arabia regardless of what this book says. Many of the information about the Islamic religion is false as well. If you want to read a book to get a sense of what women's lives are in Saudi Arabia and the Arab world then do yourself a favor and do not read this book! Our lives, thank God, are wonderful. We have our rights, and we are equal to men. There is no law that demeans women in the Arabian world. I am an Arab, I am a woman, I come from an open-minded society (Kuwait), and yet I am strongly against this book because it does not speak the truth.$LABEL$0 Excellent Energy. I am a relatively new fan of techno and I must say that I find BT to be consistent and energetic. The thing that attracted me to techno to begin with is the complexity of rythym bound together in one presentation. BT does this beautifully, and the first time I listened to "Godspeed" I had goosebumps. BT drew me into this world, as he was the first artist I was introduced to. I have just purchased two of his other works, R&R and ESCM and will review those later. For anyone who is looking to get into techno, I recommend BT. Warning: Do not listen to over and over again, like the NC gent mentioned. It is true. It's like a great movie, you wish you hadn't seen it already so you can enjoy it for the first time all over again.$LABEL$1 Great thermos!. This is a very good thermos. It doesn't leak. The only problem is it is bigger than I planned and doesn't fit inside my briefcase very well.$LABEL$1 Did not receive this item.. It has been one month since I placed my order for this item, and I have not as yet received it. Am I ever going to get it? Nothing to review.$LABEL$0 Battery eating mouse. Works as intended, but Logitech says in manuals to expect 4 months of battery life from mouse. I'v owned product for about 6 months and changed the mouse batteries 3 times so far, less than 2 months per change. Not very "green". Listen, I can afford the batteries, but--call me deluded--I expect more. Logitech has work to do ...$LABEL$0 Xtreme Machines Inside the Ride. Awesome and unique CD. If you are into motorsports, this is about as close as you will get to being at the controls without spending the hundreds of thousands required to own one of these beasts. Get it.....you will not regret it!$LABEL$1 worst ever. I bought 2 of these and they are the worst sharpener I ever owned never got it sharp enough to slice paper and most of the diamond grit come off the fingers and just left a big mess of dust I would never ever buy this again or recommend it to anyone!!!!$LABEL$0 Another great Star Wars soundtrack. First of all, I would like to point out that I do not own this exact soundtrack but the older collecters edition. I am writing the review on here because the reviews for the other soundtrack are for the movie, not the score. I highly doubt that there is any difference in the music though.John Williams' final installment to the Star Wars soundtracks is just as good as the previous ones. The epic fleet music to the Emperor music is fantastic. This score is a bit darker than its predecessors but that's a good thing considering the story involved. There is a lot of great music in here that should please just about anyone.$LABEL$1 A Little Book on Basset Hounds. A review of: Basset Hounds A Andrews and McMeel gift bookFirst of all, this is a tiny book measuring only about 3 inches by 4 inches, but it's packed with interesting and useful information as well as the predictably adorable photos of basset hounds. It starts with an informative history of bassets then gives a detailed description of the "breed standard", the characteristics judges use at dog shows. Then there's very practical advice about choosing a puppy, caring for and bonding with your puppy and some general information about training and care. There's still a lot to know about raising a dog that isn't covered in such a short book, but a surprising amount of information is included between these tiny covers, and it takes at most half an hour to read it all.$LABEL$1 Hilarious. I brought the DvD because I was curious about the whole falling out that The Game had with G-Unit. I was surprised at how the the Boroughs of New York embraced The Game and shunned G-Unit. The Game walked around New York Talking to people (Something that 50 can not do without getting Robbed) asking them how they felt about 50 and G-Unit and it was not good. The Game actually had jokes which made the DvD entertaining and funny.$LABEL$1 Great Price. Product arrived on time and as describes. The great Price made it more than worth it. yes yes yes yes$LABEL$1 Worth the Money. I bought this for my teenage daughter. My niece recommended it for her. At first I thought it was way too expensive, but after buying two other cheaper flat irons that didn't work well for her, I am convinced I should have just bought this in the beginning. It gets very hot which is needed for coarse, thick or curly hair. Highly recommend it!$LABEL$1 souvenir doll. Sweet porcelain doll in blue dress was purchased as a souvenir for my granddaughter who appeared in "Cinderella" in our local community. My granddaughter loved the doll, who came with her own doll stand, and represented the work she had put forth for the play. This doll is a "character doll" and not suitable for play for young children. It is fragile.$LABEL$1 Surprisingly disappointing. Perhaps I expected too much, but while this book is amazingly comprehensive, it is also amazingly amateurish. Almost every entry is filled with opinions - how does one separate facts (an encyclopedia is supposed to have facts in it, right?) from Gray's perspectives? It feels like reading something from a freshman writing seminar.$LABEL$0 Zagat Hits the Skids. Although the ratings are generated by questionaire entries, the writing is within the Zagats control. This book used to be witty and entertaining; now it seems as if a high-school English class was hired to do the writing. The ratings and addresses are useful, but what happened to the prose??? Boring.$LABEL$0 This movie was never that good.,. I also do not know why they bothered with this limited edition gift set. The extra disk does nothing except waste your time.$LABEL$0 My Hands Definitely Didn't Clap.. Boring, not as good as the first one. Would make you think the first one was a bore too. Sorry Toby.$LABEL$0 Improbable characters that work. Who else but Elmore Leonard could come up with a phony priest and an ex-con standup comic as his hero and heroine? I'm guessing the Catholic Church left its marks on him in one way or another because he's had Catholic characters in other books, most notably TOUCH and BANDITS. I went to Catholic school, and the title PAGAN BABIES alone was enough to stir memories and draw me in. (And a tip of the hat to the person who thought to put a mission box on the cover. Perfect!) Leonard unfolds this story of scammers and scumbags with a deft hand, giving us a generous helping of his signature humor and bull's eye dialogue. No one writes like him, and thank God he's so prolific. The man is a national treasure.$LABEL$1 The Book of Chapin Opens Up. This was the first album I ever bought. At the age of ten (okay I was a weird kid) I cleaned out my parent's garage in exhange for this album. Harry is king of the story-song and some of his best are here. The world became aware of Harry with "Cats in the Cradle" but that song only scratches the surface of his talent. "What Made America Famous" is an excellent story of common-man heroics in the face of adversity. "30,000 Pounds of Bananas" is a light-hearted story of a fateful produce delivery gone awry. "Halfway to Heaven" explores a bored, married man's inner conflict with his beautiful young secretary and his dissatisfaction at having experienced so little in life. Like my other Chapin favorites, it is a song that expresses real emotions and the drama of everyday life. It is an even, somewhat somber album that doesn't come close to matching the energy and heart of his live performances, but it is an outstanding album and a good Chapin starter.$LABEL$1 Good Enough To Keep Me Playing. Don't have to worry about batteries or re-charging batteries anymore. Since it's cheaper than the original ones, the material is expected to be cheap too, especially for the buttons. But if you're just going after something that will work and keep you playing then this should do. The wire is long enough but I use a USB extension cable to make it longer and reach as far as I want to.$LABEL$1 Not what I expected from Sting. I got this as a gift for my Husband, but after we both listened to it we were very dissapointed.$LABEL$0 revenge is sweet.... I sat and watched all of season 1 in 3 days...I couldn't stop...it is fantastic. Can't wait for season 2 to start$LABEL$1 Chamberlain garage door opener. I had the purple learn button on my unit so this product worked great for me and it was shipped very fast.$LABEL$1 Looking for something efective. Bought the product because last year my dog, a wonderful big Golden Retriever had a serious desease from ticks, and the products we had been using did not provide good enough coverage for ticks. Have applied it today because I just came back from the States and will see if it works.....our vet said it's very good, so we hope the dog will be effectively protected and able to go to his everyday walk, everywhere.$LABEL$1 Really great CD. I bought this for my daughter, to use for her singing lessons. Brilliant that you get both instrumental and vocal versions. Perfect for us.$LABEL$1 Do not purchase, have a snooze instead.. Lewis write great books, but this is not one of them.Liar's Poker was a great read, even read it a second time last Christmas. However, this new one trades on his reputation far more than the content.Let's get to the point - it's boring.$LABEL$0 Brecht's Alienation. The book is a good guide on tracing the evolution of the notion of alienation in theater. A different route from the naturalistic theater tradition, alienation aims at "extracting" emotions in theater and sticking with the message and aim of a play. Peter Thompson's work indirectly traces the idea of showing that acting is just plain "acting". He does this by reviewing the various experiences of staging Brecht's classic "Mother Courage and Her Children". For actors dreaming to just plainly "act" in theater (acting a character and not being a character), the good is a good guide. For those dreaming to be the mother in Mother Courage and The Mother, Shente in The Good Person of Setzuan, and St. Joan in St. Joan of the Stockyards--learn from this book.$LABEL$1 Disappointing. Gergen's book is awash with name-dropping, inside baseball, and self-serving reminders of his proximity to power and his influence,,,although the evidence of whether any of the truly powerful accepted his advice or were influenced by him in any meaningful way is scanty. In my judgment, it has been his willingness to pander which has made him a "bi-partisan" figure, rather than true intellect or political savvy (a la Moynihan).I find the book to be the same as the man,,,narcissistic and full of self-promotion. There are much better views inside Washinton.$LABEL$0 A bit thin. Ladder of Years was my first experience with Anne Tyler. I was only mildly impressed, because I thought the development of the plot was a bit thin. The book incorporated many real-life situations and emotions, but Tyler was too vague in her descriptions. Tyler left too much to the reader's imagination, which made it a bit difficult to really connect with the characters. It was a constant guessing game throughout the book as too what Delia was really feeling. It was almost impossible because of lack of description to decipher the real reason for Delia leaving, and whether or not she was justifiable in doing so.$LABEL$0 Beautifully written summary of scientific knowledge. This book is a terrific, elegantly written (and occasionally funny) summary of the scientific understanding we have about cats. Among other things, its useful to know what is really demonstrated and what is just folklore. And yes, cats are just as unique as we think they are. Although solidly based on research, the book is written in a journalistic style that is easy to read. I am a high school biology teacher and read a lot of science, Budiansky is one of the very best of the popularizers. Parts of this book are so eloquent, I plan to read them aloud to my classes.$LABEL$1 Poor quality. I like the lightness of the bulb. But the quality of the lamp is very disappointing. It stands there in tilt and the screw is hard to adjust.$LABEL$0 Emancipate Us.. This cd is great and the re-release promises to be better. It's worth the price just for the 5 videos you will have...Then 4 new songs.. What a package and Mimi fans don't mind at all..Heck it'll make a great gift for someone else if you already have it.$LABEL$1 good buy. Sometimes hard to find black tv trays so I ordered these. So far so good. just what I was looking for.$LABEL$1 Choppy - could have been better.... I agree with other reviewers - 2 hours is insufficient. It seems like the movie is broken into 3-5 minute segments of the most important scenes in the book. It's very choppy, rushed, and doesn't really explain anything. If you watch this (and haven't read the book), you're going to wonder what the hell happened between certain scenes. I thought the cast was great, but the movie just didn't flow. If you're looking for a good adaptation, check out one of the BBC/Masterpiece Theatre productions; they never disappoint.$LABEL$0 Too Bad!. I ordered this book from the "Used Book" section on 4/12/09. Today is 5/13/09 and I still HAVE NOT RECEIVED IT. I guess this supplier wasn't such a good choice after all. TOO BAD!$LABEL$0 Great Buy!. Best backpack I've ever owned! Plenty of useful pockets. If you're not sure what to put in all those pockets, it even has little square hardware symbol logos sewn into the inside of each pocket... and there's a legend in the main compartment that explains each symbol. The handle is a big plus. It wears comfortably, and is made of water resistant material. The Mp3 pouch holds an external HD perfectly, though it's weight makes the bag slouch, especially when the main compartment is open. The file pocket is great for keeping bills and other paperwork separate. Great design overall, my wife wanted it when I walked in with it on my shoulder... I'll have to get her the Metro by Ogio, she liked that one too. Very nice laptop backpack in every way.$LABEL$1 fuzzies up in the wash. this blanket was beautiful when it arrived and I washed by itself it before use. It got fuzzies ALL over it, plus a big ball of fuzzies in the dryer screen. I tried washing it again and using a different brand of dryer sheet and still fuzzies and another ball of fuzzies in the dryer screen. I tried using a tape roller on it (like for pet hair), it got some of the fuzzies but not all of them. but of course they come off and stick to my clothes! I will try putting this in the dryer again on no heat, to try to get the fuzzies off.this is too bad. I've purchased from Warm Things in the past and had good things to say. this blanket is a real dud. assuming i can't get the fuzzies off with an hour in the dryer on cool i will be contacting Warm Things to see if i can return this.UPDATE: Warm Things allowed me to return this item. Fantastic customer service!! Absolutely would order from them again.$LABEL$0 really?. This movie is a joke. The story line sounds like it fits on a napkin and was made up by improv people within 2mins. This movie makes no sense, none of it does. Things are horribly obvious, stupid, and badly put together. I dog dreams better movies than that. I was more than disappointed and frustrated with this movie. Total waste of time to watch this, because at the end you feel even dumber for sitting through it that long.$LABEL$0 Flows through you like water. Tori's music is always reflective of her life, like any artist. At the same time, an artist continually explores technique to add to their base of knowledge. Tori always injects these things into her music...that is what makes her the great artist that she is. To Venus and Back...the new material...is more about atmosphere than clear expression of emotion ... more evident on Little Earthquakes. I like the fact that the words and their meanings are not so immediate...they too become atmospheric. She is masterful at the use and combinations of sounds and uses her voice more instrumentally here. I am a big fan, and this recording (live set is excellent too... those pining for "the old Tori" will appreciate it) is as great as all her other ones.$LABEL$1 Disappointed. The Descent is one of my favorite films by far. I was surprised when a sequel was announced. To me, the first film (uncut version) resolved everything. My greatest fears were confirm when I finally got to watch The Descent Part 2 over the weekend.What were they thinking! Leave well enough alone!$LABEL$0 Wonderful Look at Gay Life in the British Fifties. Neil Bartlett's The House on Brooke Street is a wonderfully written look at the repressive 1950's in Britain. It has the erotic charge and the creepy paranoid (with good reason) fear mixed in equal measures to make this novel feel vivid and authentic. The unnamed lead chararcter takes the reader through his encounters and furtive loves through the decades to when he writes it all down in 1956 in a very compulsive manner that is sad and lonely with the thin shadows of anger, rebellion and triumph creeping in on the edges. It is an evocative look at a time but also a look at a time about to change. A very knowing, readable novel.$LABEL$1 Excellent and detailed reference. The coverage of the topic is broad and deep. It is one of the few introductory books that devotes some space to transfer function modeling and does so intelligibly.A must have for the novice as well as those more familiar with the topic that need a solid reference.$LABEL$1 One star. Great pictures (for black and white), including of the tombs of some of the great Chinese Muslim saints; but regarding content the author displays very little interest/appreciation for the religion of Islam; he presents a book that is quite "fuzzy around the edges," with very little regard for the vast wealth of Islamic/Sufi tradition in China, including the Naqshbandiyya (Khuffiyya/Jahriyya) and Qadiriyya orders. One would wish to see in a book like this much more probing and intelligent representation of these truely fascinating people, the Hui Muslims.$LABEL$0 The best companion to your coffee mug. Picked up this SACD based on the many positive reviews here and I must agree. The album is highly repeatable without fatigue. If you enjoy relaxing music mixed with soft vocals, then take a chance and in a few weeks, you too will be writing the next review.$LABEL$1 Terezin revisited. Beautifully sung and played. Reminds one of the Berlin cafe music from the 1920s, which is probably where most of the composers found their niche. Sad to know that these people didn't survive, but their music lives on!$LABEL$1 revisting my childhood. I had already seen this movie in the past, the fact that I had a "craving" to see it again should say something! It is a chick flick there is a ditzy blonde character nothing more than a light fun comedy to relax..........$LABEL$1 How a uke should sound!!!. I have been a fan of the ukulele since growing up in Hawaii and hearing some really good players. IZ of course is a favorite with his ability to make a few clear notes have so much feeling. Troy in this CD captures some really great uke playing and has the ability to have a lot of flourish without going over the top(easy to do I guess). There is good feeling with some very complex playing. I would highly recommend this to someone new to the uke as well as those who have loved it for many years.$LABEL$1 interesting. I thought the book, being short, was well done. I'm not a tolkien, the man, fan, myself, I just like the books he wrote. It was short enough to keep me interested and didn't go into tolkien worship. He was a man just like any of us. White didn't go into intense depth like some of the other authors, who border on tolkien worship. This book is for those who want to skim his life, his associations, like C.S. Lewis, his wife, etc., to see who he really is really quickly and go on. The few supposed 'errors' as some other reviewers put it, are completely outweighed by the many facts put forth by the author that paint the picture as it is done in other works, but at 30,000 feet. Like I said before if you want more depth and concise tolkien history go to some other book.$LABEL$1 Funnier in memory. I remembered this as a really funny movie, but wasn't all that amused by it. I guess humor changes as times change.$LABEL$0 Alan Dean Foster's best work. I rate "Nor Crystal Tears" as Alan Dean Foster's best work, and as one of the best books I have ever read. It is a masterfully written story of first contact. With rarely a dull moment, it really is worth reading.If you haven't read anything by Alan Dean Foster, this is a good place to start.$LABEL$1 One of my all time favorite Jane Austen movies. "Persuasion" is a wonderful book and this is a fantastic movie version of the book. I had a VHS version of this for years and finally picked up the DVD.The cast is spot on - without "big" names to which the script is molded around. It is very true to the book - and evokes in the viewer a lingering wistfulness of what might have been.My recommendation is to read the book first and then see the movie to see the characters brought to life. If you are not a reader, you will still enjoy the beautiful story of a love that survives despite all odds against it.$LABEL$1 Waste of money, bought and immediately sold!. I heard one song and hated it immediately! Don't even bother!$LABEL$0 Remastered Audio should be called UN-Mastered re-do. "The Colour Collection"[2007] is NOT Available Anymore, I hope.This is the same 'collection' of recordings as "20th Century Masters", Millenium Collection released in 2003. Billed as (remastered), a better designation would be "Un-Mastered". The audio is flat dynamically on the newer release[as if compressed or limited for dupping purposes].Not to worry, I returned the disc for a refund. I Love You, AMAZON!$LABEL$0 Great Screwdriver. Great screwdriver saves space by not having to carry two !quick change works greatcan't find them in stores like this !will buy more just to allways have one$LABEL$1 Save your money !!. These DVD's are junk. I have tried half of the spindle and can't get one to record. I have used two different burners and niether will record them. They either spit them back out with a message such as "unrecordable" or they record half way and then spit them out with different error messages.They must be made in China and should be recalled. I'll stick with Memorex.$LABEL$0 Great glove for the price. Made with a tougher leather this gloves lasts WAY longer than other more expensive gloves. Sure the other gloves have that super soft leather, but with that comes accelerated wear and tear. Often times the expensive gloves develop minor tears after just one game. These gloves will last you most of the season. I found that I often lost my glove before it wore out. The only drawback is that the hand tends to sweat more in this glove, but if you remove it after every shot you won't have a problem.$LABEL$1 Not worth $60.00!. I saw all of the positive reviews for this body pillow and drooled over it for some time. It seemed like the best one on amazon. Boy, was I wrong! I'm pregnant and the first night I slept on it was horrible. I woke up with pains in my shoulders from the seams so I removed the cover that came with it as I had read about in other reviews. The next night, same thing. After a week of this I finally gave up. It takes up most of a queen sized bed and I found it didn't give me any support where I needed it. I'm 5'5 1/2'' and slender. No matter what position I was in the pillow was still very uncomfortable. I put it in my daughter's room. Seems the only thing in this house who liked it were the cats. Now it is just taking up space. I would recommend buying a body pillow without any seams in it because for me it just cut into my neck and shoulders all night long.$LABEL$0 The weakest in an otherwise decent series. It seems to be the habit of most fantasy writers (or perhaps their publishers) to forever stick with the characters and worlds that made them famous; this pattern can be witnessed over and over again in the fantasy genre (see R.A. Salvatore, David Eddings, Robert Jordan, et al). The result, unfortunately, is usually books like this. One gets the feeling that even Brooks has grown tired of the series. The plot is nothing any faithful reader of Brooks isn't familiar with by now, and the literary execution is, to say the least, uninspired. Sadly, however, I'm sure that as I write this, Terry's publishing company is pressuring him to come up with yet another Shannarra novel, perhaps this time an epilogue to the series. What a waste of talent.$LABEL$0 completely worthless product. I just tried EnurAid and found it did absolutely nothing to solve the problem. I wonder if it's just a placebo because it has absolutely no effect whatsoever. Please take this useless product off the market and above all, stop taking people's money for it.$LABEL$0 Works great, when it works. This is my 4th wireless mouse, and the only one that I've owned that is sufficiently smooth and accurate for gaming. Its also reasonably easy on the batteries. Ergonomically, its great. Just one problem, and its a big one. Sometimes it just stops working. Sometimes re-establishing the connection through the control panel will work, sometimes not. Sometimes reinstalling the drivers will work, sometimes not. Sometimes absolutely nothing can be done to get it to work, but then the next day it will be working fine.If the mouse spirits are kind to you, you'll love this mouse. If not, you'll curse it$LABEL$0 Trap. I read reviews on this trap and was excited to give it a try. I placed and set the trap as described, but was very disaapointed with the results. The gopher unbelievably was able to defeat the trap many times, packing the trap with dirt but not setting it off and being killed as descibed by the manufacturer. The spring on the trap is too week, and the trigger is of poor material/design. I'd stick to the "Vitor" brand black box, as it works good on gophers not experianced with trapping techniques. I finally decided to hook a metal dryer vent tube up to my cars exhaust pipe, ran the other end of the pipe down the hole, let the car idle for a while, and killed em dead.$LABEL$0 Another fitness trainer jumps on the bandwagon and falls off. Very weak attempt at covering weight training for golf, I already do more in the gym than this book suggests. Nutrition chapter was especially disappointing$LABEL$0 this book is boring. It took so much effort to get through this book, and I'm not even sure why I read the whole thing--I must have been really bored. If you want to read a book full of stories about wealthy teenage boys who can't decide which ivy league school to attend written by a man who clearly thinks academic achievement is the single most important thing in life, this is the book for you. And most of the stories sound fictional; maybe that's just because Pollack isn't a talented writer.I gained nothing from this book and I want my money back.$LABEL$0 Stats Class Workbook. The workbook was missing the key software that will be required in the course. VERY UNHAPPY. I wrote customer services and was not offered the missing software, but only to send it back. I need the workbook for my class, and the class is in its fourth week. I have since ordered the software from the manufacturer.Jim McShane$LABEL$0 BEWARE: These gloves run very SMALL. I typically wear a medium & could barely get my hand in the glove. Go up one size, I need to return mine for a large (at least).$LABEL$0 Rudyard Kipling and India folk talkes. This is a classic folk tale which tells about the domestication of animals. One after one, from cow to cat, the animals become friendly to humans. The CAT is the last animal, and it refuses to fall for the perceived enslavement. Then the woman has to become creative and entice the Cat to join the family.$LABEL$1 Recommended. We were recently at the falconry at Ashford Castle in Ireland. Our excellent falconer guide mentioned this book as the definitive read about this type of wonderful bird. I ordered it for my husband and he is enjoying it. The book itself looks like it stood on library shelves for a time and was discarded. This makes us like it all the more.$LABEL$1 I don't know what to say.... Nobody buys a CD advertised like this! What are the pieces Rubinstein is playing on this CD??? Tell me that and I might purchase it.$LABEL$0 Some good ideas, and some good research. This book has some good ideas, i enjoyed it. The author knows more about the government than some want to believe. You have to check on some of the "cures" yourself - do more research if you want to be sure.Those who only review "the author" really should not buy his books. If you think he makes more money than the government OR the drug companies, youre wrong. I've worked for both for many, many years.$LABEL$1 My bad. I should have read what this was better before ordering it....I hope to get use from it...but not to bright.$LABEL$0 Save your money!. Product does not work. You have to hair at least a quarter inch in length, according to their directions for it to properly work. Ladies are not going to let their chin hair grow to that length in order to use this product. It certainly does not work with hair less than 1/4 inch. It is similar to waxing anyway.$LABEL$0 Not missing much. Buried Alive revolves around a group of college kids who soon learn that the demonic spirit of a woman murdered in their vacation house is out for blood, and guess who's in her axe-wielding sights? Robert Kurtzman, best known as partner to gore effects gurus Greg Nicotero and Howard Berger (hence, KNB Effects) and the original scripter for From Dusk Till Dawn, directs Buried Alive, and sadly it comes off as another derivative, uninspired slasher flick that provides little in the way of scares or suspense. The acting is atrocious and the story is cliche and oh so predictable (for the most part), but Buried Alive does have a few good moments of note, including some nifty gore effects and a small role from Saw's Tobin "Jigsaw" Bell, who himself up's the creep factor just by appearing on film. All in all, Buried Alive may be worth a look for die hard slasher fans, but those that don't see it won't be missing much at all either.$LABEL$0 A Good Buy?. Don't bother with this book unless you want to read a novel worthy of a daytime soap opera. There's nothing but melodrama here. The characters' cookie cutter emotions end up reassuring readers rather than transporting them to a place where they stand to gain a deeper understanding of human life and its complexities.$LABEL$0 Software stinks. The card is solid. Getting it to work on Windows XP is another matter.With blank drives, couldn't download from web or from CD to the floppythat it requires (file is 32 MB, floppy holds 1.44MB)With drive with data on it, couldn't get the program toput the drives into RAID 1. Vague user manual. No online or phone support.Taking it back for refund.$LABEL$0 Father Ted collection. It will be the perfect gift for my husband. We were introduced to Father Ted while on a recent trip to Ireland and will enjoy watching the collection. Thank you for having it available!$LABEL$1 EXCITING ACTION. ANOTHER THAI ACTION DVD WITH SOME HUMOR TOSSED IN. A MAFIA GANG FORCES A MARTIAL ARTIST TO STEAL INFO BY KIDNAPPING HIS BROTHER. BIG MISTAKE !!$LABEL$1 Great Films, Lousy Set. Believe all that you read about the defects of this set. There is freezing/skipping in every film in the set that I tried to watch (4 out of 8) and the manufacturer will not do a thing about it. They ignored two emails from me that were very detailed and explicit about the dvd set's issues. Luckilly Astro Video, the Amazon retailer that I purchased it from were good enough to do a return for me. Although I rabidly want these films in my collection, I will not buy this set again until all the issues have been corrected by the manufacturer. Don't be like me, believe what you see written here and steer clear!$LABEL$0 Yawn yawn yawn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Diamond Dave is a crap album. This guy was only cool with 2 guitarists, Eddie VH and Steve Vai. As for this album, boring covers all the way through with a naff version of Icecream Man. All you can tell from this is that DLR has lost all direction. He couldn't get back with VH. Other musicians have dropped him. Perhaps it's time he retired. After all is getting old now.$LABEL$0 Don't Buy this.... I loved this toy at the toy store but then we came home and tried to get it working and we hated it. Don't get me wrong the IDEA of the toy is great. But the company that makes this toy should worry less about the money and getting it out on the market faster. In the long run, they'll just loose money. If I could change this toy I would make sure the coin and money withdrawn and DESPOISTS work. Instead of a card maybe their should be a combanation like for other safes. When I came online to check out the reviews I reliezed I wasn't the ONLY one wit this problem!!$LABEL$0 Deceptive advertising!. I agree with Troy. In addition, the picture is misleading by not showing the type of electrical connection. It turns out that this product is not a standard 120 plug, (U.S.) It appears to be a 220 volt plug and renders it unusable to the average consumer. Even though I have the ability to make it work, I do not have the interest or time and do not recommend this product.Get Real!T.L.$LABEL$0 not good. The book was not what I taught it was. I was really looking for a color wheel guide to beading. This book did not meet those requirements.$LABEL$0 Very poor quality MADE IN CHINA. Received the shamino bicycle and in bold letters on the box MADE IN CHINA. I started to not receive it and have it returned. I took it home and was doing the minor assembly and noted the machining of the fasteners was terrible and the nuts were loose on the studs/bolts they were fitted on. Packaging was just ok...........there was a loss of paint on the seat post from rubbing something. the tires inflation is rated for 45 to 60 lbs. I was pumping up the rear tire after doing the front tire and got to the 45 lbs ok.............then got a loud pop and the tire blew out very loud. As i write this I do not think this bike was advertised made in china........if you want a good dependable shamino bike buy a used one that was made in the USA. Amazon should not sell substandard made in china items.............I learned my lesson about Amazon and you should also.$LABEL$0 Good concept, poor content, lacks detail. The video covers what could be interesting and important joint locking and joint control techniques. But the videography is terrible. It looks like they had the video recorder on a tripod 10 meters away and filmed this in one or two sessions with NO closeups. Even though I am an experienced martial artist (17 years), and aficionado of joint techniques, I could not figure out the hand and finger positions the people used and described in the video. The subtitles had poor English so additional detail could not be gained there. From the distance the techniques were shot it looks like they have some interesting methods and techniques, but there is almost no way even experienced practitioners would be able to apply these without multiple trial and error sessions. I gave it 2 stars because there is potential there, but all and all it is a disappointment.$LABEL$0 Killing Time - Different but Enjoyable. I enjoyed this book. I salute Linda Howard for trying different types of story lines. Don't listen to the negative reviews. If you are a Linda Howard fan, read it and enjoy. I know you'll love the end. By the time I closed this book - I was very satified and had a smile on my face. I will never miss a Linda Howard book!Don't forget to read my very favorites - After the Night *******, Open Season ******, Shades of Twilight ******, Son of the Morning *********, Dream Man ******, Dying to Please *****.$LABEL$1 Info about Virgo Degan. Virgo Degan's first album, entitled "Yes, it is.", was produced by Chuck Henry of 10 West Productions, and released to critical acclaim in the fall of 2003."YES, IT IS" is an eclectic mix of digital and progressive rock, trance and ballads from LA-based vocalist Virgo Degan.Track Listing: 1. Bourbon Drive, 2. Stop Sayin' That!, 3. Just You and Me, 4. Can I Go On?, 5. Stop Sayin' That! (Dark Trance Mix).$LABEL$1 Far from a triumph.. Blackmantle is in my opinion a hugely disappointing effort from Kennealy-Morrison and is symptomatic of a slide that has occurred in the quality of the series since the Copper Crown ( a truly superb book ). I agree with the comments about it being a thinly disguised autobiographical novel and it got far too mystical in places -not enough essential action. I await the arrival of the Deer's Cry on this side of the Atlantic with a touch of foreboding- especially given some of the comments I've read on it$LABEL$0 Dangerous nonsense. Such a shame. I saw the book advertised on TV and was intrigued. But within the first few chapters I began to question some of the logic. For example, from Chapter 2 "Consider this--animals in the wild such as chimpanzees do not get sick!" ... at which point I thought, erm, yes they do? Then, as I was asked to consider more and more "startling bits of data" that were clearly suspect I started to get really suspicious about about the author and the authenticity of what I was reading. So I Googled him. I suggest before buying this book you read his Wikipedia entry. That, and other references, have made me decide to throw this book in the recycling, and satisfy my interest in naturopathy from an author who's much more legitimate.$LABEL$0 Would Not Recommend this Toy. My 2 year old son received this toy as a gift. Although he somewhat enjoys playing with it, I was seriously disappointed with the functionality of the click bricks.First, the click bricks don't 'stick' together well. If you pick up two joined sections or try to reposition them they fall apart -- very frustrating for a 2 year old!! I think the magnets are way too weak. Some of the magnets don't work at all!Second, you can't really build much of anything with the pieces in this set. They have some neat pictures of built projects on the box, but good luck recreating them!I would absolutely not recommend this toy. My son has MUCH more fun playing with his Mega Blocks and with his basic wooden alphabet blocks. Hope this review is helpful to you!$LABEL$0 Sennheiser RS-120 Wireless Headphones. Excellent sound, but fits like most headphones. I expecially liked the padding around the ears. I thought it was a good buy for the price. I use the set mainly for watching TV, so I don't wake my wife, and it works great.$LABEL$1 Weight Loss. Great product for the price!! I haven't seen much loss, but my craving for food has decreased throughout the day!$LABEL$1 At first I liked it. The cream is smooth, unscented and non-greasy. It didn't dry out my skin and it didn't cause breakouts! (I have combination skin) I thought I had a winner! However, after going through a complete tube, I realized that the cream didn't work. It didn't moisturize, reduce wrinkles or fade age spots. Nothing. I've had other Alpha products and they are always excellent, this wrinkle cream just didn't work for me at all. Unless they tweak the formula, I wouldn't recommend.$LABEL$0 laughable!. I have to say I had my hopes up when I bought this book, but this book is non realistic, who has time to explore their bodies, for hours on end. It wasn't disgusting in anyway but the terms she uses for body parts some times I could not stop laughing! Rose buds, petals, love bud I mean come on who uses terms like that? I certainly don't and never will!!!!! Good Luck to the next person who reads this book!$LABEL$0 Cross Mini Gel Rollerball. This refill was what I expected and I am enjoying using my Cross pen again.$LABEL$1 tough to beat. I have to say I'm totally hooked on this show, I can't wait to get the next season on dvd! As a doctoral student in clinical psych I'd say it's probably the closest thing to real therapy that your going to see on tv or movies, it's the closest I've seen. Of course it's sped up to fit one client into one season, but it's pretty accurate in its depiction of how a psychdynamically-oriented clinician goes about work. The fact that he does his own personal therapy is a major plus for the show, it gives you a great view of the human side of the therapist that you don't see when he's the therapist. Overall, it's a great show. If you like this type of therapy (psychdynamically-oriented, non-manualized, etc.), or if you have had some of this type of therapy yourself, I'm sure you will really like In Treatment.$LABEL$1 bad deal / rip off. Don't buy this. I bought this because it was recommended in other people bought this section, when I order my Slime COMP06 Pro Power Heavy-Duty Tire Inflator. It doesn't work, when I turn on the power switch on the pump the red power light on the adapter goes out and nothing happen. No worth the price to send it back. (JUNK)$LABEL$0 I'm returning mine. I just received my SanDisk Cruzer Micro with U3 today, and it's going right back where it came from. If you don't use THEIR software's eject, you get an error message the next time you insert the USB key. This wouldn't be a problem, except that their software is sensitive to certain settings that I have, and _disappears_ from my screen before I can click on the Eject button. Hardware should not be settings-dependent. Also, if the USB connector is retractable, there should be a flap to prevent dust from gathering inside.$LABEL$0 Great giraffe but seam tore. I was given this giraffe at my shower. I love it and was hoping my son would too. Within 2 weeks of use (just for music as my son is too young to interact with it) the seam has opened up and the leg is falling off. I don't know how this happened as it hasn't been used much. I feel like it was just not stitched well. I have contacted the company so I hope they will replace the giraffe.$LABEL$0 Beautiful Film!. This film is the best Little Women film to date! Claire Danes was not the best Beth, but very enchanting. Winona Ryder did a superb job as Jo. Kirsten Dunst was very funny and enchanting as young Amy. Susan Sarandon was wonderful as Marmee.$LABEL$1 really bad book. I am glad I didn't pay money to receive this book. I got it at the library's free table. I started to read it and found that it was full of violence. I stopped reading it and threw it away. Our society is violent enough w/o books having violence in them. So I threw it away and hurled it way back in the trash bin so nobody could reach it, it was just so bad. I would give no stars if I could.$LABEL$0 Megadeth's sound is huge... this just sounds weak. I too was psyched for this DVD. I've seen the band several times the past couple years, and think they are pumping on all cylinders. However, the sound production on this DVD just really disappointed me. There is no punch to it at all. Honestly, I have trouble watching it for this reason. I've heard the cds sound better, I am a huge 'deth fan so I may gave them a try. But this DVD left me feeling empty.$LABEL$0 On my top 5 list of favorite movies. This movie was just simply amazing. If you are the type of person who easily feels other people's pain then you may need an entire tissue box after the movie is over. I felt everything the movie wanted me to feel. Guilt, remorse, sadness, and even happiness. I don't understand why people would totally dislike the movie just because of a few factual mistakes. There are thousands maybe even millions of movies that don't get the facts %100 right. I hate when people look for the negative in things and then forget all about the positive. If this movie didn't move you to want to at least consider donating you have no heart..regardless if the facts weren't all right. I cry every single time I watch this movie. Will Smith is a wonderful actor and he deserved every award for this movie. My copy of the movie got scratched so I immediately went on to Amazon to search for a new copy.$LABEL$1 dark and depressing. I love Angela Hunt's books because they are all different. Unfortunately, I knew I was in trouble with this one when I read of Mark's favorite pastime. From there, things went from bad to worse. The book depressed me, possibly because it addresses the afterlife and I was just looking for a good inspirational read. I also had trouble understanding if Ms. Hunt was really trying to describe hell, purgatory, or was merely using poetic license to get readers to take stock of their relationship with God. If the latter is the case, she succeeded. However, I do think that any book that addresses such a dark issue needs to thoroughly counterbalance that darkness with the Hope we can have in Jesus Christ. Kudos to Angela Hunt for tackling all topics, but I will probably not recommend this book to any friends!$LABEL$0 Great Guides. I ordered both Barcelona & Madrid before my May trip to Spain- saw them in the Magellan travel catalogue a couple weeks before I left town, and thought these might be helpful. As it was my first time in Spain and I speak only a little Spanish, they proved really helpful, much better than carrying around a guidebook.$LABEL$1 Do not buy!. I have had some real problems with this software. And the customer service at Pinnacle is terrible! The always tell you the same thing, "Uninstall and re-install".When I would burn my finished product onto VCD, deleted scenes or something would blink in and throw my movie off sync. Talk about annoying! I am sure there is software better than this out there. I am going to try Adobe Premier now and I hope I get the results from it that I need.*Mac users praise the computer gods for giving you Imovie!$LABEL$0 Well, if you are a true Beatle fan..... I have been a Beatles fan since 1964, and I have distinct memories of the band's influence on my young life. I saw Hard Day's Night, Help!, Yellow Submarine, and Let It Be in the theater when they were first released. This film has always been the Holy Grail of Beatle fandom.Now that I own it, I can honestly say I understand why it took so long to release it to the public. That thirty years of isolation, locked up in a vault somewhere in London, only improved its standing in my imagination, not on actual film. The BBC was right to bury this. As a film, or television special, it's horrible.But as a fan, I had to have it. Now, that's all I can say about it; I own it. When will Let It Be be released?$LABEL$0 what happened to the romance. I really liked the previous books in this series a whole lot so was very excited when this book came out. I read it and there was no eric or bill, so no romance involving sookie. That is what I like so I was very disappointed with this book. I hope definately dead is better but it doesn't sound like it will be.$LABEL$0 Have GPS Will Travel. It is just fantastic. If Columbus had one of these , the history of the world--- , well who knows! I love it. The voice is harsh and the pronunciation at times is tough to follow. But all in all do not leave home without it.$LABEL$1 Essential Batman. I absolutely loved this boxset, almost based completely on the special features of which there are a ton!! Obviously the movies are here, and they look and sound great. But the main thing would be all the special features. Nice buy for any Batman or action fan.$LABEL$1 Tedious and Endless. This film presents an interesting but sad story about female miners who were living in an impossible situation in Northern Minnesota mine country. However, the presentation of the fact that these women were constantly hassled on their jobs and in their community is way overdone. And nearly every single male character in the movie is portrayed as vulgar and evil, with the exception of one miner's husband and the lawyer who takes the harrassment case to court.This movie tedious and neverending, and much of the dialoge is so "movie of the week." Skip it.$LABEL$0 Outstanding Bible Survey. I was handed this book by my Youth pastor in high school, and it helped me form the foundation of my personal faith. I am currently leading a group of high school guys through the book and they also are loving. Great for new or old christians who want to start their learning in the bible and theology.$LABEL$1 Don't buy this toy!. I bought this for my 9-year-old son on his birthday and it is totally useless. As other reviewers have noted, after a few firings, it jams up and the more the bullets jam, the more damaged they become. Furthermore, it's hard to find replacement bullets. This was a total waste of money and I doubt we will ever purchase a Nerf gun again.$LABEL$0 this should be your civ pro bible. If you are taking Civil Procedure, this book should be your Bible. Period.$LABEL$1 HORRIBLE!!. This item is cute and supposedly "protects" little fingers from being cut. This item is horrible and useless - I am returning this junk. It is comfortable and fits well in my hands, but as you try to cut your little one's fingernails... it is impossible. The "skin guards" around the clippers make it IMPOSSIBLE to cut nails accurately. I am disappointed... sassy usually comes out with really great products... NOT THIS TIME! EPIC FAIL! >:^($LABEL$0 Informed Decisions - 2nd edition. As an owner of the original "Informed Decisions" I was thrilled to see that there was an updated edition. I purchased the 1st edition when afamily member was diagnosed with cancer and it was a wonderful help -notto try to make decisions, but to know what to ask the doctors.I purchased the new edition in order to try to do the same for a familymember with oral cancer. What a disappointment!!! I expected to findupdated info about staging and survival rates, Not there!! Just a generaldiscussion that is not any more helpful than the information in ageneral use medical text, such as Merck's, Johns Hopkins, etc. If agood text is needed, find a used copy of the original "Informed Decisions" and check the data with your doctors.$LABEL$0 Good price but poor quality. The seat foam was poor quality/ low density......not comfortable. Don't feel that it would have held up for very long.$LABEL$0 I watched it 3 times in one day.. I notice how this movie didn't get rated with 5 stars. Maybe because Owen Wilson is always funny with ben stiller by his side. But I gotta say he pulled it off without B.Stiller. Not all can relate to this movie. I know I wish I had someone to fend off the bullies while I was in school. LOL!well, my fav part was when Owen ( Drillbit) told the kids to find a common ground with the bullies. So the fat kid had a free-style (rap) competition with the main bully. Except he only made the bullies more furious and embarassed them.there are other funny parts in the movie but this just made the movie..to me anyway.$LABEL$1 Fan of old musicals. Still well done by this fabulous duo. Its in color, but I prefer black & white. Still worth the purchase price.$LABEL$1 An odd and enchanting writer from Denmark. Hoeg is known in the States for his mystery/exoticica Smilla's Sense of Snow, but when addressing his fantasy/real world body of work he falls into the rarified atmosphere of South American novelists who mix a crackling good story with elements of fancy. Yet Hoeg's fancies are dark and brooding and compellingly written. Bravo and more please.$LABEL$1 warm hands, warm heart. Bought them for my daughter who is off at college in NJ, because she couldn't find them in stores. Arrived on time, nice packaging.$LABEL$1 let down. Willing to give it some more time but this record is a big let down. It's still Supergrass so there are lots of great vocals and band personality but the songs are largely insignifigant. Where is the weight?"Prophet 15" and "Run" are all that keeps me from smashing this thing over my head and into one hundred bits. Run is a top 15 Supergrass song but low on that list. Prophet 15 would have made a nice b-side surprise. Something is rotten here.I saw it coming when the last album was dominated by weak material but I did not want to believe that it could happen.The last album has some gems though that more than save it and seperated Supergrass as one of the true musical leaders of this pale generation.Why could this not have continued?Let down. Who is next to fall?$LABEL$0 Useful for a beginner. I bought this book hoping to pick up a little bit of the language that so many of my friends speak.Although it is no substitute for personal instruction, I found this to be quite useful. I learned a few colloquialisms, and the author interjects some interesting culture notes here and there.All in all, I'd say it's work the couple of bucks to pick it up. Recommended.$LABEL$1 Sopie and the Bfg make a very good team.. When Sophie first met the Bfg she was scared. They became friends and at the end the rescue was very entertaining. I think other people should read this book because it is a delightful book.$LABEL$1 Sucked!. I was really hoping for some good chuckles on my hour long commute to work. This didn't give me any chuckles. It was more cringe worthy than anything. I'm hoping his other stuff is better and will give it a try, but I would recommend skipping this one.$LABEL$0 Ashes to Ashes, Boring-to-More-Boring. Looking over the reviews, I can't believe I'm reading the same book! I am sooooooooooooooo bored, I can only read a few pages before falling asleep at night. Yet, I am plugging on because I did read Tami Hoag's last book, "Ashes to Ashes" and found it engrossing. The only reason I don't just QUIT reading this book is because I've never done that before and I am curious enough to want to know what happens. I can't recommend it to others, though. Do a crossword puzzle instead.$LABEL$0 Good read - though gratuitous in parts. I enjoyed this book quite a bit, and would have given it 5 stars except I felt some of the story line was overly gratutious.$LABEL$1 A perfect book for young Star Wars Fans. I think that this book is middling in complex wording, probly created for kids around the ages 8-12. Even though it was a bit slow, and I prefer more complex wording, it was a fairly good book as far as the plot goes. For older readers seeking Star Wars Books, try the Young Jedi Knights series, but this book is a perfect book for a younger reader.$LABEL$1 Poorly Written Book. It is a great story idea, but the writer made it predictable and trite. There were many long dialogues where nothing was actually said. I was horribly disappointed, and I live in the town the story was set. That in itself should have kept me interested...or maybe not?$LABEL$0 Did not get the product I ordered. The product I ordered was the large version of this book. What a received was a smaller version. Not what I wanted. Extremely disappointed.$LABEL$0 Out of This World. I love M.I.A. She experiments with music like a scientist does with lab rats. Crazy beats, untouchable energy I love it.$LABEL$1 Excellent protein supplement. My son recommended this for my recovery from heart surgery six months ago. My wife and I have been taking it ever since. I think NOW products are good across the board, and this one is particularly good. I'd recommend the "natural" flavor over the "Dutch Chocolate." The natural flavor doesn't require a much to constitute the same amount of protein, thus saving money, and the natural has a very neutral flavor. We use it in a smoothie every morning with lots of different nuts and Green Vibrance and a banana. Makes for a very filling breakfast. I think this product really helped in my recovery.$LABEL$1 The Best Despite Others' Criticism. This book was one of the BEST I have read in a long time. It takes a fantasy sci-fi book to a new level. It was supenseful, intriguing, and a renewal of faith. A great way to say "what if God had made a place other than Earth..." Overall: This deserves six stars.$LABEL$1 Worst album ever?. I would give this no stars if that option were available. The only interesting thing about this album is that it is mentioned by Thomas Pynchon in Gravity's Rainbow. Amateurish, pseudo-psychedelic pseudo-folk of the cheesiest, silliest, most inane and cloying sort. Do not listen to this album. It may be hazardous to your mental health, especially if you attempt it with trendy chemical amusment aid. No redeeming value on any level, even as an artifact of silly psychedelia. When I had to move I threw it in the dumpster.$LABEL$0 Repetitive, boring. Too long, too repetitive and almost no dialogue creates an extended agony that sometimes might be confusing.$LABEL$0 No NON. Monotonic dribble. This is definatly the ... NON release so far, asides "Might". I can only recommend NON's "God and Beast" or "Easy listening to the Iron Youth". If you are looking for a good noise, look for titles from Merzbow, Painjerk, Deathpile, Whitehouse, Masonna and others. NON is way too over-rated.$LABEL$0 Inaccurate Sizing. If you have a larger breed dog (GSDs, Labradors, Huskies, etc.), beware of the sizing.I decided to buy one of these muzzles for my 9 month old German Shepherd for when he goes to the Vet. The sizing information on the packaging and the website are all way off so I didn't really get to test it out. They both suggest a size 3 for GSDs, but in reality, the size 3 is half of what my dog would need. And my dog is standard size, so he's not over-sized or anything.I returned this and ordered a Size 4XL. Hopefully that will fit.$LABEL$0 Great price and functionality.. I was looking for a compact electric kettle that would be good for travel. The Proctor Silex K2070Y 1 Liter Electric Kettle was the best choice I could find, and the price was very attractive. It is a very useful and mostly well-designed unit. Lightweight, compact, easy to see the water level, easy to see the "on" light, and fast. Two and a half minutes to a boil (filled at the minimum level; enough for one large cup). The only down side is the on-off trigger sticks up and might break off during travel, and the pouring screen (inside the spout) is not very secure. It has come loose several times inside the pot. All-in-all, a very good product.$LABEL$1 Good stuff. This thing is just as advertised. The hose is good quality. It is well built and works very well.One word of warning: This thing is HEAVY. Think through what you are going to mount it to and how.$LABEL$1 Captivating. An excellent book. Jennings story gives a child's account on a very profound and important subject matter. I discovered once I began reading his book, I could not put it down. I strongly recommend it--a most captivating narrative of what a child had to endure.$LABEL$1 A delightful twist on an old favorite. My four year old daughter adores this book. Already a huge fan of the classic Cinderella story, she found this book at the library and enjoyed it so much I had to purchase a copy for our own collection. The illustrations are bright, colorful and clever. The story is long enough to hold the interest of a child who is ready to move beyond single-sentence storytelling, yet not so long that it takes forever to finish the book (always a plus if you have a child that is always trying to negotiate for just one more book before bedtime).$LABEL$1 My cat love it!. Great Supplement!! I got both the one for dogs, and the one for cats. They all love this supplement very much! The only reason I am rating it 4 instead of 5 because the tablet is slightly too big for my 15- year- old cat, so I have to powder it to put in her food. It would be great if they can make manufacture one in a powder form.$LABEL$1 Great guide but needs updating. This book is excellent for both the novice and experienced eBayer alike. Everyone who uses eBay regularly should be able to take something away from this book.As a previous reviewer has stated, some of the tips are common sense, and come straight off the ebay site. However, its great to have these tips in one place and easily referenced. This can serve as a checklist for your own buying and selling procedures.PS: Second edition has now been released. Make sure you are buying the new one.The one big negative - no coverage of the latest 'bid sniping software'. This automates your bidding, allows better planning, does not increase the sell value early in the auction and maximizes the chance of winning (by placing a bid in the last seconds of auction). This software isn't highly publicized by ebay.This is a great book, but look out for newer texts covering the latest auction software.$LABEL$1 Yummy!. This is great for settling the tummy.And for those of you wondering if you can use this syrup for sodamaking with something like a sodatream - Yes you CAN. Each bottle will make between 2-4 litres of cola depending on how strong you like the flavour. So, slightly more expensive than sodastrems flavours, but WAY BETTER TASTING and no artificial sweeteners.$LABEL$1 Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators (2nd Ed). I really enjoy using this book, it was one of our recommended books for the Masters of Nursing Education class. Have already used it a lot as a resource for my Nursing Education Practicum clinical log and other papers that have to be written with references.$LABEL$1 Awful "voice" for this character. Selma Blair did not understand this character. Her tone of voice is really unappealing. I am very disappointed and will not use this in my class. Poor product.$LABEL$0 Can't beat this - easy problem free. There is nothing to say really, I have no problems,I support 5 major formats, it is small, and user friendly. I would recommend this to anyone! I had this for about a year now and still no problems.$LABEL$1 Not to my liking. I'm not sure what everyone is talking about in the previous reviews. We had this for a bookclub and several members, including myself, found the religious overtones offensive. The author appears to be pious and judgmental. Just because you think about a sin doesn't make it a sin! Would not recommend this book.$LABEL$0 Excellent magazine. I received my first issue much sooner than expected and I'm pleased with the informative articles and wonderful photographs in the magazine. If you're a horse lover, this magazine is sure to please.$LABEL$1 FOR COLLECTORS ONLY. This 1955 effort for Prestige is marred for me by vocalizing on 2 tracks and rather loud congo playing from Candido on several others. Fortunately Bennie and Charlie Rouse returned to the studio several years later and recorded BACK ON THE SCENE for Blue Note. It is much the better of the two and is included in the 3 CD box set which gives you 5 LPs worth of music,including SOUL STIRRIN--WALKIN AND TALKIN and more.$LABEL$0 Horrible!. Forever was forever boring. I enjoyed the first ten pages and then it was all down hill from there. I've been told the first two books by McCann were far better, maybe I'll give those a try.$LABEL$0 5 scenes too late.... Everything seemed okay, but when we went to watch it - and tried over and over again, the movie skips the beginning scenes of the movie. I was very disappointed at a product that was supposed to be in new condition. The DVD is useless.$LABEL$0 A Good Knot Book. This book gives clearly illustrated instructions on tying many very useful knots. It organizes them under headings of Sailing, Hiking and Climbing in which they are most commonly used. The author includes the strength of most of these knots which describes how much they weaken the lines in which they are tied - often leaving less than 50% of the original strength of the line! Some knots do not hold well when bending (you will learn the definition of this term, as well as "hitch" and "knot") together two ropes of unequal size. Maybe you should use a different knot? Budworth has a suggestion!This book is both useful and interesting thanks to the inclusion of a brief history of each knot. It did not change my life, but it did change how I secure my anchors! I recommend it!$LABEL$1 Look great, work great.. I've owned a similar set of these for 8 years that came from the dealer when I bought my car. They've been great and totally trouble free so I bought these for my old truck after recently purchasing new tires/wheels. These fit great on the longer studded 3/4 ton and 1 ton axles. Let's not kid each other - if a real thief wants your tires/wheels there are relatively easy ways for them to get any wheel lock off. For the modest price, however, why not try to at least deter the casual thief? These fit the bill, look great and come with a great warranty.Cheers!$LABEL$1 never recieved my books. i never recieved the book because you messed up with the shipping. I got my money back a month alter for it but i still never read it. i will never buy anything from amazon again. noone even offered to resend the book free of cost which they should have because i waited for it for so long. 3 different books i had this problem with.$LABEL$0 Time Travel & Pseudo-Scientific Jargon. Time travel and what-have-beens are among my favorite type of book. Highly recommended are Anderson's TIME PATROL, Piper's LORD KALVAN or Dann's TIMESHARE series.However, Mr. Parkinson has produced a plot with a minimal storyline, characters with confusing pasts, presents and futures, a knowledge of history which would not do justice to a ten year old and glossed over this dross with mathematical constructs and scientific jargon in a mish-mash of nihilism. Having received the enire series plus his TIMECOP work, the best I would note is that Mr. Parkinson's writing is of a consistent level -- unfortunately, that level is poor.$LABEL$0 Vornado EH1-0028-06. EH1-0028-06 This is a very dangerous product, The cord gets extremely hot, causing the outlet to turn dark black, I notice a burning smell and checked the heater and the outlet was on fire. Luckly We were able to put the fire out before it caught the house on fire, I would not recommend this product to anyone. If you do buy it or already have one check the out let often!!!$LABEL$0 Wonderful performance of Swan Lake. First thing is to say that indeed, today, you can find much better recording qualities (we are in the DDD era). However this performance by Boston and Ozawa is the only one that got the zing. It's really emotional and Ozawa truly lives Tchaikovsky's dream. As others have already noted, the string work is magnificent, and the listener might cry together with the swan... If you are a ballet fan, Buy this CD!$LABEL$1 Not Very Good!!. I was assigned to read "Define Normal" & if not for that, I wouldn't have finished it. I think the age level it was meant for doesn't match the age level that would actually enjoy it. I agree very much with the review that called it dry, it lacked emotion & any depth into the characters. I found it boring & corny. I just don't really think that the author really has much talent. It's not a book someone could really get into. The only positive thing about it is that it's easy & fast to read, only I think a 4 year old could read it. Nope, I would say, don't waste your time & money.$LABEL$0 Fun, but does NOT contain words that you can use every day. I actually purchased the day calendar that was produced from this book by Jeffrey Kacirk. The information he provides about each word is fascinating and wonderful! However, this is a book full of words that are forgotten for a reason...they are no longer of much use to those living in our times! Some could be used, but most refer to things that are no longer in use, or to issues or items that we no longer have knowledge of. For instance, there are many words that refer to horses as a means of transportation--since we rarely use them in this manner, the words are not functional for our society.I would highly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in history or etymology, but not to those who, like me, are looking for words to add to their current vocabulary. I enjoy the information, but that enjoyment is soured by my dissapointment in not finding words that I can actually use from day to day.$LABEL$0 Uses 100% CPU, No Response from email Support. I've used Trend Micro for a couple of years as a happy user and upgraded recently. I installed 2007 on one of my 3 PC's. A Trend Micro program called PcnSrv... will eat between 90 to 100% of CPU. I have to kill the process in order to use the computer. Apparently this is a known problem but Trend Micro has no obvious information on their website about it. Via google I found some information about this problem with a suggestion to deactivate SpyBot. But that did not work. I sent 2 or 3 support emails, and they never respond. I am getting rid of this product and will not install it on my other 2 PC's. It is bad enough to have a problem like this but when the support staff will not respond, that is a deal killer. Very disappointed. I wasted my money.$LABEL$0 Overheats in Microwave. I bought this set because it said it was "Microwave Safe". I don't know what this term means in respect to this set. After heating a cup of coffee up for only 30 seconds, it is untouchable and the coffee is still cold! The plates and bowls get too hot also to the point you have to use potholders after 30 seconds. I am thinking of returning them for safety reasons. Also, you try to put them in a dishwasher, the wierd sizes of everything do not fit properly. On the positive side, they look pretty.$LABEL$0 Time better spent painting your house. I listened to this as a book on tape. After each chapter, each tape, I would think "this has got to get better, this is Grisham." I have no doubt that if I had been reading this book I would have given it up after the second or third chapter -- and I ALWAYS finish a book I've started.$LABEL$0 Crystal cracked. After about a month of ownership of this beautiful watch, I went into HyVee's beer refrigerator for 30 minutes. I was diligently choosing beers I was curious about. I then walked outside into a hot, humid day. I drove home. During the drive, I begun to hear a cracking sound. I wasn't sure where it was coming from, but it was near.After I arrived home, I looked at my watch to see the crystal was cracked right down the middle. In fact, to my horror, I got to see it crack one last time.The watch still works great. I plan on getting it repaired. Unfortunately, the one item that's not under warranty is the crystal.$LABEL$0 Fair Warning. Okay, okay, how do I say this nicely? This book is all but unreadable. Period. But not for the reason(s) you might think. The author is British. I am a not, and frankly, half the time while toiling through this book, I didn't have a clue as to what this writer was talking about. You see, that's because the book is written a la "British humor". British humor combined with late 20th century British slang terms, references, in-country gossip, yada, yada,yada. It's a book written by a Y2K Brit for fellow Y2K Brits. While his stories of previous Tour races are interesting and well written, so much of the rest of the book, like I said before, had me more than once thinking, "What is this guy talking about??"All you Anglophiles can turn up your noses if you wish, but I personally would not recommend this book. I am sorry I bought it; even used, it was not worth it.$LABEL$0 ok (optimal kuality). few albums came out in 1998 with more far reaching impact ... possibly it will prove to be easier for +40 people to enjoy talvin singh's sitar-tabla-vocals-fused sound than the young people of the here and now ... we've travelled the track before hand in hand with ravi shankar etc. ... anyone who adore singh as much as I should look into the works of nusfrat fateh ali khan as well ... talvin singh bodies electric$LABEL$1 My most favorite movie!. THis is the best movie ever!! James woods is hilarious. I have seen this in theatres and i just had to buy it and see it again!The ending is amazing!!$LABEL$1 Great solo's. Nice to hear something lean, mean and raw.. If you like weather report or return to forever, you need to hear this CD. Wayne Reynolds is a very scary bass player who is obviously into Jaco, but he's definately doing his own thing. I heard several different influences as I listened, such as Ornette Coleman, early 70's Miles, and the two I mentioned above. Overall, I was very impressed with the CD.$LABEL$1 I Beg to Differ. I thought BASIL was an intriguing film - a classical tale of revenge gone wrong. I couldn't figure out why it was rated R though, since there are no sex scenes, and less violence than what is found in most contemporary films.I didn't find it dull at all, so I guess I will be one of the few people who thoroughly enjoyed this film. Christian Slater did a fine job - as usual, and I found the ending to be sweet.Had the lead character found someone to love, I would have given the movie 5 stars.$LABEL$1 BEST CD IN A WHILE!!!. This CD is great! I love every song on "Free Me"! Emma truly is a fantastic artist! I really hope she makes it big in America! Buy this album because you won't be dissatisfied with it! Join the Emma Street Team: (...)$LABEL$1 Do not waste your money.. My husband rented this movie . Within five minutes he turned it off. That is pretty sad because he usually will give more time than that!!' He said it was horrible.$LABEL$0 An inspirational treasure. I am reading Things Unseen for the 3rd time now. I expect it won't be the last time. This book is a work of art & I am shocked to learn it is out of print. It is readable for people of all ages and capacities. If you want to rejuvenate your view of the purpose and meaning of your life, start right here. You won't be able to put it down. If this book were written by a more well known author it would be in every church library and Buchanan would be a millionaire.$LABEL$1 Just what I wanted. I do residential remodeling, so I'm always using a compressor--inside the house, or outside. I have a Porter-Cable 6 gallon pancake compressor that was part of a kit, and a good buy to get me started, but the PC is NOISY, so I hate to take it indoors. And it's relatively heavy. The DeWalt was just what I was looking for. It's quiet, and as it turns out, it usually has enough capacity to run either the brad nailer or finish nailer, regardless of the job (inside or out). Much lighter to pack and carry, too.$LABEL$1 Sony M-470 Microcassette Voice Recorder. I would not recommend this product. The loud buzzing noise during playback made it almost impossible to hear what was on the tape. I tried different tapes and speeds and a mic but to no avail. Digital please!$LABEL$0 Take along train included; not wooden. Just so you are aware, this is a take along thomas train included with the movie, not a wooden thomas. It is not compatable with the thomas wooden railway.$LABEL$1 Greatest Band Ever!!!!. I love the CD!! I Know Travis and he is a fun person. I love his music!! He and his whole band is the greatest rock group ever!!I play guitar and Dudly inspires me!! I like the way he plays!! I think if you haven't heard this band you should!!!$LABEL$1 The Rippingtons ~ [Rippin'] Live Across America!. I have listened to many traditional and contemporary jazz artists, but none inspire me like The Rippingtons.I bought this after seeing it on the shelves and listening to music samples. All of the tracks are performed live, with 9 of them being remixes of some of their previously recorded work, 3 of them being remixes of well-known songs by other artists, and 2 being altogether new, never-been-heard before songs.And it is for the one song, "Road Warriors," that I bought this CD. The electric guitar, and just the whole arrangement of the song, is just so POWERFUL and MOVING. "Are We There Yet?" the second new song on the disc, simply sounds like a more mellow version of "Road Warriors," following the same melody.Sure, the other performances were good, but nothing special if you've already heard them before on their previous CDs; they're just done with that much better instrumentation this time around.$LABEL$1 Muito Bom!. Muito bom!!!I gave this to my kids to watch before traveling to Brazil and they loved it. I myself speak pretty decent Portuguese, yet still picked up a lot of new phrases from the more advanced chapters. Great product.$LABEL$1 A Biased Film ??. They have taken 3 stories and put the women in a worst case scenario. I felt like this film was really trying to push "Pro-Abortion" down my throat, and not very subtley. They are using high drama and emotions to try to influence those who question allowing abortions as a "convenience" for a woman. Very few women have abortions due to life threatening situations. In reality, most abortions are a matter of convenience. Period. Why not be honest about it ??? I wouldn't recommend this film, but if you are really pro-abortion, you would probably like it. This film is biased, but if you realize that up front, then it's okay.$LABEL$0 Tears and MORE TEARS.... I love this band. I just saw them in NYC and the show was fantastic. That's why I had to have this DVD.With that said, this is probably the worst concert footage I've ever seen of them. The performance is uninspired.The footage looks grainy and poorly shot, and the set list sucks as well.I COULDN'T EVEN MAKE IT THOUGH THE WHOLE SHOW. I still think they are great and would see them LIVE againin a heart beat. But they do not translate to DVD very well or at least on this DVD.SAVE YOUR MONEY and buy a ticket when they come to your city next. You will not be disappointed.$LABEL$0 Awesome. If your tired of mixing gas and pulling till you get blisters on your fingers. Get this trimmer. Charged the batteries up as soon as I received it. Next day I trimmed the whole back and front yard. I have fence line,5 mature trees in the back. Front street line,driveway,walkway,etc. Its not loud and not heavy,anyone could use this. This was one of most awesome tool purchases I have made. I use to make my son do the weeding,but I tell him I will do it.$LABEL$1 Disappointing!. I bought this book for my kids on my kindle fire, and it doesn't work...there are double pages and pages with nothing on them etc...Very annoying! If your thinking about buying on Kindle Fire...DONT DO IT!!$LABEL$0 good but having lots of powder. these gloves are good, fits well but they left lots of powder on my hands when i remove them so i have to wash my hands$LABEL$1 NOT A QUICK FIX!. I bought this thinking it would speed up the process getting rid of my yeast infection. I was dead wrong! I wish I would have read the reviews before I even bought this stuff. I too initially had a burning sensation. About 36 hours later I started to feel a little different, so I thought this medicine was a get worse before it gets better type of medicine. Using this only prolonged the treatment of my yeast infection. Like many other reviews, I too had to use another 'regular' cream to treat the yeast infection, despite the use of this one a day. Save yourself time, money, and aggravation by using something like 3 day or 7 day.$LABEL$0 Dissatisfied Mom & Disappointed Son. The go kart just won't hold a charge - whether I charge if for 1 hour or overnight. We live on a 9 house cul du sac and my son can't even go around the cul du sac before it runs out of power. He is very disappointed! I am contacting Razor and hopefully they will know how to fix this problem.$LABEL$0 Wrong Handle. Be sure to read the product description before purchasing this. You will probably need to purchase new tips to fit the handle that comes with the hose. I would purchase them from Goodman's- not from another picture listed with this item. They may not necessarily be the right ones. While I had an issue with Goodman's on this initially, they made it right and I applaud their concern for their customers!$LABEL$0 The Art of the Automobile. Great information. There are models mentioned that I am seeing for the first time.$LABEL$1 Nice illustrations!. A great children's Bible, with lovely illustrations. Not a "take to Church" size, but a great lap cuddling, story and discussion time book. Thanks! Bought for my grandchildren to learn from.$LABEL$1 very peaceful and soothing. This album is useful for (1) focusing on work and (2) de-stressing from everyday anxieties. This album has been able to soothe me at key moments. I listened to the album on Magnatune and then had to purchase it because I enjoyed it so much. I would whole-heartedly recommend it. I think the first reviewer's idea to give this album as a gift is great.$LABEL$1 Kinobe - Soundphiles. Kinobe's first album, SOUNDPHILES, finds them raiding the crates for all sorts of samples and influences, from the neo-spaghetti Western of "Hombre" to the voodoo funk of "Bayou Barrataria." Some mighty fine downtempo on display here, probably best exemplified by the sleazy listening classic, "Slip Into Something." It makes you feel sexy just listening to it. In some places, though, there's a bit too much reliance on samples to carry the track, such as "The Biological Break" or just plain outright silliness from a mediocre M.C., such as "Theatricks." But when they stick to smooth downtempo grooves, they're on fine ground: the lazy country vibes of "Bopalong" or the blissful "Lucidity" which suddenly kicks into house gear or the through-and-through calm of "Hammock Island." Slip into something comfortable and enjoy this album.$LABEL$1 Buyer Beware. The sets shown in this video are not traditional Shaolin Kung Fu. Rather they are a poor mixture of Wu Shu (Chinese aerobics) and a common village art known as Long Fist. This style of Kung Fu is a creation of the Communist government of China and one designed to sucker money from naive Westerners.$LABEL$0 Great bags!. These bags are perfect for storing milk in the fridge or the freezer. Based on other reviews I was skeptical to buy them because of the leaking issue, but i've only had one bag leak on me ever and i've been exclusively breast feeding/pumping for 7 months now and have used these bags since the beginning. I registered for them because they held the most milk. The bags that I freeze, I usually only put 6-7 oz max in each one so they will lay flat. However I keep milk in these bags in the fridge also and will sometimes put up to 10 oz in each bag. You can fit 12 oz like someone said but then the bag is hard to zip and even harder to pour the milk out of without spilling so I just stick with 10 oz. I highly recommend them!! They also don't leak or anything while pouring milk into a bottle which is great!! This is something I keep buying over and over!$LABEL$1 Works. I bought this product because I have sun spots on the upper parts of my cheekbones and forehead. I had heard that this product's ingredients are not as harsh as a lot of the skin lightening products on the market. I've been using this product for about a month (2 times a day when I remember) and it has helped lighten the sun damage considerably. I don't know if the sun spots will ever be completely gone. But I've started using dermablend foundation which has worked out well to help cover what still remains. I have very pale porcelean like skin and with the help of this and the dermablend my skin looks almost perfect.$LABEL$1 if you're reading this, you should buy this album. solid musicianship, solid songwriting, a variety of styles, terrifc, compelling vocals. you even get a song from the viewpoint of a migrating whale and a song about slowing down on a fresno-area twisty road--what more do you want? if you need a frame of reference for the sake of comparison, they are more traditional than, say, the beachwood sparks. if you think you don't like "country music," you must be thinking about that swill nashville pumps out. this ain't that. check it out.$LABEL$1 do not waste your money. this is not much of bond movie, if you would ask me. I love daniel criag as a actor, but I do not see him as bond. I could not watch this movie could only watch about 15 mintues of it to date. Bring back old bond not this none playful one we know and love.$LABEL$0 Worst company ever!!!!. I ordered Chocolate from Italy. Maybe this was the first mistake since it is Texas in the Summer. Anyway I took a chance because this is suppose to be the best chocolate in the world; according to another website. Anyway the chocolate arrived at my door when I was not there.So fedex in all its wisdom drove around with it all day and tried again when I was not there. I had to go to the fed ex office and pick it up.When I opened the box of course the chocolate was soup and the remains of a soggy single ice pack. What does this say about this company?They ship from Italy with one tiny ice pack; not even dry ice.Also they said it was my fault that I was not home when Fed ex tried to deliver the package. So I am out $75 and nothing to show for it.Please send a message to this company that their chocolate is not all it is cracked up to be.$LABEL$0 Didn't notice a difference. I like Aussie products and they smell great tooWhen I got this in the mail, I was excited because I thought hey who doesn't like softer hair? and so cheap too!I used it for about 2 weeks and noticed that even though it smells like coconuts, it didn't do very much for my hair like I expectedInstead of soft and sleek as I was expecting, it was more like salt water hair lookI will still use it, if I want to appear like me and my hair have been to the beach but for shine and sofy and sleek I like the Dove hair serum they best$LABEL$0 Not what we expected.... My son received this toy on his first birthday. He loves Winnie-the-Pooh, and although it seems to be a very durable toy, it is difficult to play with. The "wires" aren't spaced far enough apart to easily maneuver bees from one side to the other. That's basically all this toy consists of, other than having a nice "baby powder" smell. It just doesn't hold my son's interest for very long.$LABEL$0 I fell in love with this sound.... I listened to this CD, and bought the rest of their titles. I never fall in love with any music on the first go... but I did here. They are the only band of which I have all the albums.I can't praise this band enough. Tight harmonies, accomplished music, thoughtful lyrics... Doug, Jerry, and Ty do it all. Get it, throw it in the player, let the music wash over you. Then, dig out the lyric sheet and play it again. There is many levels to some of the songs... what does "six broken soldiers" mean, anyway? mmmmm$LABEL$1 SO uncomfortable and not safe!. We bought this a few months ago for our 1 year old daughter. I had an off brand carrier with my son and loved it, so I thought this would be even better. Wrong. My shoulders ache 5 minutes after putting it on. Even my husband, who is strong and has a high pain tolerance, can't wear it for longer than 30 minutes.Because my daughter's feet can reach the bottom of the frame, she tends to stand up and wiggle out of the straps. I hate that I'm constantly having to tell her to sit down. I listed it on Craigslist and I'm going to purchase something different.$LABEL$0 Excellent. This racquet is light and confortable. I use it since I was trying to play my initial shots. Thanks a lot!!Helio$LABEL$1 poor software I can not connect it to win.xp. I am spending hours to find out1-Were I can not get any information how to instal this product to win.xp.2- How I can transfare picture from DSC to my PC (even with my former win.983- How can I send email?May be somebody answer meoverall I give zero rating for this product web info,and help$LABEL$1 The "Citizen Kane" of Canadian Frat Movies. Just like my title said, this movie is the "Citizen Kane" of Canadian Frat Movies. It's ultra raunchy, made up of fart humor, vomit humor, getting people high at a funeral, among other things. It's politically incorrect, and darn proud of it. Catch it if you can.$LABEL$1 What?. It's as though somebody had a good idea, and then decided against it, and chose to go with what the lunchlady said instead. Avoid.$LABEL$0 The most boring movie ever made. I never thought I could be so bored watching two naked ladies, but I was. I couldn't even make it half way through before I removed the DVD and threw it into the garbage. This is just a chick-flick for lesbians, because no guys could possibly be interested in the endless dialogue about nothing. These girls just drone on and on about nothing in particular, most of which is just them telling lies. I guess the fact that they are naked for 99% of the time is supposed to keep you tuned in. But like they said on Seinfeld: "There's good naked, and there's bad naked." Well, let me tell you, this was "bad naked." No stars for you! (Yes, I know, it shows that I gave it one star. But this is because Amazon forced me to.)$LABEL$0 You get what you pay for. I knew this was a cheap flask and went into the purchase with open eyes but, you get what you pay for!Plus:+Good size - I like the capacity, curve and general dimensions+Sturdy - nice gauge steel+PriceNegative:-It leaks - the stopper in the cap is made out of some sort of hard plastic or vinyl that doesn't seal. Needless to say, bourbon leaking into your pocket is not a good feature.I'll try to find something that I can replace the seal with and get it to do the one job its made for. If I can get it to not leak I would give this product four stars but it loses two because I have to hack it to get it to work.$LABEL$0 Very cheaply made. I would not recommend this.. This item looks great in the photo, but when it arrived it was so badly made that I sent it back immediately. The bottom plastic part that is supposed to screw into the glass wouldn't sit properly or screw in correctly, so the metal part of the bottom also sat crookedly.The "copper" outside parts were cheap as well and looked like they would discolor immediately out in the elements. I would not recommend this item to anyone.$LABEL$0 Infamous Aircaraft. The book is misnamed. There were very little about "Dangerous designs and their vices" and I was disappointed with it. I found some sections interesting but becasue of the title I was expecting so much more. The section on early Russian jets was the part I enjoyed the most. Just wish the author had talked about the vices of those aricraft.$LABEL$0 doesnt touch american wasteland. because american wasteland had no load time they must have thrown the load time to this game. when your in free mode it takes 7 seconds to load the next player on the list...... n64 was faster...... no customization either not a very good game this is a game that u want to rent not buy first$LABEL$0 Yellowing elastic band. After the first washing, the poorly sewn elastic band of these briefs turned a grotesque yellow color. Also, the order took a long time to arrive; and, when it arrived, one of the two packs of briefs was the wrong size! Poor service and a low quality product! I can not in good conscience recommend this product to anyone else.$LABEL$0 Beautifully written!. I am only done with the first book in this set and half way through the second, but the story is great! Beautifully written and enjoyable to read.$LABEL$1 Best Tortilla Warmer. This warms the tortillas really well and then keeps the tortillas warm for quite awhile. Looks good on the table too. Doesn't take up too much storage room in the kitchen cupboards. The only thing I've not done is washed it. I usually wipe it down with a damp cloth/sponge. Looks very bright and good on the table too. Highly recommended.$LABEL$1 Garmin Get Lost. I am extremely disappointed in my Garmin....it knows less than I do and often wants me to drive in the direct opposition to where I have told it I want to go...then it yells at me telling me to turn around and I have to shut it off. I feel sorry for folks who do have a poor sense of direction if they try to rely on this product.$LABEL$0 Poor quality. Basket is of poor quality with the weaves sticking out in places. It is a little smaller in size than expected.$LABEL$0 Xenosaga special edition dvd. The actual game is great, but its takes a long time to play through (approx 80 hours). This dvd is good for saving you the time of actually playing through it (or a second play through), and you still get to watch all the high quality cut scenes. However, I still recommend getting the game, because there is a lot of things left out in the movie.$LABEL$1 ATTACK OF THE FAKE BATS. WELL, I HOPED TO PUT MY DVD COPY UP FOR RESALE, BUT THERE IS NO 'DO YOU HAVE ONE TO SELL' BUTTON TO PUSH. IT DEFINITELY BELONGS WITH 'KILLER TOMATOES' AND SUCH. GOOD TO WATCH WHEN YOU DON'T WANT TO USE YOUR BRAIN AT ALL - JUST SIT THERE, SIP YOUR SODA POP AND LAUGH.$LABEL$0 Good for the price. I bought this after borrowing a similar one from a friend. No, the sound is not perfect, and yes, sometimes you get some static from the radio stations, and sometimes you have to try to find another station. But I live in Washington, D.C. and often travel the I-95 corridor to New York, and I have never once not been able to use it at all. Sometimes it gets a bit fuzzy, as I said, but you can still hear your music. So, I would suggest it for anyone who is just looking for an affordable way to listen to their i-pod in the car.$LABEL$1 A memory to this day.. It'a A Beautiful Day opened for Neil Diamond in the first fieldhouse concert i was ever at as a freshman at the University of Iowa in Iowa City,Ia. It was Oct.or Nov.of 1970. And when we heard that violin sound, we were blown away. Talk about Layla, and Stairway To Heaven sure. But in my mind, White Bird is right up there as a song for all time. The beginning plucks to the violin strings at the beginning of the song bring a wide smile every time i hear it. And it was just the beginning of so many wonderful shows at the fieldhouse, the Duane Allman Memorial Fieldhouse. It has always been great to be a Hawkeye but it was especially great in the days from '70-'74. Check this album out. Acehigh$LABEL$1 Twenty Three Years Later.... We might know "Airport 75" right? Now Twenty Three years later, we have "Turbulence." Both are 747s, both have no pilots, both have to make emergency landing. This movie should have been aptly named "Airport 97." The only actor that could take a beating was the 747 itself. Everyone else was clueless and unrealistic. Only if stewardesses were given pilot licenses. Lauren Holly didn't need the hairspray that Karen Black needed in 75.$LABEL$0 Joy Spring. If Clifford Brown had lived to make more recordings, he would be better known today, and this would be at the center of more collections. The solos are great, and the ensemble work is inspired -- the product of arrangements by West Coast jazz arranger Jack Montrose, whose charts set the standard for West Coast jazz. A vintage recording without a "historical" feel to it, completely enjoyable today.$LABEL$1 $250 stick of garbage. Used it four times and it was dead forever when I plugged it in during a plane trip when I really needed it. The problem with all Sony laptops is the batteries which suck.$LABEL$0 No information about size, it may be just anything. Wüsthof Classic 2-Piece Carving Set in Presentation Box - but there is no information about size of item, therefore it's just useless for me.BTW, where is a button to post it ?$LABEL$0 Form your own opinion. this is my first time seeing this movie and I was blown away by the performances. Jeffrey Wright is an underrated actor, wish we could see more of him. when the movie came out, i think on hbo, there was a negative critique given to this movie from a magazine that I supported. because of the critique, i wouldn't give this movie the time of day. i must say how wrong they were!!! this is an excellent movie and i no longer go by the reviews of others, i form my own opinion. will definitely add this movie to my collection.$LABEL$1 Cheaper Than TurboTax, But Not Worth It. I used Turbo Tax for many years and every year it got better and better. Then I tried Tax Cut for two years in a row and was surprised how much clumsier of a program it was to use. I even ran into situations where I had to override TaxCut's built in methods to get certain things done correctly. I've never had to do so with Turbo Tax. I finally wrote on my file folder where I collect receipts for the coming tax years "Do Not Buy Tax Cut" so that I wouldn't forget.If you are doing a simple tax return then almost any software will do, but if you have a more complex return with rental properties, investments, trusts or anything else beyond normal wage and salary income and the common deductions then TurboTax is IMO the way to go.If your needs are fairly straightforward, then saving a few bucks by getting TaxCut might be OK.$LABEL$0 Sucks. This album really sucks, and that's all I got to say about that. Well first of all, the academia wants to pass this guy as a rocker, which he is not, he is straight up pop. Rockers write their own songs, they don't rip off other people's songs.$LABEL$0 Part order. The part I order was to have ,(VGA Y cable) 15pin on the male end, only had 14. Send back only to get the same cable$LABEL$0 He is a victim of what he rights about (he's afraid of guns). Could not finish a book about how we are afraid of all these things for no reason when he puts out misinformation and engages in the very behavior he critisizes.$LABEL$0 Great Music!. This has a lot of party music which is good for parties and a couple of slow songs. "Get the Party Started" has a great beat and great singing. "Don't Let Me Get Me" is another great song and says that you shouldn't let people try to change. If you like party music you'll love this CD. that is all, Good-bye.$LABEL$1 Worst $5 spent ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. This was the biggest waste of money ever. If you are truly trying to gain information regarding actual Alaskan oil feild "experience" ie the day to day life do not waste your money on this!!$LABEL$0 Fabulous!!. I have a pair for both my stepdaughter and me. They work like I want them too!!! The colors are vibrant, and I don't get headaches anymore! Thanks!!!! I have already recommended this product and site to some people. I will definitely come back if I need another pair.$LABEL$1 Great product. This is a great French press. Easy to use, effective, and an overall success. I would recommend this product to any coffee enthusiast.$LABEL$1 rip off. this is a total rip off. may as well put some plastic bags over your feet. will probably work better.$LABEL$0 why I'm the first?. I've no word to describe the atmosphere of this album. I suggest for all the people that loves the 80 English music$LABEL$1 The LCD screen breaks easily & not worth the cost to fix. Same as others with the breaking LCD screen what a bummer they should do some sort of testing with pressure placed on the screen and have to meet a minimum force to break. I like the camera other than that. Slim and long lasting battery user friendly It would have cost $130 to send back and replace the screen I can get a new one on e bay for that so I won't buy Olympus cameras any more. I am going to try Sony now.$LABEL$0 great German resource. This is perfect for the German scholar needing to know every word! It includes full guidelines for the new language reform. It rivals the Langenscheidt series and is affordable.$LABEL$1 AWSOME!. THIS GAME WAS THE REASON I BOUGHT A PS2 FOR SIMPLY PUT THE GAME IS GORGEOUS FINALLY HAS VOICE ACTING THE READING THE TEXT OF THE PAST FINAL FANTASY'S GOT ANNOYING THANK GOD THEY CANNED THE TEXT FINALLY PERSONALLY MY FAVORITE PEOPLE IN FINAL FANTASY X ARE 1:RIKKU TOTAL BABE2.LULU SHE RULES.3.YUNA SHE IS A COOL SUMMONER4.SIN SIMPLEY AWSOME TO LOOK AT$LABEL$1 If you loved Hee Haw this is right up your corn row. Another silly downhome approach to lifes complex issues like, cheatin' drinkin' and four wheelin'. Ridicously simple and yet overbearing. The I.Q. allowable for maximum enjoyment of this record should not exceed 72.$LABEL$0 A good looking, working tea kettle. What is there to say about a tea kettle? it handles the tea making just fine. The design is overall appealing, especially since I have matching teacups from another company. Like another review said, this comes with a removable whistle over the spout, not the lever.Cons: Besides the lack of the lever from the picture, the whistle is not very loud at first, so take that as a pro or con as you see fit.Also, the whistle is not going to work unless you completely close the top of the lid, and properly secure the whistle to the spout. Otherwise the steam just flows out random openings and does nothing.Only other downside is that the top of the kettle is kind of hard to remove, especially if you can only grip the little black nob due to heat.Overall, a working, good looking, teakettle, but I bought this for about half price. I wouldn't suggest it for its normal price though. If your going to spend over fifty dollers for a kettle, make sure its one you want.$LABEL$1 Excellent coverage of exchange 5.5. Great book. I see that one of the reveiewers has stated that the book doesn't cover exchange in a wan/production environment, I agree but my advice would always be to buy more than one book when dealing with a product has huge as exchange 5.5.This book covers detailed using exchange in a single domain environment. Their are excellent explanations on migrating from msmail and ccmail to exchange. Disaster recovery, mta parameters and good explanations on all of the connectors.If you are new to exchange I would recommend this as the first book to read, followed by the excellent Tony Redmond exchange planning guide.$LABEL$1 Dont order from worldofbookusa!. It has been a month since I ordered this book from worldofbookusa and I still have not received it. I'm sure the book is great but the supplier is not.$LABEL$0 A Family Favorite. The reviewer who said a preschooler could not sit through this book has no children. All of Lynley Dodds' books are great. But Slinky Malinky is just outstanding among young children's literature.$LABEL$1 Terrible.. My car will not accept this cassette. It's terrible. I tried in another car and it's loud. You can hear it whirring. Don't buy. Try sony or voss - they are much better quality.$LABEL$0 Very good!!!. Great information about the breed. This is not just another "one size fits all" dog book with the same doggy content and different breed photo on the cover. Scotties have an unique personality and need understanding.$LABEL$1 Missing pin?. Maybe I'm just stupid and should have realized this from the acronyms in the product description, but there is a pin that is not wired in this cable. This pin happens to be the signal that tells my laptop hardware info on the monitor I attach to... so when I hook this cable to my Samsung DLP HDTV that has a VGA port, my laptop can only assume its a generic VGA monitor and displays in resolutions that don't fit on my HDTV (like 1024x768.) I tried another VGA cable I had that has all the pins wired, and my laptop immediately recognizes the display as a Samsung HDTV and defaults to a 720p resolution. Since the purpose of purchasing this cable was to hook up to my HDTV, this cable is useless to me.$LABEL$0 Sound great but flimsy. Will not last.. I tried the cheaper in ear noise cancelling Sony earphones and they broke in a very short amount of time. I figured the more expensive version would be more durable. I WAS WRONG. These broke in an even shorter amount of time - 2 weeks. $50 is a lot to spend on disposable headphones. I guess Sony makes all of their products disposable; portable CD-players, stereos, etc. Sony customer service also sucks. Pray you'll never have to deal with them. Better yet, just don't buy Sony and go with Shure. It is more but worth it because it will last. Buy from a company that doesn't believe in disposable products.$LABEL$0 CD player does not work. Just got this as a X-mas gift for my wife and the CD player now can only play one song before it says there is no disk. I am returning it for another brand.$LABEL$0 Hilariously Bad. Hokey, cliched, comically terrible and an absolute joy for any B Movie lover to watch. An amazingly hard to track down film,as well, I discovered. .$LABEL$1 Not Happy. This cleaning machine worked great when it was brand new and I left it sit just as the instructions say so it is always ready to use. Then one day I wasn't getting any solution spraying out and I had a real mess to clean up! I took everything apart I could including the pump and cleaned it but it still doesn't spray. I give up!$LABEL$0 This is how music is supposed to be.... McLachlan is astounding! Her voice combined with the cleverly written lyrics are emotionally charged; something that is rare with many female artists, specifically mainstream.I first heard Sarah when her song, "I Will Remember You", was played in a video montage of The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Captivated by her beautiful voice, I wanted to hear more. Thinking that "I Will Remember You" was a track on Surfacing, I purchased the album. You'd think I'd be disappointed to find out it wasn't, but I was highly satisfied with the mistake I made! I immediately fell in love with almost song (with the exception of "I Love You").The lyrics are dark, deep, & oddly unique, McLachlan's voice it haunting, both making Surfacing so damn good.This album is highly recommended.$LABEL$1 Great hands on instructor. I have watched Mark do LIVE trades using some of the indicators reviewed in this DVD set. He is very knowledgeable in options and futures trading. If you apply the information on just the inertia indicator, you will gain an edge in your trading.$LABEL$1 doesnt work. i tried it with 3 different devices into my receiver none work, they all have very weak audio and in only 1 speaker works at all$LABEL$0 Only for serious Akkerman fans. I bought this as a CD in 2012, forgetting that I had owned it as a vinyl LP in the late 70s. If I had remembered, I would not have bought it again. I DO like the final 7 short songs of the album: some blues-rock that sounds improvised; also a jig and a couple medieval pieces that are cool but not as well developed as some similar works that appeared on Focus 3, Hamburger Concerto, and Akkerman's album Tabernakel. HOWEVER, the first cut, "Fresh Air", is a tedious, 20 minute example of one of those 1970s unsuccessful attempts to elevate rock music to a higher art form. Yes, there are some impressively-fast guitar licks which are instantly recognizable as Jan Akkerman. But, otherwise, I find the song unlistenable; beginning and end are dreary, noisy chaos in between. Quite a bipolar album!$LABEL$0 a vital and reliable companion to u.s. history today. This volume contains entries that deal with concepts, events, persons, and movements in u.s. history. The length of the entries is appropriate to the topic considered. In addition, the entires both inform the reader with up-to-date information and indicate how revisionist historians have resahped opionions or refocused the discipline. The entries are clearly written and eminently readable. They are persuasive in thier opionions, yet respectful of other stances. The cross references are helpful and ample. The same obtains for the bibliographies. The Oxford Companion to U.S. History far surpasses some other contemporary dictionaries in U.S. history. Its articles are treated in more depth and greater nuances. The entries in the other dictionaries are too short and far too superficial. I would highly recommend this for people involved in serious historical study and research.$LABEL$1 yawn fest. This series is incredibly lame and boring! Not worth the money, especially since there are only 10 episodes! I do not recommend this series, and it's not often I say that!$LABEL$0 worked great. until it broke.. It worked great. Until it broke. It fell into the tea kettle while I was boiling water and it stopped working. Sure... maybe it's not meant to be boiled... but considering what it's designed to do, one would think it could survive 185 degree temps for 5 seconds (that's how long it took to fish it out)! I'd imagine if the seal around the thermometer's face was better, it'd be fine. But, it's not. The word "disposable" comes to mind regarding all these cheap thermometers.$LABEL$0 Great Literature. Friends who had tried this book were divided - one thought it was great, another thought it was too "dark". I found it moving and beautiful - the plot grows out of the people's characters, and they are sympathetic people.$LABEL$1 OMG, How can you stand this crap?. This CD sucks. I wouldn't spend my money on this. All I can say is don't waste your money, buy somthing else.$LABEL$0 Didn't like it.. I really didn't like this product! The smell is very strong and my stomach was totally doin' back flips! It also made my skin very, very dry! I don't know... I just wasn't into this product!$LABEL$0 Falls apart quickly!. I got this mat a couple months ago and practice in a studio twice a week.Now there are peeled spots where my feet land in downward dog! The material peels off! I am surrounded by little blue foam nubs by the end of my practice.Is no one else having this problem?My other mat was five years old and only faded slightly where my downward dog feet went.So disappointed.$LABEL$0 Nice but very unsafe design. I must agree that the set is very cute and this is what made us keepping it even with doubts about its design and quality. After just a few days of using it, my 2.5 years old leaned backward and broke the back of the chair. She is only 25 lb and did not do anything that the child of this age does when is sitting in the chair. I find this set is very unsafe and will not recommend to anyone.$LABEL$0 Project Runway Season 3. The creativity and drama once again prove to be awesome. Jeffrey is such a jerk, Angela is so two faced and Laura Bennett is the ultimate chic NYC woman. Michael is the baby faced sweet heart and Uli the Uber beachwear queen.$LABEL$1 Great followup to excellent first movie. Couldn't pass up buying this movie when it was dirt cheap at $10!Iron man is one of my sons favorite action stars and he watches the first two movies over and over.I like the overall story, think it was a great follow up to first movie, and cant wait for the next one due out 2013.$LABEL$1 I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. This book has infuriated me! You know why? The author is sympathetic to the hijackers of Flight PK 326, especially Arshad. My family and I were aboard that flight and I can tell you by their actions on that plane, that they do not deserve anyone's sympathy. If that's not enough, half the book is written on heresay and facts that, in no way, the author could have witnessed. This book is a sham. Do me a favor and take your money elsewhere.$LABEL$0 Oh, Romeo... Hello, my name is Alexandra Marie Anne Bunitorisua and i am reviewing "Barbie as Juliet". I think that Barbie is very ugly and wrong. What are toys trying to teach children these days?!? That it is fine to graduate schools? Girls should stay home and help their mothers until they are four teen, and then they get married and have children at fifteen. These dolls are very bad for young girls because they make it seem like girls can particapate in sports, which they cannot. That is my opinion and i hope you follow by it. its true.$LABEL$0 Great. i bought this for only one scene. my favorite snl skit. connie "the hawk" hawkins vs Paul Simon. its great quality and by for the best snl skit all time.$LABEL$1 Don't start reading this series.... Although this is mostly a well-written series, do not read it until the author has the full set of books completed, which at the rate he is working will be in about 10 years. He is already about 4 years behind on the next installment (A Dance with Dragons), and two more novels are supposed to be added after that. Just on content, this book is worth 4 stars, but the lack of completion for the series ruins it.Also, be sure to note that the content is for adults only, with some sexually explicit material.It also seems that the latter books in the series tend to ramble, making me long for the more concise, action-oriented content of the first two books.$LABEL$0 Much ado about nothing. Seemed very shallow as though it was written for 1 purpose only, to sell. Nothing but a bunch of anecdotal stories that have aleady been recounted over and over again in your standard MBA program with a sampling of Public Speaking 101 class thrown in. Kind of like being invited to dinner, expecting a big t-bone steak and baked potato, and only getting salad. I think the author would approve of that imagery$LABEL$0 On With the Story. Book arrived safely and in good condition. Shipping was rapid, perhaps supernaturally so. I'm amazed and humbled.$LABEL$1 One and done.... Upon hearing "In the Walls" on a DVD sampler, I though this amazing track would be accompanied by several more.Boy was I wrong! This band is directionless. Instead of simply taking from their influences like an Interpol, they just throw theirs into a blender and get this...Please listen to the samples before you but this.$LABEL$0 This band rocks. I saw The Young Dubliners at a free concert in Santa Monica this summer and was so impressed I bought the CD. This album was a delightful surprise. I like every song on it. This is an excellent band that brilliantly combines traditional celtic style and instruments with modern rock n roll. I've listened to it over and over and still enjoy it.$LABEL$1 WRONG BATTERY SHIPPED. I have returned the incorrect item to seller for a credit (refund); hopefully I'll see a credit on my credit card statement soon! The ordered battery number and the invoice number were correct. Item received was not.$LABEL$0 Puff Pastry. I can think of one function this book might serve well: as table top "puff pastry". Ever had puff pastry? It's full of air with no real substance. This book reminds me of something a pseudo-craft person might use to convince everyone they are a "Witch". (You in the craft know what I'm referring to...those who enter the craft for all the wrong reasons, who want to impress people, and do no real work to gain knowledge) I'm sorry, I hate being negative, but if you are seeking lots of pretty pictures complete with a snazzy little "bow" to tie the book closed-this fills the bill. Kudos to the Graphic Design team, who did the layout, it displays very well. (My college degree is in Graphic Design) If you are seriously seeking spell work, I suggest you try other books. Morgana$LABEL$0 A sweet and touching story of creativity and family. This is a wonderful book about Emma, a little girl who wants to be an artist. Her parents and teacher, though, don't understand her creative vision. When her grandmother comes to visit, she finally finds someone to share her art with, and finds someone new to love.The first time I read this book, I was afraid that the grandmother would die in the end. So you won't worry, I want to tell you now that the grandmother DOES NOT die.$LABEL$1 Question about track 6. Can anyone tell me what happens about 3:08 of track 6 on Retropolis? Is this cracking up sound a recording blunder or wierd sounds added by the Flowerkings? Please let me know your thoughts.$LABEL$1 its a 2 piece protector and the plastic piece. wont stay aligned... very frustrating. having to use with only the rubber piece. would not reccomend to anyone to buy$LABEL$0 FUNNY. Jeff Dunham is the best very very funny every time I need a good laugh I will watch his movies WELL worth the money anyway you can't put a price on laughter wish I had a dollar every time he made my laugh.$LABEL$1 marketseller lost the order. unable to review the product since the order was never filled due to being lost . . . the first time this has ever happened.$LABEL$0 talented? what?. How can he be such an enormous talent when all he does is copy off of other people? sorry i just cant see it. I dont think he does justice to Nolan Porter's "If I could only be sure" on the first track at all: If you want to hear some great music listen to the original!!!$LABEL$0 Ken's Review. I have a Lahsa Apsos whose fur is too thick for the groomer. I will just have to look for a bigger and stronger groomer. I am really sorry it doesn't work as all I can do now is try to find another. If your manufacturer has a recommendation I would appreciate hearing from them. Thank you in advance for your kind help.$LABEL$0 Wannabe Beatles. It seems that they have always tried to be like The Beatles in everyway of their career. They keep telling everyone they are greater than Jesus - the world only took note when The Beatles said it. This album is REALLY disappointing and shows the weak(est?) side of Oasis...great sound when snapped.$LABEL$0 Great Pet Bath. I love this pet bath. Not only is it cute but my Teddy Bear Hamster loves it.Haven't put any sand in it yet. I just wanted to see how he would react to it and he's been climbing in and out of it all night.When I first opened the box and took this Chinchilla bath out I thought it was huge and that I would have to return for a refund.Then when I measured my Hamster I realized that he would never fit in the smaller one. A dwarf Hamster yes, but not a Teddy Bear.My Hamster is nearly 6 inches long so he'll have plenty of room to roll around in there.Seller/Store chooses the color. Mine is yellow.It's about 7-3/4 inches tall not including the ears. From the middle it's about 6 inches wide.The opening in front is about 3-1/2 inches tall and 4 inches wide.I like this product and would reccomend. Oh, and the seller was very helpful as well.$LABEL$1 Sheer delight. Auto Da Fay is about as good as autobiography gets. Fay Weldon has a wonderful zest for life and a larger than life-size personality that comes through on every page. It's the sort of book that cheers you up and restores your faith in human nature.A Good Boy Tomorrow: Memoirs of A Fundamentalist UpbringingBasic Flying Instruction: A Comprehensive Introduction to Western Philosophy$LABEL$1 Turned my HDTV into an iPod. You can probably just watch video Podcasts on your computer screen just as well, but I have come to enjoy watching them on an HDTV. The Apple TV also shows videos from YouTube, shows pictures from my photo collection, plays music and all the stuff you can do with a computer or an iPod. I have just been using it a couple of weeks but I am very pleased with what it does and like using it very much.$LABEL$1 Lovely. This is really a great book. I am a total DMB fanatic and it told me very interesting facts about Dave's and the rest of DMB's life. Like the time a snuck into a bush with some of his dads friends and smoked with them. That experience lead to the song "Tripping Billies" I really loved this book and I truly recomend this book to any DMB fan.$LABEL$1 Not Good Quality. The quality of this product is very bad because it broke now it is not useful for me. Today I ordered from different company/member from Amazon. Hope this quality will be good.$LABEL$0 Wake Up Simmons, Your product needs WORK.. In my 59 years as a farm boy and then an engineer, I've seen some poorly designed products...and this one needs some work. Our water quality is quite good but my hydrants eventually begin to weep after it is shut down. I was sold these with the assurance by the sales person that the working/moving parts could be serviced above-ground. NOT-SO. The stem was so well stuck that I was sure that I was going to break it if I pulled any harder. So I reassembled the unit and worked the handle and adjusted the tension until it finally quit leaking. That is the last time I've used either of the units. Now these exist as legacy waste on my farm and a lesson learned. Don't buy these unless you want to dig them out of the ground after 3-4 years. Bad Product.$LABEL$0 I did not receive what was advertised. The book I bought was advertised as being leather, not leatherette, or bonded leather, or imitation leather, but LEATHER. What I received was not leather, but imitation leather. I am willing to pay more for what I want but do not appreciated false advertising.$LABEL$0 Poor Service. Very poor service... vendor did not mail book and I was forced to buy the book at a bookstore in order to have it for class.Vendor blamed it on being new to the process... unfortunately I suffered the loss...I asked for a refund...$LABEL$0 Another Amazing produce from Moleskine. Moleskine has become a standard in my life. This size is so great, plus the quality of paper almost wants to make you journal/write. Once you start using moleskine, you will never go back to anything else. The simple thing like a pocket and the close clasp is so great.$LABEL$1 Listen before you buy. I would have not bought this album if I had a chance to (legally) listen to the whole thing first.This album may be good in its own right, perhaps by another band or even as a side project, but I enjoy Slipknot for their style of brutality and this was such a major disappointment. A little change or experimentation is good although this is just too much. Also, the sound production is way overdone (mainstreamed, radio-friendly, or whatever you want to call it) for my taste but this may not bother most people.I would return the CD if it were possible.$LABEL$0 Not Impressed. Despite the reviews posted by others, I foolishly bought this book. After reading it, I shipped it back. Very, very introductory book that barely covers the basics. Agree with one of the other reviewers - take a training class or sit with someone already knowledgable.$LABEL$0 Sizzling, concentrated conservative ideas...no sugar added. Dr. Michael Savage has hit another home run with this provocative book of his no-nonsense expression of conservative ideas. Dr. Savage does not apologize for his concrete conservative stance on the important issues facing our nation today. If only the vast expanse of our liberal college campuses would begin to expose our next generation to some of this truth serum...$LABEL$1 Excellent Product. Forget the old "water bath" canners! This is an excellent product...quick and efficient with a handy guide for canning various foods!$LABEL$1 Awesome - This book blew my mind!. I was so excited to finally get a copy of this book. After reading this book, I was totally blown away! It completely changed the way I think about dating and relationships. I have been telling everyone I know about this book. I honestly feel that every student and parent needs to read this book!$LABEL$1 First time Koontz reader enjoyed it.... I have never read any of Dean Koontz's novels, and just picked this one up randomly. I really enjoyed the story, but it is so violent & disturbing that I felt guilty for reading it. However, all in all, I did enjoy the book. Can anyone suggest better Koontz books for me to read?$LABEL$1 A very pleasing album.. This is a very nice and romantic piano album, only seems that the style (or the melody) of each piece is too similar with one another.$LABEL$1 vellux blanket. I have always been fond of Vellux blankets.The quality is good,they are lightweight,good for summer and winter.But the current one I purchased is not really as good as the old one I feel.Not as soft.$LABEL$1 OK product, crappy seller. I received my turntable in, what I thought, perfect condition. "Super Saver Shipping" is actually USP ground from NY, which takes all of eternity and then some, to arrive in CA.The turntable itself looks sturdy, but I haven't been able to test anything else, as the needle it came with was BROKEN. Which now means I have to buy a $21 dollar replacement. Or wait through the living hell of returning the item to J&R;, a seller that doesn't accept normal e-mail returns.Amazon should really look into who sells on their website.$LABEL$0 Too Loud for Office. The heat output was great, construction was as expected, but this was WAY too loud for office use. Sent it back and did trial and error with 2 other units at Wal-mart...still haven't found a very quiet one.$LABEL$0 im not liking it already. i just purchased my bbs 3 days ago and still the order has not be processedim not liking this alreadyit probably worth the money but the waiting just for processing the order is a pain i can imagine what its like when it comes to shipping$LABEL$0 Don't dismiss this CD - It grows on you!. I first heard about this CD on the Radio. Our local AM station that plays standards was playing "It's My Life" (the Bon Jovi cover). It was such a great arrangement that I didn't realize it was a cover until the song was almost over. I was so impressed that I bought the CD the next day.I am a big lounge/standards collector (mostly LP's) and this CD is a great fit to my collection. What impressed me most is that Paul took this project seriously, it's NOT done tongue-in-cheek. Just read the liner notes and you'll soon see that he is proud of this album - as well he should be.$LABEL$1 More Garbage By A Wanna-Be. Who is this person who feels qualified to write an Encyclopedia of Hip Hop? First of all, she is not qualified. Second of all, who has ever heard of this broad? Her writing is sub-standard at best--a wanna-be intellectual pretending to be smart. Skip this book and save your $6. It's not even worth that. Hold out for a real historian to come through and write a definitive tome. This is a piece of garbage by a wanna-be writer with NO credentials in Hip Hop. Tell this loser to get a job and leave the writing to those with knowledge, talent, and experience.$LABEL$0 SURPRISES AT EVERY CHAPTER!. This is a really great book.Of course, you should read Foundation and Foundation and Empire first to understand the plot better. The second part of this book(search by the Foundation) follows Arcadia, preffered to be called Arkady, as she travels and finds out where the Socond Foundation is (or so she thinks). Her father is also working on the subject. Just a few words( they won't really spoil you the ending) DON'T READ THE LAST PAGE UNTIL YOU REALLY GET TO IT! I did and it spoiled me all the fun, especially the last two words, if ya know what I mean.Read it from begining to end. Also(you'll know when you read it) don't trust Anthor! I will not tell why, you'll have to read it by yourself. The book has many surprises, espacially in the last two chapters (The answer that satisfied and The answer that was true).They really give you different viewpoints! In all, I think it's a very good book full with surprises from begining to end---- which is not here yet!$LABEL$1 Canon Scanner. Good scanner with excellent resolution. Software is not "user friendly"; too complex. Top of unit is curved and if desk space is an issue, it wont support any thing on top of the unit. Negative and slide scanning a plus.$LABEL$1 Waste of Money. Don't buy this. It's like 4 girls and some of the scenes are looped. If you want to waste your money, but this movie$LABEL$0 Not so much for the big mixers. This Cloth Cover is great and made from a very good material, but it doesn't quite fit the 6 quart KitchenAid mixer it is a few inches short.$LABEL$1 I've got a better Idea. Tie a plastic golf ball on a string and tie it to the celing of your garage. Position your car where you normally park and lower the ball until it hits your windshield. Price .25 cents. HAHA. But seriously. This item stinks. It works 1/2 the time. Has a VERY ANNOYING clicking along with it. CLICK CLICK CLICK.. AWWWWWWW Cheap plastic. Dont drop it, it will break. Makes sence seeing it was made in Japan.$LABEL$0 Not as advertised. As with many other reviewers of this product, I only got one canvas in the package, not 6. This company either can't count to six, or it has the most expensive single canvas I have ever seen. Amazon's return process made it simple enough to get my money back, but with all of the negative reviews of this product, it is obvious that there is a serious problem with the way the product is described.$LABEL$0 If you say the authors are wrong, you prove their thesis!. Beckwith and Koukl firmly refute relativism and many self-defeating positions liberals take on current cultural issues. In fact, if you think these authors are absolutely wrong, you prove their point . . . you're really saying they're absolutely right! Not just for Christians, this is for every American concerned about our crumbling culture.$LABEL$1 Rambling and struggling too hard to impress. Is this book interesting? Well yes, this is an interesting topic, and the author covers lot's of ground, and obviously knows a great deal about the history of science; in particular physical science.However, the first 200 pages killed the curiosity of this reader - I have a clear feeling it was more important to the author to impress me than to educate me. I do not need to have every scientist living between 1600 and 1900 mentioned (or know that the author knows about them) - I need just fifty pages background to develop the ideas we are to discuss later. After 200 pages I was totally exhausted and bored.$LABEL$0 All Night Runner. As an ultra runner myself I know Dean personally anmd have met him a few times.Having run myself for 19 eyears on every continent myself I certainly can nrelate to his stories.I am not i9nterested in finishinmg times but rather enjoy the experience being in nature.Dean, I think is opver doing iot a little andn maybe not too many people can relate to what he does on teh same level.However I think the book was well wtritten also the appeal and audience may have been somewaht limited.It espouses several good human qualities such as detemination, disciplene and endurance, all attribute sthat will benefit anybody throughout life.All in all, I think this is an excellent book, well written and certainly entertaining to read even if you are not a runner.$LABEL$1 The Revenge of making a good Halloween film.. What happened? This film saga was good until this one came out. I admit it was decent, but thats no excuse for bad acting, bad storyline, and no jump or frightening scenes at all. The story is boring in a way. Michael returns after jaime when shes in a mental asylum. This film was poorly made and poorly written, and the characters are so bad you dont care if they die. This is by far the worst in the series. I only liked it because of some deaths were cool. But this is my own opinion and i still think its worth to rent.$LABEL$0 Wake-up and Smell the Coffee. Anybody who buys this book must be masochistic. The last book was a joke on the faithful readers who invested much time and money on this series(i.e. 200 pages on Egwene getting the Nobles permission to travel w/ her army--what a bore!). That was enough to convince me that Jordan has lost touch with reality.$LABEL$0 Still Tight After All These Years. Another disc of solid musicianship from the current lineup of Chicago. Gone is the syrupy, smoky haze of stellar production by David Foster, Humberto Gatica, Chas Sanford and Ron Nevison. I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing, as I loved Chicago with heavy production but Chicago "Stripped" still shows what a great bunch of musicians these guys still are and always have been. Little to no processing on instruments or vocals [there are a few verbs, delays and keyboard/sequencers/loops, but if you can find them, they're ALL the way in the back] this is a solid bunch of songs accomplished only as Chicago can do them. Four out of five stars because I wasn't dazzled through the first listen, but I did have a smile on my face the whole time. Standout cuts: '90 Degrees and Freezing', 'Lovin Chains' & 'Feel'. Thanks guys - as always it was worth the wait!$LABEL$1 Not one-touch. I bought a Maxtor product assuming that it would function like the100GB and 200GB products that I had purchased previously -- walk upto a PC, turn on the Maxtor, connect the USB cables, and it's done.Unfortunately, since this terabyte drive came pre-formatted for a Mac,I had to install their software, re-format the Maxtor, and thenit became a "one-touch" product.Maxtor should sell products that are consistent with their originalphilosophy, i.e. sell a "one-touch" drive in two editions -- onepre-formatted for the PC, one for the Mac, and whatever otherpre-formatted flavors.It's nice to tinker with computers and hard drives, but as an end-userI expect the product to be useful out-of-the-box. That's why I wasloyal to the Maxtor brand.Unfortunately, a one-touch product it's not.Other than that, it seems to be working fairly reliably as mytertiary-storage device.$LABEL$0 Don't waste your money!. Too bad Amazon won't allow 0 or negative stars. I read the bad reviews on these but decided to try it anyway because the fetching Mrs. wanted it bad. What a mistake! When the plastic mount for the laser pickup broke from snapping CDs onto the spindle, it jammed and burned out a motor. It is the cheeziest CD drive mechanism I have ever laid eyes on, and I've seen a lot of them in my line of work. Avoid this piece of junk at all costs!$LABEL$0 The best undies!. I've been wearing this style of undies for years. They are the most comfortable I've found. They never ride up giving wedgies and they cover to just about an inch below the belly button. Love them!$LABEL$1 Not very consistant pieces. The songs aren't all consistant, one moment it's quiet as a mouse, the next it's banging like trashcans falling over. The songs are all very pleasant, if not the typical mozart. The only noteworthy one I have to brag about would be #5 "Jupiter" is just beautiful. Only problem is, that it makes you jumpy, it just bangs and booms, though very thrilling once you get the hang of it.$LABEL$1 Die Trying... to finish this book!. I'm female, so maybe this is just a guy's book. I always like a good hero, and Jack Reacher qualifies as such, but I certainly am not interested in paragraphs-long descriptions of the geophysicalities of bullets as they traverse through the atmosphere. This and other testosterone-laden information unfortunately comes well into the book, so I plowed through to the end. I couldn't suspend disbelief in order to believe that any human can discern the difference between 1.4 seconds and 2.1 seconds (as it relates to the time it takes for a bullet to travel). I believe it took me 3.7 seconds to scan through each page to a part that I could tolerate reading until the end of the book, which fell flat.$LABEL$0 I love the book and the series. It was a great book and series. Keep in mind it is an historical fiction - so some is simply made up. I read all of the series, and even though you know the ending it was a wonderful adventure.One funny - and a little distracting for me, was the fact that corn was mentioned in the book... I wrote the author, explaining that corn was a "new world" discovery, and did not exixt in Eurpoe durin the Roman days. He did change the next book, but did not get all corn out... He sent me an autographed first edition for my "help"...$LABEL$1 Not Good. Sure Christina has a good voice,but a good cd? No way!I was excited to get this cd after hearing Gini in a Bottle and What a Girl Wants but once I listened to it I instantly took it out of my cd player. Hardly any songs are good or catchy. If you want to get a good pop album buy a Britney Spears cd.$LABEL$0 What???. I saw a special on Mario Bava and it featured many of his horror films. They looked very interesting and interviwers said tha many of Bava's ideas were later copied by American filmakers. With that said "Lisa and the Devil" filmed in '76 is a mess of a movie. It makes no sense, and sometimes that's fun in a horror flick, but in this movie it's annoying and quite dull. I realize I saw this movie on cable but what happened to the exorcism scene that I saw in the special on Bava. Not that it would have made the movie any more intelligable, but at least a bit more interesting. Overall not a good movie.$LABEL$0 Hitech - AC Adaptor Plug (converts European plugs to US Outlets). We bought a small fan in Spain last summer to provide some ventilation in a small room some friends in Madrid were letting us use as we traveled around from one place to another. It was so efficient that we decided to make room for it in an extra suitcase we had to buy to get the things we acquired in Spain home. This adaptor plug works just fine in doing what it was designed to do. However, be aware of the fact that your appliance without further adaptors to change the current from 110 to 220 will function at about half the speed! Of course, you could plug your appliance into a 220 outlet if you can figure out how to make that work.¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)$LABEL$1 GeoSafari Jr. Talking Telescope. This was a gift for a 6 year old boy and a opportunity for his parents to spend time helping him learn to use it. The telescope was a great hit.$LABEL$1 Not what I expected!!. I have been waiting for this cd for a while and I must say it was a complete disapointment for me.I am a devoted fan and I must say this production is not even close to the previous cd's.The songs are too bland and the quality of the compositions is very poor and flat.Overall a bad cd.$LABEL$0 loving it. little black backpack is such an awesome song; i loved it from the first time i heard it on the radio. the chick from portland talking smack about them should go grow some taste.$LABEL$1 this game sucks. this game is a waste of time and money it is only fun when playing on manager mode. The minor league thing was cool but still I am bitter because the A teams from leagues like the South Atlantic league were not in the game. get MLB Baseball it is a much better game$LABEL$0 NOT GENUINE - KNOCKOFFS. I bought these bags thinking they were the real thing. Went thru 2 bags, each had holes in them after short time using them..I thought. When I went to the Kirby dealership they said they were knockoffs, then I noticed all the bags I had bought had holes in the seam. USELESS.$LABEL$0 No subtitles. I was disappointed to find that when I received the DVDs that there are no subtitles or captions for the hearing impaired and there was no notation on the product description to that effect.$LABEL$0 Richard is the Best. This isn't his best.. I use this and Sweatin' to the Oldies III. I love the music and dancing, however it is hard to follow this video because the camera isn't always on Richard at the beginning of a dance or when he changes steps. Head shots don't help with foot work. STTO III is more professional in this regard. At first I thought that this didn't provide as good a workout as STTO III, but my heart rate and sweat prove otherwise. I believe it is because these dances use your arms more. Richard is great for those of us who don't have perfect bodies and probably never will. Even though I am toned and losing weight, I will never look like Denise Austin or Kathy Ireland. I've just ordered the original STTO and will let you know what I think.$LABEL$1 Keeps a smile on your face. This American release of the British powerhouse recording star contains a sampling of the types of songs which keep your feet tapping and a smile on your face. The Loco-Motion makes it hard to sit still while listening. I Should Be So Lucky is set to a beat in a European style which draws the listener to the lyrics. In summary, this is a CD that makes the listener feel good and just plain "enjoy the music."$LABEL$1 The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. I was not impressed and will not be reading the other two books in the series.$LABEL$0 Second rate. Very disappointing. Didn't add much to the BSG universe; in fact, a sizeable portion of the footage seemed to be lifted from the series.$LABEL$0 Bad game, dissapointed, traded for Ace Combat 6 now very happy!. This game is horrendous, get Ace Combat 6 instead for the same price and you will be a happy camper.$LABEL$0 Storage Case. This is a very sturdy product that works well with medium to thin puzzles. Excellent for helping keep puzzles in one place.$LABEL$1 This one's already on preorder. I am getting this bad boy without hesitation. The Gift set trilogy is already on order with the extended version of them all and of RoTK I shall complete the trilogy have the book on my TV screen with 5.1 sound! 50 minutes(or more) each chapter contains an extended extention over the last. Peter Jackson really knew what he was doing with this movie and there is no movie out today that I find worth watching except for this trilogy. If you are frivolous(or a sincere fan) get the gift set on all three movies.They giftsets contain in addition to(not instead of) the usuall extended edition trilogy:Fellowship: National Geographic Doc, Statues from which the first movie ended.Towers: Making of Golumn, Golumn statueKing: Minas Tirith castle, Making of the music of Middle Earth.$LABEL$1 Astra Yarn - Ombres. Believe it or not,I am crocheting a throw with this product right now. It is so soft, the colors are beautiful, and it is so easy to work with. I love this yarn.$LABEL$1 Careful - Not backward compatible. I still have not used the product to full capacity, however, it is much faster. I would be careful however if you are putting it in a native SQL 7 environment - you can upgrade the database, however any manipulations you do in 2000 will not be reflected when transfering back to SQL 7. If you upgrade (as if you have a choice), realize there is no capability to use both versions.$LABEL$1 IS THERE NO GOD??. First, there was nick carter, forever polluting the music business. Then came aaron, who delivered a crippling blow. This is the final nail in the coffin of good music. This is the worst piece of trash ever to come out of the sewer that is the music industry. How can this girl live with herself? She sings worse than her brother aaron ( worse than nails across a blackboard) and put out the ugliest music video since the days of Michal Jackson. The Carter parents should be shot. If one more Carter sibling records something, I will kill myself.$LABEL$0 Poor Design. The roll is WAY too large for anything other than long pattern Snap-on wrenches or similar. I have no idea what they were thinking when they designed this monstrosity as the designer surely did not experiment with actually putting standard wrenches in it. The pockets are just too deep to be of any use. It is really close to worthless because it just takes up too much space and the wrenches get lost in the overly large pockets. Also, it is not cotton duck and it is made in China. I found other rolls by Tool Pak and they are 100 percent better.$LABEL$0 Smell Like Machine Oil. I purchased 3 of the white ones and they smell like machine oil. Washed them once and they still smell like oil. Not worth the shipping to get an RMA and return them.$LABEL$0 Total Comfort, Excellent Sound. Total over the ear and headband comfort with excellent sound. The over the ear wasn't so thick as to totally exclude the world around you so you can still respond to others--after you take them off, of course, and ask them to repeat themselves. ;) Not being aware of your surroundings can be dangerous. Not being aware of your spouse, suicidal. ;) The only thing I could wish for is a volume or mute control on the cord, but this was an excellent buy for the cost. I wear this headset above all others because of the comfort. The L for left and R for right is a nice touch.$LABEL$1 GREEEAT!. my english is not as good as you might like, but i will give it a try.the trigger finger has become my KEY midi hardware as a trigger, im a DJ and i've been working with many other midi hardware, this one finally satisfied my needs.great response, fast, many many knobs , and...many pads :Pits a bit heavy, but for gigs, its the best you can get.y used a M-AUDIO midi keyboard, and this new one replaced my entire set.it{s a must, for drummers its a must, its not expensive, you can use it for secuences.the only problem i had it's the USB cable, it has been giving me problems on stage, thats a really BAD CON. but once repleaced, it worked fine for me.BUY, BUYi didn't give it a 5 star review, but.. the cable took off one.$LABEL$1 DOA. I am sure this is frabjous and more....but it arrived DOA, so I'll never know. Sad. And no returns or exchanges. More sad.$LABEL$0 HATE IT!!. Come to find out that this DVD will not play at all. I have to have a "International" DVD player in order to view it. So I will not be ordering anything else movie wise from other countries.$LABEL$0 Nice looking, BUT very fragile. I bought several of these frames and I had a lot of prints to frame and like d the clean lines, and low cost.I really like the look of floating glass frames, and it provides more options for your photos or art.The problem with these frames is that like many things made in China, they are cheap...at great cost.The glass broke from the pressure of putting those little tabs that hold it together down, and (as someone who works with glass) I know that this type of break only occurs in glass which is not properly annealed.What does this mean to you? It is DANGEROUS!!! A product like this should be made with either safety glass, hard glass (pyrex, borosilicate) or, at the very least, properly annealed soft glass (actually any & all of these glasses should be annealed to remove stress)...but, without getting too technical- all I can say is that the glass in this product is unsuitable for it's purpose, and fundamentally unsafe.$LABEL$0 Dave Feffer is not what he appears to be in this book!. Dave Feffer is someone who manipulates evidence and people in other cases and has let other criminals go free. He is NOT the hero that he appears to be in this book. He is a deceitful and evil man who is in it for the money and fame it provides him with and he doesn't care about who he has hurt or victimized in the process. I know of two families devistated by his involvement and actions in other court cases. Don't believe everything that you read. Do the research on the other things that he has done.$LABEL$0 Overlooked, Undervalued, But Still A Pop Music Masterpiece. Fine songwriting, produced with perfection, and timelessly listenable.When this recording was released Loggins and Messina would soon break up. You'd never know it.Many excellent recordings suffer from not having enough drama; an all-over sameness of sound, tension without release, bad pacing. I could describe many qualities that make recordings with wonderful parts not wonderful as a whole. In contrast, Mother Lode is the complete package, enjoyable in its full presentation as it is in its individual parts. A real gem.I loved the L.A. country-rock style of the early albums. The fine crafting of songs. This effort, while not as commercially viable as its predecessors, still resonates today in a way that the more popular Loggins and Messina recordings do not. I urge you to give it a place in your CD collection.$LABEL$1 Poorly edited. If any U.S. citizen would read the section on the United States, one would quickly realize how poorly edited this book is. He refers to Clinton as having been ALMOST IMPEACHED. HE WAS IMPEACHED!!! He misuses facts and statistics with a snide bias. Too bad. It could have been a useful book. Mine is now in the trash.ADW$LABEL$0 COLORA HENNA VEG-HAIR COLOR. THIS WAS THE WORST HAIR PRODUCT THAT I EVER USED. IT HAD A TERRIBLE ODOR ANDIT TURNED MY HAIR RED.$LABEL$0 Paige is intolerable. I really loved this show through the first 3 seasons. However, the new Paige character is just unwatchable. Not only is she obnoxious in that "I'm a teenager and I know everything" sort of way, she's even self-rightous and soooooo politically correct it's enough to turn your stomach.And she doesn't fit. There's absolutely no chemistry between her and the other girls. None ever developed no matter how many seasons she was on the show.As if that's not bad enough, the scripts just got so incredibly dumb in season 4. I remember watching the first few episodes when it aired and all of us were groaning and rolling our eyes at the goody-goody two shoes approach the writers decided to take. It was like a film strip aimed at teaching third graders how to be good, in that really overbearing, obnoxious sort of way.Skip this one, stick with the first three seasons instead.$LABEL$0 Great Beginning...poor ending. Parricia Corwell, Cruel & Unusual was breathtaking in the beginning! Her relation to her family, her dedication to her work exeptional. However, this story began to get boring towards the end...the ending, not too great.$LABEL$1 Good device, instructions cold be better. The CD installed 3 software executables without any desktop shortcuts. The sparse documentation gave no hint of which of the 3 modules to start with. I ran "Eye-One Diagnostics" and it could detect the device. Vista complained that the driver was not digitally signed. I finally hunted around on the xrite web site to find and download the correct driver, and then I had to hunt through the Vista hardware device list to find the Eye-One and install the driver files.$LABEL$1 Wonderful movie! Don't forget to watch Special Features too!!. It's hard to pinpoint what I loved best about this movie - it was all so well done! The acting, the storyline, the photography, the soundtrack, the overall message...it was all superb! Movies about actual events are the BEST!! I think audiences crave this - learning how other people react to tragic and heartbreaking events in their lives. We can all draw something out of this girl's story that we can apply to our own lives and attitudes about our future. The amazing scenery of Hawaii and the awesome surfing work to make this movie so engaging. The DVD has a ton of Special Features!! Check them out!$LABEL$1 Condensed, but that's why it's called a Pocket Guide.... Good overview and quick read on the subject. It is a great resource if you are just starting a study on Islam or if you need a quick review. Does not go into too much detail so that is where it is lacking but I think that was the purpose for writing this book.Because it gives a fair understanding of Islam and I believe accomplished what it wanted to be.$LABEL$1 Shallow read. This book tries to cover everything. Thus each topic is covered only breifly. The orginization and wording is passible at best. This book is not really for beginners but for the times when we forget the simple tasks.On the plus side, it is one of the few reference books with precompilers in it.$LABEL$0 Solar Spot Light. Disappointed in the amount of light it gives. Disappointed in the product and also the advertising that says it is a strong solar light. Not worth the money spent.$LABEL$0 This is one of the more unusual and good books in the series. This is one of the freshest and most engaging Star Wars novels written in a long time. The plot is original and the characters, from Prince Isolder to Teneniel, are believeable and likeable.(when they are supposed to be likeable) The conflicts are well crafted and the story sparkles. Good Work$LABEL$1 Great DVD content but.... I watched this on a cable channel a while ago, and I was so glad to finally see this on DVD (it was only available on VHS), I read the review of the other same title DVD and I decided to get this because this one seemed not to have the 1:30 Devine comercial, to my bad luck the person who shipped my product from amazon apparently didn't have a clue of this and sent me the Devine (cheaper) one and I paid the price for this one :-( I don't even know if I could something about it.Wynton Marsalis is the best by the way. Thank you Wynton for this great series. One recommendation for the future in DVD, the one on Duke Ellington, I think it was called "In Duke we trust" or something like that.$LABEL$0 over a thousand kiddos can't be wrong.... I have given this book as a gift more than 100 times now. I often give it to graduates - both high school and college. As a teacher, I've had the opportunity to read this book to over a thousand students. Of course there have been students who didn't get it or who did get it and simply didn't like the book, but most (possibly over 80%) have enjoyed the story and learned something from it. I have also sent this book to people in some sort of trouble - jail or rehab type situations - and the gift has always been received with great enthusiasm. Personally, the book changed my life, as trite as that sounds. I keep hoping Oprah will discover and share it.$LABEL$1 Short battery life. Using Rechargeable AAA batteries, with the Battery Saver feature turned on, about two hours. Sometimes I get more using alkalines, but not much more. Honestly, this unit is worthless, because I can't trust the batteries.Order a Garmin Etrex Legend instead. It isn't much more expensive, larger or heavier, and it includes a base map of roads, towns, and shorelines. The Legend comes with a cable to transfer data from your computer. The Legend's screen is a bit larger, but shows much more detail. And - the batteries last hours and hours.$LABEL$0 great music and a worthy cause. The John Lennon covers were great and complement the original recordings. And the cause couldn't be more worthy (both supporting Amnesty International and raising awareness of the genocide in Darfur).$LABEL$1 Aesthetically Pleasing. Great to look at -- in the tradition of Eraserhead or Freaks.But that's the troublesome aspect. It's mostly aesthetics, with a great backup score.Very little information, almost no social consciousness -- one would think it had been made decades ago. Singer objectifies the people in front of the lens shamelessly. Or perhaps he is just woefully behind the times and didn't know what he was doing. I would hope that was the case. But if you just want to see a good looking black and white film, it's got some great shots.$LABEL$0 SMUT. I loved THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL and was excited to start this one. Disappointment is an understatement. I find it difficult to enjoy a book in which I have no sympathy for the heroine. I'm turning the pages only because I can't wait for her to get what's coming to her, only it can't come soon enough. Beatrice's lies, incest and selfishness drag on for pages and pages and pages. Needless to say, I will not be reading the next books in this series since I'm struggling to finish this one.$LABEL$0 Eloise. My daughter and I love Eloise, so it was nice to have Eloise in our home for the holiday season.$LABEL$1 Published in 1916...so dated!. I was looking to inspire my son to read more...this definitely didn't do it...bad choice of stories and so dated!$LABEL$0 Great companion when watching the series. I love this book. I refer to it and make my own notes in it when I watch each episode so that someday I will have watched them all. One thing that I have a question about. This is regarding the few episodes that were taped rather than filmed. The author says they were taped then transferred to 16mm film for broadcast. I just don't understand why they they wern't just broadcast from the original tape. This way they would not "look like a copy of something" rather than an original tape. You would think that with today's technology restoration could be made of these tapes to make them look other than a cheap Kinescope from the past. Otherwise, thanks for a great book.$LABEL$1 This not a Stebel horn as pictured, its a Flosser. Its not 139 db as stated its 115 db. Recieved the horn. Box says Flosser, the horn has Flosser in big letters where its sposed to say Stebel as it does in the picture on Amazon. The box says its 115 db at two metres, not the 139 db its supposed to be. Came with no reciept so dont know if there will be a warranty. Would not have bought if it had been properly discribed, just another ripoff.$LABEL$0 "meant to live" is deceiving. if you think switchfoot's "beautiful letdown" will follow in the wake of "meant to live", think again."dare you to move" sums up the whole cd, mellow and bland.sure,they are a christian band and have inspiring lyrics which could "move" people.but this allbum is pretty boring.i mean seriosuly guys, take a listen and try not to fall asleep."meant to live" is a good song, but other than that-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.$LABEL$0 Read Suspicion First. This book has the same two characters as Suspicion, Kate Logan and Mitch Calhoon. I would recommend reading that one first. Kate Logan an attorney is asked to represent Todd Buchanan, a man being sought for the death of his wife Molly. The problem with this is that Molly was the sister of Mitch, Kate's boyfriend. It all started with two people agreeing to meet in person after they first meet in an internet chat room.$LABEL$1 I recommend this book to everyone I know having multiples. I think this book is the best resource for women having multiples on what to do during their pregnancy. I tried to follow the recommendations as closely as I could, although taking in 4,000 calories a day was almost impossible!! My triplets were born at 35 weeks and all came home from the hospital with me and I have to give some of the credit to following the advice in this book.I did see the negative review from the husband of the lady who could not "force feed" herself. That is unfortunate, but I don't not think it will apply to most women.$LABEL$1 best invention ever for cat owners - but costly. I absolutely LOVE my scoop-free self-cleaning litter box. I can't think of a chore I hated more than cleaning out the litter box, and now I can ignore it for two weeks. Change the refill is quick and not too messy. The refills are expensive, but to me, it's worth it to avoid dealing with cat litter on a daily basis. I don't find the smell to be much of a problem, except a little in the summer.One other thing I'll mention is that the company has great customer service. When my first box stopped working, they were very responsive. First they sent some troubleshooting ideas, and when those didn't work, they sent a free replacement which came very quickly.So bottom line: I'd give it 5 stars if the refills were not quite so expensive, but other than that, it's a product I don't think I could live without anymore.$LABEL$1 No thermostat!. The description of this product clearly states, "Adjustable thermostat automatically maintains desired room temperature". However, there is no temperature thermostat. There is nothing but one knob for high or low power (1 or 2 setting), and a second knob labeled 1-2-3-4-5-6, 6 being highest. No idea what actual room temperature these settings translate too. I am very disappointed! I ordered this over a Honeywell electric silent baseboard heater because the DeLonghi description said it had a thermostat.It does heat silently and pretty well, but it had a large dent on the top of the unit due to poor packaging and delivery damage.$LABEL$0 Entertaining and illuminating, enjoyable, but not Faulkner. Heddle obviously draws from his knowledge of the physics academic community (and physics itself) to write this. This is to the good; one should write about things one knows about, and this allows one to convey the ring of truth (and allows the reader to actually learn something).His point of view is also clear, but not thrust annoyingly upon the reader (at least to my ear). (Unlike other authors who write in science-related fields whom I could point out.)There is good use of humor (I laughed out loud in places as well), insight into human behavior, etc.; so it's definitely worth a read.But in honesty, I wouldn't quite consider it highbrow/fine literature. (Perhaps one more go-around with an editor might have made a big difference.)$LABEL$1 Merely a retelling of Anna's book. I was quite disappointed in this book, especially since it claims to be a scholarly work. As a scholar of Thailand, I was very disppointed and didn't get further than Chapter 1. The author clearly has no knowledge of Thailand's history, language, or religion let alone how Anna Leonowens is looked upon by Thais. Chapter 1 is merely a retelling, almost like a cliff notes version, of Anna Leonowens' & Margaret Landon's novels. While it was nice to see the debunked history of Leonowens' life, it would've been nice to see the debunked history of her writings as well.$LABEL$0 not the best. the name of these hip scarves is true. they are deff. imperfect! they are made really cheap, and dont really stay on your hips really well when your dancing. i wouldnt buy another one.$LABEL$0 Coarse and Trashy. This could have been a very good story if it could have been told with class instead of such trashy coarseness. I will not be reading anything else from this author. This one was stomach turning enough.$LABEL$0 Almost. This cd was not quite what anyone expected. 1,2,and3 are ok but the rest don't bother listening. I read Justin's review and he said that they were proud of their acomplishments on this album. I guess the public was just suprised at the styles of music they put on here. I'd sugjest just getting used to the cd then you can learn to apriciate thier hard work and dedication!$LABEL$1 A Favorite!. This toy is one of my 'kids' favorites! I ordered several of them in case they ripped one of them up but so far, are all still intact! And the sounds are SO funny (and realistic)!$LABEL$1 Adventures worth sharing. I found this book while browsing at Best Buy waiting for a friend to buy a washing machine. I didn't buy it then, but I kept going back to it in my mind and decided I had to read it. I'm glad I did.Although the writing itself is not particularly noteworthy, Ms. DeLong's career is worth reading about. Her knowledge of the criminal mind is extrordinary. It is sad that that there have to be people like Special Agent DeLong out there to catch the scum who victimize other people, but reading this book made me feel like there are people out there looking out for myself and those I love.$LABEL$1 One of Abbey's Better Novels. Abbey is at his doomsday best with this tale that leaves a glimmer of hope that we can yet save ourselves. Say what what you want about Abbey (narcissistic, sexist, moody), the guy could write! He was also ahead of his time in his warnings about our abuse of the environment!$LABEL$1 Poor. The fan never worked well (didn't turn freely and was horribly noisy), and it conked out completely a month after the warranty expired.$LABEL$0 The final battle (and an awesome conclusion!). Max has been completely absorbed into the consciousness and has no control over his body at all. But the others are determined not to give up. They've got two of the three Stones of Midnight, so they have that adventage. But Liz is devestated - she's just lost Adam, and the thought that she might lose Max, the love of her life, as well is almost more then she can bear. Isabel learns she may be able to return to her home planet - but she can't leave her brother behind. Or can she? Michael's torn between his love for Maria and the chance for him and his brother to return home. Alex, in spite of loving Isabel and wanting her to stay, tries to be there for her. And Maria is completely heartbroken that Michael will most likely leave her. They'll all work together to fight the final battle to free Max and the beings of his home planet from the consciousness. But can they triumph - or are the efforts too little too late? Read to find out!$LABEL$1 Not an expert, but I like it. I've never played an electric guitar, but I some classical guitar lessons a long time ago. I went to my guitar store and looked at the Les Paul Standard, which was more money than I wanted to spend. I read that the Studio was not as pretty, but musically almost the same. Without having seen the instrument, I ordered one.I opened the box and was pleasantly surprised. It really looks nice, a little darker than in the picture. On the heavy side, but feels very well made. I wanted an instrument I won't need to replace in six months, and I'm confident it will stay better than me for the foreseeable future.It makes a good sound as far as I can tell, but as I said, I'm new to the instrument. Still, very pleased.$LABEL$1 Great music, but not a lot of it. First the good news: the music is wonderful. Great playing, and a terrific mix of standard jazz styles (There Ain't No Sweet Man, in particular) with Beiderbecke's chamber explorations. It's definitely worth many listenings.The not-so-good news. I didn't think it was technically possible to only put 43 minutes of music on a compact disk. Seriously, the album seems awfully short for the money.$LABEL$1 Outstanding. The author did exhaustive research on this book. It was informative without being pedantic, revealing much about the personalities and politics of the day.$LABEL$1 A Tip on securing the Router Template Guide Adapter. A previous reviewer (i.e., Adrian) wrote that he had to tinker with it to attach it to his router. I tinkered, and tinkered with the adapter and couldn't get it attached. I even tried to call Bosch but it was after hours. Then I thought I would remove the base plate (it couldn't hurt, right?), and T.G. I did. Because there in lies the secret to attaching it--at least for me. Under the plate I discovered the spring tension latch which must be engaged for the template adapter to lock securely in place. I suspect this is what Adrian meant by his "fiddling", but did not elaborate for those who would follow him. But I have! So now, there should be no excuses. For you other people that are, like I was, ignorant of this latch, now you'll know,and be spared the frustration.Gosh, Adrian, it would have taken you just a minute to elaborate on this. :-)$LABEL$1 Works well until it gives up the ghost. For the first year we owned this rice cooker it was very nice. Many times we have been cooking rice in it and steaming vegetables in the tray at the same time, and it has always come out nicely. After about 18 months of use, it just flat out stopped working. It worked one day, and the very next day - nothing. No light on the front, no heat from the heating element, nothing. As it was well out of warranty, I took it apart and could find no parts that looked to have failed. All of the electrical connections were solid with no corrosion. No broken or shorted wires, no burned out components. It just gave up the ghost for not apparent reason. Not worth the money.$LABEL$0 Rupesh Goel. Clark has written a book both simple and detailed - for both the specialists and the generalists - in the big, bad, and exciting world of simulations.Sometimes the process IS the product - if you believe that you will love the notes in the book from Clark's developer's diary - he brilliantly captures the tradeoffs of design, technology, learning, legal and commercial issues, in the process of creating the simulations.I recommend this to anyone serious about simulations development or use.$LABEL$1 Some real gems here.... After listening to Mr. Armstrong's work on albums such as the Moulin Rouge and Rome + Juliet soundtracks, I was really looking forward to seeing what he did on his own. While some tunes here are WAY too sentimental for me, the majority (especially the instrumental pieces) are wonderful. Soaring, simple melodies that take you from here to there and back again... It's one of the reasons why music is so powerful.$LABEL$1 Eh, not as good as I remember. I remember catching an episode of this show here & there was I was young, probably 12. I remember it being kinda fun. So I impulsively bought this dvd (somewhere else for around $20) & I just couldn't get into it. I watched about 3 1/2 episodes, but Jessica (one of the main stars) just grated on my nerves. This girl was such a tease. Plus everytime she did something wrong she got off pretty lightly. If anything she would get back at somebody else. She was also very easily forgiven by her sister, whom she used just like everyone else. Some shows like Saved by the Bell I can watch now & still enjoy, but not this show. I'm happy for the huge fans of this show that it's out there for them. However, if you aren't a hard core fan, like me, make it a rental, not a purchase. Oh, the show also seems like a showcase for these girls bodies. So I wouldn't be surprised if some girls brothers decided to watch this show with them.$LABEL$0 Nice Lantern. This lantern is sturdy built. It a thicker plastic outside, than the one I had. I believe the battery is what gives it more weight. It is not real heavy and I can still lift it with no problem. It is just different than the one I had, and takes getting use to it. I have not had to actually use it for a power outage as of yet, but have turned it on to see how it does, and it works good. I like the looks of it, and am glad I chose this one. I believe it to be a good lantern and would recommend it.It qualified for the super saver shipping at Amazon, so shipping was free. I like those type of deals.I believe this lantern is going to last a long time.$LABEL$1 Won't buy from this seller again. Not only is their customer service terrible (if you can get a hold of someone), they're charging a $21 restocking fee. FOR A BAG. I don't see that warning mentioned on the shopping page. Bad deal.$LABEL$0 partridge family - up to date. This is a very hard to find CD and has songs that most other partridge family albums do not, such as "You are always on my mind" and "Umbrella Man".....$LABEL$1 Junk. For the price to get you by for maybe a week then they break I bought 3 belts and they all broke!$LABEL$0 Works great. They were just what I needed and i haven't had any problems with them. I haven't received any errors while burning with these ones either.$LABEL$1 Not worth the money. If you really know and like Arkansas this will be very disappointing. Arkansas is a beautiful state but you wouldn't know it from seeing this video. They avoid most of the areas of natural beauty and when they do venture slightly into those areas, we notice they filmed this in late winter or early spring when trees are just starting to leaf out, arguably the least attractive time of year in Arkansas.A few of the topics they cover are interesting but most are just stereotypical small town/hillbilly type stuff that could have been shot in rural Kentucky or Tennesee. If you don't know anything about Arkansas before you watch this, you still won't know anything after you see it.Production values are amateurish but would have been OK if they had let the state's natural beauty and friendly people speak for themseves.And it is way overpriced.$LABEL$0 it's just ok. This workout does offer some cardio benefit. It also does introduce you to some basic Bhangra steps. It is not a serious workout or dance video. I wouldn't buy it just "to mix up my workout".$LABEL$0 "In Pursuit of a better game". I was very disappointed with this game. I thought since it was a Trivial Pursuit game that I would would enjoy it as much as the original. The questions are obscure and boring, there is no real objective to the game, the rules are confusing and the game board and pieces are poor quality. Do yourself a favor and avoid this game and stick with original Trivial Pursuit games!$LABEL$0 I'm torn.... I don't whether to laugh, cry or vomit. His singing is horrendous, and may give me nightmares tonight. Two words.Download this. Trust me the RIAA will not care but they may put you in a padded cell. Oh lord...my ears, my ears.$LABEL$0 Didn't work for us. We have a small farm pond with an algae problem. We put 4 of these in the pond and waited...no change...ever. Buy an algaecide.2 stars only because the item was exactly as described and it may work for different types of algae. Who knows.$LABEL$0 disappointed. We dined in the restaurant and enjoyed the food; I found it to be comparable with restaurants in Mexico. I ordered the book and was totally disappointed. The dishes I enjoyed in the restaurant are not in the book! It is a generic cookbook about tex-mex food obviously written to capitalize on their fame. They don't even have the recipe for the chimichurri sauce that is on every table.$LABEL$0 Plays the Notes. If you like Spanish Flamenco and 'classical-on-guitar', and have already heard Segovia or Sabicas or Lagoya/Presti or the Romeros or Williams play some of this music, then you might also think Barrueco comes in somewhere distant. For enjoyment, also consider artists Parkening, Bream, Isben, Holzman or... well, all these folks project more than just the notes. This earnest-but-mechanical effort by Barrueco is an acoustically clear recording but contains not ALL of the music... IMHO.$LABEL$0 Interesting biography. This book gives an interesting look into the founder of modern karate, and some practical advice for living.$LABEL$1 v220 lack alot. I have always had a motorola cell phone but the v220 is a big let down. It looks, feels, and operates like a cheap phone.$LABEL$0 Great Value!. I usually buy the normal (small) sized canister of ReptoMin sticks for my aquatic turtles. Never again! This is HUGE it will literally last months. And for the same price as the small one at the store. From now on I am getting my turtle food from amazon. Excellent price!$LABEL$1 A wide range of material which shows off her talent.. The first time I heard her music was when "Dive" was new. Since then I forgot about her. A friend was talking about her so I bought "Eden". Wow! it blew me away. Her range of material as well as her amazing voice are incredible. After listening to it all day I plan to collect the other discs she has out, even the imports. For anyone who is tired of hearing the same tired material played on the radio I highly urge you to check out this disc. It's incredible.$LABEL$1 Bellydance. Keti Sharif has put together a very informative and delightfully presented instructional book. The photography is excellent and the instructions are very clear and make sense.Keti Sharif is australia born and lives on the Red Sea in Egypt. She performs and teaches bellydance and hosts cultural tours of Egypt. Well done Keti. I teach bellydance and will be only too pleased to promote this book at my classes. My students will most likely buy a copy of this book.Anyone interested in Bellydance and Egyptian Culture or Middle Eastern Culture would be very pleased with the contents of this book, women love to express themselves and this type of dance does so refreshingly and culturally diverse techniques are explained.To celebrate our bodies is our divine right and we can enhance our health by bellydance. I invite women to take up this ancient art of expression, celebration, and good workout with pleasant music and rythms.$LABEL$1 American dad season #5. this show has easily become one of my favorite animated series ive watched in along time. well written and the animation is fantastic! the characters are unbelievably hilarious.$LABEL$1 its ok....cheap but ok. I am 8 months pregnant and was able to put the rocking chair together by myself. I think its ugly and cheap looking. I sat in it for 2 mins and when i took my feet off the ottoman there was marks from where my feels had been resting. The cushions is thin and not comfy at all and the fabric is not soft. I wish i had got a better chair :( I do like the size of the chair, not to big not to small, fits nice in babies room. I would not recommend this chair to anyone...$LABEL$0 Great Coat. I got one of the best deals possible...a $ 275 coat for just $ 58!! Its great quality, wonderfully warm and looks great, on just about anything.$LABEL$1 One Word - Brilliant.. One Word - Brilliant. Some films just turn out to be so good that words just don't seem to be enough to describe it. Watch it. Seriously.$LABEL$1 Most annoying chord book, ever. I have a banjo chord book that is arranged by note. If you want to learn a C7 all you do is go to the C section. This one is arranged by key. If you are a beginner like me, I bet you are just trying to learn chords, not keys yet. You have to flip all through the book trying to find your chord. Find a book where the chords are listed in the order of notes, not by keys. You will be much happier.$LABEL$0 Piece of Junk. Installed this on a new build and immediately the fan started spinning loudly and to think this unit is supposed to keep things quietly. The following day, the system would not boot up at all due to a Thermal Control Module (TCM) that went bad overnight. I tried calling CoolIt Systems technical support line and someone is supposedly calling me back. Well, I been waiting for over a week now and still no return call. Will try again.$LABEL$0 Super the 2nd time around. Read the originally series the 1st time - in the seventies. It was amazing. Beautiful art, great covers, a super star line-up. This collection shows off comics' 1st full story arc well.$LABEL$1 Watcher in the Woods. This movie has suspense and is so good ! I like it very much and would recommend it to everyone. It is clean entertainment and holds your attention. It won't scare you to death, but it will keep you watching non-stop.$LABEL$1 i hate to diss a master p product or a flick with such a dope title but.... what can i say about this movie? truth be told, i couldnt finish watching it. i don't want to be too harsh because he is master p and has done a lot for the music industry, but i really don't think very many of his movies are very good. i saw this flick about 6 months ago and all i remember is that i turned it off after about 20 minutes. thankfully i rented it and didnt buy it. i would suggest saving your money unless you collect underground indie movies or at least are a HUGE master p and tony cox fan, even still i can't recommend that you buy it.$LABEL$0 No Warranty on probes. CAUTION: My unit had been used about six times when the first probe failed. The second probe failed the next time I used it.What's more, the probe(s) ARE NOT covered by Polders warranty, and cost $17+ EACH by UPS ground (USPS postage would be 60 cents).Even worse, Polder didn't even respond to my email.$LABEL$0 sufficient isolation for office settings, mediocre sound quality. Compared to stock iPod phones, these are an improvement, but absolutely nothing compared to "real" headphones: Ety er4p, Senn 280, Senn 580, Grado 80 (I own them all).The sound quality is quite mediocre, but I listen to it at such low volumes it hardly matters.At work I don't like sitting with full size phones and the etys, while superb, isolate me too much so these are a nice default.I use it in the office when I need a little bit of isolation from the background noise but not too much isolation so I cannot respond when someone asks me a question.... and they are shiny too..$LABEL$0 DO not waste your money. it SUCKS. dont waste your money on this P.O.S. I usually never write a review on products, but this product is so bad, I would feel wrong if I did not say anything. If your not going to listen, let it be, your going to find yourself wishing you spent your money on something else.$LABEL$0 Discusthing. I never got to use the trimmer. The motor doesn't work even after buying new batteries, and the cutting head looks like it's been smashed.It's not worth the postage or trouble to return it,so it just lays in the drawer.$LABEL$0 Truly new & creative ideas for home & spirit. After reading this book I had so many ideas I didn't know where to begin. I first saw Kelee on Oprah and thought her story was remarkable....her work with Habitat for Humanity is so inspiring. And now I can use her immense spirit and creativity for my own home. She is like a spiritual Martha Stewart but so much more interesting!$LABEL$1 shallow and disappointing. I thought this book was dull and disappointing. If you are looking for just a bit of light reading for the sake of a story, this may be the book for you - but if you are looking for a novel that is intriguing, moving and involving, this certainly didn't make the grade for me. The writing is dull, the characters are flat, the plot moves along like a simplistic fantasy with the characters making their choices with an unrealistically shallow level of conflict. I personally found I was unable to empathise with any of them because I felt they just weren't real to me, despite the book's issues being quite close to my heart. It's magazine-rack stuff.$LABEL$0 A bit of sham. I was looking forward to this but it's a slim paper back book with a bland text book cover. It's certainly not worth the price.$LABEL$0 This is garbage. These songs are NOT performed by the original artists, know that first of all. As such, they sound cheap rip offs (because they are). If this is the kind of music you're after, you are MUCH better off to by it by the artist's themselves or off of other compilations.$LABEL$0 THE BEST HEADPHONE IN THE MARKET. IT IS THE BEST HEADPHONE I EVER HAVE, SOUND IS 10 POINTS, CONFORT 10 POINTS.$LABEL$1 Awesome DS game, but..... I love it I really do. The most fun of Mario games but not the best in my opinion. There are some problems like the saving part. I can't save much data because some parts of the game only allow you to save data like the mushroom houses. Overall it's not that bad once you geat use to it.$LABEL$1 Fascinating story. This story is absolutely captivating. The author is a man who is unable to communicate except for his ability to blink one eye. The entire book was dictated in this manner after having suffered a stroke. I read this book from the mindset of a health professional and I found it to be very helpful for empathizing with the patient. It is important to remember that just because a patient cannot speak, does not mean that they are not fully in their mind. I think this book would be a fascinating and useful read for both health professionals and lay persons.$LABEL$1 Was a great blog, crappy book. Salam Pax started out well. Then he got commercialized. The tone of his writing has changed dramatically, and the influence from the anti-war crowd has all but consumed his writing.I'd love to tune back in years from now after he's been forgotten, to see if he returned to writing from the heart.$LABEL$0 Bad Toy. This product is awful. I loved Lite Brite as a child but this is NOT the same. The pegs are very hard to put in and they fall out really easily. You can't put two in next to each other without one falling out. It is very frustrating for my daughter. The drawer where you keep the pegs gets stuck all the time and the pegs go flying when you do get it open. Don't waste your money.$LABEL$0 JoJo is a HoHo ....her cd is Retarded ..everything suxxx !!!. "Leave" get out is the ONLY good song on her album everything esle is just trash.....plus all of her songs sound the same....i would tell people to just burn it or not buy it at all it is the WORST album Ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JOJO SUXX!!!!!!!$LABEL$0 A good mystery game. If your kids like mysteries this is the game for them! Who's picture is your opponet holding ask questions get answers and have fun while you go!$LABEL$1 Best version of him. Mas Amedda was always one of the more interesting aliens in the prequels. This figure gets pretty high marks. The only thing I would like to see in a future update is a soft goods outer cloak. The hard plastic works well enough but limits articulation. Also, the soft goods would probably just look even more regal.$LABEL$1 MUST BUY, you will NEVER find a better kosher marshmallow. We've tried them all, thrown away tons, shipped in many, stumbled across many at kosher markets, and we've ALWAYS come up w/ the same opinion....you simply cannot beat Paskesz Marshmallows at all. These are not just kosher, but are soft, yummy, correct texture, and do EXCELLENT over Sukkot campfires! BUY and you won't be dissapointed, guaranteed. There is no other option (we've tried many times!).Thank you Paskesz!$LABEL$1 Not worth the paper its written on!. One of the worse ways to learn the blues... Don't waste your time or your money.$LABEL$0 Don't Let a Murderer Profit. The author killed a man ("self defense' with a belt and a plastic bag. Uh-huh) and now profits from this book while the victim's family wakes up every day without him. By all means, read this book at the library, buy it used, or borrow it from a friend, but do NOT purchase it new.$LABEL$0 Very realistic SACD sounding. "I can't believe they're early 1960's recordings!!"The sound is so vivid, lifelike and alive. This SACD disc has promptly transported me to the day it was recorded. I even heard bernstein breathing and can feel his hand movements while he's conducting. This is a real Hi-Resolution treat!!$LABEL$1 Hmm.... This book, to me was pretty boring. I only read to half the book and put it away. Maybe one day I will open up this book again, but it won't be soon.$LABEL$0 HUGE FAN -- MORE HUGELY DISAPPOINTED. This CD is all remakes, mostly more (overly) produced. If you want the better, less overdubbed claptrap songs, get SUBSTANCE. That's what I just did. I am Waaaaay disappointed. I've been a fan since the 80's (I had the original SUBSTANCE in cassette form. Actually, I still do, but I wanted to get the CD). Just very, very unhappy with my purchase. Thankfully, I didn't pay too much for it. If anyone knows which CD had the song, "KRAFTY" (I adored that video), please let me know. Happy New-Ordering, folks!$LABEL$0 tracy byrd,i love you.. i have almost every cd of tracy's. i would love to meet him one day. if i ever get to meet him,i'm going to pack him in my suitcase and bring him home with me.$LABEL$1 Review. It is not what i thought its going to be, absoloutely rediculous wasting my time and hard earned money looking for this$LABEL$0 I finally give up.. I have purchased three of these over the course of the last few years. My mother-in-law bought me another. So four total. After four, I am giving up and buying a new product that gets better reviews. Without fail, the sound starts to go bad and then won't work all together. It is beyond frustrating and I am going to shell out some extra money for one that doesn't turn on and off on it's own. If I were you, I would look at another product.$LABEL$0 ABSOLUTE JUNK!. This is your classic Chinese-made junk...rusted like a tin can within no time flat! Got a full refund. Buy American. Go USA!$LABEL$0 Bored?. Only watch if U R Xtremely bored - and have not another thing in the whole video stratosphere 2watch other than this....I gave it a chance, but I will watch Troy for the 112th time B4 continuing to torture myself with this.. sighhh. I should not have even reviewed it. Just should have typed"no"$LABEL$0 Poor quality - Impossible to use. My daughter got a White SC-20 for Christmas from Santa. I hoped that this machine would be of the same quality as White's line of sewing machines and sergers, however I was disappointed beyond belief. The machine is made of cheap plastic, including the foot pedal and bobbin assembly. Even after threading it correctly, adjusting tension and trying unsuccessfully for about an hour and a half, I could not get it to sew a single stitch. The thread kept binding up and knotting around the bobbin assembly. The machine is cute, but a total piece of junk. Save your cash and grief and go for a low end singer or kenmore. At least you can get a straight stitch out of them.$LABEL$0 Not Sturdy Enough. I bought two of these. One broke the first time I used it, the other lasted two weeks. Simply put, these controllers are cheap. They aren't as durable as standard Nintendo controllers. Buyer beware. If I had it to do over, I'd have bought some authentic N64 contollers.$LABEL$0 another brilliant slow brew by Shyamalan. Ok, folks, after his last few films, was anyone really surprised by the slow pace of much of this film, and the surprise ending? That's what M. Night Shyamalan does! His movies are not about the monsters and special effects -- each is a discourse on morality and spirituality. The lesson here is on family and protecting your children - how far would you go?I loved this film. it was probably closest to 'Signs' in pace and message. Visually, it was stunning. I love the way Shyamalan captures the facial expressions and feelings of his characters, and while I guessed the outcome of the film, it was still great to sit and watch.$LABEL$1 Too much irrelevant trivia. The idea of emphasizing the rivals in Lincoln's cabinet is different from anything else I've read about that period. However, Goodwin uses up too many pages on the socializing in Washington..especially with Kate Chase. 757 pages is is a big bite, and some trimming tto the identified issue would have been appreciated.$LABEL$1 this is one of the worst toys i have ever gotten. hi I'm 9 and i got this for me ninth birthday I was so excited.it came a couple days after my birthday when i was at a friends my dad opened go go.all it did was go in a circle and bark.it's ugly too.it comes with a brush but the hair gets tangled in 5 days. the fur feels wierd too it's all oily and gross.it cmres with the hankerchief that is really ugly and also fells really wierd.Don't buy your kid this horrible product or they will cry!$LABEL$0 for my new phone.. i got this to put music on my phone. i could have bought cheaper but wanted to ship the item in time so i bought it here.$LABEL$1 Very Disappointing. This was a good movie that suffered from a mediocre BD tranfer as it is just comparable with the DVD release.$LABEL$0 I'd like to give it 10 stars!. My favorite Lowen and Navarro cd!!! It has the energy an spirit of a live performance, but the vocals and harmonies are flawless, the instrumentals are incredible - it truly is the best of both worlds. It's hard to believe this was just recorded as an "afterthought" by the house sound mixer. It's truly an inspiring cd, and one I never tire of listening to.$LABEL$1 Movie. This was a good movie, but it was a little to drawn out in parts. But yet a heart warming movie. George Clooney was pretty good in this move.$LABEL$1 I don't get it. I just don't get it. Virgin Records lists this as the seventh best album ever. I can't figure out why. When Man on the Moon came out I hated it, but I figured there was something else on the album that made up for it. There wasn't.I bought mine used, and at [the listed price], I think I got robbed. Nothing on here is particularly impressive. The "emotion" that is supposed to sell the song can be found in equal quality on a Backstreet Boys album, and they have catchier tunes.All in all, this is NOT the decade-defining album the producers try to sell it off as. Save your money, or better yet, take the money you would have spent on this album and bet your friends that the members of REM end up homeless within the span of five years.$LABEL$0 Slammin Tracks!. Saw her live in San Francisco last weekend at the Pride Festivities. Tracks 3,8, and 10 are the best to jam to. 10 gets all the club play and it's about 7 minutes long. All in all you'll like it if you have any of her other music! J--San Francisco$LABEL$1 Waiting...waiting...eject. I've watched slow-starters before, but this movie dragged for the full 10 minutes that I gave it to draw me in. The scenery & the players were dismal and the script was juvenile: First, you invite your dysfunctional adult sister to join you & your wife on a quiet getaway out of town? Then, you cave in on her pushy curbside plea to also allow her new male friend, whom you've never met, to come join you around the campfire? I mean, really?I confess to jones-ing for some good bloody gore once in awhile, but this one found my husband, having murmured "ugh" minutes before I did, watching me from afar to see how long it would take me to wave a white flag and choose a new film to pop in.In summary, I "let him in" but then I sent him packing (I re-sold him to Amazon). This one's a waste of time compared to the many frightful heavy-hitters that I've acquired through Amazon.$LABEL$0 The Ugly Duckling meets Pretty Woman. Disney movies have all the same plot elements, so I was able to predict the rest of the movie within 30 minutes of watching it...an "ugly" duckling girl turns out to be princess of some unknown country of people with an undeterminable accent who give her a makeover to look all fake and "beautiful" and teach her proper manners while she's going to high school and has always liked the jerk jock that didn't pay any attention to her when she was ugly unlike the nice quiet guy that did who she ends up blowing off for the jock only to be swept up in a series of embarrassing mistakes with the jock who she finds out what he's really like and has thought to have lost chances with the quiet guy but miraculously appears all slick and handsome at her special royal ballroom party and they dance and kiss and I puke. There, now you don't have to see it, because you already have (i.e. every teenage romance ever made).$LABEL$0 I hear it's horrible! I have better!. I hear this kit is pretty bad.I used to collect spy toys (the company is Spy Gear). I had a bunch of secret listeners. It had removable ear buds. I have like 2 I belive. They work great in my DS! My friend tried the same thing only some other stuff wich was her Fly Pentop earbuds and her Scooby Doo Radio earbuds and they work great too! About the DS cases I have a Nintendogs case and it was Nintendo certified and it is awsome! Now those game cases. My friend has 4 game cases and they looked cool so then I went throught my house looking for somthing to use and I found a Barbie suitcase (since I have a million Barbie things) and it works great! It can hold 2 GBA games, 3 DS games or 1 GBA game and 2 DS game! I hear the Car Adapter works SO GET IT SEPARATE!! I hope this helped!$LABEL$0 Perfect for my body butter!. I make body butter with this, coconut oil and pure shea butter (plus essential oils). Turns out wonderfully! This is a great product and goes a long way!$LABEL$1 WHY DID I BUY THIS BOOK?. Thank God I bought it USED!!! This was the WORST, UNBELIEVEABLE, book of Robinson's that I have read, and I have read them all!$LABEL$0 She Can Paint, Too!. Fans of the golden age Disney films and animation in general are very familiar with the brilliant career of color genius Mary Blair, one of the most important graphic and commercial artists of the century, and some of her best work is found right here between these covers. These beautiful illustrations are among the warmest and most engaging she ever did. "I Can Fly" is one of the very earliest (and best) Golden Books, and this miniature edition seems to be complete, unlike the more common modern reprints which are severely truncated. The color reproduction isn't a hundred percent accurate, either, but unless you want to spend considerable time at the swap meets or on eBay, this is your best bet. For more about Mary Blair (as well as Golden Books hall of famer Gustav Tenggren and many others) see John Canemaker's excellent book "Before The Animation Begins". Oh, yeah, and if you're a real little kid you'll find it much easier reading than this slightly pompous review.$LABEL$1 Router gone bad after 4 months. The router seemed to work fine in the beginning but then I upgraded the firmware to the latest version 5.02 and the router has now gone bad. I have much lost time trying to resolve this and now have to pay shipping fees to send out the bad router for RMA. This does not seem fair since the router is only 4 months old. I will be very wary of Netgear products in the future.$LABEL$0 Jacket Messed up. Has anyone else noticed that the synopsises of the episodes on the cover don't match the episodes played? High Price and not accurate besides. The titles match but not what happens. Very strange.$LABEL$0 The First World War--The Complete Series. I highly recommend this video series to those who already have some familiarity with the events of WWI, but not for people just wanting to learn the general history of the period. There is greater focus presented here on the non-Euopean aspects of the war, showing it to be in fact a global experience. Plus, the author and producers made a determined effort to be even handed in their portrayals of the combatants; with explanations of the actions and viewpoints of the Central Powers and the Allies in equal measure. Areas which I would have like to have had explored a little more were the campaigns of Austria-Hungary; and the unprecedented impact of war on civilians, such as the Belgians, the Armenians, and women. Anyone who interested in delving a little deeper into the lesser known aspects of The Great War will truly enjoy "The First World War--The Complete Series."$LABEL$1 Not that much rumble. For subwoofers placement is key and can make or break your subwoofer. I have mine in a corner-ish spot, but it still doesn't give that chest pounding bass. Oh well, It's small so that's good for me because I'm using it with my PC.I have this connected to a Harmon Kardon Hk3390 receiver and On the back of the sub I set the volume 3/4 and on the receiver I set the bass knob to 3/4 aswell maybe it is defective because there the subwoofer only responds when the volume is 3/4 or higher. One thing to note is that it is very musical, it's not like those massive one note car subs that only go boom.$LABEL$1 The Farmer's Almanac, explained like my grandpa would!. Like the other reviewer, I've always heard from my grandpa and dad that you should plant "when the signs are right". They both follow the farmer's almanac religiously. BUT, they have never been able to explain to me what the different signs were and how they interact with each other. THIS BOOK DOES THAT!I was so excited when I picked this book up while on vacation in the NC mountains - it explains things the way my grandpa would, kinda folksy and without a lot of fluff, but packed with meaning.If you are a gardener, and have tried to understand the almanac, then this is a quick but VERY PRODUCTIVE read!$LABEL$1 'Precepts of the Samurai'. A nearly extinct class of honorable warriors, this book not only gives a visual and technical description of the art of "drawing" the samurai sword, but Sensei Shimabukuro also instills upon the reader ageless knowledge and wisdom.As a student of Muso Jikiden Eishin-Ryu Iaijutsu, I have found that the classes have opened up a new perspective on life and this book is one I often refer too, when I feel a little lost in my lessons and in my life.Definitely a must-have for any student of this art, practioner of another martial form or for someone who wants a little bit of instrospective enlightenment.Find your Heijoshin.$LABEL$1 Good read.. I would recomend this book to friends. Still enjoy sitting down and reading Rick Steves' Italian Phrase Book and Dictionary.$LABEL$1 Good heavy duty rain poncho.. This poncho does everything they say it does. I like it, but it is really awfully heavy & hot in warm weather rain. I would say it is well worth the money.$LABEL$1 Your all in one Gardening & Farming magazine. I wish I had known about this magazine years ago, love it. FULL of helpful information if you garden or farm. I learn many things with each new issue and look forward to receiving them. Very helpful articles, tips and stories to help you make the most our of your land, gardening, farming and producing. Will certainly re-subscribe every year.$LABEL$1 Fun, but doesn't "rinse" off. Great toy, but doesn't just rinse off with water. It leaves a tint/hue to my bathtub and walls that comes off easily with a basic shower cleaner. Not a huge deal, but DOES require more cleaning effort that one would think.$LABEL$1 Recieved wrong item. I got thee other style of floor mat of this brand but cant find an email to contact you with. The one with red on and 1 solid black stipe down the middle$LABEL$0 it doesn't know weather it wants to be a comedy or a drama. The acting was wooden. The direction seemed nearly non existent, or at the very last seriously flawed. The romatic lead (Shemar whatshisface) is a soap opera actor, chosen for his puppy dog glances, not his acting. He was perfectly cast. If you like black cinema's you will be dissapointed by this movie. The flick misses on all counts.$LABEL$0 Beware the 12-track abridged version!. Be careful! The 2000 reissue of Madness's classic CD "Keep Moving" omitted two tracks from the original ("Wings of a Dove "and "Sun and the Rain") and shuffled the play order of the others.Make certain you're getting the 14-track version of this CD or risk missing two classic Madness songs. The 14-track CD is still available, so buy carefully!$LABEL$0 Book 4 - eh. I'll keep it short ...while you will wade through it, waiting for ANYthing, book 4 pretty much sucked. Didn't stop me from buying book 5. Even with the apologia at the end of 4, it was still not a very good book. Book 5 is getting back to speed ... we'll see...it's getting back to the characters I want to know about (tho, C1 totally baffled me). Oh. I'm a Tyrion fan.$LABEL$0 Kids loved it!. Very action oriented book! Lots of Kung Fu, a little bit of blood and gore, bit of fantasy (animals behaving in sympathy with humans) a litte (not too accurate) culture thrown in, definitely some mystery and good vs. evil. My 10 year old read it and REALLY loved it...he can't wait for the next book to come out. Consider that very sensitive children might be bothered by multiple deaths and violence. Resistent readers may be inspired by this book with very appealing characters and a clear sense of conflict re: obeying, thinking for oneself, appropriate use of violence.$LABEL$1 Not Really a Murder Mystery. The back of the book, which I read before I made my purchase, led me to believe that I would be in for a good thriller. Boy, was I mislead. From the start, it is obvious who the killer is. The only "mystery" to solve is, where did the killer run to?I expected some deep, dark secrets regarding the double murder and their child, but there were none. I am so disappointed, that I will never read this author again.$LABEL$0 Why not 5 Stars? Like Chris Degarmo, something's missing.... First of all, since Chris Degarmo left the band, Queensryche has never been the same. They've been "off." Some bands can live on with replacement parts, but it was too noticeable without Chris. Don't get me wrong, I really like Queensryche, but Greatest Hits? Queensryche is not that kind of band. A compilation of band or fan favorites? Yes! Greatest Hits or Best of? No such thing for Queensryche. So what they've had some commercial success, this package still misrepresents all that Queensryche has to offer, especially in their earlier work. "Live Evolution" was the right idea, but anyone could tell too easily that there was something missing without Chris. If you've never heard any Queensryche this is overall a really great mix, so by all means buy it. But don't be fooled into thinking these are their Greatest hits.$LABEL$1 Very Entertaining!. As a preschool teacher, I'm always looking for good books that will keep the attention of my kids. Even though this book is a little lengthy for very small children, it really keeps their attention. The kids get a kick out of the fact that a doughnut has an opinion whether he should be eaten or not. They also really loved the ending. I have already recommended this book to family, friends, and other teachers. Very cute!$LABEL$1 Great for the Newbie. If you're new to the bar or beverage industry, this book will help you understand the basics of managing a bar. It's a little dated but most of the material is still relevant. The copy is large but I think its a filler more than a necessity. Good buy when bought used.$LABEL$1 AGAIN,ONE LESSER,ONE GOOD. THE DOOR IS STILL OPEN TO MY HEART is the lesser one with a few hits and a lot of fillers, and again a few songs from the country albums of 1963.The pleasant surprize is WE'LL SING IN THE SUNSHINE.REMEMBER ME is the good one ,in which DEAN has fun with some modern standards of the time.Also included are BUMMING AROUND,one of his national anthems,MY SHOES KEEP WALKING BACK TO YOU and WALK ON BY(both wonderful).DINO'S fans will love this LP.It is a perfect selection of songs for him.Wouldn't it have been nice if they had coupled all the good albums together and left the others with a stamp labeled LEFTOVERS-COLLECTORS ITEMS?$LABEL$1 Sonic Kung Fu. Fast and fun pop-rock, a more ballad oriented set than the debut album, but still plenty of electronica influence. From Rush Hour with Love, Try Everything, Luxury Cage and Kung Fu Movies are standout tracks. Saffron is the only singer whose lyrics reference Mortal Kombat 2, Haggen-Das and early Cure all in one song and make it work perfectly. Good Stuff.$LABEL$1 balloon jigsaw. Great jigsaw. A broken ankle kept us at it for hours at a time and there were enough picture clues to make it really interesting and fun. We finished it together in about two weeks "working" an hour or two each day. It's not for the faint of heart but not frustrating either...will hold your attention, relies heavily on perception of color and position in space. Great puzzle!$LABEL$1 Soft?. There is nothing soft about the Davinci Tool. It is very awkward to use. Tried using it several times and did not like it at all.$LABEL$0 Power Rangers Galactic Gift Set. This pack contains 3 Power Rangers videos! 1.Power Rangers Lost Galaxy:The Power of Teamwork Over Comes All-contains Quaser Quest parts 1, and 2, and Race to the Rescue. 2.PRLG:The Return of the Magna Defender- Magna Defender, Sunflower Search, Orion Rises, Orion Returns, and Redemption Day 3.Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue- Operation Lightspeed, Lightspeed Teamwork, and Trial By Fire.The main villains in these videos are: Scorpious, Trakeena, Furio, Treacheron, and Destructso (for the PRLG ones) Diabolico, Vypra, Loki, Impus, and Jinxer (for the PRLR ones)$LABEL$1 Great, simple workout in 30 min to do at home. Love this video. It makes pilates simple and something anyone can do. In 30 min I get an overall body workout. Can't wait to move up to the intermediate workout.$LABEL$1 It would be best if we could combine the two !. Mame with Lucille Ball and Auntie Mame with Rossalyn Russell are both GREAT !! Each has moments that are best on it's version.The Fox Hunt is best with Lucille, but the Christmas job in Macy's is best with Rossalyn. Get Both and have a "Mame-a-Thon"on Christmas Day!!$LABEL$1 Extremely disappointing. Despite my admiration for Zwicky, I must say I felt this book totally uninteresting; there is hardly anything on his methodology and many silly remarks, such as "you can tell there are doing great work here, their restrooms are clean!". Sadly, this was not a joke!$LABEL$0 ultrasonic doesnt work. the only thing that works is the alarm, the rest doesnt do anything to dogs the ultrasonic doesnt work at all$LABEL$0 A very unreal portrait of urban life. i really can't believe that the sexual abuse you watch in this movie can actually happened in the real urban life ... she actually seems very permissive and condoning , accepting and encouraging this male abusiness and even appeared to enjoy it !$LABEL$0 Keeps you in suspense from cover to cover. This book keeps you wondering just how history did unfold; with catholicism and the epistles. A well rounded book with all the trimmings. The uniquely fresh look the book gives of the first apostles probable incounters along with the fast pace and Hi-tech scientific plot plays out wounderfully between countries and intensifying situations. You won't be able to set this book down$LABEL$1 Not much fun. My 5 year old seemed to like this game a little but I thought it was really boring. It's all chance with no skill or strategy involved. Frankly, it's just not that exciting and we don't really play it much at all.$LABEL$0 One of the best , know ur place.. First off to all you reviewers who just hate and dont respect the music, don't leave a review if you dont like shyne, idiots.This is a great album, i can admit that its not as good as his first. Still love shyne's lyrics sceme, one of the best. Shyne in my opinion raps better than most rappers caught up in the political scene. Whole cd bangs buy it or shut up.$LABEL$1 It's a great player.....for a few months.. I received this MP3 player as a gift last July, and I didn't start using it until last winter. However, within the past few months a significant problem has occured with the headphone jack and the sound quality is terrible now. Apparently this is a widespread problem with this player, and all you have to do is Google "headphone jack Creative Zen Micro" and find the Creative discussion board to read hundreds of complaints about this one problem. To make matters worse, their customer service is practically non-responsive. Do the smart thing and purchase a different MP3 player.$LABEL$0 Creative Improvised Music from the Pacific NW. Dave Storrs and The Tone Sharks are at it again. This quintet of very talented musicians met for 2 days in 1999 to spontaneously compose or collectively improvise on all the compositions excepting cub scout barbecue (sounds like a minimum of written composition there either). Storrs and his Tone Sharks have been a fixture in the Pacific NW for years and their interaction is unpredictable and entertaining. They are having fun too for sure. Thank you Amazon for finding independent labels like Louie [...] because they often record the finest local music. Anyone interested in genre-busting creative improvised music should listen to Tone Sharks recordings. And better yet, catch them live.$LABEL$1 GREAT MP3 player!!. I have had one of these for 10 months and I love it! I use it often and it has never given me any problems! Great sound and user friendly.My daughter has an ipod. Although the Zen Nano I have is not as powerful, I still prefer it.If you don't want to shuck out the money for an ipod, don't buy one of the cheap MP3 players. I would highly reccommend the Zen Nano!$LABEL$1 Generic and unspiring = as i lay dying.... Once i finnaly got aild's latest release "frail words collapse" i realy hated it...For the minute i put it on my stereo, it totaly sounded like crap and it just got worse & worse if you looking for any outstanding track or any song that sounds decent skip this because you won't find it here ! I got this because one of my friends who actullie seen aild live told me that they were "awsome"...Well, he was wrong!! Mediocre music for mediocre ppl is what aild is and will always be! Don't buy it unless you want to be bored to death with a repetetive/mediocre sound!$LABEL$0 Mellencamp Returns To His Rock Roots Here. With WHENEVER WE WANTED, John Mellencamp drops the "Cougar" altogether and returns to his rock style and party-oriented lyrics from his early days, while continuing his deeper lyrical concerns. The remastering on this CD adds depth and definition to every single song, and the bonus cuts are quite interesting. Any serious Mellencamp fan must own this one.$LABEL$1 ho-hum. blah, takes a day to master a pilot prof if you're half-decent.adds a completely useless side to a game that is wholly land-based.bit of a sideshow to the grinding blahfest that was swg...ah well, with the cu swg isn't around for much longer in this galaxy anyway.AVOID$LABEL$0 Just another halocaust book. This book is just like all the rest of the halocaust books. It got very old very quick. I didn't enjoy it much. I had to read it for school and it really didn't interest me at all.$LABEL$0 I threw it away!. This flavor was so terrible that I ended up throwing it away after trying it once. I absolutely love the vanilla ice cream royale and the strawberry banana smoothie flavors of this same product. I bought the chocolate mint flavor based on positive reviews - so maybe it was just me but I really could not stand it!$LABEL$0 Useless.. This kind of "experimentation" was already over in the days of Woolf and Joyce. Not only was D.F. Wallace incredibly overrated and incredibly out of touch, but he's left us a legacy of second-rate regurgitated drivel like this as well. Thanks, guy.Whatever happened to telling real stories about real people?$LABEL$0 Good for beginners. There are more than enough excellent tracks on this disc to make it a good buy. There are many songs left off, though, that are much more enjoyable and impressive than half the songs included here. Danger Street, the best rock song he's ever done, is missing. Vulcan Princess and Lopsy Lu, the two best songs on his self-titled album, are also missing. Worse yet, however, is the omission of nearly all of his most stunning bass jams. It would be nice to have a compilation that really shows off the full limits of Stanley Clarke's incredible talent.How about a second disc? Suggestions:Life Is Just a Game and Desert Song from School Days;Lords of the Low Frequencies, Illegal, and Funk Is Its Own Reward from East River Drive;Play the Bass and Time Exposure from Time Exposure;Basketball from Hideaway;Bassically Taps from If This Bass Could Only Talk.Until you've heard those songs, you really haven't heard Stanley Clarke.$LABEL$1 Only one disc would play. The first disc would not play in any machine it tried (3). The 2nd disc was OK. The item was returned and I was given a no hassle refund.$LABEL$0 The real deal. This CD puts you at an up-close table and you can practically smell the cigarette smoke and dried beer on the carpet. Billy Joe is backed by a 3-piece rock trio (not to be confused with a country band) led by the late Eddy Shaver on guitar. Besides the tremendous songwriting, it's Eddy's guitar work that super charged the band's live performances during this era. His homegrown creativity of blending styles and tones is powerfully evident throughout this live CD. Billy Joe's resume is packed with songwriting credits affiliated with many Nashville artists, although his own presentation style of these songs is far removed from Nashville and sits right in the heart of a Texas honky tonk. If you can't stand the way Nashville does it, boy have I got the CD for you!$LABEL$1 Works well. A lot of at-home workout equipment is gimmicky, but this lives up to its advertisements. It's easy to put up and remove, and is stable in the door-frame. Plus, I don't have to embarrass myself at the gym :)$LABEL$1 You call this "Like New"!?. I just bought a Spice controller and I thought when they meant "like new" I thought it would be like it was still in the container seal or something, but when I got it, it looked as it was in a old garage. It was working just fine, just this moment I was playing Zelda Wind Waker having a rematch on one my save files with Puppet Ganon, the Analog stick just all of the sudden stopped working. I have no idea on how it just wouldn't work. If I don't fix this, I think I feel like I wasted my $20.00 + Tax.$LABEL$0 Tweaker. I've been looking for a tool like this for some time. Anyone who does house framing needs one of these. We've all had twisted lumber to deal with. This tool makes it very easy to straighten two by lumber. Highly recommended.$LABEL$1 Are you people kidding. It amazes me on the propaganda bull that can influence people on twisted facts. Watch C-Span or the History Channel for the real facts you'll be amazes on who has the horns here. I once watch on the History Channel about the Persian Gulf war and how we screwed that up that cuased us to go back but I bet that was President Obama's fault too. Does it reality matter what faith you are because there are radicals no matter where you look in any faith. All I know is Mitt Romney even states he'll downsize the Federal government and remove where ever there is waste to him. For example the USPS and education is well in his sites. Wakeup people we are all in this together. By the way it's true about flying saucers I read it in the National Enquire and yes Elvis did go back to his planet.$LABEL$0 Pales Next to Spenser!. As an avid fan of the genre, I began this book with high hopes that ended in disappointment. Never before have I seen such a derivative work like this. So derivative, it borders on outright plagiarism! Mr. Crais is obviously intimately familiar with the works of the venerable Robert B. Parker; however, in this case, imitation is NOT flattering at all.$LABEL$0 HDMI Cable. These are great cables at a reasonable price. They are heavy duty with the diameter the size of a dime. You will like these cables.$LABEL$1 it didn't work for me. I would not recommend this product, because it did not work for me.my search will continue for an effective Tongkat product$LABEL$0 Worth the price. This product was delivered before the expected delivery date...as usuall when dealing with Amazon.com. Its amazing that 1 GB (wich holds a ton of files)can be on such a small disk. It has worked flawlessly in my cell phone now for 3 months. I also use a disk reader to pull the pictures to my computer. Its held up well. I recommend this size for any product that accepts it. No worries about running out of memory.$LABEL$1 Good Product. Item is as pictures and described. You may want to place a nonslip mat underneath this to keep it from sliding, though that is not strictly necessary.$LABEL$1 at last!. This film represents to me the challenge and spirit of karate. I've recommended it to groups who have not studied karate for the spirituality and philosophy. And it has great action sceens! If you are truly brave, listen to the blind flute player and have the courage and humility for the student and teacher to learn together.$LABEL$1 It's great if you like headaches, stomach ulcers, and frustration!. Way too many issues with the wn311t. Worked okay for about 2 months on my XP computer. Then the issues started. Spent about 3 days problem solving, checking out online threads ... updating firmware/drivers, etc. All to no avail. My Netgear router is perfect. But this wireless receiver isn't worth all the headaches. I've even had some of my techie friends come over that do the networking for fortune 500 companies and they scratch their heads.Unless you like stomach ulcers, headaches and making cancer . . . I'd stay away.I never write reviews. This is my first. But I felt compelled to so that maybe I can save some poor soul some misery.$LABEL$0 Excellent. I purchased this CD a second time because the 1st one I purchased started to skip. I liked this CD better than his first one.$LABEL$1 Simply the Best!. This album give us the best from this pop group....They are simply the best group ever!!!!!!$LABEL$1 Poor Quality Envelopes. Have plenty of tape available when using these envelopes. Sealing glue is terrible and will not hold your enclosed material securely. Also tape over bottom flap since that has a tendency to pull apart also.$LABEL$0 Poor Editing. I just received this book yesterday, so I don't have a lot to say about the test-taking advice and practice questions. All I have read so far is the first chapter (introduction). In all honesty, I find it hard to believe this book was even edited. On at least four occasions, I found myself feeling deja vue - and the reason was entire sections were duplicated and repeated in succession! And it's not like they accidentally put in the same page twice. You finish a section at the bottom of one page, and there it is again at the top of the next page. I just don't understand how that could happen - if anyone took the time to give the chapter a once-over they would have caught it. Interestingly, you can see the introduction right here on Amazon before purchasing, but the problem appears to have been fixed for the online view. Too bad not for the $26 version I bought.$LABEL$0 cordless right angle drill. I purchased the drill and only used it a couple of time-4-5 and the chuck broke. I have recently had a corded impact wrench and an XRP drill go out. Much poorer quality than my previous buys. Have started moving towards Hatichi.$LABEL$0 A Bunch of Gobbledygook. I saw this man on Oprah Winfrey trying to explain why Barack Obama went to Trinity Church to hear that racist Rev. Wright preach his propaganda about the U.S. Gov't creating the AIDS virus to kill black people, along with saying G-D America, we brought 9/11 on ourselves. He gave some mumbo-jumbo answer that it was basically because of America's "collective pain". What a bunch of malarky. Obama went to that church to get himself some "street cred". Also, his wife agrees with the pastor, read her thesis yourself it's posted on the net. Oprah is pushing her agenda on America, just like others are trying to do and it is not going to work. Do not bother reading this book, it's a bunch of malarky. Save your money. Also, what are this man's credentials, does he have any?? Tolle is nothing more than Oprah's new tool if you ask me.$LABEL$0 Awesome. I like to carry a keychain flashlight and, over the years, have had numerous different types. I ran across an ad, online, for the Photon and decided to try one. This is the best I have had. It is so tiny and so bright. I really don't need all the flashing modes but it is sturdy and easy to carry. I like that the batteries can be replaced and that they are reasonably priced. I had one small light where the batteries cost more than the light did. This Photon is a definite thumbs up.$LABEL$1 Absolutely unlistenable. Knowing and kitsch and soooo achingly hip, so wink-wink more ironic than you are, an ugly and ungainly mash of diverse styles into music so deeply irritating I never want to hear it ever again. I tried my best. Gimmicks do not equal music.$LABEL$0 Do not get this 'toy'. This item teaches children how to un-do locks and bolts making it easier for them to escape the house. We bought this for my Autistic brother and he promptly started undoing all the locks in all the house. Now, we have to alarms all doors in the house andd he still escapes constantly. BAD TOY IDEAL!!!!$LABEL$0 doesn't work. I purchased this item to install an aftermarket Kenwood stereo in a 2001 Ford Focus. It fits flush with the dash, but the stereo doesn't fit.$LABEL$0 A rare gem. A true gem of a book, dealing with a subject that is much overlooked. As the inspiration for Orwell's 1984 revising history, it is a chilling look at early Soviet attempts to rewrite history by erasing people from photos. Watching a photo of 5 men dwindle down to a picture of one as the others are disgraced, imprisoned, killed and then erased is just mindblowing!Whether you are a fan of Soviet history (i'm not) or not, the cold war touched us all and this book documents it in the entirety$LABEL$1 If your a Goofball like me you will luv this comedy. I realize that not everyone has a corny type of sense of humor like I do where you find silly movies like naked gun or nacho libre just full of laughs ..And Im not the type to rank movies but if you like those type of comedies im sure you will love weekend at bernies ..i literly couldnt stop laughing ..the plot, the scheming is so far out there it truly has 90 min of laughs and its a really enjoyable movie ..I dont usally buy movies anymore but I had to on this one..bottom line either way buy or rent it its a must see "$LABEL$1 Handy cables. I used these in a group of 3 to provide component video and audio to my tv. These worked out great and they look really cool.$LABEL$1 as described. Looks great, very close to matching brick color of the house. to top it off best price I could find for a mailbox that holds weeks worth of mail.$LABEL$1 The Catswold Portal. I found this book to be exceptionally original. As a reader of SciFi Fantasy for over 25 years I can say that this one is a keeper.. ( I have just finished it for a 3rd time) The only problem I have is finding out if there are anymore books about the Catswold and the Netherworld, if not Ms Murphy should sit down and start writing them. So many of her books are also out of print. I can only say I will be heading for the library.$LABEL$1 Willie can do no wrong, but this is close.. First, let me state emphatically that I am a huge Willie Nelson fan. He is, by far, my favorite recording artist and I have seen him in concert three times. That said, there is not much in this book to recommend it. There are a few very funny jokes, although not that dirty. There are dozens of simple, yet profound, song lyrics, mostly of his lesser known works. As a reader, I would have preferred to hear Willie sing them. Willie tells you he is in favor of the family farm, God, marijuana, less government. He is against smoking. He plays golf and jogs. Everybody seems to be his best friend. But, if you are a Willie fan, you already know that. And there's the problem. I didn't read anything about him I didn't already know. Damn, I wish he would really get serious about writing an autobiography. There is so much I would love to learn about Willie, but it's not here. Save your money and buy another Willie CD.$LABEL$0 A spanking good read.. This book is to the point and well written; I enjoyed reding it! In fact having read a lot of other DOM books I would rate this one in the best top 10! Great ideas and methods, great information and a real look inside the DOM mind!$LABEL$1 Not Stainless Steel. These pliers are not stainless steel. They came packed/coated with a yellowish oil, like mild steel tools often are. The description didn't specify the materials so now I know to look for that. The manufacturers box that they were delivered in had the word "Stainless" before Steel scratched off with a black magic marker.$LABEL$0 Cuisinart Stainless Thermal Carafe Can Definitely Stand the Heat in the Kitchen. Our original carafe was glass that held 12 cups. Well worth the extra cost even though you lose 2 cups. We're thinking of purchasing a second for dinner parties.$LABEL$1 Excellent Product. I just took the plunge and purchased this unit. It is outstanding. Although using a DVD through a VCR is probably does not give the best picture, it worked quite well doing it this way. Another review said you cannot, I had no problem. I have an older TV set so this is the only way I could hook it up until later. Plays all my DVDs with no problem. Well worth the money. I purchased it for $179 with the current $20 rebate.$LABEL$1 Very good Nay, but shame on the rest!. The Nay music is outstanding, but the accompanying music mostly keyboards and ultra modern sounds just don't fit at all and detracts from the excellent nay. Oh, well, what a shame to spoil such excellent music!$LABEL$0 Buy something else!. I've never written a review on Amazon before. I bought this product from a local store last spring. Really a bad purchase. Couldn't suck up anything! I was cleaning out my garage this summer and acutally put it out for the garbage man to pick up. I wouldn't even give it away to someone because I felt like I was just passing along a problem to someone else. Told the wife sorry about wasting the money...but live and learn.$LABEL$0 Quick shipment!!. I ordered this product Wednesday night and it came to me by Friday morning. It was the quickest shipment I've ever received. I had standard delivery and at wasn't too happy that it was not part of Amazon's $25 Free shipping policy but the fact that it arrived so fast made up for it.Filter-wise, this one does a good job for my humidifier. Soaking in vinegar helps prolong the life of the filter.$LABEL$1 Beats the pop tart to death. My wife & mom really like these. They are really good & replace the breakfast rush meal$LABEL$1 enlighting, good analysis. text is good, explains things well.don't have to be a nuclear scientist to understand it.$LABEL$1 Wide but Shallow. Briefly introduces you to the elements of JBuilder database development. The coverage is wide but extremely shallow. You will obtain a cursory understanding of many database development topics. Each presentation covers less than is covered in JBuilder3's Developer's Guide, which comes with JBuilder3, and is surprisingly accessible. Like the other volumes in the Referentia series, you can use this to rapidly acquire a comfortable "feel" for the topics, but you won't gain a sound understanding of database development from the superficial exercises.$LABEL$0 Seasons. This is, I feel, one of the better eps. Has the effects of the various seasons, plus gardening, fishing, snowball fights.. quite entertaining. I did lose the ability to see the fish in aquariums even with an upgraded graphic card.The one downside, which is with all the Sims2 ep's, is that upon installation the game creates an openning in one's firewall giving EA Games repeated access to one's pc through the game's exe. Having Norton AV and the additional firewall control, I was able to create blocks and I never play the game while on the internet. I had spent considerable time trying to get answers as to why EA Games was infiltrating my pc, first there were denials. When screen shots of my firewall was sent to them as proof, I was given the most idiotic "explanations". To date, not even the corporate office has responded. This has fostered feelings of mistrust for me. I will no longer purchase EA or Electronic Arts games.$LABEL$0 You get what you pay for.. or do you?. I bought a this starter mp4 for my wife. After the ooo and awww of a little video, came the real reason of why it is so cheap.It has battery charge issues like the first generation iPod Shuffle. Bad part is, there is no warranty and support.It is like the Shaq sneakers from Payless. Look great for the first couple of months until it is not returnable. And you can't upgrade to a pair of jordans. Be Warned!!$LABEL$0 dont bother. I haven't read such a load of trash for ages. It is not based as far as I can see on any scientific basis just his opinion. It appears to be just a desire to make money. Please don't bother.$LABEL$0 Very good game!. Very good game! good graphics as well as sound. playable content is enough to keep you going for quite a while, and until you start bringing friends over and playing against them. :) It gets better even more.$LABEL$1 Not for me.. Could not find a way to finish this. This was a book club selection, and just not my cup of hemlock.$LABEL$0 Alright for younger girls. I bought this for my daughter, 10 at the time,and she enjoyed it somewhat. Though it did not hold her attention long. She said it was fun,but she became bored with it after about 2 months. It has since passed on to my 8 year old niece. Who pretty much gave it the same review.$LABEL$0 Coraline. "We are small but we are many we are many but we are small we were here before you rose we will be here when you fall." That is one of the things that Coraline heres when she moves into her new home.This is the best book you could ever buy & own. When I first read this book I had a cold shiver down my spine because of the great details this author gifts us.This book is so frankly disturbing in a scary way. If you buy this book & get more into this book you will find some scary things like the voices that Coraline heres & you will find some odd things like Coraline's "other" Mother & her "other" Father.Coraline finds ghosts & sprites that are trapped and Coraline helps them get free. So if you like scary books with odd things and scary things this is the book for you.By: Rachell$LABEL$1 Worse than expected. This dreadful film--amateurish to the point of laughter--is an example of the inferiority of Twentieth Century Fox Chan films. For real style and laughs, watch the cheapie Monogram Chan movies with Mantan Moorland and Willie Best. The fact that these films are politically incorrect, adds to their appeal.$LABEL$0 Lots of good music in here. This has been my favorite of several fake books I've purchased. I'm still new at the keyboard, but this book is challenging me to learn more chords and pick up things on my own. The selection should please just about anyone.Yes, the print is a little small, but that's the trade-off for getting so much.I would recommend to anyone who can manage to get around the keys on their own. If you're going the route of taking lessons, this may not be for you. But if you want to make your own way and have a good ear and feel for music, this is a great book.Since I've purchased it around the first of January 2010, I've added a half-dozen or more brand new songs to my repetoire. My goal for 2010 is to be able to play 150-200 songs. I see that as entirely possible with what's provided.$LABEL$1 When good bears go bad... Bad movies are made. When an oversized rogue bear starts hunting and killing tourists, hikers, and campers in Yellowstone National Park, it's up to park director Charlie Kittridge (Joe Dorsey) to stop him by any means possible. This doesn't sit well with a tree-hugging ranger, Christopher George (Michael Kelly), who seems to think maybe the bear could just use a little xanax and massage therapy. Old "Smoky" is just misunderstood, you see.Staci Layne Wilson$LABEL$0 HISTORY WORTH READING. Probably one of Jeff Shaara's best books to date, useing the same style of his father's excellent book on Gettysburg, "Killer Angels". While I consider myself more of a Civil War student, I read this book to learn a little more about the Revolution, a period I had very scanty detailed knowledge of. This book really delves into the day to day activities of the officers and men and brings you into this period very effectively. The novel sustains the actual history throughout, and in the style of his other books and his father's, the end brings out the later history of the key players - in this case, a sad ending for several dominant figures in the success of the Revolutionary War, who became broke and/or broken by the peace that followed. Even sadder, is that I never heard of several of these men, and their efforts should have made them American heroes in our history books. A worthwhile and interesting way to learn about the foundation of our country!$LABEL$1 The absolute Best Bottle!. I would recommend these bottles to anyone, whether they Breast or Bottle feed. My son was very picky and I tried every kind of bottle out there, these were the only kind he liked. The silicone nipples make a huge difference. These bottles are very durable and also very easy to clean. A must have for every mom!$LABEL$1 I usually love her books but this one was the same old story. J.A.K.'s stories are usually a quick enjoyable read. They get to the point and the main characters are usually fun interesting people with great more than one dimentional PERSONALTIES! Not these! The story was boring, new age was boring, the scenery was boring, and the romance was boring (which was unforgivable). The only good part was that I would never have figured out who did the dirty deed .... probaly because the characters were not very well developed. I felt that she got an old plot and changed the location and the characters names but left out the good stuff. I was disappointed and will wait to buy her next book in paperback (if I buy it at all) instead of buying another J.A.K.s hard cover just because I love J.A.K.$LABEL$0 ..But check first with your eye doctor. I never thought I would give five stars to a game that involves probably 100+ hours of matching jewels on a grid, but this is very well thought out, and quite complex and large. The designers have somehow created a system by which the player is constantly challenged in a series of puzzle-solving battles involving a fair amount of skill, but also a fair amount of luck. As you advance, you open up new areas on the map, acquire new skills, collect tribute money from cities, build features onto your castle which enable you to collect new spells and skills, etc.$LABEL$1 STAY AWAY FROM THIS CD. Greg Kihn is actually one of the best muscians I've heard in my lifetime but this LIVE album wasnt for me. The hit songs are all interupted by him talking and HE TALKS A LOT on this recording. HE talks nonsense almost as if he was drunk when he did this performance. This CD shoould have been a standup comedy album for all intents and purposes, but May i say he shouldnt quit his day job as a musician. Overall the song list was pretty decent but I recomend you buy his actual recording of these songs not this LIVE album. But I paid $5 so, it wasnt all that bad. IF your looking to collect his music then this CD is for you otherwise you WONT find anything good here.$LABEL$0 Mouse. It works like a new one. Hooked it up and it worked instantly. I had a corded one just like it, so I knew what I was getting.$LABEL$1 Springtime For Hitler. I was in London last week and decided to see the exciting musical, Notre Dame de Paris. Let's be honest, this may be the worst large-scale musical in the history of theater. The show is so bad that I had to buy the recording. The lyrics are both abysmal and repetitive, the music is uninteresting, and the performances are way over the top. Everyone should buy this CD because this musical and this recording may be discussed forever in the annals of musical theater disasters. Honestly, this score is so bad, it is actually fun to listen to. " BELLE, There's a demon inside her who came from HELL. And he turned my eyes from God, and oh, I FELL. " " Torn Apart. I am a man divided. Torn Apart. I want two women's love. Two women want my love. I don't know how to cut my heart in two. " Enjoy!$LABEL$0 thanks. This item meets expectations set by the listing. Very quiet while operating, yes I don't hear it. I like the flow control. Very quit shipping.$LABEL$1 A Pleasent Surprise from the Emerald Isle. This album is fantastic and has heart and soul of a gifted song writer and storyteller. I've seen Ricky Warwick in concert as the opening act for Def Leppard and he's fabulous!!! Buy this record and you'll see what I mean!!$LABEL$1 This Book Goes Well with Scarlett's Walk by Tori Amos. As both Scarlett's Walk and this book involves the Great American Road Trip.You got to love how well researched this book is.For example, his discription of Kobolds. Did people actually do that? Did he make it up?Who knows? He has a rich tapestry of gods, djinns, and quiet Shadow who only wants to get back to his wife, a normal regular life, gets caught up in the beginning of a raging storm.As usual Neil Gaiman creates so many amazing characters. As usual, he has stories hidden inside stories like treasures, like stained glass filled with a variety of patterns.Read this story and enjoy how every character, humans and gods is distinct with their own individual voice.$LABEL$1 Great Spiral Cutter. Due to the slippage I was left with a spiral cut for an overhead can light. I had to use other methods to create a trim ring to cover up the cut made from this useless attachment. I would try the sandpaper friction ring theory but I already threw this thing in the trash. I don't need anymore screwed up circle cuts.$LABEL$0 Batman: Returns, Awesome but dosent match "Batman". 1992 saw the release of the much anticipating "Batman: Returns" and it really is a mixed feeling movie. Its enjoyable but in the way it dosent match its predessor "Batman" it is very cool how it is all dark and got a creepy vibe and its storyline is OK but it just dosent really meet perfection. Penguin is absolutely disgusting and i really hate him and Catwoman is cool but in other words they are cool villians. Same "SPECIAL" featues as #1. This film is good and I reccomend you to see it but if u have to choose 1 out of the 2 "Batman" is the way to go.$LABEL$1 Nice product. This is a well made cover that comes with its own bottle. The cover is durable, but will not hold any other product than the bottle that came with it - at least not that I found. I use insulated covers over 24 oz soda-type bottles and this would not work. But my son is using it for his water bottle. I've seen cheaper water bottles, but I still have some doubts of the life-expectancy of this one.$LABEL$1 It broke in 16 days. While it worked, this vcr was great. However, after it ate two videos and stopped working within 16 days of purchase, this vcr was a lot less appealing. I do not recomend it at all.$LABEL$0 limited use. This is handy to keep in the car to transport hot or cold items short distances. However the top doesn't seal tightly, so in many cases a cooler is a better option.$LABEL$0 Great!. I use this all the time to record things at work and it is great. Crystal clear voice recording the first time, I have never had it pick up a single background noise. The earphones for playback are also top-notch, it has great sound. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a nice headset with lots of uses!$LABEL$1 Dead On 12 oz Hammer. I like the feel and balance of the hammer. Good weight for general use. The only negative is it looks like the manufacturer used a machete to fit the hammer head to the handle, not sure how well it will stay attached over time.$LABEL$1 Another Hit for Exam Cram -- Thank you MS Wong. Excellent preparation for the exam. Like the Performance Tuning, DBA, and Network Exam Crams, the material is well organized, thorough, and the practice exams are harder than the real thing.$LABEL$1 the best cd i have bought in a very long time. There are a lot of good artists and music out but this kid is the best sound out. dynamic!. uplifting!. After hearing this one I went out and bought his other cds. Guaranteed I will see him in concert. he truly sings from his soul. More than a talent!$LABEL$1 QUESTIONS?. I've got a question. Where did this guy come from? Tried this. At first I was looking for redeeming value. After awhile I just sat back and enjoyed this guy who apologizies for nothing and even gives us something to think about in the way we view relationships. T to the m-fin' K, you're a welcome edition to my comedy library.$LABEL$1 How to increase your pleasure. By accident I read Richard Rhodes' DARK SUN (a history of the A-bomb) before I viewed this film. Hard to believe how deep Kubrick's wit could cut into real life at the time he made the film. DR STRANGEGLOVE puts the Cold War to shame.$LABEL$1 Only worked a few times. Only used a few time and color faded. Black is weak and the color cartride doesn't work. They didn't ship in HP box only plastic pouch, saying that it was a greener way to go less waste. I got ripped. Don't buy if I could give 0 stars I would. Total waste of money. For what was listed as NEW CARTRIDGES!!!!!$LABEL$0 Simply the best...needs an update. I bought this book back in the 80s when it first came out. I've consulted it so many times over the years that it is virtually falling apart. The reviews are generally a joy to read, even when I disagree with them, which isnt often. Peary's reviews are intelligent, yet down to earth, and make you want to search out and see the films he talks about. My only regret is that the book is out of print, and desperately needs an update. I'd love to know what he thinks of the films of the last 25 years since the book was written....$LABEL$1 this movie was AWFUL. ugh...total waste of money. I can't believe I really wasted $4 on a movie I watched for 30 minutes and then turned it off.$LABEL$0 Disappointing........ I love most of Melissa and Doug's toys but I thought this was to much of the same thing. All the tricks were pretty much the same idea. And every trick was made from wood which makes this durable but not very fun. I remember the magic set my brother had as a kid. It had the glass with the liquid and the quarter trick with the box. Just other things that were quick, fun and easy. I gave this to my niece who is 6 years old. Her eyes lit up when she saw this but when it was opened and played with, I could tell she was not finding these tricks that fun or easy.$LABEL$0 Yeah right!. Uh I guess if you have nothing better to listen to...Really a novelty in my opinion...I would like to hear a symphony orchestra do it... :) with a little electric guitar thrown in for good measure...in the end was decent :)$LABEL$0 This is a good series. I like the books in this series, as they frequently give information missing in other how-to books. This book is the least helpful, but then, I am usually looking for specific information.$LABEL$1 fun fun fun. my little girl got this for christmas and loves it. everything fits in the bag so storage is not a problem. contains messes! what a plus! has everything you could want to play with your dolls.$LABEL$1 Mind corrupting Religious Indoctrination. -RE: (Book) "Sound Health, Sound Wealth" By Luanne Oakes-Ms. Oakes says: "As we increasinglymaster our perceptions, beliefs, and thought/feeling patterns, wemagnetically attract that which we most desire." -- Luanne Oakes=========================================I say: Zombie-robots are incapable of "mastering" themselves!Or, "Perceptions, beliefs, and thought/feeling patterns".I say: All 'that' is 'reserved' for the 'rational' few among us.========================================="Luanne Oakes" system, and style of expressing many of her mindcontrolling assertions and MAZE-like deflections from 'rational-reality',remind me of "Deepak Chupra's" writing; serving a similar purpose namely,to mandate 'blind faith' in a farce as the absolute only way to besuccessful at anything!-$LABEL$0 Painful. This book was truly a waste of time.. Very little happens to progress the story, go ahead and skip this one$LABEL$0 Not quite what I had expected. In my opinion, this book reflects the limited access that the author had to the people behind the pages. It comes across as a well chronicled excursion through the world of drug development and managed healthcare issues. However, the content is hardly Merck-specific. Much of this could have been written based on newspaper articles on the company. It offers no insights of significance into what made Merck such a great company and how the greatness might have contributed to the troubles it is currently facing. In sum, I would say that the title is grossly misleading.$LABEL$0 falls apart. the unit is somewhat flimsy and does not hold up. we bought two and sent them both back as they do not h old up to cookie dough scooping$LABEL$0 hi lift. this lifts very well with 30 v. no bleaching is required and it comes out very bright on lighter hair. also it does no leave hair dry and damaged like normal bleach and add dye routines$LABEL$1 The latest release from 3DD...amazing. Many people have stated that this is unlike the last 3 Doors Down CD 'Away From The Sun', in my opinion this is better with some very good songs on this CD. The evidence of maturity as individuals and as a band is shown in this CD a evolution as a group would go through. The album doesn't really pick up a gear until the 3rd song in the hitsong 'Let Me Go' which sounds like Creed and PJ sounds mixed together. 'Be Somebody' is a song full of important messages for people to be themselves and not what others want them to be. The weakest song in my opinion was 'Landing in London' with Seger. Just didn't appeal to me. My favourite song was 'Live For Today', excellent lyrics ina world going faster and faster day by day. Any fan of 3DD should be pleased by this newest CD from this pure rock group that has matured and will be around for some time to come.$LABEL$1 Zen and the Art of the Detective Novel. I read the first of the Flap Tucker series, EASY, and was on Amazon minutes after the last page ordering another in the series, EASY AS ONE, TWO, THREE. I really like this good ol' boy with a feng shui brainpan. These are readable, clever mysteries in the style of Lawrence Block. The only problem is...after number 4, you're Tucker'd out. We need more of this great series.$LABEL$1 A holy purpose as an excuse for mediocre.. I found the message of this novel, or should I say this message disquised as a novel, compelling enough to get me to the end of this book. But look out, this is poorly written stuff. Characters, plot, story integrity, it's all pretty bad. At worst you feel cheated and wonder how this lack of respect for the reader should reflect on the sincerity and veracity of the material. All in all, I read it, considered it, and wished I'd borrowed it.$LABEL$0 Worthless. Harriman edited and altered Rand's journal entries without noting it. This makes this book worthless. And this kind of dishonesty from Harriman is, to use one of Rand's favorite words, evil!$LABEL$0 Robinson Crusoe. The long awaited "Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" has finally arrived on home video on DVD by VCI. This DVD entitled "Robinson Crusoe" purports to be a "restoration." The original film had two things going for it - a fine performance by Dan O'Herlihy and vivid color. VCI got one out of two. The so-called restoration's color is sub-par, although they managed to get a lot of dirt and scratches out, the color is not close to being vivid. It didn't help that it was filmed in bargain basement Pathecolor. The sound track has on and off thumping noises that are most annoying. Only if you are a fan of this film is it worth seeing or even buying. This restoration looks like it was one of those digital jobs. VCI should leave the restorations to Criterion and Robert A. Harris. I was really looking forward to this DVD but ended up being badly disappointed.$LABEL$0 Quality Control Issues with this Brand. I too received my cart in a damaged box and 3 of the 4 wheels were broken. ALso, mine was brown now black as pictured. I was told by Amazon that I could contact the company directly to get replacement wheels although no contact information was included in the box and Amazon does not keep a record of it either. Amazon was very good to try to rectify my situation since the contact information was unavailable. I think this could still be used as a plant stand without wheels but still disappointing when I look at. This seems to be an issue of quality control in general with this brand. If you read reviews for their other products there seems to be a trend of cheaply made items.$LABEL$0 Hypocrite!. Yes the book is all sweet and mealy mouthed and pink-happy ended, but why did then the sexy filly Waterwheel, that the author actually owned in real life turn up at an auction and sell for 1000 $, with a broken sesamoid bone and in foal? So much for care, love and responsibility! It is only luck, and none of Smiley's doing that Waterwheel ended up in a nice green pasture and not in somebody's dinner plate. Hypocrite! The book is nice and entertaining, but horse lovers should never buy it.$LABEL$0 Fight propaganda with propaganda?. How does writing a biased right-wing version of history make up for the so-called "left-wing bias" of modern textbooks? Thomas E. Woods Jr hardly tries to detail a factual version of history. He merely tries to fight supposed propaganda with more unapologetic propaganda. This book is nothing more than a novelty item.$LABEL$0 satisfied if a little disappointed. Once Upon a Mattress was everything that I would have liked it to be. But I was under the impression that Carol Burnett played the Princess Winifred. I was disappointed about that but overall, I am quite satisfied with the dvd. Now, all I need is the original screen play. If you know of anyone or website that does screenplays, I would be most interested in finding out.I did forget that there was a couple of songs that was left out, such as the Minstrel's song and the song about Normandie. That too was disappointing.$LABEL$1 Bad.. I would not recommend this toy to anybody. Would rate 1/2 star if that were an option. It is highly disappointing. We returned ours. Even our young child was not impressed. 1. The toy projects light, and the stars are just shadows, not the other way around. I feel this is backwards. 2. The light is not very strong, and the constellations and words are fuzzy & difficult to see, even in a small room. 3. The toy runs on batteries instead of electricity, and eats up batteries extremely fast (ours may have been defective, but it only ran for a few hours on one set of fresh batteries, repeatedly). 4. It was fickle. Sometimes it would turn on, and other times it would not. It would work with one set of batteries, but not another. 5. It's an inconvenient size and odd shape for its purpose.$LABEL$0 Great for those who like it.... I read this as a teenager and liked the dark themes, the deep pessimism and preoccupation with death, the more horrible the better. Now I read it and don't like it any more.If you enjoy Holocaust poetry or Darfur poetry or poetry about senseless, tragic death and loss you will like this. I am acquainted with a major contemporary poet who considers Housman to be brilliant in every sense of the word.In terms of poets who can be a bit "dark", I like Poe, Pound and TS Eliot, but I just can't see that brilliance in Housman.Not to say that Housman was not a brilliant intellectual; he is considered one of the the leading scholars of his time as Professor of Latin at Cambridge. That does not help me though, as the poetry often seems "pedantic" in the sense of being ostentatious in one's learning.This book has been in print continuously since 1896 so some people like it all of the time. Maybe you are one of them.$LABEL$0 ONE OF THE WORST MOVIES EVER MADE. Can I give a film a 0? Awful, awful, awful. Lou Diamond Phillips is so over the top it is like he is the only one getting the joke. Mark Wahlberg, who redeemed himself with BOOGIE NIGHTS from his Marky Mark days, slides back down.What is really a hoot is the screenwriter's commentary. He talks with passion about the film as if he was Tarantino. That this script got produced is a slap to the face to all aspiring screenwriters out there.Do yourself a favor and watch something decent.$LABEL$0 Redundant, redundant,reduntant.... This would have made an excellent article. As a book, it's a rip-off. I kept waiting for "the good part," which for me would have been the author's ideas on effective P.R. He convinced me of his basic premise, that advertising is a waste for establishing a brand. He did not tell me how to effectively use P.R. to do that.$LABEL$0 Skip It. I read everything that Tom Robbins writes. Until I read this, I loved everything he wrote. This is a compilation of some pretty boring stuff. Read the novels. Skip this.$LABEL$0 FUN FOR THE KIDS...POISON FOR THE ADULTS. Beware all you "musical" haters, this one really bites. Gordon fans are truly in for a rough and torturous time. Take my advise: If your over 10 years old and your mind has matured along with your body, avoid this one at all costs.$LABEL$0 ridiculous. This was a rip off. Sat down with the girlfriend expecting it to be a follow up to the movie. It turns out to just be a few minutes long. I've seen commercials longer than this! I can't believe I paid for it. So disappointing$LABEL$0 A great period piece.. Contrary to what some reviewers might think there are thousands of wonderful, stark gritty photos, whole books as a matter of fact with this exact subject matter. Back in the days before political correctness photo's of murdersand accidental deaths(especially auto accidents) clearly showing the victims were common place. Joe Pesci really comes through as a little man isolated in one of the biggest cities in America who craves love and affection and compromises himself trying to get it. The set and wardrobe work was spot on as well. This movie never got the recognition it deserved. The only downside of this and too many DVD's is this terrible DVD-R on demand format. We get screwed while the studios make even more money on their movies.$LABEL$1 ok but................... Smaller than I realized. I also purchased an "Uncle Mike's" car organizer. If you are looking for a larger more roomy organizer go with the Uncle Mike's.$LABEL$0 Pat - You are no Willy Hung. Okay, I admit I laughed and told all my friends about it. Pat Boone bare-chested, wearing leather and crooning Smoke on the Water is something I never could have imagined. However, to actually listen to this -- I've tried and it just ain't possible. This is physically painful.$LABEL$0 Really not the best of MST. I paid for this one based on my love of the show but this one really isn't their best- by far. Not as many jokes as the show usually had & the jokes that are there just aren't that funny. Even the movies aren't that entertaining (cheesewise I mean). There are better episodes you can purchase out here. I'd go with just about any of them before this one. Still love the show, but in this case they really missed the mark on funny.$LABEL$0 ...plastic?!. I bought this thinking that it would fit the Handspring Visor...it doesn't but that's not Franklin Covey's fault. Just beware all you Handspring owners that this won't work. I'm glad it didn't work however. It's constructed of cheap plastic and isn't very usable for 8-1/2 x 11" planners. Yuck.$LABEL$0 A good condensed Drucker reader. Peter Drucker has written a whole lot of books and a whole many articles on business management. For the past 60+ years, his writings have helped managers understand how to operate and run a business "effectively" for the short and long term. But, it would be impossible for most practicing managers to read all of these books and articles to understand Peter Drucker's advice. This book tries to condense his essential advice into digestible bits that can be quickly read when and where you have time.This was my first "real" formal book on management. And I think this was the best introduction I could have got. Read it and you will agree.$LABEL$1 A great classic book with a great storyline. I had read this book in high school and had forgotten how great a book this was. This book has so much in the story that makes you think and alot of it makes you relate to real life.The character's in story reach out to you in way that makes you feel like you are in there world. Scout was one of my favorite charactors the way she was through the book. My other favorite charactor is Jem. I love how both of the kids were afraid of so much but from there fear they learned so much. I also love how they stood by people in the story.Overall I forgot just how good this classic novel this was and I wish Harper Lee had written more books.$LABEL$1 Release the Director's Cut!. This version of Jane Eyre is quite good. Michael Fassbender and Mia Wasikowska are perfect together! However, this story can't be told in a mere 2 hours. This movie would be excellent if there were more/extended scenes with Rochester and Jane. The deleted scenes, part of the bonus material on this DVD, should all be in the film. For instance, the veil scene and Rochester chasing after Jane need to be included as they would provide more depth to the story. I will always love the Toby Stephens/Ruth Wilson version best, but this film is very moving. Again this film is very good, but it is too short--release an extended/director's cut version. Sign the petition for a director's cut on ipetitions.$LABEL$1 The best thing for a humidor.. If you have ever had to constantly keep tabs on your hygrometer and add more water or try to dry it out then this product is for you. It is so easy it's unbelievable.If you have a humidor then you need this product. It really makes life so much more simple.$LABEL$1 very well done. Good overview of bacons working career. color is good,images clear and explanations of work and time frame very well organized$LABEL$1 Great but depressing......... This is a great CD it has all my favorite artist like KORN,LIMP BIZKIT,GUNS N ROSES,EMINEN,EVERLAST and much more artist I like.The only thing is that the are to depressing,I mean I like the CD and all,but it needed to be more....well....um.....not to sad.P.S. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON THE PEOPLES BODY WHO DONT AGREE WITH MY INTERVIEW!$LABEL$1 Boring and illogical. If you want to read a book about being buried in muck, this is the book for you! I only got halfway through this one. It was painful to read because the action was so slow, and I couldn't care less about the characters, even poor Chekov as written.The thing that annoyed me the most though is that the writer didn't seem to think about the world (s)he was writing in. The characters spoke and acted as if the colony had been around for years, the people having old sayings and developed farmlands and ranches and old habits, when the book itself says they've been on this new planet for about 6 weeks! Flaws in logic continued throughout, and combining that with muddy characters (in more ways than one) that I didn't care about, I just couldn't find a reason to go on. Don't waste your time.$LABEL$0 Dissapointing. Although I apreciate the frankness of this book, I was dissapointed by the emphasis on the male's point of view in the book. Considerably more information and pictures of penises are included than vaginas. Also, the woman's feelings, role, and consent are ignored in the discussion of sex. According to the book, people have sex beacuse "the man wants to get as close to the woman as he can." There is no mention of whether or not the woman wants to have sex or enjoys it. There is also talk of the physiological changes in a man when he's having sex, but none anout the women. And finally, lots of talk and pictures about sperm, but very little mention of the eggs role ("semen is how you and I and all of us started") and no pictures of an egg. Instead it shows a picture of a sperm curling up to a heart.$LABEL$0 A very clever comedy. A comedy about a a science nerd vs. his newly aquired love interest he affectionatly named Daisy, the main character hasn't even seen the outside of his lab for years, before he accidently sees Daisy on the computer monitor, from there the story unfolds... The series from the very beginning had me and my friends cracking up, I would rate this 6/5 stars if I could. It has some running gags that never grow old, and make you wonder what's going to happen next. My only complaint is it's only 12 episodes long, it could of easily be lengthened to twice that many and still not be tired. A definite must watch for any comedy anime fan.I definetly suggest this anime, one of the all-time bests.$LABEL$1 Ordered two because of poor reviews. Have an older microwave built-in which doesn't have a turntable. Had used the micro-go-round previously and had pretty good luck with it. However, one of the two is already not working very well. Can only turn it several times and then it goes no further, which is just a step above having no turntable at all. Have a second in reserve and am hopeful that it might work better than this one.$LABEL$0 Nice from afar, far from nice.. Unacceptable quality of workmenship. Even for $20.Pros:Nice blue box, unmarked.Frontal view of pendant is nice and shiny, just as pictured.Cons:Easily noticible mold line with ugly blotches along the entire inside circumference of the pendant.Thin chain, not shiny, not glamorous.It resembles a $100 Tiffany's pendant chain but the blotchy mold line really junks this other wise decent pendant. I decided not to give this gift so it's just collecting dust now. I can't return it because it says you need a certificate of appraisal or something.$LABEL$0 You get what you pay for.. The quality control sucks. Several bits had the holes in the center off center. The case did not close well and some bits rattled around. I spent almost 3 times as much for my set but it worked the first time and will work many more. I do my own lock work and I use security/tamper-proof screws so these bits have to work. Save up and pay a little more.$LABEL$0 That didn't taste like I thought it would.... I wanted to read some fantasy, some high IQ stuff, some thought-provoking short stories I could read on the DART getting to work. Well, after reading all of these stories, I'm convinced that writers do not submit their prize stories for anthologies. They submit their scraps. That's craps with an extra S. I'm dissapointed. Maybe my expectations were too high. Perhaps if I lower my expectations to what one might expect if judging a suburban high school writing contest...hmmm...no, I'm still dissappointed. The people who put this together owe me $10 just for reading through it. If you read this then you should demand compensation. I am not better off after reading this book. Maybe I didn't do enough shrooms before reading it. :-($LABEL$0 Only two disadvantages. We bought this gate because my toddler son figured out how to undo the cheap wood dog gates. We're very pleased so far.Pro:-Looks great in black. Lots of compliments-Wide entry. Others are not as wide-Low step height-Easy install. I didn't even need the instructions (which were missing in one of my gates)-Very secure. My son can shake it and it won't budge.-Requires three steps to open which makes it difficult for my toddler to figure out. 1) Push button on handle, 2) Rotate handle, and 3) Lift gate slightly and rotateCons:-In order for the handle to work properly, the gate requires A LOT of tension on the wall to push the handle closed. If you are not mounting this at a stud, it may very well damage your wall. (It damaged my friend's walls) Without this extreme wall tension, the handle is not used at all and it to open the gate you just need to lift the entire gate and rotate it.-Cost. Must be one of the most expensive, but so far to us, its worth it!$LABEL$1 Sissel is awesome. This is a dvd of a live Sissel concert, and if you have ever had the opportunity to see her in concert, I think you will enjoy this dvd, and if you haven't, it will make you want to see her when the opportunity arises. She has such an awesome voice, and she is beautiful, as well as very personable with her audience.$LABEL$1 Hard to tell, but I think it is helpful. I have arthritis in my foot which seems painful sometimes, and other times it is not painful. I use the Topricin every day, and I think it does help. Of course, it is hard to say for sure because I don't know how the foot would feel without the Topricin, so how can a person compare? If nothing else, it's the placebo effect. I tried Penetrex, not so sure about that one, but it's about $20 for 2 oz. and the Topricin is about the same price for 4 oz. Sometimes I wonder if it's the massaging in the cream which helps, but I'll keep using it.$LABEL$1 Wonderful colorful movie. My granddaughter loves this film. when she was at my home- she watched it twice all the way thru. She is four years old.$LABEL$1 The finest pictorial display of Japanese Underculture. A magnificent exploration of the underbelly of Japanese culture. One of our biggest selling books filled with rude pictures and miniturisation.$LABEL$1 Cheap in all aspects. You get what you pay for. This pedometer broke after using it a few times. The clip on the back cracked after attaching it to my thin cotton pants. I glued a strap on it so I could keep using it and 3 days later it stopped counting. It just says 0000 all the time. I only needed something to work for 8 weeks for a contest I am doing and this failed. The same thing happened to the 2nd one I purchased. At least I didn't waste to much money on them.$LABEL$0 Do Not Buy Westinghouse LCD TV's. My LTV-32W1 broke 1 month out of warranty. It turns out that Westinghouse does not have authorized service centers. Several TV repair shops wouldn't even look at it because they can't get parts. One shop finally took it but returned it after a month, unable to get parts. Westinghouse themselves don't even sell parts, check their webite.$LABEL$0 Addicting. If you're used to regular super-sweet gum, you may not like this because it has a little less flavor. You really do get used to it though and it's probably much better for your teeth.I started chewing this years ago when it was made with sorbitol. They've since reformulated it with xylitol and while it took me a little while to get used to it, I'm hooked yet again. I go through this stuff like it's candy! I literally chew a piece after almost everything I eat. It keeps my teeth clean and my breath a little fresher. The weird thing about this gum is that the flavor doesn't last very long. That's fine with me. I usually spit it out after 5-10 minutes.$LABEL$1 Guardian angel. My first Julie Garwood book and I loved it she tells a great story I could not put it down. I also love series an the next is even better.$LABEL$1 Not as indepth as expected. The write up of the book is detailed and promises a wealth of information regarding the title. A quick read of the introduction and a little research on the author leads one to believe this will be the be all and end all of reading material required on the topic. The content of the book turns out to be a simple collection of stories which only give a basic and unsophisticated review of what the topic could possibly be about. This leaves one with the option of giving up or doing extensive research on the topic to full in the vast blanks left by the book.$LABEL$0 Snooze. If you like boring, cacophonous guitar, then by all means, listen to "Heavy" by Tegan & Sara. But I must warn you: if you decide to torture yourself by playing this song, you should probably wait for a night when you are plagued with intense insomnia because this song will put you to sleep. The repetition in the lyrics is rivaled only by the recurrence of a single sound produced by scratching a fork against a desk, although I think that Tegan & Sara actually considers it guitar. She sings about being unstoppable, but the stop button on my CD player begs to differ. I strongly do not recommend listening to this song unless you wish to punish yourself mercilessly. Seriously, just shoot yourself in the foot and you'll get the same effect.$LABEL$0 Our baby didn't feel secure in this swing. We actually traded swings with a friend who had the more traditional swing - our baby would not relax in the Papasan. When he was in the regular swings at his daycare, he'd snooze right away. After we switched swings, he loved his new one. He was a pretty big baby, and I think he just couldn't snuggle down since the indention is pretty shallow.$LABEL$0 Isn't nearly as sturdy as the picture. Took about 30 seconds for my dog to tear apart. Took it out of the box and gave it to him. Walked up the stairs to find half of it hanging from his mouth and the other half on the stairs. The rubber is very thin and pliable. I thought I was getting a ball that was hardened rubber. Not the case.One note, the description says that it's great for stuffing treats into it. While that maybe the case, the dog will tear apart the toy getting to it. Also, it better be a big treat as the holes are big.$LABEL$0 thriller? erotica? or else?. The story is short and bad for an erotica thriller. There aren't enough thrills to really make it a good thriller, and there aren't enough sex to make it a good erotica either. I was hoping the story would get better as I read on, but I was wrong. What a waste of money.$LABEL$0 SAHARA REVIEW. I have read Clive Cussler's Book Sahara and as usual it was a great book. As you can see I am a big fan. If a book appears on the shelf with Clive Cussler or even NUMA files - It is immediately bought. I saw the film Sahara - What a dissapointment. The actors were very much less than convincing. The thread of the book was totally lost in the movie. Somewhere so was Abraham Lincoln. The story plot was very much lost and re-written in the movie. If I were Clive Cussler and wrote this book and then saw the movie - I don't think I would recognize it as the same thing. In my final opinion movie very poorly done. Wrong actors to play the parts and plot so re-written.$LABEL$0 This set is awesome but .... ... I found this last year at TJMax for 49$. Some of the prices I'm seeing here for 'out of date' Lego sets are really outrageous. If you do some research online (or at your local 'cheap' stores ie. Ross, TJMax, Marshall's, etc, you can find these 'out of date' sets for really really cheap (as they should be).$LABEL$1 She blends in great with the changes of music. For all of those who don't think that this album is great, they're all full of it. Whitney came through and alot of people expected her to come back with the sound of years past. If the people who write in were true fans, they should've been keeping up and they would know what kind of style Whitney is coming back out with. Mariah's a great singer but Whitney's my girl. Reviewer's say that she shouldn't change her style but Ms. Carey did the same, what about her. Much love Mariah but I gotta keep it real, both of you sound great. Whitney came out blazin' especially with the first track. She has great producers and who said that Whitney isn't an R&B artist? She kept it tight to death and with the changing times she gets much respect from me. Don't change a thing Whitney!$LABEL$1 Doesn't Deserve A Title. Obie Trice is wack...straight up...that's how it is. He's not a good rapper at all. First off his flow is awful...you read that right AWFUL. It sounds like he is offbeat the entire cd. He does rhyme but he is incredibly corny. IF Got Some Teeth isn't the worst leadoff single for an album that I've heard this year...I don't know what is. The beats are decent...not all that and a bag of chips like many have claimed, and he definitely doesn't have a song where he just rips it. The album has no replay value. Once you hear it, that's it...let it collect dust with your Loon, Juelz, and Budden cds. Not good. 1 star.$LABEL$0 Poor!!!. This stand arrived in a damaged box, missing instructions, missing components for assembly and missing the end stoppers in the feet. This stand looked as if it was repacked from the damaged shelf area. Extremely disappointed !$LABEL$0 A political soap-box. My first Tolstoy book. Tolstoy spent 100 pages developing a story and 400 pages complaining about the criminal justice system. Of all the imprisoned characters that Tolstoy introduced into the novel, not one of them deserved to be in prison. Not one lawyer, judge, or prison guard was described as a good person. When Tolstoy creates such a lop-sided story just to try and stress his point, I find it difficult to give his opinions merit. Tolstoy also presented his philosophy on the ownership of land in this book, which was much more interesting than his oft repeated view of the prison system.$LABEL$0 screwed by factory reconditioned magellan gps. Magellan company I wish you bad things!received magellan gps last christmasfinally figured out there was something wrong with this thing in mayCalled the INDIANS was told reconditioned product 3 monthsMagellan you suck!1 year guarantee on new productsThe problem I have with their position isI thought a factory reconditioned produt would be checked out before reselling.I used this unit about 4 times as this technolgy is new to me a 59erI just bought a tom tom new for my daughter and suggest to others to stay away from magellan!!!$LABEL$0 This isn't just about funny pictures of dogs. I got it for my mother, who is a big fan of the Wegman calendars. She found it interesting, even though it's not just about the dogs- there is a good deal of depth to the art, and the book conveys it. But don't expect a picture book analog of the calendars.$LABEL$1 My toddler loves these puzzles. My three year old wants to play with these every night. He never plays with one toy for more than 2 minutes, but he will play with these puzzles for 30 minutes straight! It's not to overwhelming for him (we bought a 42 piece, and sometimes he gets frustrated and doesn't want to finish) plus he can do it on his own. We can go over the colors, the animals, and what types of transportation vehicles he is putting together next. So, very educational at the same time. Also, NO BATTERIES, so an activity he is willing to do quietly on his own. His little sister tries to chew on them (14 months old), and they don't break or melt away either. Great price for 4 puzzles. If he gets bored with one, we just pick out another picture. He's into tractors, so he really likes that one the best.$LABEL$1 Save your money. I was disappointed in this book. Nowhere does it tell how to actually do this Rapid Eye Technology. It just tells you to buy her videos or to see a "technician." I'm giving it two stars instead of just one because the author sounds like a genuinely good person. She describes how she fasted and prayed and asked God to give her a technique that would help people. She also includes several chapters on what she calls life skills. But overall, when I buy a book, I expect to learn something I can actually apply, not just a sales pitch.$LABEL$0 Just See an Dialect Coach. I tried to learn an accent the cheap way by buying this book, but realized the only way to learn accents or dialects effectively is to see a dialect coach.$LABEL$0 Big fat book!. This is an all-around great cook book with nice big pictures, and error free recipes. I've tried several already, and they've all turned out great. I didn't believe I could get good tasting ribs from only 2 hours of cooking, but it really worked.The only complaint I have is that I was looking for a standard, straightforward bbq book, and for the most part this is just that, however, certain recipes seem to veer off into the "exotic" realm. I'll use Steven Raichlen's BBQ Bible for crazy exotic BBQ.But I guess I can't really complain. The Kansas City Ribs recipe is excellent, and Weber gives great advice on grilling and grilling techniques. Good thing I own a Weber grill.A great book to have in your library.$LABEL$1 Very Nice. This CD falls somewhere between pop and pop-rock. Easy listening, fun, bright music that really takes you back to those favourite moments early in the series. I wish they would do a soundtrack for each season! I really recommend it!$LABEL$1 Another one Clint Eastwood will be remembered for.... There are some very good and lengthy reviews on here for this movie... so I have nothing further I could possibly add to the review; I just wanted to write this bit so that I could vote and give it a 5 star review. It is that good.$LABEL$1 Good. 12 Stones is a good small band. They haven't been together very long so some of the songs on their first song are similar in sound. They are great band, and I am disappointed that they got no recognition from the collaboration they did with Evanescene. Since they've haven't been together too long and signed a record contract shortly after you can guarantee that their next CD will be 5/5, they will have more time to record and will definetly sound amazing.Support this small band help'em make it big they deserve it! Buy The CD! It's Great!$LABEL$1 What you would expect. This book was rarely accurate and hardly worth the time I took reading it. Preaching from a single-minded point of view, the author professes to understand a culture and institution where she is an outsider. Having experienced The Citadel experience first hand, I can assure you it is one that is not easily explained to the outsider. Perhaps I am being a bit harsh, but quite a few of the points made in this book reflect upon a mind set that I can not comprehend. Read for yourselves, but I also implore you to keep an open mind about a school that has produced some of the finest patriots of the United States.$LABEL$0 Good stuff. Old School and cool local influences galore, this album sure rocks and brings back the pleasant why-worry times. Too bad Seattle's an expensive flight away, would like to see them live...$LABEL$1 Gerber's fruits are cooked. I've been giving my daughter Gerber fruits, veggies, and meat as everyday-meals since she was 6 months old, thinking that she's got enough vitamins and prebiotics. However, she developed digestive problem and chronic constipation; she almost stopped gaining weight since she was 9 months old. I took her to GI and she told me that those packed fruits are all cooked! And there are additives to keep them fresh for long period of time! I started to puree fruits and veggies using Vitamix, and only use Gerber fruits&veggies; when we are out and about. Now, after half a year of probiotics and wholesome food, she's slowly getting better and opens her mouth to food.Now, think about this: if you puree an apple and leave it alone for 5 minutes, it'll change color due to oxidation. So, how can Gerber's apple puree keep the same color for so long a time?$LABEL$0 Enjoyable. In my quest to buy as many Christmas movies as possible I found a gem in this one. Quite the twist in the end that makes this movie worth purchasing.$LABEL$1 The Excitement Fades Fast. We bought this on the strength of one TV episode (the first 20 minutes of the DVD) . Watching it all the way through, this is by far the weakest Wiggles DVD of the six we own. We just logged in to Amazon expecting to see poor reviews for 'Feel Like Dancing' and are quite surprised by the high score and rave reviews. Save for a few of the songs, this DVD is terribly boring. We're not sure why the Wiggles, or many of the reviewers, feel that children will feel compelled to dance to ballet, the waltz, and slow square dancing. Our 5 year old daughter and 18 month old son were entertained for the first few songs, then bored for most of the second half. Not sure how well this will entertain on our two 1200+ mile road trips this summer.$LABEL$0 NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. please don't buy this. this is straight bullsh*t. this guy is killing rap and hip hop. he cant rap sorry beats and soft. he is making rap soft PLEASE DONT BUY THIS...GO BUY A TUPAC CD$LABEL$0 An amazing testimony. Mrs. Herzberger's very powerful story bears eloquent witness to the innumerable atrocities of the Holocaust and her remarkable resilency and tenacity. It is a testament to her abilities as a writer that we walk through her journey alongside her, all senses and emotions fully engaged. While displays of the worst results of dehumanization occur all around her, Magda retains her dignity and humanity, giving great honor to the memories of those who did not survive. More than a story of survival, her book is a profound spiritual experience about life and living. As groups of people continue to be marginalized, scapegoated and discriminated against today, SURVIVAL reminds us of the ultimate result of such folly. It should be required reading for all political leaders, teachers and students. I greatly admire Mrs. Herzberger for writing this book.Gregory N. Shrader, Ph.D.Psychologist$LABEL$1 best idea. Just wanted to say that my grandaughter is so taken with anything that Elmo does that at 18m she is so brilliant, LOL. she is enamored with Elmo so anytime we get something of his especially dvd's that she can watch, they are very affective. I am so greatful for these DVDs as is her mother!!!! He keeps her very interested in everything.$LABEL$1 Well-researched, but, dull, dull, dull. I read a lot of true-crime stories. Perfect Murder Perfect Town was a great disappointment. The author's research was impressive, but his storyline, and style need a lot of help. The book is a jumble of characters that continually pop in and out without a proper lead-in. I also found this book provided no new facts about the JonBenet murder. The story is very slow, very difficult to follow, and will test even the most avid reader's concentration. Sorry Lawrence Schiller, take some time off and try again!$LABEL$0 Sure To Beat Jedi Outcast. This game looks really cool. Knights of the Old Republic takes place 4,000 years before the first Star Wars film, in the middle of a war between the Jedi and the Sith. You have a fully customizable character, and you always have an older sibling of the opposite gender who is a skilled Jedi Knight. Eventually you will become one, too. But before that, it's you and whatever blasters you may find or pick up. Also, you can make a group that can consist of Wookiees, Jedi, droids, Twi'Leks, or whatever is present and strikes your fancy. You'll travel to many worlds in your ship, the Ebon Hawk, very similar to the Millenium Falcon. En route, however you'll face Sith fighters. This game looks very exciting.$LABEL$1 Waste of money. This case sucks, pure and simple. The camera barely fits in there, the top doesn't stay shut worth a hoot, and there's no room for extra batteries, or much else of anything. The sides and tops are v/ thinly padded, and let's just say the word "synthetic" needs to be inserted in front of leather. The material is of low quality and thin. There is no carry strap, so you must have the strap on your camera, so when you want to take pictures you have to take the camera out of the bag and unhook the catch loop of the bag from the camera strap. If you forget to reattach the loop, and put the camera back in the bag and sling it on your shoulder, prepare on losing the case, because as I said before, the flap doesn't stay closed. This is the reason my case went bye-bye last weekend w/ extra memory cards in it. I look at the positive side and figure at least I can get a good case now. Do yourself a fawor and don't buy this case.$LABEL$0 Strayhorn . . .. This is a good example and performance of Strayhorn and his arranging style. I would recommend this to anyone that likes such and Jazz.$LABEL$1 Piece of junk.. Hardly ever worked. Jams, doesn't fire, poorly designed. What were they thinkin'? Waste of money. Now I have to buy yet another staple gun to complete an upholstery project. Previously had to junk an Arrow PowerShot, which also fell apart almost immediately. What is it with staple guns? Are they really meant to be one-time (or a few-time) use?$LABEL$0 Lovely. This is a very good, high quality product. The description told me exactly what I needed to know concerning size and type.$LABEL$1 Not a Holder for the PSP Slim.. It only works with the PSP Fatboy,but not with the PSP Slim. The Slim just slids out, nothing is holding it. Its firm with the PSP Fatboy.$LABEL$0 Perfect. The Instinct, believe it or not, is even more riveting than the band's first release, since the mixes are more "up front" and you get the satisfaction of hearing their songs while feeling as if you are seeing them live. This album is evidence that if you give a strong band time to perfect their sound, they can become great in no time. Denali's commitment to the beauty of the song is what sets them apart from most other "indie rock" bands...Brilliant.$LABEL$1 Forbidden Planet Movie Review. This science fiction movie is one of the top five made in the 1950's and is even superior to the original "War of the Worlds" made in the 1950's. The story is truly a superior work as the events portrayed are possible in theory.$LABEL$1 Great music, but too many medleys. Tom Fettke's Majesty and Glory contains some wonderful music, but in doing so many medleys it leaves the listener 'hanging' wanting to hear the rest of the verses of the hymns. The best two songs (for which I bought the cd) are not medleys, and I am able to get my complete hymnal 'fix' listening to those two songs. I don't regret buying the cd, but it could have been done with 'more of each hymn' instead of 'seeing' how many hymns for which Fettke 'could create an itch' for the particular hymns.$LABEL$1 a great way to learn more about Buddhism. This is a well written book that gives you a lot of in depth information about Buddhism. I think a beginner should start with Rahula's What the Buddha Taught. After that, this would be a great choice. However, for those who have some knowledge of Buddhism and want to learn more, as they travel on the path, this is a wonderful book. Buy it. You'll like it.$LABEL$1 For Kids - But Great for Adults. This book is written for kids - but the author has written it in a way that works for adults also. Good solid information that is communicated for all ages. Excellent for the person thinking about raising goats or the novice just beginning with goats.$LABEL$1 castle in the air. the books are really cool. i love Dianas books and i am so happy that the books were in stock because there were non in stock anywhere near my house.$LABEL$1 a bit too small but fits on my average head. A bit small but just frumpy looking. I guess Mcgonagall's hat is supposed to have that look? It's nice a soft.$LABEL$0 Buyer Beware!!. If I'd only read the reviews before purchasing this for my 6 year old I would never have bought it! It is VERY flimsy and top heavy. The elevator gets stuck and it does take awhile to put together. As I was driving all over town looking for the best price I wondered why no store had the batcave out on display. Once we got it together I realized why. We ended up taking off the bottom poles and moving some of the parts around so it would stop falling over. We have lots of batman toys and other mattel products. This is by far the biggest disappointment in 10 years of toy buying. If it wasn't from Santa it would be going back without a doubt. Buy anything else!$LABEL$0 Every episode reviewed!. This book is so great for the fan of the show. It reviews every episode in the four seasons in detail with topics such as girl talk, fetishes, trivia, and fashion victims under each episode. The author, Jim Smith, gives his thoughts on each episode too. This book is great to rehash your favorite episodes. Though it is unauthorized, it is fun to read up on everything you've watched for the past four seasons.$LABEL$1 I read everyone's complaints about it being from China. and I didn't think it was going to be THIS bad. I'm positive that you can get a better quality pen at the dollar store. This thing feels like cheapo plastic painted chrome, it hardly has any weight to it and it's not smooth when you twist it either. This is worst than junk.$LABEL$0 Not quite the Originals. Beware, these songs sound a bit remixed, and are not the original sounding radio hit singles. Usually .89 cent songs are a red-flag.$LABEL$0 A lot of information on St. Peter. I enjoyed this book. Most writers about St. Peter beat around the bush and do not talk about Peter the man. This book does. The language can slow your reading pace a bit, but that is what dictionaries are for.$LABEL$1 Mediocre and short-lived. I've used my T200T 50 to 60 times over a few years. It has always been sort of sluggish and quick to fade (and my beard is far from heavy). The thing recently quit altogether. Reason I'm online right now is because I was searching for "troubleshooting conair t200t" and "conair t200t repair." (No luck so far.) I did note that Conair's website does not offer a "contact us" feature. Hmm.$LABEL$0 Terrible. I really do not know what this product is good for. It looked great and I thought I can use it to massage my back.But the handle is so flimsy that I thought it would break if I pressed it against my back. Also the balls on it are so ruff that you can not use it rub on your muscles.$LABEL$0 This Lens Rocks. There are 2 lenses you should have in your camera bag which will cover 95% of most users needs. I do believe that Canon prices their lenses a little too high, but who doesn't. Many users a lot of money on a camera body and very little on glass. The first thing I noticed is that the colors are more vivid. The lens is much more efficient with light, especially with low light conditions. This lens will last me through many generations of camera bodies. And for the other lens you need, 70-200 L Is USM 2.8.$LABEL$1 don't buy this one first. If you are planning on buying a Roger Waters album, get Amused To Death and The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking first (unless you enjoy eighties music). They are beautiful, and this one is rather annoying eighties music.$LABEL$0 Excellent overview of the women's movement. I've probably read 60 books on the women's movement. Most of it is garbage that makes you want to gnash your teeth at the enormous errors being made.This book however puts the movement on a solid footing and is brilliant throughout.I took one star off because every other chapter appears to have been written by Judith Hughes. She is more of an activist than a scholar or a thinker, and seems to want to change things rather than understand them.Midgley is the mighty Minnie Mouse that the women's movement has sought. Finally, someone who can think clearly.I have no idea why this book has been so overlooked. It's one of the greatest books of philosophy ever written, and it's clean and tight and not very long.Read it, or forever remain a stupid dupe of the Maoist juggernaut initiated by SdB.$LABEL$1 extremely disappointing..... I first heard about this flick a couple of years ago, and was waiting for it to hit theatres. I almost forgot about it, then was surprised to find it on the Blockbuster shelves a few weeks back....I should have forgotten about this movie!You know there's problems when even the Writers/Stars of the film are telling fans to stay away from this.$LABEL$0 Blind to any media faults. A very unsatisfying book. Provides interesting snippets of information, yet the author seems blind to its implications. The majority of the Presidential 'scandals' come across to this reader, anyway, as minor and unimportant; blown all out of proportion by a media swarm desperately racing to be the next Woodward and Bernstein. The Clinton section seems rushed and unedited, a way to finish up a mostly pointless book while the Clinton scandals still have some interest to potential buyers. If you must read it, wait until it is in the remainders section at $2 a pop.$LABEL$0 For Kids only. I thought this DVD would help me with american sign language as I am a beginner. I felt like a child as I watched the illustrations. I couldn't quite understand the zoo stuff. It did teach some words but not enough, way to much focus on the field trips.$LABEL$0 ANY 1 WHO LIKES TO READ ABOUT MPD SHOULD READ THIS BOOK. THIS IS A VERY GOOD BOOK I FIND IT UTTERLY FASINATING I FIRST SAW THE MOVIE THAT IS HOW I FOUND THE BOOK THIS IS A VERY DETAILED BOOK TELLING EVERYTHING TRUDDI AND THE TROOPS ENDURED IT IS FASCINATING THAT THE ACTUAL TRUDDI CHASE WENT TO SLEEP AT TWO YEARS OLD.$LABEL$1 One of the best all time family movies ever. This movie is well acted, simple, sweet and life affirming. And funny too! what more can one ask?$LABEL$1 not worth watching. Just what kind of movie is this??? The animation didn't stand out, the music was too childish, and they could've given it a bit more detail! Almost everything in the movie was outdated. I think this movie should never exist again.$LABEL$0 misleading advertising. I feel cheated, advertising suggest all the 3 cards butI only received one, I made the complaint but they told me it's just one card... Ifeel hurt$LABEL$0 Everyone from the third world thinks this is a great country. which is why they have all moved here. Compared to India it is great. I think the point that he is missing is that native born Americans do not recognize this country as being the same one that we grew up in. This country was Great; but has been steadily declining in every area since 1965. It was great because our ancestors died fighting to make it that way. It has morphed into a capitalistic, violent, immoral society with native born Americans forced into second class citizenship.$LABEL$0 I am crying, this movie is that BAD!. Even with half the budget of the original film this movie could have been alot better if they would have not used the same corny plot line ripped of other movies, and not relyed on CGI, and come on strobe lights for gunfire.. WTF!!!I'll give the film 1 star because of Richard Burgi who should have turned this film down, no paycheck is worth a mans pride and dignity.Back to the guns,alot of the guns looked stupid and plastic, And the nudity wasn't even needed not that I'm complaining but it really wasn't needed for the scene. I am still ripping my hair out over the guns..Oh when will hollywood find some real film-makers, I could have made a better movie with that exact same budget, Infact I dare Columbia Tri-star to allow me to make a film!Blah, I'm done with this review I needa take some advil for the migrane I got from viewing this film, just read the Original Starship Troopers novel, its 20 Times better than both films...$LABEL$0 Terrible, poor quality shoes. I was looking to replace my 4-yr old Bostonian Tahoe shoes which appear to be no longer in production. The Andover shoes seemed to be a similar replacement from the photos, but are of a terrible quality. These shoes look like they are straight from a tuxedo rental shop. The "leather" is plastic looking and artificially shiny and the shoes are horribly rigid and uncomfortable.$LABEL$0 Electric pump failed. Took it to France and electric pump only worked for a minute and blew. Bought a hand pump to pump it up. It was a painful job. After it was fully pumped the bed was rather comfortable. Decided not to bring home to return because once it was pumped there was no way to deflate to the extend that it would fit back into the original box.$LABEL$0 Great workout!. This was the third bellydance video I've tried and really enjoyed it. There were some parts that could have been better. For example, at times, the camera focused on her face when she was doing moves with the hips. I needed to see exactly how the move was being done but had to improvise and hope I was doing it right. Yes, she is very beautiful but it would have been better to watch the entire move. Also, some moves were only done once or in one set as soon as I was getting it. It was a little inconvenient to stop the tape and practice. Other than that, it is a great workout which is fun. The negatives don't detract too much from the overall tape. I look forward to doing the workout each day and do feel I get better each time I do it. I even work up a sweat! Overall, I do recommend this tape. It's a new and different way to move each day!$LABEL$1 GOOD PLOT BUT THE CHARACTERS NEED SOME WORK. OVERALL I REALLY ENJOYED THIS BOOK. I THINK IF THERE WERE MORE TRUE CONNECTIONS WITH THE CHARACTERS I WOULD HAVE ENJOYED IT MORE. THE TWISTS AND TURNS IN THE STORY WAS WHAT KEPT ME READING.ONE OF THE REVIEWERS GAVE THE ENDING AWAY, WHICH I THINK IS VERY UNFAIR TO THE READERS THAT CHECK OUT THE REVIEWS.THERE ARE SOME GOOD AND BAD REVIEWS ON THIS BOOK BUT I THINK YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK AND FORM YOUR OWN OPINION.$LABEL$1 best S.f. guidebook. I love this book!! We live an hour north of S.F. and when ever we go to the city we start with one of these great walks. We have gone and explored neighborhoods we never would have without this book. San Francisco is such a beautiful city and getting to the top of some obscure staircase always gives you a unique and beautiful view. It is a must for anyone who lives in or near S.F.$LABEL$1 30 GB Zune. Upon opening package on Christmas day, the USB cable was found to be defective and it will take a week or so to get it replaced. This put a damper on what should have been a great gift for my son since he can't really use it.$LABEL$0 very uncomfortable. It is very pretty looking and stylish but very unconfortable. it made blisters on my feet.$LABEL$0 Try The Ultimate Blue Train. If you are a John Coltrane or jazz fan, and if you enjoy "Blue Train", I highly recommend getting "The Ultimate Blue Train"... available from Amazon. It has the same 5 original songs, plus 2 alternate takes of Blue Train and Lazy Bird, plus it is newly remastered and is enhanced with many interviews with the other players and Rudy Van Gelder, plus a video of Miles Davis and John Coltrane performing "So What" and tons of photos. This version is great, but the "Ultimate" is so much better and worth the few extra dollars.$LABEL$1 GOOD PRODUCT. I continue to order theses I use 100% syn oil and this works well keeps the oil cleaner longer than any other I have ordered$LABEL$1 I Gotta Go is GREAT!. I saw these I Gotta Go potty training reviews and had to go buy one for my son. I LOVE this DVD! The concept is great. I never thought children (and parents!) could have fun while potty training. There is no stress for my son or us.He does not want to wear diapers anymore. The songs are so cute, we all sing them.I am glad we bought the DVD, the tape would have been worn out by now! I recommend it to anyone I know who is potty training their children!$LABEL$1 Excellent Manual for Selling. This book is every salesperson's dream.Hogan outlines everything in the form of a model for influence then proceeds to share a well conceived step by step approach that works as well in real life as it does in print.I've been selling for almost half of my life (almost 20 years)and have found The Psychology of Persuasion to be one of the most helpful books about influence and communication I've ever read.Any salesperson would do well to read and implement the paradigm of persuasion. The techniques of reading nonverbal communication, utilizing seating arrangements and so on is all easy to understand.I love the book.Marcy Singer$LABEL$1 Awesome Book on the life of the Great Patriot Veer Savarkar. Awesome must read book for every Hindu and every Indian about the life and works of the Great Patriot andfreedom fighter Veer Savarkar.$LABEL$1 Is this FUN?. *stabs Avril voodoo doll several times with kitchen knife*Now THAT'S fun.This is a pop album, not rock. Deluded fans take note! I would call it humorous but it just annoys me. Can't sing, her voice is whingy and beyond tuneful. The main reason im going to this fuss to write a review though is because I have seen her in interviews and she comes across as rude, stuck up and generally vile in every possibly way. Has NOBODY noticed this?The songs are horrid and cringeful. Who would call a song sk8er boi with serious face? The lack of dignity is shocking.Though I must praise Avril for starting the craze of long straight hair and tomboy clothing for teenage girls, it means I can wear my fairy clothes without embarassment. I love my fairy clothes.A girl living opposite my house loves this album, or her other album I dont know. Whatever. She plays it loud sometimes. Pity me please.$LABEL$0 Primus-Animals Should Not Try to Act Like People. Amazing footage. Any Primus fan should definitely have this DVD. The EP is good too, but it's very different. The first couple of times I listened to it I really didn't like it, but it is really incerdible. Riffs like I've never heard before, even from Primus. It's a must have, you won't be dissapointed. Les is the man!$LABEL$1 Excellent absorbency and best price ever!. These work great. They are narrow and short, but work really well. If more coverage is needed I just use two. This is by far the best price I have ever seen on them with the subscribe program. I only use natural care products since the others have chemicals in them that have been linked to cancers. I recommend these to any one who wants to keep the chemicals out!$LABEL$1 Diana's in love with herself.... yes, and we've got the pictures to prove it! I'm a little confused- is she selling the music or the face?? What, a few risque, sassy songs, a load of pictures and we've got a winner? I don't think so at all. Spend your money on real vocalists like Sarah Vaughn or Claire Martin. Eliane Elias can sure kick a-- on the piano and she even composes tunes, too. Now THAT's versatile. Diana just sings the exact SAME way on different tunes, that's all.$LABEL$0 Fantastic. Great set of knives. Very sharp. It was a bit pricier than I had intended, but I had a lot of fun buying the extra knives needed to complete this set.$LABEL$1 bubbling mixture of ancient and modern Greece. A convoluted patchwork novel that entrances the reader with it's poetic narrative. Threads of ancient and modern Greece run silver and gold in this book, complementing each other. The stories of generations of Greek women run together in a spiral circle that leads the reader along. A satisfying and dreamy read.$LABEL$1 but the sound!. Wonderful selection of tracks, but the reviewers who commented on the sound quality are correct, it's unbearable. LOUD hissing. I have 35 year old Parker LPs that sound better. I was swayed to buy it by the many positive reviews. I was wrong, the sound guys were right.$LABEL$0 Delightful romantic comedy. Keven Kline does a fabulous job. He's almost more believable as a Frenchman than Jean Reno! Watch this one with someone you love.$LABEL$1 NOVA: Secrets of the Samurai Sword. A very interesting documentary on the art and science involved in manufacturing a samurai sword. The journey begins with the selection of the metal and the viewer then follows craftsmen producing a sword using the same techniques as their ancestors. Interwoven are scenes with swordsmen demonstrating their skills on bamboo targets and a brief history of the samurai and historical use of these weapons. Modern science is used to explain the strength of the sword and the reason behind the shape of the blade. My only criticism is making the handles, which can be quite ornate, was not explored. The focus is on the blade.Highly recommended for anyone with an interest in martial arts and weaponry in particular.$LABEL$1 Deflates overnight. Does what it needs to do---but has a slow leak so must be reinflated every 24 hours. That's a disappointment.$LABEL$0 A good classic for the collection.... This movie is an excellent addition to any film buffs collection. Although it cant compare to the first and original piece, it combines extraordinary film techniques and backgrounds, (especially for its time) And shows an arabian adventure for the ages.$LABEL$1 dramatic. the emotional complexity of the pain and choice of musical expression make this album a must have item for those with passion for blues,soul,modern instramental expression.$LABEL$1 Nutrition advice at its worst. This book provided some of the most misleading, slanted view of nutrition I have read in a while. As the author demonized grains in general I found myself so very frustrated. As a Dietitian I am quite aware of the benefits of a whole grain based diet. I am quite aware that one of Americas downfalls is an overconsumption of refined grain products, but equally so, one of Americas number one problems is its underconsumption of whole grains. This book is a set up for environmental and long term health disaster. This book seems to promote the overconsumption of protein which can destroy a persons health almsot as fast as it destroys resources. In addition, treating the general public as Diabetics is a sure way to set up for failure.$LABEL$0 will not fit the new Motorola Droid Razr. The cable was fine and the price is great but the problem is it will not fit the phone I bought it for the new Motorola Droid Razr. Maybe it fit an older model but if you just got the new model this cable won't fit it. Other than that, fast shipping and great price as well as a nice cable! Just wish it fit my phone...$LABEL$0 Needs a lot of work. After reading previous reviews, I gather people either love or hate this book. So farI haven't been able to get past the first three chapters, so I'd agree with the haters. A lot of things I have learned before about networking and subnetting are now explained in a confusing way or flatly contradict what I knew before. So who should I believe? According to the other reviewers on this site, I don't think I (and others) can rely 100% on the accuracy of the explanations offered. I do however agree that the questions at the end of the chapters are excellent.$LABEL$0 Jane Langton thrills us again. In this addition to Ms. Langton's wonderful Homer Kelly mysteries, she again leads us through a maze of personalities possibilities and well described places to a very satisfying conclusion. Even if you've never been to Cambridge, she makes it possible, with her descriptions and drawings to imagine yourself there. Her characters are, as always, imperfect but lovable. There are just the right balance of humor, suspense and philosophy that make Ms. Langton's books worth reading - again and again.$LABEL$1 IS THIS BRITNEY OR A MUPPET SINGING ???. If she is a singer I want to be a singer too. I know that I don't have any talent, but she does not have it neither. I completely sure that everyone sing better than her after listening this piece of garbage. I feel really offended with this cd, how her company allows britney to did this cd? The US lawS should prohibit this cd, it is so awful that it can be considered environmental contamination.$LABEL$0 A controller without a D-pad!. Don't take the "5 stars rating" reviews in such consideration, because their owners don't seem to play many diferent type of games. It's directional pad is a COMPLETE JUNK. If you have emulators on your computer, like M.A.M.E, and usually play fighting games (Street Fighter, KOF etc...), FORGET it.It is also NOT recommended to play any other emulator games. PC games are also a hard task to do.Why?Simply because the D-pad doesn't work. It's almost IMPOSSIBLE to make the moves work well.The one star I gave goes to all the rest (I mean the buttons and the design).Stay away from any gamepad from MS. They are the worst choice.$LABEL$0 Get it before it's gone. If you don't have this, get it now while you can! You won't be sorry. Beautiful and relaxing music that will brighten your day.$LABEL$1 Awesome- Relaxing. I have tons of Dan Gibson's stuff. This Cd in particular is so relaxing, It's Jazzy, mellow, laid back music. My masseuse, even plays it for clients during a session.It's perfect candle-lit, bubble bath music :)$LABEL$1 Mask. The poems in Mask are exquisite. Many of the poems make a deep contribution to the interpretation of Charlotte Salomon--Berlin-born artist who perished at Auschwitz--her struggles and her transcendent ability to turn those struggles into art. Elana Wolff's poems remind me of the poems of Jane Kenyon, one of my favourite poets on earth, in their conciseness, and also in the translucent way they portray love--even in its darkest context.$LABEL$1 Great American Bash predictions. (1) Friend vs. Friend World Heavyweight ChampionshipRey Mysterio(c) vs. Batistawinner- batista(2) Fatal Four Way Elimination Number 1 Contenders MatchKurt Angle vs. JBL vs. Booker T vs. Lashleywinner- kurt angleorder of elimination- Lashley, booker t, and jbl(3) Undertaker vs. Umagawinner- Umaga(4) WWE Tag Team titles Ladder MatchMNM(c) vs. London and Kendrickswinner- London and kendricks(5) United States ChampionshipChris Benoit(c) vs. Finlay or Matt Hardy or triple threatwinner- benoit(6) Cruiserweight Invitational for the Cruiserweight titleSuper Crazy(c) vs. Psychosis vs. Jamie Noble vs. Kid Kash vs. Funaki vs. Gregory Helms vs. Scottie 2 Hotty vs. Nunzio vs. Gunner Scottwinner- gunner scott(7) Number 1 Contenders match for the wwe tag titlesGymini w/simon dean vs. Regal and Birchillwinners- Gymini$LABEL$1 Not that much rumble. For subwoofers placement is key and can make or break your subwoofer. I have mine in a corner-ish spot, but it still doesn't give that chest pounding bass. Oh well, It's small so that's good for me because I'm using it with my PC.I have this connected to a Harmon Kardon Hk3390 receiver and On the back of the sub I set the volume 3/4 and on the receiver I set the bass knob to 3/4 aswell maybe it is defective because there the subwoofer only responds when the volume is 3/4 or higher. One thing to note is that it is very musical, it's not like those massive one note car subs that only go boom.$LABEL$1 Not the Best Cook novel. I am a big fan of Glen Cook's stories and I had known about this book for years, but couldn't find it. I have ready every book of Mr. Cook's, and enjoyed most (no, not all though), but this one was bad. Simplistic characters with no depth and predictable story. I could only assume that this is the first story he ever wrote... and it shows. If you enjoy the Black Company series and the Dread Empire stories then stay away from this book. If you are a fan and just have to have this book to complete your collection, I have a copy that I will sell you$LABEL$0 This Movie Was Enjoyable. I really enjoyed this movie. It was a very funny movie and worth seeing. I would watch it again and again.$LABEL$1 Granddaughter loves this. I gave the Twilight Ladybug 5 stars because it was the perfect toy for our little toddler...she loves to watch the stars on the ceiling each night before going to sleep.$LABEL$1 Great Product for your money. This is a great product and I have had no trouble working it. The only problemn I had is I was missing the stylus when I received it. But, I just went to the local gammming store and they hooked me up with one. I have no problems with it or the software. I loved it and so does my son, I think I am going to have to get him one next!!!$LABEL$1 Not what we were expecting. The cover looked very interesting and tasteful. We were very disappointed that the whole book was in black n white and the photos were old, as it seemed to have been taken back in the 60's. My wife and I couldn't get into the reading as the graphics were not very appealing. We concluded that it was a waste of our money. We ended up much happier with Erotic Massage by Charla Hathaway.$LABEL$0 Sobering, but hopeful.... This book presents sobering views of our past, present, and possible futures, if we continue on the path we are currently on. My fiancee and I have been reading it to each other, and it's the perfect book for us right now, as we make decisions about how to accomplish meaningful change in our lives, community and the world.$LABEL$1 Power Problems here too!. Hmm...seems Panasonic has a problem that needs to be addressed. My 3-yr-old set would not power up, we would unplug the set then plug it back in and it would be fine. A couple of days ago it decided not to power on at all. When the set is turned on, it trys to power up and then just turns off. I have always been a Panasonic fan and have enjoyed the set, but I have to admit I'm rethinking my loyalty. My 12-yr-old Toshiba hasn't missed a beat. Anybody had any success in getting a response from Panasonic?$LABEL$0 epic fail. The descrition says 8 gauge power wire but it looks more like 12 gauge.... its better used as speaker wire dont waste your money. If your serious about amping up your system spend the extra money and get a true amp wiring kit$LABEL$0 Exactly what you think it is. This case is exactly what it looks like. It protects the iPod pretty well, leaving only the ports and hold button open to the elements. The opening for the headphone is about 7 mm in diameter so if you have a headphone jack that is bigger than that, you may run into some problems. The touchwheel remains sensitive and the screen is well protected. It comes with a case for both sizes of the 5G ipod. I only have the 30Gb version, but the case fits very snug. The only complaint I can think of is that the case will scratch. But that can happen with any plastic case and the whole point of a case is to have the scratches occur on your case and not on your iPod.$LABEL$1 Stripper Clips. 20 for 5 dollars this is a steal! Got mine in the mail pretty fast, they were brand new and lighty oiled all but one works great. I definitely recommend this to anyone who owns an SKS.$LABEL$1 Terrible experience. Didn't got what I ordered. Cannot rate because they sent a cheep substitution which is not acceptable. No response to efforts to contact seller. They do not answer e-mail$LABEL$0 Xzibit's new cd is one of the better album's this year.. I was impressed with this whole album. I can actually listen to this whole cd without skipping tracks. To me that deserves a five star rating. The production of this album is solid even with Dre not involved. I have to say each beat is unique from what you might expect in a westcoast album. Xzibit has definitely stepped his game up and I look forward to his future releases. I strongly recommend this album. It proves to be one of the better albums coming from the west this year.$LABEL$1 This is the one you want. This is the top one to buy right now for home users. Some important things to note.(1) Make sure you turn off the Microsoft Wireless Zero Configuration service. You do that in the Control Panel --> Services. Then you install the vendor-supplied wireless software, and you'll have no connection drops. This is important because Microsoft Zero Configuration Service is a piece of crap.(2) Make sure you use some sort of authentication for wireless, preferably WEP 128 combined with MAC Address Filtering.(3) After you get it up and running (reading the instructions) do a firmware upgrade and update your firmware to the latest version.Mine has been running for almost a year and I've never had a single problem.$LABEL$1 Good quality buy. As usual Russell puts out a great shirt. It looses a star because the XL size was a bit big on me-ever other XL shirt fits fine!$LABEL$1 Horrific. Ok, I heard Flood recently(I know this has been out for like ten years now). Real cool song, but that's all. This album really sucks. It's really mellow and almost boy-bandish. The drum machine the band utilizes is laughable. This is a horrible record. Thats all$LABEL$0 SHEER DISAPPOINTMENT. WHAT HAVE THEY DONE. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ALL THEIR OTHER CD'S. NOT SURE WHAT HAPPENED HERE.I CAN ONLY HOPE THEY GO BACK TO WHERE THEY WERE. THIS IS NOT A CD I WILL LISTEN TO MUCH. WHAT A BUMMER.$LABEL$0 Mind-numbingly derivative action drama. Yuk!. What makes this movie different from all the other over-the-top action films of this genre that has preceded this? Absolutely nothing at all. All visual hyperbole and ridiculous cliched macho heroics from the strictly one-dimensional acting 'talents' of Segal. Appeals only to the brain-dead. Wake up people: you're being rinsed and bleached by those greedy Hollywood titans -- and, to think that a New Zealander was complicit in the making of this piece of asinine drivel.$LABEL$0 movie review. Don't bother wasting your money..What a HUGE disappointment! This was simply boring, and nothing but a BIG political statement ...we watch our movies for entertainment, not for political opinions and leanings of writers and actors...We bought it and threw it in the trash...! When I want to find out how to vote, I do my research on both parties and look up voting records.$LABEL$0 Betty Crocker Diabetes Cookbook. Bought this for my mom. She has a hard time keeping up with what to eat and what not to eat. She says this cookbook is great. For the recipes they use ingredients you probably have on hand. Most cookbooks for diabetes require you to buy extra ingredients, not normally on hand. She loves it!!!$LABEL$1 Thin and cheap. These tshirts are as thin as you can imagine. After one wash the neck and arms stretched out unacceptably. I cannot recommend this product.$LABEL$0 not satisfied. battery that I received did not work. Was not able to take pictures of a very important event because of it. I bought a universal charger at Best Buy for less. Felt it was wrong to make me pay postage since you sent me someting defective.$LABEL$0 HUH>?. I rented this game expecting some fast and furious gameplay, the truth is, is that thats all you get. No statistics or roster changes!!!! Thats a major blow, besides that it has dumb gimics like when you have to play against a team of dolphins... WHY??? I recommend renting it first, the graphics are the only good thing about it, all you do is play play play, it gets pretty redundant and boring after a while, with no stats or rosters to look at.$LABEL$0 Good, but not so very wild. I really enjoyed reading this book, but it struck me more as comedy than erotica. It is well written, with a wry, lively humour, but while the sex scenes are cute, they're neither as frequent nor as hard as I've come to expect from Black Lace. 5 stars as a read, 3 stars as erotica.$LABEL$1 Big Disappointment. This book could have been alot better. I read these online reviews cause I was dying to read another Love Stories book and when I read these reviews, I thought the book was going to be cool, but I was so wrong. The only way this book is sad is that I actually wasted my money buying it. The plot is very unrealistic and stupid. I have read much better.$LABEL$0 WAcom Tablet Intuos 3. I've been using this tablet for 2 years already & love it. It makes Corel's Painter lX.5 a breeze to sketch with ~ and working with tight areas on photo editing is much smoother. (My son-in-law & granddaughter also enjoy working with it.)After working with the pen it's hard to use a regular mouse again. Another perk is Vista's handwriting recognition feature... now I rarely use the keyboard.I cannot recommend this product enough. Just remember to keep your driver updated. You'll wonder why you never bought one sooner!$LABEL$1 Another version of Cole Porter's style..... After the Cole Porter movie came out a few years ago (ie: the movie with Kevin Kline and Ashley Judd), there was a resurgence in interest in Cole Porter's hits.This CD has most of Cole's hits from the movie, although the songs are not sung by modern singers (as in the recent De-LOVELY movie). Thus, the songs in this Cd were recorded before the movie.Please note that the earlier recordings included in this CD will not sound as "sharp" as the movie version tracks (ie: the soundtrack's songs to the movie which is called "De-Lovely"). However, if you can afford to buy both versions (ie: this CD and the De-Lovely CD) I think you will be able to get a nice "feel" for Cole Porter.A nice addition to your music history CD Library,in my opinion.$LABEL$1 Lousy, and OVER PRICED. My wife and I purchased this usit at I am an avid cigar smoker and we have kids. I read all the great reviews on this usit and thought for sure this was going to be a winner.I couldn't be more wrong.This unit itself is large and bulky. The filters and a pain to remove and clean, and the unit is NOT quiet as stated by the manufacturer. Not to mention the timer went out and now we're hearing crackling coming from inside the unit. Customer service was unhelpful and now this 500 dollar machine is sitting in the closet taking up space.We'll be switching back to Oreck soon. Stay away from this! Unless of course you like wasting money.$LABEL$0 Where's the ".Net". I found the title of this book to be very misleading. First and foremost, this book has nothing to do with the ".Net" platform. At best this book reviews some Microsoft technologies that can be used when creating an e-commerce site (namely, Commerce Server), but misses the whole point of the ".Net" platform (i.e. web services and the like). Additionally, I found the author to be very self-aggrandizing - "I found that..." or "When I do do this I ..." or "I will define ...". This becomes overbearing by chapter 2 - the entire first 300+ pages are about the esoteric nuance of web design - in his opinion. This book is weak in examples and techniques - it is not a ".Net Bible" by any stretch of the immagination.$LABEL$0 Crap..... Well, I got scammed. These cables do not work. My Roku image was covered with static. Swapped cables with one I purchased a while back somewhere else (for about the same price) and it worked great. Do not buy these cables...$LABEL$0 didn't work at all. I bought this to get rid of the crow's feet and fine lines under my eyes. I've used this now for about three months with absolutely no improvement whatsoever. It is pleasant to use and doesn't irritate my eyes, but just didn't do a thing for me.$LABEL$0 True musical genius exists in various genres. 1. Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal... whatever you want to call it has the reputation of being basic music, performed by... unsophisticated "rock stars". The bottomline is that incredible artists exists in a variety of genres and disciplines and Steve Vai is truly a guitar genius. This DVD concert is a musician's dream; no compromises, total 100% performances by a band that is truly top notch (amazing amazing band). In this day of vanilla music, I'm truly grateful that there are still a few hardcore musical titans to keep me inspired.2. This DVD is highly recommended.$LABEL$1 Bad quality gloves. I would not recommend this product to any one. Had tears in the seams within a week of using it.$LABEL$0 Intermatic TN1 Standard Lamp & Appliance Timer. Unfortunately this product does not work as it should on a 50 Hertz voltage system.$LABEL$0 leaked. i got 2 of those bottles i liked the fact that it was made out of glass because piggies like to crew i was wrong i payed so much money and both of the bottles start leaking right after i start using them i hate it i have like 5 bottles not working in my house$LABEL$0 Grisham should take a break. I think it's time for Grisham to take a break from writing anddo something else to get recharged. His best work was his first book.The next two were fairly good and different from the first, A Time to Kill. Perhaps if he took a few years off he would come up with an original storyline again. I have read all of his books but I would gladly wait several years for a quality novel.$LABEL$0 America the Beautiful. A neat book for children over 6. Beautifully illustrated. Makes a child think and react on his/her own. Teaches children to be individuals.$LABEL$1 You can't argue with Early Church Fathers. Webster takes on a very textbook style in writing his book. He quotes directly from Early Church Fathers who did not believe in the Primacy of the Bishop of Rome or the Papacy of Peter. Although it is not the particular subject matter, it explains well how the Catholic Universal Church evolved into a Dictorial Roman religion packed full of pagan and gnostic theologies.In conclusion, the arguement brought up in Webster's book cannot be ignored, and prominent Roman Catholic Apologists cannot refute the claims made in this book.$LABEL$1 Pike Street Fleece Sheet Set. Absolutely the worst purchase I have ever made. I should have done a better job going through the reviews of this product and I would have realized how bad they were before I ordered them. Unfortunately I only read the Amazon description. Very bad product-flimsy, thin, definitely not like other micro-fleece sheets I have.$LABEL$0 Died quickly. With this battery you get what you paid for. It died within 6 months. No short cuts, if your phones battery goes dead, just get another phone, good batteries cost almost as much as the phone and cheap batteries like this one aren't worth the trouble.$LABEL$0 WOW!!!. I had the pleasure of owning this cd one point and time. This group is off the hook. Talking about voices blending, and not missing a key. I was in Memphis at the COGIC convention and the girls performed at the saturday night concert(at the pyramid), that was my first time hearing them, and I loved their sound ever since then. I'm like a few others, I lost the cd and it has been hard trying to come across another. Amazon or somebody reading this please tell me where I can find another copy. Thanx!!$LABEL$1 WAIST OF MONEY!!!. I bought these today at our local pet store and they are going right back tomarrow! This was the first attempt to cut my cat's nails and, though she was patient with me, they left her nails jagged and rough. I thought it was my technique, so I tried several different ways and none of them worked! These things cost me $14.99, too!!! I'm going to try the Millers forge pet nail clipper on this site or ebay...which ever is cheaper. It had good reviews and might actually work!!! This product is a waist of money.$LABEL$0 Abridged!!??!!. Just so you know: the Oxford World Classics edition of LA REINE MARGOT is abridged. Oxford "justifies" the abridged version by saying it's the best known, but I think if MARGOT were as popular as THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO, Oxford would spend the extra money to give it to us in full. I understand things like Readers Digest condensing books for the masses, but shouldn't something as scholarly as Oxford World Classics give us the real thing? What about Dumas fans who want to read his stories they way he wrote them? Most Dumas readers aren't afraid of long books, especially if they've read MONTE CRISTO or VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE(which is almost TWICE as long as MONTE CRISTO). Unfortunately, the unabridged version seems only available in French. But I'm a biggish Dumas fan, so I read Oxford's abridged MARGOT rather than nothing. It's great, Great, GREAT, but a shadow hung over the entire book making wonder what I was missing. What Dumas-esque character moments did I miss? What details?$LABEL$0 This book is a must for anybody who has a dog.. I'm a Floridian and I have a dog, so I was pleased to find "The Florida Dog Lover's Companion." I now know which hotels, motels and restaurants where my "best friend" is welcome, as well as parks, beaches and other diversions for pooches. Thank you Sally and Robert for writing this book!$LABEL$1 this game stinks!!!!!!!!. What is wrong with this game! people are all "it is cool" but really it stinks. I mean what is so "fun" about going around and killing things.i hear my friends say "the blood is blue" that is just sick this M rated game turned my friends into jerks because they got all violent. I went to my friends B-day party and thay played this all night! idid not even pick up the controller! I wanted to go home! so dont mess up your brain!$LABEL$0 Love jack. Am enjoying reading Child's books, but this one is kinda slow, althought it picks up toward the end. Still worth it$LABEL$1 How to use frontline for cats. Take $70 out of your wallet. Light it on fire. Go buy advantage. Frontline is utterly worthless. I have a 20lb indoor cat who has been plagued by fleas this winter. I won't go into the ordeal I have gone through for the past 3 months. But in short- I followed their directions in case of re-infestation and ended up using 6 month supply in half the time. Not only did this cheat me out of a refund but made my poor cat suffer. I would give it a Zero if I could.$LABEL$0 Generic "no name" hose. This review has nothing to do with this item's quality. After receiving this soaker hose from Rittenhouse I wanted to return it. There are absolutely no markings or labels with the package that would indicated that this is nothing but a bulk produced, cheap hose. I was expecting the soaker hose shown in this ad's image: "Lawson Osmile Professional Soaker Hose". Only time will tell if this hose holds up any better than others I have tried. As it sits right now it's still coiled up and strapped as I have intentions of trying to return it to Rittenhouse.$LABEL$0 A Great Series. I bought Sakura Diaries on a whim. I'd never heard of it and I wanted something different. I was tired of the things I watched on a regular basis and wanted a change. So I bought this series and absolutely loved it.It's about a young girl. She's in love with a guy but he's in love with another girl. This is definitely a series recommended to everyone. It's fun, delightful, and wondeful. Especially that you're getting the entire series, all 12 episodes for such a low price. Highly recommended.$LABEL$1 Isn't what I was expecting. Not many options for recipes since they are all kind of the same. It is just taking all fruits and blending them. I wanted more recipes making balanced smoothies.$LABEL$0 Don't stand, don't seal!. I did not like these bags for three reasons: (1) they don't seal well - you have to remove the air and then roll the bags down with the twist tie; (2) the bags are oddly shaped and don't stand up in the freezer; (3) THEY LEAK when thawing. I have had more than one bag leak in the thawing process. Those that didn't leak then leaked when I was transfering the milk. I much prefer the Gerber bags. They stand up on their own, the have the ziplock seal and I haven't had one leak.$LABEL$0 Only slightly insightful. I was very disappointed in this book. Although there were moments of insight offered by this author, for the most part I found myself growing impatient with the simplistic faith perspective that ran throughout. There are many more interesting memoirs to read on disordered eating -- ones that look at the problem from the spiritual side. I am thinking in particular of anything written by Geneen Roth. Then too, there is a whinney undertone to this book that is a little off putting as well. Not that the book is steeped in this, but every so often I felt my eyes roll.$LABEL$0 Bob create reggae to speak for the people. I think the Marley family needs to listen to Bob interviews and learn that Bob was not looking for quick money and fame, that come to him naturally. Reggae is to educate all people around the world and to bring consciousness to African about our struggle. And the family is just capitalizing on his hard work for a quick profit, and forget Bob and the other wailers hard struggle to be recognize by the international seen hope they will learn and get back to the roots of the people that has not voice, that Bob intended the music to speak for.$LABEL$0 Ms. Butler delivers again. I love Octavia Butler's work and this trilogy is no exception. The characters are engaging and thoughtful and the author takes the time to explore the main themes of what it means to be human and how human sexuality affects our view of ourselves. There are no easy answers here: the reader can chose for herself whether we as humans would be better off with our violent but independent traits, or left physically dependent on another but in a healthy loving relationship, or relationships, as the author presents. No clear cut answers, which is as it should be, I think.The only reason I don't wholeheartedly give this a 5 star rating is that these books aren't for everyone given the thematic material. I wouldn't recommend them for a younger reader, for example.$LABEL$1 Dissatisfied. The item that we selected through Amazon was a different set of cards. We received the Sicilian set when we ordered a generic set. This makes playing Scopa more difficult. The seller did not provide any package tracking information, and when received the card box was damaged.I contacted the seller regarding shipping and was provided a curt response.I would not recommend this seller to anyone.$LABEL$0 A unique view of what it means to be human.. We all have wondered how our brains work, but this bookexplores the subject in a novel and compelling way. Throughcase studies of the more interesting of his neurologysubjects over the years, Dr. Sacks speculates on the needfor language, our perceptions of the world, and how wethink. Stimulating and intriguing, I enjoyed this book andlook forward to more from Dr. Sacks.$LABEL$1 A business book with a difference. A must for people wanting to be in the web marketing business. Ad. agency people will have to read Marketing.com it's got everything one needs to know about business on the net.$LABEL$1 CUTE BUT VERY FLIMSY. I already knew that these were not sturdy by the reviews but I figured the price was right so why not, well the pros are they are cute and colorful, the kids will love them, the cons are they are very small, poorly made and flimsy, so if they are strictly for that once in a blue moon emergency they are fine, but for camping etc they wouldn't last 10 mins, and be prepared, they are just a few inches high, to me they were originally meant to be toy lanterns or disposable$LABEL$0 good enough. doesn't charge and the hooks that hold it in to the ipod have a hard time releasing especiially if the ipod is encased in an acrylic belkin protection sleeve but other than that I would buy again.$LABEL$1 Overall, not bad. When I first ordered these I ignored some of the reviews I had seen about the shoes and got a size seven because that's what the chart said my size should be but I was wrong to ignore the reviews, the sizing is really small on these shoes so order a size up. Other than that I really like the shoes. The color is great and they are very comfortable!$LABEL$1 God must be American.... I couldn't relate to this book. If God were talking & wanted the 'world' to read his book ..he'd have given examples that touched a chord with all humans.Seems to me that he speaks Enlish, follows american politics ...and just about everything else falls in to 'eastern theory' or 'eastern mystics'..he should know theres no east ..theres India, theres China, theres Japan..they all have their distinct philosophies.I am pretty certain if God were talking I'd be able to relate to him...Unless of course God wrote this book for Americans...maybe theres book 6 or 7 for the rest of us.$LABEL$0 This is a good product. The Poise pads .... This is a good product. The Poise pads were small enough that they didn't feel bulky. However, they did a good job of absorbing. I felt comfortable wearing the Poise pads and had no worries about any leakage. I would definitely buy Poise for future use and would recommend them to others.$LABEL$1 Not so great. This spray kills most ants within 5 - 10 seconds, but does not appear to inhibit further ant infestations. Some family members find the smell of the spray quite objectionable.$LABEL$0 Fits my 2000 Subaru Outback. I use this on my 2000 Subaru Outback. My stock oil drain plug was getting a little beat up, and this is a perfect fit replacement. This also fits the transmission drain on my car. The plugs are the same.$LABEL$1 I used to somewhat like this band..... but it just gets kind of old, this album has a few gems, and the rest is just screaming and pure noise. the best songs are the ones where there is actual singing in it, it provides a good mix and a change of pace."Wait and Bleed" is by far the best song on the album and i never seem to get tired of it. "Surfacing" is also pretty good along with "Spit it out" and "Me inside"(Although a little too short.The rest of the album is just a bunch of incomprehensible screaming, deafening guitars, a couple of clowns(literally) hitting trash cans and a drummer thats so good he really seems out of his element.$LABEL$0 This really is the canine's privates. I bought this book when I first started on my Music Technology degree... I'm now just finishing my final year project, and I have to tell you... this book has been a fantastic help. Quite a lot of what is contained within is more information than I've needed personally, but if you have a real interest in the nitty-gritty of sound synthesis, then this is the book for you. Fantastic. You can hear how this book has helped my band by visiting www.groovedealer.com and checking out our mp3s. Also, we have free soundfonts available for download... so come check us out.$LABEL$1 "Under The Pink" is her overall best.. I remember in 1992 when "Tori" released her debut, who knew how long she'd be around. It's good to have her here 12 years later. In that span of time, I believe this is my favorite of hers. It's not the most consistent, but still very strong. Included are three of her most popular songs "Cornflake Girl", "Past The Mission", and "God", which I like the most. However, they're all good, and each have something different to offer the listener. A new fan may just want to get her recent "Tales Of A Librarian" collection, but for "Tori Amos", I think 1994 was "A Pretty Good Year".$LABEL$1 Not Large Size. Product quality is good, but it is a Medium size item and definitely not Large as advertised.$LABEL$0 Uneven bevel. The jaws were ground unevenly and don't bite against the pivot. I have to move it to the tip to cut a wire.$LABEL$0 Great Phone. We are using this phone in a small medical office with three stations and three lines. Sound quality is excellent. It also integrates easily with other equipment like "on-hold gold".$LABEL$1 Pretty good. I like that this metronome is fairly loud (there are still times when I'm playing with my piano trio that we can't hear it.) But for personal practice, it's definitely more than adequate. I like the tone of the notes for tuning to. Another small qualm is that the speaker is on the back of the metronome. It's nice to have the temperature and hygrometer, but a friend who has this metronome told me that he has to put new batteries in it all the time. I've had mine for only a month so I haven't experienced that yet.$LABEL$1 Arm Saver. This is a great little kitchen tool and I am now sending them to family and friends. Does just one job - pops open sealed jars that don't twist open easily. I have MS and weak arms so most jars I can not twist open any more. I also have "band" openers that work too. But this little gadget just sits in the top drawer and is quick to grab and use. I rate this 6 out of 5 stars. Hint - combine with other items for the $25 free shipping or it is too expensive alone.$LABEL$1 No more being left behind!. The pet stroller is so much fun! I strolled a 5K with my 13 year old scottie and we had such a great time! He loves the action but just can't walk that far anymore. The stroller was very easy to assemble, folds (fairly) flat for storage and transport, is tall enough that I do not have to stoop like with some baby unmbrella strollers and the wheels are large and agile enough to handle a variety of "road" conditions. It's terrific.$LABEL$1 Extremely disappointing!!. Daphne Bennett wrote the best biography of the Empress Frederick - "Vicky" - and everyone should read it, as opposed to Pakula's book which is a pale and anemic and boring imitator. Pakula just can't organize her endless material and make an intimate and involving story out it. She has basically rehashed Bennett's book and added a ton of mother-daughter letters which are eternally cumbersome and difficult and slow down the flow of the book. These letters seemed to be simply dumped here and there and would have been best summarized. Pakula makes history quite an ordeal!$LABEL$0 Caution - This may not be what you get. I am a big Star Trek fan and a big Amazon fan so imagine how pleased I was (after having bought this calendar way back in August) to see that this looked like a totally different cover for the same year (2005).However, when I recently received the calendar it was the same white background as the one I had purchase several months ago. I have contacted Amazon customer service and they could not yet determine if there are indeed two different calendars. They are investigating. In the meantime, I thought I would enter this review to keep other Star Trek "nuts" like myself (who absolutely must collect ever different calendar) from making my mistake.I will update this review as soon as I get a definitive answer from Amazon. Until then...CAUTION...what you see is not what you get!$LABEL$0 Zoom H4. As a musician, I have found this handy recorder to be a very fine recorder with multiple resources for recording. It is also has many resources that you find in good recording studios which you can use to make quality stereo and 4 track recordings. It is very important that one read every word of the instruction manual many times in order to understand this device and make good use of all its resources. The quality of the recordings I have done so far is excellent.$LABEL$1 Comments that are not specific to the item's content may not be posted on our site.. As a dummy, i found this book written in a condescending and haughty tone. Where are the pictures of 50ft women?$LABEL$0 low budget/high aspirations. I have no objectivity. I wrote the script for this movie. It was so much less than it might have been. And yet, Ray Sharkey (in one of his last roles) brought something to the character that no one could write, something deep and tragic that almost saves the film from "compleat scrap-heap". Hard to find, and expensive, no video library is complete without it. RVC$LABEL$0 Awful. bulbs blew after 4 months, can not get into back to replace. NO technical support. Waste of money, very upset$LABEL$0 Not A 'Complete' Dictionary. I purchased this Dictionary for my daughters thinking it was a thorough complete dictionary that would meet all of their needs when searching for a word. I have recently come to learn that this book definetly falls short of a complete dictionary,..as it simply does not contain many words you would find in any other complete dictionary. Several times my children were searching for a word and gave up not being able to find it in the book, so I had to get MY dictionary so they could find the definition! Very disappointing!$LABEL$0 Surprisingly Disappointed. I am the biggest fan of Jonathan Butler however, this CD is not his best work. "Do You Love Me" as well as some other work in the past has been so outstanding that I was really disappointed with "Story of Life".I was expecting more great ballads like "Do Love Me", "Life After You", and "Lost in Love".$LABEL$0 cute lunchbox. This is a great lunchbox, cute pattern, completely waterproof and easy to clean/wipe down and it is not too big or too small.$LABEL$1 I was bored!. I didn't much enjoy this book. The hero was way to whiney and wordy, and the heroine was waspish - and what is with her infatuation with the dog? Another thing I didn't understand is why the hero kept all the staff at the manor. He should have sent them away. Both the hero and heroine were thoroughly unlikeable.$LABEL$0 File under BUSINESS, not MOVIES. Do you love movies, or do you love backroom business gossip about the movie industry? If it's the former, skip this book.Movies could just as easily be widgets in this repetitive, uninteresting chronicle of Mirimax and Sundance. They are secondary to the details of executives and business deals in this yawner.Imagine having seemingly unlimited access to some of the greatest film makers of the 90's, and all you can come up with is what hardnoses the Weinsteins are. Don't stop the presses.$LABEL$0 An "eye opener".. I decided to buy this book to have a different, more esoteric view of music. If you desire to view this theme on a natural or more scientific perspective, this is not the correct book.An author who poses himself like THE ALL, writing as if he knew the distant future, as well as pinpoint our erroneous conceptions of how we see music to-day (which he does), can give a very interesting perspective. Yet, interesting perspectives must obviously provide the perspective which is at stake. One cannot just pose the question and then evade the answer by writting something as shallow as, "you will find the answer as you evolve as a race"....A sad-hungry hippie wrote this book. Yet I must admitt that it is an excellent midnight-bathroom book!!$LABEL$0 Great Source of Information. It is a totally comprehensive book detailing the observations Dave Pelz has made from his schools and from his engineering studies of how a golfer can putt successfully by learning the feedbacks necessary to understand the mechanisms of putting. His "tools" can be made easily. There is a wealth of information, well presented, and informative pictures!$LABEL$1 Good cable for cheap. it does its job , what's important for much cheaper than Microcenter or Best Buy.$LABEL$1 Easy Read and High Value. This is another great book by a great author. It was easy to read and also implement suggested meeting styles. I recommend visiting the author's website to get additional handouts.$LABEL$1 Fantastic Workout !!!. As a FIRM fanatic for the last 3 years, I had to take a moment to share my opinion on this DVD.Allie, in my humble opinion, is the very best of the FIRM instructors at preparing the user to smoothly run through the workout without a level of sheer frustration. She gives you proper form, breathing recommendations, and a smooth transition throughout this workout.You never stop moving from one set of weights (if not a beginning) to another to work different muscle groups. I have only used this DVD once, so far, but I already know that it will become a well used workout.Well worth the money and time!!!!$LABEL$1 For kids or not?. If you love golf, you can't go wrong with this title. Very realistic golf. Very beautiful golf. Did I mention this is a golf game? Unfortunately I do not like golf. However, at least I can recognize a decent game. This is truly a decent game. Not great, but not terrible.Bottom line: Is it fun? yes, if you love golf. Will I keep it? Nope. YOu have to love golf to do that. Is it for kids? Nope. Too slow, and too many controls.$LABEL$1 attractive lights--excellent seller. While solar lights have not yet been "perfected" as far as the light they emit, these particular ones are the brightest I have purchased in years. The look great, are pretty sturdy, and the seller is terrific as I had a small concern and the seller contacted me immediately--I would certainly buy these again as path lights--$LABEL$1 Hard Rock Suckage. I saw these guys per chance during this tour. They played Horde for some unknown reason. With all the hype that surrounds these schlemiels, i can't get over the played out rock poses of Mr. stapp and the atrocious penchant for writing tunes that are only enjoyed by those who drink PBR in a smokey hick bar. Rev up your truck, grow your mullet and move to the sunny coast. I will give them two stars based on the fact that all of thier songs sound the same, but don't necessarily make my ears bleed.$LABEL$0 Unique Classics. Considering the technical limitations of the period during which these jazz treats were made, you may be surprised at how good they sound. They aren't as good as you would find on a vinyl LP but when they're matched with the visuals, they are probably the best you can get for the time, which seems to be about the 1940s and 1950s.Lovers of earlier big band will revel in some of the unique features of many of these numbers. Solos on bass clarinet and valve trombone, a song/dance rendition of the classic "Bli-Blip" which you may never get tired of, and Lionel Hampton's piano magic on "TV Special". You can be forgiven for not knowing that "The Hamp" played piano too. The second half of this DVD demonstrates what a sensational bandleader and entertainer he was.And finally, if Ray Nance's broad grin at the end of his violin solo doesn't lift your spirits, you may need professional help.$LABEL$1 the brat pack. it is the best collection i purchased because of the 3 movies and the music compact disc that comes included. thank you raul$LABEL$1 Disappointing. I actually liked this BT, but those I talk to don't. This thing picks up every bit of back ground noise. Bustling with paperwork comes across louder than my voice and prompts a "Ahh! what is that!" response from the person on the other end. Although it's light, it doesn't settle into my ear well. After about 20 minutes, it has to come out due to the sharp corner poking into my ear. I've broken two of the ear loops. Not really usable unless you're in a quite place.$LABEL$0 Big disappointment. My fifteen year old is using this book in LAUSD high school so I was confident that a book by an old Exeter professor would be more than adequate. I was wrong. Had Brown walked into an Exeter classroom with this book thirty-five years ago we would have nailed him spread eagle to a Harkness table. I bought my kid a copy of Weeks and Atkins, the book used by my prep school teacher Arthur Weeks and Brown himself when he taught at Exeter.$LABEL$0 Ott Floor Lamp. I purchased this lamp because it looked like it would fit into home decor and not look so industrial. I use it for doing quilting and it's wonderful. The tiny stitches really show up well under this light. The lamp is beautiful and has a clear non-glare light that is easy on the eyes. I had been shopping around before I purchased it and Amazon had a great price on this lamp. It's hard for me to sit anywhere else in the house to read or do needle work now. My favorite place is by this lamp!$LABEL$1 Amazing!. I am the sole owner of a book and DVD sales company and a lot of the other tape I have used from other companies, this is by far the best tape I have used in a long time. It is a cheap price but a good good quality. I would HIGHLY recommend this for any shipping company.$LABEL$1 Read Memories of a Catholic Girlhood instead. I love most of Mary McCarthy, but in my opinion, this is her weakest book. It covers basically the same territory as Memories of a Catholic Girlhood, which she wrote in the 1950s. Here, however, there's little trace of her signature, tightly-wrought style. Instead, the style is baggy, with convoluted sentences, chatty asides, digressions within digressions, and endless lists of books she read, names of friends, etc. As a result, I often lost track of the basic story - which, after all, was the exact same story she had already told in Memories of a Catholic Girlhood. I'm rather confused as to why McCarthy wrote this book at all. Given that she had already written a detailed memoir of her formative years, why not just skip ahead to the mid-1930s, the subject of her unfinished "Intellectual Memoirs"?$LABEL$0 Not That Good. I have been purchasing NBA Live since the Sega Genesis days. I waited anxiously for the release of 2000 expecting a stellar game due to new competition form the Dreamcast, I was very dissapointed. The game is better in part due to the old classic teams and the MJ one on one but the graphics I belive actually got worse if you can believe it. I think they spent too much time focusing on the teams and MJ and the graphics suffered. NBA 2K on Dreamcast is ten times better, they really took the time to make that game realistic, EA slipped on 2000.$LABEL$0 Easy to understand, lots of fun.. My son absolutely loves this and our youngest daughter is intrigued. I guess I have the older version. but this is great game for kindergarden and below. I guess the newer model its not as loud. that is the only knock i have on it, if someone in the room wants to watch the boob tube and not read subtitles or wear headphones.Its fun and my boy doesn't get upset when I beat him, he understands luck is involved. We repick our color right before we start each game, so that don't subconsciously cheat setting up the next game.$LABEL$1 Super Duper.. I just had to throw a good 5 stars for this album. These guys have always been good and, having lived in Lawrence and attending KU, the only thing I regret is not attending while they were forming and playing up there! Road Rash forever!$LABEL$1 one of the most tiring books I've ever read!. I am sure that after the great performance by Tom Hanks portraying Forrest Gump, everyone is dying to hear of a sequel to the movie. Gump & Co. brings that to the readers except Forrest's life does not match up to the life of Forrest from the movie. Forrest isn't having the best time of his life and he needs to survive all the hardships being thrown to him. Reading the book is suppose to give you the sense of reading the continuation of his life. The past references that Forrest makes in the book are not equivalent to the movie itself. In the movie for example, his long time sweetheart Jenny was buried under "their tree" in Forrest's backyard. In the book, I really wanted to put the book down. Some parts just didn't make sense. The movie and the novel were two entirely different things. I highly do not recommend this book if you are interested in reading a sequel to Forrest Gump. Just wait for the actual movie sequel.$LABEL$0 great jacket. awsomr jacket been on a late season ride in ny with it kept me bice and warm has held up to my son and my 3 dogs and not a single problem$LABEL$1 what a sham. I was ready to boogie to all the fabulous records they have listed using the artist who originally sang the songs but when I started to play the cd it was singers attempting to sing the songs. I was horrified to find out that the product was not as listed. they should not be able to get away with misrepresenting their product. I was very disappointed.$LABEL$0 It's a Classic. Hygeia was published a fair bit ago--1979. It's a classic in the field of woman's herbalism. And it is 'way before its time if you consider that mind-body-spirit medicine is much more accepted now than before. Jeannine seems to bridge that gap in Hygeia well before others did. Prepare yourself for a relaxed, extensive journey into herbalism and philosophy written in Jeannine's trademark style.$LABEL$1 Marx Brothers Silver Screen Collection. How disappointing. The rating is not based on the films- four of the five films are incredibly fun and full of lunacy- it is Universal's half-hearted effort that is really a let-down. For that studio to re-release them in no better condition than they were in the late-90s releases is insulting. No effort was made to find better film elements, the extras are pathetic (they would've been fine as part of a larger collection of extras) and "Duck Soup", one of the top 100 American Films of all time, doesn't even merit a commentary track!Compare this shoddy work with MGM's labor of love from earlier this year on "A Night at the Opera" and "A Day at the Races", and Universal's effort looks darned poor.Universal needs to hear from Marx Brothers fans, too. The Brothers deserve better and so do we.$LABEL$0 ehhhhh. I was REEEEALLY excited when I received my copy of this album. I took it to my car and started listening with the system blasting. I found myself pressing "next track" more than loving the music.It's definitely unique. Some of the songs are REEEALLY good, but the rest make up for it. Ugglor|Mossen might be one of the best songs I've ever heard. The rest of the cd can't compete though. The reason this album earned 2 stars is because this song is on it.I've reviewed a number of cds and box sets... if it's great GOA you're looking for you get you movin and groovin, go other places. It may be a great album for some of you looking for a unique sound that unmatchable (like I thought it would be), but I can't say I'm satisfied.$LABEL$0 FUN!!!. My son received these blocks for his 5th birthday and he has had a lot of fun with them. They seem to be a very sturdy and solid toy, considering they weigh nearly 20 pounds! Even my three older girls, ages 7-11 were down on the floor playing with them and having a lot of fun. Thanks Melissa & Doug for another great toy!!!$LABEL$1 Pretty Solid. Plastic wheel and the line coating came melted in a spot. Pretty nice though works great and is holding down my 60lb husky just fine.Edit: I am changing my review due to an incident Yesterday. the small cable that hooks to the dog broke. My husky is currently missing and has been since I got home from work yesterday. I spent 4 hours looking for him and will spend more time after work today. I hope we find him and he isn't hurt.$LABEL$0 We enjoyed it!. Awesome seeing all these action stars together!!! It was gut ripping gun fights thru the whole movie, but worth it to see these guys together!$LABEL$1 Out of the Race. TWICE SHY by Dick Francis is an off day at the track. Jonathan Derry is a nice enough young physicist who acquires some musical tapes, which are in reality a fancy computerized betting system. But in the world of computers a hiatus of fourteen years doesn't work and neither does the change in narrators.Add TWICE SHY to your collection by all means, but try WILD HORSES for a trip into the power of Dick Francis.Nash Black, author of WRITING AS A SMALL BUSINESS and SINS OF THE FATHERS.$LABEL$0 Just alright.... The game has fairly good cartoonish graphics for the time it was made. The voice acting is clique but serves its purpose for the game style. Plenty of war materials to get anyone happy. The biggest issue is the controls. They are hard to get use to and some what clumsy. It didn't feel natural to move and conduct basic movements and commands. After a while I got tired of it and simply put the game down. I don't any intention of ever playing it again. Just not worth the time.$LABEL$0 Statin levels. Based on what I have researched/read each pill in this formula should contain 3.4mg ofLovastatins, (Icluding monacolins KA form).The FDA will not allow these companies to print this on the label. They want everyone reliant on large pharma. This formula was tested and contained no mycotoxin citrinin (thought to cause chronic kidney disease in the Balkans where this toxin is found in high levels) a dosage of three pills a day should be a good start and is the minimum effective dosage shown to work in clinical trials.I would also recommend taking a CoQ10 supplement like Q-gel which is solubilized in polysorbate 80, for excellent absorption.$LABEL$1 I Gotta Go is GREAT!. I saw these I Gotta Go potty training reviews and had to go buy one for my son. I LOVE this DVD! The concept is great. I never thought children (and parents!) could have fun while potty training. There is no stress for my son or us.He does not want to wear diapers anymore. The songs are so cute, we all sing them.I am glad we bought the DVD, the tape would have been worn out by now! I recommend it to anyone I know who is potty training their children!$LABEL$1 Isn't comedy supposed to be funny?. If you lined up all of the humourous material on the 2 CD's, you'd laugh for 5 minutes. But those 5 minutes would be F**king hysterical. Funny in places but very diluted.$LABEL$0 a little light reading. This is Nepal as it was in the 80's A throwaway novel, when compared to his masterworks like the Mars Trilogy, this entertaining read is highly recommended for anyone who has trekked [or dreams of trekking] in Nepal. He evokes the Kathmandu of the late 70s and 80s perfectly - from named restaurants and hippie highpoints to the bustle, muck and medieval layers of Kathmandu and its environs. Descriptions of the town and trekking the nearby mountains ring true, although the plot itself is too thin to support much examination. It's a fun book, in the style of The Ascent of Rum Doodle.$LABEL$1 A bit thin and oriented to the big end of the scale. What I didn't realise when I ordered this is that it is an publication of a US kennel association. It is a slim book, gives a good, realistic overview of kenneling from a management perspective, and is a good thing to read if you need to decide basic questions like "is the kennel business for me?" and "what are the main issues in kennel management?" Its orientation is toward large kennels (65+ dogs) in the US. For someone like me, who is thinking about a small kennel in Australia, it was interesting, but not really worth its pricetag.$LABEL$0 No mention of diabetes?. Not to oversimplify, but if a guide to dwarf hamsters doesn't mention diabetes - a *huge* issue with the Campbells variety - then assume it's flawed in other ways, too.$LABEL$0