"""GlyphSets returned by a TTFont.""" from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from collections.abc import Mapping from contextlib import contextmanager from copy import copy from types import SimpleNamespace from fontTools.misc.fixedTools import otRound from fontTools.misc.loggingTools import deprecateFunction from fontTools.misc.transform import Transform from fontTools.pens.transformPen import TransformPen, TransformPointPen class _TTGlyphSet(Mapping): """Generic dict-like GlyphSet class that pulls metrics from hmtx and glyph shape from TrueType or CFF. """ def __init__(self, font, location, glyphsMapping): self.font = font self.defaultLocationNormalized = ( {axis.axisTag: 0 for axis in self.font["fvar"].axes} if "fvar" in self.font else {} ) self.location = location if location is not None else {} self.rawLocation = {} # VarComponent-only location self.originalLocation = location if location is not None else {} self.depth = 0 self.locationStack = [] self.rawLocationStack = [] self.glyphsMapping = glyphsMapping self.hMetrics = font["hmtx"].metrics self.vMetrics = getattr(font.get("vmtx"), "metrics", None) self.hvarTable = None if location: from fontTools.varLib.varStore import VarStoreInstancer self.hvarTable = getattr(font.get("HVAR"), "table", None) if self.hvarTable is not None: self.hvarInstancer = VarStoreInstancer( self.hvarTable.VarStore, font["fvar"].axes, location ) # TODO VVAR, VORG @contextmanager def pushLocation(self, location, reset: bool): self.locationStack.append(self.location) self.rawLocationStack.append(self.rawLocation) if reset: self.location = self.originalLocation.copy() self.rawLocation = self.defaultLocationNormalized.copy() else: self.location = self.location.copy() self.rawLocation = {} self.location.update(location) self.rawLocation.update(location) try: yield None finally: self.location = self.locationStack.pop() self.rawLocation = self.rawLocationStack.pop() @contextmanager def pushDepth(self): try: depth = self.depth self.depth += 1 yield depth finally: self.depth -= 1 def __contains__(self, glyphName): return glyphName in self.glyphsMapping def __iter__(self): return iter(self.glyphsMapping.keys()) def __len__(self): return len(self.glyphsMapping) @deprecateFunction( "use 'glyphName in glyphSet' instead", category=DeprecationWarning ) def has_key(self, glyphName): return glyphName in self.glyphsMapping class _TTGlyphSetGlyf(_TTGlyphSet): def __init__(self, font, location): self.glyfTable = font["glyf"] super().__init__(font, location, self.glyfTable) self.gvarTable = font.get("gvar") def __getitem__(self, glyphName): return _TTGlyphGlyf(self, glyphName) class _TTGlyphSetCFF(_TTGlyphSet): def __init__(self, font, location): tableTag = "CFF2" if "CFF2" in font else "CFF " self.charStrings = list(font[tableTag].cff.values())[0].CharStrings super().__init__(font, location, self.charStrings) self.blender = None if location: from fontTools.varLib.varStore import VarStoreInstancer varStore = getattr(self.charStrings, "varStore", None) if varStore is not None: instancer = VarStoreInstancer( varStore.otVarStore, font["fvar"].axes, location ) self.blender = instancer.interpolateFromDeltas def __getitem__(self, glyphName): return _TTGlyphCFF(self, glyphName) class _TTGlyph(ABC): """Glyph object that supports the Pen protocol, meaning that it has .draw() and .drawPoints() methods that take a pen object as their only argument. Additionally there are 'width' and 'lsb' attributes, read from the 'hmtx' table. If the font contains a 'vmtx' table, there will also be 'height' and 'tsb' attributes. """ def __init__(self, glyphSet, glyphName): self.glyphSet = glyphSet self.name = glyphName self.width, self.lsb = glyphSet.hMetrics[glyphName] if glyphSet.vMetrics is not None: self.height, self.tsb = glyphSet.vMetrics[glyphName] else: self.height, self.tsb = None, None if glyphSet.location and glyphSet.hvarTable is not None: varidx = ( glyphSet.font.getGlyphID(glyphName) if glyphSet.hvarTable.AdvWidthMap is None else glyphSet.hvarTable.AdvWidthMap.mapping[glyphName] ) self.width += glyphSet.hvarInstancer[varidx] # TODO: VVAR/VORG @abstractmethod def draw(self, pen): """Draw the glyph onto ``pen``. See fontTools.pens.basePen for details how that works. """ raise NotImplementedError def drawPoints(self, pen): """Draw the glyph onto ``pen``. See fontTools.pens.pointPen for details how that works. """ from fontTools.pens.pointPen import SegmentToPointPen self.draw(SegmentToPointPen(pen)) class _TTGlyphGlyf(_TTGlyph): def draw(self, pen): """Draw the glyph onto ``pen``. See fontTools.pens.basePen for details how that works. """ glyph, offset = self._getGlyphAndOffset() with self.glyphSet.pushDepth() as depth: if depth: offset = 0 # Offset should only apply at top-level if glyph.isVarComposite(): self._drawVarComposite(glyph, pen, False) return glyph.draw(pen, self.glyphSet.glyfTable, offset) def drawPoints(self, pen): """Draw the glyph onto ``pen``. See fontTools.pens.pointPen for details how that works. """ glyph, offset = self._getGlyphAndOffset() with self.glyphSet.pushDepth() as depth: if depth: offset = 0 # Offset should only apply at top-level if glyph.isVarComposite(): self._drawVarComposite(glyph, pen, True) return glyph.drawPoints(pen, self.glyphSet.glyfTable, offset) def _drawVarComposite(self, glyph, pen, isPointPen): from fontTools.ttLib.tables._g_l_y_f import ( VarComponentFlags, VAR_COMPONENT_TRANSFORM_MAPPING, ) for comp in glyph.components: with self.glyphSet.pushLocation( comp.location, comp.flags & VarComponentFlags.RESET_UNSPECIFIED_AXES ): try: pen.addVarComponent( comp.glyphName, comp.transform, self.glyphSet.rawLocation ) except AttributeError: t = comp.transform.toTransform() if isPointPen: tPen = TransformPointPen(pen, t) self.glyphSet[comp.glyphName].drawPoints(tPen) else: tPen = TransformPen(pen, t) self.glyphSet[comp.glyphName].draw(tPen) def _getGlyphAndOffset(self): if self.glyphSet.location and self.glyphSet.gvarTable is not None: glyph = self._getGlyphInstance() else: glyph = self.glyphSet.glyfTable[self.name] offset = self.lsb - glyph.xMin if hasattr(glyph, "xMin") else 0 return glyph, offset def _getGlyphInstance(self): from fontTools.varLib.iup import iup_delta from fontTools.ttLib.tables._g_l_y_f import GlyphCoordinates from fontTools.varLib.models import supportScalar glyphSet = self.glyphSet glyfTable = glyphSet.glyfTable variations = glyphSet.gvarTable.variations[self.name] hMetrics = glyphSet.hMetrics vMetrics = glyphSet.vMetrics coordinates, _ = glyfTable._getCoordinatesAndControls( self.name, hMetrics, vMetrics ) origCoords, endPts = None, None for var in variations: scalar = supportScalar(glyphSet.location, var.axes) if not scalar: continue delta = var.coordinates if None in delta: if origCoords is None: origCoords, control = glyfTable._getCoordinatesAndControls( self.name, hMetrics, vMetrics ) endPts = ( control[1] if control[0] >= 1 else list(range(len(control[1]))) ) delta = iup_delta(delta, origCoords, endPts) coordinates += GlyphCoordinates(delta) * scalar glyph = copy(glyfTable[self.name]) # Shallow copy width, lsb, height, tsb = _setCoordinates(glyph, coordinates, glyfTable) self.lsb = lsb self.tsb = tsb if glyphSet.hvarTable is None: # no HVAR: let's set metrics from the phantom points self.width = width self.height = height return glyph class _TTGlyphCFF(_TTGlyph): def draw(self, pen): """Draw the glyph onto ``pen``. See fontTools.pens.basePen for details how that works. """ self.glyphSet.charStrings[self.name].draw(pen, self.glyphSet.blender) def _setCoordinates(glyph, coord, glyfTable): # Handle phantom points for (left, right, top, bottom) positions. assert len(coord) >= 4 leftSideX = coord[-4][0] rightSideX = coord[-3][0] topSideY = coord[-2][1] bottomSideY = coord[-1][1] for _ in range(4): del coord[-1] if glyph.isComposite(): assert len(coord) == len(glyph.components) glyph.components = [copy(comp) for comp in glyph.components] # Shallow copy for p, comp in zip(coord, glyph.components): if hasattr(comp, "x"): comp.x, comp.y = p elif glyph.isVarComposite(): glyph.components = [copy(comp) for comp in glyph.components] # Shallow copy for comp in glyph.components: coord = comp.setCoordinates(coord) assert not coord elif glyph.numberOfContours == 0: assert len(coord) == 0 else: assert len(coord) == len(glyph.coordinates) glyph.coordinates = coord glyph.recalcBounds(glyfTable) horizontalAdvanceWidth = otRound(rightSideX - leftSideX) verticalAdvanceWidth = otRound(topSideY - bottomSideY) leftSideBearing = otRound(glyph.xMin - leftSideX) topSideBearing = otRound(topSideY - glyph.yMax) return ( horizontalAdvanceWidth, leftSideBearing, verticalAdvanceWidth, topSideBearing, )