#%% import os os.system("git clone https://github.com/v-iashin/SpecVQGAN") os.system("pip install pytorch-lightning==1.2.10 omegaconf==2.0.6 streamlit==0.80 matplotlib==3.4.1 albumentations==0.5.2 SoundFile torch torchvision librosa gdown") # %% import sys sys.path.append('./SpecVQGAN') import time from pathlib import Path import IPython.display as display_audio import soundfile import torch from IPython import display from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from torch.utils.data.dataloader import default_collate from torchvision.utils import make_grid from tqdm import tqdm from feature_extraction.demo_utils import (ExtractResNet50, check_video_for_audio, extract_melspectrogram, load_model, show_grid, trim_video) from sample_visualization import (all_attention_to_st, get_class_preditions, last_attention_to_st, spec_to_audio_to_st, tensor_to_plt) from specvqgan.data.vggsound import CropImage device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # load model model_name = '2021-07-30T21-34-25_vggsound_transformer' log_dir = './logs' os.chdir("./SpecVQGAN/") config, sampler, melgan, melception = load_model(model_name, log_dir, device) # %% def extract_thumbnails(video_path): # Trim the video start_sec = 0 # to start with 01:35 use 95 seconds video_path = trim_video(video_path, start_sec, trim_duration=10) # Extract Features extraction_fps = 21.5 feature_extractor = ExtractResNet50(extraction_fps, config.data.params, device) visual_features, resampled_frames = feature_extractor(video_path) # Show the selected frames to extract features for if not config.data.params.replace_feats_with_random: fig = show_grid(make_grid(resampled_frames)) fig.show() # Prepare Input batch = default_collate([visual_features]) batch['feature'] = batch['feature'].to(device) c = sampler.get_input(sampler.cond_stage_key, batch) return c, video_path # %% import numpy as np def generate_audio(video_path, temperature = 1.0): # Define Sampling Parameters W_scale = 1 mode = 'full' top_x = sampler.first_stage_model.quantize.n_e // 2 update_every = 0 # use > 0 value, e.g. 15, to see the progress of generation (slows down the sampling speed) full_att_mat = True c, video_path = extract_thumbnails(video_path) # Start sampling with torch.no_grad(): start_t = time.time() quant_c, c_indices = sampler.encode_to_c(c) # crec = sampler.cond_stage_model.decode(quant_c) patch_size_i = 5 patch_size_j = 53 B, D, hr_h, hr_w = sampling_shape = (1, 256, 5, 53*W_scale) z_pred_indices = torch.zeros((B, hr_h*hr_w)).long().to(device) if mode == 'full': start_step = 0 else: start_step = (patch_size_j // 2) * patch_size_i z_pred_indices[:, :start_step] = z_indices[:, :start_step] pbar = tqdm(range(start_step, hr_w * hr_h), desc='Sampling Codebook Indices') for step in pbar: i = step % hr_h j = step // hr_h i_start = min(max(0, i - (patch_size_i // 2)), hr_h - patch_size_i) j_start = min(max(0, j - (patch_size_j // 2)), hr_w - patch_size_j) i_end = i_start + patch_size_i j_end = j_start + patch_size_j local_i = i - i_start local_j = j - j_start patch_2d_shape = (B, D, patch_size_i, patch_size_j) pbar.set_postfix( Step=f'({i},{j}) | Local: ({local_i},{local_j}) | Crop: ({i_start}:{i_end},{j_start}:{j_end})' ) patch = z_pred_indices \ .reshape(B, hr_w, hr_h) \ .permute(0, 2, 1)[:, i_start:i_end, j_start:j_end].permute(0, 2, 1) \ .reshape(B, patch_size_i * patch_size_j) # assuming we don't crop the conditioning and just use the whole c, if not desired uncomment the above cpatch = c_indices logits, _, attention = sampler.transformer(patch[:, :-1], cpatch) # remove conditioning logits = logits[:, -patch_size_j*patch_size_i:, :] local_pos_in_flat = local_j * patch_size_i + local_i logits = logits[:, local_pos_in_flat, :] logits = logits / temperature logits = sampler.top_k_logits(logits, top_x) # apply softmax to convert to probabilities probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits, dim=-1) # sample from the distribution ix = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1) z_pred_indices[:, j * hr_h + i] = ix if update_every > 0 and step % update_every == 0: z_pred_img = sampler.decode_to_img(z_pred_indices, sampling_shape) # fliping the spectrogram just for illustration purposes (low freqs to bottom, high - top) z_pred_img_st = tensor_to_plt(z_pred_img, flip_dims=(2,)) display.clear_output(wait=True) display.display(z_pred_img_st) if full_att_mat: att_plot = all_attention_to_st(attention, placeholders=None, scale_by_prior=True) display.display(att_plot) plt.close() else: quant_z_shape = sampling_shape c_length = cpatch.shape[-1] quant_c_shape = quant_c.shape c_att_plot, z_att_plot = last_attention_to_st( attention, local_pos_in_flat, c_length, sampler.first_stage_permuter, sampler.cond_stage_permuter, quant_c_shape, patch_2d_shape, placeholders=None, flip_c_dims=None, flip_z_dims=(2,)) display.display(c_att_plot) display.display(z_att_plot) plt.close() plt.close() plt.close() # quant_z_shape = sampling_shape z_pred_img = sampler.decode_to_img(z_pred_indices, sampling_shape) # showing the final image z_pred_img_st = tensor_to_plt(z_pred_img, flip_dims=(2,)) display.clear_output(wait=True) display.display(z_pred_img_st) if full_att_mat: att_plot = all_attention_to_st(attention, placeholders=None, scale_by_prior=True) display.display(att_plot) plt.close() else: quant_z_shape = sampling_shape c_length = cpatch.shape[-1] quant_c_shape = quant_c.shape c_att_plot, z_att_plot = last_attention_to_st( attention, local_pos_in_flat, c_length, sampler.first_stage_permuter, sampler.cond_stage_permuter, quant_c_shape, patch_2d_shape, placeholders=None, flip_c_dims=None, flip_z_dims=(2,) ) display.display(c_att_plot) display.display(z_att_plot) plt.close() plt.close() plt.close() print(f'Sampling Time: {time.time() - start_t:3.2f} seconds') waves = spec_to_audio_to_st(z_pred_img, config.data.params.spec_dir_path, config.data.params.sample_rate, show_griffin_lim=False, vocoder=melgan, show_in_st=False) print(f'Sampling Time (with vocoder): {time.time() - start_t:3.2f} seconds') print(f'Generated: {len(waves["vocoder"]) / config.data.params.sample_rate:.2f} seconds') # Melception opinion on the class distribution of the generated sample topk_preds = get_class_preditions(z_pred_img, melception) print(topk_preds) audio_path = os.path.join(log_dir, Path(video_path).stem + '.wav') audio = waves['vocoder'] audio = np.repeat([audio], 2, axis=0).T print(audio.shape) soundfile.write(audio_path, audio, config.data.params.sample_rate, 'PCM_24') print(f'The sample has been saved @ {audio_path}') video_out_path = os.path.join(log_dir, Path(video_path).stem + '_audio.mp4') print(video_path, audio_path, video_out_path) os.system("ffmpeg -i %s -i %s -map 0:v -map 1:a -c:v copy -shortest %s" % (video_path, audio_path, video_out_path)) return video_out_path # return config.data.params.sample_rate, audio # %% generate_audio("../kiss.avi") #%% import gradio as gr iface = gr.Interface(generate_audio, "video", "playable_video") iface.launch() # %%