import gradio as gr import math import numpy as np import cv2 def calculate_flow_direction(dtm_file): # Step 1: Read the DTM data and convert it to a 2D array of elevation values elevation_array = cv2.imread(, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE).astype(float) # Step 2: Compute the slope and aspect of each cell in the DTM cell_size = 0.1 # Set the cell size in meters dx = dy = cell_size # Compute the x and y gradient values dzdx, dzdy = np.gradient(elevation_array, dx, dy) # Compute the slope angle in radians slope = np.arctan(np.sqrt(dzdx**2 + dzdy**2)) # Compute the aspect angle in radians aspect = np.arctan2(-dzdy, dzdx) # Step 3: Compute the flow direction for each cell based on the slope and aspect values # Compute the x and y components of the flow direction vector flow_dir_x = np.sin(aspect) flow_dir_y = np.cos(aspect) # Normalize the flow direction vector to unit length flow_dir_length = np.sqrt(flow_dir_x**2 + flow_dir_y**2) flow_dir_x /= flow_dir_length flow_dir_y /= flow_dir_length # Step 4: Compute the flow accumulation for each cell based on the flow direction of neighboring cells def compute_flow_accumulation(flow_dir_x, flow_dir_y): # Initialize the flow accumulation array to zero flow_accum = np.zeros_like(elevation_array) # Find the cells with no upstream flow (i.e., cells with zero slope) no_upstream_flow = (slope == 0) flow_accum[no_upstream_flow] = 1 # Recursively accumulate flow downstream rows, cols = elevation_array.shape for i in range(1, rows-1): for j in range(1, cols-1): if no_upstream_flow[i,j]: continue # Find the downstream cell di = int(round(flow_dir_y[i,j])) dj = int(round(flow_dir_x[i,j])) downstream = (i+di, j+dj) # Add the flow accumulation from the downstream cell flow_accum[i,j] = flow_accum[downstream] + 1 return flow_accum # Step 5: Compute the flow accumulation and direction maps flow_accum = compute_flow_accumulation(flow_dir_x, flow_dir_y) flow_accum_norm = flow_accum / np.max(flow_accum) * 255 flow_accum_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(flow_accum_norm.astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) flow_dir_x_norm = (flow_dir_x + 1) / 2 * 255 flow_dir_y_norm = (flow_dir_y + 1) / 2 * 255 flow_dir_rgb = np.zeros((elevation_array.shape[0], elevation_array.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) flow_dir_rgb[:,:,0] = flow_dir_x_norm.astype(np.uint8) flow_dir_rgb[:,:,1] = flow_dir_y_norm.astype(np.uint8) return flow_dir_rgb, flow_accum_rgb # Define the Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=calculate_flow_direction, inputs="file", outputs=["image", "image"], title="DTM Flow Direction and Accumulation Calculator", description="This app calculates the flow direction and accumulation maps for a digital terrain model (DTM).", ) # Launch the interface iface.launch()