import copy from contextlib import contextmanager from inspect import signature from typing import List import numpy as np import torch from flatten_dict import flatten from flatten_dict import unflatten from numpy.random import RandomState from .. import ml from ..core import AudioSignal from ..core import util from .datasets import AudioLoader tt = torch.tensor """Shorthand for converting things to torch.tensor.""" class BaseTransform: """This is the base class for all transforms that are implemented in this library. Transforms have two main operations: ``transform`` and ``instantiate``. ``instantiate`` sets the parameters randomly from distribution tuples for each parameter. For example, for the ``BackgroundNoise`` transform, the signal-to-noise ratio (``snr``) is chosen randomly by instantiate. By default, it chosen uniformly between 10.0 and 30.0 (the tuple is set to ``("uniform", 10.0, 30.0)``). ``transform`` applies the transform using the instantiated parameters. A simple example is as follows: >>> seed = 0 >>> signal = ... >>> transform = transforms.NoiseFloor(db = ("uniform", -50.0, -30.0)) >>> kwargs = transform.instantiate() >>> output = transform(signal.clone(), **kwargs) By breaking apart the instantiation of parameters from the actual audio processing of the transform, we can make things more reproducible, while also applying the transform on batches of data efficiently on GPU, rather than on individual audio samples. .. note:: We call ``signal.clone()`` for the input to the ``transform`` function because signals are modified in-place! If you don't clone the signal, you will lose the original data. Parameters ---------- keys : list, optional Keys that the transform looks for when calling ``self.transform``, by default []. In general this is set automatically, and you won't need to manipulate this argument. name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 Examples -------- >>> seed = 0 >>> >>> audio_path = "tests/audio/spk/f10_script4_produced.wav" >>> signal = AudioSignal(audio_path, offset=10, duration=2) >>> transform = tfm.Compose( >>> [ >>> tfm.RoomImpulseResponse(sources=["tests/audio/irs.csv"]), >>> tfm.BackgroundNoise(sources=["tests/audio/noises.csv"]), >>> ], >>> ) >>> >>> kwargs = transform.instantiate(seed, signal) >>> output = transform(signal, **kwargs) """ def __init__(self, keys: list = [], name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0): # Get keys from the _transform signature. tfm_keys = list(signature(self._transform).parameters.keys()) # Filter out signal and kwargs keys. ignore_keys = ["signal", "kwargs"] tfm_keys = [k for k in tfm_keys if k not in ignore_keys] # Combine keys specified by the child class, the keys found in # _transform signature, and the mask key. self.keys = keys + tfm_keys + ["mask"] self.prob = prob if name is None: name = self.__class__.__name__ = name def _prepare(self, batch: dict): sub_batch = batch[] for k in self.keys: assert k in sub_batch.keys(), f"{k} not in batch" return sub_batch def _transform(self, signal): return signal def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState, signal: AudioSignal = None): return {} @staticmethod def apply_mask(batch: dict, mask: torch.Tensor): """Applies a mask to the batch. Parameters ---------- batch : dict Batch whose values will be masked in the ``transform`` pass. mask : torch.Tensor Mask to apply to batch. Returns ------- dict A dictionary that contains values only where ``mask = True``. """ masked_batch = {k: v[mask] for k, v in flatten(batch).items()} return unflatten(masked_batch) def transform(self, signal: AudioSignal, **kwargs): """Apply the transform to the audio signal, with given keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- signal : AudioSignal Signal that will be modified by the transforms in-place. kwargs: dict Keyword arguments to the specific transforms ``self._transform`` function. Returns ------- AudioSignal Transformed AudioSignal. Examples -------- >>> for seed in range(10): >>> kwargs = transform.instantiate(seed, signal) >>> output = transform(signal.clone(), **kwargs) """ tfm_kwargs = self._prepare(kwargs) mask = tfm_kwargs["mask"] if torch.any(mask): tfm_kwargs = self.apply_mask(tfm_kwargs, mask) tfm_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in tfm_kwargs.items() if k != "mask"} signal[mask] = self._transform(signal[mask], **tfm_kwargs) return signal def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.transform(*args, **kwargs) def instantiate( self, state: RandomState = None, signal: AudioSignal = None, ): """Instantiates parameters for the transform. Parameters ---------- state : RandomState, optional _description_, by default None signal : AudioSignal, optional _description_, by default None Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing instantiated arguments for every keyword argument to ``self._transform``. Examples -------- >>> for seed in range(10): >>> kwargs = transform.instantiate(seed, signal) >>> output = transform(signal.clone(), **kwargs) """ state = util.random_state(state) # Not all instantiates need the signal. Check if signal # is needed before passing it in, so that the end-user # doesn't need to have variables they're not using flowing # into their function. needs_signal = "signal" in set(signature(self._instantiate).parameters.keys()) kwargs = {} if needs_signal: kwargs = {"signal": signal} # Instantiate the parameters for the transform. params = self._instantiate(state, **kwargs) for k in list(params.keys()): v = params[k] if isinstance(v, (AudioSignal, torch.Tensor, dict)): params[k] = v else: params[k] = tt(v) mask = state.rand() <= self.prob params[f"mask"] = tt(mask) # Put the params into a nested dictionary that will be # used later when calling the transform. This is to avoid # collisions in the dictionary. params = { params} return params def batch_instantiate( self, states: list = None, signal: AudioSignal = None, ): """Instantiates arguments for every item in a batch, given a list of states. Each state in the list corresponds to one item in the batch. Parameters ---------- states : list, optional List of states, by default None signal : AudioSignal, optional AudioSignal to pass to the ``self.instantiate`` section if it is needed for this transform, by default None Returns ------- dict Collated dictionary of arguments. Examples -------- >>> batch_size = 4 >>> signal = AudioSignal(audio_path, offset=10, duration=2) >>> signal_batch = AudioSignal.batch([signal.clone() for _ in range(batch_size)]) >>> >>> states = [seed + idx for idx in list(range(batch_size))] >>> kwargs = transform.batch_instantiate(states, signal_batch) >>> batch_output = transform(signal_batch, **kwargs) """ kwargs = [] for state in states: kwargs.append(self.instantiate(state, signal)) kwargs = util.collate(kwargs) return kwargs class Identity(BaseTransform): """This transform just returns the original signal.""" pass class SpectralTransform(BaseTransform): """Spectral transforms require STFT data to exist, since manipulations of the STFT require the spectrogram. This just calls ``stft`` before the transform is called, and calls ``istft`` after the transform is called so that the audio data is written to after the spectral manipulation. """ def transform(self, signal, **kwargs): signal.stft() super().transform(signal, **kwargs) signal.istft() return signal class Compose(BaseTransform): """Compose applies transforms in sequence, one after the other. The transforms are passed in as positional arguments or as a list like so: >>> transform = tfm.Compose( >>> [ >>> tfm.RoomImpulseResponse(sources=["tests/audio/irs.csv"]), >>> tfm.BackgroundNoise(sources=["tests/audio/noises.csv"]), >>> ], >>> ) This will convolve the signal with a room impulse response, and then add background noise to the signal. Instantiate instantiates all the parameters for every transform in the transform list so the interface for using the Compose transform is the same as everything else: >>> kwargs = transform.instantiate() >>> output = transform(signal.clone(), **kwargs) Under the hood, the transform maps each transform to a unique name under the hood of the form ``{position}.{name}``, where ``position`` is the index of the transform in the list. ``Compose`` can nest within other ``Compose`` transforms, like so: >>> preprocess = transforms.Compose( >>> tfm.GlobalVolumeNorm(), >>> tfm.CrossTalk(), >>> name="preprocess", >>> ) >>> augment = transforms.Compose( >>> tfm.RoomImpulseResponse(), >>> tfm.BackgroundNoise(), >>> name="augment", >>> ) >>> postprocess = transforms.Compose( >>> tfm.VolumeChange(), >>> tfm.RescaleAudio(), >>> tfm.ShiftPhase(), >>> name="postprocess", >>> ) >>> transform = transforms.Compose(preprocess, augment, postprocess), This defines 3 composed transforms, and then composes them in sequence with one another. Parameters ---------- *transforms : list List of transforms to apply name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__(self, *transforms: list, name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0): if isinstance(transforms[0], list): transforms = transforms[0] for i, tfm in enumerate(transforms): = f"{i}.{}" keys = [ for tfm in transforms] super().__init__(keys=keys, name=name, prob=prob) self.transforms = transforms self.transforms_to_apply = keys @contextmanager def filter(self, *names: list): """This can be used to skip transforms entirely when applying the sequence of transforms to a signal. For example, take the following transforms with the names ``preprocess, augment, postprocess``. >>> preprocess = transforms.Compose( >>> tfm.GlobalVolumeNorm(), >>> tfm.CrossTalk(), >>> name="preprocess", >>> ) >>> augment = transforms.Compose( >>> tfm.RoomImpulseResponse(), >>> tfm.BackgroundNoise(), >>> name="augment", >>> ) >>> postprocess = transforms.Compose( >>> tfm.VolumeChange(), >>> tfm.RescaleAudio(), >>> tfm.ShiftPhase(), >>> name="postprocess", >>> ) >>> transform = transforms.Compose(preprocess, augment, postprocess) If we wanted to apply all 3 to a signal, we do: >>> kwargs = transform.instantiate() >>> output = transform(signal.clone(), **kwargs) But if we only wanted to apply the ``preprocess`` and ``postprocess`` transforms to the signal, we do: >>> with transform_fn.filter("preprocess", "postprocess"): >>> output = transform(signal.clone(), **kwargs) Parameters ---------- *names : list List of transforms, identified by name, to apply to signal. """ old_transforms = self.transforms_to_apply self.transforms_to_apply = names yield self.transforms_to_apply = old_transforms def _transform(self, signal, **kwargs): for transform in self.transforms: if any([x in for x in self.transforms_to_apply]): signal = transform(signal, **kwargs) return signal def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState, signal: AudioSignal = None): parameters = {} for transform in self.transforms: parameters.update(transform.instantiate(state, signal=signal)) return parameters def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.transforms[idx] def __len__(self): return len(self.transforms) def __iter__(self): for transform in self.transforms: yield transform class Choose(Compose): """Choose logic is the same as :py:func:``, but instead of applying all the transforms in sequence, it applies just a single transform, which is chosen for each item in the batch. Parameters ---------- *transforms : list List of transforms to apply weights : list Probability of choosing any specific transform. name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 Examples -------- >>> transforms.Choose(tfm.LowPass(), tfm.HighPass()) """ def __init__( self, *transforms: list, weights: list = None, name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, ): super().__init__(*transforms, name=name, prob=prob) if weights is None: _len = len(self.transforms) weights = [1 / _len for _ in range(_len)] self.weights = np.array(weights) def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState, signal: AudioSignal = None): kwargs = super()._instantiate(state, signal) tfm_idx = list(range(len(self.transforms))) tfm_idx = state.choice(tfm_idx, p=self.weights) one_hot = [] for i, t in enumerate(self.transforms): mask = kwargs[]["mask"] if mask.item(): kwargs[]["mask"] = tt(i == tfm_idx) one_hot.append(kwargs[]["mask"]) kwargs["one_hot"] = one_hot return kwargs class Repeat(Compose): """Repeatedly applies a given transform ``n_repeat`` times." Parameters ---------- transform : BaseTransform Transform to repeat. n_repeat : int, optional Number of times to repeat transform, by default 1 """ def __init__( self, transform, n_repeat: int = 1, name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, ): transforms = [copy.copy(transform) for _ in range(n_repeat)] super().__init__(transforms, name=name, prob=prob) self.n_repeat = n_repeat class RepeatUpTo(Choose): """Repeatedly applies a given transform up to ``max_repeat`` times." Parameters ---------- transform : BaseTransform Transform to repeat. max_repeat : int, optional Max number of times to repeat transform, by default 1 weights : list Probability of choosing any specific number up to ``max_repeat``. """ def __init__( self, transform, max_repeat: int = 5, weights: list = None, name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, ): transforms = [] for n in range(1, max_repeat): transforms.append(Repeat(transform, n_repeat=n)) super().__init__(transforms, name=name, prob=prob, weights=weights) self.max_repeat = max_repeat class ClippingDistortion(BaseTransform): """Adds clipping distortion to signal. Corresponds to :py:func:`audiotools.core.effects.EffectMixin.clip_distortion`. Parameters ---------- perc : tuple, optional Clipping percentile. Values are between 0.0 to 1.0. Typical values are 0.1 or below, by default ("uniform", 0.0, 0.1) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, perc: tuple = ("uniform", 0.0, 0.1), name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.perc = perc def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState): return {"perc": util.sample_from_dist(self.perc, state)} def _transform(self, signal, perc): return signal.clip_distortion(perc) class Equalizer(BaseTransform): """Applies an equalization curve to the audio signal. Corresponds to :py:func:`audiotools.core.effects.EffectMixin.equalizer`. Parameters ---------- eq_amount : tuple, optional The maximum dB cut to apply to the audio in any band, by default ("const", 1.0 dB) n_bands : int, optional Number of bands in EQ, by default 6 name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, eq_amount: tuple = ("const", 1.0), n_bands: int = 6, name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.eq_amount = eq_amount self.n_bands = n_bands def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState): eq_amount = util.sample_from_dist(self.eq_amount, state) eq = -eq_amount * state.rand(self.n_bands) return {"eq": eq} def _transform(self, signal, eq): return signal.equalizer(eq) class Quantization(BaseTransform): """Applies quantization to the input waveform. Corresponds to :py:func:`audiotools.core.effects.EffectMixin.quantization`. Parameters ---------- channels : tuple, optional Number of evenly spaced quantization channels to quantize to, by default ("choice", [8, 32, 128, 256, 1024]) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, channels: tuple = ("choice", [8, 32, 128, 256, 1024]), name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.channels = channels def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState): return {"channels": util.sample_from_dist(self.channels, state)} def _transform(self, signal, channels): return signal.quantization(channels) class MuLawQuantization(BaseTransform): """Applies mu-law quantization to the input waveform. Corresponds to :py:func:`audiotools.core.effects.EffectMixin.mulaw_quantization`. Parameters ---------- channels : tuple, optional Number of mu-law spaced quantization channels to quantize to, by default ("choice", [8, 32, 128, 256, 1024]) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, channels: tuple = ("choice", [8, 32, 128, 256, 1024]), name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.channels = channels def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState): return {"channels": util.sample_from_dist(self.channels, state)} def _transform(self, signal, channels): return signal.mulaw_quantization(channels) class NoiseFloor(BaseTransform): """Adds a noise floor of Gaussian noise to the signal at a specified dB. Parameters ---------- db : tuple, optional Level of noise to add to signal, by default ("const", -50.0) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, db: tuple = ("const", -50.0), name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.db = db def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState, signal: AudioSignal): db = util.sample_from_dist(self.db, state) audio_data = state.randn(signal.num_channels, signal.signal_length) nz_signal = AudioSignal(audio_data, signal.sample_rate) nz_signal.normalize(db) return {"nz_signal": nz_signal} def _transform(self, signal, nz_signal): # Clone bg_signal so that transform can be repeatedly applied # to different signals with the same effect. return signal + nz_signal class BackgroundNoise(BaseTransform): """Adds background noise from audio specified by a set of CSV files. A valid CSV file looks like, and is typically generated by :py:func:``: .. csv-table:: :header: path room_tone/m6_script2_clean.wav room_tone/m6_script2_cleanraw.wav room_tone/m6_script2_ipad_balcony1.wav room_tone/m6_script2_ipad_bedroom1.wav room_tone/m6_script2_ipad_confroom1.wav room_tone/m6_script2_ipad_confroom2.wav room_tone/m6_script2_ipad_livingroom1.wav room_tone/m6_script2_ipad_office1.wav .. note:: All paths are relative to an environment variable called ``PATH_TO_DATA``, so that CSV files are portable across machines where data may be located in different places. This transform calls :py:func:`audiotools.core.effects.EffectMixin.mix` and :py:func:`audiotools.core.effects.EffectMixin.equalizer` under the hood. Parameters ---------- snr : tuple, optional Signal-to-noise ratio, by default ("uniform", 10.0, 30.0) sources : List[str], optional Sources containing folders, or CSVs with paths to audio files, by default None weights : List[float], optional Weights to sample audio files from each source, by default None eq_amount : tuple, optional Amount of equalization to apply, by default ("const", 1.0) n_bands : int, optional Number of bands in equalizer, by default 3 name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 loudness_cutoff : float, optional Loudness cutoff when loading from audio files, by default None """ def __init__( self, snr: tuple = ("uniform", 10.0, 30.0), sources: List[str] = None, weights: List[float] = None, eq_amount: tuple = ("const", 1.0), n_bands: int = 3, name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, loudness_cutoff: float = None, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.snr = snr self.eq_amount = eq_amount self.n_bands = n_bands self.loader = AudioLoader(sources, weights) self.loudness_cutoff = loudness_cutoff def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState, signal: AudioSignal): eq_amount = util.sample_from_dist(self.eq_amount, state) eq = -eq_amount * state.rand(self.n_bands) snr = util.sample_from_dist(self.snr, state) bg_signal = self.loader( state, signal.sample_rate, duration=signal.signal_duration, loudness_cutoff=self.loudness_cutoff, num_channels=signal.num_channels, )["signal"] return {"eq": eq, "bg_signal": bg_signal, "snr": snr} def _transform(self, signal, bg_signal, snr, eq): # Clone bg_signal so that transform can be repeatedly applied # to different signals with the same effect. return signal.mix(bg_signal.clone(), snr, eq) class CrossTalk(BaseTransform): """Adds crosstalk between speakers, whose audio is drawn from a CSV file that was produced via :py:func:``. This transform calls :py:func:`audiotools.core.effects.EffectMixin.mix` under the hood. Parameters ---------- snr : tuple, optional How loud cross-talk speaker is relative to original signal in dB, by default ("uniform", 0.0, 10.0) sources : List[str], optional Sources containing folders, or CSVs with paths to audio files, by default None weights : List[float], optional Weights to sample audio files from each source, by default None name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 loudness_cutoff : float, optional Loudness cutoff when loading from audio files, by default -40 """ def __init__( self, snr: tuple = ("uniform", 0.0, 10.0), sources: List[str] = None, weights: List[float] = None, name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, loudness_cutoff: float = -40, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.snr = snr self.loader = AudioLoader(sources, weights) self.loudness_cutoff = loudness_cutoff def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState, signal: AudioSignal): snr = util.sample_from_dist(self.snr, state) crosstalk_signal = self.loader( state, signal.sample_rate, duration=signal.signal_duration, loudness_cutoff=self.loudness_cutoff, num_channels=signal.num_channels, )["signal"] return {"crosstalk_signal": crosstalk_signal, "snr": snr} def _transform(self, signal, crosstalk_signal, snr): # Clone bg_signal so that transform can be repeatedly applied # to different signals with the same effect. loudness = signal.loudness() mix = signal.mix(crosstalk_signal.clone(), snr) mix.normalize(loudness) return mix class RoomImpulseResponse(BaseTransform): """Convolves signal with a room impulse response, at a specified direct-to-reverberant ratio, with equalization applied. Room impulse response data is drawn from a CSV file that was produced via :py:func:``. This transform calls :py:func:`audiotools.core.effects.EffectMixin.apply_ir` under the hood. Parameters ---------- drr : tuple, optional _description_, by default ("uniform", 0.0, 30.0) sources : List[str], optional Sources containing folders, or CSVs with paths to audio files, by default None weights : List[float], optional Weights to sample audio files from each source, by default None eq_amount : tuple, optional Amount of equalization to apply, by default ("const", 1.0) n_bands : int, optional Number of bands in equalizer, by default 6 name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 use_original_phase : bool, optional Whether or not to use the original phase, by default False offset : float, optional Offset from each impulse response file to use, by default 0.0 duration : float, optional Duration of each impulse response, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, drr: tuple = ("uniform", 0.0, 30.0), sources: List[str] = None, weights: List[float] = None, eq_amount: tuple = ("const", 1.0), n_bands: int = 6, name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, use_original_phase: bool = False, offset: float = 0.0, duration: float = 1.0, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.drr = drr self.eq_amount = eq_amount self.n_bands = n_bands self.use_original_phase = use_original_phase self.loader = AudioLoader(sources, weights) self.offset = offset self.duration = duration def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState, signal: AudioSignal = None): eq_amount = util.sample_from_dist(self.eq_amount, state) eq = -eq_amount * state.rand(self.n_bands) drr = util.sample_from_dist(self.drr, state) ir_signal = self.loader( state, signal.sample_rate, offset=self.offset, duration=self.duration, loudness_cutoff=None, num_channels=signal.num_channels, )["signal"] ir_signal.zero_pad_to(signal.sample_rate) return {"eq": eq, "ir_signal": ir_signal, "drr": drr} def _transform(self, signal, ir_signal, drr, eq): # Clone ir_signal so that transform can be repeatedly applied # to different signals with the same effect. return signal.apply_ir( ir_signal.clone(), drr, eq, use_original_phase=self.use_original_phase ) class VolumeChange(BaseTransform): """Changes the volume of the input signal. Uses :py:func:`audiotools.core.effects.EffectMixin.volume_change`. Parameters ---------- db : tuple, optional Change in volume in decibels, by default ("uniform", -12.0, 0.0) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, db: tuple = ("uniform", -12.0, 0.0), name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.db = db def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState): return {"db": util.sample_from_dist(self.db, state)} def _transform(self, signal, db): return signal.volume_change(db) class VolumeNorm(BaseTransform): """Normalizes the volume of the excerpt to a specified decibel. Uses :py:func:`audiotools.core.effects.EffectMixin.normalize`. Parameters ---------- db : tuple, optional dB to normalize signal to, by default ("const", -24) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, db: tuple = ("const", -24), name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.db = db def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState): return {"db": util.sample_from_dist(self.db, state)} def _transform(self, signal, db): return signal.normalize(db) class GlobalVolumeNorm(BaseTransform): """Similar to :py:func:``, this transform also normalizes the volume of a signal, but it uses the volume of the entire audio file the loaded excerpt comes from, rather than the volume of just the excerpt. The volume of the entire audio file is expected in ``signal.metadata["loudness"]``. If loading audio from a CSV generated by :py:func:`` with ``loudness = True``, like the following: .. csv-table:: :header: path,loudness daps/produced/f1_script1_produced.wav,-16.299999237060547 daps/produced/f1_script2_produced.wav,-16.600000381469727 daps/produced/f1_script3_produced.wav,-17.299999237060547 daps/produced/f1_script4_produced.wav,-16.100000381469727 daps/produced/f1_script5_produced.wav,-16.700000762939453 daps/produced/f3_script1_produced.wav,-16.5 The ``AudioLoader`` will automatically load the loudness column into the metadata of the signal. Uses :py:func:`audiotools.core.effects.EffectMixin.volume_change`. Parameters ---------- db : tuple, optional dB to normalize signal to, by default ("const", -24) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, db: tuple = ("const", -24), name: str = None, prob: float = 1.0, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.db = db def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState, signal: AudioSignal): if "loudness" not in signal.metadata: db_change = 0.0 elif float(signal.metadata["loudness"]) == float("-inf"): db_change = 0.0 else: db = util.sample_from_dist(self.db, state) db_change = db - float(signal.metadata["loudness"]) return {"db": db_change} def _transform(self, signal, db): return signal.volume_change(db) class Silence(BaseTransform): """Zeros out the signal with some probability. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 0.1 """ def __init__(self, name: str = None, prob: float = 0.1): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) def _transform(self, signal): _loudness = signal._loudness signal = AudioSignal( torch.zeros_like(signal.audio_data), sample_rate=signal.sample_rate, stft_params=signal.stft_params, ) # So that the amound of noise added is as if it wasn't silenced. # TODO: improve this hack signal._loudness = _loudness return signal class LowPass(BaseTransform): """Applies a LowPass filter. Uses :py:func:`audiotools.core.dsp.DSPMixin.low_pass`. Parameters ---------- cutoff : tuple, optional Cutoff frequency distribution, by default ``("choice", [4000, 8000, 16000])`` zeros : int, optional Number of zero-crossings in filter, argument to ``julius.LowPassFilters``, by default 51 name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, cutoff: tuple = ("choice", [4000, 8000, 16000]), zeros: int = 51, name: str = None, prob: float = 1, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.cutoff = cutoff self.zeros = zeros def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState): return {"cutoff": util.sample_from_dist(self.cutoff, state)} def _transform(self, signal, cutoff): return signal.low_pass(cutoff, zeros=self.zeros) class HighPass(BaseTransform): """Applies a HighPass filter. Uses :py:func:`audiotools.core.dsp.DSPMixin.high_pass`. Parameters ---------- cutoff : tuple, optional Cutoff frequency distribution, by default ``("choice", [50, 100, 250, 500, 1000])`` zeros : int, optional Number of zero-crossings in filter, argument to ``julius.LowPassFilters``, by default 51 name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, cutoff: tuple = ("choice", [50, 100, 250, 500, 1000]), zeros: int = 51, name: str = None, prob: float = 1, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.cutoff = cutoff self.zeros = zeros def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState): return {"cutoff": util.sample_from_dist(self.cutoff, state)} def _transform(self, signal, cutoff): return signal.high_pass(cutoff, zeros=self.zeros) class RescaleAudio(BaseTransform): """Rescales the audio so it is in between ``-val`` and ``val`` only if the original audio exceeds those bounds. Useful if transforms have caused the audio to clip. Uses :py:func:`audiotools.core.effects.EffectMixin.ensure_max_of_audio`. Parameters ---------- val : float, optional Max absolute value of signal, by default 1.0 name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__(self, val: float = 1.0, name: str = None, prob: float = 1): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.val = val def _transform(self, signal): return signal.ensure_max_of_audio(self.val) class ShiftPhase(SpectralTransform): """Shifts the phase of the audio. Uses :py:func:`audiotools.core.dsp.DSPMixin.shift)phase`. Parameters ---------- shift : tuple, optional How much to shift phase by, by default ("uniform", -np.pi, np.pi) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, shift: tuple = ("uniform", -np.pi, np.pi), name: str = None, prob: float = 1, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.shift = shift def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState): return {"shift": util.sample_from_dist(self.shift, state)} def _transform(self, signal, shift): return signal.shift_phase(shift) class InvertPhase(ShiftPhase): """Inverts the phase of the audio. Uses :py:func:`audiotools.core.dsp.DSPMixin.shift_phase`. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__(self, name: str = None, prob: float = 1): super().__init__(shift=("const", np.pi), name=name, prob=prob) class CorruptPhase(SpectralTransform): """Corrupts the phase of the audio. Uses :py:func:`audiotools.core.dsp.DSPMixin.corrupt_phase`. Parameters ---------- scale : tuple, optional How much to corrupt phase by, by default ("uniform", 0, np.pi) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, scale: tuple = ("uniform", 0, np.pi), name: str = None, prob: float = 1 ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.scale = scale def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState, signal: AudioSignal = None): scale = util.sample_from_dist(self.scale, state) corruption = state.normal(scale=scale, size=signal.phase.shape[1:]) return {"corruption": corruption.astype("float32")} def _transform(self, signal, corruption): return signal.shift_phase(shift=corruption) class FrequencyMask(SpectralTransform): """Masks a band of frequencies at a center frequency from the audio. Uses :py:func:`audiotools.core.dsp.DSPMixin.mask_frequencies`. Parameters ---------- f_center : tuple, optional Center frequency between 0.0 and 1.0 (Nyquist), by default ("uniform", 0.0, 1.0) f_width : tuple, optional Width of zero'd out band, by default ("const", 0.1) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, f_center: tuple = ("uniform", 0.0, 1.0), f_width: tuple = ("const", 0.1), name: str = None, prob: float = 1, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.f_center = f_center self.f_width = f_width def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState, signal: AudioSignal): f_center = util.sample_from_dist(self.f_center, state) f_width = util.sample_from_dist(self.f_width, state) fmin = max(f_center - (f_width / 2), 0.0) fmax = min(f_center + (f_width / 2), 1.0) fmin_hz = (signal.sample_rate / 2) * fmin fmax_hz = (signal.sample_rate / 2) * fmax return {"fmin_hz": fmin_hz, "fmax_hz": fmax_hz} def _transform(self, signal, fmin_hz: float, fmax_hz: float): return signal.mask_frequencies(fmin_hz=fmin_hz, fmax_hz=fmax_hz) class TimeMask(SpectralTransform): """Masks out contiguous time-steps from signal. Uses :py:func:`audiotools.core.dsp.DSPMixin.mask_timesteps`. Parameters ---------- t_center : tuple, optional Center time in terms of 0.0 and 1.0 (duration of signal), by default ("uniform", 0.0, 1.0) t_width : tuple, optional Width of dropped out portion, by default ("const", 0.025) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, t_center: tuple = ("uniform", 0.0, 1.0), t_width: tuple = ("const", 0.025), name: str = None, prob: float = 1, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.t_center = t_center self.t_width = t_width def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState, signal: AudioSignal): t_center = util.sample_from_dist(self.t_center, state) t_width = util.sample_from_dist(self.t_width, state) tmin = max(t_center - (t_width / 2), 0.0) tmax = min(t_center + (t_width / 2), 1.0) tmin_s = signal.signal_duration * tmin tmax_s = signal.signal_duration * tmax return {"tmin_s": tmin_s, "tmax_s": tmax_s} def _transform(self, signal, tmin_s: float, tmax_s: float): return signal.mask_timesteps(tmin_s=tmin_s, tmax_s=tmax_s) class MaskLowMagnitudes(SpectralTransform): """Masks low magnitude regions out of signal. Uses :py:func:`audiotools.core.dsp.DSPMixin.mask_low_magnitudes`. Parameters ---------- db_cutoff : tuple, optional Decibel value for which things below it will be masked away, by default ("uniform", -10, 10) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, db_cutoff: tuple = ("uniform", -10, 10), name: str = None, prob: float = 1, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.db_cutoff = db_cutoff def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState, signal: AudioSignal = None): return {"db_cutoff": util.sample_from_dist(self.db_cutoff, state)} def _transform(self, signal, db_cutoff: float): return signal.mask_low_magnitudes(db_cutoff) class Smoothing(BaseTransform): """Convolves the signal with a smoothing window. Uses :py:func:`audiotools.core.effects.EffectMixin.convolve`. Parameters ---------- window_type : tuple, optional Type of window to use, by default ("const", "average") window_length : tuple, optional Length of smoothing window, by default ("choice", [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, window_type: tuple = ("const", "average"), window_length: tuple = ("choice", [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]), name: str = None, prob: float = 1, ): super().__init__(name=name, prob=prob) self.window_type = window_type self.window_length = window_length def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState, signal: AudioSignal = None): window_type = util.sample_from_dist(self.window_type, state) window_length = util.sample_from_dist(self.window_length, state) window = signal.get_window( window_type=window_type, window_length=window_length, device="cpu" ) return {"window": AudioSignal(window, signal.sample_rate)} def _transform(self, signal, window): sscale = signal.audio_data.abs().max(dim=-1, keepdim=True).values sscale[sscale == 0.0] = 1.0 out = signal.convolve(window) oscale = out.audio_data.abs().max(dim=-1, keepdim=True).values oscale[oscale == 0.0] = 1.0 out = out * (sscale / oscale) return out class TimeNoise(TimeMask): """Similar to :py:func:``, but replaces with noise instead of zeros. Parameters ---------- t_center : tuple, optional Center time in terms of 0.0 and 1.0 (duration of signal), by default ("uniform", 0.0, 1.0) t_width : tuple, optional Width of dropped out portion, by default ("const", 0.025) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, t_center: tuple = ("uniform", 0.0, 1.0), t_width: tuple = ("const", 0.025), name: str = None, prob: float = 1, ): super().__init__(t_center=t_center, t_width=t_width, name=name, prob=prob) def _transform(self, signal, tmin_s: float, tmax_s: float): signal = signal.mask_timesteps(tmin_s=tmin_s, tmax_s=tmax_s, val=0.0) mag, phase = signal.magnitude, signal.phase mag_r, phase_r = torch.randn_like(mag), torch.randn_like(phase) mask = (mag == 0.0) * (phase == 0.0) mag[mask] = mag_r[mask] phase[mask] = phase_r[mask] signal.magnitude = mag signal.phase = phase return signal class FrequencyNoise(FrequencyMask): """Similar to :py:func:``, but replaces with noise instead of zeros. Parameters ---------- f_center : tuple, optional Center frequency between 0.0 and 1.0 (Nyquist), by default ("uniform", 0.0, 1.0) f_width : tuple, optional Width of zero'd out band, by default ("const", 0.1) name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, f_center: tuple = ("uniform", 0.0, 1.0), f_width: tuple = ("const", 0.1), name: str = None, prob: float = 1, ): super().__init__(f_center=f_center, f_width=f_width, name=name, prob=prob) def _transform(self, signal, fmin_hz: float, fmax_hz: float): signal = signal.mask_frequencies(fmin_hz=fmin_hz, fmax_hz=fmax_hz) mag, phase = signal.magnitude, signal.phase mag_r, phase_r = torch.randn_like(mag), torch.randn_like(phase) mask = (mag == 0.0) * (phase == 0.0) mag[mask] = mag_r[mask] phase[mask] = phase_r[mask] signal.magnitude = mag signal.phase = phase return signal class SpectralDenoising(Equalizer): """Applies denoising algorithm detailed in :py:func:``, using a randomly generated noise signal for denoising. Parameters ---------- eq_amount : tuple, optional Amount of eq to apply to noise signal, by default ("const", 1.0) denoise_amount : tuple, optional Amount to denoise by, by default ("uniform", 0.8, 1.0) nz_volume : float, optional Volume of noise to denoise with, by default -40 n_bands : int, optional Number of bands in equalizer, by default 6 n_freq : int, optional Number of frequency bins to smooth by, by default 3 n_time : int, optional Number of time bins to smooth by, by default 5 name : str, optional Name of this transform, used to identify it in the dictionary produced by ``self.instantiate``, by default None prob : float, optional Probability of applying this transform, by default 1.0 """ def __init__( self, eq_amount: tuple = ("const", 1.0), denoise_amount: tuple = ("uniform", 0.8, 1.0), nz_volume: float = -40, n_bands: int = 6, n_freq: int = 3, n_time: int = 5, name: str = None, prob: float = 1, ): super().__init__(eq_amount=eq_amount, n_bands=n_bands, name=name, prob=prob) self.nz_volume = nz_volume self.denoise_amount = denoise_amount self.spectral_gate = ml.layers.SpectralGate(n_freq, n_time) def _transform(self, signal, nz, eq, denoise_amount): nz = nz.normalize(self.nz_volume).equalizer(eq) self.spectral_gate = signal = self.spectral_gate(signal, nz, denoise_amount) return signal def _instantiate(self, state: RandomState): kwargs = super()._instantiate(state) kwargs["denoise_amount"] = util.sample_from_dist(self.denoise_amount, state) kwargs["nz"] = AudioSignal(state.randn(22050), 44100) return kwargs