import streamlit as st import os import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageFilter from io import BytesIO import zipfile import base64 import deepdanbooru as dd import huggingface_hub import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np # ページごとの表示数 PAGE_SIZE = 20 # タグ付け関数 def predict_tags(image: Image.Image, score_threshold: float) -> tuple[dict[str, float], dict[str, float], str]: _, height, width, _ = model.input_shape image = np.asarray(image) image = tf.image.resize(image, size=(height, width), method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.AREA, preserve_aspect_ratio=True) image = image.numpy() image = dd.image.transform_and_pad_image(image, width, height) image = image / 255. probs = model.predict(image[None, ...])[0] probs = probs.astype(float) indices = np.argsort(probs)[::-1] result_all = dict() result_threshold = dict() for index in indices: label = labels[index] prob = probs[index] result_all[label] = prob if prob < score_threshold: break result_threshold[label] = prob result_text = ', '.join(result_all.keys()) return result_threshold, result_all, result_text # ページングと並び替えのためのデータを取得する関数 def load_data(): index_df = pd.read_csv(index_file_path) return index_df # アップロードされた写真を表示する関数 def display_photos(photos): for photo_info in photos.iterrows(): row = photo_info[1] photo_path = os.path.join("photos", row["File Name"]) image = # タグを予測して表示 result_threshold, result_all, result_text = predict_tags(image, 0.7) st.image(image.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR), caption=row["File Name"], use_column_width=True) # タグを表示 st.write("タグ:", ", ".join(result_all.keys())) # フォルダーの中身を zip ファイルとしてダウンロード def download_photos_as_zip(file_paths): # Zip ファイル作成 with BytesIO() as zip_buffer: with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_buffer, "a", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_file: for file_path in file_paths: zip_file.write(file_path, os.path.basename(file_path)) # ダウンロードリンク表示 st.markdown( f"**[ダウンロード ZIPファイル](data:application/zip;base64,{base64.b64encode(zip_buffer.getvalue()).decode()})**", unsafe_allow_html=True ) # モデルとラベルをダウンロードする関数 def load_model(): path = huggingface_hub.hf_hub_download('public-data/DeepDanbooru', 'model-resnet_custom_v3.h5') model = tf.keras.models.load_model(path) return model def load_labels(): path = huggingface_hub.hf_hub_download('public-data/DeepDanbooru', 'tags.txt') with open(path) as f: labels = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] return labels # Streamlit アプリケーションのメイン部分 def main(): st.sidebar.title("アップロードオプション") uploaded_photos = st.sidebar.file_uploader("写真をアップロードしてください", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"], accept_multiple_files=True) # モデルとラベルをダウンロードする global model, labels model = load_model() labels = load_labels() if uploaded_photos: for uploaded_photo in uploaded_photos: file_name = f"{'%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')}.png" save_uploaded_photo(uploaded_photo, file_name) # インデックスに追加 global photo_df # globalキーワードを追加 photo_df = pd.concat([photo_df, pd.DataFrame([[os.path.basename(file_name),, ""]], columns=["File Name", "Timestamp", "Tags"])], ignore_index=True) # インデックスを更新 photo_df.sort_values(by="Timestamp", inplace=True, ascending=False) photo_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) photo_df.to_csv(index_file_path, index=False) st.subheader("アップロードされた写真") # ページングと並び替えのためのデータを読み込む index_df = load_data() # ページング page_num = st.sidebar.number_input("ページ番号", value=1, min_value=1, max_value=(len(index_df) // PAGE_SIZE) + 1) start_idx = (page_num - 1) * PAGE_SIZE end_idx = min(start_idx + PAGE_SIZE, len(index_df)) current_page = index_df.iloc[start_idx:end_idx] # 並び替え sort_options = ["TimeStamp 昇順", "TimeStamp 降順", "名前 昇順", "名前 降順"] selected_sort = st.sidebar.selectbox("並び替え", sort_options) if selected_sort == "TimeStamp 昇順": current_page = current_page.sort_values(by="Timestamp", ascending=True) elif selected_sort == "TimeStamp 降順": current_page = current_page.sort_values(by="Timestamp", ascending=False) elif selected_sort == "名前 昇順": current_page = current_page.sort_values(by="File Name", ascending=True) elif selected_sort == "名前 降順": current_page = current_page.sort_values(by="File Name", ascending=False) display_photos(current_page) # Next ボタン if st.button("Next"): page_num += 1 st.experimental_rerun() # Previous ボタン if st.button("Previous"): page_num -= 1 st.experimental_rerun() # Zip ダウンロードボタン if st.button("写真をダウンロード (ZIP)"): file_paths = [os.path.join(photos_folder, file) for file in os.listdir(photos_folder)] download_photos_as_zip(file_paths) if __name__ == "__main__": main()