import json import shlex import subprocess import tempfile from pathlib import Path from typing import Tuple import ffmpy import numpy as np import torch def r128stats(filepath: str, quiet: bool): """Takes a path to an audio file, returns a dict with the loudness stats computed by the ffmpeg ebur128 filter. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to compute loudness stats on. quiet : bool Whether to show FFMPEG output during computation. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing loudness stats. """ ffargs = [ "ffmpeg", "-nostats", "-i", filepath, "-filter_complex", "ebur128", "-f", "null", "-", ] if quiet: ffargs += ["-hide_banner"] proc = subprocess.Popen(ffargs, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stats = proc.communicate()[1] summary_index = stats.rfind("Summary:") summary_list = stats[summary_index:].split() i_lufs = float(summary_list[summary_list.index("I:") + 1]) i_thresh = float(summary_list[summary_list.index("I:") + 4]) lra = float(summary_list[summary_list.index("LRA:") + 1]) lra_thresh = float(summary_list[summary_list.index("LRA:") + 4]) lra_low = float(summary_list[summary_list.index("low:") + 1]) lra_high = float(summary_list[summary_list.index("high:") + 1]) stats_dict = { "I": i_lufs, "I Threshold": i_thresh, "LRA": lra, "LRA Threshold": lra_thresh, "LRA Low": lra_low, "LRA High": lra_high, } return stats_dict def ffprobe_offset_and_codec(path: str) -> Tuple[float, str]: """Given a path to a file, returns the start time offset and codec of the first audio stream. """ ff = ffmpy.FFprobe( inputs={path: None}, global_options="-show_entries format=start_time:stream=duration,start_time,codec_type,codec_name,start_pts,time_base -of json -v quiet", ) streams = json.loads([0])["streams"] seconds_offset = 0.0 codec = None # Get the offset and codec of the first audio stream we find # and return its start time, if it has one. for stream in streams: if stream["codec_type"] == "audio": seconds_offset = stream.get("start_time", 0.0) codec = stream.get("codec_name") break return float(seconds_offset), codec class FFMPEGMixin: _loudness = None def ffmpeg_loudness(self, quiet: bool = True): """Computes loudness of audio file using FFMPEG. Parameters ---------- quiet : bool, optional Whether to show FFMPEG output during computation, by default True Returns ------- torch.Tensor Loudness of every item in the batch, computed via FFMPEG. """ loudness = [] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".wav") as f: for i in range(self.batch_size): self[i].write( loudness_stats = r128stats(, quiet=quiet) loudness.append(loudness_stats["I"]) self._loudness = torch.from_numpy(np.array(loudness)).float() return self.loudness() def ffmpeg_resample(self, sample_rate: int, quiet: bool = True): """Resamples AudioSignal using FFMPEG. More memory-efficient than using julius.resample for long audio files. Parameters ---------- sample_rate : int Sample rate to resample to. quiet : bool, optional Whether to show FFMPEG output during computation, by default True Returns ------- AudioSignal Resampled AudioSignal. """ from audiotools import AudioSignal if sample_rate == self.sample_rate: return self with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".wav") as f: self.write( f_out ="wav", "rs.wav") command = f"ffmpeg -i {} -ar {sample_rate} {f_out}" if quiet: command += " -hide_banner -loglevel error" subprocess.check_call(shlex.split(command)) resampled = AudioSignal(f_out) Path.unlink(Path(f_out)) return resampled @classmethod def load_from_file_with_ffmpeg(cls, audio_path: str, quiet: bool = True, **kwargs): """Loads AudioSignal object after decoding it to a wav file using FFMPEG. Useful for loading audio that isn't covered by librosa's loading mechanism. Also useful for loading mp3 files, without any offset. Parameters ---------- audio_path : str Path to load AudioSignal from. quiet : bool, optional Whether to show FFMPEG output during computation, by default True Returns ------- AudioSignal AudioSignal loaded from file with FFMPEG. """ audio_path = str(audio_path) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d: wav_file = str(Path(d) / "extracted.wav") padded_wav = str(Path(d) / "padded.wav") global_options = "-y" if quiet: global_options += " -loglevel error" ff = ffmpy.FFmpeg( inputs={audio_path: None}, outputs={wav_file: None}, global_options=global_options, ) # We pad the file using the start time offset in case it's an audio # stream starting at some offset in a video container. pad, codec = ffprobe_offset_and_codec(audio_path) # For mp3s, don't pad files with discrepancies less than 0.027s - # it's likely due to codec latency. The amount of latency introduced # by mp3 is 1152, which is 0.0261 44khz. So we set the threshold # here slightly above that. # Source: if codec == "mp3" and pad < 0.027: pad = 0.0 ff = ffmpy.FFmpeg( inputs={wav_file: None}, outputs={padded_wav: f"-af 'adelay={pad*1000}:all=true'"}, global_options=global_options, ) signal = cls(padded_wav, **kwargs) return signal